I'd suggest that you need to be on stage at the next Trump rally, but it sounds like you have enough trouble already... Thank you for your perseverance and superlative work. I hope you keep us posted on your manufacturing, as I will be happy to stand behind you. From the comments, looks like I am not the only one.
. This is how communist work it stops inovation and makes people fall in line with the stupidity of the communist party. China has taken over the dem party. We must stop the Chinese takeover of America.😢
@@CaseyPutsch I can't fully agree with you... Elon still censors people on X. RFKjr went from speaking out against vaccines, to embracing Operation Warpspeed. Tulsi went from speaking of peace to embracing a warmonger. chump's policies during his first term show he's all bluster. I'm gonna have to vote "abstain" in this one. Jill doesn't do it for me.
“You can’t tax or regulate a country into prosperity” is one of the most profound, intelligent and accurate statements I have heard in a very long time!
You also can't not tax it or regulate it and expect prosperity. It's a matter of degrees, not all or nothing. I swear these simplistic, regurgitated talking points are so freaking boring and tiring. It's like when toddlers discover a big boy word and over use it in all the wrong ways because they don't really know what it means.
Absolutely. Casey's bright and he has a plan based on hands-on experience and observations. He is an American, not some career politician bought out for the sake of pushing lobbied BS on the American people. Like Casey, I want to see change in the world too.
This video has been a long time coming and is the culmination of over a decade of observation, critical thinking, and perspective from hard work. DIG IN!
I would give 1000 likes if I could. you have paid attention to what is actually happening, not just what you are told. Politicians for the most part aren't for the people anymore, they are paid off with lobbiest money, aka bribes.
You said it "critical thinking". So many people have lost the ability for critical thinking through a bombardment of government propaganda fed to them by a complicit press.
I love this. Forget that it's Pro-Trump, or rather take that out of the equation. Casey, you break down the issues with factual information in an unbiased manner. We need more people like you.
The argument assumes altruism where there is none. Car manufacturers are not going to make more repairable and affordable vehicles without being strong armed. It is simply incompatible with their bottom line.
@@Altrag_ what I meant was, take the partisan (pro Trump or anti-Trump) portion out of it and take what Casey says at face value. He unbiasedly evaluated both candidates, their respective administrations and their success or failures. I, myself arrived at the same conclusion that Casey did and I'm in his camp as far as "Trump is the clear choice".
@@LaOwlett Trump wins just like Putin. Lose and Lie... Putin wins just like Trump. Lose and lie... Trump wins just like his buddy Puzztin. Lose and Lie...
@@LaOwlett 🦴Bonezpurz 🦴 has been arrested and impeached more times than he has won an elections. 🦴Bonezpurz🦴 has NEVER won the people's vote. *BONEZPURZ HAS ELECTILE DISFUNCTION!!* 😂😂🤣🤣😘😘
@@CaseyPutsch Brandon Herrera did and he almost won, it's not as stupid as it sounds to try and he was an actual demon on the eyes of the media, with how well you have shown yourself here on youtube they will struggle to fight back if you do
John Kennedy and RFK Sr. are part of why I was a democrat in my youth. Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are a big part of why I left them. RFK Jr., Tulsi, Elon, and Trump confirmed I've made the right decision.
Here in Florida, they didn't even give a Gator a penny them Democrats. I was always republican but i looked up to Kennedy. But with how they treated us while sending 8 billion to Ukraine put the nail in the coffin for democrats. It'll have to take a JFK 2.0 in order to vote for them now.
I'm a latino voter and im voting Trump. At 38 I have cancer and RKJ nailed it when he brought this up that we are being poison'ed by bad foods and genentics. why are we allowing countries who don't like us to thrive?. I hope these Patriots win in november because our future depends on it. We need leadership. Not excuses. Kamala and Walz aren't it.
If you don’t live in a battleground state but rather a strong red or blue state vote Libertarian Party and send a message. From their website, “Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference in your personal, family, and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.”
@@dennis1954 Libertardians support open borders and can't grasp that race, IQ, and culture matter. While technically right on a number of issues, they get some things very wrong at times.
Haha Jalopnik hasn’t liked anything that wasn’t preplanned, predigested by their overlords. They haven’t even done decent auto reporting in years. Just look at how many of their good-ish reporters left/leave.
Casey your ability to go off on a rant has come to a head with much needed facts that will hopefully be heard and will sink in for the future of our country and the world. Godspeed on your journey through seeking your passions
I wouldn't characterize it as a "rant" so much as a well articulated case for getting back to our roots and unleashing the power of American Ingenuity.
Sir I enjoy your content and have followed your work since I first saw you tell your stories on Vinwiki. I applaud you for the work you have done and the passion you have for your work and ideals. Keep up the good fight sir. Put your chainmail undies on because the haters are gonna come at ya full force 😂. Looking forward to seeing the full potential of the Omega Car.
@@5t0n3d-G4m3r Trump wins just like Putin. Lose and Lie... Putin wins just like Trump. Lose and lie... Trump wins just like his buddy Puzztin. Lose and Lie...
As a european, the problem in your country is obvious. You have two parties to choose from, and that’s it. It’d be one thing if the parties were polar opposites, but they’re not. Economically, both parties are very similar. Socially, democrats appear to be more progressive, but they aren’t actually making any meaningful change on social issues. The reason you only have two parties happens to be because corporations are allowed to give tremendous amounts of money to politicians whom they deem desirable. Those politicians happen to be democrats and republicans, simply because, both parties are capitalist and corporation-friendly. This divides your country and gives you the illusion of choice, but serious political candidates that want to make real change are prevented from coming into power. No wonder nobody wants to vote either.
This is why Trump is different...no matter what you have heard, he had to enter under one of the two just to get in... In his younger years he was a Democrat, but being intelligent an a businessman and having to work for everything he wanted lead him to the right. Here is the "InTherory" differences... Democrats are for Big Government and High Taxes, Republicans( of old) were for Small Government and Low Taxes. Now you are correct that Both parties over the last 70 years have been captured by special interest and Donors and the Military and Lobbyist and the foreign influence of Israel. So an imperfect patriot, man of means saw what was happening and felt the need to step in and make a difference. Trump was a grass-roots visionary who could not be bought, He turned the Low tax, Small Government Republicans into the NeoRepublicans, fighter of the middle class, America First MAGA Party. A Third Party not loved by most of the RINOS Republican In Name Only. He is far from perfect But our last hope to turn our Republic around, and give it a new start by hopefully cutting out some of the corrupt cancer. Now he learned in his first term that the whole government establishment will be against him, fight him, lie about him, frame and indite him. The whole media will smear him. Cheat against him, attempt to kill him, launch a virus to stop him. So even with the majority of the people for him, the most votes in history for a candidate, it will still be a miracle if we beat the cheaters. Low Taxes. Now you are correct that Both parties over the last 70 years have been captured by special interest and Donors and the Military and Lobbyist and the foreign influence of Israel. So an imperfect patriot, man of means saw what was happening and felt the need to step in and make a difference. Trump was a grass-roots visionary who could not be bought, He turned the Low tax, Small Government Republicans into the NeoRepublicans, fighter of the middle class, America First MAGA Party. A Third Party not loved by most of the RINOS Republican In Name Only. He is far from perfect But our last hope to turn our Republic around, and give it a new start by hopefully cutting out some of the corrupt cancer. Now he learned in his first term that the whole government establishment will be against him, fight him, lie about him, frame and indite him. The whole media will smear him. Cheat against him, attempt to kill him, launch a virus to stop him. So even with the majority of the people for him, the most votes in history for a candidate, it will still be a miracle if we beat the cheaters.
"Economically both parties are very similar" BINGO. Everyone talks about how the economy is important, and the economic was so much better under Trump. This is a delusional lie. When you look at real GDP growth, over the last dozen or so years....there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between Obama's last term, Trump, and Biden. The overall policies are the same, and the actual economic performance has been within +/- 0.2% in real GDP growth per annum. For some reason Americans are oblivious to this, yet people, like you, from Europe, can see it so clearly from the outside looking in.
As a college student and (Lord willing) future co-founder of an automotive manufacturer, thank you, Mr. Putsch. Reason #36,785 I have to look up to you.
I am glad someone with a platform like yours speaking out. Be prepared for the backlash from people that dont want to think just want to be about emotions.
@PhantasmPhoton and what was that? Peacefully protest? How about what the fbi did on Jan 6th. That should worry you more. But hey, higher gas, food, housing and more wars isn't what I want. 12+ million illegals entering our country is not what I want. But great thing about our democratic republic is freedom of speech . Even speech you don't like. Maybe be more worried about the shadow campaign in social media that the democrats did during 2020 election, the one that time magazine talked about. The one that Zuckerberg discussed. But you do you. I back casey on this one
Casey, I think where one of your arguments falls apart in regards to the predatory lending, is that uncontrolled/regulated capitalism is what causes such things to happen. As soon as someone figures out a new way to make money, greed takes over, and those with the most money are posed to take advantage. A perfect example is large corporations buying up entire tracts of starter homes, having up rental rates and market costs, literally killing the American dream of home ownership. Republicans are all about deregulation. If you remove pollution standards, food standards, etc, corporations will take advantage of every opportunity they can to increase profits for the shareholders. Education? Look at what Trump did with Trump university. And you think he'll be good for education? He had his chance, and the majority of the country didn't like what he did to it.
@@mattcolver1 I guess it depends on your definition of "very". Companies have been being bought and merging the last several decades, increasing their control, and reducing competition. This has been blamed for the problems Boeing has been having. There are only 10 companies that control the food industry- I wonder why our food is crap? Student loans wouldn't be as much of an issue if college tuition hadn't out paced inflation by 300% since 1980. Our love for the almighty dollar is screwing a LOT of our country over, and the right wants to accelerate us down that path. Nevermind that because of Trump's MANY legal problems, he's very obviously financially compromised and easily bought.
When did Democrats make college loans forgivable under standard bankruptcy rules? If not, why not? The Democrats have been very effective at deflecting things they are a part of, like Predatory College lending. It's one of many things that should make you think.
Wasn't out of control lending, although that is a problem too, it was the fact the US has basically no funded higher learning framework. When you have to be rich to get higher education, and the only way to break the cycle of poverty is education - and you have to make yourself even poorer swindling a loan you will never be able the repay.. The problem is pretty obvious.
The 2008 financial crash also gutted my family’s business and the stress eventually took my fathers life a few years later. Like you I was young and oblivious to the massive, entrenched machine that was dictating our lives and I started paying attention. Seeing taxpayer dollars used to bail out banks and auto manufacturers (only to mainly go to bonuses for those responsible for the crash) while us “normal” people struggled to keep our heads above water was beyond maddening. Most of those automakers took the bailout from the American people only to turn around and move their manufacturing to Mexico or overseas. Something’s gotta change, and change soon.
The crash was triggered by a lack of regulation of the banks, just like the one that triggered the great depression. The big issue is how to properly regulate them...
The truth if the matter is that the educational institutions artificially inflated their tuitions to defraud the government, banks, especially the students and their families who often financially assisted their educations. Then they take the money put it in huge tax free hedge funds that unfairly manipulate the economy. All of this needs to stop. A guy flipping burgers or changing tires has to pay tax and these colleges and huge corporations not only dont contribute tax, they swindle tax money from people who dont know if they will be able to afford to eat today or not who work a fulltime job.
The simple solution did you make these debts default able. Allow people to declare bankruptcy. These debts are far inflated from their value in the first place. This will bring institutions both financial and academic to the negotiation table with the debtor. This will provide downward pressure on tuitions, it will also provide debt relief that is reasonable, while providing accountability that is reasonable. Being consequences for that which are already built into the system. Let the market correct it
I'm guessing that you're a boomer. You don't realize how big these loans are, in that you're giving them to kids that are just coming out of high school who don't have a clue. Let the market fix it as I said above. These tuitions are out of line by two or three times. The answer is let the market work. The debts as they are structured now or not ones that can be defaulted on. That is slavery.
Painting all of them as responsible, knowledgeable and capable adults is just as incorrect as painting them all as young and dumb. The focus here should be on the industry practices and getting the people eating shit because of them back to a state of prosperous productivity. FWIW, I think complete loan forgiveness is bullshit too. But letting the moneylenders eat a large segment of an entire generation is not a good solution. Reducing the loans to repayment of just the principal seems like a reasonable middle ground IMO.
I for one am glad you are educating everyone on these subjects. People are in the dark, on purpose, our government doesn't want us to know what they are doing... we are mushrooms.. kept in the dark and fed schitt.
Welcome aboard Casey! PERFECT presentation and quite "logical" as Spock would say. I've always been a policy guy as well and could care less about anything else. Some people get so wrapped up in their hate that they tend to forget, there's a choice that needs to made. I'm a HUGE fan of Elon and RFK as well. Seeing them along with Tulsi Gabbard unites with Trump just made it a VERY easy choice. MAGA and MAHA 2024!!
I do think the build was well documented but it would be an interesting vehicle to turn into a kit. If it's modular you could use any power source you like. I think it'd be a neat platform to turn into a hyper efficient electric (because why not?)
Understandable, but pouring endless amounts of taxpayer money onto it is never going to make university education more affordable, it will only make university administrations far more wealthy and bloated than they already are. If you look at a graph of the tuition costs over the last thirty years they perfectly scale up with the dollar amount of federal student loans made available. They can charge whatever they want for a degree if people can get any amount of money from the government to pay for it.
@@roadrunner681 Yeah I think it's like healthcare, we need to force higher education to be more transparent with their prices and encourage competition between them on that front to reduce costs to the consumer, I have yet to see a situation where government intervention actually made something more affordable, they just end up shifting the cost somewhere else and increasing graft by doing so.
Point: I can completely Total your $60,000 Chevy Silverado with my $1000 1966 Chevy C-10 pickup. And drive my truck home. Auto manufactures are not building cars right.
Late to the party here, but just wanted to express my gratitude for Casey and what he's done for the advancement of humanity, and his selfless dedication to the task of creating and implementation of Genius Garage. Best speech I've heard this year regarding the impacts of this election on not only the auto industry but the realistic education and employment opportunities for the upcoming generation, my grand kids future is in the balance!
I just want a car that lasts a lifetime withput needing a new motor every 100k to 200k miles. I don't need any computers or gps or any other dumb systems like self parking etc. But todays cars are not built to last. They are built to need a new one every 10years to keep the manufacturers in business
Is it just me or did Mr.Casey hit us right in the feels in the end there. Could not have said it better and i hope to god folks wake up. You are far from alone.
So youd admit the loan situation is trapping people but you dont want these kids to have an exit. Also your views on education being a left wing bubble is obviously wrong to any person involved in it.
@@reinbeers5322 if youre hard right enough neutral positions are scary i guess. All my friends had majority conservative professors and so did i and went to 3 universities. Unf specifically is mostly run by conservative business school people.
Well $hit there’s a few things I agree with Casey on… The main one. Obama ruined my family’s business too. I Also lost 1 good job and 1 good career because of his decisions.
How did Obama ruin your family's business??? As all he did is try to clean up the mess that had been brewing for years, with the crisis starting really during the Bush presidency...
It is so telling too, how You tube had advertisements from the Harris Walz campaign and NONE from DJT. Disgusting of You Tube to set the algorithms that way.
While your politics never factored in to my admiration of your efforts, it's refreshing to see you're able to look past the emotions and and backbiting of American politics and go for what and who is the most pragmatic option. God bless all the work you've done, Mr. Putsch.
I subscribed too. As a Californian i never understood why car guys vote democrat. I hate high gas prices, gas guzzler tax and ev mandate. And I know you do too. Trump 2024!
LOL- guess I should have read some replies below for speaking up.... apparently Im not alone.. My post is apparently an echo of what others said already.
Elon isn't about free speech as much as you think. As someone with non-mainstream political views, my friends and I have been shadow banned and blocked multiple times on Twitter for just asking hard questions about things that are considered verboten. Until all speech is free, no speech is free.
You might get hate for this, but it’s what I’ve been trying to tell my friends and family for several years now. Being on a college campus in 2016 was enough to make any sane person scream, and yet, somehow, it’s only gotten worse. I legitimately feel bad for the next generation. I can only hope that rationality and logic make a return in the near future, or our Country is screwed.
Thank you! You have summed it up better than I ever could. Being born in 1984 I have lived and gone through allot of the same as you so I felt all of that if what you said. Been trying to convince my husband to also understand and put aside emotions and think about the facts and the polices and what huge harm the left is doing and will do to this country if they win. I am going to share this with everyone I know.
It's a shame that today's generation is not worried because they have nothing to lose. I have a friend that his son is 30 and doesn't think he should try to move on his own.. doesn't want to work.. he depends on my friend for health care and he is a Democrat..My friend is almost 60... what a shame.. good times make soft men...
Our future was already sold out by generations far bigger than ours, why should we care? They will always vote for their interests and keep selling the little that is left to China and other countries.
I was stunned by the public educational system when I entered an American high school. Soviet education was vastly superior. We now put our kids in math schools and private schools when they are four years old.
@avgFloridian You said "probably," praying I'm hoping you're open to rethinking what you apparently did in 2020. Against all odds, what Trump did last time was phenomenal! What Biden-Harris have done this time is horrific. So, for God's sake, for your own sake, for the sake of generations to come, please do not leave that part of the ballot blank, again. To do so is to give Kamala a chance to double down on horrific Marxist policies which have failed every time they've been tried and Fascist behavior which leads straight down the road to serfdom and enslavement to totalitarianism. The stakes couldn't be higher and the choice couldn't be clearer. Distasteful as you may find it, it's a decision which you need to make. Because avoidance isn't an option in 2024. The consequences of avoidance could literally prove deadly for our world, our country and you personally + everyone you love and everything you cherish. So, please, for God's sake, for your own sake and for us all: don't cop-out, now! Your family, our country and our world depend on you marking that part of the ballot. Please, please don't let yourself or us down. Thanks for the "probably," and the opportunity to plead the case for reconsideration. Respectfully yours...
@avgFloridian: Under Biden-Harris: "On January 24, 2023, the (Doomsday) Clock was moved to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30 seconds) before midnight, the closest it has ever been set to midnight since its inception in 1947. This adjustment was largely attributed to the risk of nuclear escalation that arose from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Other reasons cited included climate change, biological threats such as COVID-19, and risks associated with disinformation and disruptive technologies." That's a quote from the Doomsday Clock Wikipedia page. The point of our previous post (currently blocked) was that electing Kamala Harris to double down on the same policies which have brought us the closest ever to Doomsday, represents a clear and present danger to you, me and every living soul on Earth. Biden-Harris weakness opened the door to Putin's invasion of Ukraine (not to mention Chinese and Iranian direct and sponsored agression). COVID-19 revealed that governmental actors are the greatest sources of disinformation and are eager; and, often Hellbent, to harness any and all disruptive technologies to gain, retain and exert dictatorial power. Trump got us out of wars. Biden-Harris got us into wars and have spent nearly 4 year moving us ever closer to armageddon. Trump's not the threat to democracy. Kamala, who became the Democrat nominee w/o winning single vote, is the true threat to democracy. If you're for peace, Trump is the right choice. If you're for life, Trump is the right choice. If you're for liberty, Trump is the right choice. If you're for innovation, Trump is the right choice. If you're for saving the planet, Trump is the right choice. Why? Because, just like, as Casey says, we have to innovate, not regulate our way to prosperity. Hence, the only path true to clean, sustainable energy, water, air and soil is innovation, not regulation. That's why to achieve Sustainability Sooner, we put sustainability 3rd. Because the fastest path to sustainability is (counterintuitive as it may seem) by putting reliability 1st and affordability (which is the biggest barrier to access) 2nd. The reason we follow Casey's channel is because, "He gets it!"
It's probably your governor. I'm in California and I've talked to democrats who hate democrat policies BUT they believe it's Trumps fault somehow. Trump 2024!
I'm in my 60's now, and I have witnessed the change in our country from free speech both hateful and uplifting in the work place, military, education and in the public where the 1st Amendment was honored. I have witnessed the attitude towards our beloved & respect for Christianity and it's churches move to it's demonetization and the murder of it's Church goers. I've seen the corrupting of Islam from an actual Religion of order, however with restrictive personal rights, to the religion of death and hate. I've watched as middle schools had wood shop, metal shop, where you had to draft it 1st before you were allowed to build it, and they taught you how to draft so you could build it. We had small engines, welding classes, automotive repair class where we learned automotive engines and how to build hot rods in High School, we had farming classes and PE in Grade School. We sang Patriotic Songs every morning with the teacher strumming the Auto-harp to God Bless American and America the Beautiful and our National Anthem. What the Demoncratic Party has instructed the National Educators Association to perform social experimentation on our children's minds is CRIMINAL. What the Demoncratic party yes I well call it "Demon-Cratic" Party because I think the Demoncratic Party is best described by what Paul Harvey said it best in his 1968 broadcast; "If I were the Devil". The Demoncratic Party has become the party of Satan's practices, just like Paul Harvey said. The Demoncratic Party has made George Orwell's book "1984" come true and is actively perusing it with all their heart, mind and strength. I do not recognize this great nation of the United States of American that I served 20 years in the US Navy, and another 22 years on contract to preserve. The Demoncratic Party the NEA and the Lefty run Colleges have all but destroyed it's basic fabric. At one time I believed my children would grow up in a safe country to live in, I no longer believe that to be true. I believe they and my grand children will face and see the overthrow of the US Constitution into a type of Lefty Dictatorship with worse controls that "1984" had. However I think that people like you, and the Republicans who won't cave in like President Trump and others like what Dennis Prager, with PragerU is doing in Public Schools is making a small but positive dent in the NEA's goals. We're not down and out yet but it's getting close, and this election is more important that many Americans know. Thanks for the great video, I subscribed to help your channel. Best Wishes & Blessings. Keith Noneya on TH-cam too!
It wasn't "Demon-Cratic" Party members who were wearing MAGA Hats who spit in my face & told me to deport myself to Mexico, tried to run me off a 45 mph road, trashed a nice Audi Quattro that I borrowed from my wife, etc. just for having too much Native Blood to pass for White...
have you thought about adding a hybrid system, hybrid diesel would get insane mpg and have a ton of torque. honda was looking at making a hybrid diesel fit a few years ago, it was supposed to get around 80mpg but it was scraped for some reason.
As a Canadian i am very happy for your endorsement, we have had far left up here for 9 years and it has destroyed our once beautiful country. Canadians are very angry now. Trump will be good for everyone
WOAH! This was brilliant. Everything about it was brilliant. It's astonishing to me how many people the left has fooled. I'm an Uber driver and I drove this (seemingly) nice couple to their above average home in a trendy neighborhood. As I pulled in the driveway, I saw a sign proudly displayed "Vote like your daughter's rights depend on it. Harris 2024" Believe me when I tell you it took everything I had to not read that aloud and say "You mean the right to compete against only women in women's sports? Trump 2024."
No, so women won't die or lose the ability of having a child or even a sex life when their pregnancy naturally fails. That is what is happening in Texas and a few other states...
Nice. I must say, however, I am fundamentally against large scale waste oil biodiesel production. Years ago, restaurants would pay me to remove their waste oil and I would use it to make diesel for my truck for less than a dollar a gallon. With the "disposal" fees I made, I got free fuel and made a few bucks. Now that larger companies have caught wind, the people paying me to remove their oil were now being paid for their waste oil and I no longer got, basically, free fuel. Yes, I'm being selfish. The young'uns say, "sorry, not sorry". I'm not sorry about not being sorry. I own it. My days of trying to give back died during the Obama administration when I came up with a way to retrofit polluting factories and power plants to be close to zero emissions, using that air pollution to feed and grow high lipid content diatoms for biofuels (biodiesel and biobutanol). It would cost the polluters zero dollars and my methods allowed me to make fuel that was cheaper than petrol based fuels cost, still paying off a retrofit in less than a decade. Obama's administration should have loved it but said it "might encourage further use of fossil fuels". They didn't just deny me grants, they took away my permits. I should have sued, but I was just a poor college student. Maybe if I had a successful TH-cam channel as a platform, I could have turned more heads and gotten through it. I hate the sound of my own voice, though, and wouldn't have been able to make it through the editing process...
Putting aside the draconian fascist policies of Project 2025 you are advocating voting for a man who *was bankrupted multiple times *was an accused rapist *bragged about sexually assaulting women *accused of sexual assault by numerous women *sides with enemies of the United States like Putin and Kim Jong Un *would "solve" the war in Ukraine by denying Ukraine any funding *proposed nuking hurricanes *proposed nuking drug cartels in Mexico *proposed injecting bleach in covid patients *promised to bring back jobs to America *grifts his supporter base with sneakers and bibles and crypto currency schemes and commemorative gold coins and trading cards *grifts the country with fake university diplomas *believes that people who lose their lives fighting America's wars are suckers and losers To vote for such a candidate says much for one's own character.
What about the inherent emissions of diesel technology? After Dieselgate, I (and a LOT of other people I know-and presumably media and government) are completely distrusting of anything diesel, since we learned about emissions that are inherent to diesel engines. If bio-fuels are used, how can they be rendered truly green, and produced affordably at scale? What about price? How much will it cost to put this Omega Car into production? EVs are coming down in price to the point where they are cost-competitive with ICE cars and can deliver superior performance and efficiency (albeit at a premium price). What about reliability and durability? How long will this Omega Car last on the road? How easy will it be to maintain? EVs have much fewer moving parts than ICE vehicles, and no reciprocating motion. I don't see roll-over protection-with such fancy aerodynamics will it be safe? Hand-crafting a two-seat super-efficiency car is one thing. Mass--producing a safe, reliable, durable, affordable, comfortable, family car is another thing entirely. Such a vehicle will by its nature have compromises from the optimum. Volkswagen produced (at great expense) a diesel hybrid (the XL1) that got more than 250 mpg (when including plug-in assist). Unassisted, it wasn't very good at all, just about matching a 25-year old Honda Insight, which could get about 75 mpg without plug-in assist. Its also quite clear that you are a single-issue voter, and willing to ignore all other factors-which seems rather dangerously focused to me. What about foreign policy? I'm worried about Putin, and his continued rampage. Trump has said that he admires Putin. How can I trust him to put the aggressive dictator in his place? What about the long-term health of the candidate? Trump has been showing signs of serious issues in his speeches lately-slurring his words, wandering off topic, glitching up. He looks senile and unhealthy. The Presidency is a "killer job". Just look at George W. Bush and Obama before and after. That is a high stress environment. Can Trump survive another term alive? What about environmental protection and public schools? Trump has failed to fully renounce Project 2025, which plans to gut both. What about gun safety and abortion? Sure, we need more vocational training and other programs, but that does nothing to help the millions of people who were tricked and trapped into crippling debt, which is an enormous drain on the national economy. Or fix the inequities of the system. Saying that the Supreme Court struck something down does not make for a good argument. The Supreme Court has a long history of making bad decisions. From Dred Scott to Citizens United-and many of the same "Justices" who did the latter are still on the court. You say that EV mandates are stifling true innovation, but how? I get that you passionately put a lot of time, effort, and money into the Omega Car, and that you have a vested interest in seeing it succeed, but it does make you seem a bit biased by a desire to not see that effort go to waste. History is full of people who developed incredible advances of existing technology that arrived AFTER the paradigm had fundamentally rendered their whole technological branch obsolete-just look at L.D. Porta and the Red Devil-a steam locomotive that was roughly comparable in cost and emissions to contemporary diesels in the 1980s, and at aircraft like the Saunders Roe Princess and the XF-84H Thunderscreech. All of these were outdated before they arrived, and were really the last magnificent gasps of their respective branches of technology. Even as they arrived, competing technologies were on the verge of outpacing them-AC traction motors for diesel-electric locomotives. Jet airliners for the Princess. And the Thunderscreech was determined to be unnecessary.
Dieselgate happened because Volkswagen lied about using a system to reduce emissions made by Mercedes, the system does exist and is actually used in many cars without issue. EVs have less parts but the battery usually costs more than an entire other car and cannot safely be used if the car was crashed into Trump warned Germany that Russia/Putin would use Nordstream as leverage to not get sanctions from the EU, he was laughed at by the Germans at the time. Not underestimating the enemy isn't a flaw. Trump always talked like that, it's just how he is. He did say he had nothing to do with Project 2025 and didn't like it. The first amendment is a right, abortion isn't. The abortion bans by states are about equivalent to Europe's, where it has caused no issue. EV mandates are stifling innovation as various other alternatives fuels were being developed, EVs fundamentally cannot replace all traffic on the road currently, the electric grid cannot sustain even a majority of cars being electric let alone all and the current legislation has been discouraging fuel efficient cars entirely.
Well Done Casey, I have always enjoyed watching your auto videos especially the slot car and modeling episodes as they are my common interests also... But you hit it out of the park with this one!! Vote Trump!! The Reasoning in this video cannot be denied!!! P.S. Don't let the HATERS in the comments section deture you, Hope you keep doing content on your channel!!!
@@dastrayer63 your reply is a problem? Are your comments getting deleted or something? It's not that rare if you go even a little too spicy or they think that you're "radical" they shoot your comment down ASAP.
@@Ferrari255GTO I'm not sure what I said wrong, but you are correct. I can no longer back up what I said on giggle, but I can on my home vcr tapes. Not sure what will happen to those. Thank you for caring.
I love your opinion and your stance on things, education needs to have more opportunities for industry and innovation. This genius garage sounds like what a lot of schools need. We need to get rid of the bureaucracy of the office of education. And I think you have something that shows a genuine comparable Idea that allows the combustion engine to be a part of the future
Contrast "Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country" with the freebies that Kamala is peddling. The Democrat party left us, we didn't leave them. Edit; Casey for Transportation Secretary.
@@johnforeman6620 You're delusional, you'd be comfortable with Biden alone in a room with your wife and kids huh? Stop believing what the mainstream media is telling you. Trump derangement symptoms is real. Evaluate yourself, I've been there, then i opened up my eye and did my own research.
@CaseyPutsch I know it's worst, these people would burn the world to ground just stay rich and in power, I mean we got 25mpg out of a square body suburban with a old 12 valve, a manual 5 speed and a 3.51 rear end, so if we can do that gm and ford can absolutely crush us but they won't because epa
Politicians only legislate what they see and believe what people want to get votes while also keeping the status quo of the current economy leaders. Quite perplexing. But people themselves have to make the change and believe that their dollars for consuming and investing have a chance to break the mold. People need confidence and education to believe how things really can get better in every industry and support that direction. I have 2 industries I’m trying to fix better Against all odds and time sucks but no way to give up once you know and see the end game. Good luck. I’ll support you.
Apparently, your priorities and mine don't align. You have your opinion and I have mine. Keeping the automotive industry happy is not as important to me as keeping a lunatic egomaniac out of power.
Vs a woman, who in her time as California's DA, kept inmates in prison after their sentences were over because CA could use the free labor? That's the shining beacon you want to follow?
I didn't need any convincing, but if I had you would have succeeded. You described the things I've been seeing for a while better than I could have & better than any politician or political commentator I've ever heard. Trump 2024!
I completely agree. I ask friends, how did the cost of College expand so much faster than inflation.. Cheap money, same will happen with houses if people are given money to put down... they house costs will only rise.
We need you as the transportation secretary or education secretary or both. You are totally correct on everything you have said!! You are a true patriot. God bless you 💥💥💥✝️✝️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
I'd suggest that you need to be on stage at the next Trump rally, but it sounds like you have enough trouble already... Thank you for your perseverance and superlative work. I hope you keep us posted on your manufacturing, as I will be happy to stand behind you. From the comments, looks like I am not the only one.
Make the connection and I’ll do it in a heartbeat.
@@CaseyPutschthis video is spot on in all aspects.
You’ve said what I think as well as many other people .
. This is how communist work it stops inovation and makes people fall in line with the stupidity of the communist party. China has taken over the dem party. We must stop the Chinese takeover of America.😢
I can't fully agree with you...
Elon still censors people on X.
RFKjr went from speaking out against vaccines, to embracing Operation Warpspeed.
Tulsi went from speaking of peace to embracing a warmonger.
chump's policies during his first term show he's all bluster.
I'm gonna have to vote "abstain" in this one.
Jill doesn't do it for me.
“You can’t tax or regulate a country into prosperity” is one of the most profound, intelligent and accurate statements I have heard in a very long time!
I try! Glad it meant something to you.
It was done in the US and many European countries.
@@PistonAvatarGuyOk, Kamala burner account.
You also can't not tax it or regulate it and expect prosperity. It's a matter of degrees, not all or nothing. I swear these simplistic, regurgitated talking points are so freaking boring and tiring. It's like when toddlers discover a big boy word and over use it in all the wrong ways because they don't really know what it means.
@@flipadavisLike Kamala does with her word salads. I'll unburden you to let you think about that during the significance of the passage of time.
And the red white and blue behind you on the cars made this video even more patriotic. Great message, God Bless.
I'm seeing a perfect candidate for Transportation Secretary in the Trump admin!
Absolutely. Casey's bright and he has a plan based on hands-on experience and observations. He is an American, not some career politician bought out for the sake of pushing lobbied BS on the American people. Like Casey, I want to see change in the world too.
I'll endorse that candidate!
@@jeffreyoldham55 ok orange sperm lips
I third that
@@patrickbrooks1496 Donald Trump said: "I only hire the best people".
Judge: "Then only the best people are testifying against you".
This video has been a long time coming and is the culmination of over a decade of observation, critical thinking, and perspective from hard work. DIG IN!
I would give 1000 likes if I could. you have paid attention to what is actually happening, not just what you are told. Politicians for the most part aren't for the people anymore, they are paid off with lobbiest money, aka bribes.
Well spoken
Man I love that you busted out the old school dictionary for this.
Diaper Don shit his pants AGAIN!! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
You said it "critical thinking".
So many people have lost the ability for critical thinking through a bombardment of government propaganda fed to them by a complicit press.
I love this. Forget that it's Pro-Trump, or rather take that out of the equation. Casey, you break down the issues with factual information in an unbiased manner. We need more people like you.
Thank you! I hope you’ll share
The argument assumes altruism where there is none. Car manufacturers are not going to make more repairable and affordable vehicles without being strong armed. It is simply incompatible with their bottom line.
Why forget the Trump part? Trump and Casey want the same thing. So do I
@@Altrag_ what I meant was, take the partisan (pro Trump or anti-Trump) portion out of it and take what Casey says at face value. He unbiasedly evaluated both candidates, their respective administrations and their success or failures. I, myself arrived at the same conclusion that Casey did and I'm in his camp as far as "Trump is the clear choice".
@@CaseyPutsch Definitely did.
Casey, it isn't politics, it's the survival of America. Beautiful car.
A Strongman to the weakminded, a hero to cowards, a genius to the dull, a celebrity to the deplorables..
@@willysnowman No counter argument to the video's points?
@@LaOwlett Trump wins just like Putin. Lose and Lie...
Putin wins just like Trump. Lose and lie...
Trump wins just like his buddy Puzztin. Lose and Lie...
@@LaOwlett 🦴Bonezpurz 🦴 has been arrested and impeached more times than he has won an elections. 🦴Bonezpurz🦴 has NEVER won the people's vote. *BONEZPURZ HAS ELECTILE DISFUNCTION!!* 😂😂🤣🤣😘😘
Have you considered running for office? This was a speech fit for Congress. Bravo!
I have. Maybe someday.
@@CaseyPutsch You should.
Herrera-Putsch (or Putsch-Herrera? 😮) 2028???
He does seem very based and worth giving a good shot at it.
@@CaseyPutsch Brandon Herrera did and he almost won, it's not as stupid as it sounds to try and he was an actual demon on the eyes of the media, with how well you have shown yourself here on youtube they will struggle to fight back if you do
John Kennedy and RFK Sr. are part of why I was a democrat in my youth.
Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan are a big part of why I left them.
RFK Jr., Tulsi, Elon, and Trump confirmed I've made the right decision.
Here in Florida, they didn't even give a Gator a penny them Democrats. I was always republican but i looked up to Kennedy. But with how they treated us while sending 8 billion to Ukraine put the nail in the coffin for democrats. It'll have to take a JFK 2.0 in order to vote for them now.
I'm a latino voter and im voting Trump. At 38 I have cancer and RKJ nailed it when he brought this up that we are being poison'ed by bad foods and genentics. why are we allowing countries who don't like us to thrive?. I hope these Patriots win in november because our future depends on it. We need leadership. Not excuses. Kamala and Walz aren't it.
If you don’t live in a battleground state but rather a strong red or blue state vote Libertarian Party and send a message. From their website, “Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference in your personal, family, and business decisions. Essentially, we believe all Americans should be free to live their lives and pursue their interests as they see fit as long as they do no harm to another.”
@@dennis1954 Libertardians support open borders and can't grasp that race, IQ, and culture matter. While technically right on a number of issues, they get some things very wrong at times.
Jalopnick will not like this
Screw them. They aren’t a real journalist media outlet. Let them come at me!
@@CaseyPutsch no one more based on the whole god damn platform, massive respect
Haha Jalopnik hasn’t liked anything that wasn’t preplanned, predigested by their overlords. They haven’t even done decent auto reporting in years. Just look at how many of their good-ish reporters left/leave.
Casey your ability to go off on a rant has come to a head with much needed facts that will hopefully be heard and will sink in for the future of our country and the world. Godspeed on your journey through seeking your passions
Means a lot. Thank you.
I wouldn't characterize it as a "rant" so much as a well articulated case for getting back to our roots and unleashing the power of American Ingenuity.
@@jayrowe6473 you mean like freedom of speech where I can express my opinion freely 😂
Casey, thank you so much! For giving a voice, to so many of us that would rather live with a wrench in our hand rather than an unemployment check!
So sad that left vs right has replaced common sense when voting. I applaud your intelligent ,lucid, and well thought out process of decision making.
It is refreshing to hear level headed sanity.
Sir I enjoy your content and have followed your work since I first saw you tell your stories on Vinwiki. I applaud you for the work you have done and the passion you have for your work and ideals. Keep up the good fight sir. Put your chainmail undies on because the haters are gonna come at ya full force 😂. Looking forward to seeing the full potential of the Omega Car.
Thank you kindly. I never backed down from a fight. Bring it on!
If Trump can get in and Poilievre up North I would sleep better at night.
heck yeah there bud, how aboot them there apples? XD
@@5t0n3d-G4m3r Trump wins just like Putin. Lose and Lie...
Putin wins just like Trump. Lose and lie...
Trump wins just like his buddy Puzztin. Lose and Lie...
North America will be a wealthy great place again
As a european, the problem in your country is obvious. You have two parties to choose from, and that’s it. It’d be one thing if the parties were polar opposites, but they’re not. Economically, both parties are very similar. Socially, democrats appear to be more progressive, but they aren’t actually making any meaningful change on social issues.
The reason you only have two parties happens to be because corporations are allowed to give tremendous amounts of money to politicians whom they deem desirable. Those politicians happen to be democrats and republicans, simply because, both parties are capitalist and corporation-friendly. This divides your country and gives you the illusion of choice, but serious political candidates that want to make real change are prevented from coming into power. No wonder nobody wants to vote either.
This is why Trump is different...no matter what you have heard, he had to enter under one of the two just to get in... In his younger years he was a Democrat, but being intelligent an a businessman and having to work for everything he wanted lead him to the right. Here is the "InTherory" differences... Democrats are for Big Government and High Taxes, Republicans( of old) were for Small Government and Low Taxes. Now you are correct that Both parties over the last 70 years have been captured by special interest and Donors and the Military and Lobbyist and the foreign influence of Israel. So an imperfect patriot, man of means saw what was happening and felt the need to step in and make a difference. Trump was a grass-roots visionary who could not be bought, He turned the Low tax, Small Government Republicans into the NeoRepublicans, fighter of the middle class, America First MAGA Party. A Third Party not loved by most of the RINOS Republican In Name Only. He is far from perfect But our last hope to turn our Republic around, and give it a new start by hopefully cutting out some of the corrupt cancer. Now he learned in his first term that the whole government establishment will be against him, fight him, lie about him, frame and indite him. The whole media will smear him. Cheat against him, attempt to kill him, launch a virus to stop him. So even with the majority of the people for him, the most votes in history for a candidate, it will still be a miracle if we beat the cheaters.
Low Taxes. Now you are correct that Both parties over the last 70 years have been captured by special interest and Donors and the Military and Lobbyist and the foreign influence of Israel. So an imperfect patriot, man of means saw what was happening and felt the need to step in and make a difference. Trump was a grass-roots visionary who could not be bought, He turned the Low tax, Small Government Republicans into the NeoRepublicans, fighter of the middle class, America First MAGA Party. A Third Party not loved by most of the RINOS Republican In Name Only. He is far from perfect But our last hope to turn our Republic around, and give it a new start by hopefully cutting out some of the corrupt cancer. Now he learned in his first term that the whole government establishment will be against him, fight him, lie about him, frame and indite him. The whole media will smear him. Cheat against him, attempt to kill him, launch a virus to stop him. So even with the majority of the people for him, the most votes in history for a candidate, it will still be a miracle if we beat the cheaters.
Didn't think I'd find a logical comment in this comment section, thank you for existing
There are millions of us here who hate both parties, but most people like voting to make me and themselves and others a slave.
There not just corporation friendly the united states is a corporation itself.
"Economically both parties are very similar" BINGO. Everyone talks about how the economy is important, and the economic was so much better under Trump. This is a delusional lie. When you look at real GDP growth, over the last dozen or so years....there is virtually NO DIFFERENCE between Obama's last term, Trump, and Biden. The overall policies are the same, and the actual economic performance has been within +/- 0.2% in real GDP growth per annum.
For some reason Americans are oblivious to this, yet people, like you, from Europe, can see it so clearly from the outside looking in.
As a college student and (Lord willing) future co-founder of an automotive manufacturer, thank you, Mr. Putsch. Reason #36,785 I have to look up to you.
Got your back
I applaud you for coming out and speaking about it.
Trump 2024
Trump wins just like Putin. Lose and Lie...
Putin wins just like Trump. Lose and lie...
Trump wins just like his buddy Puzztin. Lose and Lie...
I am glad someone with a platform like yours speaking out. Be prepared for the backlash from people that dont want to think just want to be about emotions.
Can't wait.
Misguided emotions is the bread and butter of Harris supporters. Full of hot air and not much more.
Im thinking about what trump did on jan 6th
@PhantasmPhoton and what was that? Peacefully protest? How about what the fbi did on Jan 6th. That should worry you more. But hey, higher gas, food, housing and more wars isn't what I want. 12+ million illegals entering our country is not what I want. But great thing about our democratic republic is freedom of speech . Even speech you don't like. Maybe be more worried about the shadow campaign in social media that the democrats did during 2020 election, the one that time magazine talked about. The one that Zuckerberg discussed. But you do you. I back casey on this one
@@PhantasmPhotonjust go away
tell me you don’t understand the economy without telling me you don’t understand the economy
I bet you'll get flac for this, but I appreciate you speaking your mind. Great job Casey.
If he has been anything on this channel, it's transparent. There's few people here who i have as much respect to
Policy's are what effect us not emotions.
Casey, I think where one of your arguments falls apart in regards to the predatory lending, is that uncontrolled/regulated capitalism is what causes such things to happen. As soon as someone figures out a new way to make money, greed takes over, and those with the most money are posed to take advantage. A perfect example is large corporations buying up entire tracts of starter homes, having up rental rates and market costs, literally killing the American dream of home ownership.
Republicans are all about deregulation. If you remove pollution standards, food standards, etc, corporations will take advantage of every opportunity they can to increase profits for the shareholders.
Education? Look at what Trump did with Trump university. And you think he'll be good for education? He had his chance, and the majority of the country didn't like what he did to it.
Don’t bother, he’s a single issue brainwashed MAGAt and there is no way back for him.
The U.S. has very regulated capitalism. Unregulated capitalism was eliminated by Teddy Roosevelt early in the 20th century.
@@mattcolver1 I guess it depends on your definition of "very". Companies have been being bought and merging the last several decades, increasing their control, and reducing competition. This has been blamed for the problems Boeing has been having. There are only 10 companies that control the food industry- I wonder why our food is crap? Student loans wouldn't be as much of an issue if college tuition hadn't out paced inflation by 300% since 1980.
Our love for the almighty dollar is screwing a LOT of our country over, and the right wants to accelerate us down that path. Nevermind that because of Trump's MANY legal problems, he's very obviously financially compromised and easily bought.
When did Democrats make college loans forgivable under standard bankruptcy rules? If not, why not? The Democrats have been very effective at deflecting things they are a part of, like Predatory College lending. It's one of many things that should make you think.
@@kellyfarrington9413 and look what trump did for black colleges.
Wasn't out of control lending, although that is a problem too, it was the fact the US has basically no funded higher learning framework. When you have to be rich to get higher education, and the only way to break the cycle of poverty is education - and you have to make yourself even poorer swindling a loan you will never be able the repay.. The problem is pretty obvious.
Ron Paul warned us about this in 2012 in his farewell speech to Congress.
The 2008 financial crash also gutted my family’s business and the stress eventually took my fathers life a few years later. Like you I was young and oblivious to the massive, entrenched machine that was dictating our lives and I started paying attention.
Seeing taxpayer dollars used to bail out banks and auto manufacturers (only to mainly go to bonuses for those responsible for the crash) while us “normal” people struggled to keep our heads above water was beyond maddening.
Most of those automakers took the bailout from the American people only to turn around and move their manufacturing to Mexico or overseas.
Something’s gotta change, and change soon.
The crash was triggered by a lack of regulation of the banks, just like the one that triggered the great depression. The big issue is how to properly regulate them...
Thank you Casey.
Loan forgiveness is BS. The people knew the loan they took just like a house ,or car. Don't use the young and dumb excuse with me either.
The truth if the matter is that the educational institutions artificially inflated their tuitions to defraud the government, banks, especially the students and their families who often financially assisted their educations. Then they take the money put it in huge tax free hedge funds that unfairly manipulate the economy. All of this needs to stop. A guy flipping burgers or changing tires has to pay tax and these colleges and huge corporations not only dont contribute tax, they swindle tax money from people who dont know if they will be able to afford to eat today or not who work a fulltime job.
The simple solution did you make these debts default able. Allow people to declare bankruptcy. These debts are far inflated from their value in the first place. This will bring institutions both financial and academic to the negotiation table with the debtor. This will provide downward pressure on tuitions, it will also provide debt relief that is reasonable, while providing accountability that is reasonable. Being consequences for that which are already built into the system. Let the market correct it
I'm guessing that you're a boomer. You don't realize how big these loans are, in that you're giving them to kids that are just coming out of high school who don't have a clue. Let the market fix it as I said above. These tuitions are out of line by two or three times. The answer is let the market work. The debts as they are structured now or not ones that can be defaulted on. That is slavery.
Painting all of them as responsible, knowledgeable and capable adults is just as incorrect as painting them all as young and dumb. The focus here should be on the industry practices and getting the people eating shit because of them back to a state of prosperous productivity. FWIW, I think complete loan forgiveness is bullshit too. But letting the moneylenders eat a large segment of an entire generation is not a good solution. Reducing the loans to repayment of just the principal seems like a reasonable middle ground IMO.
I support loan forgiveness simply because I want to see "big education" suffer, catastrophically. Know thy enemy.
right on! I'm a democrat that campaigned for RFK and now support trump
Don't meet investors. Watch out, see what happened to Stanley Meyer.
A well thought out and explained position. Nice video and congrats on the great mpg on the Omega car.
I for one am glad you are educating everyone on these subjects. People are in the dark, on purpose, our government doesn't want us to know what they are doing... we are mushrooms.. kept in the dark and fed schitt.
Welcome aboard Casey! PERFECT presentation and quite "logical" as Spock would say. I've always been a policy guy as well and could care less about anything else.
Some people get so wrapped up in their hate that they tend to forget, there's a choice that needs to made. I'm a HUGE fan of Elon and RFK as well. Seeing them along with Tulsi Gabbard unites with Trump just made it a VERY easy choice. MAGA and MAHA 2024!!
Thank you kindly and AGREED. This video was a big deal for me and I am glad you liked the presentation.
You should sell the Omega Car as a kit.
I do think the build was well documented but it would be an interesting vehicle to turn into a kit. If it's modular you could use any power source you like. I think it'd be a neat platform to turn into a hyper efficient electric (because why not?)
Well said, Casey.
Im also going to say thank god for bringing up the student loan problem, im one of those kids that just wanted a better life
Understandable, but pouring endless amounts of taxpayer money onto it is never going to make university education more affordable, it will only make university administrations far more wealthy and bloated than they already are. If you look at a graph of the tuition costs over the last thirty years they perfectly scale up with the dollar amount of federal student loans made available. They can charge whatever they want for a degree if people can get any amount of money from the government to pay for it.
@TheCoon1975 hey I'm the raccoon around here and I don't think government is the anwser for it
@@roadrunner681 Yeah I think it's like healthcare, we need to force higher education to be more transparent with their prices and encourage competition between them on that front to reduce costs to the consumer, I have yet to see a situation where government intervention actually made something more affordable, they just end up shifting the cost somewhere else and increasing graft by doing so.
Point: I can completely Total your $60,000 Chevy Silverado with my $1000 1966 Chevy C-10 pickup.
And drive my truck home. Auto manufactures are not building cars right.
Late to the party here, but just wanted to express my gratitude for Casey and what he's done for the advancement of humanity, and his selfless dedication to the task of creating and implementation of Genius Garage.
Best speech I've heard this year regarding the impacts of this election on not only the auto industry but the realistic education and employment opportunities for the upcoming generation, my grand kids future is in the balance!
I just want a car that lasts a lifetime withput needing a new motor every 100k to 200k miles. I don't need any computers or gps or any other dumb systems like self parking etc. But todays cars are not built to last. They are built to need a new one every 10years to keep the manufacturers in business
Is it just me or did Mr.Casey hit us right in the feels in the end there. Could not have said it better and i hope to god folks wake up. You are far from alone.
Corruption is not in the system, it is the system!
So youd admit the loan situation is trapping people but you dont want these kids to have an exit. Also your views on education being a left wing bubble is obviously wrong to any person involved in it.
If you think universities aren't a left wing black hole, I don't know what to tell you. All my friends who went to college all agree that it's true.
@@reinbeers5322 if youre hard right enough neutral positions are scary i guess. All my friends had majority conservative professors and so did i and went to 3 universities. Unf specifically is mostly run by conservative business school people.
@@PhantasmPhotonhow long ago was this?
Have you put together a kit that be purchased?
Well $hit there’s a few things I agree with Casey on…
The main one. Obama ruined my family’s business too.
I Also lost 1 good job and 1 good career because of his decisions.
:) Sad to agree on only things that turned out badly for both of us, but glad to find a start to common ground.
@@CaseyPutsch keep up the great work man, you are a modern american hero and nothing anyone here can say will change that fact!!!!
You know what they say: the road to hell is built with good intention
How did Obama ruin your family's business???
As all he did is try to clean up the mess that had been brewing for years, with the crisis starting really during the Bush presidency...
@@davidhollenshead4892 his “policies” had a direct effect and killed off industry
It is so telling too, how You tube had advertisements from the Harris Walz campaign and NONE from DJT. Disgusting of You Tube to set the algorithms that way.
While your politics never factored in to my admiration of your efforts, it's refreshing to see you're able to look past the emotions and and backbiting of American politics and go for what and who is the most pragmatic option. God bless all the work you've done, Mr. Putsch.
What is the material used to make the body of the Omega.
Ok thanks
You’ll lose some…. But you just earned a new subscriber from me. Im a nobody, but I’ll HAPPILY die on this hill with you.
That makes two!
@@CaseyPutsch make that 3
I subscribed too. As a Californian i never understood why car guys vote democrat. I hate high gas prices, gas guzzler tax and ev mandate. And I know you do too. Trump 2024!
Bro why don’t you work with Elon? Put your MAGA hat on and give him a shout! They need a diesel version of the Tesla lol
You would make a great Trump Administration- Transportation Secretary and additionally as an advisor to the Education Secretary.
LOL- guess I should have read some replies below for speaking up.... apparently Im not alone.. My post is apparently an echo of what others said already.
I wish some of the commenters had contacts. I’d be down for that in a heartbeat.
@@CaseyPutsch Since you have a round about-ish connection to Musk... Id start there. Maybe thru X?
Wow, why am i only see this now..... I have some videos to watch.
Elon isn't about free speech as much as you think. As someone with non-mainstream political views, my friends and I have been shadow banned and blocked multiple times on Twitter for just asking hard questions about things that are considered verboten. Until all speech is free, no speech is free.
X is easily the most pro free speech platform on the Internet right now.. it's not even a contest
@@brokenastronaught Four ch@n if you understand how to dodge bots, bait, and shills, both paid and free.
Yeah this is the most baffling part of a baffling video
So what are these unconventional beliefs you speak of? You have my curiosity
@@wysoft I can't seem to post anything. Is this getting through?
You might get hate for this, but it’s what I’ve been trying to tell my friends and family for several years now. Being on a college campus in 2016 was enough to make any sane person scream, and yet, somehow, it’s only gotten worse. I legitimately feel bad for the next generation. I can only hope that rationality and logic make a return in the near future, or our Country is screwed.
Thank you!
You have summed it up better than I ever could. Being born in 1984 I have lived and gone through allot of the same as you so I felt all of that if what you said. Been trying to convince my husband to also understand and put aside emotions and think about the facts and the polices and what huge harm the left is doing and will do to this country if they win. I am going to share this with everyone I know.
Make it so students can sue the school if they didn't provide a valuable education.
It's a shame that today's generation is not worried because they have nothing to lose. I have a friend that his son is 30 and doesn't think he should try to move on his own.. doesn't want to work.. he depends on my friend for health care and he is a Democrat..My friend is almost 60... what a shame.. good times make soft men...
Our future was already sold out by generations far bigger than ours, why should we care? They will always vote for their interests and keep selling the little that is left to China and other countries.
I was stunned by the public educational system when I entered an American high school. Soviet education was vastly superior. We now put our kids in math schools and private schools when they are four years old.
I hope you're right, but I don't see him doing anything different than he did last time.
I am probably leaving that part of the ballot blank, again.
@avgFloridian You said "probably," praying I'm hoping you're open to rethinking what you apparently did in 2020. Against all odds, what Trump did last time was phenomenal! What Biden-Harris have done this time is horrific. So, for God's sake, for your own sake, for the sake of generations to come, please do not leave that part of the ballot blank, again. To do so is to give Kamala a chance to double down on horrific Marxist policies which have failed every time they've been tried and Fascist behavior which leads straight down the road to serfdom and enslavement to totalitarianism. The stakes couldn't be higher and the choice couldn't be clearer. Distasteful as you may find it, it's a decision which you need to make. Because avoidance isn't an option in 2024. The consequences of avoidance could literally prove deadly for our world, our country and you personally + everyone you love and everything you cherish. So, please, for God's sake, for your own sake and for us all: don't cop-out, now! Your family, our country and our world depend on you marking that part of the ballot. Please, please don't let yourself or us down. Thanks for the "probably," and the opportunity to plead the case for reconsideration. Respectfully yours...
@avgFloridian: Under Biden-Harris: "On January 24, 2023, the (Doomsday) Clock was moved to 90 seconds (1 minute, 30 seconds) before midnight, the closest it has ever been set to midnight since its inception in 1947. This adjustment was largely attributed to the risk of nuclear escalation that arose from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Other reasons cited included climate change, biological threats such as COVID-19, and risks associated with disinformation and disruptive technologies." That's a quote from the Doomsday Clock Wikipedia page. The point of our previous post (currently blocked) was that electing Kamala Harris to double down on the same policies which have brought us the closest ever to Doomsday, represents a clear and present danger to you, me and every living soul on Earth. Biden-Harris weakness opened the door to Putin's invasion of Ukraine (not to mention Chinese and Iranian direct and sponsored agression). COVID-19 revealed that governmental actors are the greatest sources of disinformation and are eager; and, often Hellbent, to harness any and all disruptive technologies to gain, retain and exert dictatorial power. Trump got us out of wars. Biden-Harris got us into wars and have spent nearly 4 year moving us ever closer to armageddon. Trump's not the threat to democracy. Kamala, who became the Democrat nominee w/o winning single vote, is the true threat to democracy. If you're for peace, Trump is the right choice. If you're for life, Trump is the right choice. If you're for liberty, Trump is the right choice. If you're for innovation, Trump is the right choice. If you're for saving the planet, Trump is the right choice. Why? Because, just like, as Casey says, we have to innovate, not regulate our way to prosperity. Hence, the only path true to clean, sustainable energy, water, air and soil is innovation, not regulation. That's why to achieve Sustainability Sooner, we put sustainability 3rd. Because the fastest path to sustainability is (counterintuitive as it may seem) by putting reliability 1st and affordability (which is the biggest barrier to access) 2nd. The reason we follow Casey's channel is because, "He gets it!"
It's probably your governor. I'm in California and I've talked to democrats who hate democrat policies BUT they believe it's Trumps fault somehow. Trump 2024!
correct - We have the same problem here in Australia.
How are you going to develop the omega car?
Casey. You are 100%correct and make a lot more sense than any Dem. Thank you for having the courage to say this.
Garry Fuller Sr
Yes sir. Thank you!
No, Casey shared emotion not "sense", which is also what Trump does...
Well done!
I'm in my 60's now, and I have witnessed the change in our country from free speech both hateful and uplifting in the work place, military, education and in the public where the 1st Amendment was honored. I have witnessed the attitude towards our beloved & respect for Christianity and it's churches move to it's demonetization and the murder of it's Church goers. I've seen the corrupting of Islam from an actual Religion of order, however with restrictive personal rights, to the religion of death and hate. I've watched as middle schools had wood shop, metal shop, where you had to draft it 1st before you were allowed to build it, and they taught you how to draft so you could build it. We had small engines, welding classes, automotive repair class where we learned automotive engines and how to build hot rods in High School, we had farming classes and PE in Grade School. We sang Patriotic Songs every morning with the teacher strumming the Auto-harp to God Bless American and America the Beautiful and our National Anthem. What the Demoncratic Party has instructed the National Educators Association to perform social experimentation on our children's minds is CRIMINAL. What the Demoncratic party yes I well call it "Demon-Cratic" Party because I think the Demoncratic Party is best described by what Paul Harvey said it best in his 1968 broadcast; "If I were the Devil". The Demoncratic Party has become the party of Satan's practices, just like Paul Harvey said. The Demoncratic Party has made George Orwell's book "1984" come true and is actively perusing it with all their heart, mind and strength. I do not recognize this great nation of the United States of American that I served 20 years in the US Navy, and another 22 years on contract to preserve. The Demoncratic Party the NEA and the Lefty run Colleges have all but destroyed it's basic fabric. At one time I believed my children would grow up in a safe country to live in, I no longer believe that to be true. I believe they and my grand children will face and see the overthrow of the US Constitution into a type of Lefty Dictatorship with worse controls that "1984" had. However I think that people like you, and the Republicans who won't cave in like President Trump and others like what Dennis Prager, with PragerU is doing in Public Schools is making a small but positive dent in the NEA's goals. We're not down and out yet but it's getting close, and this election is more important that many Americans know. Thanks for the great video, I subscribed to help your channel. Best Wishes & Blessings. Keith Noneya on TH-cam too!
Here here!
It wasn't "Demon-Cratic" Party members who were wearing MAGA Hats who spit in my face & told me to deport myself to Mexico, tried to run me off a 45 mph road, trashed a nice Audi Quattro that I borrowed from my wife, etc. just for having too much Native Blood to pass for White...
have you thought about adding a hybrid system, hybrid diesel would get insane mpg and have a ton of torque. honda was looking at making a hybrid diesel fit a few years ago, it was supposed to get around 80mpg but it was scraped for some reason.
Well spoken.
Thank you kindly
In the 1970s a man in oak hill, fl built a engine and put into a mustang all. But the government wouldn't pass emissions.
The reason yhey kept elon musk out regarding the electric vehicles, they didnt invite him because his factories are not unionized
And yet they have higher pay, really gets the noggin joggin isn't it?
@@My_Old_YT_Account No Tesla doesn't pay UAW wages, and Tesla is a racist & sexist employer, something that they UAW won't tolerate...
As a Canadian i am very happy for your endorsement, we have had far left up here for 9 years and it has destroyed our once beautiful country. Canadians are very angry now. Trump will be good for everyone
Casey did you know your last name is the English/German equivalent of the French phrase "coup d'etat'"?
I sure do. And I sell the T shirt. :)
@@CaseyPutsch Haha, awesome! I thought it was fitting given the topic. I appreciate that old American fighting spirit. Keep up the great work.
The world needs more people who are driven to succeed and able to achieve success thru hard work and dedication,koodos to you sir
WOAH! This was brilliant. Everything about it was brilliant. It's astonishing to me how many people the left has fooled. I'm an Uber driver and I drove this (seemingly) nice couple to their above average home in a trendy neighborhood. As I pulled in the driveway, I saw a sign proudly displayed "Vote like your daughter's rights depend on it. Harris 2024" Believe me when I tell you it took everything I had to not read that aloud and say "You mean the right to compete against only women in women's sports? Trump 2024."
No, so women won't die or lose the ability of having a child or even a sex life when their pregnancy naturally fails. That is what is happening in Texas and a few other states...
Nice. I must say, however, I am fundamentally against large scale waste oil biodiesel production. Years ago, restaurants would pay me to remove their waste oil and I would use it to make diesel for my truck for less than a dollar a gallon. With the "disposal" fees I made, I got free fuel and made a few bucks. Now that larger companies have caught wind, the people paying me to remove their oil were now being paid for their waste oil and I no longer got, basically, free fuel.
Yes, I'm being selfish. The young'uns say, "sorry, not sorry". I'm not sorry about not being sorry. I own it. My days of trying to give back died during the Obama administration when I came up with a way to retrofit polluting factories and power plants to be close to zero emissions, using that air pollution to feed and grow high lipid content diatoms for biofuels (biodiesel and biobutanol). It would cost the polluters zero dollars and my methods allowed me to make fuel that was cheaper than petrol based fuels cost, still paying off a retrofit in less than a decade.
Obama's administration should have loved it but said it "might encourage further use of fossil fuels". They didn't just deny me grants, they took away my permits. I should have sued, but I was just a poor college student. Maybe if I had a successful TH-cam channel as a platform, I could have turned more heads and gotten through it. I hate the sound of my own voice, though, and wouldn't have been able to make it through the editing process...
Under a democracy one has the right to express his or her beliefs. Will one still have that right under a Trump presidency?
Truly hilarious.
Please do
Some research.
Are you actually serious?
Um, yes? Do you have a reason to think otherwise?
Putting aside the draconian fascist policies of Project 2025 you are advocating voting for a man who
*was bankrupted multiple times
*was an accused rapist
*bragged about sexually assaulting women
*accused of sexual assault by numerous women
*sides with enemies of the United States like Putin and Kim Jong Un
*would "solve" the war in Ukraine by denying Ukraine any funding
*proposed nuking hurricanes
*proposed nuking drug cartels in Mexico
*proposed injecting bleach in covid patients
*promised to bring back jobs to America
*grifts his supporter base with sneakers and bibles and crypto currency schemes and commemorative gold coins and trading cards
*grifts the country with fake university diplomas
*believes that people who lose their lives fighting America's wars are suckers and losers
To vote for such a candidate says much for one's own character.
UAW member for Trump here (easily)
Hell yeah
I wish people would understand we do not have the infrastructure to support a full electric economy we will go back in the dark ages
I'm embarrassed as a car enthusiast that I didn't know about this car sooner lol. I've got to watch past videos and learn about it now.
Honored you’re here.
What about the inherent emissions of diesel technology? After Dieselgate, I (and a LOT of other people I know-and presumably media and government) are completely distrusting of anything diesel, since we learned about emissions that are inherent to diesel engines. If bio-fuels are used, how can they be rendered truly green, and produced affordably at scale?
What about price? How much will it cost to put this Omega Car into production? EVs are coming down in price to the point where they are cost-competitive with ICE cars and can deliver superior performance and efficiency (albeit at a premium price). What about reliability and durability? How long will this Omega Car last on the road? How easy will it be to maintain? EVs have much fewer moving parts than ICE vehicles, and no reciprocating motion. I don't see roll-over protection-with such fancy aerodynamics will it be safe?
Hand-crafting a two-seat super-efficiency car is one thing. Mass--producing a safe, reliable, durable, affordable, comfortable, family car is another thing entirely. Such a vehicle will by its nature have compromises from the optimum. Volkswagen produced (at great expense) a diesel hybrid (the XL1) that got more than 250 mpg (when including plug-in assist). Unassisted, it wasn't very good at all, just about matching a 25-year old Honda Insight, which could get about 75 mpg without plug-in assist.
Its also quite clear that you are a single-issue voter, and willing to ignore all other factors-which seems rather dangerously focused to me.
What about foreign policy? I'm worried about Putin, and his continued rampage. Trump has said that he admires Putin. How can I trust him to put the aggressive dictator in his place?
What about the long-term health of the candidate? Trump has been showing signs of serious issues in his speeches lately-slurring his words, wandering off topic, glitching up. He looks senile and unhealthy. The Presidency is a "killer job". Just look at George W. Bush and Obama before and after. That is a high stress environment. Can Trump survive another term alive?
What about environmental protection and public schools? Trump has failed to fully renounce Project 2025, which plans to gut both.
What about gun safety and abortion?
Sure, we need more vocational training and other programs, but that does nothing to help the millions of people who were tricked and trapped into crippling debt, which is an enormous drain on the national economy. Or fix the inequities of the system.
Saying that the Supreme Court struck something down does not make for a good argument. The Supreme Court has a long history of making bad decisions. From Dred Scott to Citizens United-and many of the same "Justices" who did the latter are still on the court.
You say that EV mandates are stifling true innovation, but how?
I get that you passionately put a lot of time, effort, and money into the Omega Car, and that you have a vested interest in seeing it succeed, but it does make you seem a bit biased by a desire to not see that effort go to waste.
History is full of people who developed incredible advances of existing technology that arrived AFTER the paradigm had fundamentally rendered their whole technological branch obsolete-just look at L.D. Porta and the Red Devil-a steam locomotive that was roughly comparable in cost and emissions to contemporary diesels in the 1980s, and at aircraft like the Saunders Roe Princess and the XF-84H Thunderscreech. All of these were outdated before they arrived, and were really the last magnificent gasps of their respective branches of technology. Even as they arrived, competing technologies were on the verge of outpacing them-AC traction motors for diesel-electric locomotives. Jet airliners for the Princess. And the Thunderscreech was determined to be unnecessary.
Dieselgate happened because Volkswagen lied about using a system to reduce emissions made by Mercedes, the system does exist and is actually used in many cars without issue.
EVs have less parts but the battery usually costs more than an entire other car and cannot safely be used if the car was crashed into
Trump warned Germany that Russia/Putin would use Nordstream as leverage to not get sanctions from the EU, he was laughed at by the Germans at the time. Not underestimating the enemy isn't a flaw.
Trump always talked like that, it's just how he is.
He did say he had nothing to do with Project 2025 and didn't like it.
The first amendment is a right, abortion isn't. The abortion bans by states are about equivalent to Europe's, where it has caused no issue.
EV mandates are stifling innovation as various other alternatives fuels were being developed, EVs fundamentally cannot replace all traffic on the road currently, the electric grid cannot sustain even a majority of cars being electric let alone all and the current legislation has been discouraging fuel efficient cars entirely.
How donwe help to get these cars into production?
Your on a platform that does not agree with you. You sir have some huge cojones. Thank you.
Nah, they're not huge. Unlike most people, Casey actually uses his.
You just think this is my leg. ;)
Well Done Casey, I have always enjoyed watching your auto videos especially the slot car and modeling episodes as they are my common interests also... But you hit it out of the park with this one!! Vote Trump!! The Reasoning in this video cannot be denied!!! P.S. Don't let the HATERS in the comments section deture you, Hope you keep doing content on your channel!!!
Cheers sir! I’ll bring more later.
Clinton= war, Bush= war, Obama= war, Trump= NO war, Biden= war. 1 Trump please....
You guy "fell in love" with the communist dictator of N. Korea. Good luck with that.
Maybe my reply is a problem? Just testing.
@@dastrayer63 your reply is a problem? Are your comments getting deleted or something? It's not that rare if you go even a little too spicy or they think that you're "radical" they shoot your comment down ASAP.
@@Ferrari255GTO I'm not sure what I said wrong, but you are correct. I can no longer back up what I said on giggle, but I can on my home vcr tapes. Not sure what will happen to those. Thank you for caring.
@@dastrayer63 no problem, gotta look for each other's backs when the platforms make us shut up unfairly
I love your opinion and your stance on things, education needs to have more opportunities for industry and innovation. This genius garage sounds like what a lot of schools need. We need to get rid of the bureaucracy of the office of education. And I think you have something that shows a genuine comparable Idea that allows the combustion engine to be a part of the future
I’m glad the guy from caseysgoldenshovel finally made a special appearance on Casey the Car Guy.
Contrast "Ask not what your Country can do for you, ask what you can do for your Country" with the freebies that Kamala is peddling. The Democrat party left us, we didn't leave them. Edit; Casey for Transportation Secretary.
I'm a Brit and we need Trump to win, otherwise this world is screwed.
I, as a Brit, think not. I would not want him alone in a room with my wife, let alone in charge of a great country again. He is a misogynistic bully.
@@johnforeman6620 I hope you'll enjoy living under sharia law and dhimmitude.
@@johnforeman6620 You're delusional, you'd be comfortable with Biden alone in a room with your wife and kids huh? Stop believing what the mainstream media is telling you. Trump derangement symptoms is real. Evaluate yourself, I've been there, then i opened up my eye and did my own research.
@@johnforeman6620 No one cares about your feelings! Cry more!!
Get on the Trump Train! Make America Heathy and Great Again!
Shes about control, nothing more
Agreed, but actually there IS much more going on than that.
@CaseyPutsch I know it's worst, these people would burn the world to ground just stay rich and in power, I mean we got 25mpg out of a square body suburban with a old 12 valve, a manual 5 speed and a 3.51 rear end, so if we can do that gm and ford can absolutely crush us but they won't because epa
@@roadrunner681 It would if it had modern mapped engine management and ran on CNG or Propane...
Politicians only legislate what they see and believe what people want to get votes while also keeping the status quo of the current economy leaders. Quite perplexing. But people themselves have to make the change and believe that their dollars for consuming and investing have a chance to break the mold. People need confidence and education to believe how things really can get better in every industry and support that direction. I have 2 industries I’m trying to fix better Against all odds and time sucks but no way to give up once you know and see the end game. Good luck. I’ll support you.
Apparently, your priorities and mine don't align. You have your opinion and I have mine. Keeping the automotive industry happy is not as important to me as keeping a lunatic egomaniac out of power.
@@stevenreid-g2y well put
Trumps ego isn't a diffentiating factor here
Vs a woman, who in her time as California's DA, kept inmates in prison after their sentences were over because CA could use the free labor? That's the shining beacon you want to follow?
No one, including YOU, voted for kamala in the primaries. Trump 2024! And no I'm not psychic. I just used logic.
These are the longest Shoe laces I have ever seen. You should get shorter ones so you don't suffer an accident from their length.
3:27 easy another rich man they can’t control. Even though he is still a lefty.
Ever meet a billionaire snorting rails of K that says homelessness frostbite is just a simulation?
Elon is far from a lefty!
Mr. Musk is a White Nationalist and far right...
The reason I think Elon didn’t get to that meeting was UNIONS……
Can't speak the truth you'll be censored. JS
Great video Great information 👍
I didn't need any convincing, but if I had you would have succeeded. You described the things I've been seeing for a while better than I could have & better than any politician or political commentator I've ever heard. Trump 2024!
I completely agree. I ask friends, how did the cost of College expand so much faster than inflation.. Cheap money, same will happen with houses if people are given money to put down... they house costs will only rise.
The same thing DID happen with houses. They lowered rates to like 2% and prices went way up
We need you as the transportation secretary or education secretary or both. You are totally correct on everything you have said!! You are a true patriot. God bless you 💥💥💥✝️✝️✝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸