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Asa surprises me every time. How this girl can be THAT talented creative at this age. Proud of u my girl
Yes....most talented member ❤
My Bias for a reason❤
Vote Babymonster pls
Proud to say she’s my bias since day 1
asa created her own BRRRRA ASA!! that was amaizing she ate it!!!!!
tht BRRRR is used by 2NE1, blackpink as well. Nothing new with adding BRRr and her name.
@@JessiShah-h9bYes indeed but Asa has created her own version, soundng like Asa, I believe he meant that)
@@JessiShah-h9bA SAAA !!!
Bro, Asa is such a genius rapper. The way she adds spice of her verse is so amazing
She is the most talented in the group and the most creative She deserves the best treatment ACE ASA deserves the best
@@SARSESk Ahyeon is the most talented in the group.
@@trepabeard the most talented in the group. Asa was described in an article by YG as the most talented
In an introduction video about Asa she was described as an indispensable Ace
Asa find everything
rap, dance, vocal ,sw
Most talented member ❤
Asa is such a talented girl, I hope she gets the recognition she deserves
True ❤
Oh Asa's signature sound "A-sa" was created by her! She is a real producer material and a perfectionist
All rounder Asa❤
@@saikatmusfikurrahaman4404 *Ace Asa❣
Asa is badass!
@@saikatmusfikurrahaman4404 Ace-sa
Asa is so talented. She makes sure that every tiny detail is perfect. I hope she can be appreciated more, she is such a gem to the industry.
ikrrr 😢😢❤❤ she worked so hard for us
YES, she is very talented and as her fans we hope her to have more rap songs and screen time!
@@ひかりなつ definitely
Seeing Rami and Asa work is really impressive. Theyre both so creative. Asa elevates everything she does with her personal touch. I see why Rami is main vocalist - her ear is impeccable. Hard to believe she is maknae line because she is so professional. Seems like she sat in for all the sessions to assist.
Agree. Our duo talented Aces Asa Rami
For real...but still she is so underestimated... I hope yg gives her more time cause yg always works with most popular members more.
Fr, they're the most perfectionist and creative ❤
@@Nova-kl8yc i wish they can get a song that will truly shine rami's voice. its still early and im sure BM can give it to us someday
Rami and Asa are so talended!!!! They will be great producers... They have so much potential
Asa is the definition of ace. She is a genius producer and a perfectionist.
Acesa 🔥
The most talented Ace 5th gen
For real!!!
I love ahyeon chiqi asa rora voices 😵💫
i wanna be the member of babymonster😊😊😊❤
Vote Babymonster r.
Me toooooo
por rami, ruka anda pharita. You hate their voces...
ASA Very confident, pure talent from birth. but everyone has done their best, including AHYEON with his high notes. undeniable top talent✨❣️
Ahyeon is young but so talented. I hope she knows she’s so talented. That high note is amazing. I know a lot of people have different opinions on her vocals but you can’t deny that she has an amazing voice.
I agree
she is the first member of BM im sure she knows she is talented❤
I love ahyeon
I can see Asa being a successful producer too.
Lord this girl.
100% with you!
All rounder Acesa❤
Asa and Rami are real producers and super talented!!! Both of them just amaze me! Both of them should be given more screen time and more lyrics!
They're so amazingggg.
Now we need a subunit (ASARAMI ❤)
this is why they are my biases
Rami is a Vocal Genius but I’m not gonna glaze her saying she’s a producer or a Ace.
This is what happens when you have 7 members in a group or the other term would be “too many cooks in the kitchen” because the lines are spread too thin and not everyone will get their fill. YG should of went with 5 instead of 7
Members because of this.
Asa is so creative, she created her signature " brr asa" and also exploring different vocal ranges , she is truely an ace .I am jealous 😂❤😎😎😎😎😎
Ahyeon's high notes are really not easy to master! So cool that she did it so quickly. And A-SA! Girl she ate SO hard 😭😭😭
can you literally just be supportive? all y’all do is ramble about how she’s just screaming, how about you try to sing it? you guys are ungrateful and always hating on the poor girl, the staff literally praise her sm imo
@rosaries_playlists I don't hate her lol. some people are just exaggerating
@@AirLuis well to me it's difficult! i have a relatively high pitched voice and its quite hard for me to stablize high notes, thats why i thought it was really cool. maybe you can reach the notes easily, but some people can't!
i can do it longer with a sore throat
@@AirLuisit's not about hitting the notes it's about the stabilization of the note (staying in note without swaying) and the leveling (volume)
Who loves rora?
Everybody I hope ❤
Mee 🖐️💓
May rora❤
내가 개환장하던 아사 랩 도입 파트를 본인이 만든거였다고…?진짜 나 사랑할 수 밖에 없네 이 여자..
아사는 표정이진짜 너무좋은듯
Vote Babymonster, .
천재 아니냐고 ㅋㅋ
저 brraaaa 에이사~ 이거 시그니쳐로 잘 만든듯
@@K-Director ㅇㅈ그 에이싸하고 ‘이!’가 진짜 미치는 포인트였는데 직접만드신게 너무 고트함
와이지는 진짜 멋있는게 실력이 되면 나이 많다고 내보내고 어린 나이로 승부 보려는게 아니라 준비가 되면 믿고 기회를 주고 데뷔시키는게 진짜 멋있는 것 같아요.
그래서 실력도 비쥬얼도 느낌도 다 너무 좋고 사장님이 딸이 있어서 그런지 멤버들을 소중하게 생각하고 성장시키려는 양현석이라는 사람도 멋있는 것 같아요.
베이비몬스터 한명한명 너무 매력있고... 앞으로 진짜 더 잘될겁니다. 이 7명이야말로 성실하게 성장을 하고 있네요.
데뷔했을 때 부정적인 여론에 대응하지 않고 진짜 묵묵히 실력으로 승부하는 이 7명이 진정한 힙합이네요.
Asa has literally this unstoppable rap flow ruka has the swag and the vocals they are totally all rounders
because ASA is ACE in the group
Ruka’s vocal sound expensive and strong.. and yess she has the swagg
Ruka aceee
Asa - I like how she always find ways to improve her craft in rap flows, and the effort she has given to make it more beautiful. She will be one of the best rapper in Kpop I guess, pronunciation, flows, mold into perfection. She will discover and explore a lot of things, and I'm always here for that.
Ahyeon - I like how she always discover something new in herself, her vocal versatility is one of the things that I admired on her. She's also the one who always quick to adapt what she has to deliver and expected by YG producers. That high note is a difficult task and I should say only Ahyeon can do such high notes especially in live performance and Rami even trusted Ahyeon on that.
Rora - I like her vocal technique, I just wait for her to be more confident and explore her full potential.
Rami - she knows her vocal capability and asusual she wants her vocal recording with perfection.
Ruka - is not just a YG DNA rapper, yes I really like the swag, badass kind of rapper like her. But yes she can deliver low notes too.
Pharita - soft voice always stable and smoothly delivered.
Chiquita - I like her soft voice as well, its really a challenging for her to deliver the lyrics in Korean but she always turns the voice recording so amazing in the end. Hope she can explore the limit of her vocal range like Pharita.
I always supporting my girls. 👏👏👏
Baemon rules, fighting 💪💪
I'm a Asa bias monsteiz , but you're comment is so beautiful ❤️ , keep supporting our girls ❤️✨
Yes babyy monster❤
Bro just wrote a paragraph to elaborate their talents but so true tho❤
Vote Babymonster yes
아니 진짜 미친게
퍼스트테이크에서 아사가 잡았던 이 디테일
개좋다는 평이 거의 대부분이었단말임..
디렉 드간줄 알았는데 본인이 짜온거란게 ㄹㅇ 최종 어너미친거야
ㅇㅇ 아사 잘하네 의외로 랩쪽에 타고난거 같은뎅?
갠적으로 아사는 프듀싱까지 꼭 해줬으면 좋겠음
얘넨 진짜 천재같다 케이팝의 축복
Asa sends shivers, she is so talented and creative, just OMG, she always puts something new and creative!
Vote Babymonster,..
She getting the opportunity too. Shouldn't we appreciate that too?😅
Asa knows what she’s doing, she’s worthy of being trusted with music decisions. Rami looks damn cute and her voice has it all!!!! …Love this group…
We love Sandra! ❤️
ASA and G-DRAGON are my favorite artists in the world.
They are the best artists👍
저도 지디 아사 너무 좋아해요 둘이 노래 내주면 좋겠어요 지디 너무 좋아하는데 아현 치키타 로라 루카 라미 파리타 아사 베몬 다 너무 좋네요
Yes ❤️❤️
Asa is like G-Dragon's daughter or sister!!!
Mine as well
Aaa, Asa is really smart! She's excellent❤ I love BABYMONS7ER!
10:00 This whole rap section when Asa is creating and putting her own style is insane and amazed me too much... she really is a genius full of talent!!! ✨
She's the Irreplaceable Ace🔥
Vote Babymonsterr
ACESA the most talented member and Ace baby monster Ace 5th gen 😎🔥
Ace is irreplaceable
She is the most talented in the group and the most creative She deserves the best treatment ACE ASA deserves the best
Asa is so damn talented. She knows how to elevate the song and I’m glad the producers listened to her opinion! Her part went viral 🔥
Asa's pronunciation is so pretty and her talking voice is so pretty
Very very pretty
@Enamors-j5m no no
最高 ありがとう🫶
Asa is THAT talented girl she is so creative at this age , proud of you, my girl ❤
And OMG Asa's rap is so flawless, she sounds just like G-Dragon but with her own touch, she is like G-Dradon's student or his female version, both are rappers, lyricst, producers, they are both so similiar!
Most talented member ❤
Vote Babymonster..
Yes. Others are saying that she has no YG vibe. But she is the closet to GD. in fashion, rap style and tone. Being a producer. Bein an Ace. ASA has that YG DNA. Bein an idol and a real artist at the same time.
Rami and Asa really stood out. Asa is so passionate about rap and Rami is such a perfectionist ❤
they are both great
Vote Babymonster x
Here I see, Asa is such a girl who's always can bring an opinions I really like her personality now I changed my bias, Asa is my bias in BMon ❤
Me too ❤ , My first bias in bm was ruka, now my bias is Asa ❤ , keep supporting Asa ❤️✨✨
Asa's talent is unmatched , her Authenticity and willing to improvise and to bring something new to the table shines through, hoping to see her dominating the rap scene in the near future , YOU GO LITTLE ROCKSTAR 💅🔥
Most talented member ❤
@@RichardJoshua-d7p yes!!
Asaaa gorgeous ate her part pharita prettyyy and rami wow
Sandra is so beautiful???? Talented and just a wonderful energy source to have in the recording studio with them. YQ & Asa sitting together while she feels comfortable and confident enough to talk about her ideas 😭😭😭
Out of curiosity, what is Sandra's role there?
라이브하는 거 보고 아사 랩이 너무 좋아서 보러 왔는데
입덕했어요,, 베몬 더 잘돼야 해 제발
Impressed by this bts of babymonster esp Asa, Ahyeon and Rami.
Asa - you could see how passionate she is on making her own mark everytime she raps, she wants everyone to hear that when someone raps it's Ace-sa. Def producer material in the future and having her own spot in yg studio.
Ahyeon - love how she keeps surprising and amazes everyone by her vocals yet you could see how she's humble and fragile and nervous about it when she was literally amazing and nailed that perfectly with just a few takes, she even wants to do it again even if that one was already better. This is the purest ahyeon you could see in practice. After all she has got to have the biggest responsibility and have the most luxurious baggage in all of theirs songs that she have to do every live performances, totally a superstar in the making. She's crazy deadly!
Rami - love how she's been there for most of the members as a support and as a main vocalist who's in charge of all of the stuff that goes on in the songs. Esp when she was on ahyeon's rehearsals. She wasn't just there to support or to hear it but she assures ahyeon she can do it. From mission impossible to mission possible. Could really see her as a producer as well and a successful vocal mentor in the future.
Ngl , These three are the pillars of babymonster ❤
Im glad people's can see Rami talent now she is allrounder but people ignore her....😔😊
@ Yep
I love the 3 of them , all of the 3 are special love them
Asa and Rami are two monstrous aces, each day I have more appreciation and awe to them, Asa and Rami strongest duo ever!
Definitely! Rami and Asa have a huge potential to be producers someday!
@@ひかりなつ yes!!!
We need a subunit (ASARAMI ❤)🔥
@ yes!!!!
@ the best vocalist and the best rapper
Asa , She has a creative talent since pre-debut until now she also give the new thing present on her rap-line ❤
Rami mesmerizes me everytime!! her voice sounds so heavenly and i like how dedicated she is (just as the other girls). Go Rami!!!
ASA IS BRILLIANT. Who knew adding the “EE” detail would add so much color to her part. Such a small detail but elevates the track so much!
Herself made the line "brrr acesa- EEh" being ICONIC 🔥
AHYEON HIGH NOTE always makes me goosebumps! She ate this! And RUKA VOCAL TONE was so amazing, even she only did that in 1 take?? Genius RukaAhyeon!
These 2 so amazing
Vote Babymonster
asa got such an incredible ads to the song, i hope yg let her produce and compose more to the group, she has a natural talent to that, please yg don't sleep on this
진짜 너무 이뿌고 너무 귀엽고 너무 열정적인 베몬이들 세상 꼭대기에서 노래해❤최고다👍
ASA IS ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!!! Her mad skills are insane!!!!!!!!!!
Asa is insanely beautiful 😍, i never thought i would see a hip-hop version of Sana in my life. She's so talented, and she's now called Asa-na 😂❤
Yes my hip hip sana 💓 my two biases
Asa Absolutely blows my mind every single damn time I watch them , being just an 18 yr old , how the heck can she handle double layer lyric and rhyme schemes effortlessly with pinpoint diction on top of that she participates in creative imaging with the production crew , MAD TALENTED INDEED , HATS Off Asa , I'm impressed 😌💅🔥
acesa for a reason
Ruka got complimented by the producers. Hoping she got to sing more as she is a great dancer and rapper too.
Asa you really are a gem, the fact that she wanted different style and add more to it, im amazed
She's amazing, thank you for acknowledging her skills ❤❤✨
She is the most talented in the group and the most creative She deserves the best treatment ACE ASA deserves the best treatment
Yess...all rounder Asa❤
레코딩 비하인드 보고 싶었는데 잊고 살다가 드디어 떴다 아사, 아현이 천재성이 돋보이네
Woww Asa is so beautiful in here without need a lot make up, naturally beautiful and so multitalented
I love her bare face somuch🤗
The young Ace has got everything. She was meant to be a Star Idol.
13:36 Love how they're allowing ASA to really make this part her own. HER CREATIVITYYYYY AHHHHH
Asa is truly a gifted Musician , she has immense innate potential waiting to be unleashed , she is not just a performer , she is a well rounded ARTIST who knows her skills and strong points well yet she is willing to try different styles and the way she adapts is just so insane for a young lady who's just starting out her career and she's only going to get better from now , can't wait to see her growth in the future ❤
Asa is a genius
That is why she is my bias
Most talented member ❤
Starting to stan babymonster because of that high note of Ahyeon ... She got me clinged ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
와 지디 데모 개좋다.........진짜 하기 어려운 톤인 거 같은데 아사도 엄청 잘 어울린다 노래마다 아사 파트에서 귀가 딱 트임
Yeah Asa is amazing, female version of GD
Asa is so impressively talented omg… she knows what to do and knows how to contribute to the table at the time of creating the song
Real, she is going places
I love when people compliment her , thank you for acknowledging Asa's skills 🥺❤✨
@@weekndfantasy Frrr she always tries to bring the best out of her for her group....IRREPLACBALE ACE FOR A REASON
Vote Babymonster.,
@@Oliveviolaomg another Asa's lover! tysm for loving her bb 💓 ofc bcs asa is our irreplaceable ace ^^
The way Asa moves her hands while rapping is so attractive, I wish she did the same during their concerts
wow i rlly like the asa's take on her part! it sounds truly catchy and outstanding
Damnnnn ASA brought this song to life 🔥💯….i hope she gets more creative freedom …rami too🙏
Asa is genuis 18 years girl can do everything she didn't come to play our acesa keep going i wanna watch more recordings pls yg
베몬 구독자800만 돌파 추카. 아현이 팬미 앵콜무대때 Sheesh 2단 고음 올라가는거보고 나도 drip 3단 고음 생각나던데. 사람들 생각은 다 비슷하군. 베몬이들 recording 하는거 보고싶었는데 이렇게 보여주니까 좋네. all-rounder 베몬이들 본모습을 볼수있는 click clak 레코딩도 보여줬으면 좋겠네.
나는 Drip의 정체성이 브르르르 에이사~ 이 파트라고 생각했는데 이게 작사가가 만들어준게 아니라 직접 만든거라고??? 회사로 치면 막내 사원이라 모든게 눈치 보이고 의견 내기 쉽지 않을텐데, 저렇게 혼자 고민 많이 하고 의견 내면서 쟁취하는 모습 너무 멋지다. 아사 진짜 보물이야!!!!
Yes , Asa is a real treasure
Yes, Asa is just incredible
진짜 실력있고 노력하는 사람이 yg를 가고 싶어하는 이유도 되는듯 보통 의견피력하면 결국 다듬어지고 누군가 개입되서 다음부터는 의욕도 안생기고 그냥 기계들 중에 부품 하나로 인식 될테니깐😂
베러업 아사 랩 파트 가사두 아사가 직접 썼대요
All of them are amazing!!!
And.. Asa is genius rapper, love it
Asa aura is insane. She had that confidence
베몬은 못하는 사람이 없다 구멍이 없어 춤이면 춤 노래면 노래
특히 노래가 탁월하네 와우
RAMI the Vocal Genius, helping/ cheering other members is just wow. Anddd ASA the Rap Genius.
Rami and Asa are truly amazing, they'll be a great producer/composer /mentor someday. Geniuses, no doubt! Fav duo! @@
Vocal Genius yes! Mentor I can see that, producer?? Naaahhh for Rami anyway as far as producing goes.
@@courtneyward7149 you again. Too obsessed with amazing Rami?
@@1mae7 Rami Asa, Duo aces of the group
@@courtneyward7149 почему ты так ненавидишь Рами? Прям под каждым комментарием отрицаешь то что Рами хороша .
Asa is just amazing , she is just so damn talented ❤ 💅🔥
All rounder Asa❤
13:21 "Brrrraaaa A-SA ihhh" Very iconic, and she made her own signature🩷
징짜 베몬이들 너무 고생 많았어ㅠㅠ
아자아자 하고 콘서트에서 만나쟈!!!!
0:15 Rora
3:07 Ruka
4:50 Rami
7:16 Chiquita
10:00 Asa
13:54 Pharita
16:31 Ahyeon
Asa added her style in her rap, which is really creative and special as a young idol
Ahyeon's high note was defentely unstoppable, don't cry you are the best you can do it I"m sure!!!
Rami is a genius of singing she's a naturl~
Asa is really confident and a perfectionist. She's got the most creative mind as we can see with how much suggestions she suggested for the song and everything turned out well. Her aura is so producer coded.
ACESA the most talented member and Ace baby monster Ace 5th gen 😎🔥
Ace is irreplaceable
couldn't agree more! If given more opportunities, Asa could definitely become a great producer and also be credited on the song 'Drip'
It's a big deal since most of the ASA's opinions were adopted and her rap part has become a hot topic.
Thank you, some toxic stan are going under every comment praising Asa to just say rubbish " It is not a big deal, she did nothing " and I am like mind your business
Yes , thank you ❤❤✨
Ahyeon's vocal strength and efforts to give her best, Asa's rap prowess and improvisation, Ruka's natural hip-hop style, Rami's vocal stability and perfection....Such talented young artists ! Love these girls.
True slap to all the jealous haters who keep barking and demeaning BM.
걱정을 안해도됩니다
댄저리스 커버곡으로 베몬의 핵심 멤버로 떠오르니까 탑에 오르는걸 시기질투해서 방해하는것일뿐...
블랙핑크 제니도 그랬었고 그걸 이겨내고 전 세계 탑에 오른것처럼 헤이터들이 할수있는건 그것뿐입니다
와이지 가수들은 그런걸 이겨내는 방법을 잘 알고있습니다
Vote Babymonsterr,,
@@harvard5712Vote Babymonster,..
Every time Asa proves that the title of Ace is not just an ordinary title but that this is a title that she truly deserves She is truly an indispensable Ace
The most talented
She is so creative , perfect ace for a reason ❤❤
Asa and Rami gonna be great producers for YG in future 🔥🔥
asa created her own BRRRRA ASA!! that was
amaizing she ate it!!!!
Rora는 너무 사랑스럽고 매력적이어서 항상 그녀를 안아주고 싶습니다. 나는 그녀가 프로듀서들에게 얼마나 예의 바르고 그들이 그녀를 보살펴 주는지 좋아합니다. 그것에 대해 감사드립니다. Rora, 좀 더 자신감을 가져보세요. 당신은 매우 재능이 있습니다. 무대에서 빛나기 위해 필요한 모든 것을 갖추고 있고 Monzties의 지원을 받고 있기 때문에 이제는 자신을 더 믿을 때입니다. 🐼💜
Thanks for loving RORA❤
RORA is so adorable and gorgeous.
Asa really is talented and she was so determined and was focusing on such small details like that was so amazing. It shows how passionate she is
Ace is irreplaceable❤
Most talented member ❤
Asa's rap felt like she's coming out of the scream, the power of her talent is insane.
asa and rami the future producers. so proud choose them as my bias but i'm really curious tho to hear the song that both of them made. hope yg release it on their next album🔥🔥🔥
Asa is truly the ace of the group, the way she was giving suggestions on trying various tones, flow and some wordplay with ace-sa... She is so creative. I love her voice. Ahyeon's vocals are really impressive and her tone is very unique.
Most talented member ❤
Rami is incredibly.She work like a professional and she help the other member.She has a incredible ear,she can learn really fast and she know when it’s good.I mean she is still so young.She is like a vocal coach for the other member.She is so freaking talented.She is definitely an ACE.She can be a producer too.This girl need more attention!!!
Asa never really fails to amaze me. The fact that she's so creative in terms of her parts, and knows exactly what needs to be added what could be improved, that even the producers will just listen to her suggestions easily. She reminds me of seventeen members so much. Overflowing with talent wahh
Thank you for acknowledging Asa's talents , she is Amazing ❤️ , who is seventeen btw ? I'll check them out ..
Asa is amazing! My bias!
@Jan-c7o1t Oh seventeen is a k-pop boy group. And ASA just remind me of them so much because she's like their little sister, idk I just find her similar with them because she is so talented just like those boys. Especially woozi lol the main producer of the group, he's also very pale like ASA HAHAHAHA I'd like to think they're siblings 🤣
@@shiro-san8655 yeah , I checked them out , they are so talented and I watched some funny compilations of them , they are humourous, I'll stan them, thanks for introducing them to me ❤️🥳
Most brilliant dou asa and Rami
❤❤Rami unnie why you are soo talented?❤❤
Asa so talented, she's make herself signature, definitely produser!
Asa is so talented; I can't wait to see her compose her own music.
Me too, I can't wait any longer 😢❤
エイサーのあとの「イ」が凄く可愛いかったんやけどここアサのアイデアなんや 素晴らしい
ルカ愛嬌あってかわいいな 笑顔に癒される
あぁ ベビモン全員好きや
アヒョンもファリタもローラもチキータも好きや 全員の好きなとこ書いていきたいけどラーメンのびちゃうからラーメン食べる
Wow Rami and Asa are great😍✨
Ahyeon🦋💎I sincerely appreciate yours deep vocals and highnotesss🙌🔥I am mesmerised that you get it in first try🙆♀️I have audacity to say you have very positive DEFENDERS including me,YG reaction like getting RARE PEARL,yeah boss we are also in awe for her strength & breath control,Go Jung Slaƴeon👑⚔️
Only thing Ahyeon deserves is to be LOVED and PRAISED, I'm glad the members and monstiez are loving her so well
적극적으로 의견 피력하고 그걸 또 긍정적으로 받아주니까 이런 좋은 결과가 나오는구나
Yg가 아티스트를 위해 추구하는 방향은 자유분방함에 있는듯 그래야 능력치가 쌓이고 진정한 아티스트가 되는길이라 믿으니깐
와지 출신들은 작사작곡도 다함.
블핑도 이번에 솔로 활동하면서 메인으로 작사작곡 다 함.
데모 진짜 개좋은데 아사가 그걸 충분히 다 살렸네
제가 잘 몰라서 그런데 그 FIRST TAKE에서 그 아사가 지금 저 아사 맞는거죠?
아 랩하는거 보니까 맞네; 무슨 애기가 저런 목소리가 나와
Yes, that is the Asa from first take , she is a rap genius
She is the same Asa from the Firts Take
Yes ❤️✨
a baby with monstrous talent.
I love the style, makeup and vibe of Asa from the first take
와 대박 진짜 대박이다 YG 진짜 대박 잘하네요 베이비몬스터 와우~
현 세대 통틀어 실력이 넘사벽이네
Ruka Ahyeon so beautiful and cute ♥️
I'm initially fan of J-duo cause I love rap and Japan, but now after seeing each BM videos and clips my biases are Asa and Rami, both are amazing and hardworkers!!!
Yes , both are my biases. The talented aces 💞💞
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