In a very lazy comparison, I’d say it’s half way 10, half way a watered down corry because it seems more medicinal, more menthol and cooked vegetables. Both bottom of my rankings here so don’t kick yourself for not having tried it! You may well prefer this to the 10 to be honest but I would say stick to the Uig and Corry, they’re brilliant! Wee beastie wins it for value for money in my mind though. Corry wins it for flavour, that whisky just blows my mind, Cheers! 🥃
@stebeardX in the UK the 5 is about £30-35 whereas the 10 is £40-45 and I think it’s the better whisky. For that price I’m blown away tbh. It’s sherry cask influenced but to me it’s not as heavy in the sherry as the an oa or Uig. Let me know how you get on with it! 🤞 glad I could help.. well.. we won’t know yet 😅 but if I only could choose 2 of the range here for the future I’d choose the 5 and corry, value pick and the best one imo (corry) but the wee beastie (5) is very different to my palette than the 10 so I think it’s worthwhile picking it up and giving it a try!
For me Ardbeg 8 is a rubbish :) quite similar to 10, bring nothing new, little disappointment, I like more 5 which is more straight forward but has more character. Never tried 8 PA.
I have not had the 8yr Ardbeg, and it has been a while since I have had the Port Askaig. I think I would go for the Ardbeg. Cheers!
Cheers Jon! I have to say though, I’ve really enjoyed both of these and I definitely want to check out more Port Askaig in the future!
ive not tried the Ardbeg 8 but i really dont like Ardbeg original 10, but i love the Uigy and Corvy! cheers
In a very lazy comparison, I’d say it’s half way 10, half way a watered down corry because it seems more medicinal, more menthol and cooked vegetables. Both bottom of my rankings here so don’t kick yourself for not having tried it!
You may well prefer this to the 10 to be honest but I would say stick to the Uig and Corry, they’re brilliant! Wee beastie wins it for value for money in my mind though. Corry wins it for flavour, that whisky just blows my mind, Cheers! 🥃
@@WhiskyWars thanks for the reply! ill definitely try the weebeestie now you mentioned it! i ignored it because i did not like the 10y....cheers
@stebeardX in the UK the 5 is about £30-35 whereas the 10 is £40-45 and I think it’s the better whisky. For that price I’m blown away tbh. It’s sherry cask influenced but to me it’s not as heavy in the sherry as the an oa or Uig. Let me know how you get on with it! 🤞 glad I could help.. well.. we won’t know yet 😅 but if I only could choose 2 of the range here for the future I’d choose the 5 and corry, value pick and the best one imo (corry) but the wee beastie (5) is very different to my palette than the 10 so I think it’s worthwhile picking it up and giving it a try!
For me Ardbeg 8 is a rubbish :) quite similar to 10, bring nothing new, little disappointment, I like more 5 which is more straight forward but has more character. Never tried 8 PA.