Very interesting. Of course in a real world excercise in cleaning up the airframe, as you do at the end of the vid, you would add to the the weight and cost, particularly the retractable gear. This would add to the drag and therefore be be a trade-off rather than a clear win. All design is about balancing trade-offs.
Thanks for the video Sonja. My aircraft has fillets where the wing joins the fuselage as well as the tail feathers. Perhaps I will send you some pictures. I find your videos very informative. Thank you.
Thank you for making these, I find them very helpful
Very interesting. Of course in a real world excercise in cleaning up the airframe, as you do at the end of the vid, you would add to the the weight and cost, particularly the retractable gear. This would add to the drag and therefore be be a trade-off rather than a clear win. All design is about balancing trade-offs.
Thanks for the video Sonja. My aircraft has fillets where the wing joins the fuselage as well as the tail feathers. Perhaps I will send you some pictures. I find your videos very informative. Thank you.
Cleaning up a good airplane was done for Mooney by Lopresti in the 70ties. The M20