This is why Yang Hyun-Suk aka YG once said, "AHYEON is a warrior with too many weapons," and he chose her as the 1st member of Babymonster. Brooo she’s truly the full package and her aura is absolutely extraordinary. And remember, she’s only 17 years old. I can’t imagine how incredible she’ll be when she’s in her 20s. Once again YG truly hit the jackpot!!
Ruka and Ahyeon are definitely the main event. They justify their status of being the monster rookies. Off-stage they're so shy and on-stage they're like a diva who's unstoppable. You can tell that they love to perform, the duality is insane.
@@1_of_akind- And also their voice is the only thing that can be heard THE MOST in this performance, the other members sound lower than the backing track. For example Rami 1:54 compare to 2:11. Also , on ASA rap part she's not rapping just backing track as you can heard the difference between 1:26 (where she singing) and 1:28-1:33 just backing track.
It's nice to see so many positive comments about Ahyeon after all the hate she received. This girl's potential is no joke, I literally couldn't stop looking at her because she stood out so much compared to the others.
Ahyeon is not just a kpop idol who performs but a kpop idol who CAN perform! Imo these type of kpop idols are rare especially nowadays, they are like magnet because you can't stop looking at them! Ahyeon is gonna make it big, trust my words! YG is smart for making her the center and the face of the group, she really fits her positions!
Yg said that "Ahyeon is like a warrior that has many weapons", now i see what he meant there. Girl slayed so hard, serving us with live vocals, face card, expressions and stage presence all at once.
Remarriage while your first spouse is still alive is adultery and one must repent from it. Either remain single or reconcile. Be careful not to use God's Name in vain, Holy ****, Jesus Christ, jeez/sheesh, OMG, oml are also blasphemous uses of God's Name! Exodus 20:7 forbids it. Lord Jesus Christ is coming back everyone, please don’t worship celebrities and entertainment, focus on Him alone. I promise there’s more to life than money, partying, homosexuality and music. Hell is real, repent from sinning confess your sins and ask God to forgive you, I know He will if you’re sincere. Hell is very hot, people please repent! In the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏💪✝️💜❤️✝️! Idolatry such as, Islam, Catholicism, Sangomaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Racism, Santa Clausism, Confucianism, New Age, Science, Evolution, halloweenism, Harry Potterism, Politics, Donald Trumpism, Easter Bunnyism and other religions/faiths that are outside Biblical Christianity lead to hell! Don’t believe them, believe the Almighty God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, who begot Him. Our Creator, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is mighty, He doesn’t need a woman to beget a son, He is God. I choose to put my faith in a God who can do anything and everything, a God who has unlimited and infinite power to beget! So, it’s time to confess that Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord and to believe that He died and rose from the grave after three days and you shall be saved if you only obey Him by praying, worshipping, praising, reading the Bible and living holy and righteously according to the Bible. You have to endure until the end, carry your cross daily and build your relationship with God by following Lord Jesus daily until the end. You must never renounce your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, there’s hell awaiting those who reject/deny Lord Jesus Christ and those who continue living sinfully, even the Christians who don’t want to repent will face the same fate, so please repent beloved people, in Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty and precious Name, Amen.
Ahyeon is a rare gem that is almost impossible to find. When she gets on stage, it feels like she is in her comfortable place, where she is supposed to be. I think she was truly born to conquer the big stage.
@@mariabassey4159 다른 노래 영상에는 다른 멤버들에 대한 칭찬도 많아 거기 가서도 지금처럼 말해라. 오늘 무대는 아현이가 돋보여서 그래. drip 은 아현이가 힘든 파트를 맡아서 잘해 주고 있잖아. 하이노트를 무대마다 한다는 건 쉬운 게 아니야. 니가 좋아하는 멤버도 아현이를 응원하니까 너도 같이 응원해줘. 그리고 걸그룹 멤버가 많기 때문에 순서대로 홍보해 줄 거니까 걱정 말고 기다려. 공식 센터도 아현이 인데 돌아가면서 센터 주듯이. 오히려 아현이가 홍보에 적극 소비 됐기때문에 그녀가 인기를 얻고 있지만 나중에 혜택은 다른 멤버가 얻을 수도 있다. 예전 블랙핑크때 처럼. 그러니 지금 아현이가 열심히 힘든 파트를 할 때 같이 응원해줘. 그래야 나중에 니가 좋아하는 멤버들도 응원 받을 수 있어. 우리 베몬팬들은 블랙핑크 때처럼 되지 말자.
@@mariabassey4159 you are complaining ahyeon is getting praises why? So you want to manipulate people’s opinion just bec it doesn’t align with yours. and then you go on saying she’s too loud just because it’s hurting you that she’s getting praises, isn’t you who’s causing division to this group? Creating unnecessary drama when other members are also getting praises they all shine on their own way. Let people praise and appreciate ahyeon in peace!
@@mariabassey4159it's funny when many people try to hype ahyeon. If you confused why people just commenting about ahyeon, it's because they really shock with ahyeon and they are really loves ahyeon. So if you love other member, GO ON COMMENT SECTION AND MAKE YOUR OWN COMMENT 🙄🙄
@@mariabassey4159 if you feel other member deserve this attention, you have to complain to their fanbase instead of complaining to people who praises ahyeon 🙄
Isn't it weird? No matter where you are, babymonster makes you feel like you're at a real concert. There is no lipsynch and it is a complete visual feast. We would like to thank newjeans and babymonster for being one of the rare bands that came out with a microphone in their hands. this is very nice
@ hepsi eşit gibiydi pre debutten beri takip ediyorum benim biasım Ruka,Chiquita ve Asa ama objektif olmak gerekirse bu performansta beğendiğim ve beğenmediğim yanlar oldu. Mesela Ahyeon gerçekten çok bağırdı. Sesi tiz olduğu için bazen kulak tırmalayabiliyor. Aynı şekilde Ruka bağırdı 3 4 defa. 1 kere bağırsa bile yeterdi. Ama yine de Ahyeon’un yüksek notasını Ruka’nın sahne varlığını çok beğendim. Soruna gelecek olursakta sanırım Ruka ve Chiquita.
@@Ecealison Ahyeon, overdid a bit & almost cracked her voice a little at the beginning but still showed amazing vocals & stage presence. Besides ruka & chiquita, I think asa also did very well.
@@TheUnknownxx4013 No, I'm not saying Ahyeon gave a bad performance. I didn't say her voice cracked anyway. I just mentioned that she was yelling. My bias is Ruka, but objectively, I can say that she also shouts unnecessarily. Only when Ahyeon and Ruka scream, the sounds are very different. One is very high-pitched, the other is very loud. Even if Ruka used it once, this loud voice would be enough on stage. As for Ahyeon, shouting doesn't suit her. I really like Ahyeon's high notes. I said this too. High notes do not mean shouting anyway. Her high note was quite successful. As for Asa, I never underestimate Asa's stage presence and performance. She did an excellent job as always. However, since my personal opinion was asked here, I mentioned the two people that caught my eye the most while watching. namely Ruka and Chiquita. Please do not interfere with my opinion. They were all great as ot7 anyway. ❤️
@ aynen öyle Ahyeon ve Rukayı çok seviyorum zaten favori shipimde Ruyeon ama objektif olmak her zaman önemlidir. Benimki asla linç değil. İkisini de çok seviyorum ve zaten söylememe gerek yok çok başarılılar. Performans genel olarak güzeldi. Bu bahsettiğim çok ufak bir ayrıntıydı sadece. Ve evet Rora da harikaydı. Aslında genel olarak ot7 olarak harikalardı.
Ahyeon, what an performance my dear. You are just amazing. Baby monster proving once again that they serve with live vocals. Ruka and Asa also slaying with that rap part.
Ahyeon is such a diva! She's rapping with swag, dancing with lots of energy and charisma, changing the notes, doing a hard highnote LIVE and she still manages to look BEAUTIFUL! Who is doing it like Jung Ahyeon? She is a treasure ✨
Ahyeon cooked, served, ate and left no crumbs at all. There's a reason why she's chosen as the center, the face card was giving fr. Her stage presence is so infectious 🤌😭
Yoo 8 million+ views for a rookie group first ever performance on year end show💅. They have been slaying since day one. The one and only leader of 5th gen. And uri ahyeonie is 5th gen IT girl and golden centre 🦋✨
I think ahyeon is by far the best kpop idol/performer who's not afraid to sing live over and over again. It's like the stage is her comfort zone and she likes being there and that's crazy. Superstar in the making.
2NE1,GD 다 보고 얘네 무대 보면서 느낀게 진짜 YG가 애들 잘 만들긴 한다.. 실력은 일단 기본빵이고, 무대에서 보여지는 모든것들이 다른 아이돌에 비해 어나더임 진짜 즐기고 노는 느낌이랄까... 다른 기획사 애들은 일단 정형화되고, 예쁘고 연말이니 특별하게 보여줄게! 이런 느낌이면 YG 소속 애들은 연말? 찢어줄게 이런 느낌으로 올라오는 느낌임.... 진짜 잘한다 와이지 애들; 괜히 근본 3대 기획사가 SM JYP YG인게 아님....
when AHYEON enters center that High note vocals, Charisma and high stage presence she giving by hyping the crowd . ill tell you goosebumps everywhere shes QUEEN and ACE ! fr fr fr its her era 👑✨🔥🔥🔥🔥
From the day Ahyeon debuted, she has been constantly receiving hate from everyone for the over dancing and screaming controversy. She literally held herself back for those constant hates. I think it’s high time those haters should realise that Ahyeon is a very important part of the group! The way she hypes the crowd, stable vocal and stage presence is unmatched! I really hope Ahyeon gets her energy back and stop caring about the haters. She never over danced and acted like soloist, it’s just her dance style. She also doesn’t scream she has a natural loud vocal tone! I really hope everyone stop hating on her and appreciate her more!
Those haters are the jealous stans of the other girls, jealous cause Ahyeon is the most popular. Very common behavior in kpop fandoms, attacking the popular kid. 😂
I’m really happy for ahyeon, this is what she dreamed of. To perform on a festival(awarding show), and show people their own characteristics on stage. They are more than a Monster on stage.
Holy crap 8M?!! Is it just me? because of this, i always wait and anticipate ahyeon's iconic change note everytime they perform drip live like their world tour concert! Highlight!!!
Crowd goes wild for ahyeon! Bruh i'm telling you, she's freakin deadly! It's not easy to be the most anticipated in a live performance, she has the biggest responsibility when it comes to vocal highlight and she slayed that!
Asa’s rap and presence,Ruka’s roar and swag,Rami’s hairstyle and vocals,Ahyeon’s outfit and high-note,Rora’s beauty and vocals,Chiquita’s facial expressions and presence,Pharita’s charisma and elegance!Babymonster the perfect performers💞💞
Ahyeon is such a center material, her facial expressions and aura is so attractive. She has got that star charisma and vibe. I'm in love with the way she performs and hypes everyone 😍🔥
12:51 That expression is what I want so watch from every performers. You can see passion, grit, eagerness to perform. You can feel they enjoy performing. Ahyeon and Babymonster did so well.
Ahyeon really stands out just because she is Ahyeon! Just look how she catches everyone's attention without trying, haters are crying and saying this like "Ahyeon stans only focus on Ahyeon" but mind you even non-fans are obsessed with her! Let's just say that it's not Ahyeon's fault that she is a magnet and Ahyeon is clearly not the problem!
I am OT7, but I understand why many praising Ahyeon, Ruka and Asa. Please note that everytime an idol realeased an MV they giving us the detail of how will they perform in the future in the big stages. But as a viewers we tend to find what's the difference on their MV and who they are in big stages. Truly the trio present to us how baddass they are in stages. And I'm happy for Rami, because everytime she got a chance, she present herself to us as a Main vocalist every time she change notes. I love them 0t7
The only girl group of this generation that can say they are about talent! And Im not even a fan of them but giving credit where it's due. These girls are singing LIVE.
wow Ahyeon is already a superstar born to be an extraordinary K-pop artist, her visuals, her vocals, her energy when dancing, her incomparable stage presence, she is fire and a queen on stage 🔥🦋👑
Actually I noticed something at the back that when the lyrics ' you don't know about me '1:51 that time ahyeon was dancing for the people who were sitting at the back Edit:- I don't but most people are just saying about Ahyeon I am not telling all just most people ( don't think I am hating I am just telling) but I think everyone Slayed cuz the concert was In fire 🔥
와지 월평이야 유명한 얘기고 거기서 통과한 끼가 있는 애들을 뽑아 최종 데뷔그룹이 되는것도 있지만 일단 와지는 예능이나 음방 등 애들 홍보보다 콘서트 팬미팅을 더 돌림 (물론 해외가 더 돈이 되기에 그러는 이유도 있을거임) 근데 이게 돌판 판 사람들은 진짜 느낀 사람들 있을텐데 해외투어 한번 돌면 그 경험이 쌓여서 진심 실력이 확 오름 특히 태양같은 경우는 첫 월투 후에 득음함 양싸도 이거에 대해서 언급한적 있는데 무대경험이 진짜 중요하다고 말함 + 무대를 즐기라는 말을 진짜 많이 강조함 빅뱅도 항상 후배가수들 봐줄때 즐기라 했음 (스스로 즐거워야 보는 사람도 너희를 보고 즐겁고 멋있는거라고 ) 타아이돌들 아무리 잘해도 연차 기본 3-4년은 쌓여야 보여주는 에너지를 와지 애들은 1-2년차에 이미 폼이 나오는 이유 같음
Ahyeon, you were truly born to be an extraordinary woman. Talented, beautiful, and incredibly charming. She’s more than any K-pop artist I’ve ever known. I believe she will achieve great success in the future and become extremely famous
그 알고리즘에 아사 랩 파트가 계속 떠서 보다가 스며들어서 베몬 영상 보려고 옴…. 진짜 이젠 걸그룹 명가 YG라고 감히 말해도 될듯.. 3사 중 걸그룹 인원수는 가장 적지만 실력이 진짜 그냥 잘하는 수준이 아니라 압살 정도🫨 진짜 댓글 말 대로 베몬은 언제든 대박나도 이상하지 않을 그룹임
what i love about ahyeon is she's not just singing and dancing, she's literally PERFORMING she served what is needed!!! she gives the PRESENCE and the fireeeee.. that's it
Ahyeon the main slayer. From her rap, hyping the crowd, changing the key on “are you ready set turn on the lights”, her high note and the way she carry herself on stage just pure perfection. She'll go so far in this industry!
Ahyeon's face card never declines, her charisma is oozing in this one. The crowd control and the way she plays with the camera. She's a DIVA, born to be an idol and a performer.
i love ahyeon but y she is shouting 😭😭 like listen to RITA her voice is so calming ( btw its just my opinion ) i love her 💗💗 her highnotes were so good
Ahyeon is no doubt the crowds favorite when it comes to live performances of Babymonster. Hyping the crowd and the insane stage presence is like Jennie
Actually she is the most talented idol ever!! The last time I saw idol with so much talent and charisma is Jennie now we have Ahyeon! They are the definition of once in a lifetime Idols!!
AHYEON the golden center, face of the group is the most talented and popular female idol in 5th gen 🔥 She's ACE, the BEST stage presence, the MAIN EVENT! 5th generation IT GIRL indeed 👑🦋
Ahyeon's live high note and Ruka hyping up the crowd, Queen behaviour👑
이게 라이브지!!!
Ruka Ahyeon best for this. This duo so dangerous
루카 아현 너무 무해해. 너무 좋은 듀오야
Vote babymonster
@@지god디Hi vote babymonster
This is why Yang Hyun-Suk aka YG once said, "AHYEON is a warrior with too many weapons," and he chose her as the 1st member of Babymonster. Brooo she’s truly the full package and her aura is absolutely extraordinary. And remember, she’s only 17 years old. I can’t imagine how incredible she’ll be when she’s in her 20s. Once again YG truly hit the jackpot!!
난 눈물날것같아~~
Cô ấy xứng đáng nhận được những lời khen tích cực❤
That what i always said about her but yk her toxic and jealous fans will never understand idiots
It Girl Ahyeon
Ruka and Ahyeon are definitely the main event. They justify their status of being the monster rookies. Off-stage they're so shy and on-stage they're like a diva who's unstoppable. You can tell that they love to perform, the duality is insane.
I agree with you on that one Ruka and Ahyeon have slay this stage up
@@1_of_akind- And also their voice is the only thing that can be heard THE MOST in this performance, the other members sound lower than the backing track. For example Rami 1:54 compare to 2:11. Also , on ASA rap part she's not rapping just backing track as you can heard the difference between 1:26 (where she singing) and 1:28-1:33 just backing track.
Couldnt agree more ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
@@aimanman3647I was wondering something wrong with the sound, but ruka and ahyeon power are something else ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
@@aimanman3647 both asa and ruka skipped lines during their rap part but anyways they slays so hard
YG debuted idol with high quality
for real
It's nice to see so many positive comments about Ahyeon after all the hate she received. This girl's potential is no joke, I literally couldn't stop looking at her because she stood out so much compared to the others.
and the hater saying she's try hard to outshine her members when she's already stood out the most in every Baemon performance.
@@mariabassey4159 pig behavior. good luck with your weightloss
@@mariabassey4159no girl she just has the IT factor she catches attention without needing to try hard
She's just too perfect
@@mariabassey4159that's how you hype the crowd girlie. notice how boring others are?😂
Ahyeon is not just a kpop idol who performs but a kpop idol who CAN perform! Imo these type of kpop idols are rare especially nowadays, they are like magnet because you can't stop looking at them! Ahyeon is gonna make it big, trust my words! YG is smart for making her the center and the face of the group, she really fits her positions!
Can't the monstiez stop glazing😭😭 she is just a normal idol like her teammates 💀💀 bro said something rare
You guys just say this becuz you are fan of them 💀
This shouldn't bother you because fans always praise their favs and she really is something RARE.
Y can't they?? It's not ur business 🥲👍@@Troolingshi65
Yg said that "Ahyeon is like a warrior that has many weapons", now i see what he meant there. Girl slayed so hard, serving us with live vocals, face card, expressions and stage presence all at once.
cong. 100 subscribers
It Girl Ahyeon
@@dieformyungjungzkim it was random but thanks a lot 😂 are u the 100th one?
@@aishajen yea
Not gonna lie but ,it feel like only Ahyeon really sing in this performance, the other members sound lower than the backing track IMO
Ahyeon is so good .l mean , her high notes are âmzing
I'm obsessed that part where Ahyeon change the tone.🔥
Yessss she slay so hard
Same here
2:10 I know that Ahyeon’s progression note is supposed to be the highlight to showcase her vocals but that moment gave me chills 😍
Same!!! I can’t even tell you how many times I replayed that part!
she harmonized with the track, amazing!❤
@@Arya_zero71 me too she so amazing 😍 I'm really enjoying her powerfull voice
Ahyeon's got that born to be center fr fr! Like how does she stand out THIS MUCH among 7 gorgeous queens?? 😭✨
Remarriage while your first spouse is still alive is adultery and one must repent from it. Either remain single or reconcile. Be careful not to use God's Name in vain, Holy ****, Jesus Christ, jeez/sheesh, OMG, oml are also blasphemous uses of God's Name! Exodus 20:7 forbids it. Lord Jesus Christ is coming back everyone, please don’t worship celebrities and entertainment, focus on Him alone. I promise there’s more to life than money, partying, homosexuality and music. Hell is real, repent from sinning confess your sins and ask God to forgive you, I know He will if you’re sincere. Hell is very hot, people please repent! In the mighty name of Lord Jesus Christ, Amen 🙏💪✝️💜❤️✝️!
Idolatry such as, Islam, Catholicism, Sangomaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Racism, Santa Clausism, Confucianism, New Age, Science, Evolution, halloweenism, Harry Potterism, Politics, Donald Trumpism, Easter Bunnyism and other religions/faiths that are outside Biblical Christianity lead to hell! Don’t believe them, believe the Almighty God the Father of Lord Jesus Christ, who begot Him. Our Creator, The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is mighty, He doesn’t need a woman to beget a son, He is God. I choose to put my faith in a God who can do anything and everything, a God who has unlimited and infinite power to beget!
So, it’s time to confess that Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord and to believe that He died and rose from the grave after three days and you shall be saved if you only obey Him by praying, worshipping, praising, reading the Bible and living holy and righteously according to the Bible. You have to endure until the end, carry your cross daily and build your relationship with God by following Lord Jesus daily until the end. You must never renounce your faith in The Lord Jesus Christ, there’s hell awaiting those who reject/deny Lord Jesus Christ and those who continue living sinfully, even the Christians who don’t want to repent will face the same fate, so please repent beloved people, in Lord Jesus Christ’s mighty and precious Name, Amen.
Ahyeons is truely a all arounder she can sing rap dance and her visuals are just wow
The audience's screams when Ahyeon hit her high note were really crazy, ahyeon the main event it's real.
Ahyeon on thumbnail look so good
It Girl Ahyeon
She's the moment she's the it girl to me
She is really pretty
Rora too
Rami too
Ahyeon is a rare gem that is almost impossible to find. When she gets on stage, it feels like she is in her comfortable place, where she is supposed to be. I think she was truly born to conquer the big stage.
@@mariabassey4159 다른 노래 영상에는 다른 멤버들에 대한 칭찬도 많아 거기 가서도 지금처럼 말해라. 오늘 무대는 아현이가 돋보여서 그래. drip 은 아현이가 힘든 파트를 맡아서 잘해 주고 있잖아. 하이노트를 무대마다 한다는 건 쉬운 게 아니야. 니가 좋아하는 멤버도 아현이를 응원하니까 너도 같이 응원해줘. 그리고 걸그룹 멤버가 많기 때문에 순서대로 홍보해 줄 거니까 걱정 말고 기다려. 공식 센터도 아현이 인데 돌아가면서 센터 주듯이. 오히려 아현이가 홍보에 적극 소비 됐기때문에 그녀가 인기를 얻고 있지만 나중에 혜택은 다른 멤버가 얻을 수도 있다. 예전 블랙핑크때 처럼. 그러니 지금 아현이가 열심히 힘든 파트를 할 때 같이 응원해줘. 그래야 나중에 니가 좋아하는 멤버들도 응원 받을 수 있어. 우리 베몬팬들은 블랙핑크 때처럼 되지 말자.
@@mariabassey4159 you are complaining ahyeon is getting praises why? So you want to manipulate people’s opinion just bec it doesn’t align with yours. and then you go on saying she’s too loud just because it’s hurting you that she’s getting praises, isn’t you who’s causing division to this group? Creating unnecessary drama when other members are also getting praises they all shine on their own way. Let people praise and appreciate ahyeon in peace!
@@mariabassey4159it's funny when many people try to hype ahyeon. If you confused why people just commenting about ahyeon, it's because they really shock with ahyeon and they are really loves ahyeon. So if you love other member, GO ON COMMENT SECTION AND MAKE YOUR OWN COMMENT 🙄🙄
@@mariabassey4159 if you feel other member deserve this attention, you have to complain to their fanbase instead of complaining to people who praises ahyeon 🙄
@@mariabassey4159 every comment section is filled with only ahyeon hate, so now it’s filled with ahyeon love.
seems just fair.
I know Kpop doesn’t go to AGT but ahyeon’s high note would impress them 100% angelicly
Yes for shoure 😉😉🤭🤭🤭
JUNG AHYEON is the main slayer here... Her stage performance is perfect AF... 🤍🤍
My bias
Sbs is really smart to make Ahyeon photo in thumbnail cause i click so first..she is so pretty and born to slay❤
they know most people love Ahyeon except the few haters😄😄
@shimmering-p1i yes
Visual fotg center she has it all
Vote babymonster ok
So you mean if the others are the thumbnail u won't click or watch??😮
Isn't it weird? No matter where you are, babymonster makes you feel like you're at a real concert. There is no lipsynch and it is a complete visual feast. We would like to thank newjeans and babymonster for being one of the rare bands that came out with a microphone in their hands. this is very nice
@ hepsi eşit gibiydi pre debutten beri takip ediyorum benim biasım Ruka,Chiquita ve Asa ama objektif olmak gerekirse bu performansta beğendiğim ve beğenmediğim yanlar oldu. Mesela Ahyeon gerçekten çok bağırdı. Sesi tiz olduğu için bazen kulak tırmalayabiliyor. Aynı şekilde Ruka bağırdı 3 4 defa. 1 kere bağırsa bile yeterdi. Ama yine de Ahyeon’un yüksek notasını Ruka’nın sahne varlığını çok beğendim. Soruna gelecek olursakta sanırım Ruka ve Chiquita.
@@Ecealison Ahyeon, overdid a bit & almost cracked her voice a little at the beginning but still showed amazing vocals & stage presence. Besides ruka & chiquita, I think asa also did very well.
@@EcealisonRuka needed to shout due to her microphone's weak volume.
@@TheUnknownxx4013 No, I'm not saying Ahyeon gave a bad performance. I didn't say her voice cracked anyway. I just mentioned that she was yelling. My bias is Ruka, but objectively, I can say that she also shouts unnecessarily. Only when Ahyeon and Ruka scream, the sounds are very different. One is very high-pitched, the other is very loud. Even if Ruka used it once, this loud voice would be enough on stage. As for Ahyeon, shouting doesn't suit her. I really like Ahyeon's high notes. I said this too. High notes do not mean shouting anyway. Her high note was quite successful. As for Asa, I never underestimate Asa's stage presence and performance. She did an excellent job as always. However, since my personal opinion was asked here, I mentioned the two people that caught my eye the most while watching. namely Ruka and Chiquita. Please do not interfere with my opinion. They were all great as ot7 anyway. ❤️
@ aynen öyle Ahyeon ve Rukayı çok seviyorum zaten favori shipimde Ruyeon ama objektif olmak her zaman önemlidir. Benimki asla linç değil. İkisini de çok seviyorum ve zaten söylememe gerek yok çok başarılılar. Performans genel olarak güzeldi. Bu bahsettiğim çok ufak bir ayrıntıydı sadece. Ve evet Rora da harikaydı. Aslında genel olarak ot7 olarak harikalardı.
Finally a group singing live, this girls are so good!
Ahyeon is the main event. 😌🦋You can't deny the fact that ahyeon ate the whole performance she is the really the performer, IT girls for a reason
❤vote babymonster yah
Do you know when the winners will be announced??
Yeahhh 💯💅🏻
확실히 아현이가 센터는 센터다.... 확실히 무대를 확 휘잡네... 진짜 존예보스 ..아직도 17살인게 믿기지 않음... 얼마나 더 성장할까 ㅠㅠ아현아 사랑해
네 ㅠㅠ 아현이가 센터일때 정말 찐빵에 앙꼬에요
It Girl Ahyeon
Vote Babymonster..
화룡점정 정아현 ❤
로라.라미.파리타는 항상 음원을
뱉어낸다 ㅎㅎ
Ahyeon just ate it. Her power , charisma is on next level. Such a center type.
Vote babymonster r
Fr tho like she’s an ACE.
omg ahyeon's high note is lit💅
Ahyeon, what an performance my dear. You are just amazing. Baby monster proving once again that they serve with live vocals. Ruka and Asa also slaying with that rap part.
Vote babymonster,
It Girl Ahyeon
Ahyeon is such a diva!
She's rapping with swag, dancing with lots of energy and charisma, changing the notes, doing a hard highnote LIVE and she still manages to look BEAUTIFUL! Who is doing it like Jung Ahyeon? She is a treasure ✨
Ahyeon cooked, served, ate and left no crumbs at all. There's a reason why she's chosen as the center, the face card was giving fr. Her stage presence is so infectious 🤌😭
For sure
Yoo 8 million+ views for a rookie group first ever performance on year end show💅. They have been slaying since day one. The one and only leader of 5th gen. And uri ahyeonie is 5th gen IT girl and golden centre 🦋✨
I think ahyeon is by far the best kpop idol/performer who's not afraid to sing live over and over again. It's like the stage is her comfort zone and she likes being there and that's crazy. Superstar in the making.
Hhahahha😂.. Ahyeon?....
why bro? who hurt u? @@blanknana1882
@@blanknana1882 No Slayeon
첫 연말무대인데 핸드마이크로 쌩라이브한다는 것부터 미친 자신감이다 아현이 3단고음까지 완전 쌩이고..희열 미쳤어
It Girl Ahyeon
It Girl Ahyeon
Vote Babymonster,,
2NE1,GD 다 보고 얘네 무대 보면서 느낀게 진짜 YG가 애들 잘 만들긴 한다..
실력은 일단 기본빵이고, 무대에서 보여지는 모든것들이 다른 아이돌에 비해 어나더임
진짜 즐기고 노는 느낌이랄까... 다른 기획사 애들은 일단 정형화되고, 예쁘고 연말이니 특별하게 보여줄게! 이런 느낌이면
YG 소속 애들은 연말? 찢어줄게 이런 느낌으로 올라오는 느낌임.... 진짜 잘한다 와이지 애들;
괜히 근본 3대 기획사가 SM JYP YG인게 아님....
Vote babymonster vote
Watch the Treasure.
Ahyeon the diva that you are!! Still here in their 9M era. Wow! 9M is epic. Babymonster is top notch!
my bias ahyeon is so crazy today
high note,visual,rap,dance everything is so perfect❤
Yeah it girl Ahyeon
@annag9931 🤩😭😭 ahyeon
when AHYEON enters center that High note vocals, Charisma and high stage presence she giving by hyping the crowd . ill tell you goosebumps everywhere shes QUEEN and ACE ! fr fr fr its her era 👑✨🔥🔥🔥🔥
From the day Ahyeon debuted, she has been constantly receiving hate from everyone for the over dancing and screaming controversy. She literally held herself back for those constant hates. I think it’s high time those haters should realise that Ahyeon is a very important part of the group! The way she hypes the crowd, stable vocal and stage presence is unmatched! I really hope Ahyeon gets her energy back and stop caring about the haters. She never over danced and acted like soloist, it’s just her dance style. She also doesn’t scream she has a natural loud vocal tone! I really hope everyone stop hating on her and appreciate her more!
Yess hope ahyeon see your coment, ahyeon dance power really good 😊
FACTS!!! 💯💯💯
Será um pouco difícil pois as pessoas da geração passada e a de agora estão acostumados com trabalhos meia boca
Those haters are the jealous stans of the other girls, jealous cause Ahyeon is the most popular. Very common behavior in kpop fandoms, attacking the popular kid. 😂
4 weeks later and I still come back to this legendary 👑 BM performance ❤
I love how crowd cheered for Ahyeon when she is doing her "highnote" part 🔥
It Girl Ahyeon
Yeah that was iconic
Yeah right!😊
Ahyeon's vocal delivery & Quality is truly extraordinary .. and she is main Slayer 🔥
Ok vote babymonster
Yeahhh it girl
@@NiatyDityaOK bye
she's so stable, fr!
Bm all ace
Ahyeon makeup is so pretty suits her so well
3 di trending ❤
Omg they are soooo pretty!!!! Ahyeon reminds me of queen of tears ❤❤❤❤❤
I'm So Delighted Reading Comments About Ahyeon. My Little Girl Deserves More Love.
Setuju,saya juga senang melihat tampil maksimal ❤
I’m really happy for ahyeon, this is what she dreamed of. To perform on a festival(awarding show), and show people their own characteristics on stage. They are more than a Monster on stage.
Yesss yeess!
2:09 공연장이 크니까 원래 음에서 키 올리는거 보셈. 저게 07년생 신인 아이돌이 하는 행동임? 굉장히 프로다움.
Babymonster queen
공연장이 크니까는 니 망상 아니가 ㅋㅋㅋ 풉
@@sjshdheixhakaj18e7 니네 엄마 큰 건 망상이 아니더라 응응.. 뭐가 큰지는 말 안 할게.. 오늘도 큰 거 보러 간다.. 곧 좋은 소식 있을 거야.. 응응..
@@sjshdheixhakaj18e7인스파이어 아레나 무대 굉장히 커요
조용히 놀다가라 ㅎㅎㅎ
긁힐 댓글도 아니구만 ㅉㅉ
Holy crap 8M?!! Is it just me? because of this, i always wait and anticipate ahyeon's iconic change note everytime they perform drip live like their world tour concert! Highlight!!!
1:08 Ahyeona with their changer choreography
Slay girl🥵👹😈
Ahyeon not just idol kpop, her is star of the world✨
세계는? 한국이면 충분하다.
Totalitas ❤
아현이는 세계적인 가수가 될거에요!
Ahyeon is so good.I mean,her high notes are amazing😳🤍
Maksimal ❤
The performance's views are still increasing surprisingly, BABYMONS7ER really has potential
Crowd goes wild for ahyeon! Bruh i'm telling you, she's freakin deadly! It's not easy to be the most anticipated in a live performance, she has the biggest responsibility when it comes to vocal highlight and she slayed that!
what ahyeon does drives me crazy, she is so perfect 🦋✨❤️🔥❤️🔥🔥
Suara dengan nada tinggi dan itu bagus ❤
Ahyeon is truly a blessing to yg and the k-pop game right now in my humble opinion!! Such a talented girl I haven't seen in a long time
Indeed. Her Aura and Presence is out of this world.
Tampil maksimal ❤
@@patrickLao20 yess
1:24 아사씨 너무 힘들어요..제 심장이 너무 빨리 뛰는 것 같아요❤❤❤❤❤
SBS made a smart move by making Ahyeon the thumbnail because I clicked so fast omg, look at that FACE CARD!!! She is the prettiest 😭
Fr 😂
🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤جميل انا اريد رايت هن وجهن لي وجه لأنني في المدينة سهرية ولاكن الكل لا يتنمرو عال بيبي منظر والذي يريد التنمر دير الفيديو
아현이 애드립으로 한키 올려서 부르니까 관중들 환호하는거 쾌감 쩐다..... ㅋㅑ 라이브 인증과 관중 호흥 유도를 동시에 하는 07년생 아기.... 무대를 가지고 노네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
마이크 상태 별로였는데 성량으로 다 뚫네.. 다 잘하는데 특히 아현 ㄹㅈㄷ
0:19 여기서 치키타 휙 도는거 ㄹㅇ 넘 좋음
Asa’s rap and presence,Ruka’s roar and swag,Rami’s hairstyle and vocals,Ahyeon’s outfit and high-note,Rora’s beauty and vocals,Chiquita’s facial expressions and presence,Pharita’s charisma and elegance!Babymonster the perfect performers💞💞
Ahyeon being girl crush all the time on stage and off stage,she is cute as a sweet girl,She is an ACE indeed.
Ahyeon is such a center material, her facial expressions and aura is so attractive. She has got that star charisma and vibe. I'm in love with the way she performs and hypes everyone 😍🔥
12:51 That expression is what I want so watch from every performers. You can see passion, grit, eagerness to perform. You can feel they enjoy performing. Ahyeon and Babymonster did so well.
아현이 라이브로 들으니깐 확실히 성량 미쳤네...... 라이브도 ㅈㄴ 잘하고.... 오늘 비쥬얼도 미쳣고....아현아 사랑한다
오늘 아현이 미친것같아요 눈에서 레이져 나오는듯
Vote Babymonsterrrrrrrrr
@@스카이블루나잇Vote Babymonster.,
Mv billionaire
Ahyeon really stands out just because she is Ahyeon! Just look how she catches everyone's attention without trying, haters are crying and saying this like "Ahyeon stans only focus on Ahyeon" but mind you even non-fans are obsessed with her! Let's just say that it's not Ahyeon's fault that she is a magnet and Ahyeon is clearly not the problem!
I am OT7, but I understand why many praising Ahyeon, Ruka and Asa. Please note that everytime an idol realeased an MV they giving us the detail of how will they perform in the future in the big stages. But as a viewers we tend to find what's the difference on their MV and who they are in big stages. Truly the trio present to us how baddass they are in stages. And I'm happy for Rami, because everytime she got a chance, she present herself to us as a Main vocalist every time she change notes. I love them 0t7
wait what 9M??!!!! they’re just doing 1 song with the intro but the view is crazy
The only girl group of this generation that can say they are about talent! And Im not even a fan of them but giving credit where it's due. These girls are singing LIVE.
girls with a stage presence of an experienced group. literal ACE ROOKIES!! and that Ahyeon’s high note was like a cherry on top🥹❤️
wow Ahyeon is already a superstar born to be an extraordinary K-pop artist, her visuals, her vocals, her energy when dancing, her incomparable stage presence, she is fire and a queen on stage 🔥🦋👑
Actually I noticed something at the back that when the lyrics ' you don't know about me '1:51 that time ahyeon was dancing for the people who were sitting at the back
Edit:- I don't but most people are just saying about Ahyeon I am not telling all just most people ( don't think I am hating I am just telling) but I think everyone Slayed cuz the concert was In fire 🔥
가요대전 보면서 확실히 느낀게 yg가 진짜 공연형 아이돌을 잘만드는듯
Not idol that Artis
얘내도 다른기획사들처럼 연습한걸 하는걸텐데도 왜 아이돌 특유의 숙제 외운거 발표하는듯한?? 그런느낌이 안나고 프리스타일로 하는거같지? 어떻게가르치는걸까 이런건 가르치는게아니라 그냥 이런애들이 나올때까지 그룹을 안내는건가 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2n1 e bigbang : avós
Blackpink : mães
Babymonster : filhas
와지 월평이야 유명한 얘기고 거기서 통과한 끼가 있는 애들을 뽑아 최종 데뷔그룹이 되는것도 있지만 일단 와지는 예능이나 음방 등 애들 홍보보다 콘서트 팬미팅을 더 돌림
(물론 해외가 더 돈이 되기에 그러는 이유도 있을거임)
근데 이게 돌판 판 사람들은 진짜 느낀 사람들 있을텐데 해외투어 한번 돌면 그 경험이 쌓여서 진심 실력이 확 오름
특히 태양같은 경우는 첫 월투 후에 득음함
양싸도 이거에 대해서 언급한적 있는데 무대경험이 진짜 중요하다고 말함 + 무대를 즐기라는 말을 진짜 많이 강조함
빅뱅도 항상 후배가수들 봐줄때 즐기라 했음
(스스로 즐거워야 보는 사람도 너희를 보고 즐겁고 멋있는거라고 )
타아이돌들 아무리 잘해도 연차 기본 3-4년은 쌓여야 보여주는 에너지를 와지 애들은 1-2년차에 이미 폼이 나오는 이유 같음
연습생때 타 소속사에서는 선배걸그룹 댄스같은거 월평때 많이 하지만 와쥐는 팝송에다가 안무 만들어서 시험봅니다. 노래도 팝송위주로 하고, 그런걸 4,5년씩 하다 데뷔하니 다를수 밖에요 블핑만 봐도 다른 걸그룹 춤을 잘 몰라요 그런건 월평때 잘 안하거든요
Omgggg!! I screamed so much when Ahyeon sang her highnote, SHE IS REALLY A MAIN SLAYER!!!🥰
Tampil totalitas dan terbaik ❤
Ahyeon is the 5th-gen idol but she has the 2nd-gen live-performance-level standard!❤ I replayed the high note part for so many times!!
Exactly, This is what 2ne1 and sistar is serving back in the day
아 소름끼침 아이돌무대보고 소름끼친거 블랙핑크 엔믹스 이후로 처음인데 진짜 무대 너무잘하고 멋지다..yg는 단순히 예쁘고 완벽한 아이돌을 만드는게아니라 진짜 리스펙하게되는 아이돌을 만드는거같음
Ahyeon’s mic is 10x louder. She really has a powerful voice. She conquered the whole arena. Mygad!
Its vice versa actually..her mic more lower than the others because her tone pitch is too high...
Cause she shout.
@@xme1065Lol it’s a performance you’re gonna need more than ur inside voice :)
@@xme1065 can you not handle when someone compliments ahyeon, grow up
@@xme1065 tan mal está el nivel de canto en el K-pop que consideras eso como gritar
Ahyeon, you were truly born to be an extraordinary woman. Talented, beautiful, and incredibly charming. She’s more than any K-pop artist I’ve ever known. I believe she will achieve great success in the future and become extremely famous
오랫동안 아현이의 팬으로 남아주세요~
Vote babymonster y
네 아현이는 아직 성장중입니다 그런데 이정도로 잘해요
And has a pure heart
Jung Ahyeon's stage presence and command of the stage are simply impeccable.
그 알고리즘에 아사 랩 파트가 계속 떠서 보다가 스며들어서 베몬 영상 보려고 옴…. 진짜 이젠 걸그룹 명가 YG라고 감히 말해도 될듯.. 3사 중 걸그룹 인원수는 가장 적지만 실력이 진짜 그냥 잘하는 수준이 아니라 압살 정도🫨 진짜 댓글 말 대로 베몬은 언제든 대박나도 이상하지 않을 그룹임
아현이 확실히 라이브 잘한다.... 목소리가 귀에 박혀서 곡이 더 신남
Vote Babymonster,,,
Conser babymonster
what i love about ahyeon is she's not just singing and dancing, she's literally PERFORMING she served what is needed!!! she gives the PRESENCE and the fireeeee.. that's it
Ahyeon the main slayer. From her rap, hyping the crowd, changing the key on “are you ready set turn on the lights”, her high note and the way she carry herself on stage just pure perfection. She'll go so far in this industry!
아현이는 진짜 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너무 이뻐 ❤
Ahyeon so amazing stage presence, vocal, dance, rap, energy, visual, she slayed
Ahyeon's face card never declines, her charisma is oozing in this one. The crowd control and the way she plays with the camera. She's a DIVA, born to be an idol and a performer.
i love ahyeon but y she is shouting 😭😭 like listen to RITA her voice is so calming ( btw its just my opinion ) i love her 💗💗 her highnotes were so good
@whoru-o5i do u know what hyping the crowd is?? 😒
@@tehblackfeline1910 yes i kn but isnt is just damaging her vocals by doing it like highnotes and then this 🤷🤷
@ yes, the last highnote needs a better technique before she damages her vocals, but the rest of her vocal performance here is good and fun 😸
@whoru-o5i yall need to stop talking bcs surely you know nothing about ahyeon or how belting works
Ahyeon is no doubt the crowds favorite when it comes to live performances of Babymonster. Hyping the crowd and the insane stage presence is like Jennie
젤 좋아하는 걸그룹 ㅠㅠ 폰 벨소리 like that인데 이번에 나온 노래도 너무 좋음❤
2:49 소리질러 포스 오진다 ... ㅈㄴ 멋있다
ㄹㅇ 진짜 그냥 소리질러⤵️ 하면 그냥 그저 그랬을거 같은데 소리질러ㅓㅓ↗️↗️↗️ 라서 소름이 짝 돋았음
I got goosebumps with ahyeon’s “what’s up” she’s the queen of the stage
It wasn’t done by Ahyeon, it was Ruka
@@xoalsoxy it's AHYEON in the pre chorus and she said lets go not what's up😊
Ahyeon also said in the middle of the song@@xoalsoxy
Selalu tampil totalitas dengan Sura nada tingginya ❤
아사 이야기는 왜 없지 진짜 여우같아 실시간으로 빨려들어갈것 같음 매력이 더 업그레이드 됨..
ㄹㅇ ... 구미호 아사
아사야 말해뭐해 항상 끝장 인걸
아현 아사가 투탑인듯. 둘이 젤 매력 있고 실력 짱짱하고 입덕멤버들 같음
하 아사 댓글 겨우 찾았네 ㅅㅂ 미치겟음 아사 ㅅㅂㅅㅂㅅㅂ
Thumbnail ahyeon 🦋 Ahyeon Ate this performance ❤
The best ❤
The center ❤
Preety girl
Bm all ace
이게 와이지고 베몬이지 ㅜㅜ 현석아 애들 제발 시상식즘 많이 내보내라 ㅠㅠ 지금 제일 중요한 시기인데
Vote Babymonster.,,
Babymonster amazng
연예인 무대응 호응 해서 화나서 더이상 안보낸데여 블랙핑크때
Ahyeon truly knew the assignment OMG her voice fits this kind of stage 🤍🤍
쟁쟁한 선배, 가수들 다 제치고 얘네가 조회수 1위했네ㄷㄷ
음방 한번 나오면 항상 조회수 터지고 음원 순위 올라가던데 진짜 무대형 아이돌...
역시 와이지
Ahyeon's stage presence is incredible! She is the most talented 5th gen idol ever! I love her so much!!! 😭❤️❤️
Actually she is the most talented idol ever!! The last time I saw idol with so much talent and charisma is Jennie now we have Ahyeon! They are the definition of once in a lifetime Idols!!
Ahyeon the best
Ahyeon high note making people make a crowd cheered! It's so crazy! Jung Ahyeon please take your crown 👑
3:13 아니 실력도 실력인데 이날 아현이 미모가 미쳤다고....블러셔 하이라이터 너무 예쁘다고...
Ahyeon is Queen of stage 🔥
AHYEON the golden center, face of the group is the most talented and popular female idol in 5th gen 🔥 She's ACE, the BEST stage presence, the MAIN EVENT! 5th generation IT GIRL indeed 👑🦋
@Iroda_0411 😎🔥👑
She’s everything. No one compares to her
Not your opinion but the factsss❤❤❤
2:10 이 부분이 너무 좋음 호랑이처럼 라이브 말아주고 고양이같이 수줍은 얼굴로 끝내는게 ㄹㅇ
아니 진심 아현이 돌았다고 저 끼랑 성량 어쩔거임 마이크를 뚫고 나온다.... 노래 더하게 해주지 한곡 너무해ㅠㅠ
Ahyeon voice change 0:45 💕🏅🦋🌷😇😎👼🏻🦋🦋🎧🎤❤️🔥❤️🖤💖🇰🇷🇰🇷