For those who might be a little bit confused due to my statement in this video, "The Sami are the last Indigenous people in Europe", here's another video of mine ("Indigenous Vs Native") that might help out:
You're hilarious, Arith! Thanks for the laughs! I'm part Sami and was taken on as a trainee by a traditional Native American shaman, no New Age or neoshamanism at all. I found out anthropologists (and neoshamans) know next to nothing about ancient shamanism--I did a lot of research on it before I met my teacher and I sure was surprised when I found out what it really is and what shamans can actually do. Modern reconstructions & theories don't even come close. And if people knew what it really involves, no one would want to be a shaman, ever! It can be VERY uncomfortable and even dangerous. It also requires impeccable self-honesty, integrity, and a small ego. I had a great-great-grandmother who was a shaman, a well known healer in her day. I inherited her Gifts. Inheriting Gifts doesn't necessarily make you a shaman--you need the training, too.
What tribal nation was the shaman who trained you from? No tribe uses the word shamanic for their traditional ceremonies and medicine ways. There are lots of sellouts who run "Weekends with a real Native American" but that's usually very generic and fraudulent
How do you know it wasn't "new age"? It's not like the native American community is immune to new age and people who make stuff up. Was it part of a Native American tribe? Sanctioned by the tribe? Or just an individual who happened to be native american? And how is it that people who dedicate their lives to studying and reconstructing this are wrong, but that particular shaman is right? I'm not saying the shaman you trained with was wrong. I'm just questioning the reasoning that all the people who put so much effort into reconstructing something are deemed wrong, while some random self-proclaimed shaman is deemed right. What evidence is there that the one you trained with is more credible than people who dedicate their lives to reconstructing it? I mean, if you're reasoning is spiritual and belief based, just say so.
😂 thank you Arith, it's always a pleasure listening to you! Thank you for keeping us updated on the latest archeology finding and interpretations....much appreciated❤
Thanking you is not enough, I think it deserves a prominent place on TH-cam. Another note to value knowledge, which makes Life more interesting, from a historical point of view it is surprising how much you know.
Very interesting and informative research to say the least and always a pleasure tuning in.❤ love your humor and personality friend! Hail to a good odins day. Skål!
Come on, Arith, I have nothing better do to *and* I really like this! Whenever you talk about or simply mention anything related to Sámi, I drop everything and pay attention. The jokes help with that, too 😂 The syncretism between Norse and Sámi people, especially in regards to shamanism and Seidr, is *extremely* interesting! I was born, grew up, and currently live at the northernmost edge of Viking settlements, where Norse and Sámi have existed beside each-other and intermingling for... well... a LONG time! It's comforting to know that I don't have to choose one or the other, that I can be both, and pull inspiration for spiritual practices from both traditions. At this point, in this place, they melt into each-other and it's really hard to say what's Norse and what's Sámi anyways. (In terms of folklore, local superstitions, and local magical practices.)
Hello Arith, thank you not only for this video. You helped me with your videos for the shamanic practices in my heritage to make the research but also give me a way to understand it from a heavy animistic way what is a real benefit. Just wanted to give you my appreciation for this too. Keep up the real good work. You inspire alot the study folk. Hugs from Germany
R.I.P Neil L. Whitehead. Did not expect that, but I'm glad to see someone reference his work, I suspect the world could be a little lighter if more people had the courage to ask questions about and explore the things he did. Just the other day I was reading the description that starts on pg. 14 to someone amid a long conversation where we were discussing the anthropology of violence and the existence of modern iterations of the application of, what is functionally at its core, dark shamanism- showing them how it is more alike than dissimilar to many of the more unsavory things the CIA has engaged in.
Magic, of our *All* Indegiouness peoples, was taken from us, especially through middle ages, Colonialism sucks. You Arith teach such truths and make us laugh, in the face of destruction. All the Best to you heart
How the hell am I supposed to take anything seriously, after the Peter Pan thing....? Sent me off on a tangent, fucking hilarious! Gotta love it, dude😈💋
The similar posture to the posture of the Worm witch is very interesting. The two spears may represent the two kundalini channels. Two of the spirit animals in the Worm witch painting are also present. The feets of Ravens/eagles are similar to the Algiz Rune which probably symbolizes spiritual connection in this context. The strangest act in the image is the Wolf spearing of the shaman's heel (a reference to the Balder myth(?), which may symbolize ejaculation (the descent of the sexual energy - a shamanic descent down to the under world).
I'm really late to this channel but I wanted to bring some attention to something that often gets overlooked with this subject that might be of interest particularly to those of us of Swiss or German ancestry: the only known surviving depiction of berserks or ulfhednar outside of Scandinavia or Anglo-Saxon England comes from Baden-Wurttemberg from an Alemannic burial, dated to the same time period as the others in Sweden and England. The imagery is the same: a warrior in ceremonial garb with a wolf mask on, spear in hand, performing a ritualistic dance, with a runic inscription mentioning both Woden and Donar. So it seems that the Odinic cults and shamans who practiced this kind of ecstatic battle magic were alive and well among the Alemanni tribe, ancestors of modern day Swiss, Alsatians and Germans from the Baden area, quite far from the "homeland" and closer to Italy from where their most significant neighbors, the Romans, hailed.
I have returned my faith to the Gods and Goddesses of my Ancestors. I am of Germanic decent. Why do so many people of European decent worship the faiths of the Middle Eastern people. Maybe that by turning their back on the Gods and Goddesses of their Ancestors, that is why their lives are full of disaster. I am a strong follower of Ullr and Idunna. Ari, can you cover Ullr and Idunna for your viewers?
Ur-sag means Warrior, Ur means Dog, and sag means Head in Sumerian, Ur-sag means Dog/Wolf-Head, or Top Dog. Ur-bar-ra means Wolf, and Ur-gula means both Lion and Great Dog. Sumerogram (capital letter (majuscule)), UR. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, UR is used to spell Akkadian language barbaru, "wolf", as UR. BAR. RA (in Tablet VI, and Tablet XI). Bar means Son.
11:11 imagine, if you will, a mortally wounded warrior abandoned to die amidst the aftermath of a battle. Among those who plunder the fallen are priestesses skilled in healing. They belong to a mystery cult that people’s its ranks with nearly dead soldiers recovered from the field. Some may come to speak of them as Valkyries. The resurrected “dead” are told their life in Midgard is over and they serve in various capacities. Those who attempt to return to their villages are greeted as Draugr, shunned and exiled. Afterall, I saw him fall in battle. 🤔💀
Peter Pants, Sarah Slacks, Lenny Lederhosen, Krissy Kilts, Shelly Shortshorts, Trent Trousers, Owen Overalls, Jenna Jeans, Becka B. Keeny, Dances-with-Dungarees, and Duct Tape Doug. They all walked into a bar, and they were in a big rush, pounding on the counter and making a scene. So the bartender yelled: "Keep your pants on!"🤣
i forgot to say on this topic 200 years ago when they collected the finnish folklore (which btw always separates the lapps as "others", aka the sami) in sodankylä (place name, you can check it in the map) they still observed a noaidi (witch, shaman) in full shaman costume (including the head dress that covers the eyes, similar to siberian counterparts). so in the north there really wasn´t any real break in the customs (or 100 years at the most), the actual damage to culture was done in southern finland which was pretty much a feudalistic slave society (especially in towns, which were actually called castles (linnat), reveiling their colonialistic origin). just because they weren´t in costumes doesn´t mean that they weren´t there (i´ve never worn a costume still i´m with my people everyday, unlike the brotherhood of man, or is it boy, the church hiding weirdoes). also what some people don´t understand is that they only wore the costume when they were working (some of the helping spirits lived in that costume, for example for a female shaman it was often leather of female deer).. after the ritual was done they came to celebrate with the others (there was no separation there, which is probably why the institution lasted so long, true folk witches you know).
also i want to say that even in the most southern swedish speaking areas of finland you can still find people who Look like the sami (lapps). which to me implies that they simply assimilated to the cattle keeping / agricultural folks that came later from the south (one group made two children, other ten, do the math). 500 years ago the free sami (lapps) were still on the oulu (city) latitude, which to me implies that their real homeland is the lake district of finland (saimaa, where many of the rock paintings are). probably something similar happened everywhere in europe (at least if the romans can be used as an example i think they were more into slaves and vassals than full genocide). i once met the coastal swedes at a rock festival.. they were speaking swedish, i of course went don´t you speak finnish, they went Nej.. then we continued to drink together (it´s quite unnatural to quarrel with strangers, unless in some weirdo cult, like religion).
i was channeling my Insolence card, i´m writing a tarot deck :) so glad i didn´t make the joke about all the drones being male.. it is curious that they´ve removed the part about hijacking females from wars, it has to be 100% male activity.. something to think about possibly? the real legacy of monotheistic religions? (mono, that´s like missing the other part right, monotone, monopoly, it´s never good) my way of saying happy yule to you Arith (joulu in finnish, of course not indigenous here but almost nothing in modern life is).
one more detail that might blow people´s minds.. it was actually illegal / forbidden for the regular finns / lapps to come to the medieval towns (or castles).. unless in the slave capacity (called servants later). that´s how fucked up the feudal class society was! and officially all those wholesome nobles, priests and merchants (slave owners) were what precisely, that would be christians.. (of course that habbit had begun much earlier). from slave to servant to worker.. what will be the next title in that unholy continum? (it´s not free, i think they hate that word) it might be assistant.. you don´t really work for me, you just assist by doing everything i don´t want to do.. that´s exactly what slaves did too! it´s pretty clear to me that slavery in its current form came to europe with the indo-europeans.. nothing in the northern hunter-gatherer culture points to that (possibly excluding some chieftains, which it´s true that they had two wives at least). might be different with the earlier farmers, i don´t know, they might have been more like the native american farmers though.. the other half was not as missing in those societies (but it was certainly missing from the IE upper class, whether pagan or christian).
one more conclusion to that threat.. even the finnic word for slave (orja) has more spiritual meanings.. or / ur being one of the spiritual forces or souls.. or-ava means the squirrel-mother.. so it´s not that the squirrels were slaves of the shaman, but helpers.. of course you can interpret it both ways but.. i´ve never thought of them as slaves, nor is it shown that way in the incantations (very friendly tone when speaking to them). so to conclude i would say that it´s not that the people here were any better, it´s that the conditions were / are so harsh that it´s not possible to do most of the evil shit that they do in the south (including wars (tribal clashes) which they only did in the summer). it was even a saying in the karelian area that beware of the spring, the chudes will come :) (chudes being one the ancient finnic ethnos, now speaking mandatory russian but you know, still there)
Thank you for including archeology in your videos. But even with the myths and traditions we can see a pattern. From animals to witches, but under Christian law witches were on to sacrifice. It also shows how we've left the land and replaced replaced it with fake trees and gluttony. Arith, don't feed the trolls 😉
The representation of St. Christopher with the head of a dog has many layers to it! One such layer may be related to the war dances you devoted this video to. But another layer is related to the way the Byzantines (and western Romans) associated the archetype of 'dog-headed' people with those on the edges of civilization. The barbarian. Those either not yet Christianized or those not civilized by Rome--cannibalistic and backwards. I personally think this interpretation of the dog-headed is a holdover from a much earlier time when young people would leave their society for a time (or permanently?), and so became 'like dogs' or 'like wolves'. So dog-headed people in Christian art here represents a syncretism of Christian and pre-Christian belief. There is another layer to the dog-headed-ness of St. Christopher. He was said to be a 'Canaanite', which may have been corrupted into 'Canis'. Latin for dog, and so, he was rendered with the head of a dog. I think this interpretation can also be that of the 'barbarian', or foreigner witnessing the miracle of Christ, since Canaanites were traditionally seen as outside of the sphere of God's people.
Or great video but I would not call the Sami the last indigenous people in europe. This is implying that the basques and the proto germanics that lived in scandinavia before the sami arrived are somehow not indigenous or native to the land. Indigenous is not a catch-all for marginalized group and it's inappropriate in this context. I know that there are people that will disagree with me, but I am not saying that the Sami did not suffer or face persecution but to call them the last indigenous group in Europe is absolutely wrong in that it is misinformed or deliberately labelling them as primitive.
Hello there! Thank you for the feedback. Next Wednesday (31/01/2024) if you have the time, come here to the channel and have a look at the video that will come out that day. Hopefully it will help. Thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day!
The elite????? Maybe I should stop my attempts at glowing this aiding character then! Anyways, I just heard on another channel that he was A GIRLY MAN!!!! (I am more about Wotan, but the two are somewhat the same from what I’ve been learning from you) I think.. lol sorry… just saying
You lost me at the Sami being the only indigenous people's left in Europe. They are not more indigenous than the Scandinavians that live in those regions now, and there's evidence to suggest that Nordic peoples settled there long before the Sami
I'm not surprised, and it is totally understandable the confusion between terms, which is why I have this video for you right here, that may help, "Indigenous vs Native":
I'm /trying/ not to be petty, but I'm done and giving a downvote for you saying the Sami are "the only indigenous people of Europe". So the rest of us were just air dropped from outer space, then? We come from nowhere? ALL Europeans are indigenous Europeans, for the love of 🚫. Just because the Sami started living in houses last, doesn't make the rest of us "not indigenous". As for us native Scandinavians, we were here THOUSANDS OF YEARS before the first ancestors of the Sami and Finns showed up. Just stop perpetuating this hateful lie that Europeans came from nowhere and are native to no place. I'm done with this nonsense.
As I've responded to another person here, and I do understand the confusion and I'll probably do a video solely about that subject: The Sami are the only remaining indigenous people in Europe. Indigenous isn't the same as native. Many ethnic groups that are in the same area for hundreds of thousands of years were indigenous once, but not anymore, but are native there. Some indigenous people can be nomadic and not native to places they can inhabit for a while, but remain indigenous. Being indigenous has to do with the way of living, belief systems and an entire culture tied to land. I know "Native" and "Indigenous" are often used as synonyms, but it is far more complicated than that. A Norwegian is native to Scandinavia, but not indigenous. A Sami is native to Scandinavia and Indigenous. I'm a native European, but I do not have an indigenous way of life. Most of us live within systems that are not indigenous, which have progressively turned us into non-indigenous. We are all native to some place, but not all of us are Indigenous anymore. Sami, Intuit, First Nations Native Americans, Australia Aboriginals, etc. are Indigenous.
For those who might be a little bit confused due to my statement in this video, "The Sami are the last Indigenous people in Europe", here's another video of mine ("Indigenous Vs Native") that might help out:
You're hilarious, Arith! Thanks for the laughs! I'm part Sami and was taken on as a trainee by a traditional Native American shaman, no New Age or neoshamanism at all. I found out anthropologists (and neoshamans) know next to nothing about ancient shamanism--I did a lot of research on it before I met my teacher and I sure was surprised when I found out what it really is and what shamans can actually do. Modern reconstructions & theories don't even come close. And if people knew what it really involves, no one would want to be a shaman, ever! It can be VERY uncomfortable and even dangerous. It also requires impeccable self-honesty, integrity, and a small ego. I had a great-great-grandmother who was a shaman, a well known healer in her day. I inherited her Gifts. Inheriting Gifts doesn't necessarily make you a shaman--you need the training, too.
What tribal nation was the shaman who trained you from? No tribe uses the word shamanic for their traditional ceremonies and medicine ways. There are lots of sellouts who run "Weekends with a real Native American" but that's usually very generic and fraudulent
Thanks for sharing your small ego with us
How do you know it wasn't "new age"?
It's not like the native American community is immune to new age and people who make stuff up.
Was it part of a Native American tribe? Sanctioned by the tribe?
Or just an individual who happened to be native american?
And how is it that people who dedicate their lives to studying and reconstructing this are wrong, but that particular shaman is right?
I'm not saying the shaman you trained with was wrong. I'm just questioning the reasoning that all the people who put so much effort into reconstructing something are deemed wrong, while some random self-proclaimed shaman is deemed right. What evidence is there that the one you trained with is more credible than people who dedicate their lives to reconstructing it?
I mean, if you're reasoning is spiritual and belief based, just say so.
You had a rare opportunity to dwell where few can. Bless you and may your path be beneficial to all you encounter.
😂 thank you Arith, it's always a pleasure listening to you! Thank you for keeping us updated on the latest archeology finding and interpretations....much appreciated❤
Thank you for always being in there to cheer me up and supporting my stuff :D be well!
Good morning brotha, like always very interesting content! Just wanted to say thanks for all the knowledge and love you put out in your videos!
Good morning! Thank you very much! Much appreciated 🤗 have a wonderful day!
Good morning, Arith! ODIN? Theme 🔝
Thanking you is not enough, I think it deserves a prominent place on TH-cam.
Another note to value knowledge, which makes Life more interesting, from a historical point of view it is surprising how much you know.
Very interesting and informative research to say the least and always a pleasure tuning in.❤ love your humor and personality friend! Hail to a good odins day. Skål!
Thank you friend! Be well. All the best to you and yours! :D
Fantastic subject. Looking forward to more
Great vid....Love your stuff kick on love it 👍 ❤
Come on, Arith, I have nothing better do to *and* I really like this! Whenever you talk about or simply mention anything related to Sámi, I drop everything and pay attention. The jokes help with that, too 😂
The syncretism between Norse and Sámi people, especially in regards to shamanism and Seidr, is *extremely* interesting! I was born, grew up, and currently live at the northernmost edge of Viking settlements, where Norse and Sámi have existed beside each-other and intermingling for... well... a LONG time! It's comforting to know that I don't have to choose one or the other, that I can be both, and pull inspiration for spiritual practices from both traditions. At this point, in this place, they melt into each-other and it's really hard to say what's Norse and what's Sámi anyways. (In terms of folklore, local superstitions, and local magical practices.)
Arith, thank you for your very valuable nuances. What a great finds you present! Can't wait to read more about them.
Thanks for your knowledge and sharing it with us.
Thank you for being in there and watching my stuff. Cheers!
Hello Arith, thank you not only for this video. You helped me with your videos for the shamanic practices in my heritage to make the research but also give me a way to understand it from a heavy animistic way what is a real benefit. Just wanted to give you my appreciation for this too. Keep up the real good work. You inspire alot the study folk. Hugs from Germany
Another excellent video presentation, packed full of great information. Thank you, Arith! You are very much appreciated 🖤
Precious content! Thank you, thank you a thousand times.
Thank you 😊... and Happy New Year 🎉 0:44
Now now I enjoy you and the details you provide.
Cats wanting to be part of an online meeting/video/you name it - very relatable 😀
Thanks for the great and informative content as usual!
Arith, my friend, your videos are FFASCINATNG!!!!!!! Thank YOU for today!!!
😂Good morning Mr. Arith today is clearly in a peculiar mood! ❤
Well, you know :D
" You either have nothing better to do, or you really like this shite"
Of course I love this shite😂
R.I.P Neil L. Whitehead.
Did not expect that, but I'm glad to see someone reference his work, I suspect the world could be a little lighter if more people had the courage to ask questions about and explore the things he did.
Just the other day I was reading the description that starts on pg. 14 to someone amid a long conversation where we were discussing the anthropology of violence and the existence of modern iterations of the application of, what is functionally at its core, dark shamanism- showing them how it is more alike than dissimilar to many of the more unsavory things the CIA has engaged in.
I love this content and humor!
Hahaha! F###&ing hilarious Education! Arith, You light my day
Magic, of our *All* Indegiouness peoples, was taken from us, especially through middle ages, Colonialism sucks. You Arith teach such truths and make us laugh, in the face of destruction. All the Best to you heart
How the hell am I supposed to take anything seriously, after the Peter Pan thing....? Sent me off on a tangent, fucking hilarious! Gotta love it, dude😈💋
I’m still thinking about Peter Pants too…. Now it’s a little hard to focus.
"hard" is indeed the appropriate word :x
Poor Peter!!😂 Great video. Many thanks.
He's having the time of his life . . . probably :0
@@ArithHärger lucky Peter 😜
Your cats have gotten so big!!
Obrigado por hoje, Arith.
The similar posture to the posture of the Worm witch is very interesting. The two spears may represent the two kundalini channels. Two of the spirit animals in the Worm witch painting are also present. The feets of Ravens/eagles are similar to the Algiz Rune which probably symbolizes spiritual connection in this context. The strangest act in the image is the Wolf spearing of the shaman's heel (a reference to the Balder myth(?), which may symbolize ejaculation (the descent of the sexual energy - a shamanic descent down
to the under world).
Holy shit snacks I forgot about this channel. Subbin immediately. There's so much ass content on here now, feels like Haugen & Maunen returning lol.
You got badass beard Arith
I'm really late to this channel but I wanted to bring some attention to something that often gets overlooked with this subject that might be of interest particularly to those of us of Swiss or German ancestry: the only known surviving depiction of berserks or ulfhednar outside of Scandinavia or Anglo-Saxon England comes from Baden-Wurttemberg from an Alemannic burial, dated to the same time period as the others in Sweden and England. The imagery is the same: a warrior in ceremonial garb with a wolf mask on, spear in hand, performing a ritualistic dance, with a runic inscription mentioning both Woden and Donar. So it seems that the Odinic cults and shamans who practiced this kind of ecstatic battle magic were alive and well among the Alemanni tribe, ancestors of modern day Swiss, Alsatians and Germans from the Baden area, quite far from the "homeland" and closer to Italy from where their most significant neighbors, the Romans, hailed.
Nice video 👍
Is there a consensus among pre-Viking scholars on the subject you presented today? Thank you.
I have returned my faith to the Gods and Goddesses of my Ancestors. I am of Germanic decent. Why do so many people of European decent worship the faiths of the Middle Eastern people. Maybe that by turning their back on the Gods and Goddesses of their Ancestors, that is why their lives are full of disaster.
I am a strong follower of Ullr and Idunna. Ari, can you cover Ullr and Idunna for your viewers?
Eu amei o vídeo. Gratidão 🔥🔥🤘🤘💜💜
Arith are you going to start some of your videos in Portuguese only?
Hugs from a Estrada♥️
Ur-sag means Warrior, Ur means Dog, and sag means Head in Sumerian, Ur-sag means Dog/Wolf-Head, or Top Dog. Ur-bar-ra means Wolf, and Ur-gula means both Lion and Great Dog.
Sumerogram (capital letter (majuscule)), UR. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, UR is used to spell Akkadian language barbaru, "wolf", as UR. BAR. RA (in Tablet VI, and Tablet XI). Bar means Son.
Sounds like theirs links to Cernunnos ?
Благодарю Арит!😊✊🌝🌞⚡🔥🌍🌪️🌊🌌💫👍🎇🖐️(Паралельно затянуло в Варп шторм по Вархаммеру 40 К. 😁 Леманн Русс с нами! Скол!)
Taahaha this peter pants thing came Unexpectedly😂😂😂
Just like Peter Pantz himself... Close your bedroom window this season D;
@@ArithHärgeryess and i would wear pants too at night D:
i always sleep with open window..
Interesting video and how Thorstein?
Hoooooo what a cute! Love
11:11 imagine, if you will, a mortally wounded warrior abandoned to die amidst the aftermath of a battle.
Among those who plunder the fallen are priestesses skilled in healing. They belong to a mystery cult that people’s its ranks with nearly dead soldiers recovered from the field. Some may come to speak of them as Valkyries.
The resurrected “dead” are told their life in Midgard is over and they serve in various capacities. Those who attempt to return to their villages are greeted as Draugr, shunned and exiled. Afterall, I saw him fall in battle.
Peter Pants, Sarah Slacks, Lenny Lederhosen, Krissy Kilts, Shelly Shortshorts, Trent Trousers, Owen Overalls, Jenna Jeans, Becka B. Keeny, Dances-with-Dungarees, and Duct Tape Doug. They all walked into a bar, and they were in a big rush, pounding on the counter and making a scene. So the bartender yelled: "Keep your pants on!"🤣
Oh yes I love you .
i forgot to say on this topic
200 years ago when they collected
the finnish folklore (which btw
always separates the lapps as "others",
aka the sami) in sodankylä
(place name, you can check it in
the map) they still observed a
noaidi (witch, shaman) in full
shaman costume (including the head
dress that covers the eyes,
similar to siberian counterparts).
so in the north there really
wasn´t any real break in the customs
(or 100 years at the most), the
actual damage to culture was done in
southern finland which was pretty
much a feudalistic slave society
(especially in towns, which were
actually called castles (linnat),
reveiling their colonialistic
just because they weren´t in costumes
doesn´t mean that they weren´t there
(i´ve never worn a costume still
i´m with my people everyday,
unlike the brotherhood of man,
or is it boy, the church hiding
also what some people don´t understand
is that they only wore the costume
when they were working (some of
the helping spirits lived in that
costume, for example for a female
shaman it was often leather of female
deer).. after the ritual was done they
came to celebrate with the others
(there was no separation there,
which is probably why the institution
lasted so long, true folk witches
you know).
also i want to say that even in
the most southern swedish
speaking areas of finland you can
still find people who Look like
the sami (lapps).
which to me implies that they simply
assimilated to the cattle keeping
/ agricultural folks that came later
from the south (one group made
two children, other ten,
do the math).
500 years ago the free sami (lapps) were
still on the oulu (city) latitude,
which to me implies that their real
homeland is the lake district of finland
(saimaa, where many of the rock
paintings are).
probably something similar happened
everywhere in europe (at least if the
romans can be used as an example i think
they were more into slaves and vassals
than full genocide).
i once met the coastal swedes at a
rock festival.. they were speaking
swedish, i of course went don´t you
speak finnish, they went Nej.. then
we continued to drink together
(it´s quite unnatural to quarrel
with strangers, unless in some weirdo
cult, like religion).
i was channeling my Insolence card,
i´m writing a tarot deck :)
so glad i didn´t make the joke
about all the drones being male..
it is curious that they´ve removed
the part about hijacking females
from wars, it has to be 100% male
activity.. something to think about
the real legacy of monotheistic
religions? (mono, that´s like
missing the other part right,
monotone, monopoly, it´s never
my way of saying happy yule to you
Arith (joulu in finnish, of course
not indigenous here but almost
nothing in modern life is).
one more detail that might blow
people´s minds..
it was actually illegal / forbidden
for the regular finns / lapps to
come to the medieval towns
(or castles).. unless in the slave
capacity (called servants later).
that´s how fucked up the feudal
class society was!
and officially all those wholesome
nobles, priests and merchants
(slave owners) were what precisely,
that would be christians..
(of course that habbit had begun
much earlier).
from slave to servant to worker..
what will be the next title in that
unholy continum? (it´s not free,
i think they hate that word)
it might be assistant.. you don´t
really work for me, you just assist
by doing everything i don´t want to
that´s exactly what slaves did too!
it´s pretty clear to me that slavery
in its current form came to europe
with the indo-europeans..
nothing in the northern hunter-gatherer
culture points to that (possibly excluding
some chieftains, which it´s true that
they had two wives at least).
might be different with the earlier
farmers, i don´t know, they might have
been more like the native american
farmers though..
the other half was not as missing in
those societies (but it was certainly
missing from the IE upper class,
whether pagan or christian).
one more conclusion to that threat..
even the finnic word for slave (orja)
has more spiritual meanings.. or / ur
being one of the spiritual forces or
or-ava means the squirrel-mother..
so it´s not that the squirrels were
slaves of the shaman, but helpers..
of course you can interpret it both
ways but.. i´ve never thought of
them as slaves, nor is it shown that
way in the incantations (very friendly
tone when speaking to them).
so to conclude i would say that it´s
not that the people here were any better,
it´s that the conditions were / are so
harsh that it´s not possible to do most
of the evil shit that they do in the south
(including wars (tribal clashes) which
they only did in the summer).
it was even a saying in the karelian area
that beware of the spring, the chudes
will come :)
(chudes being one the ancient finnic
ethnos, now speaking mandatory
russian but you know, still there)
and the berserkergang? okay 20:42 you mention it. briefly
Here, at this video: - "Berserkir & Ulfhednar".
I like your cat, it's cool
Odin on Woden’s Day again! 🧙🏻♂️
Thank you for including archeology in your videos.
But even with the myths and traditions we can see a pattern. From animals to witches, but under Christian law witches were on to sacrifice. It also shows how we've left the land and replaced replaced it with fake trees and gluttony.
Arith, don't feed the trolls 😉
The representation of St. Christopher with the head of a dog has many layers to it! One such layer may be related to the war dances you devoted this video to. But another layer is related to the way the Byzantines (and western Romans) associated the archetype of 'dog-headed' people with those on the edges of civilization. The barbarian. Those either not yet Christianized or those not civilized by Rome--cannibalistic and backwards.
I personally think this interpretation of the dog-headed is a holdover from a much earlier time when young people would leave their society for a time (or permanently?), and so became 'like dogs' or 'like wolves'. So dog-headed people in Christian art here represents a syncretism of Christian and pre-Christian belief.
There is another layer to the dog-headed-ness of St. Christopher. He was said to be a 'Canaanite', which may have been corrupted into 'Canis'. Latin for dog, and so, he was rendered with the head of a dog. I think this interpretation can also be that of the 'barbarian', or foreigner witnessing the miracle of Christ, since Canaanites were traditionally seen as outside of the sphere of God's people.
Come and find me.
Found you ;)
Could that naked man with the horny helmet be Odin, those two horns being two crows of Odin, seen at 1:57.
You look so much like Varg with your beard and outdoor wear indoors. Vig vackra timmar till Frö ok Feyur.
💀..Dude.., little "pre-occupied", are we..??!😂..Woo Hooo..!!..BTW, Very Erudite.., VERRY Comprehensive..I am Subbing..😊👌~Peace
Im Crying, Tinkers fairy dust! Omg amazing
Hahahaha, I really like this sh**t 😉
Humour Odin? Interesting...
Yes sir he is very correct the bible is a war book for warlocks Odin can be found in the bible
Or great video but I would not call the Sami the last indigenous people in europe. This is implying that the basques and the proto germanics that lived in scandinavia before the sami arrived are somehow not indigenous or native to the land. Indigenous is not a catch-all for marginalized group and it's inappropriate in this context. I know that there are people that will disagree with me, but I am not saying that the Sami did not suffer or face persecution but to call them the last indigenous group in Europe is absolutely wrong in that it is misinformed or deliberately labelling them as primitive.
Hello there! Thank you for the feedback. Next Wednesday (31/01/2024) if you have the time, come here to the channel and have a look at the video that will come out that day. Hopefully it will help. Thank you for your time! Have a wonderful day!
Those are definitely horns
The elite????? Maybe I should stop my attempts at glowing this aiding character then! Anyways, I just heard on another channel that he was A GIRLY MAN!!!! (I am more about Wotan, but the two are somewhat the same from what I’ve been learning from you) I think.. lol sorry… just saying
You lost me at the Sami being the only indigenous people's left in Europe. They are not more indigenous than the Scandinavians that live in those regions now, and there's evidence to suggest that Nordic peoples settled there long before the Sami
I'm not surprised, and it is totally understandable the confusion between terms, which is why I have this video for you right here, that may help, "Indigenous vs Native":
Peter pissy pan......ts 👦👖💧🌊
It is almost physically painful to watch Arith never looking at any obvious connections between Odinic cult and Koryos cults.
Infinite rambling to say very little
I'm /trying/ not to be petty, but I'm done and giving a downvote for you saying the Sami are "the only indigenous people of Europe". So the rest of us were just air dropped from outer space, then? We come from nowhere?
ALL Europeans are indigenous Europeans, for the love of 🚫. Just because the Sami started living in houses last, doesn't make the rest of us "not indigenous". As for us native Scandinavians, we were here THOUSANDS OF YEARS before the first ancestors of the Sami and Finns showed up. Just stop perpetuating this hateful lie that Europeans came from nowhere and are native to no place. I'm done with this nonsense.
As I've responded to another person here, and I do understand the confusion and I'll probably do a video solely about that subject: The Sami are the only remaining indigenous people in Europe. Indigenous isn't the same as native. Many ethnic groups that are in the same area for hundreds of thousands of years were indigenous once, but not anymore, but are native there. Some indigenous people can be nomadic and not native to places they can inhabit for a while, but remain indigenous. Being indigenous has to do with the way of living, belief systems and an entire culture tied to land. I know "Native" and "Indigenous" are often used as synonyms, but it is far more complicated than that. A Norwegian is native to Scandinavia, but not indigenous. A Sami is native to Scandinavia and Indigenous. I'm a native European, but I do not have an indigenous way of life. Most of us live within systems that are not indigenous, which have progressively turned us into non-indigenous. We are all native to some place, but not all of us are Indigenous anymore. Sami, Intuit, First Nations Native Americans, Australia Aboriginals, etc. are Indigenous.
Wooo 1000th like
Tell kitty hi and Happy Holy Days from Solo and I. 🪬🧿