2024 Omote no Tachi Katori Shinto ryu Otake Shinbukan Dojo - 表之太刀 | 香取神道流 神武館(師範:大竹)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ม.ค. 2025
  • "If one has the time or space to receive, cut”.
    Omote-no-tachi consists of the four forms itsutsu-no-tachi, nanatsu-no-tachi, kasumi-no-tachi, and hakka-no-tachi. These are the most basic forms of kata any student learns upon entering Katori Shinto-ryu. These sets are comparatively longer than kata observed in other traditions. Iizasa Choisai Ieano, our tradition’s founder, handed these forms down in a way to ensure our tradition's quintessential teachings (gokui) are difficult to identify and learn without a teacher’s permission. The length of these sets also condition the swordsman for the battlefield, even when facing many opponents. Omote-no-tachi has to be practiced with large, powerful and quick movements from a low stance. It was designed for combat in traditional yoroi (armour) and kabuto (helmets).
    Through continuous repetition, the body comes to absorb the forms with two or three years of intense practice. The student should be able to perform these kata with great speed and precision without having to think about the actual activity itself. He or she could even be thinking about plans for the next day. The movements will at that stage have become instinctive reactions to any attack.
    From the outside it seems that the cuts are just bokuto hitting bokuto without ever reaching the body. However this is intentional: it allows the practitioner to deliver strong cuts without injuring the partner in the kata while at the same time hiding the real targets. The vast majority of these attacks would actually be evaded in real combat. The forms are composed in such a way that each step actually represents a deeper application where one evades each attack while counter attacking. This core tactic is epitomised by our tradition's quintessential teaching, "If one has the time or space to receive, cut".

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