Your reasoning is plain dumb bc priates never worked alone cause you cannot sail a ship with one person. Also they normaly didn´t attack any other pirates just for looting them bc they stole from the crown and they pooled the loot together. Otherwise a town full of pirates would last one day before it went up in flames.
I know youre going to deny it to prove your broken point. But it is kind of broken to steal someones elses 2-5 hours of IRL time in under 5 min. Yea sure it makes the game fun, for people that are skilled enough. But kind of sad for those that just either cant because the lack of skill or those that just are too nice. You would react the same way if you had a sense of compassion. (Edit: dont argue the word compassion by saying its a pirate game, if you do, youre ignoring the core issue. Games need balance, if something is too easy with no risk, change is needed)
@@FRISKY_MANDINGO Woah, bring that stick out your ass immediately. We could compare other games if youd like that, but it wont help your case. It doesnt take 2-5 hours to respawn in Call of duty, the pay for death is pretty low. Same with street fighter. You say you can differentiate between situations that warrant compassion. When does your compassion kick in before greed, if it doesnt do that when you rob someone of 2-5 hours? Work on those insults btw. Np for the tip And yes, im aware im in summits region, so there will be people siding with him no matter what. No offense taken.
Im not saying i wouldnt steal chests like that if i could. Im just saying there should be 1 or 2 outposts (Far away from eachother) where killing wouldnt be possible. That would lead to big hauls traveling to those specific islands = a more fun and fair combat at seas. Yea sure "Play the game as intended", but if everything is as intended when the game is finished, there would be no need for any future patch. If that happened to summit, he would do a sumSmash2 and the chat would cry because of how unfair and bad the game is.
Man, I'll tell you, anytime someone rage quits in this game, it's justified. They will be back, but they just spent hours getting the loot that they got, and then they get rolled up on. It's the nature of the beast. I'm not saying that anyone is wrong in that situation - one for being a good pirate, or the other for not cashing in more safely - only that rage quitting is a totally reasonable reaction to being jacked! In fact, just yesterday, spent 2 hours with a rad ass random, got a ton of loot, headed over to one those volcano islets to round up our trip, finished a four skull task with another 6 chests and two other skulls on board. On our way out, we got smacked by a ghost ship (I think it was actually two), two user ships, Sloop + Galleon, and if that weren't enough, Kraken joined the gang. I said GG, added my new bud, and got the fuck up off SOT, I'll sail the seas another day! Hahaha
I mean its pretty annoying losing loot but when you think about it, you can only buy cosmetics with gold so are you really losing that much in the end? nah
Kinji Breh you lose all sense of fun you had adventuring to get those chests. I just started playing this game with a friend the other day and we got two treasure maps for krakens fall, were barely like 3 hours in uncovering multiple chests and a full galleon of obviously veteran players swoops in, jacks everything and keeps spawn killing us so we decided to quit playing. it's not fun when that happens and it really isn't worth my time if that's what I'm to expect. the game is sorely lacking in content and needs a shitload of polish and updates in order for that garbage online experience to feel tolerable.
@@Psychobum91932 Don't allow them to swoop in them? You can literally see ships coming from miles away. If you didn't take the necessary precaution and keep an eye out for other ships then that's your own problem, not a fault with the game. 100% on your head, buddy.
Even if it's called Sea of Angels. They will still do this stuff. People are naturally evil and being Evil is somewhat cool now because being good is boring. But it makes people stronger and be aware or be evil as well to be cool so yeah, human evolution at it's finest.
Why didnt the guy on the boat just drop the sails and leave once he knew the outpost wasnt safe? Never have your anchor down, take like a split second to drop sails and get out of dodge. He would havr hd plenty of time to sail off and go to another outpost far away
This game is included in the xbox pass, 15$ a month. With a ton of other titles for free (well, for the subscription) and you get the first 15days free.
I got caught at morrows peak and this dude has gunpowder barrels set up all on the island blew my ass up and took my gems. I got the rub and used it last night 4v1 I wrecked this whole crew for about 3k. This game involves so many different strats I love it
@@jonst1593 naw not at all. Its expected and fair game...just acknowledging how short term triggered I would get. I can empathize with his victim, but thats the way the cookie crumbles.
@@MrPurdy33 getting one of those athena chest is like 30min( if you're lucky) up to 1 hour. So yeah alot of time wasted. I kinda feel bad for the dude. But well, this is a pirate game.
As soon as I get a decent chest I go turn it in, and never have more than 3 items on my ship, I’ll even leave shit hidden at an island if I have more than 3 items. Why people stock tons of shit on their boat is beyond me.
I see hate and defense for summits play style. the hate stems from the entire community deciding to camp outposts making it undesirable for anyone to actually wanting to set sail. In turn making the game a bland wait fest for people dumb enough get loot themselves. I used to play the game back when people actually did the thieving at sea instead of 9/10 of the server camping at the outposts. For those that are curious, you camp by not having a ship out as to give a false sense of security to other players.
Nickiamx its funny when someone quits, summit is a chill guy and always doesn’t really show his happiness. He thought it was funny because it was unexpected hence the extreme reaction. He loves getting the loot and loves the thrill of stealing it off someone. He’s playing the game how it’s meant to be played, and it’s really fucking easy to counter someone waiting on an island to steal loot. Learn to pvp or don’t play SoT
@@0hkie He is just abusing a broken game system, nothing more nothing less. Its just plain dump that u need to sell treasure chests instead of opening them. And then you can steal them from other players before they can sell them. While in such a system you need to have npcs at the outposts who attack every player which starts combat. Or even make combat impossible at such outposts like in most mmorpgs. Also most pirates stole from the british/spain crown and not from other pirates.
He didn’t just steal a chest. He stole the ashen chest of legends, it’s infuriating as FUCK getting that chest already. And after all the bullshit skeletons with their barrel bombs they get robbed. I would hope they only ragequit, that’d make me destroy my computer.
This is exactly why i always check for mermaids. Someone was sooooo fucking close to doing this to me but i just kept jumping they couldn't hit me and sold it. Sea of thieves something will always be stolen in any kind of way.
Phil S. I mean not really I played for like 8 hours yesterday and switched servers like 6 times because everyone in the servers were just getting chests and shit but idk maybe it’s a Xbox thing
@@biggestpogchamp9201 i overexxagerated surely, but its getting more, not everyday not everytime, but i dont have that much time to play and when somebody does this to me i loose more time than i can compensate
@@xxxhalo4everxxx then why did summit 2v1 them for a majority of the clip? Also has a long history of fighting off 3 members alone. Sounds like you want reasons to complain.
Uriskall 2 vs 1? The ship they were boarding was a sloop, max 2 players one of them ragequit when he nicked the athena, he was spawning killing one guy
Damn. I am beyond pissed when I get my shit stolen and I'm only talking maybe 15 chests. I just want to start breaking shit but control myself. These guys just got their Athenas yoinked, outgunned by one guy several times, and ship sank and lost maybe another 25 chests probably worth 50k in loot in all. I can't even imagine the sheer rage these guys had as their heads were fuming beyond me. Wow.
People need to understand yeah its called Sea Of Thieves but some people want to play it and not be killed by other players. This game is more than that, they just want to do quests and thats it.
The same way banks don’t want to get robbed. But the robbers still do it cause it Beni fits them. Don’t complain about people being pirates in a game about pirates
double edged sword here, on one hand it takes dedication and skill to pull something like this off. on the other. thats alot of work to lose in a matter of seconds to someone who is just camping it up at an outpost waiting for them to sell. ive been torn watching summit. I feel like what he is doing is legit but is giving too many new players trollish ideas. either way those guys should know better than to carry that much loot on them with the athenas chest. plus two v 1, and you lose. you are asking for it. also selling it at morrows is a bad idea. learn to be a smarter pirate. and rage quitting instead of fighting it out and salvaging what remained was the dirtiest move of all. completely abandoned his teammate... rip.
Vitor Vena dude don’t even, you’ve prob never even done a Athena run, it takes loads of time and work so if you do all that then get killed before you sale it?? I’d rage too, that’s like doing a long ass mission with no reward
Vitor Vena l o l yOu JuStIfY rAgEqUiTiNg?¿ stfu u pussy your argument is invalid, I’m better and more superior to you thus I’m right your wrong. Ragequiting is always justifiable in most cases, it isn’t like they stood a chance, a sloop vs a galleon even if they killed summit and left they would’ve been hunted and killed. But your prob a kid so you gotta start a argument. 1) if someone spends a lot of time doing something and lose it in a matter of seconds they have the right to rage quit, the other guy shouldn’t have been his friend then no ones fault but his own, 2) you have no idea what really happened, maybe the guy who rage quit was the o lot main worker for that crew. Don’t try and dick ride someone you don’t know. Your whole 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) thing makes you look really incompetent and shows you have no idea what your on a about. Look bud stay on your Minecraft and leave the SOT community toxic ass mofo
@@itsant1054 summits party we're minutes away because if the shop saw them they wouldn't have approached all they had to do was kill summit lol and they failed big time
Hey Cody I am with you. I see so many comments on this thread saying how terrible Summit is for STEALING in a PIRATE game. If you don't want stuff to get stolen, learn quickly and adapt. It adds a different way to play the game. Yes it would suck to get stuff stolen from you but what if you caught the thieves? That would be some exhilaration and waste the thieves time. If these other players would ragequit after being stolen from once then they weren't too attached to the game.
From experience, the hate stems from the entire community deciding to camp outposts making it undesirable for anyone to actually wanting to set sail. In turn making the game a bland wait fest for people dumb enough get loot themselves. I enjoyed the game back when people actually did the thieving at sea instead of 9/10 of the server camping at the outposts.
@@abaddon5386 "entire community" LOL this happens on rare occasion, plus there's ways to get around this like looking for mermaids, or not anchoring with a shit ton of loot so you can sail away at a moments notice
@@abaddon5386 I don't think being dumb has to do with trying to take the loot from other players but its a case of having a choice and a pinch of being an A-hole.. being dumb seems to have to do with having the loot taken from you though having the fact that its possible
Summit used to have the most followers on TWITCH and he held that spot for awhile. If you think he's just now blowing up, you're fucking slow. on top of that he has nearly 30k subs..
I dont mind the pvp in this game but sometimes it is absolute cancer. The game gave me a mission about 15min sail time away, get there on my own, parked up and hopped onto the island to fight a skeleton, and as im being surrounded a galleon comes in and shoots the fuck out of my boat, they then rush the island to kill me and camp my boat to insta kill me. 4 players all pirate legend, me barely level 20, and when the ship sank the game spawns me even further than i started. Its not fun being insta ganked and especially when they camp the spawn points on a boat. Also im on xbox so trying to fight back is basically impossible against pc.
Gamesk0 These chest are a special chest that give reputation to “Athena’s Fortune,” typically known as the Pirate Legend faction because pirate legends are the only ones that can start the quest (But anyone can do and get the reputation for them,) what makes them so good is that the chest by themselves are worth a lot, but there’s a long time to get the chest to begin with. You have two chapters to each Athena voyage, chapter one is a full map wheel list of random quest, like riddles, X’s, Captain’s and merchant. The second chapter is the Athena chest. In total, one voyage could last you 1-2 hours on a good one, while others can take longer, that’s why people are supposed to be careful and know their surroundings when turning them in, because almost everyone knows how good they are and how long they take to do. And thus, why Summit camped the outpost.
No see stealing loot is part of the game. But the double gun running witch the sea of thieves has deemed unfair to the point were they are getting rid of it in a future update. Will see how awsome summit when he can us his go to attacks
Look on the Microsoft store guys the game is only 30$ and 4 weeks ago got the patch it needed since the beginning. I highly recommend it if watching seems fun.
Got it on GamePass, promptly dropped it. I thought it was about exploration and that the PVE aspects would be their own thing. I simply do not enjoy games that are exclusively a waste of time (Fortnite, Dust, and basically 90% of the survival games on the market today).
These chest are a special chest that give reputation to “Athena’s Fortune,” typically known as the Pirate Legend faction because pirate legends are the only ones that can start the quest (But anyone can do and get the reputation for them,) what makes them so good is that the chest by themselves are worth a lot, but there’s a long time to get the chest to begin with. You have two chapters to each Athena voyage, chapter one is a full map wheel list of random quest, like riddles, X’s, Captain’s and merchant. The second chapter is the Athena chest. In total, one voyage could last you 1-2 hours on a good one, while others can take longer, that’s why people are supposed to be careful and know their surroundings when turning them in, because almost everyone knows how good they are and how long they take to do. And thus, why Summit camped the outpost.
@@0hkie Not exactly. I have a limited time to play and if i grind for 3 hours to do something and when i get where i need to go to turn it in and there is someone camping there waiting by the guy to ambush and kill me. That would feel like a waste of 3 hours and not a good time to me. I like games where I feel I make progress in them. I won't play this game for the same reason I stopped playing the division. I enjoyed the game, but after the main PVE deal and I had to go to the dark zone which was filled with kill parties that would grief for fun and not let anyone get any loot out. That's cool, it was a part of the game. I just enjoy progression so when I finally get my little bit of time to play,and I go in the darkzone and finally get a piece of gear that I can use just to get killed by a squad of fully decked out guys that are grinding killing other players who are PVEing in there and they take my loot. Then I respawn and look at the clock and realize my play time is up and i wont be able to try again for days. I felt like i made no progress, not to mention having that happen to you isn't fun and thats why I play, for fun. This video reminds me of that and as I didn't enjoy that, I figured the game wasn't for me. If it is for you, have fun.
@@wellz1990 I love how looked down upon console players are. Hopefully they split the servers so the PC players side can crash and burn due to the lack of players on their end
The fact that you can kill people on this island or any island where u have to sell loot and whatever is fucking ridiculous and thats coming from someone who doesnt play this game
He lost the Athena. There was a fuck ton of other shit on there ship. He didn’t even try to turn them in after losing the Athena. That’s a rage quit lmao
I mean to try to even things out a little, they should make trading process take a little longer, so its not like an instant transaction. Maybe a status bar that takes like 10-15 seconds of holding a button (F on PC or X on console) in order to complete the trade and receive your gold. In that case, even if someone was "camping" at the outpost like summit here, it was a 2v1 situation, so while Summit was trying to complete the transaction, the other player would have been able to shoot him and possibly kill him? Idk it would be an interesting aspect. It would make the risk of "camping" at the outpost a little higher. I mean if Summit killed the guy holding the chest, then turned and killed his friend trying to protect him, I would definitely agree that TWO guys not being able to kill Summit deserves them to lose their loot. Also, if the guy holding the chest saw Summit he would be able to drop it and fight Summit with his teammate knowing that Summit can't just run over and trade over the loot in an instant. Just adding a small progress bar to trading. And I know it would probably make trading multiple items a hassle, then just add multiple spots to trade items so teammates can make multiple transactions at a time. Just an idea, please don't try to tear me limb from limb lmao. I agree that this is indeed a PIRATE game, this is just an idea to calm down so many people complaining, you gotta agree that shit would suck if it happened to you lol
I don't have a problem with Summit stealing someone else's loot, but... just stop double gunning, good thing RARE will fix it cause when the double gun apeared the sword was for almost for no use. The sword is the weapon that you need to be skilled with not just shoot, switch, shoot
The "Toxic Player" description has change over the years to the point where people like these people start complaining about people who are just god's at the game. All pvp games have great players in them, that can do amazing things. Just because Summit1G is great at Sea of Thieves doesn't make him a toxic player. The title of the game is SEA OF THIEVES; it's a pirate game, it's about getting treasure, stealing treasure , and betrayal.. Literally these people are asking the gods of a game for a win or to let them go. Also Summit and his crew are beatable, use your ship's advantages , speed, size, and anchor.
@@Lea-pe6iw More like so bad players can't get a free pass. Camping close to the vendor and then turning in someone's loot after one surprise kill is not a high skill move. Almost every other game has a safezone in sell areas because of this
Absolutely Braggadocious Then go play a game with a safe zone...That’s like saying dark souls is too hard, they should add a pause button just like every other game.
@@DaBomber6969 just dont be an idiot when trying to sell stuff? Its not rocket science. you literally only have to do two things. 1.) scout. 2.) guard the one with the chest.
It’s funny how summit laughs while doing this but if this happened to him when he first became a pirate legend and got his first Athena chest he would of stopped streaming this game.
@@TeMaorislovePink if the point of the game is to make others quit, then that is exactly what David is talking about lol. Yes, the game mechanics let you do stuff like this, and if your'e an extremely good players with 100's of hours into the game, it won't even be that hard. But in the long run, being a dick to every single person you come across is goin to make a lot of people stop playing. They at least need to make other servers or update combat so the insta-kill double shot isn't meta. Cause plenty of people don't have the time to play a lot of be the best of the best, or just want to play casually
Krutarth Dave been like this since day one. It sucks when it happens to you, but having a safe spot in SoT of all games is just dumb. Be smart when handing in shit. Try scouting the outpost before complaining that it’s toxic because people are pirates in a PIRATE game
hope that in a few months everybody will camp and nobodys doing the work anymore :) this will be fun times, the recent changes in the community behaviour are so fckng annyoing
Can you really just camp the turn in area on this game lol? I never played it before but surely they woulda patched that and made towns safe areas by now?
there's absolutely no safe spots. Tbh it does need to change, whether it be updated combat or something. Because lately I've seen hardly any ships sailing, no one using alliance system to team up and be stronger/better, and everyone just constanly dropping anchor which makes ship combat extremely slow and a complete waste. Eventually, as much as I'd hate to say it, it will probably die because no one wants to spend the time to get loot because of the risk, and when all the campers aren't finding other players, they'll go too
DiggyHipno its not realistic even in terms of piracy... pirates didnt just shoot up in towns with no reason or consequences the town would gun them down
Imagine being a cocky douchebag whose only goal in life is to troll people that spend hours actually playing the game and trying to have a good time so you can afford a new skin on your broken sniper rifle
Billy Fearless Not nearly as fun with a crew, if you could manage to become a one man army in this game, you’d be a really skilled pirate, because this game is NOT solo friendly, lol.
The Fraze no you didn’t lmao first off he makes a point to not show his ingame name so you wouldn’t even know it was him he also uses a voice changer so you wouldn’t be able to hear him. The only way you’d know it was him is if you stream sniped in which case I need a clip from his stream
Seth Inc Idiot, he wasn’t using his ingame name. We knew it was him because he was streaming and someone on Twitch messages us and told us it was him. I went back and looked at the footage and it has my gamer tag in. We didn’t stream snipe him, we got told it was him by someone on Twitch. Don’t make stupid assumptions next time, I’ll upload the footage to my channel later as proof.
Seth Inc It is clipped for fucks sake. I’m at work I can’t fucking send a clip on my Xbox from work. I’ll do it when I get back which will be in like 8 hours.
Imagine playing a game where you're a pirate
And you're upset
That someone else on the game
Is being a pirate
You dont think a real pirate would be upset if some other pirate came along and killed them, and stole their biggest haul?
Your reasoning is plain dumb bc priates never worked alone cause you cannot sail a ship with one person. Also they normaly didn´t attack any other pirates just for looting them bc they stole from the crown and they pooled the loot together. Otherwise a town full of pirates would last one day before it went up in flames.
Imagine reading the top comment then trying to post it yourself to get likes
Good old pirates always used to Camp outposts. My grandpa was a Pirate he told me all about it, sitting in a Bush waiting for easy loot to come to him
Terravium how fucking old are u 100?
lol. People in the comments are actually complaining about him stealing loot from someone in a game about pirates..... What fucking planet am I on?
I know youre going to deny it to prove your broken point.
But it is kind of broken to steal someones elses 2-5 hours of IRL time in under 5 min.
Yea sure it makes the game fun, for people that are skilled enough.
But kind of sad for those that just either cant because the lack of skill or those that just are too nice.
You would react the same way if you had a sense of compassion.
(Edit: dont argue the word compassion by saying its a pirate game, if you do, youre ignoring the core issue. Games need balance, if something is too easy with no risk, change is needed)
@@BrownCookieBoy BETAAAA!!!
@@trevorskopczynski5791 OMEGA!!! Last greek letter, beat that one. You cant be more than OMEGA my friend.
@@FRISKY_MANDINGO Woah, bring that stick out your ass immediately.
We could compare other games if youd like that, but it wont help your case.
It doesnt take 2-5 hours to respawn in Call of duty, the pay for death is pretty low.
Same with street fighter.
You say you can differentiate between situations that warrant compassion.
When does your compassion kick in before greed, if it doesnt do that when you rob someone of 2-5 hours?
Work on those insults btw.
Np for the tip
And yes, im aware im in summits region, so there will be people siding with him no matter what.
No offense taken.
Im not saying i wouldnt steal chests like that if i could.
Im just saying there should be 1 or 2 outposts (Far away from eachother) where killing wouldnt be possible.
That would lead to big hauls traveling to those specific islands = a more fun and fair combat at seas.
Yea sure "Play the game as intended", but if everything is as intended when the game is finished, there would be no need for any future patch.
If that happened to summit, he would do a sumSmash2 and the chat would cry because of how unfair and bad the game is.
Man, I'll tell you, anytime someone rage quits in this game, it's justified. They will be back, but they just spent hours getting the loot that they got, and then they get rolled up on. It's the nature of the beast. I'm not saying that anyone is wrong in that situation - one for being a good pirate, or the other for not cashing in more safely - only that rage quitting is a totally reasonable reaction to being jacked!
In fact, just yesterday, spent 2 hours with a rad ass random, got a ton of loot, headed over to one those volcano islets to round up our trip, finished a four skull task with another 6 chests and two other skulls on board. On our way out, we got smacked by a ghost ship (I think it was actually two), two user ships, Sloop + Galleon, and if that weren't enough, Kraken joined the gang.
I said GG, added my new bud, and got the fuck up off SOT, I'll sail the seas another day! Hahaha
I mean its pretty annoying losing loot but when you think about it, you can only buy cosmetics with gold so are you really losing that much in the end? nah
@@kinjibreh8702 your losing the time my friend
Kinji Breh you lose all sense of fun you had adventuring to get those chests. I just started playing this game with a friend the other day and we got two treasure maps for krakens fall, were barely like 3 hours in uncovering multiple chests and a full galleon of obviously veteran players swoops in, jacks everything and keeps spawn killing us so we decided to quit playing. it's not fun when that happens and it really isn't worth my time if that's what I'm to expect. the game is sorely lacking in content and needs a shitload of polish and updates in order for that garbage online experience to feel tolerable.
If I’m being chased, I just have my ship keep sailing after I take all my loot onto a rowboat and paddle away
@@Psychobum91932 Don't allow them to swoop in them? You can literally see ships coming from miles away. If you didn't take the necessary precaution and keep an eye out for other ships then that's your own problem, not a fault with the game. 100% on your head, buddy.
the game is literally called Sea of THIEVES.
Tedakin exactly “SEA” not “LAND”. Don’t be a fucking asswipe and camp on outposts stealing everyone’s hard work
Theives not cunts.noone is actually a thief in the game they just try to be the biggest assholes possible
@@Roadrun98 yeah u rite i love hanging out with people who steal from me
Even if it's called Sea of Angels. They will still do this stuff. People are naturally evil and being Evil is somewhat cool now because being good is boring. But it makes people stronger and be aware or be evil as well to be cool so yeah, human evolution at it's finest.
The Pirate's Codes are more of a loose set of guidelines.
Why didnt the guy on the boat just drop the sails and leave once he knew the outpost wasnt safe? Never have your anchor down, take like a split second to drop sails and get out of dodge. He would havr hd plenty of time to sail off and go to another outpost far away
this game is so fun to watch
@idkJesse So the game is only 30 bucks right now and its definitely not dead its actually a lot of fun and easy to run.
@@crackdowndead Where?
@@crackdowndead where'd you get it for 15
This game is included in the xbox pass, 15$ a month. With a ton of other titles for free (well, for the subscription) and you get the first 15days free.
@idkJesse LMAO do some research before posting something
Didn't that guy stream snipe you day later
that would be nice.
@Johan w Too many cry baby players have to stream snipe after they get their chest stolen lmfao
@Johan w cry more pussy
Welp that guy is gonna cry him self to sleep...
damn nigga I thought u ded
I love that out of anything chat could have spammed during the steal, they chose the sumE and sumW emotes lol
I would uninstall so fast
I got caught at morrows peak and this dude has gunpowder barrels set up all on the island blew my ass up and took my gems. I got the rub and used it last night 4v1 I wrecked this whole crew for about 3k. This game involves so many different strats I love it
What's the rub? You mean you did what the guy did to you to a different group of people?
Sinking or stealing loot from someone is fair and a part of the game. When you sit at an outpost waiting for someone, now that’s fucking toxic.
Funny...but also would make me quit playing for a bit if it happened to me.
yeah, but i guess u can’t blame him in a game about pirates
@@jonst1593 naw not at all. Its expected and fair game...just acknowledging how short term triggered I would get. I can empathize with his victim, but thats the way the cookie crumbles.
@@Diamond_Eyes86 yeah I understand
Why are they so important
@@itsjordan4774 they are super valuble
without the double gun Summit never would have stolen a single chest.
The wait he is standing on the door after he got the chest stole on his face xDDD
I feel sorry for that guy who earned chest and got robbed out of the outcome of his hard work. It feels wrong. 😔
two words
Stealing hard earned work is a part of it, and tbh its nobody's work until it's sold
@@dansmit9079 he said he felt pitty, he never dismissed the act
Dan Smit I wouldn’t call it a pirate game but yea it is part of the game
Damm thats a lot of wasted hrs
how long aprox for one of those?
@@MrPurdy33 getting one of those athena chest is like 30min( if you're lucky) up to 1 hour. So yeah alot of time wasted.
I kinda feel bad for the dude. But well, this is a pirate game.
No Tresspassing na 40 mins is the minimum and that if people are canoeing out and not collecting loot from each island 2 hours is what most take
ever played rust?
@@Jeff-up7fj no but the loot stealing is hard core and looks awesome
the real pirate gameplayer !!
As soon as I get a decent chest I go turn it in, and never have more than 3 items on my ship, I’ll even leave shit hidden at an island if I have more than 3 items. Why people stock tons of shit on their boat is beyond me.
Did anybody notice the 'your channel is safe' from either smokey or cobobbles ? haha savage
2:21 dats me at the top lul
Haha nice
what is
Nothing wrong with stealing.
Though, I do feel bad about that players time being wasted.
Make another video titled summit rages after being stream sniped i bet thatd be funny aswell
I see hate and defense for summits play style. the hate stems from the entire community deciding to camp outposts making it undesirable for anyone to actually wanting to set sail. In turn making the game a bland wait fest for people dumb enough get loot themselves. I used to play the game back when people actually did the thieving at sea instead of 9/10 of the server camping at the outposts.
For those that are curious, you camp by not having a ship out as to give a false sense of security to other players.
That's why you look for mermaids while guarding the ship.
Quit crying like a pussy and just play the game.
Abaddon bro do you even play this game? Nobody outpost camps at all. This is like a rare as fuck occasion
Nickiamx its funny when someone quits, summit is a chill guy and always doesn’t really show his happiness. He thought it was funny because it was unexpected hence the extreme reaction. He loves getting the loot and loves the thrill of stealing it off someone. He’s playing the game how it’s meant to be played, and it’s really fucking easy to counter someone waiting on an island to steal loot. Learn to pvp or don’t play SoT
This game is dead once summit stops playing.
This game already had a big community even before summit streamed it constantly
Every server i've played on was full so far...
who is summit???
@Arthur PIEDOIS liar...
how stupid are you? go back to Atlas no one will stop you. AHHA
Pirate game, stealing loot yet I see no ship to ship action just people camping outposts for others shit lmao
Christian Silva you obviously don’t play the game.
@@0hkie He is just abusing a broken game system, nothing more nothing less.
Its just plain dump that u need to sell treasure chests instead of opening them. And then you can steal them from other players before they can sell them. While in such a system you need to have npcs at the outposts who attack every player which starts combat. Or even make combat impossible at such outposts like in most mmorpgs.
Also most pirates stole from the british/spain crown and not from other pirates.
@@berndarndt9924 stfu you're dumb af
Christian Silva ya games trash. Bunch of fuck boys on it
You must be blind then
Damn, that was a killer saving shot. XD clean.
He didn’t just steal a chest. He stole the ashen chest of legends, it’s infuriating as FUCK getting that chest already. And after all the bullshit skeletons with their barrel bombs they get robbed. I would hope they only ragequit, that’d make me destroy my computer.
This is exactly why i always check for mermaids. Someone was sooooo fucking close to doing this to me but i just kept jumping they couldn't hit me and sold it. Sea of thieves something will always be stolen in any kind of way.
They should make it a safe zone all the campers just waiting for loot
@@0hkie yep it is, the whole community is turning into this playstyle, and nobody is doing the work atm
Phil S. I mean not really I played for like 8 hours yesterday and switched servers like 6 times because everyone in the servers were just getting chests and shit but idk maybe it’s a Xbox thing
@@biggestpogchamp9201 i overexxagerated surely, but its getting more, not everyday not everytime, but i dont have that much time to play and when somebody does this to me i loose more time than i can compensate
DsM Lux Xbox and pc play in the same servers.
@Ruben Hernandez your named after a sandwich homie. Stfu
This system is actually so broken.
Wonder how many people will start camping if they don't add safe zone mechanism
Just fight people off, and it doesnt happen that often.
Uriskall this is a game where winning against a numericerly superior enemy is nearly impossible
@@xxxhalo4everxxx then why did summit 2v1 them for a majority of the clip? Also has a long history of fighting off 3 members alone. Sounds like you want reasons to complain.
Uriskall 2 vs 1? The ship they were boarding was a sloop, max 2 players one of them ragequit when he nicked the athena, he was spawning killing one guy
I’d be devastated
Damn. I am beyond pissed when I get my shit stolen and I'm only talking maybe 15 chests. I just want to start breaking shit but control myself. These guys just got their Athenas yoinked, outgunned by one guy several times, and ship sank and lost maybe another 25 chests probably worth 50k in loot in all. I can't even imagine the sheer rage these guys had as their heads were fuming beyond me. Wow.
Go play PVE, pussy.
*thats how the mafia works*
People need to understand yeah its called Sea Of Thieves but some people want to play it and not be killed by other players. This game is more than that, they just want to do quests and thats it.
The same way banks don’t want to get robbed. But the robbers still do it cause it Beni fits them. Don’t complain about people being pirates in a game about pirates
double edged sword here, on one hand it takes dedication and skill to pull something like this off. on the other. thats alot of work to lose in a matter of seconds to someone who is just camping it up at an outpost waiting for them to sell. ive been torn watching summit. I feel like what he is doing is legit but is giving too many new players trollish ideas. either way those guys should know better than to carry that much loot on them with the athenas chest. plus two v 1, and you lose. you are asking for it. also selling it at morrows is a bad idea. learn to be a smarter pirate. and rage quitting instead of fighting it out and salvaging what remained was the dirtiest move of all. completely abandoned his teammate... rip.
I’d be pissed to but that was clean😂
I feel bad for the abandoned pirate, he was left by himself by a stupid kid who shouldnt even be allowed to hold a controller with that attitude...
Vitor Vena dude don’t even, you’ve prob never even done a Athena run, it takes loads of time and work so if you do all that then get killed before you sale it?? I’d rage too, that’s like doing a long ass mission with no reward
Vitor Vena l o l yOu JuStIfY rAgEqUiTiNg?¿ stfu u pussy your argument is invalid, I’m better and more superior to you thus I’m right your wrong. Ragequiting is always justifiable in most cases, it isn’t like they stood a chance, a sloop vs a galleon even if they killed summit and left they would’ve been hunted and killed. But your prob a kid so you gotta start a argument. 1) if someone spends a lot of time doing something and lose it in a matter of seconds they have the right to rage quit, the other guy shouldn’t have been his friend then no ones fault but his own, 2) you have no idea what really happened, maybe the guy who rage quit was the o lot main worker for that crew. Don’t try and dick ride someone you don’t know. Your whole 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) thing makes you look really incompetent and shows you have no idea what your on a about. Look bud stay on your Minecraft and leave the SOT community toxic ass mofo
@@itsant1054 summits party we're minutes away because if the shop saw them they wouldn't have approached all they had to do was kill summit lol and they failed big time
It's a game stop crying bud
@@itsant1054 "loads of time"=30-60 mins LMAO
How did he know these guys had athena chest on them?
Its simple. If they let it get stolen. They didn't deserve it. Why they should stop making pirate legend easier too get
Hey Cody I am with you. I see so many comments on this thread saying how terrible Summit is for STEALING in a PIRATE game. If you don't want stuff to get stolen, learn quickly and adapt. It adds a different way to play the game. Yes it would suck to get stuff stolen from you but what if you caught the thieves? That would be some exhilaration and waste the thieves time. If these other players would ragequit after being stolen from once then they weren't too attached to the game.
XtremeGaming Shut the fuck up “learn quickly and adapt” not everyone has 3k to drop on a computer in order to run this game as smooth as summit does.
@@davidcolon2735 spent 1000 on my rig and I get 70fps... Don't need to break the bank these days to get decent frames on most games.
@@davidcolon2735 then get a job you fucking loser
XtremeGaming no hes terrible for camping at outposts, grow a fucking pair and actually fight people on the sea instead of ambusing them like cowards
Jack Black will Prevail
30k subs , #1 dead streamer
Oh yeah yeah sick game.. but where do you respawn if you dead? How can protect the chest?
You respawn on your ship, unless it sinks, then you and your ship spawn on a random island
Lesson learned: trust no one not even urself
Some guys are hating for this method.. but the game is literally named "Sea of Thieves"
From experience, the hate stems from the entire community deciding to camp outposts making it undesirable for anyone to actually wanting to set sail. In turn making the game a bland wait fest for people dumb enough get loot themselves. I enjoyed the game back when people actually did the thieving at sea instead of 9/10 of the server camping at the outposts.
@@abaddon5386 "entire community" LOL this happens on rare occasion, plus there's ways to get around this like looking for mermaids, or not anchoring with a shit ton of loot so you can sail away at a moments notice
@@abaddon5386 I don't think being dumb has to do with trying to take the loot from other players but its a case of having a choice and a pinch of being an A-hole.. being dumb seems to have to do with having the loot taken from you though having the fact that its possible
Its called Sea of thieves, but i see no sea nor thieves, i see outposts and Campers lmao
@@Terranova339 Pirates stole primarily on land. Thieves would "camp" common merchant routes. Its pretty accurate if you ask me.
And I want to issue a challenge to summit. If we can ever find our selves in the same server. I challenge him to come after me
Summit is really blowing up, like Ninja did on Fortnite
Sit down lmao. Blowing up ? He wishes
Summit used to have the most followers on TWITCH and he held that spot for awhile. If you think he's just now blowing up, you're fucking slow. on top of that he has nearly 30k subs..
Na that's his head
nah fam
Summit has had a solid fanbase for years on any game he plays, never seen him with lots of viewers/subs after he blew up.
So many carebears.... baaack in my EVE Online days...
nobody gives a fuck about you and your shitty eve
@@tehrndm Found the carebear
@@tehrndm L, cry harder
Channel Saved OMEGALUL
I dont mind the pvp in this game but sometimes it is absolute cancer. The game gave me a mission about 15min sail time away, get there on my own, parked up and hopped onto the island to fight a skeleton, and as im being surrounded a galleon comes in and shoots the fuck out of my boat, they then rush the island to kill me and camp my boat to insta kill me. 4 players all pirate legend, me barely level 20, and when the ship sank the game spawns me even further than i started.
Its not fun being insta ganked and especially when they camp the spawn points on a boat. Also im on xbox so trying to fight back is basically impossible against pc.
I don’t watch Sea of Thieves but what’s the point in these Chest? Just loot only I’m assuming?
Gamesk0 These chest are a special chest that give reputation to “Athena’s Fortune,” typically known as the Pirate Legend faction because pirate legends are the only ones that can start the quest (But anyone can do and get the reputation for them,) what makes them so good is that the chest by themselves are worth a lot, but there’s a long time to get the chest to begin with.
You have two chapters to each Athena voyage, chapter one is a full map wheel list of random quest, like riddles, X’s, Captain’s and merchant. The second chapter is the Athena chest.
In total, one voyage could last you 1-2 hours on a good one, while others can take longer, that’s why people are supposed to be careful and know their surroundings when turning them in, because almost everyone knows how good they are and how long they take to do. And thus, why Summit camped the outpost.
If only my fucking Microsoft Store would open i can play this god damn game. im so sad.
Steal all you want, but for god sake be honorable. The double gun quick scope is not only stupid, but it is illogical, meta, and dickish
No see stealing loot is part of the game. But the double gun running witch the sea of thieves has deemed unfair to the point were they are getting rid of it in a future update. Will see how awsome summit when he can us his go to attacks
What’s your sniper and pistol sensitivity?
your mom
Ryan T you’re funny haha
Ryan T hahaha!!! very funny !!!! XDDD
smell my dirty fingers ikr, hilarious haha 🤦♂️
Obada Rajjpub if you play on console dont worry about it
Look on the Microsoft store guys the game is only 30$ and 4 weeks ago got the patch it needed since the beginning. I highly recommend it if watching seems fun.
Microsoft Store wont open!!!! Fucking trash gaming platform.
Or $1 on Game Pass.
Got it on GamePass, promptly dropped it. I thought it was about exploration and that the PVE aspects would be their own thing. I simply do not enjoy games that are exclusively a waste of time (Fortnite, Dust, and basically 90% of the survival games on the market today).
Can someone tell me what these chests do? Do you just get money after turning them in? I've never played the game but I like watching it.
These chest are a special chest that give reputation to “Athena’s Fortune,” typically known as the Pirate Legend faction because pirate legends are the only ones that can start the quest (But anyone can do and get the reputation for them,) what makes them so good is that the chest by themselves are worth a lot, but there’s a long time to get the chest to begin with.
You have two chapters to each Athena voyage, chapter one is a full map wheel list of random quest, like riddles, X’s, Captain’s and merchant. The second chapter is the Athena chest.
In total, one voyage could last you 1-2 hours on a good one, while others can take longer, that’s why people are supposed to be careful and know their surroundings when turning them in, because almost everyone knows how good they are and how long they take to do. And thus, why Summit camped the outpost.
Hey thanks for the info.
Best game to play blackout drunk
What does going to sleep do in the game?
@@chrisstewart8798 Ok I see, thank you for the reply. And thank you for the info.
action starts 1:22
I've never seen a grown man so excited over a kids game
If you ever took a game serious then you'll understand why
I’ve never seen such an idiot that really cares what people play
And wich game is not a kids game dumbass ?
villen playing a kids game but is making more in a couple of years then you’ll ever make in your life lololol
Aaand now i no longer want to play this game, Edit: this game isnt for me, not my kinda gameplay. This video made that clear for me.
I thought about checking it out. But that definitely changed my mind. Think I'll save my self some grief.
its a pirate game, thats the point. If that you dont like that then your just a pussy
@@0hkie Not exactly. I have a limited time to play and if i grind for 3 hours to do something and when i get where i need to go to turn it in and there is someone camping there waiting by the guy to ambush and kill me. That would feel like a waste of 3 hours and not a good time to me. I like games where I feel I make progress in them. I won't play this game for the same reason I stopped playing the division. I enjoyed the game, but after the main PVE deal and I had to go to the dark zone which was filled with kill parties that would grief for fun and not let anyone get any loot out. That's cool, it was a part of the game. I just enjoy progression so when I finally get my little bit of time to play,and I go in the darkzone and finally get a piece of gear that I can use just to get killed by a squad of fully decked out guys that are grinding killing other players who are PVEing in there and they take my loot. Then I respawn and look at the clock and realize my play time is up and i wont be able to try again for days. I felt like i made no progress, not to mention having that happen to you isn't fun and thats why I play, for fun. This video reminds me of that and as I didn't enjoy that, I figured the game wasn't for me. If it is for you, have fun.
@@wellz1990 I love how looked down upon console players are. Hopefully they split the servers so the PC players side can crash and burn due to the lack of players on their end
@@matthewdh123 Beta wants to play a no risk game, lmaooooooo
Love the video. Also respect for all the credit given to Summit.
All that summit does is just tuck. He’s just a tuck bot lol
Some real pirate shit
I stole a box of wonderous secrets from a sloop today
The fact that you can kill people on this island or any island where u have to sell loot and whatever is fucking ridiculous and thats coming from someone who doesnt play this game
So because you don't play the game you don't really know how it is
oof. I would definitely take a break from the game for a day or 2 if I experienced this type of steal
didn't see anyone ragequit. hours of loot, he was probably gonna get off anyway. why play more once you've lost everything?
he rage quit and thats final
@@breathe_3asy uhh wot lol
He lost the Athena. There was a fuck ton of other shit on there ship. He didn’t even try to turn them in after losing the Athena. That’s a rage quit lmao
I would be so anoyed but it a pirate game so 🤷♂️
A pirate game? Magic cannon balls ?flying dude? Alive skeleton? No royal army fleet? BUT YEA IT A PIRATE GAME BUD
@@rewhis ,pirate game
I couldn't help but to sing the first verse of redemption song by Bob Marley.
can any SoT players tell me how much time those guys lost?
M C a few hours. 5ish probably
Corsair sponsor gota love you now :)
Can someone please explain this video to me? I don't know what any of these people are saying or doing, but cool vid
Finally caught a wild Justin Y.
I mean to try to even things out a little, they should make trading process take a little longer, so its not like an instant transaction. Maybe a status bar that takes like 10-15 seconds of holding a button (F on PC or X on console) in order to complete the trade and receive your gold. In that case, even if someone was "camping" at the outpost like summit here, it was a 2v1 situation, so while Summit was trying to complete the transaction, the other player would have been able to shoot him and possibly kill him? Idk it would be an interesting aspect. It would make the risk of "camping" at the outpost a little higher. I mean if Summit killed the guy holding the chest, then turned and killed his friend trying to protect him, I would definitely agree that TWO guys not being able to kill Summit deserves them to lose their loot. Also, if the guy holding the chest saw Summit he would be able to drop it and fight Summit with his teammate knowing that Summit can't just run over and trade over the loot in an instant. Just adding a small progress bar to trading. And I know it would probably make trading multiple items a hassle, then just add multiple spots to trade items so teammates can make multiple transactions at a time. Just an idea, please don't try to tear me limb from limb lmao. I agree that this is indeed a PIRATE game, this is just an idea to calm down so many people complaining, you gotta agree that shit would suck if it happened to you lol
I don't have a problem with Summit stealing someone else's loot, but... just stop double gunning, good thing RARE will fix it cause when the double gun apeared the sword was for almost for no use. The sword is the weapon that you need to be skilled with not just shoot, switch, shoot
I love it when people try this with my crew lol, constant fails, if u ever come across my crew in game all I can say is come at me 😂😂
Having such an ego on Sea of Thieves like that is beyond me. Reevaluate yourself please.
Your ego will be your downfall.
Wow fortnite sure looks different
The "Toxic Player" description has change over the years to the point where people like these people start complaining about people who are just god's at the game. All pvp games have great players in them, that can do amazing things. Just because Summit1G is great at Sea of Thieves doesn't make him a toxic player. The title of the game is SEA OF THIEVES; it's a pirate game, it's about getting treasure, stealing treasure , and betrayal.. Literally these people are asking the gods of a game for a win or to let them go. Also Summit and his crew are beatable, use your ship's advantages , speed, size, and anchor.
📞 Hello Rare 📞 My Opponent in Sea of 📞 THIEVES 📞 is STEALING 📞 from me 📞
coke at 2:20?
if i would be this guy i would start shouting n words
True pirate right there...
This is why they need to make it so you can't kill anyone at an outpost
MarsuveezBlack why? So bad players can get a free pass? Just don’t be an idiot when handing stuff in. It’s been like this since day one.
@@Lea-pe6iw More like so bad players can't get a free pass. Camping close to the vendor and then turning in someone's loot after one surprise kill is not a high skill move. Almost every other game has a safezone in sell areas because of this
Absolutely Braggadocious Then go play a game with a safe zone...That’s like saying dark souls is too hard, they should add a pause button just like every other game.
@@DaBomber6969 just dont be an idiot when trying to sell stuff? Its not rocket science. you literally only have to do two things.
1.) scout.
2.) guard the one with the chest.
1:35 thank me later
It’s funny how summit laughs while doing this but if this happened to him when he first became a pirate legend and got his first Athena chest he would of stopped streaming this game.
@@krutarthdave1938 This is the point of the game?
@@TeMaorislovePink if the point of the game is to make others quit, then that is exactly what David is talking about lol. Yes, the game mechanics let you do stuff like this, and if your'e an extremely good players with 100's of hours into the game, it won't even be that hard. But in the long run, being a dick to every single person you come across is goin to make a lot of people stop playing. They at least need to make other servers or update combat so the insta-kill double shot isn't meta. Cause plenty of people don't have the time to play a lot of be the best of the best, or just want to play casually
Krutarth Dave been like this since day one. It sucks when it happens to you, but having a safe spot in SoT of all games is just dumb. Be smart when handing in shit.
Try scouting the outpost before complaining that it’s toxic because people are pirates in a PIRATE game
@@ScarryHarry93 then dont play on a pvp server pussy
hope that in a few months everybody will camp and nobodys doing the work anymore :) this will be fun times, the recent changes in the community behaviour are so fckng annyoing
The moment you started justifying what you was doing is the moment you realize you was the toxic player in the community
Everyone justifies their own actions. It's human nature. Otherwise we would all be just sad, simps, with no self esteem....ohhh. I see.
It’s a game about being a pirate and stealing things. What did you expect?
The moment you started bitching about doing pirate thing in a pirate game was the exact moment i realized you’re a pussy.
Can you really just camp the turn in area on this game lol? I never played it before but surely they woulda patched that and made towns safe areas by now?
its a fucking pirate game there are no rules
there's absolutely no safe spots. Tbh it does need to change, whether it be updated combat or something. Because lately I've seen hardly any ships sailing, no one using alliance system to team up and be stronger/better, and everyone just constanly dropping anchor which makes ship combat extremely slow and a complete waste. Eventually, as much as I'd hate to say it, it will probably die because no one wants to spend the time to get loot because of the risk, and when all the campers aren't finding other players, they'll go too
DiggyHipno its not realistic even in terms of piracy... pirates didnt just shoot up in towns with no reason or consequences the town would gun them down
ok we should disable all PVP while we are at it and rename the game Sea Of Friends
Lol I also stole an ashen Athena yesterday 2 more then legendary theif
Is this Atlas?
@@0hkie Whats the name?
@@0hkie Thanks
Is this game called Sea of Thieves or Outpost of Campers?
Fastest uninstall in the west
Imagine crying because someone is playing like a pirate, in a pirate game called “sea of thieves” lmao
Why do people keep using that shitty ass argument
Imagine seeing multiple comments that say sea of thieves is a pirate game and copying the comments for likes
Best Trainz imagine thinking I give a shit about likes lmao
Imagine being a cocky douchebag whose only goal in life is to troll people that spend hours actually playing the game and trying to have a good time so you can afford a new skin on your broken sniper rifle
Is this game cross compatible with PC and Xbox? Swear I’ve been getting lazered
She had a booty Yes it is. Pc players dominate in this game. Shouldn't be cross platform, too easy for combat if you are on pc.
Is this game fun alone cause that was some awesome pirate shit! lol
Billy Fearless Not nearly as fun with a crew, if you could manage to become a one man army in this game, you’d be a really skilled pirate, because this game is NOT solo friendly, lol.
if you play alone you are fucked in every single way, avoid.
Gangsta Gangsta!
Did Summit really gain over 20k subs in less than a month?
There is a difference between playing as a 'thief' and being an asshole. NO Respect for sad people that do this.
Gonna cry?
One of the many ways to steal, who cares if you’re an asshole? 😜
I’m so glad I made Summit rage quit from a fort. He deserved it.
The Fraze no you didn’t lmao first off he makes a point to not show his ingame name so you wouldn’t even know it was him he also uses a voice changer so you wouldn’t be able to hear him. The only way you’d know it was him is if you stream sniped in which case I need a clip from his stream
Seth Inc Idiot, he wasn’t using his ingame name. We knew it was him because he was streaming and someone on Twitch messages us and told us it was him. I went back and looked at the footage and it has my gamer tag in. We didn’t stream snipe him, we got told it was him by someone on Twitch.
Don’t make stupid assumptions next time, I’ll upload the footage to my channel later as proof.
The Fraze then send the fucking twitch clip if summit rage quits his chat is gonna clip it a hundred fucking times send the clip
Seth Inc It is clipped for fucks sake. I’m at work I can’t fucking send a clip on my Xbox from work. I’ll do it when I get back which will be in like 8 hours.
The Fraze Fucking liar lmao