interesting stuff! though i certainly do not understand all the meanings of the Bible, i choose to rely confidently on the verse in Titus where Paul states emphatically that God cannot lie. And or God does not lie. It does not even mean that God has lied to us if we Christians, with time and scholarship as with the scholarship of Heiser, discover additional hidden meanings in the texts which are translated from ancient languages. I emphatically believe that it means that God does not lie just as He Himself has said in His Bible to us. But that he allowed us to search for the meanings over the centuries of time and that then in His own timing we discover new interpretations with further scholarship and study, and, or, that He reveals more of the meaning to us. Fascinating stuff!
Thank you for posting this.
Mark was the fish who saved me, imsorry old friend, its been along time but i would never forgot that day. Thank you
Why does he (the translator) see that term? The Septuagint is translated from an earlier text why not trust it over the later Hebrew grate fish?
interesting stuff! though i certainly do not understand all the meanings of the Bible, i choose to rely confidently on the verse in Titus where Paul states emphatically that God cannot lie. And or God does not lie. It does not even mean that God has lied to us if we Christians, with time and scholarship as with the scholarship of Heiser, discover additional hidden meanings in the texts which are translated from ancient languages. I emphatically believe that it means that God does not lie just as He Himself has said in His Bible to us. But that he allowed us to search for the meanings over the centuries of time and that then in His own timing we discover new interpretations with further scholarship and study, and, or, that He reveals more of the meaning to us. Fascinating stuff!
Hold on, the pardon is for jail time, they can still be investigated
Why? To stand against JC teaching.
The sign of jonah is death , burial and resurrection