The area of Doklam carries a huge military advantage and if it falls into the hands of China, it will not only compromise the security of Bhutan but also of India's. Moreover, if Doklam falls into the hands of China, the higher ground of Doklam will be used by China for artillery fire aimed at India, furthermore, the Chickens Neck is the small area that connects the North East to rest of India, In the event of a war with India, China will choke the Chickens Neck and easy access to transportation of war pieces of machinery such as tanks and vehicles to take the Northeast of India, including Arunachal Pradesh. The Doklam fracas follows hard on the heels of another, in Ladakh, the commissar totalitarian regime has been flexing military muscle and making incursions into the Indian side of the territory and fisticuffs between the PLA and Indian army is a regular occurrence. Is the Chinese commissar Xi Jinping think India is a sitting duck to shot at? The tolerance of putting up the fuddy-duddies of communist China's intimidation, intransigence, and daily incursions into Indian territories must be stopped and war is the only way to stop it, so be it
Great video mate, I always waited for Indian TH-cam channels to highlight complex issues, You have great command at narration,animation and graphics (can't do myself as no video making expertise) . Keep doing great work.
Haha, as far as Chinese mouth peace global times, China is one that is crying for peace 😂😂😂,they already start backing 😂😂😂,according to global times Indian army is in Chinese area and building roads, 😂😂,China army is picking there pants in ladakh go and see video is available on you tube 😂😂,and in South China sea USA aircraft carrier are making Chinese navy is packing up there pants 😂😂,so what will to China son porkistan will be great to see 😂😂,please read international news or Chinese news to get what is happening 😂😂,India and USA along with Japan will kick ass of China and Pakistan in Asia 😂😂😂 ,and one think I will guarantee that before, 2024,india will have physical control over pok, 😂😂😂
@@baikyesicanbaik5350 😂😂😂frustrated people can call what they want but it is fact, it is modern world satelite images show every thing 😂😂😂 you can be in your imaginary world, we show how strong Chinese army is in doklam 😂😂😂,after saying everything they back down 😂😂,and again they run away 😂😂 ,if my observation is wrong then why not china just attack India take galwan Vally 😂😂,please show international media, and in South China sea USA is kicking Chinese ass is not new thing they are doing this for so long 😂😂,China is afraid of India USA friendship that's why they are crying, 1000 USA companies are living China and setting there place in India 😂😂,you can be in imaginary world but I think you will understand this this in some time, 😂😂
*As a German , I feel China is to blame* China has had agreements in 1988,1999 and 2012 on Doklam plateau and agreed to not take any action on it , and yet they went back on their word and invaded bhutanese territory
12345a Sie wissen gar nicht über die Rolle,die Indian Seite auf Bhutan ausübt hat.die Indian haben schon Sikkim annektiert, und jetzt Bhutan befindet sich auch in gefährlichen hat India in ein Gebiet,das nicht von Bhutan als Land von ihnen gennant. eingebrochen.Der Angriff von India ist nur eine Ausrede.glauben Sie wirklich,das ein Land,das diskrimination geduldet hat,das sexuelle Angriffe gegen Frauen geduldet hat,wirklich positive Einflüsse über die Gebiete ausüben will?
Scared pla is bringing in mma fighters to help in hand to hand combat after the last trashing by the IA is happening now. 😂🤣
Here is a list of the countries that have territorial and border disputes with China---- Japan :: Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874. …. Vietnam :: China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also, Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. …. India :: China illegally occupies 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. At the heart of Sino-Indian boundary dispute is the issue of Arunachal Pradesh (90,000 sq km), which China describes as "Southern Tibet". Beijing is demanding that at least the Tawang Tract of Arunachal Pradesh, if not the whole of the state, be transferred to China….. Nepal :: China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China. … North Korea :: Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). … The Philippines :: Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands. Russia :: 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements. Singapore :: Parts of the South China Sea. …. South Korea :: Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368)….. Bhutan :: Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan. … Taiwan :: China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfi eld Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also called Xisha Islands in Vietnamese, is a group of islands in the South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed among China, Taiwan and Vietnam disputes with Burma. … Kazakhstan :: There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China's favour signed every few years. … Laos :: China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (China's Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368)…. Brunei :: Over Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Brunei has also claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys encompassing just one area of small islands on Louisa Reef. This has led to escalating tensions. … Tajikistan :: Chinese claims based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912). Cambodia :: China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (China's Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Indonesia :: Parts of the South China Sea. … Kyrgyzstan :: China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century. …. Malaysia :: Over Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands. … Mongolia :: China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China. … Afghanistan :: Afghan province of Bahdakhshan (despite a bilateral treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory). … China is a small pissfart nation when compared to india Becuase china exists only on the eastern part, just like Australia India knows how to knock this wee part off, with Unstoppable nuclear ICBM missiles Tibet,XinJiang and Yunnan were part of india, India will definetely take it back China projected false growth rates by currency manipulation and shadow banking. If India and US joins hands, then china canbe strangulated economically Hello china, building ghost cities, is worse than building a million fishing boats on desert sands. which would never catch a fish
OhTesla,oh Tesla.Sorry for name sake.You are no where near your famous name sake.I for one know definately that Singapore has no territorial claims with China.Tibet/Xinjiang part of India?Where were you educated?India did not exist as a country for most of the last 2000 years.Even when the British conquered India,they did not conquer 'India' but rather some 500 small states in the Indian Subcontinent.What bullshit are you talking.As for Taiwan,China does not claim Taiwan,Taiwan is a province of China ruled by a rival government.China has no problems with Cambodia,Laos.Mongolia was incooperated as a part of China by the mongols themselves and were a part of from then till Outer Mongolia declared independence during the turmoil following the Chinese civil war.Go back to school first
but that also indicates that China is a big country. It just has many neighbors. In history the boundaries were not clear, but people could live together without problems. There has been dispute after clear boundaries were introduced by Western, instead by each country itself.
No Sikkim only has two option either to get invaded by China and be the next Tibet or to be a state in a country with similar culture and political freedom.
Sikkimese are really happy with India. ( You can ask on Quora). You can also check on Facebook pages " I love sikkim" Just ask any sikkimese. Sikkim before annexation was a developed Country will other states are still developing. They requested India to get annex India to enjoy Democracy. Just Check on Wikipedia "annexation of Sikkim" and 1967 indo - China sikkim War.
Every country did something wrong in past. Your country is still doing it to date. Your country has a real greed for the Indian lands which is quite sad and disrespectful
china wants doklam but doklam is bhutans and bhutan is friends with india so india helps bhutan by fighting china but china wants more land so china fights with india to get doklam but doklam is bhutans and bhutan signed a treaty of friendship with india so india helps bhutan be fighting china so doklam is bhutans but china wants to conquer the east so china fights india and india is friends with bhutan and bhutan has doklam china wants doklam so it fights india because bhutan is friends with india.
@ 1:27 that isnt the siliguri corridor mate, u showed siliguri corridor going towards the north east, siliguri chicken neck is the 1 below which goes to the mainland of india
China Vs India 1) Economy : a) China is a huge economy and runs a huge trade surplus against India. No doubt China has a huge Foreign Exchange Reserves but it also has a huge Debt burden both internal as well as external. In case of war with India the immediate loss to China will be loss of some $62 Billion annually for the rest of future apart from war losses to economy. b) Apart from this America would get an opportunity/ excuse to impose sanctions on China for having waged war , leaving China's economy in shatters. c ) Besides China's GDP already in negative ( as believed) will go so low that there will be no recovery. d) Lot said and written China's GDP and economy truth lies in its huge Debt burden never seen in history , Ghost cities and Roads to nowhere , in other words unproductive economy in real terms but India is well known for making optimum utilization of every bit of resources for productive use. 2) Strategic Reserves : China has a stock pile of huge amount of strategic reserves viz Oil, steel , etc and has a clear edge against India that stands nowhere. But in case of war countries supporting India would fill India with whatever India would need to contain China and China would have no such support from countries supporting it Viz. Pakistan and North Korea the beggar states- Advantage India 3) Geography : There are only a few attack points from where China can attack India and India would put all its resources on those attack points. But China not only have to spare 9 times the resources( Mountain region standards) to match India’s Strength but would also need to strengthen its defenses on Russian Border , South China sea , on its other sectarian areas apart from keeping a huge army to keep the internal unrest in check when India would need only china and Pakistan border to take care off. China would have to spare defense forces for USA, Japan etc. Even if China manage to win few territories by super attack they wont be able to retain the territory .All India would need to destroy some bridges with its super accurate Brahmos missiles to choke China's supply lines- Advantage India 4) Political Situation : India is a stable democracy and in times of war the whole nation would stand up to support the government when china cannot boast of public support as they have long been suppressed and would get an opportunity to revolt along with Tibetans and Ughars .-Disadvantage China 5) Supply Lines : Half of China navy would be cornered by USA, Japan in south China sea and India would easily choke China's supply lines at multiple points. America and Japan gets to destroy artificial islands when China is busy taking up India-Disadvantage China 6) International support : Almost all countries of the world except North Korea and Pakistan would stand by India- Advantage India 7) Army : Mountainous region makes China to mobilize 9 times India’s Defense and China does not have that much of resources-Advantage India 8) Navy : With China having to support its area in South China sea India would easily destroy China's attack especially with brahmos in its armory and better experience of handling Aircraft carrier- Advantage India 9) Air Force : same as in Navy India has a lot better Air Force in comparison to China and a better experienced/Trained fighters. Whatever numerical advantage China would have will be neutralized by India’s defense shield. 10) Missile Defense : India has a more advanced missile defense shield than China and China attacking India would only deplete its resources before USA enters this war. 11) Cyber Warfare : China's Cyber hackers are located only in China but in case of war all India’s high-tech army located in through out the world shall have only one target i.e China apart from Israel, USA, NATO , Japan etc going all out to help India. China would soon realize how helpless it is. 12) Industrial Support : China has a clear edge against India but no one knows that India has an inherited strength . how that edge comes into fore at the times of war is a surprise element in case of war 13) Technology : India has a clear edge on technology front. Simply saying everyone knows Americans technology edge is because of Indians serving there and India’s software. Apart from this Israel , USA, France, Germany are all standing by India’s side 14) War Experience : Nothing much to say-Advantage India as India’s Army has been battling against Pakistan for years, 1962, 1965,1967,1971, 1984, 1999 kargil and what not apart from United Nations mission and multi-national exercises from time to time. 15) Nuclear Weapons : Use Nuclear Weapons and the whole world will end so no winners 16) Russia : Do China really think Russia is a fool to allow a strong nation on its border who challenges the only super power in the world USA. Russia would want to have a weak nation on its border and would never want to see a superpower on its border that has a long history of hatred and dispute with it. Before this China Settled its border Dispute with Russia to take Russia on its side. History teaches us a lot but not to China. This happened exactly when USA was to attack Iraq, Iraq settled its disputes with Iran and what happened is history. Iran never helped Iraq but also seized the whole of Iraq’s Air Planes 17) Political Leadership: Modi made the whole world a friend and dance on its tunes while Xi made the whole world the enemy of China 18) Submarine Fleet : India's The P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol plane is best known as submarine killer and China's Submarine numerical advantage will be gone before China could even wake up. 19) Aircraft Carrier : with three Aircraft Carrier and tons of experience for almost 60 years China stand nowhere near India. And not to mention India's unsinkable Aircraft carrier known by the name Andaman Nicobar island is a death bell for Chinese Naval Fleet before they can think of reaching India's border. 20) Space war : China and India both has the capacity to destroy each other spy and navigation satellites but even if both destroys each other satellite India would still get back up from Russian and American and Israeli satellites but China gets no back up. 21) America : Needless to say America wants India to counter balance China and in case of war America would sit at a distance watching both India and China destroy each other without it to use its men to be killed in this theater of war and with its super defense budget as always it would supply ammunition, missiles and supplies to India fr free at a rate which is not seen in history. China and India destroying each other would help America retain its economic and defense might and hence its only super power status. This is a fact that can be studied for example total Pakistan military is funded by America for no payment to counter Iran and India. 22) Quality of Armament/Infantry/Artillery/Fighter Planes/Naval Fleet/missiles - India getting the best of technology and quality weapons from all over the world and China's quality is dubious and everyone knows it. latest example is China's tanks tore in parts and got scattered all over the place in Russia tank biathlon 2017 throwing China out in first round itself ( see it for yourself ). with such weaponry china can only fight a Tinnamen square against its own citizens and not against India. 23) Demography : Above all Almost all of the Chinese soldiers are single son of their family wherein dependents are 2 Grandparents, 2 Grandparents in law, 2 Parent, 2 Parent in law, Wife and one child because of one child policy of China's Regime. If China thinks these 10 dependents of every china soldiers family would encourage the soldier to die for the communist China liberation Party than China would soon realize after war how the internal demography implodes from inside and China would see a revolt or a revolution the moment dead bodies start pouring in. Due to internal power struggle No China leadership can afford to look weak on military front as such i am of a strong opinion that Doklam stand off would result in China attacking India believing it to be a area specific short war but they sure are miscalculating Modi's Patriotic zeal. This is not going to be what China presumes it will be, leading it to be third world war and end of China. Every other nation accept North Korea and Pakistan would side India because Today China has issues with India, America, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Iran and what not and already bankrupt Pakistan after a week of War would change sides surrendering before the dictates of USA. China like any other nation in history would see its demolition like the Nazi Germany or like Japan. In Hindi it is said " Vinashkale Buddhi Viprite " meaning when it is destined for destruction the wisdom takes the wrong decision and this is exactly what China is doing these days. Now how the readers feel. Do you agree or Not Please Comment
23 February 1945 The Hindus are windbags. Yes, windbags! When it comes to business, they immediately reveal their internal flabbiness. Winston Churchill
中国制造 Made in China it's ironic how you selected a quote from a dictator like man man you used to be a cool headed guy with good argument what happened to you????
problem is my presentation is based on pure facts and international political history. Arguing against it with pure facts is not an easy task for as u said cool headed made in china. As such he can play what Chinese are best at talk non sense to protect them
India can easily cut out chinas CPEC and ends its connectivity too if it thinks . India can circle and defend that dokhlam anyway and that narrow passage.
This document below clearly indicated that: 1) Indian troop entered China from Sikkim border illegally 2) Tibet was/is part of China. ===================================================== CONVENTION BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND CHINA RELATING TO SIKKIM AND TIBET Signed at Calcutta, 17 March 1890 Ratified at London, 27 August 1890 Whereas Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, are sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires; and whereas recent occurrences have tended towards a disturbance of the said relations, and it is desirable to clearly define and permanently settle certain matters connected with the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of China have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject, and have, for this purpose, named Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, his Excellency the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.M.I.E., Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General of India; And His Majesty the Emperor of China, his Excellency Sheng Tai, Imperial Associate Resident in Tibet, Military Deputy Lieutenant-Governor; Who, having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention in eight Articles: ... ... ....
I hope China only destroys North India and spares South India. We South Indians actually love the Chinese and our ancestors had trade with the Chinese.
Why does India talk about China all day long? No one ever talks about India on the streets of China's domestic TV network, because the Chinese don't take India seriously.
Your content is really good but the visuals look a bit more cartoonish than what is expected out of a serious content channel like yours, no offense intended though.please make the animations & presentation more in line with the information.none of this is meant to demean you so please don't take offense.I am a regular viewer of channels like visualpolitik and Caspian report and would really love to see you and your content on par with those on all levels.please don't take this in a negative way. Regards A potential subscriber and a politics economics diplomacy buff
A very bold question here is if People Liberation Army finally help liberate the Chinese-looking Asiatic indigenous native people & their fatherland, from today's Nepal to northern & north-eastern India after all these centuries?
these Chinese Looking people DO NOT like Chinese, e.g. people in Arunachal Pradesh speak Hindi and Hate Chinese and like Dalai Lama love India. Do not put ALL Chinese Looking People in ONE pot.
First of all, appreciate the person who made this video, must spend a lot of time and energy. Now back to the topic. This document below clearly indicated that: 1) Indian troop entered China from Sikkim border illegally 2) Tibet was/is part of China. ===================================================== CONVENTION BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND CHINA RELATING TO SIKKIM AND TIBET Signed at Calcutta, 17 March 1890 Ratified at London, 27 August 1890 Whereas Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, are sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires; and whereas recent occurrences have tended towards a disturbance of the said relations, and it is desirable to clearly define and permanently settle certain matters connected with the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of China have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject, and have, for this purpose, named Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, his Excellency the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.M.I.E., Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General of India; And His Majesty the Emperor of China, his Excellency Sheng Tai, Imperial Associate Resident in Tibet, Military Deputy Lieutenant-Governor; Who, having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention in eight Articles: ... ... ....
I can throw lot of links at communist controlled Chinese brains, Historically Tibet acted as buffer between Indian & Chinese mainland population, but now nazi china under Xi-jinping after new found wealth also wants to grab Himalayan land and directly threaten Ganga-Brahmaputra plains population core. Just like Chinese cherry pick treaties to suit its land grab claims or why Chinese don't recognize macmohan line or vacate aksai chin which they invaded in 1962 war?? Why Chinese disturbed the status quo on disputed lands by building new facts on ground by building roads just like they are doing in south china sea? When with countless treaties it was decided to maintain status quo and decide disputed territories, tri-junction area by dialogue.
India has control over territory in west from sutlej river kumaun gadhwal to east teesta river daarjeling sikkim and south to patna bihar ganga river that belongs to "Gorkha kingdom Nepal". Nepal is a country where brave soldiers Gurkha birth takes place, A country where "light of asia" "GAUTAM BUDDHA" was borned and which is the oldest country and oldest hindu country in the world. And a country with living Tantrism power. Surely you have watched "Dr Strange". Hope India will return Gorkha kingdom Nepal its land that india has control till date before it will be too late for India.
While India-China border dispute sees no signs of easing, the issue being will China's People's Liberation Army finally help liberate Chinese-looking Indigenous Asiatic Native people, & their beloved father land, who had endured through 2000 years-old Hindu caste system in today's Northern & North-Eastern India & Nepal? More at,
you fool have logic??? Arrogant shameless Indian. Your just controlling Bhutan and evilly want to swallow up it like you did on Sikkim. No Bhutanese really likes you india to act for them.
It's Pakistan occupied Kashmir Pakistan go out of Kashmir. Go read history it was Pakistan which had first attacked Kashmir then it's ruler decided to become the part of India & then India came for the defence of Kashmir so Pakistan is the occupying force.
You have not seen the map which is the original map of Pakistan and which is known all over the world and the area which you have shown in the map of India is our province Gilgit-Baltistan pakistan. If you have a little brain you can see on wikipedia what a map of pakistan looks like
Gilgit Baltistan & Ghulam Kashmir (POK) which was a part of the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir whose ruler Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the instrument of accession to join India on 26 October 1947 so all of Jammu & Kashmir including it's illegally occupied area of Gilgit Baltistan & Ghulam Kashmir (POK) belongs to India
The area of Doklam carries a huge military advantage and if it falls into the hands of China, it will not only compromise the security of Bhutan but also of India's. Moreover, if Doklam falls into the hands of China, the higher ground of Doklam will be used by China for artillery fire aimed at India, furthermore, the Chickens Neck is the small area that connects the North East to rest of India, In the event of a war with India, China will choke the Chickens Neck and easy access to transportation of war pieces of machinery such as tanks and vehicles to take the Northeast of India, including Arunachal Pradesh.
The Doklam fracas follows hard on the heels of another, in Ladakh, the commissar totalitarian regime has been flexing military muscle and making incursions into the Indian side of the territory and fisticuffs between the PLA and Indian army is a regular occurrence. Is the Chinese commissar Xi Jinping think India is a sitting duck to shot at? The tolerance of putting up the fuddy-duddies of communist China's intimidation, intransigence, and daily incursions into Indian territories must be stopped and war is the only way to stop it, so be it
India go a head for war what a suggestion given by verges
Great video mate, I always waited for Indian TH-cam channels to highlight complex issues, You have great command at narration,animation and graphics (can't do myself as no video making expertise) . Keep doing great work.
+brijesh kumar thanks Brijesh
Keep the background music volume a bit lower in the upcoming videos.
Ok Abhishek. Thanks for your feedback
I love my India,,, Meghalaya
Arban Tynsong Soon it’ll belong to China.
@@vkray In your dreams.
I love india
@@vkray never
"Go back Otherwise we request please go back" because they knows har parosi ☕ nhi pilata😉
Hahahaha right
Haha, as far as Chinese mouth peace global times, China is one that is crying for peace 😂😂😂,they already start backing 😂😂😂,according to global times Indian army is in Chinese area and building roads, 😂😂,China army is picking there pants in ladakh go and see video is available on you tube 😂😂,and in South China sea USA aircraft carrier are making Chinese navy is packing up there pants 😂😂,so what will to China son porkistan will be great to see 😂😂,please read international news or Chinese news to get what is happening 😂😂,India and USA along with Japan will kick ass of China and Pakistan in Asia 😂😂😂 ,and one think I will guarantee that before, 2024,india will have physical control over pok, 😂😂😂
@@jaiveersingh7567 🤣great Joke.......r
@@baikyesicanbaik5350 😂😂😂frustrated people can call what they want but it is fact, it is modern world satelite images show every thing 😂😂😂 you can be in your imaginary world, we show how strong Chinese army is in doklam 😂😂😂,after saying everything they back down 😂😂,and again they run away 😂😂 ,if my observation is wrong then why not china just attack India take galwan Vally 😂😂,please show international media, and in South China sea USA is kicking Chinese ass is not new thing they are doing this for so long 😂😂,China is afraid of India USA friendship that's why they are crying, 1000 USA companies are living China and setting there place in India 😂😂,you can be in imaginary world but I think you will understand this this in some time, 😂😂
Aur na Har padoshi ko blockade kiya ja sakta hai
Indian government aur officials chutiyon se bhara pada hai media ko toh baat hi alag hai
*As a German , I feel China is to blame*
China has had agreements in 1988,1999 and 2012 on Doklam plateau and agreed to not take any action on it , and yet they went back on their word and invaded bhutanese territory
12345a Sie wissen gar nicht über die Rolle,die Indian Seite auf Bhutan ausübt hat.die Indian haben schon Sikkim annektiert, und jetzt Bhutan befindet sich auch in gefährlichen hat India in ein Gebiet,das nicht von Bhutan als Land von ihnen gennant. eingebrochen.Der Angriff von India ist nur eine Ausrede.glauben Sie wirklich,das ein Land,das diskrimination geduldet hat,das sexuelle Angriffe gegen Frauen geduldet hat,wirklich positive Einflüsse über die Gebiete ausüben will?
China occupied Tibet for last 50 year's do you think they don't know the
+Xing XU I saw the cultural revolution photos when your people burned temples of Buddha and Confucius , you cannot change the past what have you done
+john doe if Tibet is part then Communist are not Chinese simple
And what is happening now 😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 well said bro
Scared pla is bringing in mma fighters to help in hand to hand combat after the last trashing by the IA is happening now. 😂🤣
Here is a list of the countries that have territorial and border disputes with China----
Japan :: Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874. ….
Vietnam :: China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also, Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. ….
India :: China illegally occupies 38,000 sq km (Aksai Chin) of land in Jammu & Kashmir. It also holds 5,180 km of Indian territory in Pakistan occupied Kashmir under Sino-Pak agreement of 1963. At the heart of Sino-Indian boundary dispute is the issue of Arunachal Pradesh (90,000 sq km), which China describes as "Southern Tibet". Beijing is demanding that at least the Tawang Tract of Arunachal Pradesh, if not the whole of the state, be transferred to China…..
Nepal :: China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China. …
North Korea :: Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). …
The Philippines :: Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands.
Russia :: 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing several agreements.
Singapore :: Parts of the South China Sea. ….
South Korea :: Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368)…..
Bhutan :: Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan. …
Taiwan :: China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfi eld Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands. The Paracel Islands, also called Xisha Islands in Vietnamese, is a group of islands in the South China Sea whose sovereignty is disputed among China, Taiwan and Vietnam disputes with Burma. …
Kazakhstan :: There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China's favour signed every few years. …
Laos :: China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (China's Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368)….
Brunei :: Over Spratly Islands. The Spratly Islands is a disputed group of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands in the South China Sea. About 45 islands are occupied by small numbers of military forces from the People's Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. Brunei has also claimed an exclusive economic zone in the southeastern part of the Spratlys encompassing just one area of small islands on Louisa Reef. This has led to escalating tensions. …
Tajikistan :: Chinese claims based on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912).
Cambodia :: China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (China's Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Indonesia :: Parts of the South China Sea. …
Kyrgyzstan :: China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century. ….
Malaysia :: Over Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands. …
Mongolia :: China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China. …
Afghanistan :: Afghan province of Bahdakhshan (despite a bilateral treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory). …
China is a small pissfart nation when compared to india
Becuase china exists only on the eastern part, just like Australia
India knows how to knock this wee part off, with Unstoppable nuclear ICBM
Tibet,XinJiang and Yunnan were part of india, India will definetely take it
China projected false growth rates by currency manipulation and shadow banking.
If India and US joins hands, then china canbe strangulated economically
Hello china, building ghost cities, is worse than building a million fishing boats
on desert sands. which would never catch a fish
Wow, that's some work!
@Akin Khoo: You are stupid, a fool, we know many of them in Singapore are from China itself, once again Chinese stupidity is exposed
OhTesla,oh Tesla.Sorry for name sake.You are no where near your famous name sake.I for one know definately that Singapore has no territorial claims with China.Tibet/Xinjiang part of India?Where were you educated?India did not exist as a country for most of the last 2000 years.Even when the British conquered India,they did not conquer 'India' but rather some 500 small states in the Indian Subcontinent.What bullshit are you talking.As for Taiwan,China does not claim Taiwan,Taiwan is a province of China ruled by a rival government.China has no problems with Cambodia,Laos.Mongolia was incooperated as a part of China by the mongols themselves and were a part of from then till Outer Mongolia declared independence during the turmoil following the Chinese civil war.Go back to school first
@Lim Kheak Wei: I can understand your Frustration, but truth is bitter, i know, but Truth is Truth.
but that also indicates that China is a big country. It just has many neighbors. In history the boundaries were not clear, but people could live together without problems. There has been dispute after clear boundaries were introduced by Western, instead by each country itself.
So from Sikkim Indian military never left and took over the whole Sikkim.
No Sikkim only has two option either to get invaded by China and be the next Tibet or to be a state in a country with similar culture and political freedom.
If Taiwan is a country ,Sikkim is also a country
Taiwan, Hongkong and Tibet are separate country. You need a passport to go there.
Cauliflower no, dont need
Those areas are sensitive regions, so special control is needed. If you look at the so called "passports" you will find "China" in them.
Sikkimese are really happy with India. ( You can ask on Quora). You can also check on Facebook pages " I love sikkim" Just ask any sikkimese. Sikkim before annexation was a developed Country will other states are still developing. They requested India to get annex India to enjoy Democracy. Just Check on Wikipedia "annexation of Sikkim" and 1967 indo - China sikkim War.
@@atharvagosavi4965 , Why the Sikkim King was expelled and exiled to U.S. after India annexed Sikkim in 1975?
As a Chinese, I see all the haters hating because of ONE ACTION.
It would be different when a stranger cheats you and when a brother backstabs need to understand the love and pain to understand the hate
Every country did something wrong in past. Your country is still doing it to date. Your country has a real greed for the Indian lands which is quite sad and disrespectful
Instead of China, Pakistan should capture this Indian neck
Welldone BJP Governance, we all are proud of you
china wants doklam but doklam is bhutans and bhutan is friends with india so india helps bhutan by fighting china but china wants more land so china fights with india to get doklam but doklam is bhutans and bhutan signed a treaty of friendship with india so india helps bhutan be fighting china so doklam is bhutans but china wants to conquer the east so china fights india and india is friends with bhutan and bhutan has doklam china wants doklam so it fights india because bhutan is friends with india.
amazing explanation :)
+Pallavi Singh thanks Pallavi
@ 1:27 that isnt the siliguri corridor mate, u showed siliguri corridor going towards the north east, siliguri chicken neck is the 1 below which goes to the mainland of india
China Vs India
1) Economy : a) China is a huge economy and runs a huge trade surplus against India. No doubt China has a huge Foreign Exchange Reserves but it also has a huge Debt burden both internal as well as external. In case of war with India the immediate loss to China will be loss of some $62 Billion annually for the rest of future apart from war losses to economy. b) Apart from this America would get an opportunity/ excuse to impose sanctions on China for having waged war , leaving China's economy in shatters. c ) Besides China's GDP already in negative ( as believed) will go so low that there will be no recovery. d) Lot said and written China's GDP and economy truth lies in its huge Debt burden never seen in history , Ghost cities and Roads to nowhere , in other words unproductive economy in real terms but India is well known for making optimum utilization of every bit of resources for productive use.
2) Strategic Reserves : China has a stock pile of huge amount of strategic reserves viz Oil, steel , etc and has a clear edge against India that stands nowhere. But in case of war countries supporting India would fill India with whatever India would need to contain China and China would have no such support from countries supporting it Viz. Pakistan and North Korea the beggar states- Advantage India
3) Geography : There are only a few attack points from where China can attack India and India would put all its resources on those attack points. But China not only have to spare 9 times the resources( Mountain region standards) to match India’s Strength but would also need to strengthen its defenses on Russian Border , South China sea , on its other sectarian areas apart from keeping a huge army to keep the internal unrest in check when India would need only china and Pakistan border to take care off. China would have to spare defense forces for USA, Japan etc. Even if China manage to win few territories by super attack they wont be able to retain the territory .All India would need to destroy some bridges with its super accurate Brahmos missiles to choke China's supply lines- Advantage India
4) Political Situation : India is a stable democracy and in times of war the whole nation would stand up to support the government when china cannot boast of public support as they have long been suppressed and would get an opportunity to revolt along with Tibetans and Ughars .-Disadvantage China
5) Supply Lines : Half of China navy would be cornered by USA, Japan in south China sea and India would easily choke China's supply lines at multiple points. America and Japan gets to destroy artificial islands when China is busy taking up India-Disadvantage China
6) International support : Almost all countries of the world except North Korea and Pakistan would stand by India- Advantage India
7) Army : Mountainous region makes China to mobilize 9 times India’s Defense and China does not have that much of resources-Advantage India
8) Navy : With China having to support its area in South China sea India would easily destroy China's attack especially with brahmos in its armory and better experience of handling Aircraft carrier- Advantage India
9) Air Force : same as in Navy India has a lot better Air Force in comparison to China and a better experienced/Trained fighters. Whatever numerical advantage China would have will be neutralized by India’s defense shield.
10) Missile Defense : India has a more advanced missile defense shield than China and China attacking India would only deplete its resources before USA enters this war.
11) Cyber Warfare : China's Cyber hackers are located only in China but in case of war all India’s high-tech army located in through out the world shall have only one target i.e China apart from Israel, USA, NATO , Japan etc going all out to help India. China would soon realize how helpless it is.
12) Industrial Support : China has a clear edge against India but no one knows that India has an inherited strength . how that edge comes into fore at the times of war is a surprise element in case of war
13) Technology : India has a clear edge on technology front. Simply saying everyone knows Americans technology edge is because of Indians serving there and India’s software. Apart from this Israel , USA, France, Germany are all standing by India’s side
14) War Experience : Nothing much to say-Advantage India as India’s Army has been battling against Pakistan for years, 1962, 1965,1967,1971, 1984, 1999 kargil and what not apart from United Nations mission and multi-national exercises from time to time.
15) Nuclear Weapons : Use Nuclear Weapons and the whole world will end so no winners
16) Russia : Do China really think Russia is a fool to allow a strong nation on its border who challenges the only super power in the world USA. Russia would want to have a weak nation on its border and would never want to see a superpower on its border that has a long history of hatred and dispute with it. Before this China Settled its border Dispute with Russia to take Russia on its side. History teaches us a lot but not to China. This happened exactly when USA was to attack Iraq, Iraq settled its disputes with Iran and what happened is history. Iran never helped Iraq but also seized the whole of Iraq’s Air Planes
17) Political Leadership: Modi made the whole world a friend and dance on its tunes while Xi made the whole world the enemy of China
18) Submarine Fleet : India's The P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol plane is best known as submarine killer and China's Submarine numerical advantage will be gone before China could even wake up.
19) Aircraft Carrier : with three Aircraft Carrier and tons of experience for almost 60 years China stand nowhere near India. And not to mention India's unsinkable Aircraft carrier known by the name Andaman Nicobar island is a death bell for Chinese Naval Fleet before they can think of reaching India's border.
20) Space war : China and India both has the capacity to destroy each other spy and navigation satellites but even if both destroys each other satellite India would still get back up from Russian and American and Israeli satellites but China gets no back up.
21) America : Needless to say America wants India to counter balance China and in case of war America would sit at a distance watching both India and China destroy each other without it to use its men to be killed in this theater of war and with its super defense budget as always it would supply ammunition, missiles and supplies to India fr free at a rate which is not seen in history. China and India destroying each other would help America retain its economic and defense might and hence its only super power status. This is a fact that can be studied for example total Pakistan military is funded by America for no payment to counter Iran and India.
22) Quality of Armament/Infantry/Artillery/Fighter Planes/Naval Fleet/missiles - India getting the best of technology and quality weapons from all over the world and China's quality is dubious and everyone knows it. latest example is China's tanks tore in parts and got scattered all over the place in Russia tank biathlon 2017 throwing China out in first round itself ( see it for yourself ). with such weaponry china can only fight a Tinnamen square against its own citizens and not against India.
23) Demography : Above all Almost all of the Chinese soldiers are single son of their family wherein dependents are 2 Grandparents, 2 Grandparents in law, 2 Parent, 2 Parent in law, Wife and one child because of one child policy of China's Regime. If China thinks these 10 dependents of every china soldiers family would encourage the soldier to die for the communist China liberation Party than China would soon realize after war how the internal demography implodes from inside and China would see a revolt or a revolution the moment dead bodies start pouring in.
Due to internal power struggle No China leadership can afford to look weak on military front as such i am of a strong opinion that Doklam stand off would result in China attacking India believing it to be a area specific short war but they sure are miscalculating Modi's Patriotic zeal. This is not going to be what China presumes it will be, leading it to be third world war and end of China. Every other nation accept North Korea and Pakistan would side India because Today China has issues with India, America, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Bhutan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Iran and what not and already bankrupt Pakistan after a week of War would change sides surrendering before the dictates of USA. China like any other nation in history would see its demolition like the Nazi Germany or like Japan. In Hindi it is said " Vinashkale Buddhi Viprite " meaning when it is destined for destruction the wisdom takes the wrong decision and this is exactly what China is doing these days.
Now how the readers feel. Do you agree or Not Please Comment
23 February 1945
The Hindus are windbags. Yes, windbags! When it comes to business, they immediately reveal their internal flabbiness.
Winston Churchill
atleast they are not cheats and copy fake
中国制造 Made in China it's ironic how you selected a quote from a dictator like man man you used to be a cool headed guy with good argument what happened to you????
problem is my presentation is based on pure facts and international political history. Arguing against it with pure facts is not an easy task for as u said cool headed made in china. As such he can play what Chinese are best at talk non sense to protect them
Nice video and explanation. Thankyou.
+Dhanesh Nair welcome Dhanesh
India can easily cut out chinas CPEC and ends its connectivity too if it thinks . India can circle and defend that dokhlam anyway and that narrow passage.
Now i know how history is all about.. That's why Northeast reigns kingdoms are neglected..
The Chinese map in the video inclede Tajikistan as part of China. its very in-appropriate as the video is about border issue
Btw Bisbo's is one of my favourite youtube channel.. thanx for the informative and inspirational videos
Thanks for pointing out error.
at last!
thankyou very much for this video
+Vaibhav Sharma welcome Vaibhav
The standoff is happening at Sikkim China border China side, not China Bhutan dispute border.
This document below clearly indicated that:
1) Indian troop entered China from Sikkim border illegally
2) Tibet was/is part of China.
Signed at Calcutta, 17 March 1890
Ratified at London, 27 August 1890
Whereas Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, are sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires; and whereas recent occurrences have tended towards a disturbance of the said relations, and it is desirable to clearly define and permanently settle certain matters connected with the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of China have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject, and have, for this purpose, named Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, his Excellency the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.M.I.E., Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General of India;
And His Majesty the Emperor of China, his Excellency Sheng Tai, Imperial Associate Resident in Tibet, Military Deputy Lieutenant-Governor;
Who, having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention in eight Articles:
Good video. Hi from China
+World Peace Thanks. Hi from India!
TH-cam is available in China😂😂😂????
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha @ 1:35 bwuuuuk bwuuuk mujhy bachaooo plzzz mera gala daba diya plzzz hahahaha
We need people Like Netaji Subash Chandra Bose to Teach Pak and China a lesson
Chicken BBQ Delicious 🍗🍗🍗🐔😋
@@aravindkumarloganathan2828 Cow
Pakistan China 🇨🇳🇵🇰❤️❤️❤️
No country could ask for a better friend then China. Much love and respect for China, if ever China needs Pakistan we are there for you.
@@Imrankhan-pw4ow china needs you... For your kind information pakistan is a slave of china😂😂😂
@@vipin4690 if China needs Pakistan we will be there, but it seems the indian army banners of please go back might be working 😂 😂 😂.
India is crying for their collapsing soon
@SuSu haha is that against butan 😂
You deserve more subscribers
Thanks Subin. Hopefully soon!
I always like the points laid by Bisbo . Please stand corrected that Hermit Kingdom referred isn’t China but Korea.
Great video bisbo ...this video explains clearly about the border issues
+vekash s thanks Vekash
Actually we should thank you for your amazing videos
How about dialogs on Kashmir???
I hope China only destroys North India and spares South India.
We South Indians actually love the Chinese and our ancestors had trade with the Chinese.
Lol, you smoking too much weed bro, cut it down a bit? 😂😂
Oh thanks bra.
LMAO watching too many movies
Ok fake Chinese ID.
Was the animation made in china?
+Shishir Singh lol 😂
Shishir Singh so good quality video. Why are you comparing with them
stop crying, fix your neck
china, good job! building road on there. why india don't do the same thing, no money ,lack of skill or may be take long time to do it.
Since when did Chinese have Challenger tanks?LOL
+Raajaar Kissass oops
Let them show its not a chicken neck instead its a scorpion tail with sting on it....
News updates today(2017-08-28) : The Indian army finally retreated firstly from the standoff.
India should make efforts to free Tibet from Chinese occupation
India is best Love india and repected country
Why does India talk about China all day long? No one ever talks about India on the streets of China's domestic TV network, because the Chinese don't take India seriously.
Your content is really good but the visuals look a bit more cartoonish than what is expected out of a serious content channel like yours, no offense intended though.please make the animations & presentation more in line with the information.none of this is meant to demean you so please don't take offense.I am a regular viewer of channels like visualpolitik and Caspian report and would really love to see you and your content on par with those on all levels.please don't take this in a negative way.
A potential subscriber and a politics economics diplomacy buff
Ahh finally a indian English channel
Welcome to Bisbo
watching this in dec 2021. How we all underestimated the chinese's real needs and quest for expansionism. the Dhoklam stand off was just a sample.
中国属于 蒙古
A very bold question here is if People Liberation Army finally help liberate the Chinese-looking Asiatic indigenous native people & their fatherland, from today's Nepal to northern & north-eastern India after all these centuries?
these Chinese Looking people DO NOT like Chinese, e.g. people in Arunachal Pradesh speak Hindi and Hate Chinese and like Dalai Lama love India. Do not put ALL Chinese Looking People in ONE pot.
So it's 2020 and indian never let China to get into doklam
First of all, appreciate the person who made this video, must spend a lot of time and energy. Now back to the topic.
This document below clearly indicated that:
1) Indian troop entered China from Sikkim border illegally
2) Tibet was/is part of China.
Signed at Calcutta, 17 March 1890
Ratified at London, 27 August 1890
Whereas Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, and His Majesty the Emperor of China, are sincerely desirous to maintain and perpetuate the relations of friendship and good understanding which now exist between their respective Empires; and whereas recent occurrences have tended towards a disturbance of the said relations, and it is desirable to clearly define and permanently settle certain matters connected with the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet, Her Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the Emperor of China have resolved to conclude a Convention on this subject, and have, for this purpose, named Plenipotentiaries, that is to say:
Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, his Excellency the Most Honourable Henry Charles Keith Petty Fitzmaurice, G.M.S.I., G.C.M.G., G.M.I.E., Marquess of Lansdowne, Viceroy and Governor-General of India;
And His Majesty the Emperor of China, his Excellency Sheng Tai, Imperial Associate Resident in Tibet, Military Deputy Lieutenant-Governor;
Who, having met and communicated to each other their full powers, and finding these to be in proper form, have agreed upon the following Convention in eight Articles:
I can throw lot of links at communist controlled Chinese brains, Historically Tibet acted as buffer between Indian & Chinese mainland population, but now nazi china under Xi-jinping after new found wealth also wants to grab Himalayan land and directly threaten Ganga-Brahmaputra plains population core. Just like Chinese cherry pick treaties to suit its land grab claims or why Chinese don't recognize macmohan line or vacate aksai chin which they invaded in 1962 war?? Why Chinese disturbed the status quo on disputed lands by building new facts on ground by building roads just like they are doing in south china sea? When with countless treaties it was decided to maintain status quo and decide disputed territories, tri-junction area by dialogue.
中国制造 Made in China Who gives a shit about the Queen and her Freemasonic Zionist Jewish bankers!
Communist never signed any treaty with India regard Tibet so you are the aggressor
Tahir Rana:You should appreciate the Queen, they give you a territory called India, give you the railway system, and give your the English language.
Does China need to sign any treaty with India regarding that Tibet is part of China? NO.
Great video very informative
+krishna lulla thanks Krishna
You are not showing the correct maps. Aksai Chin is controlled by China and Gilgit Baltistan is controlled by India.
India has control over territory in west from sutlej river kumaun gadhwal to east teesta river daarjeling sikkim and south to patna bihar ganga river that belongs to "Gorkha kingdom Nepal". Nepal is a country where brave soldiers Gurkha birth takes place, A country where "light of asia" "GAUTAM BUDDHA" was borned and which is the oldest country and oldest hindu country in the world. And a country with living Tantrism power. Surely you have watched "Dr Strange". Hope India will return Gorkha kingdom Nepal its land that india has control till date before it will be too late for India.
While India-China border dispute sees no signs of easing, the issue being will China's People's Liberation Army finally help liberate Chinese-looking Indigenous Asiatic Native people, & their beloved father land, who had endured through 2000 years-old Hindu caste system in today's Northern & North-Eastern India & Nepal?
More at,
Thnx for good and bitter truth speaking ...
Very nice animation.... From this we are interested to know to see the whole video and get all information shown in video
I have read A book of L K Advani where advani say doklam is territory of China
Tibet is not part of Communist china and India never signed one China policy
Westbengal oddissa jarkhand bihar sevensister sikim chin state rakhine state and andaman nicobor part of Bangladesh. Capital Dhaka.
Lmao that's the biggest dream anyone ever had.
The tanks are not Chinese but the tanks are soviet Union
Another subscriber
Amazing video ❤️
Northeast india n people belongs to China 🇨🇳
Lol, you smoking too much weed bro, cut it down a bit 😂😂
Lol most NE India love india and wants to remain india you can hold a referendum.
True. It happens when China sleeps 😎. but Tibet will become sovereign soon, while they are awake, don't worry.
Now that was a good limerick, Bisbo. Things actually rhymed!
Chicken knock is a pain in ass for the Indians and it will remain as such
Well done video
Damn, you are good!
Doklam is our's means it's land of Bhutan,And remain as ours..
Spread love not hate
And by posting this type of video it has created more rift between peoples of these countries
Like my little video is going to start WW3! 😱
Theri awaz bahut badiya hein
in china,we call Indians “阿三”。do you know what that mean??ha ha.
sorry, we don't read prehistoric hieroglyphic style picture like languages. those were abandoned 3000 years ago.
you should abandon your skin and your Indian breeds as well, what took you so long and what a shame!
印度阿三==Indian 阿三。ha ha ha
小飞加菲 this just shows who is the desperate aggressor .keep it up people meanwhile Russians and Americans are going yeah fight and we sell weapons
ಅರುಣ್ ತೇರದಾಳ್ lol 😂 😂 😂.
In future there wont be no nepal and bhutan for sure.
One plus is a american company
No sir, it is Chinese. I just double-checked
or max a day? fak off that one where chinese troops went 18 km into india took over a
month to resolve. otherwise gj
Most of them yes, but not all. There are several documents of instances that lasted weeks and more than a month too.
halburd1 China should liberate the 7 SISTERS Indians IN NE.
@@10littleindians76 And India should liberate Tibet
I loved it..
Great to hear Arihan
Pakistan China friendship thumps upxx
Good explanation though little.bit bais
Keep it up.
Look good in film
good work
Thanks Sachin
it was all fun and games then china invaded.
1000th Like❤️
very biase commentary
Protect Bhutan? Who give you the courage?
it is not given, its earned from bhutanese trust.
what a fucking shit logic!
you understand logic ? wow.
you fool have logic??? Arrogant shameless Indian. Your just controlling Bhutan and evilly want to swallow up it like you did on Sikkim. No Bhutanese really likes you india to act for them.
+Li Zhijie 李志杰 it's between us, india and bhutan. who gave you the right to nose between us ? go away.
The days gone bro
I think indians love lota thats why they take it with them even in daily ativities.:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Aweful background music
very nice
Thanks Ragul
India occupied Kashmir. India go out Kashmir.
It's Pakistan occupied Kashmir Pakistan go out of Kashmir.
Go read history it was Pakistan which had first attacked Kashmir then it's ruler decided to become the part of India & then India came for the defence of Kashmir so Pakistan is the occupying force.
You have not seen the map which is the original map of Pakistan and which is known all over the world and the area which you have shown in the map of India is our province Gilgit-Baltistan pakistan. If you have a little brain you can see on wikipedia what a map of pakistan looks like
Gilgit Baltistan & Ghulam Kashmir (POK) which was a part of the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir whose ruler Maharaja Hari Singh had signed the instrument of accession to join India on 26 October 1947 so all of Jammu & Kashmir including it's illegally occupied area of Gilgit Baltistan & Ghulam Kashmir (POK) belongs to India
good movies all time
Film is not reality
Free Nagaland from indian occupation
Then China should not forget their 1967 defeat
*Lmfao if the war last longer all the Indians will be eradicated* *Don't you see the impacts*
@@mybucketlist_007 *"than start the war right now when u noodles have an army"*
Good china
مرغی 🐓 کی گردن پر خنجر چین چلایے گا
پاکستان 🇵🇰 نے صرف پڑھنا ھے
👈بسم اللہ اللہ اکبر💖🌹🌈
Apni zameen bacao China sa pher Pakistan sa lerna
Enjoy your army defeat over Ladakh
honestly! endia will loose badly if the war breaks out
“Nationalism is the measles of humanity” Albert Einstein