Narrowing Focus | Fixing My Roster | 48 week update

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @XSET_Plixfer
    @XSET_Plixfer 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    hey nice vid! ive been waiting for one of these vids for some time now! For GAS u should mod him for offense and defense.
    -square mod primary: offense with high offense and defense secondaries +speed
    -arrow mod primary: protection with high protection and offense/defense secondaries+speed
    -diamond mod primary: defense with speed and offense+protection secondaries
    -triangle mod primary: protection with high offense, defense and speed secondaries
    -circle mod primary: protection with high offense, defense and speed secondaries
    -cross mod primary: protection with offense and speed.
    As long as u have high offense and protection and some defense hell be great for ur GAC even at like gear x.

    • @ErithAnerith
      @ErithAnerith  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mods are a mess, and I havent nearly enough quality mods yet, but its a work in progress

  • @stwida91
    @stwida91 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey man - I try to leave tips here and there on your vids, never want it to feel like I'm telling you how to live your life, but you seem to want to have success in the game so I try to give advice when it seems most important, but if you ever want me to shut up and go away, just let me know, lol.
    That being said, gotta hit you with a harsh reality here. 0:30 is a great example of what not to do. "Padme I'm gonna bring up to relics, I don't exactly know why, but..." - You need focus. This is a video about "narrowing focus", but this is a prime example of needing a plan. Those relic materials could very much be going towards another more important character that leads into a GL, a GL ship, etc... If you keep bouncing around like this, you're going to find yourself with tons of GP, but zero GL's or GL ships, and you're absolutely going to be 'stuck' from a development perspective. Now if you want to say you're focusing so much on Padme, GAS, and GR in general because you want to go for Lord Vader as your first GL, that's "fine" (although he's a rough GL to chase first), but understand that if that's not the route you're ultimate looking to go, you're really doing yourself a disservice from an efficiency perspective.
    Prime example: GAS. Such an expensive investment, which mostly pays off when he has his full team, yet I hear no talk about bringing the clones up, setting zetas aside for them, etc. Padme should absolutely be sitting off to the side until GAS is up and running. You're murdering your efficiency going for the expensive farms without finishing them. You started GAS, finish GAS. If you want to finish Padme after, that'd make a lot of sense, especially considering you already have Ahsoka and GK at relics, ready to go. MAYBE if you want to stay on the Padme path, you can work on GAS alongside her since he "kind of" works on her team in the meantime, but will ultimately go to his own team. I'd recommend doing that, having a full Padme team, and then using that while you finish off the 501st clones that eventually live with GAS.
    ^And after this, I highly recommend focusing on a GL or GL ship. If I was you, I'd finish your imperial trooper team since Piett is already at R5 (needed at R8 for Executor) and to get their assault battles completed each month. Then, obviously, finish the Bounty Hunters needed for Exec and save the worst requirements for last. A GL ship on defense on its own is enough to guarantee your opponent can't full clear, as a ton of people ignore ships and most have no clue how to deal with an Exec without a GL ship of their own.

    • @ErithAnerith
      @ErithAnerith  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Haha, don't worry, you're not telling me how to live my life... just how to play my game!
      Thank you! I welcome any constructive criticism openly, and I appreciate that you care enough to comment, and help me with improving! :)
      I dont script my videos, and I dont often plan ahead before hitting stream or record. Sometimes that leaves me in moments where I forget why I'm doing something. Padme is being brought to relic levels as a defensive team lead. I also intend to gear up Yoda/Mace afterwards to fill out her team. I have purpose for her, just didn't express it well.
      I am not building towards GL's, but intend to strengthen teams to counter GLs. That being said, I've done a poor job at it this far. My Roster is nearly a year old, and I've made many mistakes throughout the year.
      I havent neglected fleet focus though, as Piett and Boba are the last requirements needed for Executor.
      GAS is going to relic levels, the 501st clones are already at gear 12 waiting for their leader.
      My Roster seems to be especially wide, with few characters outside of LS Bundles that are at relic levels.
      In GAC this was efficient and effective enough to get me through Carbonite and Bronzium, but will not suffice for Chromium or higher. (this is the main thing that made me realize I need to narrow my focus.)
      I may not be great at communicating my goals/plans/direction verbally, but I'm nothing more than a moron with an opinion, looking to entertain.
      Thanks for looking out for me and my game progress. Your insights are always welcome, even if they come with a dose of reality check!

  • @Eskymo-546
    @Eskymo-546 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Whaddya think of the profile redos for the characters?

    • @ErithAnerith
      @ErithAnerith  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think they're great! It's a fantastic start to bringing new life to the game!
      It will take me some time to get used to the new art style, and identifying characters
      I could be wrong, but I feel this is the first step to a bigger VGU update. They start with the profiles and a few characters (Boba Fett, Sidious, Master Yoda, & Nute), and in time they could update more characters or even factions to fit the new art style.