That sun-shaped circle with the dot in the middle is the radar gunsight. It pops up when you are in gun range, but you have to put the target right on that little dot. It's not easy, but keep trying! It's especially handy against ground targets to save missiles.
Hey Tsukumi! Glad to see more people play this PS2 classic! If you feel rusty, the game has a tutorial mode, so feel free to practice as much as you need! Good luck!
That sun-shaped circle with the dot in the middle is the radar gunsight. It pops up when you are in gun range, but you have to put the target right on that little dot. It's not easy, but keep trying! It's especially handy against ground targets to save missiles.
Hey Tsukumi! Glad to see more people play this PS2 classic! If you feel rusty, the game has a tutorial mode, so feel free to practice as much as you need! Good luck!
It's really fun to getting through the ACE PS2 trio! I will get better! The game cannot stop me!