You should make a mini series follow the new guy and helping the beginner with food choices and his progress I would watch that and a few if my buddy's would to
Hi, I'm 14 (male) :) I started this workout a month ago, and there has been some major improvements. I used to be able to see my vague but still apparent breast (concluded baby fat), and last year during gym when we ran a mile outside I could never get the gatorade award. This year, I started and did it for a week, and my breast are flat, my abs are toned (not able to be seen YET but when flexing are toned), my arms gained some muscle mass, calves and thighs got some muscle mass, and this year I completed 3 laps in gym in under I think it was 3-4 minutes, and got the gatorade award :) I just had to find and comment on how this video really helped me. Thanks :D
For someone that is a programmer and sits down all day this is excellent. Until I watched this I had never done a single workout in my life (I kid you not!). I gave up smoking recently.... and before I totally screw up my body and die early I think its about time I gave it a little respect. I appreciate you targeting us newbies and your explanatory talk during this tells me not only what to do, but why it is being done... So thanks Very much.
for those looking for a bit more intense type of training I would recommend doing these exercises but instead of only 30 seconds go till failure. so how every many push ups you can do till you drop then switch to toe touches till you can't get your fingers to your toes and so on for the 3 sets or even more if you wanted. Just make sure to watch what your body tells you. If you start hurting too much pace yourself more because you maybe over working out which can lead to injury.
Six Pack Shortcuts Hi Mike, First of all I am a "HUGE FAN" :D . Thank for your motivating videos. I am from Kolkata- IINDIA :) . I used to be a very fit and strong guy, I played soccer, basketball and lots of other sports before. But recently due to an accident I was in bed for almost 6-7 months after being in Care-unit for 2 months, I am in a downward spiral. I went broke, could not afford good diet and the list goes on. Right now I managed to get a small job and my own accommodation. And thanks to your videos, I am motivated to workout to a better physic again. Thank you so much for that. Now the situation is, I have not gained any weight since the accident, however I have grown exponentially around my waistline. I have been working out rigorously since 6 months now with no significant changes. That is where I need your help. Since I do not get time after work, I usually work at at home with some equipments bought from the local stores. Its a small apartment that I live in. I have an workout area of 4ft x 4ft only. I am just looking for your guidance to loose these ""unloose-able""/ useless mass from my waistline. And also, if you can suggest a diet which is good for me yet fairly inexpensive. Help me love my mirror again :) .
WOE just tried this and wow it feels good shows how out of shape i am fitness ways. was looking for a way to start working out and was stuck on how to go about it this might work for me. i have a little bedroom and dont have any room this is ideal :D thanks gonna try get in to a daily routine of doing this :D
Thank you. This is EXTREMELY HELPFUL. Too many trainers want to load you up right away. These excercises are simple and straight to the point. Got my out of shape ass tired, but feeling good.
How many times a week should you do this as a beginner when you are skinny? And do you need to do other exercises in addition to this? Thx for feedback
I had the same question so I just basically took it upon myself to do it once a day. However the first time I did it, I had to take the next day to rest because my body was such out of shape and my muscles were too zapped to repeat it the next day.
Mike, I gotta say this video is really helping, as a diabetic it's extremely hard to gain muscle, and i'm seeing great results with this routine for beginners. Just wanted to say Thank You.
Hey, I'm a total beginner and underweight so do I have to gain more weight before working out? Again, I eat a low but im naturally skinny and the only place I get fat is stomach :/
+Megatron no. dont gain weight,gain muscle. since you have bellyfat you will have to burn it first then start muscle gain programme. do all bodyweight exercises,lose the fast and gain cant gain muscle and lose fat at the same time
Thank You Mike. I watched this video and thought "I can do that" I didn't realize how Out-Of-Shape I am until I viewed this video again and did the exercises with you. By the 2nd round of pushups I was on my knees just trying to keep up. You are an inspiration and I will be doing this workout daily until it becomes easy and I need to move on to something more of a challenge. Thank You once again. Rick
I'm 14, this is my daily workout 30 push ups 100 crunches 1 minute of the bicycle thing.. 20 toe touches 10 sit ups 30 more push-ups And then I'm done and go to bed
I do the sam but the bike think in school i do level 20(thts hard) for 2 mins straight and I'm just 14 lol. Also I do footy(soccer) training which is intense
Hi Mike... I really like your suggestions and workouts for skinny guys. I am Rahul and I have started following your Sixpack shortcuts just few days ago and i have been doing the 7 min simple beginner excise for men at home from the past one week. I am writing this to you to know a little more on how many days should i carry out the 7 min excise and what can i do next. I am a little skinny guy and am following your diet and having food every two hours. Please suggest your inputs. Thanks a lot!!
now this is honestly a great way to show an audience what your trying to tell them in a more physical way by using someone who has not been working out/lifting for years, but instead like you mentioned, for only 2 weeks. it really shows a point of view for someone else starting out :) great video
I kind of get put off working out because all my sister does is tease me and she didn't believe me. Thanks for the tips, working out should be better now.
A lot of people have a bad habit of holding their breath when performing workouts. My gf did that all the time and kept getting dizzy and light headed. Remember to take deep, measured full breaths throughout your workout. Your body needs that oxygen more then ever.
I stoped drinking Coke for 1 month and a half, doing only this exercise and eating only white meat, vegetables , fruits and drinking watter. Lost 7kgs . Had 83kg now 76kg. You don't to belive me and I care not but this exercise is really good, u just have to eat good. Because coke I know was the main thing i was drinking alot in the day
Pozdrav, Dušane. A koliko si visok? 76 kila mi se čini možda ipak malo, ali ovisi koliko si visok, naravno. I daj mi reci, stvarno si (uz, naravno, promjene u prehrani koje si naveo) radio samo ovo?
MrBijeloplavi Pozdrav, visok sam negde 183cm inache da poshto sam se nalivao gaziranim sokovima svakodenvo pa me je šećer verovatno i nagruvao jedno dodatnih 7kila pa sam i zbog toga obimnije i jeo. Počeo sam da radim ove vežbe i jedva sam bio uradio 4 skleka u 30 sec kada sam poč sam kilav mnogo, jedva da sam uradio jedan set ovih vežbi u početku i vremenom dostigao do 4 seta ovih vežbi tako da mi je vežba trajala negde oko 10minuta dnevno, uglavnom sam izbacio šećer maksimalno a unosio voće povrće i belo meso i dosta vode, inache da samo sam ovu vežbu radio i ništa sa strane, meni nije bio cilj da se nagruvam u mišićima nego da izgubim malo kila nisam ni planirao da izgubim 7kg nego jednostavno mi postala rutina da radim ovo svaki dan i eto...
Dusan Acimovic Odlično i čestitam, samo nemoj više mršaviti :) U drugom mjesecu ove godine, otprilike kada sam pisao onaj post iznad, imao sam nešto preko 104 kilograma (visok sam 184 cm, imam 37 god). Tada sam odlučio da nešto konačno moram poduzeti u vezi toga, zato sam i gledao ove klipove i tražio najbolje načine. Inače nisam nikadabio debeo, bavio sam se i sportom, ali godine sjedenja pred kompom, prestanak sa sportom, žderanje čipseva i kasnih večera u obilnim količinama naplatilo je danak opako. Sada, dok ti odgovaram, imam 87 kilograma, liniju sam dotjerao do ocjene "odličan" (znam da samohvalno zvuči, ali si ne mogu pomoći :), mišićnu masu sam povećao, najveći dio masti istopio. Još je ostalo vrlo malo "tvrdoglave masti" na grudima, ali i to će vremenom otići. Uglavnom, nikakve dijete, apstinencija od hrane i slična mučenja nisam upražnjavao - isključivo vježba i rekreacija (bicikl, rolanje, jednoručni utezi i kombinacije slične ovome iz videa), ali ništa peintenzivno, samo redovito i uporno. Počeo sam jesti puno kvalitetnije namirnice, ali se nisam odrekao gotovo ničega što volim, uveo sam 5 obroka dnevno... Jedino što je stvar prošlosti su - čipsevi i slične grickalice. Gazirano pijem iznimno rijetko, to nikada nije ni bio problem, sokove izbjegavam, voda i nezaslađeni čajevi su ono što pijem. Eto recepta svakome - nikakvo ubijanje i mudrovanje, samo upornost, malo truda i malo promjene u prehrani.
Thanks for the video Mike. I just did 2 sets of this, and I'm feeling the pain. I haven't worked out much in the past 15 years, since I was 21, I'm 37 now, and have recently been diagnosed with Low-T. Trying to get my declining energy back, and drop a lot of belly fat. I have a long way to go, but I need to do this for my well-being.
I feel like this is a workout for someone who didn't do any sports in high school as well so wasn't able to at least have a good beginner athletic like build. I guess this helps you get that so you can ben ready for the gym.
+Hi my name is Mike. Yeah probably, any workout is better than no work out. Especially for someone like me who's obese and trying to eat right and do whatever it takes to burn off lbs.
3366catch mhm, I don't get why some are calling this a bad workout, if you are just starting out, or maybe you went a week or two without working out because of a vacation or other reasons this is great for you. Sure for someone like me who's been "intelligently" working out for a bout 8 months now this wouldn't help. But this is perfect for a beginner or someone who's trying to get back into shape. Or.. simply doesn't have time to hit the gym that day lol let alone workout for an hour or so.
Katelyn Rogers nice man i'm telling you this workout is fine to stay fit. Good luck and keep pushing. I did this yesterday when I couldn't go to the gym cause of a flood issue that's been happening in Houston.
This training will give you strength and resistance, really good for beginners, if you want muscles you should go to the gym, but this is a very good starting point.
My first actual workout in over a year. You're very motivating! I can't do the full push-ups yet, but I have a loft bed in my room, and I plan on slowly working my way down the ladder. Third rung now, and we'll see about next week.
just have to say love this work out I have lupus and this work out is great been doing it for 2 weeks straight now and I've finally feeling normal and can acutely breath now . thank you so much for this.
Loved it! Was easy and I felt like I did a full 30 mins at the gym! Plan on doing this for a week and then add one rep a week til I get to 5 reps! Totally recommend! Thanks for the workout! Good luck everyone!
+Solid Director Find a workout routine that works for you. I was 260 lbs 35 days ago. Down to 243 lbs. It takes A LOT of sacrifice (Food, routine). I feel much better about myself and my physical image already. Once you get into a diet and workout routine, it gets easier day by day. You can do it!
This is a real good work out for a combo exercise, i did this along with 7 minute ab work outs and 7 minute cardio almost every single day, i actually went into a competition and won first place! Thanks mike for showing me this beginner exercise method.
I've just come to realise that I'm seriously getting fat I used to do a lot of sports when I was young like running football hockey so I never thought that I would get fat but 5'11 and am about 18 stone 3 pounds it suddenly hit me I need to start exercising I'm a barman and I sweat a lot at work but I'm gonna start do this every morning I will write bk to u in about 2 weeks to see if anything change if u could send me a diet plan for really (don't want say it) fat people then that would be great thank you
Good luck you can do it, I feel you but I'm the other way around, I'm skinny, 6"3 and 128 pounds but I've only started using dumbels, hope you get positive results. If not keep trying!
The first time I watched this I looked at it saying "Ah easy I can do this 5 rounds, not only 3!". But when I tried this workout I couldn't go through the first round. My heart was pounding like hell and my tonsils were hurting like hell, also my head. I was so exhausted and dizzy I had to wait like 30minutes to chill out. I have so much respect for all of those who are in shape right now... it's amazing.
Hey mike it's matthew, from northern Ireland, im 21 years old, i have been watching videos on you tube and other websites on how to start working out and none have worked, but after watching this video im definitely going to give this a try. I've been wanting to work out for a long time and didn't know how to start out because of the different work out exercises there are and things in my life have been getting in the way and stopped me from doing this, and have stopped me from getting the body that im looking for. i have never been happy with myself or my physical appearance and this is a great way to start the change to my body and my life and give me confidence within myself. i am certain that there maybe other guys out there that feel the same way that i do but if there any other things that you could suggest to me or other guys out there that feel the same as me it would be deaply appreciated, I've been unhappy for a long time and after watching this video i hope that this will be the start of new things for me. also i was wondering if brian did this everyday?
That's how they get stronger ! They will then grow stronger, if you think of it it's kind of natural selection, the worse muscles don't survive, so better, stronger ones replace them.
Loved this! Thanks. I'm almost 60 years old. Went from 283 to 200 in 16 months just by watching what I eat and now I'm trying to get into shape for the first time in my life. My only questions are how often should I do this and should there be anything additional I should add? Should I be adding cardio or is this considered a cardio? Starting can be very confusing. Thanks
Hey Paul, great job on losing the weight. This is a pretty simple routine. I would say 3 days a week to start then gradually work up to 5 or 6 days a week. The only resistance you are getting is from your own body weight. This routine will not get you bulked up like weight training would and your body is not tearing muscle that needs a day to rest. However, those of us in the 60 year range need to go slowly which is why you should start in with 3 days a week. I would only start with one set not two as in the video. The guys in the video are younger and can start right in with multiple sets. When you are comfortable with one set then add in the second set. Than gradually go to 4 then 5 and perhaps 6 days a week. Hope this helps.
New year, let's start doing workout. I rarely do workout for years, so I find it hard to follow other workout video for "beginner" but I think this video is suitable for a guy like me. Thanks guys!
Lukaszram at the start of last year so when I was fifteen I couldn't do 1 and tester day I did 160 in reps of 20 but why would you judge someone for not being able to do something just because they have chosen a different path from working out ect doesn't mean they should rethink their life he is obviously out of his comfort zone doing something he's not use to doesn't mean you have to judge him u should respect him for trying to improve
I am 54 and returning to working out after more than a year off. I have had back and knee problem, and want to know if it is ok the do the high knees as a quick march instead of running? The movement of a march has less impact on my knees but keep my heart rate up and works my core. It is less strenuous but I can do the entire work out. Thanks for all of your videos, I watch even the ones I can't do yet for tips and motivation.
Im 27 and totally a beginner and omg this workout killed me. One problem though, with the toe touches, my back hurts a LOT, to the point that I had to stop during the 3rd round of reps - is it usual to have so much pain in your back? Also I'll probably be doing this workout for a while, but could the next video be about the next step up from this? thanks and keep up the great work :)
This small workout helped me get started tremendously, really shows you how badly you can be out of shape lol! Also been taking cold showers before I do this to get my energy up, which helps a lot. Im up to x5 sets so far after 6 days so far.
I just want to say thank you for giving such good commentary on these videos your tips and the way you communicate how you didn't get to where you are right now instantly really helps motivates us chubby people :)
Hey Mike my son started your workout and it helped him alot with his strength he's a football player an soon will be a MMA fighter Thanks for your workout..I just started today do u have a video that will workout the whole body especially the butt shape it an lift it Thanks
Your comment, do what you can, brilliant advice and great to hear. As you say, persevere, push forward using whatever you can, ie pushups off the couch, desk etc. Something else I liked about your video, don't sacrifice form. A lot of beginners get a mindset that they need to count out the reps to their fullest whereas they should do what they can while maintaining correct form. better to do less with proper form than more, incorrectly, and perhaps cause an injury.
Thanks a lot great video. I am older than most on here and very out of shape, not too fat outside but I sure will be inside. I also went vegan from lacto vege just recently and feel much better for it. Do you have any diet tips to help me, I am not bothered about building heaps of muscle I just want an efficient healthy body. I am looking to couple your workouts with some yoga.
Really great workout! I'm like, starting to get more lazy and i will get FAT if i continue on this path, without good workout. I just tried this one while watching, and i can tell you! It will work! I will try this every day from now on. Thank you for sharing this beginners work out!
I'm going to try this workout for a few weeks to start then move on to more advanced routines when I'm ready. love your channel. I want to be the best I can be and I know I can do it with your help thanks
Love you workouts. Started doing some of the other workouts and had to cut the reputations. This workout give me a chance to do the full workout. How many days per week should I do this workout?
I really thank you for the video, just about everyone that i have looked up has been either too difficult or too much (for beginners) always too long and i get tired faster due to my age. Thanks for this one this is what i needed.
Dude, thank you so much. I've been trying to find a nice quick workout for a while now and this is perfect! It's just at the right leval for beginners and now I can start getting in shape again!
Props to Brian for helping out in this video. It's hard to let the world see you do something that you're still just a beginner at. Plus, something like 900,000 people have watched this. There's nothing I've ever done that that many people saw.
Hey mike! :) started doing this today After the second set i thought i wouldnt finish the workout but i puahed my self and i told myself that this is just the beginning and ill be succesful :)) i finished the whole workout and it felt great im gonna do this twice a day ill reply here after a month :) ty man!
Hi Mike I did this for 5 my months felt really good. Then, I stopped because I felt so good. No, wrong I'm starting up again. I love it it's all around different moves. Can do this before I go into work. So easy, 7 minutes that's it. Thanks Mike!! Your 👍👍 great
Thanks, that was really helpful. I am new to working out and it is so hard for me to do 30 mins. This was short but very effective. It felt like forever.
Nice vid.My question is how often should you do these you do them every day even if your sore?and when should you start to incorperate other types of workouts like weights?i'd really apprecieate your reply thanks
Just did this for the first time! Also first time ever working out. Wish me luck guys, I am going to try my best to stick with it and start on my journey of getting fit!
i am 25 years of age.. i am a beginner.. i am skinny type... my doubts are : how many days we need to do this 7 minute workout to go to the next stage..? What is the next stage...? my aim is to stay fit and to have good body.... my problem is that you have uploaded so many videos with so many types of routines... i dont know which one to do, what is the order and how much to do each one... so if you can help, that would be great...
Start with these basics. You do a little every day, or at least very much aim to. When you start noticing it's not so bad, you're getting stronger, increase the intensity/add more exercises. Ultimately intensity is what will maks you big but you can't get there without consistency. Consistency is a lot more important in the end, so if you're hurting so much that you can't make it through a work out the next day don't be ashamed to take it down a notch temporarily. And eat lots of greens and high quality proteins :) just because you're skinny doesn't mean nutrition doesn't matter ;)
I have started today :) happy so far. man, these are so hard for me, or maybe i'm just fat. and by the way, should i warm up at first or is it ok to do these exercises right away?
Hello all, i have a question, if anyone can answer me. I started doing this beginner workout about 3 months ago, i am consistant with it and i can already see some results. Since it got warmer I also started to jog after this workout. Its a normal intensity 25 min jog. Is it ok to combine this workout with a jog afterwards or should i not do it?
Just now I did this is its entirety and learned two things. One, I wasn't as physically prepared to do this as I thought I was, and two, my legs are still super long and I still can't come close to touching my toes. I'm looking forward to this tomorrow, though!
I have had a spinal fusion and would like some good beginner exercises that I can do to strengthen my core in an effort to stave off future surgeries as long as possible. I have no restrictions and my fusion took place at the L5-S1 level. Can you make any good suggestions for me? BTW I am 50 and out of shape though not overly so. Thanks
thanks for the tips and for everything I really just started to work out and i'm looking forward to having a good shaped body but thanks for the shortcuts but could you tell me what foods should I eat more and daily that would be helpful thanks ..
Hi there! I just have a few questions regarding this workout, because I watched your other video where you are explaining why you should not train every day, so I was wondering, does this 7 minute workout for beginners fall in the main category? I mean if I'm a beginner, should I do it on a daily basis? And is it okay if I combine it with 30 minutes of jogging?
Thanks for TEACHING an effective beginner's workout. I like that you showed how to NOT do a pushup, and how to correct it. I'm hoping to lose eighty pounds by October, and am terrified. I've lost forty-eight pounds before (but gained it all back, plus more) and know how hard it will be. I did it through Herbalife and portion control, but I've never retained a workout. I'm in unchartered territory, however this video actually gives me a glimmer of hope.
I just saw your reply; sorry I didn't respond sooner. I've lost about 5 lbs from where I started, but I'm hovering. My desire for weight loss is fairly weak this month. Tons of stress with work and college has worn me out and taken my focus off of other goals. However, I achieved some big successes this past week. I'm riding the momentum which I've gained to be more diligent in my health goals now though. Thanks for checking up on me; I really appreciate it!
Added another round today now I'm on 4 rounds hoping to get to 5 rounds soon. Thanks mike I'm really sticking to this, I just got to figure out the eating part and I'm on my way!
I have never worked out in my entire life. But Im surely gonna start with this. But would you please share diet and when should I do this exercise as in empty stomach or what else. Im a healthy person (81 kgs) bdw.
You should make a mini series follow the new guy and helping the beginner with food choices and his progress I would watch that and a few if my buddy's would to
Indeed I agree with you
Robert Carrasco yes thats right
Hi, I'm 14 (male) :)
I started this workout a month ago, and there has been some major improvements. I used to be able to see my vague but still apparent breast (concluded baby fat), and last year during gym when we ran a mile outside I could never get the gatorade award.
This year, I started and did it for a week, and my breast are flat, my abs are toned (not able to be seen YET but when flexing are toned), my arms gained some muscle mass, calves and thighs got some muscle mass, and this year I completed 3 laps in gym in under I think it was 3-4 minutes, and got the gatorade award :)
I just had to find and comment on how this video really helped me. Thanks :D
For someone that is a programmer and sits down all day this is excellent. Until I watched this I had never done a single workout in my life (I kid you not!).
I gave up smoking recently.... and before I totally screw up my body and die early I think its about time I gave it a little respect.
I appreciate you targeting us newbies and your explanatory talk during this tells me not only what to do, but why it is being done... So thanks Very much.
People might diss this, but for a beginner workout it's great
U R correct.
for those looking for a bit more intense type of training I would recommend doing these exercises but instead of only 30 seconds go till failure. so how every many push ups you can do till you drop then switch to toe touches till you can't get your fingers to your toes and so on for the 3 sets or even more if you wanted. Just make sure to watch what your body tells you. If you start hurting too much pace yourself more because you maybe over working out which can lead to injury.
Six Pack Shortcuts Hi Mike, First of all I am a "HUGE FAN" :D . Thank for your motivating videos. I am from Kolkata- IINDIA :) . I used to be a very fit and strong guy, I played soccer, basketball and lots of other sports before. But recently due to an accident I was in bed for almost 6-7 months after being in Care-unit for 2 months, I am in a downward spiral. I went broke, could not afford good diet and the list goes on. Right now I managed to get a small job and my own accommodation. And thanks to your videos, I am motivated to workout to a better physic again. Thank you so much for that. Now the situation is, I have not gained any weight since the accident, however I have grown exponentially around my waistline. I have been working out rigorously since 6 months now with no significant changes. That is where I need your help. Since I do not get time after work, I usually work at at home with some equipments bought from the local stores. Its a small apartment that I live in. I have an workout area of 4ft x 4ft only. I am just looking for your guidance to loose these ""unloose-able""/ useless mass from my waistline. And also, if you can suggest a diet which is good for me yet fairly inexpensive. Help me love my mirror again :) .
You have my Respect Sir!
WOE just tried this and wow it feels good shows how out of shape i am fitness ways.
was looking for a way to start working out and was stuck on how to go about it this might work for me. i have a little bedroom and dont have any room this is ideal :D thanks gonna try get in to a daily routine of doing this :D
Thank you. This is EXTREMELY HELPFUL. Too many trainers want to load you up right away. These excercises are simple and straight to the point. Got my out of shape ass tired, but feeling good.
Thanks for making this video. For us with no clue :-)
nebulawars lmao ikr
hacker relatable
How many times a week should you do this as a beginner when you are skinny?
And do you need to do other exercises in addition to this? Thx for feedback
Do it daily and drink protein shake, that'll give you fat to work into muscles.
I had the same question so I just basically took it upon myself to do it once a day. However the first time I did it, I had to take the next day to rest because my body was such out of shape and my muscles were too zapped to repeat it the next day.
Mike, I gotta say this video is really helping, as a diabetic it's extremely hard to gain muscle, and i'm seeing great results with this routine for beginners. Just wanted to say Thank You.
Hey, I'm a total beginner and underweight so do I have to gain more weight before working out? Again, I eat a low but im naturally skinny and the only place I get fat is stomach :/
+Megatron me too :/
+Megatron no. dont gain weight,gain muscle. since you have bellyfat you will have to burn it first then start muscle gain programme. do all bodyweight exercises,lose the fast and gain cant gain muscle and lose fat at the same time
This could be due to protein deficiency. Or was it calcium? I'm pretty sure it is protein so eat more meat and exersizes
Hey Mike... Do you have a video of Bryan's progress?
Thank You Mike. I watched this video and thought "I can do that" I didn't realize how Out-Of-Shape I am until I viewed this video again and did the exercises with you. By the 2nd round of pushups I was on my knees just trying to keep up. You are an inspiration and I will be doing this workout daily until it becomes easy and I need to move on to something more of a challenge.
Thank You once again.
I'm 14, this is my daily workout
30 push ups
100 crunches
1 minute of the bicycle thing..
20 toe touches
10 sit ups
30 more push-ups
And then I'm done and go to bed
what time of crunches do you do man?
Bradley Medina
Grammar Nazi
Ur a liar
I do the sam but the bike think in school i do level 20(thts hard) for 2 mins straight and I'm just 14 lol. Also I do footy(soccer) training which is intense
mike, can you do another kind of exercise like this, but more advanced?
Hi Mike... I really like your suggestions and workouts for skinny guys.
I am Rahul and I have started following your Sixpack shortcuts just few days ago and i have been doing the 7 min simple beginner excise for men at home from the past one week. I am writing this to you to know a little more on how many days should i carry out the 7 min excise and what can i do next.
I am a little skinny guy and am following your diet and having food every two hours. Please suggest your inputs. Thanks a lot!!
Any new videos's of the guy in the white shirt? I want to see a transformation lol
Blayne Hamilton sameeee
Show us one.
He's dead already
Lost 8 pounds thxs mike!I did the m-100 then this the 10 min fat burner,and last old school ab workout.Thxs alot mike went from 180 to 162!
Sorry 170 oops.
Nice bro! I am pretty skinny, Was 60-65 kg then i gave up smoking and started working out and put on 8 kg in only a couple of months! Now 73 kg
now this is honestly a great way to show an audience what your trying to tell them in a more physical way by using someone who has not been working out/lifting for years, but instead like you mentioned, for only 2 weeks. it really shows a point of view for someone else starting out :) great video
when I work out I always feel really dizzy and ill. It doesnt help that I am slightly overweight. Any tips?
Drink a lot of water before
I kind of get put off working out because all my sister does is tease me and she didn't believe me. Thanks for the tips, working out should be better now.
A lot of people have a bad habit of holding their breath when performing workouts. My gf did that all the time and kept getting dizzy and light headed. Remember to take deep, measured full breaths throughout your workout. Your body needs that oxygen more then ever.
Thank you :D
Drink loads of water in the hours before the workout. Just don't fill your belly right before.
I stoped drinking Coke for 1 month and a half, doing only this exercise and eating only white meat, vegetables , fruits and drinking watter. Lost 7kgs . Had 83kg now 76kg. You don't to belive me and I care not but this exercise is really good, u just have to eat good. Because coke I know was the main thing i was drinking alot in the day
your 76 KG!!!!!!! i'm 15 years old normal looking not fat and i'm 75 kg
Pozdrav, Dušane. A koliko si visok? 76 kila mi se čini možda ipak malo, ali ovisi koliko si visok, naravno. I daj mi reci, stvarno si (uz, naravno, promjene u prehrani koje si naveo) radio samo ovo?
MrBijeloplavi Pozdrav, visok sam negde 183cm inache da poshto sam se nalivao gaziranim sokovima svakodenvo pa me je šećer verovatno i nagruvao jedno dodatnih 7kila pa sam i zbog toga obimnije i jeo. Počeo sam da radim ove vežbe i jedva sam bio uradio 4 skleka u 30 sec kada sam poč sam kilav mnogo, jedva da sam uradio jedan set ovih vežbi u početku i vremenom dostigao do 4 seta ovih vežbi tako da mi je vežba trajala negde oko 10minuta dnevno, uglavnom sam izbacio šećer maksimalno a unosio voće povrće i belo meso i dosta vode, inache da samo sam ovu vežbu radio i ništa sa strane, meni nije bio cilj da se nagruvam u mišićima nego da izgubim malo kila nisam ni planirao da izgubim 7kg nego jednostavno mi postala rutina da radim ovo svaki dan i eto...
Dusan Acimovic Odlično i čestitam, samo nemoj više mršaviti :) U drugom mjesecu ove godine, otprilike kada sam pisao onaj post iznad, imao sam nešto preko 104 kilograma (visok sam 184 cm, imam 37 god). Tada sam odlučio da nešto konačno moram poduzeti u vezi toga, zato sam i gledao ove klipove i tražio najbolje načine. Inače nisam nikadabio debeo, bavio sam se i sportom, ali godine sjedenja pred kompom, prestanak sa sportom, žderanje čipseva i kasnih večera u obilnim količinama naplatilo je danak opako. Sada, dok ti odgovaram, imam 87 kilograma, liniju sam dotjerao do ocjene "odličan" (znam da samohvalno zvuči, ali si ne mogu pomoći :), mišićnu masu sam povećao, najveći dio masti istopio. Još je ostalo vrlo malo "tvrdoglave masti" na grudima, ali i to će vremenom otići. Uglavnom, nikakve dijete, apstinencija od hrane i slična mučenja nisam upražnjavao - isključivo vježba i rekreacija (bicikl, rolanje, jednoručni utezi i kombinacije slične ovome iz videa), ali ništa peintenzivno, samo redovito i uporno. Počeo sam jesti puno kvalitetnije namirnice, ali se nisam odrekao gotovo ničega što volim, uveo sam 5 obroka dnevno... Jedino što je stvar prošlosti su - čipsevi i slične grickalice. Gazirano pijem iznimno rijetko, to nikada nije ni bio problem, sokove izbjegavam, voda i nezaslađeni čajevi su ono što pijem. Eto recepta svakome - nikakvo ubijanje i mudrovanje, samo upornost, malo truda i malo promjene u prehrani.
MrBijeloplavi e pa to je bas lepo! svaka cast samo nastavi tako, u zdravom telu zdrav duh!
Thanks for the video Mike. I just did 2 sets of this, and I'm feeling the pain. I haven't worked out much in the past 15 years, since I was 21, I'm 37 now, and have recently been diagnosed with Low-T. Trying to get my declining energy back, and drop a lot of belly fat. I have a long way to go, but I need to do this for my well-being.
I feel like this is a workout for someone who didn't do any sports in high school as well so wasn't able to at least have a good beginner athletic like build. I guess this helps you get that so you can ben ready for the gym.
+Hi my name is Mike. Yeah probably, any workout is better than no work out. Especially for someone like me who's obese and trying to eat right and do whatever it takes to burn off lbs.
3366catch mhm, I don't get why some are calling this a bad workout, if you are just starting out, or maybe you went a week or two without working out because of a vacation or other reasons this is great for you. Sure for someone like me who's been "intelligently" working out for a bout 8 months now this wouldn't help. But this is perfect for a beginner or someone who's trying to get back into shape. Or.. simply doesn't have time to hit the gym that day lol let alone workout for an hour or so.
+Hi my name is Mike. I'm an none athletic female looking to be fit and I'm finding this video very useful. :)
Katelyn Rogers nice man i'm telling you this workout is fine to stay fit. Good luck and keep pushing. I did this yesterday when I couldn't go to the gym cause of a flood issue that's been happening in Houston.
Hey guys, I have a question. If I'm already skinny, will this workout help me build some muscle, or is it just for losing weight?
you have to eat more and you'll be fine.
the guy in the video was skinny.
00Grunk Yeah that is my question too because im a skinny too
This training will give you strength and resistance, really good for beginners, if you want muscles you should go to the gym, but this is a very good starting point.
My first actual workout in over a year. You're very motivating! I can't do the full push-ups yet, but I have a loft bed in my room, and I plan on slowly working my way down the ladder. Third rung now, and we'll see about next week.
what happened with bryan?
Losing weight can actually be easy. The best information is located at :
How does Brian look today after this video?
like shit, because mikes advice is shit
Fking burn lol
just have to say love this work out I have lupus and this work out is great been doing it for 2 weeks straight now and I've finally feeling normal and can acutely breath now . thank you so much for this.
Dude, I FARTED so hard when I did the touch toe!!!
dude you are full of gas
me too lmao
Losing weight can actually be easy. The best information is located at :
+bebe zhang yeah Same for me as
...i find it funny how well he spells "begineer"
beginner and engineer
Loved it! Was easy and I felt like I did a full 30 mins at the gym! Plan on doing this for a week and then add one rep a week til I get to 5 reps! Totally recommend! Thanks for the workout! Good luck everyone!
i really want to start working out, but i need the discipline to do so :(
+Solid Director Find a workout routine that works for you. I was 260 lbs 35 days ago. Down to 243 lbs. It takes A LOT of sacrifice (Food, routine). I feel much better about myself and my physical image already. Once you get into a diet and workout routine, it gets easier day by day. You can do it!
And where is that guy now?
I know right
undergoing surgery to achieve that dream body lol
At McDonald's
In rocky 9
This is a real good work out for a combo exercise, i did this along with 7 minute ab work outs and 7 minute cardio almost every single day, i actually went into a competition and won first place! Thanks mike for showing me this beginner exercise method.
I'd like to see the guy 2 months later and see his results.
I've just come to realise that I'm seriously getting fat I used to do a lot of sports when I was young like running football hockey so I never thought that I would get fat but 5'11 and am about 18 stone 3 pounds it suddenly hit me I need to start exercising I'm a barman and I sweat a lot at work but I'm gonna start do this every morning I will write bk to u in about 2 weeks to see if anything change if u could send me a diet plan for really (don't want say it) fat people then that would be great thank you
Good luck you can do it, I feel you but I'm the other way around, I'm skinny, 6"3 and 128 pounds but I've only started using dumbels, hope you get positive results. If not keep trying!
Do cardio fathead
+Nightmare Barnacle he ded
Did you quit? If you didnt tell us if it worked. :) Need to try this to look good and feel good.
The first time I watched this I looked at it saying "Ah easy I can do this 5 rounds, not only 3!". But when I tried this workout I couldn't go through the first round. My heart was pounding like hell and my tonsils were hurting like hell, also my head. I was so exhausted and dizzy I had to wait like 30minutes to chill out. I have so much respect for all of those who are in shape right now... it's amazing.
Beging at 2:21 if you do this regularly
this is harder than I thought it would be...
Hey mike it's matthew, from northern Ireland, im 21 years old, i have been watching videos on you tube and other websites on how to start working out and none have worked, but after watching this video im definitely going to give this a try. I've been wanting to work out for a long time and didn't know how to start out because of the different work out exercises there are and things in my life have been getting in the way and stopped me from doing this, and have stopped me from getting the body that im looking for. i have never been happy with myself or my physical appearance and this is a great way to start the change to my body and my life and give me confidence within myself. i am certain that there maybe other guys out there that feel the same way that i do but if there any other things that you could suggest to me or other guys out there that feel the same as me it would be deaply appreciated, I've been unhappy for a long time and after watching this video i hope that this will be the start of new things for me. also i was wondering if brian did this everyday?
Never do the same workout everyday guys, it can cause a torn muscle!
That's how they get stronger ! They will then grow stronger, if you think of it it's kind of natural selection, the worse muscles don't survive, so better, stronger ones replace them.
So what are you supposed to do then?
it's like bones they break and reform stronger with more Ca
it's natural because it replaces old and weak muscles with a stronger one
They become stronger for a small period, over long term they go to back to equal strength
I lost 85 pounds in 6 months just by doing this 3 times a week.
just kidding
Hostile Hero man fuck you
Loved this! Thanks. I'm almost 60 years old. Went from 283 to 200 in 16 months just by watching what I eat and now I'm trying to get into shape for the first time in my life. My only questions are how often should I do this and should there be anything additional I should add? Should I be adding cardio or is this considered a cardio? Starting can be very confusing. Thanks
Hey Paul, great job on losing the weight. This is a pretty simple routine. I would say 3 days a week to start then gradually work up to 5 or 6 days a week. The only resistance you are getting is from your own body weight. This routine will not get you bulked up like weight training would and your body is not tearing muscle that needs a day to rest. However, those of us in the 60 year range need to go slowly which is why you should start in with 3 days a week. I would only start with one set not two as in the video. The guys in the video are younger and can start right in with multiple sets. When you are comfortable with one set then add in the second set. Than gradually go to 4 then 5 and perhaps 6 days a week. Hope this helps.
Bryan farted at 4:52 hahahah xD
hey man i dont mean to offend u but im 14 n im better than ur assistant
Golden sticker for you
Hahahah funny
I do not belive you.
+Vickash Budhram I believe you 100% because I did better than him when I was 14 as well
New year, let's start doing workout. I rarely do workout for years, so I find it hard to follow other workout video for "beginner" but I think this video is suitable for a guy like me. Thanks guys!
if you struggle to do push ups, especially on your knees then you should seriously rethink your life.
If you think doing push ups on your knees is embarrassing, I suggest u rethink ur life too
Lukaszram at the start of last year so when I was fifteen I couldn't do 1 and tester day I did 160 in reps of 20 but why would you judge someone for not being able to do something just because they have chosen a different path from working out ect doesn't mean they should rethink their life he is obviously out of his comfort zone doing something he's not use to doesn't mean you have to judge him u should respect him for trying to improve
Yeah, because its not like human bodies each individually have different limitations and things that they are adjusted to. :))))))
That Asian guy is hot
are you gay
Ok have a nice day
Lol, you too.
Thank you
Just watched your 7 minute workout for beginners, and have done 3 sets already!. You can definitely feel your muscles working! Thanks Guys.
I am 54 and returning to working out after more than a year off. I have had back and knee problem, and want to know if it is ok the do the high knees as a quick march instead of running? The movement of a march has less impact on my knees but keep my heart rate up and works my core. It is less strenuous but I can do the entire work out. Thanks for all of your videos, I watch even the ones I can't do yet for tips and motivation.
Im 27 and totally a beginner and omg this workout killed me.
One problem though, with the toe touches, my back hurts a LOT, to the point that I had to stop during the 3rd round of reps - is it usual to have so much pain in your back?
Also I'll probably be doing this workout for a while, but could the next video be about the next step up from this?
thanks and keep up the great work :)
This small workout helped me get started tremendously, really shows you how badly you can be out of shape lol! Also been taking cold showers before I do this to get my energy up, which helps a lot. Im up to x5 sets so far after 6 days so far.
I'm getting back from a tendinitis in my shoulder and this routine is helping me a lot to get back in shape, thank you very much!
I did not workout in 15 years and this small workout feels good, i felt this little workout. Good job guys.
I just want to say thank you for giving such good commentary on these videos your tips and the way you communicate how you didn't get to where you are right now instantly really helps motivates us chubby people :)
Hey Mike my son started your workout and it helped him alot with his strength he's a football player an soon will be a MMA fighter Thanks for your workout..I just started today do u have a video that will workout the whole body especially the butt shape it an lift it Thanks
Your comment, do what you can, brilliant advice and great to hear. As you say, persevere, push forward using whatever you can, ie pushups off the couch, desk etc. Something else I liked about your video, don't sacrifice form. A lot of beginners get a mindset that they need to count out the reps to their fullest whereas they should do what they can while maintaining correct form. better to do less with proper form than more, incorrectly, and perhaps cause an injury.
Thanks a lot great video. I am older than most on here and very out of shape, not too fat outside but I sure will be inside. I also went vegan from lacto vege just recently and feel much better for it. Do you have any diet tips to help me, I am not bothered about building heaps of muscle I just want an efficient healthy body. I am looking to couple your workouts with some yoga.
Really great workout! I'm like, starting to get more lazy and i will get FAT if i continue on this path, without good workout. I just tried this one while watching, and i can tell you! It will work! I will try this every day from now on. Thank you for sharing this beginners work out!
I'm going to try this workout for a few weeks to start then move on to more advanced routines when I'm ready. love your channel. I want to be the best I can be and I know I can do it with your help thanks
Love you workouts. Started doing some of the other workouts and had to cut the reputations. This workout give me a chance to do the full workout. How many days per week should I do this workout?
I really thank you for the video, just about everyone that i have looked up has been either too difficult or too much (for beginners) always too long and i get tired faster due to my age. Thanks for this one this is what i needed.
Dude, thank you so much. I've been trying to find a nice quick workout for a while now and this is perfect! It's just at the right leval for beginners and now I can start getting in shape again!
Hi man. About this workout. It's awesome, I have started this and I want to know, I need to do this every day or not? Waiting for your answer. :)
Thanks coach...
Basic was very helpful..though im a beginner. It really helps me a lot. More power to your show.
Props to Brian for helping out in this video. It's hard to let the world see you do something that you're still just a beginner at.
Plus, something like 900,000 people have watched this. There's nothing I've ever done that that many people saw.
Hey mike! :) started doing this today After the second set i thought i wouldnt finish the workout but i puahed my self and i told myself that this is just the beginning and ill be succesful :)) i finished the whole workout and it felt great im gonna do this twice a day ill reply here after a month :) ty man!
Hi Mike I did this for 5 my months felt really good. Then, I stopped because I felt so good. No, wrong I'm starting up again. I love it it's all around different moves. Can do this before I go into work. So easy, 7 minutes that's it. Thanks Mike!! Your 👍👍 great
Thanks, that was really helpful. I am new to working out and it is so hard for me to do 30 mins. This was short but very effective. It felt like forever.
Nice vid.My question is how often should you do these you do them every day even if your sore?and when should you start to incorperate other types of workouts like weights?i'd really apprecieate your reply thanks
Just did this for the first time! Also first time ever working out. Wish me luck guys, I am going to try my best to stick with it and start on my journey of getting fit!
i am 25 years of age.. i am a beginner.. i am skinny type...
my doubts are :
how many days we need to do this 7 minute workout to go to the next stage..?
What is the next stage...?
my aim is to stay fit and to have good body.... my problem is that you have uploaded so many videos with so many types of routines... i dont know which one to do, what is the order and how much to do each one... so if you can help, that would be great...
Ipo ithum ayo :P
Pinne bodyokke onnusharakande.. 😀
Start with these basics. You do a little every day, or at least very much aim to. When you start noticing it's not so bad, you're getting stronger, increase the intensity/add more exercises. Ultimately intensity is what will maks you big but you can't get there without consistency. Consistency is a lot more important in the end, so if you're hurting so much that you can't make it through a work out the next day don't be ashamed to take it down a notch temporarily. And eat lots of greens and high quality proteins :) just because you're skinny doesn't mean nutrition doesn't matter ;)
Ch4rli3heart Thnxx man.. anything else??? and proteins like ? milk and egg ?
is it recommended everydasy routine or thrice weekly? thank you in advance and great video . will start today.
How long do you recommended doing this workout? Also which days to workout?
Thanks Mike. big fan from Canada .. I recently started going to the gym and your videos help a lot
i just starter this workout few days ago..right now my muscle is a bit sore but i try to do it every other far so good..
Thank you
Did it today for the first time. Really great way to get started! Thank you.
I have started today :) happy so far. man, these are so hard for me, or maybe i'm just fat. and by the way, should i warm up at first or is it ok to do these exercises right away?
Hello all,
i have a question, if anyone can answer me. I started doing this beginner workout about 3 months ago, i am consistant with it and i can already see some results. Since it got warmer I also started to jog after this workout. Its a normal intensity 25 min jog. Is it ok to combine this workout with a jog afterwards or should i not do it?
Just now I did this is its entirety and learned two things. One, I wasn't as physically prepared to do this as I thought I was, and two, my legs are still super long and I still can't come close to touching my toes. I'm looking forward to this tomorrow, though!
I really wanted to go to bed and not workout, but I remembered this video and I'm so proud that I completed it.
It's always a good idea to build your stamina before hitting the gym hard. Start slow, as they say. This is very helpful for beginners.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge for the benefit of anyone. I really appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to a fit body.
great video. i'm a marine corps vet, been out for 8 years, definitely great way to get back into proper workout shape :)
Thank's for this video, can we use this workout for loose belly ?
This video really helps a lot today is my first day using it but I feel like I accomplished a lot. So thank and keep adding videos they really help.
Thank-You! Best beginner workout i've found thus far =D and its something that i think i can do regularly as it doesnt take long.
Would u do this workout every day or have 1 day break
I have had a spinal fusion and would like some good beginner exercises that I can do to strengthen my core in an effort to stave off future surgeries as long as possible. I have no restrictions and my fusion took place at the L5-S1 level. Can you make any good suggestions for me? BTW I am 50 and out of shape though not overly so. Thanks
thanks for the tips and for everything I really just started to work out and i'm looking forward to having a good shaped body but thanks for the shortcuts but could you tell me what foods should I eat more and daily that would be helpful thanks ..
Hi there! I just have a few questions regarding this workout, because I watched your other video where you are explaining why you should not train every day, so I was wondering, does this 7 minute workout for beginners fall in the main category? I mean if I'm a beginner, should I do it on a daily basis? And is it okay if I combine it with 30 minutes of jogging?
Thanks for TEACHING an effective beginner's workout. I like that you showed how to NOT do a pushup, and how to correct it. I'm hoping to lose eighty pounds by October, and am terrified. I've lost forty-eight pounds before (but gained it all back, plus more) and know how hard it will be. I did it through Herbalife and portion control, but I've never retained a workout. I'm in unchartered territory, however this video actually gives me a glimmer of hope.
+Blu Jay how are you doing?
I just saw your reply; sorry I didn't respond sooner.
I've lost about 5 lbs from where I started, but I'm hovering. My desire for weight loss is fairly weak this month. Tons of stress with work and college has worn me out and taken my focus off of other goals.
However, I achieved some big successes this past week. I'm riding the momentum which I've gained to be more diligent in my health goals now though.
Thanks for checking up on me; I really appreciate it!
+Blu Jay Sounds awesome! Please don't lose your motivation. Go full straight ahead!
Added another round today now I'm on 4 rounds hoping to get to 5 rounds soon. Thanks mike I'm really sticking to this, I just got to figure out the eating part and I'm on my way!
And to add I think I'm getting a cold but that didn't stop me I still did my workout !
U repeated 3 times right
just did the workout with you. wow! didn't think if make it, die to the fact I have epilepsy. normal things wear me out. I feel great though.
I have never worked out in my entire life. But Im surely gonna start with this. But would you please share diet and when should I do this exercise as in empty stomach or what else. Im a healthy person (81 kgs) bdw.
Love this guys attitude, he keeps me motivated! :)
(December 17, 2016)I am starting this workout. I am 14 and not very strong. Hope this will make me stronger
You will do well!
Garrett Best of luck
good idea,bodyweight exrecises for a year or 2 and then you should go to the gym if you want to get strong
thanks man, this work out really works for begginers, idid this work out with the regular push ups and man it hurts but is a good feeling!