@@thomashutt3924 I probably have more nutritional material on my bookshelves than most docs (and I’ve read them). I truly miss my previous PCP as he was my medical soulmate 🥲
Dr. Kenneth Berry has started the new American Diabetes Society to rival the corporate funded medical industry ADA. The low carb dietary approach is working and surpassing the medicine standard that is killing us.
Just told a first time dietitian about the Ada and how they’re owned by the food companies, she rolled her eyes. She showed me their food chart and I Almost laughed out loud. Tomatoes, potatoes, rice, grains , basically everything bad that we’ve been told not to eat. I am way too underweight but feel pretty good. I definitely don’t want to lose more but want to gain.
The pressures on medical professionals to just dole out pills (and more and more these days, syringes) are enormous. I’m sure it takes a great deal of conviction and conscience to swim against that extremely strong tide. Simply, not all are cut out for it. It’s much easier (and safer for their careers) to just parrot back what they’ve been taught, like “being in ketosis damages your kidneys.” It’s not true; has never been actually observed, but it gives them an out to not buck the system, so they tend to embrace it to just get rid of the “problem” of their conscience telling them they’re not doing right by their patients.
Dr. Ken Berry said the new not for profit diabetes society will give out Dr Unwin's teaspoons of sugar graphics. He just beams when he talks about what his patients have been able to accomplish. Those folks owe quite a debt to his wife, too.💜. He looks like the proverbial cat that caught the canary. Lol Good on you, Dr. Unwin!
I retired from medicine 13 years ago, moved to 120 acres of farmland. We have a small beef herd (16 breeders and a bull, all fully pasture reared), a small flock of dorper sheep (for mutton), a dozen free foraging chickens (mostly for eggs), bee hives and a large garden. I fixed my diabetes and hypertension, and got my sanity back 😁. CGMs are so powerful
@vanessamay3689 Continuous Glucose Monitors. You can see in real time, how what-you-eat affects YOUR blood glucose, not what some academic says it SHOULD do.
I have stopped epileptic seizures with keto and my hubby has reversed his NAFLD with keto. Both of us have been told we will die doing this!! We are 64 and on no meds, still both working full time and very active with no aches or pains! This was a fantastic interview. Diane in SC
I am so happy you and your husband have gotten good results! Do you mind me asking if you're doing epilepsy level keto or normal keto? By normal keto I mean 70/30 fat:protein ratio, and epilepsy is usually at least 85:15. I have bipolar and have heard that I should do epilepsy keto instead because our conditions are similar and may need more fat.
@@SarahizahhsumI mean really all you can do is just be on keto, aim for sufficient protein, and keep dialing up the fats until you are fine. Though I would recommend just adding a little bit of MCT to everything. Like goat and sheep dairy such as cheese, MCT oil. If you can get like MCT pills and take 1 every hour or 2 might help, and sardines and other really healthy fish should also help, but all you can do is experiment yourself, whether they respond to you or not. Hope this helps.
When I told my Ozempic taking GP that I had not been taking her prescribed statins for years she threatened to book an appointment for me with my cardiologist, I smiled and said why would you waste his time when my bloodwork is fine.
I actually cancelled my last appt. with my primary care doctor, because I did not follow his orders and see the G.I. doctor or the infectious disease doctor. I also stopped taking some other medication I had. I’m feeling better than ever. I had been suffering from IBS, colitis, etc. for over four years and the doctors did nothing to help me. They were actually the reason I kept getting sicker and also getting opportunistic infections. Debated whether or not I should tell the doctor the truth about how I feel about everything but I’m doing so well and I don’t need any negativity or stress in my life right now so I canceled the appointment. I will go to doctor if I have a major accident or life-threatening situation. That’s the only reason. It’s really evil with the medical profession has done to society.
I’m mowing my lawn at my lunch break while listening to this and realizing that the traditional doctor that treated my father, who died at 69, actually killed him. I remember the score chart he had on a refrigerator between oats and beans and the servings that he’d had (we used to kid that the beans were winning), but the bad advice of that “health nut” doctor killed my dad. Unbelievable. I didn’t think I was gonna be angry about something that happened in 1997, but here I am.
Drs killed my mom age 74, in 2002. She didn't know about the Phd, ate lots of carbs and took her statins and blood pressure and other meds and finally died of an AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm. If only I had known then what I know now.
Medical Schools literally have an agenda to make sure graduating MDs sustain an industry that starts from misinformation of dietary intake to the necessary medications needed to treat chronic metabolic health related diseases. They need to sustain chronically ill patients. It starts with the processed industry, clinical/hospital care, therapy and pharmaceuticals. Everyone of these entities makes out good financially. It's a powerful industry with strong political powers.
@@jsun3117the problems started in the 1900s from stuff the 7th Day Adventists asserted in the late 1800s. Doesn't help all the research that gets buried because we don't have some mechanism of accountability.
@@jsun3117it can't be all that. The doctor on here talked about getting harassed by nutritionists... They have one job. One job. If they can't figure out obviously true things (I came up with a ketovore diet as a hypothesis in college but I called it a Nomad diet) I mean it takes more than propaganda to cover up the truth. True things come up eventually unless all evidence has been destroyed and we have 8 billion people you can't destroy all the evidence.
Luv the bird sanctuary & Unwin's belief that we can do it all to benefit both the environment & the populace. Native Americans were advanced in that way, & we still cannot master it.
I cured my NAFLD with NASH and F3-F4 fibrosis by adopting a low carb, then keto diet. I was also diagnosed with heart failure with an ejection fraction of 35%. For the last two years I have been almost entirely carnivore and have added resistance training to my daily routine, and my ejection fraction was up to 60% last month. Normal. Tell me, did I reverse both liver disease and heart failure by simply changing my diet and exercising? My cardiologist's notes state that I have no clinical signs of congestive heart failure. I am 76 years old and take no prescription meds. I am healthier and stronger than I have been in decades. Carbs kill. It's as simple as that.
Overall I think the Internet has benefited patients. It allows leaders like Dr. Unwin and Dr. Westman to explain their views. BTW I was diagnosed with essential hypertension decades ago. When I decided to try a low-carb diet I did not expect to be freed from the medications because I had the idea that only obese patients would get that benefit although I was overweight as the diagnosis of essential hypertension clouded the issue. I am now medication-free. Despite this, my physician continues to urge me to avoid salt. I am ignoring that advice as it is an essential electrolyte. Low carb (keto) is wonderful. So are physicians like you who listen to patients.
"Overall I think the Internet has benefited patients." I'm very thankful for the information available online. When I was diagnosed with diabetes in Oct 2021 I started researching diets for diabetes and up popped things about low carb. After watching some videos and reading comments I decided to try it and it worked. I'm now down to my mid 1980s weight before children, and am metabolically healthy, and off BP drug too. Dr Unwin was one of the first videos I found.
Thank you Dr Unwin, I have downloaded your materials. I have opened the zip file, and taken a look. The information, and time taken, to compile this information...then putting it into a visual graphic that is so easy to read and understand (to the average person/patient) is GREATLY appreciated! I plan to share this with my diabetic nurse, whom I think will find this extremely useful in sharing with her patients. (Unfortunately, I don't think my primary care APRN will give it much consideration...she is fairly newly graduated, definitely closed minded, opinionated, and has been thoroughly indoctrinated into big pharma and that way of belief....I have literally had to school her on a medication that she tried to push on me that was completely counter-intuitive, with known and documented side effects, that would have exacerbated one of my conditions and diagnosis....setting me up for not only adverse health issues, but virtually a dangerous and potentially deadly outcome
Great interview! I am very familiar with the medical profession and their closed mindedness. I worked in 4 different kinds of hospitals and worked with many doctors and nurses. Some have been close friends. When I started a low card diet in 2011 they were not impressed. And they do not want to know anything about it. I suspect that all the money they spent on their education in the medical standard of care, they don't want to know that maybe what they were taught just might be wrong. I am very impressed with this UK doc for foraging ahead with his new knowledge no matter how he was humiliated.
That's a good point. They may be stuck in a sunk cost fallacy. They've spent so much on med school, and now they have to pay off that debt for the next few decades. Of course the last thing they want to hear is "all that money was wasted and that school made you dumber instead of smarter." What a painful wake up for them, if they were ever to acknowledge that!
It took me 34 years to stop trusting doctors, that almost killed me with toxic meds in 2022😢. I finally woke up, and found dr. Ken Berry on youtube, and i learn so much about PHD/ I.F. Since 2022, i feell much healthier without toxic meds, and toxic processed foods. God bless dr. Ken Berry🙏🤝🤲🤝🙏
Ditto but I first watched Eric Westman his simple no nonsense approach was soothing to me. I was in heart failure and reversed it. Only lost 40. Have 40 more to go! Yippee
I was happy to have an appointment with Dr Unwin a few weeks ago. I had TWO GP'S from his same practice write off my concerns about the fact that I potentially had an insulin problem because my a1c wasn't quite at pre diabetic level. They weren't interested in the 2yrs of BGM readings I had tracked with my weight loss, one actively told me my BGM wasn't calibrated so wouldn't be correct anyway. When I saw Dr Unwin to discuss my last bloods my 3mthly BGM readings matched exactly the hba1c test. 😂 The problem, when I dug down, is that primary care GP's in the UK dont even have access to fasting insulin tests (I had requested that). So, you have to reach pre diabetes or worse prior to taking action, unless you accidentally come across this information and take action yourself. What a messed up system!
Thank you, Dr Westman and Dr Unwin! Always a pleasure (and an education) to hear from Dr Unwin. And shout out to his missus, Dr Jen Unwin, Clinical Psychologist and author of *Fork in the Road* which is about carb addiction.
This pod cast really moved me! I love listening to Dr Westman but today it was so lovely to hear another caring Do for who not only listened to his patient and saw the amazing benefit also gave up his time with his amazing Wife to help others free of charge. It must have given you great gratitude to see for your self the importance of diet as in what you eat. I’ve struggled for years and found UTube had helped me considerably. I now question Doctirs who said my bloods are acceptable for this patient!! If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have known I have an under active thyroid and low Iron. I’m not under medication but managing my symptoms naturally and honestly diet works along with supplements. Lifting weights too. It’s so nice to hear you have bought land to nurture nature and look after the animals you have. Anyone listening to this remember you are not ALONE. These doctors are a fine example of compassionate human beings who also found out themselves by practicing what they preach. How refreshing
Went through a similar experience with my doctor. Liver enzymes, A1C and blood pressure were high. Doctor suggested meds to resolve problems. Did not discuss I was at least 100 pounds overweight. That was 13 months ago and now I weigh 187 pounds using a simple low carb diet. All blood test results are normal and the only comment from the doctor was my A1C was responsive to diet.
Even if they did mention that we are overweight they don't have a solution that is doable; ie without making us miserable and hungry and having to be very disciplined. I went low carb to remit my diabetes and in the process went from 80kg down to 60kg without even trying. I now weigh what I did mid 1980s before having children. Low carb helps a huge amount with the cravings and the protein and fat keep me full for a long time.
First, thank you to both of you. My first foray into Keto was for weight loss and it worked. Wasn't even a good keto plan! Now due to complications after rectal cancer surgery (low anterior resection syndrome) most days I am carnivore, or a bit ketovore, but no lettuce, hardly any veg. My husband infuriates me. Post stroke, heart attack, has high blood pressure, diabetes and who knows what else, on metformin, statins, ozympic, and many other meds. He refuses to listen to me, is content to take the meds so he can eat what he likes. I stopped going to the doctor with him. Same with my daughter, horrible bowel issues, probably IBS, serrated polyp syndrome with 28 polyps removed last time, on and on. Change her diet? No way. I get so frustrated, and it can be difficult to live with all this food I can't eat around me. My husband even goes through a pound of sugar in about a week and a half. I do fault their doctors as well.
Spouses seem to be particularly resistant to taking health advice. You can share your own experience and hope they will learn from your example. Seems this is the best we can do.
Stick to your diet, Addiction is something terrible, sugar is more addictive than cocaine, The best is your example in food, Words reveal thoughts, when words are put into practice it reveals results
The interview was fascinating and features two remarkable doctors. I am so grateful for Dr. Westman and his fellow doctors showing us the way back to good health.
Dr Unwin is a hero of our time. He has applied clinical experience to theoretical models. I’m not saying I agree with all of his conclusions but he is definitely closer than most. Nobody can question the results - these speak for themselves - now we’re just at debating mechanisms.
Omg, is Dr. W a Trekkie? ❤ And 64? Holy cow! I’m 11 years younger and look older than him. Uggh… if I stay low carb/keto long enough, will I look as young as Dr. Westman in 11 years? 😮 I love and admire a doctor who can admit that he/she is wrong and actually listen to their patients. Influencing a doctor…wow! Great guest! ❤
I learned the hard way at 23 I was diagnosed with A.S. in my thirties I was on 16 medications a day. I lost two careers by the time I was 40 and on permanent disability. Not from the disease but from the medications. I weaned myself off meds followed a supplement, herbal, and exercise regimen a few years later A. S. was in remission.
Thank you, Dr Westman, for sharing with us the privilege of being in a conversation with this wonderful human being. It was especially good that, in your interview, you encouraged Dr Unwin to tell us about his superb work beyond reversing innumerable peoples' diabetes through low carb diet. This was new information for me, despite having read/heard many mentions and much praise of Dr Unwin's work in the relevant literature and Internet media.
I thought i was having a heart attack and the doctor concluded that even after my ecg came back fine. He gave me blood thinners clopidogrel and statins coz am the heavier side but didnt take then. Later had the same symptoms but went to emergency after a thorough test of scans,chest imaging i was told i have gall stones which has the same symptoms as a heart attack. I can not shake the fact i was misdiagnosed and give medication that could possibly worsen my situation
I gave up on trying to tell my Dr anything when I wanted a natural birth. It was a fight every step of the way, but I (mostly) got the birth I wanted. I've been on the low carb diet for about a month now, with varying degrees of success each day. I have probably cut out about 70% of my carbs. I'm already down 5 lbs and my stiffness in my joints is noticeably less.
Almost 32 years ago, I broke the L&D intake protocols though nurses were insistent of "this is the protocol ". I've learned that if it's "a I protocol", don't fall for it.
Dr Unwin is my hero , and I love his sugar charts of what not to eat to lower BP and blood sugar , we send our love from Canada Dr. Unwin .
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I am so happy for all the information about ketogenic diet from you, from the real doctors!!! 👍 I am totaly disappointed because in my own language (slovak) I cannot share any video from real doctor on this topic. 😢 Such a shame for my country.
I love this interview. I had to laugj at hos scolding. We need to all stand up to our doctors. As much as we pay for insurance, its about time we take a stand. REVOLUTION 😂
What a wonderful interview, you are both a blessing. I would love to have doctors like these two! I have three doctors and none have suggested minimal carb to address my “bird shot” syndrome. I went carnivore in January and seeing (no pun intended) phenomenal changes. After two years of treatment with moderate success, I decided to ignore them all (when I asked if I changed my diet would it help and they all said no) and take control of my own well being.
I had atrial fibrillation about two years ago. Luckily I managed to cure it even though it was non-proximal with intermittent fasting and a low carb, very low sugar diet. I now always do 17 to 19 hours a day fasting. It has improved everything, and I wish I discovered this many years back. I now have the energy of when I was in my 20's and although I am quite a slim build, I've managed to put on a moderate amount of muscle, which I think is due to growth hormone release when you are fasting for a longer fast. For me it dropped my inflammation like a stone, and took roughly 9 months to really see serious improvements.
Dr. David Unwin, thank you for a marvelous video! You and the other low-carbohydrate professionals have helped me eat in such a healthy way that I do not need to take any medications. A lot of people my age are taking 10 or more prescription medications. People assume that I am 10 to 15 years younger than I am.
At the dr now, just had a consult with dietitian who said I should have complex carbs to add weight. Been on a ketovore diet for pre diabetes and ckd 3a and have lost weight fast, too fast. She said I was eating too much protein via meat and not enough complex carbs like dairy, grains, some veggies which previously was told not to eat like potatoes, etc.
Cure this - I hate everything I eat and the constant exercise I need to do to stay in remission - it is not success if you end up hating the life you have to live
You two are definitely heroes to all of us who are fighting for our lives! I have a CGM that motivates me SO MUCH! I’ll be grateful to both of you forever! ❤
Great show. I particularly like how Dr. Unwin tied in ethically grown meat that feeds back to healthier land. Talk about a virtuous circle. In the US we need to unlock the power of small farmers. To do that we need more USDA inspected processing facilities, which big food doesn't want.
thank you Dr. Westminster and Dr. Unwin for this insightful conversation. it is sad that medical experts like you are called out by dietitians who think they know what is the best nutrition for patients. they just abide by the 'eat badly plate' as Dr. Zoe Harcombe calls it. guiding their clients straight onto a path of ill health! please carry on the good work you do, Dr. Unwin and Dr. Westman. thank you. miss Reimara, a grateful member of the public health collaboration
Dr. Westman, you simply must make a couple of short videos for TH-cam and reels for Instagram perhaps of the good doctor Unwin from the UK explaining his bird reserves and regenerative farming. He’s so succinctly described the thriving ecosystem of a regenerative farm. You simply have to capture that in a 60 second Short.
Dr Westman you’re a great investigative reporter of sorts. Asking the Qs us out here have. I was hoping you’d ask if he ever all the way even consider looking into why treatment hasn’t been working the last 59 years.
I didn’t do well with keto, but I’m doing really good on low carb. A1C went from 8.7 to 6.4. After 6 months, it’s the cravings that are still really bad and I can get very cranky 🤦🏻♀️
Thank you gentlemen. My soul is easier knowing you are doing what you're doing. I was getting really shook by all the drama and goofy "bro-science". I'm nobody, but I know dead soil when I see it and smell it.
I enjoy the back and forth between you two. I continue to learn ( although slower than I would like). There are many who present or do interviews that I follow. I have a special place in my heart for those who are pissed about the present state of human metabolic health. Nuff said.
I came away from my doctor yesterday. She didn't know anything about keto, intermittent fasting or insulin resistance. Her attitude was you might have insulin resistance but your HbA1c is fine so I'm not interested in your hyperinsulinaemia..... My blood pressure 170/100! My cholsterol 7.....So I'm on calcium Channel blockers and ACE inhibitors...... I at least want to reduce the amount of meds through the above strategies but it would be good to have my Doctor on board... Oh and yes she said I must take statins... My trig:hdl. Is 1.45..... I don't want to. Any thoughts?
I have not yet convinced my doctor about keto, but she has given me the chance. I have maintained my lower weight and my HgA1C is below 5, my HDL is 88 and my BP has neared normal. Not sure what it will take to convince her. She is worried about my triglycerides which are 130, and i have no other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
When doctors went from care givers to pharmaceutical salespeople, that was the point where healthcare stopped and disease advanced
@@thomashutt3924 I probably have more nutritional material on my bookshelves than most docs (and I’ve read them). I truly miss my previous PCP as he was my medical soulmate 🥲
How sad that we patients must educate our doctors, most of whom are uninterested
Dr. Kenneth Berry has started the new American Diabetes Society to rival the corporate funded medical industry ADA. The low carb dietary approach is working and surpassing the medicine standard that is killing us.
Just told a first time dietitian about the Ada and how they’re owned by the food companies, she rolled her eyes. She showed me their food chart and I Almost laughed out loud. Tomatoes, potatoes, rice, grains , basically everything bad that we’ve been told not to eat. I am way too underweight but feel pretty good. I definitely don’t want to lose more but want to gain.
The pressures on medical professionals to just dole out pills (and more and more these days, syringes) are enormous. I’m sure it takes a great deal of conviction and conscience to swim against that extremely strong tide. Simply, not all are cut out for it. It’s much easier (and safer for their careers) to just parrot back what they’ve been taught, like “being in ketosis damages your kidneys.” It’s not true; has never been actually observed, but it gives them an out to not buck the system, so they tend to embrace it to just get rid of the “problem” of their conscience telling them they’re not doing right by their patients.
And I would add, often hostile.
Dr. Ken Berry said the new not for profit diabetes society will give out Dr Unwin's teaspoons of sugar graphics. He just beams when he talks about what his patients have been able to accomplish. Those folks owe quite a debt to his wife, too.💜. He looks like the proverbial cat that caught the canary. Lol Good on you, Dr. Unwin!
You look at the hospital food to hospitalized patients: high sugar, high carbs! They are almost poisoning patients!
I retired from medicine 13 years ago, moved to 120 acres of farmland. We have a small beef herd (16 breeders and a bull, all fully pasture reared), a small flock of dorper sheep (for mutton), a dozen free foraging chickens (mostly for eggs), bee hives and a large garden. I fixed my diabetes and hypertension, and got my sanity back 😁. CGMs are so powerful
How fortunate.
What are CGMs?
@@vanessamay3689 Continuous Glucose Monitors
@vanessamay3689 Continuous Glucose Monitors. You can see in real time, how what-you-eat affects YOUR blood glucose, not what some academic says it SHOULD do.
I have stopped epileptic seizures with keto and my hubby has reversed his NAFLD with keto. Both of us have been told we will die doing this!! We are 64 and on no meds, still both working full time and very active with no aches or pains! This was a fantastic interview. Diane in SC
I am so happy you and your husband have gotten good results! Do you mind me asking if you're doing epilepsy level keto or normal keto? By normal keto I mean 70/30 fat:protein ratio, and epilepsy is usually at least 85:15.
I have bipolar and have heard that I should do epilepsy keto instead because our conditions are similar and may need more fat.
@@SarahizahhsumI mean really all you can do is just be on keto, aim for sufficient protein, and keep dialing up the fats until you are fine.
Though I would recommend just adding a little bit of MCT to everything. Like goat and sheep dairy such as cheese, MCT oil.
If you can get like MCT pills and take 1 every hour or 2 might help, and sardines and other really healthy fish should also help, but all you can do is experiment yourself, whether they respond to you or not.
Hope this helps.
@@Sarahizahhsum I just put a carb counter on my phone, let it figure out my macros and follwed that. Nothing special.
That’s amazing!
When I told my Ozempic taking GP that I had not been taking her prescribed statins for years she threatened to book an appointment for me with my cardiologist, I smiled and said why would you waste his time when my bloodwork is fine.
Such a great comeback! Way to avoid those statins. Me too
She's a Criminal more than a Doctor is why
"Threatened to book an appointment..." ?? What was she going to do...get the police to force you to go ??
I actually cancelled my last appt. with my primary care doctor, because I did not follow his orders and see the G.I. doctor or the infectious disease doctor. I also stopped taking some other medication I had. I’m feeling better than ever. I had been suffering from IBS, colitis, etc. for over four years and the doctors did nothing to help me. They were actually the reason I kept getting sicker and also getting opportunistic infections. Debated whether or not I should tell the doctor the truth about how I feel about everything but I’m doing so well and I don’t need any negativity or stress in my life right now so I canceled the appointment. I will go to doctor if I have a major accident or life-threatening situation. That’s the only reason. It’s really evil with the medical profession has done to society.
What about mammogram screening if you had a lumpectomy about 20 years ago and latest tests were fine
I love these two doctors. Everyone should listen to them if they are concerned about their health . ❤
I’m mowing my lawn at my lunch break while listening to this and realizing that the traditional doctor that treated my father, who died at 69, actually killed him. I remember the score chart he had on a refrigerator between oats and beans and the servings that he’d had (we used to kid that the beans were winning), but the bad advice of that “health nut” doctor killed my dad. Unbelievable. I didn’t think I was gonna be angry about something that happened in 1997, but here I am.
Many of us have sadly come to this realization. We all have healing to do.
Me as well.
Same story here.....😡😳 if I only know this information when my dad was still alive.....
Drs killed my mom age 74, in 2002. She didn't know about the Phd, ate lots of carbs and took her statins and blood pressure and other meds and finally died of an AAA - abdominal aortic aneurysm. If only I had known then what I know now.
Thank you, Dr Westman
Docs are so resistant to these messages - even if you have the data - sad- little curiosity - nutrition doesn’t enter into the conversation
Medical Schools literally have an agenda to make sure graduating MDs sustain an industry that starts from misinformation of dietary intake to the necessary medications needed to treat chronic metabolic health related diseases. They need to sustain chronically ill patients. It starts with the processed industry, clinical/hospital care, therapy and pharmaceuticals. Everyone of these entities makes out good financially. It's a powerful industry with strong political powers.
@@jsun3117the problems started in the 1900s from stuff the 7th Day Adventists asserted in the late 1800s.
Doesn't help all the research that gets buried because we don't have some mechanism of accountability.
It is their egotistic self worth.
@@jsun3117it can't be all that. The doctor on here talked about getting harassed by nutritionists... They have one job. One job.
If they can't figure out obviously true things (I came up with a ketovore diet as a hypothesis in college but I called it a Nomad diet) I mean it takes more than propaganda to cover up the truth. True things come up eventually unless all evidence has been destroyed and we have 8 billion people you can't destroy all the evidence.
If everyone got healthy by just eating a proper human diet, doctors could not make a living.
Luv the bird sanctuary & Unwin's belief that we can do it all to benefit both the environment & the populace. Native Americans were advanced in that way, & we still cannot master it.
I cured my NAFLD with NASH and F3-F4 fibrosis by adopting a low carb, then keto diet. I was also diagnosed with heart failure with an ejection fraction of 35%. For the last two years I have been almost entirely carnivore and have added resistance training to my daily routine, and my ejection fraction was up to 60% last month. Normal. Tell me, did I reverse both liver disease and heart failure by simply changing my diet and exercising? My cardiologist's notes state that I have no clinical signs of congestive heart failure. I am 76 years old and take no prescription meds. I am healthier and stronger than I have been in decades. Carbs kill. It's as simple as that.
Amazing keep those Drs at arms length!! 🎉🎉🎉
Congratulations 🎉 may you continue to abound in great health
Overall I think the Internet has benefited patients. It allows leaders like Dr. Unwin and Dr. Westman to explain their views. BTW I was diagnosed with essential hypertension decades ago. When I decided to try a low-carb diet I did not expect to be freed from the medications because I had the idea that only obese patients would get that benefit although I was overweight as the diagnosis of essential hypertension clouded the issue. I am now medication-free. Despite this, my physician continues to urge me to avoid salt. I am ignoring that advice as it is an essential electrolyte. Low carb (keto) is wonderful. So are physicians like you who listen to patients.
"Overall I think the Internet has benefited patients." I'm very thankful for the information available online. When I was diagnosed with diabetes in Oct 2021 I started researching diets for diabetes and up popped things about low carb. After watching some videos and reading comments I decided to try it and it worked. I'm now down to my mid 1980s weight before children, and am metabolically healthy, and off BP drug too. Dr Unwin was one of the first videos I found.
Thank you Dr Unwin, I have downloaded your materials. I have opened the zip file, and taken a look. The information, and time taken, to compile this information...then putting it into a visual graphic that is so easy to read and understand (to the average person/patient) is GREATLY appreciated!
I plan to share this with my diabetic nurse, whom I think will find this extremely useful in sharing with her patients. (Unfortunately, I don't think my primary care APRN will give it much consideration...she is fairly newly graduated, definitely closed minded, opinionated, and has been thoroughly indoctrinated into big pharma and that way of belief....I have literally had to school her on a medication that she tried to push on me that was completely counter-intuitive, with known and documented side effects, that would have exacerbated one of my conditions and diagnosis....setting me up for not only adverse health issues, but virtually a dangerous and potentially deadly outcome
Great interview! I am very familiar with the medical profession and their closed mindedness. I worked in 4 different kinds of hospitals and worked with many doctors and nurses. Some have been close friends. When I started a low card diet in 2011 they were not impressed. And they do not want to know anything about it. I suspect that all the money they spent on their education in the medical standard of care, they don't want to know that maybe what they were taught just might be wrong. I am very impressed with this UK doc for foraging ahead with his new knowledge no matter how he was humiliated.
That's a good point. They may be stuck in a sunk cost fallacy. They've spent so much on med school, and now they have to pay off that debt for the next few decades. Of course the last thing they want to hear is "all that money was wasted and that school made you dumber instead of smarter." What a painful wake up for them, if they were ever to acknowledge that!
It took me 34 years to stop trusting doctors, that almost killed me with toxic meds in 2022😢. I finally woke up, and found dr. Ken Berry on youtube, and i learn so much about PHD/ I.F.
Since 2022, i feell much healthier without toxic meds, and toxic processed foods. God bless dr. Ken Berry🙏🤝🤲🤝🙏
Ditto but I first watched Eric Westman his simple no nonsense approach was soothing to me. I was in heart failure and reversed it. Only lost 40. Have 40 more to go! Yippee
@@Lucky-ws3hx Well done. Don't forget the "vitamin" P = patience!
Then you will like Paul Mason and Jason Fung on TH-cam
I was happy to have an appointment with Dr Unwin a few weeks ago. I had TWO GP'S from his same practice write off my concerns about the fact that I potentially had an insulin problem because my a1c wasn't quite at pre diabetic level. They weren't interested in the 2yrs of BGM readings I had tracked with my weight loss, one actively told me my BGM wasn't calibrated so wouldn't be correct anyway. When I saw Dr Unwin to discuss my last bloods my 3mthly BGM readings matched exactly the hba1c test. 😂
The problem, when I dug down, is that primary care GP's in the UK dont even have access to fasting insulin tests (I had requested that). So, you have to reach pre diabetes or worse prior to taking action, unless you accidentally come across this information and take action yourself. What a messed up system!
Ruminant animals like cows and sheep help to regenerate the land and all the species that can live in natural land
Thank you, Dr Westman and Dr Unwin! Always a pleasure (and an education) to hear from Dr Unwin. And shout out to his missus, Dr Jen Unwin, Clinical Psychologist and author of *Fork in the Road* which is about carb addiction.
Thanks for the book title... now looking it up 😊
@@therese3960 👍
This pod cast really moved me! I love listening to Dr Westman but today it was so lovely to hear another caring Do for who not only listened to his patient and saw the amazing benefit also gave up his time with his amazing Wife to help others free of charge. It must have given you great gratitude to see for your self the importance of diet as in what you eat. I’ve struggled for years and found UTube had helped me considerably. I now question Doctirs who said my bloods are acceptable for this patient!! If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have known I have an under active thyroid and low Iron. I’m not under medication but managing my symptoms naturally and honestly diet works along with supplements. Lifting weights too. It’s so nice to hear you have bought land to nurture nature and look after the animals you have. Anyone listening to this remember you are not ALONE. These doctors are a fine example of compassionate human beings who also found out themselves by practicing what they preach. How refreshing
Went through a similar experience with my doctor. Liver enzymes, A1C and blood pressure were high. Doctor suggested meds to resolve problems. Did not discuss I was at least 100 pounds overweight. That was 13 months ago and now I weigh 187 pounds using a simple low carb diet. All blood test results are normal and the only comment from the doctor was my A1C was responsive to diet.
They don't like it when they can't treat us with their meds
Even if they did mention that we are overweight they don't have a solution that is doable; ie without making us miserable and hungry and having to be very disciplined. I went low carb to remit my diabetes and in the process went from 80kg down to 60kg without even trying. I now weigh what I did mid 1980s before having children. Low carb helps a huge amount with the cravings and the protein and fat keep me full for a long time.
Happy Belated Birthday Dr Westman ! 🎉
First, thank you to both of you. My first foray into Keto was for weight loss and it worked. Wasn't even a good keto plan! Now due to complications after rectal cancer surgery (low anterior resection syndrome) most days I am carnivore, or a bit ketovore, but no lettuce, hardly any veg. My husband infuriates me. Post stroke, heart attack, has high blood pressure, diabetes and who knows what else, on metformin, statins, ozympic, and many other meds. He refuses to listen to me, is content to take the meds so he can eat what he likes. I stopped going to the doctor with him. Same with my daughter, horrible bowel issues, probably IBS, serrated polyp syndrome with 28 polyps removed last time, on and on. Change her diet? No way. I get so frustrated, and it can be difficult to live with all this food I can't eat around me. My husband even goes through a pound of sugar in about a week and a half. I do fault their doctors as well.
Spouses seem to be particularly resistant to taking health advice. You can share your own experience and hope they will learn from your example. Seems this is the best we can do.
Stick to your diet,
Addiction is something terrible, sugar is more addictive than cocaine, The best is your example in food, Words reveal thoughts, when words are put into practice it reveals results
I had a 14-day Freestyle Libre CGM and learned a lot. I said the same thing... give these to pre-diabetic patients!!!!!!!!!!!
Great to see Dr Unwin in this chat. I wish he was my GP.
Me too
Great interview! Your podcast lead me more confident to go ketogenic! The results are amazing after six months!
The interview was fascinating and features two remarkable doctors. I am so grateful for Dr. Westman and his fellow doctors showing us the way back to good health.
Dr Unwin is a hero of our time. He has applied clinical experience to theoretical models. I’m not saying I agree with all of his conclusions but he is definitely closer than most. Nobody can question the results - these speak for themselves - now we’re just at debating mechanisms.
Omg, is Dr. W a Trekkie? ❤ And 64? Holy cow! I’m 11 years younger and look older than him. Uggh… if I stay low carb/keto long enough, will I look as young as Dr. Westman in 11 years? 😮 I love and admire a doctor who can admit that he/she is wrong and actually listen to their patients. Influencing a doctor…wow! Great guest! ❤
Yup! Wondered if anyone else caught the Jean-luc Picard reference !
Always a great treat to hear from Dr Unwin! Thanks for giving us another opportunity!!
I learned the hard way at 23 I was diagnosed with A.S. in my thirties I was on 16 medications a day. I lost two careers by the time I was 40 and on permanent disability. Not from the disease but from the medications. I weaned myself off meds followed a supplement, herbal, and exercise regimen a few years later A. S. was in remission.
Wow that amazing!
Thank you, Dr Westman, for sharing with us the privilege of being in a conversation with this wonderful human being. It was especially good that, in your interview, you encouraged Dr Unwin to tell us about his superb work beyond reversing innumerable peoples' diabetes through low carb diet. This was new information for me, despite having read/heard many mentions and much praise of Dr Unwin's work in the relevant literature and Internet media.
I thought i was having a heart attack and the doctor concluded that even after my ecg came back fine. He gave me blood thinners clopidogrel and statins coz am the heavier side but didnt take then. Later had the same symptoms but went to emergency after a thorough test of scans,chest imaging i was told i have gall stones which has the same symptoms as a heart attack. I can not shake the fact i was misdiagnosed and give medication that could possibly worsen my situation
The greatest Collab I have been waiting for
I gave up on trying to tell my Dr anything when I wanted a natural birth. It was a fight every step of the way, but I (mostly) got the birth I wanted.
I've been on the low carb diet for about a month now, with varying degrees of success each day. I have probably cut out about 70% of my carbs. I'm already down 5 lbs and my stiffness in my joints is noticeably less.
Almost 32 years ago, I broke the L&D intake protocols though nurses were insistent of "this is the protocol ".
I've learned that if it's "a I protocol", don't fall for it.
A really lovely story. Thank you.
Dr Unwin is my hero , and I love his sugar charts of what not to eat to lower BP and blood sugar , we send our love from Canada Dr. Unwin .
I am so happy for all the information about ketogenic diet from you, from the real doctors!!! 👍
I am totaly disappointed because in my own language (slovak) I cannot share any video from real doctor on this topic. 😢 Such a shame for my country.
I love this interview. I had to laugj at hos scolding. We need to all stand up to our doctors. As much as we pay for insurance, its about time we take a stand. REVOLUTION 😂
Absolutely magnificent talk. Both of you are brilliant. 56:10
Thank you both for the service you provide and the health benefits to those who heed your advice.
What a fabulous conversation that leaves one with hope for the future ❤
What a wonderful interview, you are both a blessing. I would love to have doctors like these two! I have three doctors and none have suggested minimal carb to address my “bird shot” syndrome.
I went carnivore in January and seeing (no pun intended) phenomenal changes. After two years of treatment with moderate success, I decided to ignore them all (when I asked if I changed my diet would it help and they all said no) and take control of my own well being.
Great interview by two great docs. Thanks.
A lovely chat, Doctors! All the Best in continuing to help us, the "public", learn how to help heal both ourselves and our world.
What a great episode. Informative and inspirational! Thanks, Drs Westman and Unwin!
I was very fortunate to find one of Dr Unwin's video just after being diagnosed with diabetes in Oct 2021.
Bravo for your regenerative farming! This is the future.
A well-articulated, detailed, and highly informative conversation. Thank you.
Dr. Wiseman's best video yet😊
Wow Doctor...this was a fantastic interview..i learned even more..hope you have Doctor Unwill on again.
Love Dr. Unwin!
Thank you for introducing this great doctor and person.
I think doctors should think about making patients well without using medication first?
No money in it for them that way. Sad
Probably one of the best interviews I’ve seen. Very interesting and informative
I had atrial fibrillation about two years ago. Luckily I managed to cure it even though it was non-proximal with intermittent fasting and a low carb, very low sugar diet. I now always do 17 to 19 hours a day fasting. It has improved everything, and I wish I discovered this many years back. I now have the energy of when I was in my 20's and although I am quite a slim build, I've managed to put on a moderate amount of muscle, which I think is due to growth hormone release when you are fasting for a longer fast. For me it dropped my inflammation like a stone, and took roughly 9 months to really see serious improvements.
Very interesting and informative. Thank you!
Dr. David Unwin, thank you for a marvelous video! You and the other low-carbohydrate professionals have helped me eat in such a healthy way that I do not need to take any medications.
A lot of people my age are taking 10 or more prescription medications. People assume that I am 10 to 15 years younger than I am.
At the dr now, just had a consult with dietitian who said I should have complex carbs to add weight. Been on a ketovore diet for pre diabetes and ckd 3a and have lost weight fast, too fast. She said I was eating too much protein via meat and not enough complex carbs like dairy, grains, some veggies which previously was told not to eat like potatoes, etc.
One of the best... Thanks!
We are courageous when we allow our love
and passion to take us beyond our beliefs…
excellant interview Thank You !
I really found this interview very interesting. Please bring the doctor back.
A pair of gems both of you!
That was such a terrific interview on so many levels! THANK YOU!
Cure this - I hate everything I eat and the constant exercise I need to do to stay in remission - it is not success if you end up hating the life you have to live
You two are definitely heroes to all of us who are fighting for our lives! I have a CGM that motivates me SO MUCH! I’ll be grateful to both of you forever! ❤
Great show. I particularly like how Dr. Unwin tied in ethically grown meat that feeds back to healthier land. Talk about a virtuous circle. In the US we need to unlock the power of small farmers. To do that we need more USDA inspected processing facilities, which big food doesn't want.
HATE THE MEDICAL FIELD!!! I have never taken any medications and I will never!!! KETO MAKES ME FEEL AMAZING!!!!!
Amazing interview! Cheers from the Netherlands
Thank you, Eric and David. You are true doctors (healers).
I can’t thank you enough for your support.
How wonderful‼️. It is so positive, hopeful and uplifting❤️❤️🙌🙌
Exceptional vlog, Dr. Westman and DR Unwin!!
That was one of the best conversations I've heard in a long time.
thank you Dr. Westminster and Dr. Unwin for this insightful conversation. it is sad that medical experts like you are called out by dietitians who think they know what is the best nutrition for patients. they just abide by the 'eat badly plate' as Dr. Zoe Harcombe calls it. guiding their clients straight onto a path of ill health! please carry on the good work you do, Dr. Unwin and Dr. Westman. thank you. miss Reimara, a grateful member of the public health collaboration
Are UK GO's paid a bonus for prescribing medications to patients or that this part if their job in which the are paid to do?
Daily Mail is doing a great service promoting the proper human diet.
Dr. Westman, you simply must make a couple of short videos for TH-cam and reels for Instagram perhaps of the good doctor Unwin from the UK explaining his bird reserves and regenerative farming. He’s so succinctly described the thriving ecosystem of a regenerative farm. You simply have to capture that in a 60 second Short.
Excellent talk.❤
Dr Westman you’re a great investigative reporter of sorts. Asking the Qs us out here have. I was hoping you’d ask if he ever all the way even consider looking into why treatment hasn’t been working the last 59 years.
And if Unwin would have opened the free after hours clinic if he saw the lite 20 years earlier
What awesome doctors! Thank you 🙏
I didn’t do well with keto, but I’m doing really good on low carb. A1C went from 8.7 to 6.4. After 6 months, it’s the cravings that are still really bad and I can get very cranky 🤦🏻♀️
Nice talk!
I agree with using CGM. Not achieving my results physically with low carb and feel wearing a CGM might give me more info to help me.
Biscuits and chips and scones, oh my!😮
Just found the infographics! Thank you, Dr Unwin!
Thank you, Dr Westman! This was a great Podcast! ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Thank you gentlemen. My soul is easier knowing you are doing what you're doing. I was getting really shook by all the drama and goofy "bro-science". I'm nobody, but I know dead soil when I see it and smell it.
I enjoy the back and forth between you two. I continue to learn ( although slower than I would like). There are many who present or do interviews that I follow. I have a special place in my heart for those who are pissed about the present state of human metabolic health. Nuff said.
I think it is wonderful he learned! Many doctors will say that their healthier patients will die from cholesterol.
Best presentation yet!!!
I came away from my doctor yesterday. She didn't know anything about keto, intermittent fasting or insulin resistance. Her attitude was you might have insulin resistance but your HbA1c is fine so I'm not interested in your hyperinsulinaemia..... My blood pressure 170/100! My cholsterol 7.....So I'm on calcium Channel blockers and ACE inhibitors...... I at least want to reduce the amount of meds through the above strategies but it would be good to have my Doctor on board...
Oh and yes she said I must take statins... My trig:hdl. Is 1.45..... I don't want to.
Any thoughts?
I have not yet convinced my doctor about keto, but she has given me the chance. I have maintained my lower weight and my HgA1C is below 5, my HDL is 88 and my BP has neared normal. Not sure what it will take to convince her. She is worried about my triglycerides which are 130, and i have no other risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Great discussion! Two gentlemen.
What an absolute legend.
I’m tempted to switch doctors. Liverpool is about two hours from me though. 🙈
Thank you guys for a fantastic interview👍❤️🥩
My doc “ here’s your drugs.. Have a nice day.. “
This as a great episode Dr Westman. Loved it completely
LOVE everything about this doctor. My life goal is now to have a bird reserve with regenerative mutton ❤
Awesome podcast! Dr unwin is very fascinating.
Good for that patient!
Thanks to both of you guys 🙏🙏👍