Why did Allah create jinn and devils

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Creation of the Jinn and the Story of Satan:
    The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: (The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from a smokeless flame of fire, and Adam was created from what has been described to you(from clay)).
    Many scholars of interpretation said: The jinn were created before Adam, peace be upon him, and before them on Earth were the hinn and binn (the weak and lowly jinn), so Allah empowered the jinn over them, so they killed them and inhabited it after them because of what they did.
    Al-Dahhak mentioned on the authority of Ibn Abbas that when the jinn corrupted the Earth and shed blood, Allah sent Iblis to them with an army of angels, so they killed them and expelled them from the Earth to the islands of the seas.
    Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: Iblis was not from the angels for the blink of an eye, and he is the origin of the jinn just as Adam is the origin of humans.
    The jinn were created from fire, and they are like the children of Adam; they eat, drink, and reproduce, and among them are believers and disbelievers.
    The correct view is that the believing jinn will enter Paradise.
    The name of Iblis before his disobedience was Azazel, and his nickname was Abu Kurdus.
    It was narrated on the authority of Jabir on the authority of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, who said: “Iblis places his throne on the water, then sends out his armies among the people. The closest of them in status is the greatest of them in his view temptation).”

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