I'm an over the road truck driver who eats a whole food plant-based diet... There's really no excuse for anyone else saying they can't do it.... Except laziness
remember blair white said he had to stop because taking a b12 supplement would harm his liver on top of the hormones? seriously. i used to also know nickokado avocado back in the day in the vegan online community. he made brilliant and logical videos on the ethics and effects. i can only think they are jabbed and now their minds are not their own as literal homeocyborgs
Hi, congrats. I think the energy behind that is that they get influenced by others pushing omnivorism, or, often consume an inadequate 'diet' and not feeling well (and figuring out what their 'diet' is not including). I have watched many 'ex' video's and found that many have similar symptoms that corellate with low iron, zinc, D3 and B12. We tend to eat what we want, not necessarily in a whole food balanced way. We need to educate ourselves about vegan nutrition, Becoming an "ex" is sadly very popular these days. I do however give him credit for at least seeing the benefits and promoting it while he did.
When you truly realize the horrors the animals go through to end up on our plates, being vegan doesn't just become easier, it becomes your only option.
I agree! That was the case with me. And this is why I am absolutely stunned when people who are way smarter than me, who know even better than I what happens to these animals before they end up on our plates eventually decide that they don’t care enough and return to deliberately paying for the torture and slaughter of sentient beings. I know, I know… there are all kinds of pressures from society, culture, religion, etc that makes it hard to go and remain vegan. But someone as brilliant as Alex O’Connor *ought* to have been able to overcome them for the sake of his own self-respect and integrity. I am sure this hasn’t been easy for him, as no doubt he has had to engage in all kinds of intellectual gymnastics to renounce his veganism, his stance of veganism, and to even apologize for having influenced people to go vegan.
Exactly. What is so strange is that Alex talked as if he grasped the horrors. Sadly, his recent announcement (and the fact that he neglected his diet) proved otherwise. He was such an important voice. I hope he becomes aware of how his current stance inadvertently supports the most horrendous industries in the world.
Only if you care. 99% of meat eaters can "truly realize the horrors" if they are shown a ten minute PETA video, but 99% of that 99% would probably not change their dietary practices because of it.
It's gotten to the point where I would find it at least refreshingly honest if a person said "I just missed my old foods. I don't want to be vegan." At least that is a truthful answer. The various reasons people trot out -- I wasn't getting enough calories, I felt sick, my body needs XYZ and I can't get that from plants --- are not really the reasons.
@@TyroneBiggums789 being vegan? What the hell were you eating? My digestion got so much better after going basically vegan (I'm still a vegetarian but I don't really eat eggs etc).
Just another human being all along. I stopped following him when he went vegan. I'm happy I did. His whole philosophical standpoint on anything seems to be somewhat a momentary justification for his own decisions.
@@vandpibenhe's a pathetic con artist, his entire nihilistic, athiestic carreer got destroyed with Mohammad Hijab in the Oxford debate lol, I'm surprised he's still relevant
💯 I'm eating a giant stir-fry right now with garbanzo beans, rice, baby bok choy and mushrooms. Sauce is garlic, lemon juice, miso and tahini. Took me 20 minutes to throw together. Fing delicious.
@cosmicskeptic didn't want to stay home/his hotel room and eat like that - he wanted to hang out with his carnist friends and try the Local DELICACIES of a country famous for eating anything that moves - like escargot, frog's legs, etc....
Ngl, I was one of those ethical vegan who ate like shit and suffered for it. Know what I did when I realized my diet was the cause of my medical issues? I didn't blame it on veganism. I blamed it on a shitty diet and found this channel and others like it which lead me to WFPB and other information I could consume to learn how to eat in a healthy way while maintaining my ethics. I'm now more healthy than I have ever been at any point in my life. What I am getting at is that this shit is an excuse. To claim that normal people can't be healthy on a plant based diet is lazy mentally and ethically.
agreed. Congrats for taking responsibility for your choices! most do not do that. You have to make a commitment and educate yourself. However, Dr. Klaper does have an interesting video about 'ex-vegans'. He says that there are some omnivores who get slathered with animal fats and have trouble absorbing healthy vegan plant foods and getting enuf nutrients.However, I believe most "ex's" make poor food choices, get malnourished, and get influenced by others.Then, blame it on the ":diet". cheers.
If I'm in a discussion about veganism, I will always bring up Dr. Greger's daily dozen. A few Dr. Greger and Mic videos go a long way toward answering lots of questions. Cronometer has been a game changer for me too. I doubt most folks would use it every day (I'm hooked on it), but even using it a few days is revelatory and helps one make some easy nutritional adjustments. Vegan 5+ years, 56 yo, and as healthy as I've ever been.
i often send the video "uprooting the leading causes of death dr gregor". personally i think hes more about plant based than vegan but this is a bridge to selfish killers who only think of their own health
@@benaronson2410 you idolize someone who clearly is experiencing many signs of health failure and nutritional inadequacy for decades? Man you’re such a sheep.
@@benaronson2410 you literally don’t have an argument asides from most people are smart enough to know they need to eat meat. It’s instinctual, you’re the ones fighting nature. When are you going to get on your knees for our goyslop corn flake overlords?
@@benaronson2410 lol, thanks for proving my point. I could easily say the exact same thing if I didn’t have a foundation of facts to stand on. Your worldview is so fragile. Must be tough thinking special interest bogus epidemiology is actually evidence supporting your extreme delusion. Most of the science papers on nutrition published within the last decade support meat/cholesterol consumption. Health organizations such as the diabetics association and heart association support a meat based low carb diet as a solution to health problems. Nice try vegtard.
This is one I didn't see coming. I would have thought Alex would never have quit after doing such a good and thorough job advocating for veganism. Sad day indeed. Hope he either changes back or admits that veganism is correct even if he is unable to maintain a vegan diet himself (for whatever reason). I think the worst part is not that he's decided to eat animals again but that he has denounced the ethical argument for veganism and recommended his followers do the same. (probably as a coping mechanism due to the cognitive dissonance he must be experiencing now)
Yep, sadly, that's the only consistent option. He must backfill an excuse so he's forced to make up some philosophical argument for why or discuss health. Either way, he doesn't really have a leg to stand on, and he knows it. Which is why he's "embarrassed". I do appreciate his openness and honesty, but jeez... as a fellow philosopher of science, I would have thought he'd provide at least a solid argument for why.
@@DrReginaldFinleySr He has an update video now on the matter, where he clears things up, you should watch it. But basically it comes down to personal health issues. He still thinks vegan diet is healthy for most, and didn't make up any pseudo philosophical justification for meat eating. The simple fact is, ha was struggling with multiple health issues (some of them pre-existed even before his vegan transition), and staying vegan was just not feasible if he valued his well being. But as I said he goes into more details in his video.
if I, a Kazak vegan woman from a country whose cuisine consists solely of animals' whole body and dairy products, where I have been bullied by my male relatives and abused to eat meat can be a vegan who only consumes whole foods while being poor...
He did release a video about this, and the short story is that he has some preexisting health problems that made finding foods that did not aggravate them a real challenge. He basically was starving himself because he did not know what was going to trigger his condition. He also mentioned that he was having some serious personal mental health problems which did not help. I think that depending on others preparing food can be very challenging for vegans, especially if you are traveling as he indicated he has done. I think that people need to recognize that beating up on someone because they do not behave perfectly consistently with their beliefs is not a constructive strategy, especially since very few people can say they have never strayed from their path.
@@cicciomattesehis pre existing health problems make it so he cannot eat at all. So to properly get in nutrition he has to eat food as dense as possible. As well as mental health issues
@@cicciomattesethese things are dense in individual nutrients but meat products are dense in many nutrients we also do not know what foods affect his ibs in some people cereals are extremely bad and have to cut it out and in other people cereals are fine. He seems to be a very intelligent person that has very hard opinions on meat eating do you think he hasn’t tried? I also do understand animal products are more harmful over eating for a long time but in the short term for him animal products are better for his health cause he won’t starve to death!
We are always quick to judge others for everything we disagree with, but isn’t the real test of a person what they do over the course of their entire life? Ask any past smoker how many time they quit before they actually stopped. Human behavior is the most difficult thing to change, so showing some humanity toward others and their issues we know nothing about might go further than holding them to ridicule and shaming.
You notice that your comment calling for compassion and understanding has got way fewer upvotes than the judgemental comments bashing Alex for no longer being vegan? The vegan community generally comes across as sanctimonious, miserable and spiteful towards anyone who doesn’t adopt their restricted diets. I can understand this psychologically, that vegans are making great sacrifices of many types of delicious food they can no longer eat, and it must be hard to look at 95-99% of people in their society indulge in these foods every day. I can imagine that would be difficult to maintain, and it could explain some of the abuse that gets levelled at people who have left the movement.
@@jezza669 it has little to do with not eating meat, as most vegans don't really want to eat it. Would you be saying the same if the 'delicious food' was made by slave labour? That the people who protest it are jealous of slavers?
@@imkarciqov I meant no comparison between the two, only how difficult human behavior is to change. Many times we try and we fail, because of our socialization, but are we not all here to work on something?
Went to a non vegan nutritionist for a birth defect that was causing me to not eat enough and to lose weight. She was really good at changing her recommendations to make it vegan. I know not every non vegan nutritionist will do this but it’s possible to stick to your convictions and make it work on a vegan diet. Or find someone else if they won’t.
Basically admitting you need to find someone as delusional and unstudied as you to support your fad eating habits. 15 essential human nutrients only found in meat…
That's my reality. Medical professionals all jump on my diet and try to convince me I'm gonna die if I don't go back to eating animal flesh. Eew, no. It would be nice to have someone suggest alternative ways to keep myself healthy. I try to do the best I can but I'm not a nutritionist. My son who is a chef makes me meals which is so much better than pre-packaged ones. No added salt, sugar, etc. Plus homemade is so tasty and he's getting so much better with Indian cooking. I eat a ton of lentils and beans. I've taught him to toss a piece of Kombu into every batch of beans and lentils to deal with the gas. I bought a set of covered dishes so it's easy to make meals for multiple dinners. I'm anemic from a medical condition not my diet so they give me high potency pills. I've recently started to sprout beans and seeds to get rid of the lectin.
Exactly. There’s almost always a way. Of course, living in a non-vegan world, it’s going to require a bit of extra effort to be vegan; that’s kind of the point. By maintaining our convictions, we pave the way for future vegans to have an easier time. Every generation of vegans has made the world a bit more vegan friendly.
Thank you for sharing that. Congratulations. Anyone can become deficient in nutrients because of malabsorption, not eating enough of something, lack of minerals in the soil, etcetera. Most medical professionals are biased as omnivores, but you got help. I saw a clinical nutritionist who was helpful and showing me I was not asorbing certain nutrients, but had too much B12. Its' a learning process, but vegans get the flack in so many ways. cheers.
That's rare. Most (all, but some weren't as straightforward about it) nutritionists I have been to were very against me wanting to only exclude meat from my diet. And it is mostly because they would need to prepare separate plans for me, not use something they already had.
Po-ta-toes. Boil 'em. Mash 'em. Stick 'em in a stew. I mean, that's a serious variety of nutrients right there. Then just add a few other simple things and you're well on your way to meeting the daily requirements.
I made a pot of potatoes, beets, and chickpeas with berbere seasonings. I can eat it for several meals. Heat it, put it over greens. Done. It was quick to make and he batch too.
Even just in the microwave for 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the potato. Or how about some of that steamed rice with beans from a can on top? Bread with peanut butter? Just add some boiling water to instant oats, some raisins and nuts/seeds? So many meals that are done in 10 minutes and taste pretty good.
@@lashedbutnotleashed1984 Umm...potassium, vitamin c, b vitamins, and more. Yeah, they are high in carbs but if you're not sitting on your ass all day or diabetic then it's not really a problem.
I really think most of these folks just under eat. Most of them are "afraid" of carbs or try to eat green salads all day. Ive been plant based for 13 years and vegan for 10. I place a lot of my success with 1. learning to cook my own meals. 2. Not under eating. 3. Not relying on any retail places or my friends to feed me or cater to my eating habits....So, I eat big tasty meals, at home. Now in 2023 it's never been easier to head out with homies and get something vegan at a yardhouse or even Burger King but I still keep those very minimal in my food rotation. My ethical decision to become vegan was always my main motivation but enjoying your food is an important part of life.
Same. I'm a big active guy too, so I noticed fairly quickly and corrected it. 8 years vegan, no problems. Hitting your macros is trivial, for micros you can just supplement for pennies/day if you have to
My biggest struggle is definitely under-eating. There's only so many things I can put in my tiny body before I'm just stuffed. Low calorie foods are a double-edged sword for people like me who just don't like to eat all the time. I can only stomach so much chia, avocado, and oil. And when you under eat, you absolutely run the risk of undernourishment because bioavailability is already a hurdle in itself. In spite of the many health issues we have here in America, that's at least one benefit meat has compared to plant foods. Just pure caloric convenience, which sounds odd since so many people are obsessed with calorie counting, but I digress. That's just me though, and it's just a hurdle and nothing too extreme. Honestly though, I don't put it past some people to genuinely have digestive issues with veganism. I used to know a girl who was extremely sensitive to a shit ton of foods, even certain meats and dairy products. She had to pop several medications a week just to cope and only a certain handful of foods were safe. The human body can just be aberrant sometimes and no amount of "scientific consensus" will make afflicted lives any easier. That example was so extreme, that I definitely can imagine something simple like legumes being an issue for some folks. So while I may be doing perfectly fine, others might not. But yes, it is quite annoying a philosopher is going through this journey because people who didn't even know who he was are going to use him for petty internet points. If you can't tell hate debate bros and chronically bitter people.
Actually he isn't really all that smart because his reasons for going back to stuffing his face with tortured flesh was IDENTICAL to EVERY OTHER ex vegans. 🙄 some vague reference to "health" that cannot be substantiated.
Awee, I loved your comment. It's so true. We need the heart to understand, not just a mind to reason. We can never reason for the good if we don't feel anything inside us.
Hit the nail on the head. An Oxbridge education means very little if you have no compassion to guide it.
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Feelings always trump ethics. You can ethically justify anything you want because ethics are just a convoluted set of made-up rules that people create or adopt as they see fit. In contrast, feelings are much harder to change, delete or ignore (see PTSD).
“I didnt get tested but I still felt anemic” 🤣🤣 Right up there with “I was anemic but the second that short rib touched my tongue I was cured of all my ailments”
I was hospitalized with severe anemia. The ER doc wanted to transfuse me. I refused and was able to get in the following week with a hematologist for 4 weekly infusions. They told me I could have potentially done long term damage to my heart. I didn't want to blame the diet, but in the end, it was for me. Some can sustain this for a long time without ill health. I was not one of them.
@@gigih.2169 🎻 If you feed yourself shit foods, you’re going to have a shit time. Your inability to properly feed yourself was a YOU problem, not a vegan problem.
@@AB-ft7ng LOL Shit food?! Like whole food, plant based foods? Eating the rainbow, nuts, fruits, every veg, beans, legumes, seeds, tofu, etc, etc?? I had my certificate in plant based nutrition. I was eating what the most ideal vegan diet recommended. I was doing it to perfection. Don't assume things you know nothing about.
@@gigih.2169 I was aneamic during pregnancy. I took Floradix and that sorted me out. I absolutely refused to eat animals regardless. Obvs, I don't know what your Hb was and you must do you for what you feel is safe for you. But Floradix is wonderful.
@@hazelnutbix Being vegan while pregnant is child abuse. A growing fetus requires more protein and other nutrients, many of which cannot be found in plants.
I get most of my yummy vegan recipe ideas on TH-cam -- Rainbow Plant Life and Pick Up Limes are my favorites -- so I'm baffled by the idea of people not finding vegan food yummy. And I find it easy to prepare beans and veggies and grains, keeping most of my meals simple and cooking some of it ahead of time on weekends because I work 40 hours/week outside my home. I was really shocked to find out about Alex dropping veganism. I had been listening to him talk about atheism first and then when I found him talking about veganism, he played a big role in my stopping eggs and becoming fully vegan (having stopped eating dairy years earlier and in the process of stopping meat).
I also love Sweet Potato Soul! I think more people in the Southern US could go vegan if they followed her cooking advice. She has a sweet potato hummus recipe that CHANGED MY LIFE!
I used to have a media program (The Infidel Guy Show) many years ago and this announcement is akin to me announcing that I'm now Fundamentalist Christian. After 12 years of conducting a skeptical media program, my fans would have thought I was brain-damaged if I made such a proclamation.
So we are going to make fun of someone who mentioned they had a "mental crisis"? All the while talking about ethics. This is a bad look. Not everyone can be on a vegan diet. Is Cosmic Skeptic's mental and physical suffering less important than animals?
Honestly, you can get cereals + vegan milk, you can get premade polenta, instant rice, canned beans, and get a lot of easy and healthy meals with very little effort. And how hard is it to boil potatoes or rice? I think a lot of people miss their yum-yums and then they rationalize afterwards. If you miss cheese, get some violife; if you miss sausage, get some Morningstar; if you miss butter, get some earth balance...etc.
Alex is a remarkable critical thinker, it’s sad that you shield yourself from all ideas instead of just the ones you don’t agree with. Must be very difficult for you to learn anything at all, as most professors aren’t vegan, most books aren’t written by vegans, etc.
Difficult to eat a healthy plant based diet? What's the difference between dropping tofu on a pan vs dropping a piece of flesh on a pan? Or use lentils for curries/stews instead of meat? Or use seitan instead of a cut up chicken breast? I also keep hearing about how plant based doesn't taste like anything if you don't season or marinade it. But did they ever try unseasoned meat? It doesn't taste like anything.
Tofu and protein powders give me stomach pains and I've been eating beans everyday for like the past 5 years I'll still try to be vegan, but it is a struggle to get enough protein
I'm totally not a picture perfect healthy vegan, but I've been a vegan for near 7 years BAYBEE 🥦 thanks for keeping up with your channel, you're one of the contributors that made me flip the switch
I mean, the video isn't necessarily *that*, but the comments... A bit sad, actually. One would expect the vegan community to be one of the most empathetic communities out there. Why do we have so many people filled with hatred and self-righteousness refusing to extend the empathy they have for animals to another human being? This is the real hypocricy here, not Alex's sincere efforts on attempting but ultimately failing his efforts to sustain a vegan diet.
@Casey Muller That’s nice, I have Been diagnosed with a cancer and I will definitely need her help and would also want to know how to get in touch with her. I hope she cures other sickness also?
Alex has done an update on this; said he was suffering from IBS (always has been, long before going vegan) which lead him to just not eat at points. This lead him to have even less energy and nutrition while being on a plant-based diet, so he's not blaming veganism. He probably should've said this when announcing he was no longer vegan, but he doesn't need to explain himself just so that vegans don't lose their minds that someone is no longer vegan.
Nearly seven years on a WFPBD-SOS flour free nutrition plan. I feel pretty alone as a vegan and atheist. Sounds like one fewer now. Much love to my vegan team
I suspect that there is a large overlap of vegans and atheists. I am one of them. To find other vegans near you, search for Meetup and enter your location. There are several vegan Meetup groups in the city I live in.
Another vegan atheist here, so I know what you mean about feeling alone. To be a male vegan atheist in this world is a rarity. However, many of the young vegans I've met are atheist too. (But most of them do not live too near.) Btw, Earthling Ed is an atheist, and a few other TH-cam vegans are too. Vegan Footsoldier, I think David Ramms is too. And like you, I'm WFPB, and S0S free for all my home cooked meals, which is 95% of my intake.
Wishing I had some vegan atheist friends around. Goodness the atheists were some of the worst people to be around as a vegan. Worse than the dang Christians!Because they were so smart in figuring out the no gods business, no one could tell them anything they didn't already know about food - well anything that was worth knowing. They could debate for hours on religious texts, history etc. but wouldn't spend a minute on the ethics of animal farming, environmental harms or health issues. My best bud is a pescatarian atheist Quaker and my sweetheart is an omnivorous but veg curious/leaning Christian. It is a strange world out there.
I'm also an atheist vegan. Nice to meet you! Cosmic Skeotic rejecting veganism has been disappointing but, fortunately, the vegan movement is bigger than just one person 💚💚💚
I would say in Europe (not only Northern Europe) atheism and agnosticism are very frequent options, and veganism is rapidly growing, so the possibility of being both atheist and vegan is quite high. Not sure whether this is more frequent in women than men, though I guess it probably is judging by the vegan groups I'm in. I guess it's different in other countries.
He was never vegan - he was completely unable to see that animals had a right to be left alone. It was amazing actually that someone who pretends to THINK DEEPLY about ethics turned out to be a fake pontificator who ended up doing everything he could to justify unwatchable violence against innocent animals again!
@@linusgallagher1607 Vegans acknowledge that animals have a right to be left alone - that they have a right to their own body, just as we do. U wouldn't want anyone to kidnap you and keep you in a shed and force you to reproduce so they could eat your kids would you?
lol, as if. Like it or not, most people are not impressed with or care about veganism. And how you could think it would effect his standing intellectually shows your lack of intellect.
@@monkeybudge Most people don't care about veganism? Alex did. A lot. He called it the greatest moral emergency facing the world. He said he was writing a book on it (which would have been his first book). On modern day debate he ONLY accepted debates on veganism - not atheism. Now he turns his back on veganism because he can't figure out how to feed himself. Oh, and it turns out he has been eating animals for a while now, effectively admitting to scamming his vegan patreon supporters for months.
I've been basically a junk food vegan for 27 years. I haven't died yet. I'm 47 and no joke people think I'm 30 (though that is likely due to the fact that I've never smoked and I wear sunscreen), have tons of energy and other than high cholesterol due to eating way too much sugar (hence, junk food vegan), all my macros and blood work always come out great.
Junk food vegan of 7 years here and i don’t feel any worse than when i wasn’t vegan. I eat the way most people my age eat…except vegan. I was underweight before and I gained a few pounds after transitioning, so that’s a positive.
@@funkypunkypine Oh yeah Im just pointing out that Alex could have some problems with his diet that you dont deal with. I'm not a vegan though though so 🤷
I probably will see Alex in a few weeks and I definitely plan to talk with him about this when I do, hopefully I can talk some sense into him. When I first heard the news I thought it was an elaborate prank, and perhaps part of me still hopes that is the case.
I also hoped, now maybe just wish, it’s some test on human behaviour. I am really disappointed I imagine that by the time Alex put this on social media, he thought it through a lot. So I doubt he would want to change his mind again.
@@TessavandieKaap yes he did this "transition" by blocking off ALL influences/contact from vegans. Dr Harsini who was his top patron on patreon reached out to him several times and got nothing for months. Alex knows that if he lets vegans talk to him, he wouldn't be able to justify himself to them. :\
Alex could be a high profile example of a vegan who "fell off the wagon" and got back on to stay. Knowledge is power. He might be missing some relevant facts.
The only thing I'll push back on is that it's not always easy to prepare meals. Things like plant based burgers and mock meats, soy products, high protein keto bread are a huge time saver. I have two jobs and still hit the gym everyday. The last thing I want to do is stay up another 2-3 hours preparing all my meals for the next day. Obviously, donuts and potato chips are not something I would turn to being a vegan bodybuilder, but a scoop of plant based protein powder mixed with almond milk and spread out on rice cakes is essential. Even if I did reach out to a meal planner, who has time to cook after 8-12 hours of work plus the gym? It's just easier to mix TVP with plant based ground beef and rice with tomato sauce and PRESTO...high protein plant based chilli in 3 minutes. However, I can still maintain being vegan so Alex can cry me a river. I wouldn't be shocked to see him on the Joe Rogan podcast soon.
It's relatively easy to lean how to batch cook for the entire week in one weekly session of less than one and a half hour (including washing up), for example during the weekend. And make large portions so that you always have ready meals in your freezer.
Cook for 2 weeks also rlly doesn't take long if you compress ur hour Seitan in the oven, beans and rice in the instant pot with the steam holder for veg,and while that's all cooking let your protein pasta boil. Takes 20 mins of active time and hour of passive for it to all cook. Add an extra 15 to count the macros and portion it and your done for the week. Keep dried beans ,nuts,and fruit as snacks / calorie fillers and your golden
Just get a blood test, show what you eat to a plantbased docter, nutritionist, or dietitian. When I travel I live on fruits, juice, smoothies, cook wherever I'm staying or eat vegan sushi, low fat pizza, rice dishes at Asian places while asking them to make oil free meals.
You’d be surprised! I’ve been able to get restaurants to make my food oil free; the thing is you need to call ahead when making a reservation and make sure they know your dietary needs ahead of time. I also live in a country that doesn’t have a lot of vegan restaurants but have vegetarian options that they’re quite happy to make vegan for me. It requires more effort than just showing up to a restaurant but totally possible.
@@rezzieggg yes! This is what I do too. I'm committed, even if it means- buying mushy peas + ready washed salad mix + running to a takeaway and buying multiple portions rice and combing them...I will do it. No excuses- I ain't seen a single ex vegan video where they do blood test and contact a plantbased nutritionist, dietitian or doctor.....and I'm not sure why- I'd do every single thing in my power to not not eat meat, dairy or eggs.
I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist community and this comment section reminds me of my childhood. The dogmatism and piety is off the f’n charts… It’s perfectly acceptable-even admirable-to take a moral position but it’s absolutely religious and a major step backwards, philosophically speaking, to condemn those who don’t share that position. No better than Pope Gregory IX and the inquisitors of old.
@@mikerich32 Animal welfarism is thinking it's ok to enslave and execute someone if you treat them a certain way, it's the antithesis of veganism which is abolition. General utilitarianism, Alex's type, cares only about suffering and maximising human pleasure, whereas rights are only concerned with fair treatment and protection regardless of how much pleasure can be derived from harming someone else which is what deontology is. Rights are deontological which is far from utilitarianism that would violate others rights if it meant a group would benefit. In analogy in a vacuum a utilitarian would accept bombing a city to target a terrorist group that could kill more than the population of the city because that would lead to more good than the bad in that scenario. All the rights of those thousands of people in the city are therefor stripped and forgotten because some other group likes the outcome better and has the power to take their lives. That would also come down to might makes right too. A deontologist wouldn't accept intentionally taking those lives to kill a minority because you can't strip someone's supposed inviolable right to life to exchange it for someone else's. That defeats the purpose of having rights to begin with if they can be stripped from you like that. General utilitarianism makes rights obsolete.
I'm extremely lazy when it comes to cooking, yet, I still manage to get all the nutrients I need on a 100% plant based diet. I work out, have no problem putting on muscle mass and gaining strength. And, I've done extremely extensive blood work several times over the past few years and everything was fine every time. No deficiencies.
me too. I honestly cook maybe once a week. Otherwise, I make the quickest and easiest meals that are low fat and healthy. Cosmic's excuse is he couldnt make it work, but he never says he sought any advice.
What someone once said that I cannot get out of my head is that regardless of HOW an animal is raised, if it's raised to slaughter and be eaten for food, that's unethical and just... unnecessary...so the more I let myself just accept that I don't want to eat another being's flesh, the easier it gets to move in the right direction. IOW it doesn't matter how ethically an animal is treated if it's still murdered in the end for nothing more than my pleasure. Right? (Full disclosure, though, I am vegetarian and only recently gave up eggs and fish...working towards veganism in a sustainable way because I tend to start and stop things impulsively BUT ANYWAYS...point is, I'm getting there! And once I heard this, I couldn't un-hear it.)
Carnivore diet cured so much for me! * No more perimenopause- completely reversed! *Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself! *No more night sweats *No more waking every 2 hours at night! *It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast! *No more life long eczema *No more cold hands *No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile - only warm in texas sun. *No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea) *No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm *No more purple looking hands in winter *No more brain fog *No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows *used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more! *Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight. *Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing! *Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well. *Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 46 and look like I am in early 30’s. *Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me. *No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach! *Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup! *no cravings unless they are for meat *no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago. *No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods * no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller. *feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 40 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that. * i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet - but assumed it was coming before Carnivore. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights. * no more body odor! * I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much. *I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that. * I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things. *Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing! *no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing! * I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too! If I think of anything else will add. ☺️👍🏻 I know when people go on carnivore they are trying to heal something, but if they aren’t like me and notice small things- they may not notice they are healing way more than they realized- things plant foods were causing! And they need to remember, processed foods are made from plants- but so are whole foods (raw or cooked!) they are all toxic! The carnivore diet cures! ☺️👌🏻 The body is a network made of multiple gears- and if one gets messed up it causes a whole domino affect of problems like I had! The carnivore lifestyle is not a fad, it’s the ancestral human way of eating! Go Carnivore for a few months and see how you feel! ☺️👍🏻
@@HelenEk7 That is just it. And the vegan ideology is just a religious one made up from the 7th Day Adventists Christians and not science based. They made it to ruin human hormones. And what frustrates me even more is the heavy plant based food pyramid was also made from 7th day Adventists Christians so they could make more people sick by eating heavy plant based. To top that they trained Mr. Kellogg himself and from there he seasoned his plant based sugar cereals and made up the “eat three times a day,” and “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” mumbo jumbo- also not science based! The 7th Day Adventists Christians own Kelloggs, Coca Cola, and many other companies! They push the sugar from plants into all so the human body is ruined! And all plants have sugar due to photosynthesis! The med curriculum that doctors see in med school was also designed by 7th Day Adventists Christians so doctors have s biased mindset on what we should be eating- and 7th Day Adventist Christians are in health organizations to also make sure their religious agenda is in everything! They made up the vegan/ vegetarian idea as well- once called the “Garden of Eden Vegan Diet!” Everyone needs to know all this and watch Belinda Fattke! It all needs to be redone and everyone aware! Scrap the plant based bess and watch Dr. Chaffee and Dr. Sally Norton on natural plant toxins! These 7th Day Adventists Christians are trying to get public schools to do “no meat” AND “vegan days” forcing regular kids into their religious ideology when the schools are NOT “7th Day Adventists Christians” schools! They take away any meat home packed lunches from children on those days! They can’t do that! That’s a religious ideology forced on the human race without anyone knowing unless they have discovered the truth from Belinda Fattke! Everyone needs to know!!
He never said that it's not possible to maintain a healthy plant based diet, he said that he was struggling to do so. I'd suggest you watch his recent video for clarification, he says he's been dealing with some mental health issues as well as IBS. I'm not justifying his position but you should watch his video for clarification and try to empathize with him
Wait, to confirm: Gary is still vegan right? That was purely hypothetical? Edit: thanks haha. I knew he took a step back from activism and as such haven’t seen him/kept up with any posts from him. Not that it would have changed my decision, but he was indeed an OG for the modern movement and I’d be years late to the party without his dedication.
This distinction between ethical veganism and healthy veganism is unfortunate. The two concepts are mutually supportive and both are necessary to thrive as a vegan.
"This doesn't make much sense" It's make sense: "Not eating animal products?? But, But.. Muh.. pleasure. Pleasure is on top for me" Wana bet that cosmic sceptic will start being religious/spiritual when he get old and fear of death will get more prevalent?
As someone who jumped down into a youtube vegan community rabbit hole two days ago and stumbled upon this video, I have to say that this is the worst possible introduction to veganism I have seen yet. I am fully in support of the messages of veganism but the sheer entitlement and holier-than-thou attitude I see here is repelling. Y’all need to reevaluate what is actually going to save animal lives - shaming people for not being 100% vegan, or perhaps encouraging people to simply incorporate it into the lives as much as they possibly can? I wonder which one it is… I can’t believe its still so hard for us to understand that forcing extremes on individuals is just gonna drive them away from the overall message. I’m gonna try to have a more cruelty-free diet but I’m not letting this lunacy bully me into thinking I’m some sort of devil because I’m not an infallible, morally perfect individual. Veganism is cool, but the vegan community? Not so much. At least not the vegan community I’ve come across here..
I feel like Alex simply didn't want to be vegan anymore, then formulated a slew of excuses after quitting hoping one of them would stick. Why couldn't he just be honest?
3:29 This joke is completely in bad taste. To say he stop being vegan for bad/poor reasons is like saying "Works for me, so it should work for you; and if it doesn't, it's not because your body is different but because you're [xyz bad reasons]." Way to show a good face of veganism huh.
He said he doesn't. Ok and relies on pre-packages foods. Prepackaged animal products aren't any more nutritious than vegan ones. And like many here have said. Beans + rice+ greens takes minimal preparation and is pretty nutritious.
I think food dissatisfaction along with inconvenience is the main reason. I like eating meat and animal products which is why my vegan attempts always fail. And its easier to get protein from eggs and chicken when your training.
I think a varied amount of time(3-6months perhaps) depending on the individual at the start of eating exclusively plant based is indeed a hurdle like any change, but ultimately eating can become just as enjoyable, if not more so having a variety of 80,000 plants to try out.
You understand that meat eaters also can eat all the plants they like don't you? There is obviously much less variety in a plant based diet and it gets old fast.
@@cyberfunk3793 You eat a tiny variety of dead animals and think that our diet is the one lacking in variety. I'm beginning to think you don't understand anything about plant-based diets or what veganism is, and are just trolling. That couldn't be, could it? LOL.
@@cyberfunk3793 Non vegans do not eat anywhere near the amount of foods a vegan does. They have a very limited diet where caloric intake is filled by eating rotting bodies and the things that fall out of them. Saying ''it gets old fast'' is quite odd rhetoric. If you eat the same animal foods everyday does that not ''get old'' too or is it some sort of time paradox or something?
@@80slimshadys Most rubbish argument I heard in a very long time. Meat eaters obviously have much more options than vegans and therefore can have a much more diverse diet if they wish and obviously are not eating the same foods everyday or do you eat beans and rice as your only meal?
@@tamcon72 How do you know what I eat? I just ate beef, grains, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, garlic, pickels, sesame and pumpkin seeds, avokado, apple and soy lecithin for breakfast. Sounds to you like I was eating a tiny variety of animals? There isn't anything to understand about plant based diets: you only eat plants, while I can add things like fish, beef, chicken and eggs.
I think we should normalize the idea that people fall off the wagon on their road to veganism and encourage them to try again. We know that it takes around 6 attempts for smokers to quit smoking, but even so more than three out of five adults who have ever smoked cigarettes have quit. It's a similar struggle with those who give up alcohol. These are hard habits to break and although some of us will quit more easily than others, a lot of people will have to try more than once. We shouldn't treat it as a failure but as a temporary setback, and hopefully they'll find the resolve to try again.
I think part of the issue when it comes to those who come to and quit ethical veganism from the intellectual/philosophical side, such as Alex, is that they skip/ignore/neglect to develop the more emotional/empathetic side. It's the difference between sitting down for dinner and making the choice not to eat animal suffering (because you intellectually acknowledge that suffering is bad and unecessary) and it never being an option to begin with, in the same way I don't choose not to murder people as it's never an available option. If you don't develop the kind of aversion to the very thought of consuming animal products, if the smell of cooking flesh does not trigger some degree of disgust, then it is going to be very easy to backslide. I'd still really like to know more about his situation. The more we know the better we can help steer him in the right direction. He's not the kind of guy to dismiss a solid argument. I'd bet he will return eventually, he just needs some time to learn and readjust. People have to be allowed to fail and when they get back up we've gotta be there to support them. I'm not going to stop watching the occasional vid of his just because of this, I was watching him before he went vegan, the fact that he started talking about veganism was just a cherry on top. But if he starts making arguments against it (which I doubt) then I'll stop. As someone with a couple chronic health issues one of which entails a Low FODMAP diet (VERY restrictive) the argument/excuse that most irritates me these days is the "It's too hard" bs. Like fr don't you DARE complain. If I can do it (and still enjoy yummy food) you can too. People need to learn how to forking cook.
Yes, ultimately people follow their emotions. So if the strongest feeling he has is that he's too lazy to eat vegan than that will win over the thought that people shouldn't eat animals.
Veganism seems like a cult sometimes. Let everyone do what they enjoy without judging. I was vegan for 3 years and stopped but I’m thinking about going back to it
If only you waited a week! I am disappointed but I am still sympathetic with his situation. I won't think of him as an ex-vegan, but as a vegan going through some health and mental health problems. No one is perfect and even less so when they are depressed and/or anxious.
Real question, did Alex actually say on the post that he is no longer vegan? I’m just struck by his using the “practicable” language and I wondered if he’s trying to say that it’s not possible to be healthy on all plants, so it’s still in line with vegan ethics to eat a minimal amount of animal products because it’s “necessary.”
My thoughts too. It becomes really difficult to say whether something can be not practicable suddenly when he managed to do so for the last three years.
@@adorable3817 Mic only used Gary as an example as to what it must've felt like for people to learn the person who influenced them to go vegan is no longer vegan themselves. But in the very next sentence Mic said he's pretty sure Gary is still vegan 😸 but yeah for a split second I was also shocked to my core haha 🙀
There is no diet without suffering to animals. With the logic of reducing harm as much as possible, the most ethical diet would be hunted deer, elk, bison, etc! I'm not trying to be dense here at all, but by pure logic, that would be absolutely factual. You'd only be harming 1-2 beings a year vs hundreds that are harmed when farming vegetables. I was vegan for 2 years and was almost hospitalized. I even started a vegan health food prep service with a full commercial kitchen and hired an entire vegan staff. I was all about it, but couldn't turn a blind eye to my health any longer once I couldn't formulate full sentences anymore. It was like I had a stroke. I have no problem with people who go vegan, but to push vegan ethics as if it's the "best way" is just factually incorrect. And yes, since then I have gone hunting myself so I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Please share your thoughts on this and present facts on how 1-2 animals hunted vs hundreds of beings dying from harvesting vegetables is less ethical.
Hi Mike! Dr. Klaper posted a video on 9 March 2023 that his DHA levels were dropping each year since 2020, and that he is now starting to take DHA supplements again. I learn so much from your channel. Thanks!
He's come out with a video now pals and explained he's had severe IBS where it's hard to just get enough calories per day, and it's been bad to the extent that he's not eating anything. Think we should cut him some slack. I understand the anger and frustration around this but hating on people is not helping the vegan movement - we've got to approach these issues with understanding and compassion. 💚
I like that you held off on making a video 'cause you wanted to see his more indepth response as opposed to everyone else jumping on with livestreams about a community tab post.
I'll never understand how someone who claimed to be an ethical vegan, can suddenly turn on the animals. I can understand plant-based eaters going back but how do you go back when you clearly know what happens to animals in the meat and dairy industries. I still think that that Makayla Peterson had something to do with this change. He got awfully quiet after he interviewed her, and he was really soft on her during that interview. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that he's dating her.
If we are unsure of our choices we can be easily influenced by others and go back to our familiar addictions. The adamant omnivores/carnivores really believe what they say and do, to the detriment of the animals they eat. Do you know that carnivore humans consume about 2-4 pounds of flesh every day! yikes.
I would love to see him debate with Earthling Ed. I don’t know who this dude is, but I was diagnosed with cancer last year and I was able to maintain a so call difficult vegan diet. I get blood work a lot lately and everything seems to be good. I do believe eating plantbased kept my cancer small, early, non aggressive and very treatable (I don’t have proof of this though). Why did I get this sht!? Who tf knows, we were all shocked. Probably environmental related. After my surgery and results, they say I am cancer free. The dietitian that I saw (you get to see one when you are diagnosed) just wanted me to eat more plant protein, but otherwise she said my diet was healthy. She mentioned how she gets patients who eat a lot of fast food and all sorts of junk foods and are in rough condition. Here I was with my so called difficult vegan diet (been v for 10 yrs and I think it only gets easier) Choices! Best
What I really think what hurts the vegan movement is the whole "it is so easy anyone can do it," nonsense. You need a good foundational understanding of nutrition in the first place in order to make it sustainable. Another big thing is the amount of misinformation that is spread in and out of vegan communities. Game changers was a disaster that only made vegans look disingenuous by promoting athletes that were not even fully vegan. All that being said I agree that one of the biggest reasons people stop is because they are not meeting their daily calorie needs.
Hard to see how one "struggles" staying on a healthy diet. Then again, he is also struggling to make any sense with his arguments. I sense a theme here.
Bro he's in England. He has easy access to tons of great vegan Chinese, Indian, Thai, and tons of other cuisines. He has enough money for a nutritionist. This is about wanting a steak. Just eat the damn steak and keep on being decent, Cosmic.
Mic could you make some content about meal prepping and meal planning for a week and these types of things? I am in school for nutrition and have been able to get a cronometer daily eating that covers 100% at least of all vitamins and minerals, omega 3s, and amino acids. This is all for under $17 a day using a Brooke Goldner green smoothie, a lentil pasta meal, and a beans and rice dish. This uses no oil, or added sugar. Maybe a little salt to taste, but sodium was actually a value that I have under 100% when not factoring in added salt. Keep up the good content. If you would ever like to chat please let me know!
@May Hu wow that is really low cost to spend so little. This meal plan of mine is about $450 a month which here is I think low compared to what people spend. I also can not think of any way to lower the daily cost and still hit every nutrition target. I also am trying to eat around 3,000 calories and get about 120+ g of protein a day to try to add muscle.
The founding vegans got it right, they focused on the ethics but for practical reasons ate a healthy diet and knew that had to be part of the plan to make veganism sustainable.
Well, I see people come and go but honestly, I don't want to ever eat meat or any other product that comes from an animal again. Even if there are mishaps along the way,I'm more than happy to try and fix it than to just give up being vegetarian/vegan. I do it because I believe in it,because if I'm being honest,humans are beyond salvation at this point lmao
When I first became vegan I struggled for sweets ,cause the market was scarce back then of sweets ... but now the market is so fludded with sweets that became more careful in my sweet in take
I truly don't understand those vegans who wear their junk food habits as a batch of honor because they are "vegan for the animals". Dr John McDougall has something to say about this: "The most important animal in your life should be you."
I also don't think individual habits can change anything, and as we know meat consumption is on the rise despite so many vegans and vegan options appearing. I'm still vegan though, but simply because I feel really bad contributing to animal suffering.
Thank you for this. When I went vegan it became somewhat of a burden to do it healthfully. I still do but to a lesser degree because I didn't want to highlight veganism as a diet or a way to be healthy. That said, why does veganism need to bear the burden of needing to be healthy? Being healthy is still a choice, but once you go vegan not being healthy is no longer a "choice". I'm tired of showing studies and facts and stats to people who don't care if their non-vegan diet is healthy but would wag their finger at me for suddenly wanting to eat exclusively plants and make it tastes just as good as non-vegan food.
If someone stops being vegan, I would respect their decision if they were just honest and say it was too hard for them or caved into cravings whatever. But they come with a smorgasbord of excuses.
We'll just have to wait and see what his video says, probably gonna not be an actual health condition, but who knows. He not only stopped being vegan due to "health problems" but then unfortunately backed up on the philosophy behind it. I wonder if that conveniently came from him not being vegan anymore.
Another awesome video Mic and it's sad that all those ex plant based dietiers haven't considered the ethical reasons to avoid animal expoiltion products.
@vegansoldier5155 I disagree that he did consider the ethical reasons for being vegan because if he had Alex would still be vegan. But in the end it is right to choose what his lifestyle is even though others will disagree with his decision.
I think most people fail to eat enough when they swap to veganism. Please use cronometer just a few times so you can understand what you should be eating and the amount. It will make the transition easier, faster, and more likely to stick. If you truly are a vegan, and do it for the animals... put some effort in. It's not hard. You're soft.
The divisiveness in this channel and many of its followers (judging by the comments) is outstanding. Not only is this guy minimizing the ethical stance on being against factory farming and the exploitation of millions of animals, but he's also stating that if he's not 100% in with every vegan "correct belief" then he's a failure and basically worthless. It's sad how echo-chambery this is, instead of trying to have a healthy discussion to advance veganism, he engages in hate, ridicule, and dismissal of his individual circumstances. I too am a veganism advocate without being able to be 100% vegan myself, due to both biological factors and the work-life balance that I as a mexican have (worst country in the OCDE). A systemic problem cannot be dealt with an individual solution. It's not enough to just go vegan and hope the rest will do and somehow the big capitalists who control the world will understand the horrors of their craft. Anyways, I hope you'll at least watch cosmic's response and engage in a healthy debate with yourself.
@@d-ceasedvegans Fucking hell. That is a fucking terrible thing to bring up. Stop trying to weaponise his baby's death against him just to support your anti-vegan tirade.
@@BlakeMadsen the UV radiation of the sun actually damages your skin cells, so being tanned is not healthy. As long as he takes vit D supplements, its fine
@@starfox300 Actually (qnd I highly encourage you to pull up the research on Pubmed) they found that despite higher occurrences of skin cancer, people who spend time out in the sun have magnitudes higher self-reported life satisfaction and a greatly reduced all cause mortality rate. Sun exposure is crucial for setting a baseline circadian rhythm and offers far more benefits than just vit. D.
I personally think that Long Covid has been claiming a lot of vegans and causing them to leave the diet. I was feeling really bad last summer and thought it might be diet related but then came to the realization that it had been Covid.
Interesting point. The irony is that the kind of healthy gut biome you get from plant based supercharges your immunity through short chain fatty acids.
Many humans, including vegans, are deficient in Zinc and D3. They both boost the immune system but if not there invite covid in. Also, magnesium and Zinc are depleted by stress, we need much more of them.
If vegans do whole-foods balanced and have a vitamin D serum level of at least 50ng/ml (many are in the dark on this because of lobbyism / vit d-bashing) and enough zinc, get enough exercise and aren't chronically stressed, then there should be no major issues with covid. The Zoe study also showed major advantage of plant-based nutrition over the other forms. Also, vaccine damage is a thing for 1 in 800.
I also am extraordinary salty about this one. I know his content, have never been subscribed because I don't see any use in content from the rationality bubble (...Lots of 'philosph' people there) when said content is often not actually rational. Some of those being in this bubble, Alex too, are a little over confident...but since they are somewhat eloquent, people tend to Not notice....the fallacies and biases. This is indeed a sad story, the more people in this bubble are vegan (Like genetically modified and tara mooknee still are for example), the more of those many people interested in their general type of content will think through the topic of veganism. One opportunity gone.
😂 I’m laughing so hard. That AI is on fire, love it. My family went plant based for our health. Had high cholesterol and pre diabetes, watch Dr Mcdougall and Dr Klaper ect We don’t eat much vegan junk but we have slipped down that path from time to time. I’m the cook for my husband, kids and I. It is a lot of work cooking everything from scratch. I always think how easy it is for the single people lol make a batch of something and have leftovers all week. I have to cook everyday, but we chose this for our health and will continue. I’ve always loved animals and didn’t eat much meat anyways, but I think the health reasons of staying away from eggs and the plastic in fish keeps me on the right path. But yes it can be hard, a lot of cooking and dishes lol My daughter is 6 and has been plant based her whole life. She’s perfectly healthy. Both my kids bloodwork always comes back great!
It's actually not very motivating if you only cook for yourself & eating the same meal every day is also not very fun. I think when you cook for others, too, it's just important that you get some help with for example the dishes.
I don't know if this could help you, but I do a lot of batch cooking too, and buying a rather inexpensive veggie chopper has helped loads. I can now chop my veggies in a very short time, it previously took ages.
I'm an over the road truck driver who eats a whole food plant-based diet... There's really no excuse for anyone else saying they can't do it.... Except laziness
This is dope! Well done!!
Outstanding! 😎
remember blair white said he had to stop because taking a b12 supplement would harm his liver on top of the hormones? seriously. i used to also know nickokado avocado back in the day in the vegan online community. he made brilliant and logical videos on the ethics and effects. i can only think they are jabbed and now their minds are not their own as literal homeocyborgs
Hi, congrats. I think the energy behind that is that they get influenced by others pushing omnivorism, or, often consume an inadequate 'diet' and not feeling well (and figuring out what their 'diet' is not including). I have watched many 'ex' video's and found that many have similar symptoms that corellate with low iron, zinc, D3 and B12. We tend to eat what we want, not necessarily in a whole food balanced way. We need to educate ourselves about vegan nutrition, Becoming an "ex" is sadly very popular these days. I do however give him credit for at least seeing the benefits and promoting it while he did.
especially if you're 'ethical', nothing about animal farming has changed, it's still as vile as it was a a few years ago..
When you truly realize the horrors the animals go through to end up on our plates, being vegan doesn't just become easier, it becomes your only option.
I agree! That was the case with me. And this is why I am absolutely stunned when people who are way smarter than me, who know even better than I what happens to these animals before they end up on our plates eventually decide that they don’t care enough and return to deliberately paying for the torture and slaughter of sentient beings. I know, I know… there are all kinds of pressures from society, culture, religion, etc that makes it hard to go and remain vegan. But someone as brilliant as Alex O’Connor *ought* to have been able to overcome them for the sake of his own self-respect and integrity. I am sure this hasn’t been easy for him, as no doubt he has had to engage in all kinds of intellectual gymnastics to renounce his veganism, his stance of veganism, and to even apologize for having influenced people to go vegan.
Exactly. What is so strange is that Alex talked as if he grasped the horrors. Sadly, his recent announcement (and the fact that he neglected his diet) proved otherwise.
He was such an important voice. I hope he becomes aware of how his current stance inadvertently supports the most horrendous industries in the world.
@@VeganTears I'm actually "worried" about his mental health. How can you be sane and act this way?
Which I think is actually WHY he originally went vegan ^^
Only if you care. 99% of meat eaters can "truly realize the horrors" if they are shown a ten minute PETA video, but 99% of that 99% would probably not change their dietary practices because of it.
The ex-vegan is now a trope. They all quit for the same pathetic reasons. No conviction. No commitment. No self control.
I seriously think people need to learn how to cook. Living off of commercially available ready made foods is not helpful.
It's gotten to the point where I would find it at least refreshingly honest if a person said "I just missed my old foods. I don't want to be vegan." At least that is a truthful answer. The various reasons people trot out -- I wasn't getting enough calories, I felt sick, my body needs XYZ and I can't get that from plants --- are not really the reasons.
No health.
Hitler was a vegan. He really stuck to the diet til the end.
No morals.
I can't believe that even a philosopher will wiggle out of veganism.
I stopped being vegan. My digestion got too messed up
Just because he’s got a philosophy degree certainly doesn’t mean he behaves ethically, no matter what he says in videos
@@TyroneBiggums789 being vegan? What the hell were you eating? My digestion got so much better after going basically vegan (I'm still a vegetarian but I don't really eat eggs etc).
@@jvictor001 Go vegan
A TH-camr with over 500k subscribers has a financial incentive to ditch veganism…he can now start taking advertising money from non-vegan sources
“Extraordinary harm and mistreatment requires extraordinary justification.”
~Alex O'Connor
#CropProtection #pesticides #rodenticides #desertification #pesticideChemicalPoisoning #fertilizerRunoffs #deadzones #cropdeaths
Just another human being all along. I stopped following him when he went vegan. I'm happy I did. His whole philosophical standpoint on anything seems to be somewhat a momentary justification for his own decisions.
he has IBS
@@vandpibenhe's a pathetic con artist, his entire nihilistic, athiestic carreer got destroyed with Mohammad Hijab in the Oxford debate lol, I'm surprised he's still relevant
@@vandpibenvegan diet Is the best aslo for IBS. Just reduce whole cereals for rafined cereals 😊
Yep, it's hard to open a can of beans, microwave a potato or boil spaghetti, and open a salad bag.
It's like climbing 20 Mount Everest's stacked on top of each other
Ikr, when I went vegan my bones turned to dust instantly, so it was hard to do those things. /s
💯 I'm eating a giant stir-fry right now with garbanzo beans, rice, baby bok choy and mushrooms. Sauce is garlic, lemon juice, miso and tahini. Took me 20 minutes to throw together. Fing delicious.
@@MtnGirll dang, I want some
@cosmicskeptic didn't want to stay home/his hotel room and eat like that - he wanted to hang out with his carnist friends and try the Local DELICACIES of a country famous for eating anything that moves - like escargot, frog's legs, etc....
Ngl, I was one of those ethical vegan who ate like shit and suffered for it.
Know what I did when I realized my diet was the cause of my medical issues? I didn't blame it on veganism. I blamed it on a shitty diet and found this channel and others like it which lead me to WFPB and other information I could consume to learn how to eat in a healthy way while maintaining my ethics. I'm now more healthy than I have ever been at any point in my life.
What I am getting at is that this shit is an excuse. To claim that normal people can't be healthy on a plant based diet is lazy mentally and ethically.
agreed. Congrats for taking responsibility for your choices! most do not do that. You have to make a commitment and educate yourself. However, Dr. Klaper does have an interesting video about 'ex-vegans'. He says that there are some omnivores who get slathered with animal fats and have trouble absorbing healthy vegan plant foods and getting enuf nutrients.However, I believe most "ex's" make
poor food choices, get malnourished, and get influenced by others.Then, blame it on the ":diet". cheers.
People can be healthy on a plant-based diet. just not a no animal diet. Many vegans eat bivalves.
@@tinman873 ABSOLUTELY untrue and unnecessary. You can eat kelp and seaweed (nori or gim) most don't eat bivalves
@@tinman873 tin foil hat man
Well said, and done!
If I'm in a discussion about veganism, I will always bring up Dr. Greger's daily dozen. A few Dr. Greger and Mic videos go a long way toward answering lots of questions. Cronometer has been a game changer for me too. I doubt most folks would use it every day (I'm hooked on it), but even using it a few days is revelatory and helps one make some easy nutritional adjustments. Vegan 5+ years, 56 yo, and as healthy as I've ever been.
i often send the video "uprooting the leading causes of death dr gregor". personally i think hes more about plant based than vegan but this is a bridge to selfish killers who only think of their own health
I idolize Dr. Greger because his whole life is a mission to save people and their health through simple plant based nutrition. What a guy
@@benaronson2410 you idolize someone who clearly is experiencing many signs of health failure and nutritional inadequacy for decades? Man you’re such a sheep.
@@benaronson2410 you literally don’t have an argument asides from most people are smart enough to know they need to eat meat. It’s instinctual, you’re the ones fighting nature. When are you going to get on your knees for our goyslop corn flake overlords?
@@benaronson2410 lol, thanks for proving my point. I could easily say the exact same thing if I didn’t have a foundation of facts to stand on. Your worldview is so fragile. Must be tough thinking special interest bogus epidemiology is actually evidence supporting your extreme delusion. Most of the science papers on nutrition published within the last decade support meat/cholesterol consumption. Health organizations such as the diabetics association and heart association support a meat based low carb diet as a solution to health problems. Nice try vegtard.
This is one I didn't see coming. I would have thought Alex would never have quit after doing such a good and thorough job advocating for veganism. Sad day indeed. Hope he either changes back or admits that veganism is correct even if he is unable to maintain a vegan diet himself (for whatever reason). I think the worst part is not that he's decided to eat animals again but that he has denounced the ethical argument for veganism and recommended his followers do the same. (probably as a coping mechanism due to the cognitive dissonance he must be experiencing now)
GARY YOUROFSKY IS NO LONGER VEGAN???!!!! .....I for sure didn't see that one coming 😱 did he annonce it???
Yep, sadly, that's the only consistent option. He must backfill an excuse so he's forced to make up some philosophical argument for why or discuss health. Either way, he doesn't really have a leg to stand on, and he knows it. Which is why he's "embarrassed". I do appreciate his openness and honesty, but jeez... as a fellow philosopher of science, I would have thought he'd provide at least a solid argument for why.
@@DrReginaldFinleySr He has an update video now on the matter, where he clears things up, you should watch it. But basically it comes down to personal health issues. He still thinks vegan diet is healthy for most, and didn't make up any pseudo philosophical justification for meat eating. The simple fact is, ha was struggling with multiple health issues (some of them pre-existed even before his vegan transition), and staying vegan was just not feasible if he valued his well being. But as I said he goes into more details in his video.
"Hope he either changes back or admits that veganism is correct"
@@adorable3817 Mike was saying “as if…” about Gary Yourofsky at 13:12 he says, “I’m pretty sure he still is (vegan).”
if I, a Kazak vegan woman from a country whose cuisine consists solely of animals' whole body and dairy products, where I have been bullied by my male relatives and abused to eat meat can be a vegan who only consumes whole foods while being poor...
I respect you very much for this!
Stay strong! You’re amazing and doing what’s right. Bless you 💚
Amazing! Respect!
Looool🤣🤣🤣 thanks for the cheap laughs you braaave braaave thing🤣
He did release a video about this, and the short story is that he has some preexisting health problems that made finding foods that did not aggravate them a real challenge. He basically was starving himself because he did not know what was going to trigger his condition. He also mentioned that he was having some serious personal mental health problems which did not help. I think that depending on others preparing food can be very challenging for vegans, especially if you are traveling as he indicated he has done.
I think that people need to recognize that beating up on someone because they do not behave perfectly consistently with their beliefs is not a constructive strategy, especially since very few people can say they have never strayed from their path.
He's a con artist, his athiestic Carter got destroyed by Mohammad Hijab lol
What are this preexisting health problem? Why not going from vegan dietian then? 😊
@@cicciomattesehis pre existing health problems make it so he cannot eat at all. So to properly get in nutrition he has to eat food as dense as possible. As well as mental health issues
@@Diego-zj7gd cereals, psuedocereals, pulses and nuts/seeds are not only nutritional dense but aslo healthy while animal products are harmfull ☺️
@@cicciomattesethese things are dense in individual nutrients but meat products are dense in many nutrients we also do not know what foods affect his ibs in some people cereals are extremely bad and have to cut it out and in other people cereals are fine. He seems to be a very intelligent person that has very hard opinions on meat eating do you think he hasn’t tried? I also do understand animal products are more harmful over eating for a long time but in the short term for him animal products are better for his health cause he won’t starve to death!
We are always quick to judge others for everything we disagree with, but isn’t the real test of a person what they do over the course of their entire life? Ask any past smoker how many time they quit before they actually stopped. Human behavior is the most difficult thing to change, so showing some humanity toward others and their issues we know nothing about might go further than holding them to ridicule and shaming.
You notice that your comment calling for compassion and understanding has got way fewer upvotes than the judgemental comments bashing Alex for no longer being vegan? The vegan community generally comes across as sanctimonious, miserable and spiteful towards anyone who doesn’t adopt their restricted diets.
I can understand this psychologically, that vegans are making great sacrifices of many types of delicious food they can no longer eat, and it must be hard to look at 95-99% of people in their society indulge in these foods every day. I can imagine that would be difficult to maintain, and it could explain some of the abuse that gets levelled at people who have left the movement.
@@jezza669 Very good, well made comment.
You compare smoking with torturing animals
@@jezza669 it has little to do with not eating meat, as most vegans don't really want to eat it. Would you be saying the same if the 'delicious food' was made by slave labour? That the people who protest it are jealous of slavers?
@@imkarciqov I meant no comparison between the two, only how difficult human behavior is to change. Many times we try and we fail, because of our socialization, but are we not all here to work on something?
Went to a non vegan nutritionist for a birth defect that was causing me to not eat enough and to lose weight. She was really good at changing her recommendations to make it vegan. I know not every non vegan nutritionist will do this but it’s possible to stick to your convictions and make it work on a vegan diet. Or find someone else if they won’t.
Basically admitting you need to find someone as delusional and unstudied as you to support your fad eating habits. 15 essential human nutrients only found in meat…
That's my reality. Medical professionals all jump on my diet and try to convince me I'm gonna die if I don't go back to eating animal flesh. Eew, no. It would be nice to have someone suggest alternative ways to keep myself healthy. I try to do the best I can but I'm not a nutritionist. My son who is a chef makes me meals which is so much better than pre-packaged ones. No added salt, sugar, etc. Plus homemade is so tasty and he's getting so much better with Indian cooking. I eat a ton of lentils and beans. I've taught him to toss a piece of Kombu into every batch of beans and lentils to deal with the gas. I bought a set of covered dishes so it's easy to make meals for multiple dinners. I'm anemic from a medical condition not my diet so they give me high potency pills. I've recently started to sprout beans and seeds to get rid of the lectin.
Exactly. There’s almost always a way. Of course, living in a non-vegan world, it’s going to require a bit of extra effort to be vegan; that’s kind of the point. By maintaining our convictions, we pave the way for future vegans to have an easier time. Every generation of vegans has made the world a bit more vegan friendly.
Thank you for sharing that. Congratulations. Anyone can become deficient in nutrients because of malabsorption, not eating enough of something, lack of minerals in the soil, etcetera. Most medical professionals are biased as omnivores, but you got help. I saw a clinical nutritionist who was helpful and showing me I was not asorbing certain nutrients, but had too much B12. Its' a learning process, but vegans get the flack in so many ways. cheers.
That's rare. Most (all, but some weren't as straightforward about it) nutritionists I have been to were very against me wanting to only exclude meat from my diet. And it is mostly because they would need to prepare separate plans for me, not use something they already had.
Po-ta-toes. Boil 'em. Mash 'em. Stick 'em in a stew. I mean, that's a serious variety of nutrients right there. Then just add a few other simple things and you're well on your way to meeting the daily requirements.
I made a pot of potatoes, beets, and chickpeas with berbere seasonings. I can eat it for several meals. Heat it, put it over greens. Done. It was quick to make and he batch too.
Fool of a took! Stick em in a stewwww
Even just in the microwave for 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the potato.
Or how about some of that steamed rice with beans from a can on top?
Bread with peanut butter?
Just add some boiling water to instant oats, some raisins and nuts/seeds?
So many meals that are done in 10 minutes and taste pretty good.
Potatoes are nothing but useless starch which turns to sugar in the body.
@@lashedbutnotleashed1984 Umm...potassium, vitamin c, b vitamins, and more. Yeah, they are high in carbs but if you're not sitting on your ass all day or diabetic then it's not really a problem.
U turned me vegan btw 2 months vegan I am so glad I accidentally clicked on one of ur videos , the one where u debunk dr Mike meat one ,
Yay, happy to hear this, wish you the very best for your new journey! 🌱💚
Hey same here I went vegan too months ago but it was because of Alex videos about veganism.
hell yeah!
Alex is great at communicating philosophy, but, unfortunately, being proficient at one field doesn't necessarily mean you're proficient at another.
@@jttj742 Indeed
But this is a philosophical topic is it not…
Assuming being vegan is a proficiency in anything other than severe delusion..
@@jttj742 Right most people don’t care. Why bother?
@@Mr.Witness Are you looking to discredit veganism?
I really think most of these folks just under eat. Most of them are "afraid" of carbs or try to eat green salads all day. Ive been plant based for 13 years and vegan for 10. I place a lot of my success with 1. learning to cook my own meals. 2. Not under eating. 3. Not relying on any retail places or my friends to feed me or cater to my eating habits....So, I eat big tasty meals, at home. Now in 2023 it's never been easier to head out with homies and get something vegan at a yardhouse or even Burger King but I still keep those very minimal in my food rotation. My ethical decision to become vegan was always my main motivation but enjoying your food is an important part of life.
I find carrying vegan energy bars or nuts and fruit helps.
@@rachelgoodkind6545 for sure! I usually keep bananas and walnuts around!
Same. I'm a big active guy too, so I noticed fairly quickly and corrected it. 8 years vegan, no problems. Hitting your macros is trivial, for micros you can just supplement for pennies/day if you have to
My biggest struggle is definitely under-eating. There's only so many things I can put in my tiny body before I'm just stuffed. Low calorie foods are a double-edged sword for people like me who just don't like to eat all the time. I can only stomach so much chia, avocado, and oil. And when you under eat, you absolutely run the risk of undernourishment because bioavailability is already a hurdle in itself. In spite of the many health issues we have here in America, that's at least one benefit meat has compared to plant foods. Just pure caloric convenience, which sounds odd since so many people are obsessed with calorie counting, but I digress.
That's just me though, and it's just a hurdle and nothing too extreme.
Honestly though, I don't put it past some people to genuinely have digestive issues with veganism. I used to know a girl who was extremely sensitive to a shit ton of foods, even certain meats and dairy products. She had to pop several medications a week just to cope and only a certain handful of foods were safe. The human body can just be aberrant sometimes and no amount of "scientific consensus" will make afflicted lives any easier. That example was so extreme, that I definitely can imagine something simple like legumes being an issue for some folks. So while I may be doing perfectly fine, others might not.
But yes, it is quite annoying a philosopher is going through this journey because people who didn't even know who he was are going to use him for petty internet points. If you can't tell hate debate bros and chronically bitter people.
Come on. If he really believed what he said he would have made some effort to learn nutrition and how to cook simple healthy meals.
Alex is a textbook case of too much head, not enough heart. As soon as it all got a bit too hard, he gave up and came up with a weak excuse
Actually he isn't really all that smart because his reasons for going back to stuffing his face with tortured flesh was IDENTICAL to EVERY OTHER ex vegans. 🙄 some vague reference to "health" that cannot be substantiated.
Awee, I loved your comment. It's so true. We need the heart to understand, not just a mind to reason. We can never reason for the good if we don't feel anything inside us.
Yeah, he’s pathetic
Hit the nail on the head. An Oxbridge education means very little if you have no compassion to guide it.
Feelings always trump ethics. You can ethically justify anything you want because ethics are just a convoluted set of made-up rules that people create or adopt as they see fit. In contrast, feelings are much harder to change, delete or ignore (see PTSD).
“I didnt get tested but I still felt anemic” 🤣🤣 Right up there with “I was anemic but the second that short rib touched my tongue I was cured of all my ailments”
I was hospitalized with severe anemia. The ER doc wanted to transfuse me. I refused and was able to get in the following week with a hematologist for 4 weekly infusions. They told me I could have potentially done long term damage to my heart. I didn't want to blame the diet, but in the end, it was for me. Some can sustain this for a long time without ill health. I was not one of them.
@@gigih.2169 🎻 If you feed yourself shit foods, you’re going to have a shit time. Your inability to properly feed yourself was a YOU problem, not a vegan problem.
@@AB-ft7ng LOL Shit food?! Like whole food, plant based foods? Eating the rainbow, nuts, fruits, every veg, beans, legumes, seeds, tofu, etc, etc?? I had my certificate in plant based nutrition. I was eating what the most ideal vegan diet recommended. I was doing it to perfection. Don't assume things you know nothing about.
@@gigih.2169 I was aneamic during pregnancy. I took Floradix and that sorted me out. I absolutely refused to eat animals regardless. Obvs, I don't know what your Hb was and you must do you for what you feel is safe for you. But Floradix is wonderful.
@@hazelnutbix Being vegan while pregnant is child abuse. A growing fetus requires more protein and other nutrients, many of which cannot be found in plants.
I get most of my yummy vegan recipe ideas on TH-cam -- Rainbow Plant Life and Pick Up Limes are my favorites -- so I'm baffled by the idea of people not finding vegan food yummy. And I find it easy to prepare beans and veggies and grains, keeping most of my meals simple and cooking some of it ahead of time on weekends because I work 40 hours/week outside my home. I was really shocked to find out about Alex dropping veganism. I had been listening to him talk about atheism first and then when I found him talking about veganism, he played a big role in my stopping eggs and becoming fully vegan (having stopped eating dairy years earlier and in the process of stopping meat).
I also love Sweet Potato Soul! I think more people in the Southern US could go vegan if they followed her cooking advice. She has a sweet potato hummus recipe that CHANGED MY LIFE!
Your so right! It’s really really easy! He’s clearly very lazy 😂
I used to have a media program (The Infidel Guy Show) many years ago and this announcement is akin to me announcing that I'm now Fundamentalist Christian. After 12 years of conducting a skeptical media program, my fans would have thought I was brain-damaged if I made such a proclamation.
I also love Derek Simnett’s (and Crystal’s) way of prepping and eating, come on it’s pretty darn easy!!!!!
Pick me up have Artikel about health and bloating
So we are going to make fun of someone who mentioned they had a "mental crisis"? All the while talking about ethics. This is a bad look. Not everyone can be on a vegan diet. Is Cosmic Skeptic's mental and physical suffering less important than animals?
Honestly, you can get cereals + vegan milk, you can get premade polenta, instant rice, canned beans, and get a lot of easy and healthy meals with very little effort. And how hard is it to boil potatoes or rice? I think a lot of people miss their yum-yums and then they rationalize afterwards. If you miss cheese, get some violife; if you miss sausage, get some Morningstar; if you miss butter, get some earth balance...etc.
You just listed all my fav carbs! Forget that slimy earth balance and get yourself some Miyokos. That stuff is better than real butter. 🥰🥰🥰
@@MtnGirll love Miyoko's too
If you miss cheese, just eat real cheese.
@@residentjess No because "real cheese" involves rape, kidnapping and murder
@@residentjess Can't do that. Wouldn't be vegan.
I follow CosmicSkeptc. He lost a ton of credibility when he announced this.
I unfollowed him after that announcement.
@@pacmanmcgavin7034 you're a ❄️
@@pacmanmcgavin7034 sigma
I unfollowed him, as a vegan i can no longer support his channel or care much about what else he has to say.
Alex is a remarkable critical thinker, it’s sad that you shield yourself from all ideas instead of just the ones you don’t agree with. Must be very difficult for you to learn anything at all, as most professors aren’t vegan, most books aren’t written by vegans, etc.
Difficult to eat a healthy plant based diet? What's the difference between dropping tofu on a pan vs dropping a piece of flesh on a pan?
Or use lentils for curries/stews instead of meat? Or use seitan instead of a cut up chicken breast? I also keep hearing about how plant based doesn't taste like anything if you don't season or marinade it. But did they ever try unseasoned meat? It doesn't taste like anything.
Tofu and protein powders give me stomach pains and I've been eating beans everyday for like the past 5 years
I'll still try to be vegan, but it is a struggle to get enough protein
I'm totally not a picture perfect healthy vegan, but I've been a vegan for near 7 years BAYBEE 🥦 thanks for keeping up with your channel, you're one of the contributors that made me flip the switch
You are otherwise picture perfect =)
I'm also not a "picture perfect healthy vegan" but I will say I'm happy to see that so many people have jumped on board!
@@P-A953 aww thank you :3
@@scubadiva666 shooting for perfect health is overrated! do what you can and enjoy what you eat :) ❤️
Not perfect meaning what?
I mean, the video isn't necessarily *that*, but the comments... A bit sad, actually. One would expect the vegan community to be one of the most empathetic communities out there. Why do we have so many people filled with hatred and self-righteousness refusing to extend the empathy they have for animals to another human being? This is the real hypocricy here, not Alex's sincere efforts on attempting but ultimately failing his efforts to sustain a vegan diet.
Having to Live with one of the worse sickness can be exhausting but I still have to believe I can be healed.
@Casey Muller That’s nice, I have Been diagnosed with a cancer and I will definitely need her help and would also want to know how to get in touch with her. I hope she cures other sickness also?
@Casey Muller Thank you a lot you are a life saver. I have found her website on the internet.
Alex has done an update on this; said he was suffering from IBS (always has been, long before going vegan) which lead him to just not eat at points. This lead him to have even less energy and nutrition while being on a plant-based diet, so he's not blaming veganism. He probably should've said this when announcing he was no longer vegan, but he doesn't need to explain himself just so that vegans don't lose their minds that someone is no longer vegan.
Nearly seven years on a WFPBD-SOS flour free nutrition plan. I feel pretty alone as a vegan and atheist. Sounds like one fewer now. Much love to my vegan team
I suspect that there is a large overlap of vegans and atheists. I am one of them. To find other vegans near you, search for Meetup and enter your location. There are several vegan Meetup groups in the city I live in.
Another vegan atheist here, so I know what you mean about feeling alone. To be a male vegan atheist in this world is a rarity. However, many of the young vegans I've met are atheist too. (But most of them do not live too near.) Btw, Earthling Ed is an atheist, and a few other TH-cam vegans are too. Vegan Footsoldier, I think David Ramms is too.
And like you, I'm WFPB, and S0S free for all my home cooked meals, which is 95% of my intake.
Wishing I had some vegan atheist friends around. Goodness the atheists were some of the worst people to be around as a vegan. Worse than the dang Christians!Because they were so smart in figuring out the no gods business, no one could tell them anything they didn't already know about food - well anything that was worth knowing. They could debate for hours on religious texts, history etc. but wouldn't spend a minute on the ethics of animal farming, environmental harms or health issues.
My best bud is a pescatarian atheist Quaker and my sweetheart is an omnivorous but veg curious/leaning Christian. It is a strange world out there.
I'm also an atheist vegan. Nice to meet you! Cosmic Skeotic rejecting veganism has been disappointing but, fortunately, the vegan movement is bigger than just one person 💚💚💚
I would say in Europe (not only Northern Europe) atheism and agnosticism are very frequent options, and veganism is rapidly growing, so the possibility of being both atheist and vegan is quite high. Not sure whether this is more frequent in women than men, though I guess it probably is judging by the vegan groups I'm in. I guess it's different in other countries.
He was never vegan - he was completely unable to see that animals had a right to be left alone. It was amazing actually that someone who pretends to THINK DEEPLY about ethics turned out to be a fake pontificator who ended up doing everything he could to justify unwatchable violence against innocent animals again!
@@linusgallagher1607 Vegans acknowledge that animals have a right to be left alone - that they have a right to their own body, just as we do. U wouldn't want anyone to kidnap you and keep you in a shed and force you to reproduce so they could eat your kids would you?
@@animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 pmsl
I like how he completely destroyed any chance of people taking him seriously as an intellectual.
Yes, millions of intellectuals manage to stick to a vegan diet.
Truth... What a joke.
lol, as if. Like it or not, most people are not impressed with or care about veganism. And how you could think it would effect his standing intellectually shows your lack of intellect.
@@monkeybudge Most people don't care about veganism? Alex did. A lot. He called it the greatest moral emergency facing the world. He said he was writing a book on it (which would have been his first book). On modern day debate he ONLY accepted debates on veganism - not atheism. Now he turns his back on veganism because he can't figure out how to feed himself. Oh, and it turns out he has been eating animals for a while now, effectively admitting to scamming his vegan patreon supporters for months.
Unsure how any of that contradicts my statement that most people don’t care about veganism.
"It's okay to eat fish
'Cause they don't have any feelings"
Practicable = I'm too f . . cking lazy to make the effort.
I've been basically a junk food vegan for 27 years. I haven't died yet. I'm 47 and no joke people think I'm 30 (though that is likely due to the fact that I've never smoked and I wear sunscreen), have tons of energy and other than high cholesterol due to eating way too much sugar (hence, junk food vegan), all my macros and blood work always come out great.
Junk food vegan of 7 years here and i don’t feel any worse than when i wasn’t vegan. I eat the way most people my age eat…except vegan. I was underweight before and I gained a few pounds after transitioning, so that’s a positive.
That's genetics my friend
@@thanostsalas3785 Exactly my point.
@@funkypunkypine Oh yeah Im just pointing out that Alex could have some problems with his diet that you dont deal with. I'm not a vegan though though so 🤷
I probably will see Alex in a few weeks and I definitely plan to talk with him about this when I do, hopefully I can talk some sense into him. When I first heard the news I thought it was an elaborate prank, and perhaps part of me still hopes that is the case.
I also hoped, now maybe just wish, it’s some test on human behaviour.
I am really disappointed
I imagine that by the time Alex put this on social media, he thought it through a lot. So I doubt he would want to change his mind again.
@@TessavandieKaap yes he did this "transition" by blocking off ALL influences/contact from vegans. Dr Harsini who was his top patron on patreon reached out to him several times and got nothing for months. Alex knows that if he lets vegans talk to him, he wouldn't be able to justify himself to them. :\
Where are you seeing him?
Alex could be a high profile example of a vegan who "fell off the wagon" and got back on to stay.
Knowledge is power. He might be missing some relevant facts.
Hopefully you will help him go back to healthier and more ethical ways… ❤ I wish you luck 🍀
The only thing I'll push back on is that it's not always easy to prepare meals. Things like plant based burgers and mock meats, soy products, high protein keto bread are a huge time saver.
I have two jobs and still hit the gym everyday. The last thing I want to do is stay up another 2-3 hours preparing all my meals for the next day. Obviously, donuts and potato chips are not something I would turn to being a vegan bodybuilder, but a scoop of plant based protein powder mixed with almond milk and spread out on rice cakes is essential. Even if I did reach out to a meal planner, who has time to cook after 8-12 hours of work plus the gym? It's just easier to mix TVP with plant based ground beef and rice with tomato sauce and PRESTO...high protein plant based chilli in 3 minutes.
However, I can still maintain being vegan so Alex can cry me a river. I wouldn't be shocked to see him on the Joe Rogan podcast soon.
It's relatively easy to lean how to batch cook for the entire week in one weekly session of less than one and a half hour (including washing up), for example during the weekend. And make large portions so that you always have ready meals in your freezer.
Cook for 2 weeks also rlly doesn't take long if you compress ur hour Seitan in the oven, beans and rice in the instant pot with the steam holder for veg,and while that's all cooking let your protein pasta boil. Takes 20 mins of active time and hour of passive for it to all cook. Add an extra 15 to count the macros and portion it and your done for the week. Keep dried beans ,nuts,and fruit as snacks / calorie fillers and your golden
So now he is no longer moral and he does not have intrinsic values.
Just get a blood test, show what you eat to a plantbased docter, nutritionist, or dietitian.
When I travel I live on fruits, juice, smoothies, cook wherever I'm staying or eat vegan sushi, low fat pizza, rice dishes at Asian places while asking them to make oil free meals.
I'd imagine most restaurants would be very reluctant to make anything oil-free. Unless the dish in question is boiled/steamed, or a raw salad etc.
You’d be surprised! I’ve been able to get restaurants to make my food oil free; the thing is you need to call ahead when making a reservation and make sure they know your dietary needs ahead of time. I also live in a country that doesn’t have a lot of vegan restaurants but have vegetarian options that they’re quite happy to make vegan for me. It requires more effort than just showing up to a restaurant but totally possible.
@@rezzieggg yes! This is what I do too. I'm committed, even if it means- buying mushy peas + ready washed salad mix + running to a takeaway and buying multiple portions rice and combing them...I will do it. No excuses- I ain't seen a single ex vegan video where they do blood test and contact a plantbased nutritionist, dietitian or doctor.....and I'm not sure why- I'd do every single thing in my power to not not eat meat, dairy or eggs.
Too much effort for this man.
@@oksanakaido8437 it would be quite embarrassing if a chef couldn't boil vegetables and rice 😂
I grew up in a Christian fundamentalist community and this comment section reminds me of my childhood.
The dogmatism and piety is off the f’n charts…
It’s perfectly acceptable-even admirable-to take a moral position but it’s absolutely religious and a major step backwards, philosophically speaking, to condemn those who don’t share that position.
No better than Pope Gregory IX and the inquisitors of old.
When I went vegan I was concerned about my health. But then I found your channel which made me more confident in my choice. Thanks!
There were lots of red flags with Alex. For starters, he was an animal welfarist, also a utilitarian
I'm not sure I understand. Can you explain what is wrong with being an animal welfarist or utilitarian?
Utilitarianism is perfectly compatible with animal rights and veganism. Alex is simply wrong on this one.
@@mikerich32 An animal welfarist means you want to keep animal agriculture but want the animals in it to have a better life.
@@mikerich32 Animal welfarism is thinking it's ok to enslave and execute someone if you treat them a certain way, it's the antithesis of veganism which is abolition. General utilitarianism, Alex's type, cares only about suffering and maximising human pleasure, whereas rights are only concerned with fair treatment and protection regardless of how much pleasure can be derived from harming someone else which is what deontology is. Rights are deontological which is far from utilitarianism that would violate others rights if it meant a group would benefit.
In analogy in a vacuum a utilitarian would accept bombing a city to target a terrorist group that could kill more than the population of the city because that would lead to more good than the bad in that scenario. All the rights of those thousands of people in the city are therefor stripped and forgotten because some other group likes the outcome better and has the power to take their lives. That would also come down to might makes right too. A deontologist wouldn't accept intentionally taking those lives to kill a minority because you can't strip someone's supposed inviolable right to life to exchange it for someone else's. That defeats the purpose of having rights to begin with if they can be stripped from you like that. General utilitarianism makes rights obsolete.
Utilitarianism is compatible with veganism, I'm tired of people claiming otherwise.
That’s a real disappointment I follow his channel for lots reasons but I will bow out for now! Thanks mic😊
I bowed out
I did too
@@veganfortheanimals6994 As did I.
Did his work warrant listening to?
I TAKE the best bits, leave the rot.
Cognitive dissonance, delusion, unrealistic fad diet, enjoy going senile with age from the lack of cholesterol.
Wtf? Gary Yourofsky is no longer vegan!?
I'm extremely lazy when it comes to cooking, yet, I still manage to get all the nutrients I need on a 100% plant based diet. I work out, have no problem putting on muscle mass and gaining strength. And, I've done extremely extensive blood work several times over the past few years and everything was fine every time. No deficiencies.
It really actually isn't that hard. Could I do it more healthfully? Maybe. But that said I'm HIV+ and a nationally qualified powerlifter.
me too. I honestly cook maybe once a week. Otherwise, I make the quickest and easiest meals that are low fat and healthy. Cosmic's excuse is he couldnt make it work, but he never says he sought any advice.
What someone once said that I cannot get out of my head is that regardless of HOW an animal is raised, if it's raised to slaughter and be eaten for food, that's unethical and just... unnecessary...so the more I let myself just accept that I don't want to eat another being's flesh, the easier it gets to move in the right direction. IOW it doesn't matter how ethically an animal is treated if it's still murdered in the end for nothing more than my pleasure. Right? (Full disclosure, though, I am vegetarian and only recently gave up eggs and fish...working towards veganism in a sustainable way because I tend to start and stop things impulsively BUT ANYWAYS...point is, I'm getting there! And once I heard this, I couldn't un-hear it.)
Carnivore diet cured so much for me!
* No more perimenopause- completely reversed!
*Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself!
*No more night sweats
*No more waking every 2 hours at night!
*It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast!
*No more life long eczema
*No more cold hands
*No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile - only warm in texas sun.
*No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea)
*No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm
*No more purple looking hands in winter
*No more brain fog
*No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows
*used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more!
*Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight.
*Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing!
*Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well.
*Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 46 and look like I am in early 30’s.
*Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me.
*No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach!
*Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup!
*no cravings unless they are for meat
*no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago.
*No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods
* no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller.
*feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 40 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that.
* i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet - but assumed it was coming before Carnivore. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights.
* no more body odor!
* I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much.
*I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that.
* I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things.
*Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing!
*no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing!
* I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too!
If I think of anything else will add. ☺️👍🏻
I know when people go on carnivore they are trying to heal something, but if they aren’t like me and notice small things- they may not notice they are healing way more than they realized- things plant foods were causing! And they need to remember, processed foods are made from plants- but so are whole foods (raw or cooked!) they are all toxic!
The carnivore diet cures! ☺️👌🏻 The body is a network made of multiple gears- and if one gets messed up it causes a whole domino affect of problems like I had! The carnivore lifestyle is not a fad, it’s the ancestral human way of eating! Go Carnivore for a few months and see how you feel! ☺️👍🏻
Sadly most vegans will think you are just making all of this up. If they only knew...
@@HelenEk7 That is just it. And the vegan ideology is just a religious one made up from the 7th Day Adventists Christians and not science based. They made it to ruin human hormones. And what frustrates me even more is the heavy plant based food pyramid was also made from 7th day Adventists Christians so they could make more people sick by eating heavy plant based. To top that they trained Mr. Kellogg himself and from there he seasoned his plant based sugar cereals and made up the “eat three times a day,” and “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” mumbo jumbo- also not science based! The 7th Day Adventists Christians own Kelloggs, Coca Cola, and many other companies! They push the sugar from plants into all so the human body is ruined! And all plants have sugar due to photosynthesis! The med curriculum that doctors see in med school was also designed by 7th Day Adventists Christians so doctors have s biased mindset on what we should be eating- and 7th Day Adventist Christians are in health organizations to also make sure their religious agenda is in everything! They made up the vegan/ vegetarian idea as well- once called the “Garden of Eden Vegan Diet!” Everyone needs to know all this and watch Belinda Fattke! It all needs to be redone and everyone aware! Scrap the plant based bess and watch Dr. Chaffee and Dr. Sally Norton on natural plant toxins!
These 7th Day Adventists Christians are trying to get public schools to do “no meat” AND “vegan days” forcing regular kids into their religious ideology when the schools are NOT “7th Day Adventists Christians” schools! They take away any meat home packed lunches from children on those days! They can’t do that!
That’s a religious ideology forced on the human race without anyone knowing unless they have discovered the truth from Belinda Fattke! Everyone needs to know!!
N=1. Countless plant-based dieters share similar anecdotes.
@@AnalyticalSentient not if they are still eating plants. That’s what caused all this mess.
@JennifertxCarnivore OK sure, guess I'll believe you telepathically know said countless people are _all lying_ lmao
He never said that it's not possible to maintain a healthy plant based diet, he said that he was struggling to do so. I'd suggest you watch his recent video for clarification, he says he's been dealing with some mental health issues as well as IBS. I'm not justifying his position but you should watch his video for clarification and try to empathize with him
Wait, to confirm: Gary is still vegan right? That was purely hypothetical?
Edit: thanks haha. I knew he took a step back from activism and as such haven’t seen him/kept up with any posts from him. Not that it would have changed my decision, but he was indeed an OG for the modern movement and I’d be years late to the party without his dedication.
i'm pretty confident taht the day Gary stops being vegan would be the day hell freezes over.... 😅
@@animalsarebeautifulpeople3094 him and Ed lol
Is Gray the Cosmicskeptic guy?
This distinction between ethical veganism and healthy veganism is unfortunate. The two concepts are mutually supportive and both are necessary to thrive as a vegan.
This doesn't make much sense. How can someone as educated as him have difficulty eating a proper vegan diet? It's not hard. You just got to want to.
saying something does not mean that human can match with behavior and healthy food choices. However, he did start.
"This doesn't make much sense" It's make sense:
"Not eating animal products?? But, But.. Muh.. pleasure. Pleasure is on top for me"
Wana bet that cosmic sceptic will start being religious/spiritual when he get old and fear of death will get more prevalent?
I assume since he's not good at cooking, he'll be eating his fish and eggs raw?
As someone who jumped down into a youtube vegan community rabbit hole two days ago and stumbled upon this video, I have to say that this is the worst possible introduction to veganism I have seen yet. I am fully in support of the messages of veganism but the sheer entitlement and holier-than-thou attitude I see here is repelling. Y’all need to reevaluate what is actually going to save animal lives - shaming people for not being 100% vegan, or perhaps encouraging people to simply incorporate it into the lives as much as they possibly can? I wonder which one it is… I can’t believe its still so hard for us to understand that forcing extremes on individuals is just gonna drive them away from the overall message. I’m gonna try to have a more cruelty-free diet but I’m not letting this lunacy bully me into thinking I’m some sort of devil because I’m not an infallible, morally perfect individual. Veganism is cool, but the vegan community? Not so much. At least not the vegan community I’ve come across here..
I feel like Alex simply didn't want to be vegan anymore, then formulated a slew of excuses after quitting hoping one of them would stick. Why couldn't he just be honest?
3:29 This joke is completely in bad taste.
To say he stop being vegan for bad/poor reasons is like saying "Works for me, so it should work for you; and if it doesn't, it's not because your body is different but because you're [xyz bad reasons]."
Way to show a good face of veganism huh.
right at the end you said 'cosmic skeptic started eating less healthy foods', lol, seafood isn't unhealthy in the proper amounts.
He said he doesn't. Ok and relies on pre-packages foods. Prepackaged animal products aren't any more nutritious than vegan ones. And like many here have said. Beans + rice+ greens takes minimal preparation and is pretty nutritious.
I think food dissatisfaction along with inconvenience is the main reason. I like eating meat and animal products which is why my vegan attempts always fail. And its easier to get protein from eggs and chicken when your training.
I think a varied amount of time(3-6months perhaps) depending on the individual at the start of eating exclusively plant based is indeed a hurdle like any change, but ultimately eating can become just as enjoyable, if not more so having a variety of 80,000 plants to try out.
You understand that meat eaters also can eat all the plants they like don't you? There is obviously much less variety in a plant based diet and it gets old fast.
@@cyberfunk3793 You eat a tiny variety of dead animals and think that our diet is the one lacking in variety. I'm beginning to think you don't understand anything about plant-based diets or what veganism is, and are just trolling. That couldn't be, could it? LOL.
@@cyberfunk3793 Non vegans do not eat anywhere near the amount of foods a vegan does. They have a very limited diet where caloric intake is filled by eating rotting bodies and the things that fall out of them. Saying ''it gets old fast'' is quite odd rhetoric. If you eat the same animal foods everyday does that not ''get old'' too or is it some sort of time paradox or something?
@@80slimshadys Most rubbish argument I heard in a very long time. Meat eaters obviously have much more options than vegans and therefore can have a much more diverse diet if they wish and obviously are not eating the same foods everyday or do you eat beans and rice as your only meal?
@@tamcon72 How do you know what I eat? I just ate beef, grains, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, garlic, pickels, sesame and pumpkin seeds, avokado, apple and soy lecithin for breakfast. Sounds to you like I was eating a tiny variety of animals? There isn't anything to understand about plant based diets: you only eat plants, while I can add things like fish, beef, chicken and eggs.
I think we should normalize the idea that people fall off the wagon on their road to veganism and encourage them to try again. We know that it takes around 6 attempts for smokers to quit smoking, but even so more than three out of five adults who have ever smoked cigarettes have quit. It's a similar struggle with those who give up alcohol. These are hard habits to break and although some of us will quit more easily than others, a lot of people will have to try more than once. We shouldn't treat it as a failure but as a temporary setback, and hopefully they'll find the resolve to try again.
Who cares if some guy goes no Vegan, as long as I am vegan I'm ok
Then you’re not vegan.
We need as many people as we can to go vegan. That is not an OK outlook
I think part of the issue when it comes to those who come to and quit ethical veganism from the intellectual/philosophical side, such as Alex, is that they skip/ignore/neglect to develop the more emotional/empathetic side. It's the difference between sitting down for dinner and making the choice not to eat animal suffering (because you intellectually acknowledge that suffering is bad and unecessary) and it never being an option to begin with, in the same way I don't choose not to murder people as it's never an available option. If you don't develop the kind of aversion to the very thought of consuming animal products, if the smell of cooking flesh does not trigger some degree of disgust, then it is going to be very easy to backslide.
I'd still really like to know more about his situation. The more we know the better we can help steer him in the right direction. He's not the kind of guy to dismiss a solid argument. I'd bet he will return eventually, he just needs some time to learn and readjust. People have to be allowed to fail and when they get back up we've gotta be there to support them. I'm not going to stop watching the occasional vid of his just because of this, I was watching him before he went vegan, the fact that he started talking about veganism was just a cherry on top. But if he starts making arguments against it (which I doubt) then I'll stop.
As someone with a couple chronic health issues one of which entails a Low FODMAP diet (VERY restrictive) the argument/excuse that most irritates me these days is the "It's too hard" bs. Like fr don't you DARE complain. If I can do it (and still enjoy yummy food) you can too. People need to learn how to forking cook.
Yes, ultimately people follow their emotions. So if the strongest feeling he has is that he's too lazy to eat vegan than that will win over the thought that people shouldn't eat animals.
Veganism seems like a cult sometimes. Let everyone do what they enjoy without judging. I was vegan for 3 years and stopped but I’m thinking about going back to it
If only you waited a week! I am disappointed but I am still sympathetic with his situation. I won't think of him as an ex-vegan, but as a vegan going through some health and mental health problems. No one is perfect and even less so when they are depressed and/or anxious.
Real question, did Alex actually say on the post that he is no longer vegan? I’m just struck by his using the “practicable” language and I wondered if he’s trying to say that it’s not possible to be healthy on all plants, so it’s still in line with vegan ethics to eat a minimal amount of animal products because it’s “necessary.”
My thoughts too. It becomes really difficult to say whether something can be not practicable suddenly when he managed to do so for the last three years.
You almost gave me a heart attack when you said "Gary Yourofsky is no longer vegan" 😹
Me tooooo😂
Wait....so he still is?
Because - I almost fell out of my chair.
So Gary still is vegan, right?
@@adorable3817 Mic only used Gary as an example as to what it must've felt like for people to learn the person who influenced them to go vegan is no longer vegan themselves. But in the very next sentence Mic said he's pretty sure Gary is still vegan 😸 but yeah for a split second I was also shocked to my core haha 🙀
@@adorable3817 so this was effectively one of Mic’s little jokes? I do hope so.
There is no diet without suffering to animals. With the logic of reducing harm as much as possible, the most ethical diet would be hunted deer, elk, bison, etc! I'm not trying to be dense here at all, but by pure logic, that would be absolutely factual. You'd only be harming 1-2 beings a year vs hundreds that are harmed when farming vegetables. I was vegan for 2 years and was almost hospitalized. I even started a vegan health food prep service with a full commercial kitchen and hired an entire vegan staff. I was all about it, but couldn't turn a blind eye to my health any longer once I couldn't formulate full sentences anymore. It was like I had a stroke.
I have no problem with people who go vegan, but to push vegan ethics as if it's the "best way" is just factually incorrect. And yes, since then I have gone hunting myself so I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Please share your thoughts on this and present facts on how 1-2 animals hunted vs hundreds of beings dying from harvesting vegetables is less ethical.
You made my heart sink for a second with the Gary yourofskey example but then realized lol
Hi Mike! Dr. Klaper posted a video on 9 March 2023 that his DHA levels were dropping each year since 2020, and that he is now starting to take DHA supplements again. I learn so much from your channel. Thanks!
He's come out with a video now pals and explained he's had severe IBS where it's hard to just get enough calories per day, and it's been bad to the extent that he's not eating anything. Think we should cut him some slack. I understand the anger and frustration around this but hating on people is not helping the vegan movement - we've got to approach these issues with understanding and compassion. 💚
I like that you held off on making a video 'cause you wanted to see his more indepth response as opposed to everyone else jumping on with livestreams about a community tab post.
I'll never understand how someone who claimed to be an ethical vegan, can suddenly turn on the animals. I can understand plant-based eaters going back but how do you go back when you clearly know what happens to animals in the meat and dairy industries. I still think that that Makayla Peterson had something to do with this change. He got awfully quiet after he interviewed her, and he was really soft on her during that interview. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out that he's dating her.
If we are unsure of our choices we can be easily influenced by others and go back
to our familiar addictions. The adamant omnivores/carnivores really believe what they say and do, to the detriment of the animals they eat. Do you know that carnivore humans consume about 2-4 pounds of flesh every day! yikes.
Because Alex is a clown that wants to stay relevant. Jokes on him, ex vegans are so 2018
She’s married
A video elaborating the post has now been posted on his channel 🙂
I would love to see him debate with Earthling Ed.
I don’t know who this dude is, but I was diagnosed with cancer last year and I was able to maintain a so call difficult vegan diet. I get blood work a lot lately and everything seems to be good. I do believe eating plantbased kept my cancer small, early, non aggressive and very treatable (I don’t have proof of this though). Why did I get this sht!? Who tf knows, we were all shocked. Probably environmental related. After my surgery and results, they say I am cancer free.
The dietitian that I saw (you get to see one when you are diagnosed) just wanted me to eat more plant protein, but otherwise she said my diet was healthy. She mentioned how she gets patients who eat a lot of fast food and all sorts of junk foods and are in rough condition. Here I was with my so called difficult vegan diet (been v for 10 yrs and I think it only gets easier) Choices!
Check out dr. Peter Rogers, he has a number of excellent nutrition videos also including cancer treatments and pathology, definitely worth a watch.
What I really think what hurts the vegan movement is the whole "it is so easy anyone can do it," nonsense. You need a good foundational understanding of nutrition in the first place in order to make it sustainable. Another big thing is the amount of misinformation that is spread in and out of vegan communities. Game changers was a disaster that only made vegans look disingenuous by promoting athletes that were not even fully vegan. All that being said I agree that one of the biggest reasons people stop is because they are not meeting their daily calorie needs.
Hard to see how one "struggles" staying on a healthy diet. Then again, he is also struggling to make any sense with his arguments. I sense a theme here.
What do you mean? He’s like the smartest guy there is
Most vegans eat bivalves. Do you?
Eating healthy is a struggle for everyone.
Bro he's in England. He has easy access to tons of great vegan Chinese, Indian, Thai, and tons of other cuisines.
He has enough money for a nutritionist.
This is about wanting a steak. Just eat the damn steak and keep on being decent, Cosmic.
Mic could you make some content about meal prepping and meal planning for a week and these types of things? I am in school for nutrition and have been able to get a cronometer daily eating that covers 100% at least of all vitamins and minerals, omega 3s, and amino acids. This is all for under $17 a day using a Brooke Goldner green smoothie, a lentil pasta meal, and a beans and rice dish. This uses no oil, or added sugar. Maybe a little salt to taste, but sodium was actually a value that I have under 100% when not factoring in added salt. Keep up the good content. If you would ever like to chat please let me know!
Wow, 17$ a day is a lot at least from my perspective over here in the EU. I spend like 70€/$ every two weeks, and I eat all my meals at home.
@May Hu wow that is really low cost to spend so little. This meal plan of mine is about $450 a month which here is I think low compared to what people spend. I also can not think of any way to lower the daily cost and still hit every nutrition target. I also am trying to eat around 3,000 calories and get about 120+ g of protein a day to try to add muscle.
The founding vegans got it right, they focused on the ethics but for practical reasons ate a healthy diet and knew that had to be part of the plan to make veganism sustainable.
Very true.
Well, I see people come and go but honestly, I don't want to ever eat meat or any other product that comes from an animal again. Even if there are mishaps along the way,I'm more than happy to try and fix it than to just give up being vegetarian/vegan. I do it because I believe in it,because if I'm being honest,humans are beyond salvation at this point lmao
AGREED, me after multiple vegan years.
When I first became vegan I struggled for sweets ,cause the market was scarce back then of sweets ... but now the market is so fludded with sweets that became more careful in my sweet in take
I think he fell for social reasons.
Apathy and laziness. Pretty simple. Not complicated. I for one, don't care about it since I didn't turn vegan because of a person with a fancy accent.
no longer PLANTBASED he is a wellfarist never was vegan
I truly don't understand those vegans who wear their junk food habits as a batch of honor because they are "vegan for the animals". Dr John McDougall has something to say about this: "The most important animal in your life should be you."
With apologies to Ryan and Angie, it has never been easier to be a Happy Healthy Vegan!
I also don't think individual habits can change anything, and as we know meat consumption is on the rise despite so many vegans and vegan options appearing. I'm still vegan though, but simply because I feel really bad contributing to animal suffering.
It can change quite literally everything for hundreds of individual animals every single year. So keep going knowing you are making a difference.
Thank you for this.
When I went vegan it became somewhat of a burden to do it healthfully. I still do but to a lesser degree because I didn't want to highlight veganism as a diet or a way to be healthy.
That said, why does veganism need to bear the burden of needing to be healthy? Being healthy is still a choice, but once you go vegan not being healthy is no longer a "choice". I'm tired of showing studies and facts and stats to people who don't care if their non-vegan diet is healthy but would wag their finger at me for suddenly wanting to eat exclusively plants and make it tastes just as good as non-vegan food.
If someone stops being vegan, I would respect their decision if they were just honest and say it was too hard for them or caved into cravings whatever.
But they come with a smorgasbord of excuses.
I'm glad he came to his senses and realized veganism is dumb
We'll just have to wait and see what his video says, probably gonna not be an actual health condition, but who knows. He not only stopped being vegan due to "health problems" but then unfortunately backed up on the philosophy behind it. I wonder if that conveniently came from him not being vegan anymore.
Another awesome video Mic and it's sad that all those ex plant based dietiers haven't considered the ethical reasons to avoid animal expoiltion products.
@vegansoldier5155 I disagree that he did consider the ethical reasons for being vegan because if he had Alex would still be vegan. But in the end it is right to choose what his lifestyle is even though others will disagree with his decision.
@@davidthescottishvegan They already did consider the ethical reasons, but those don’t matter when your body is starving and suffering.
I think most people fail to eat enough when they swap to veganism. Please use cronometer just a few times so you can understand what you should be eating and the amount. It will make the transition easier, faster, and more likely to stick. If you truly are a vegan, and do it for the animals... put some effort in. It's not hard. You're soft.
"I care more about animals than myself, so I don't care about my health at all" -veganism in a nutshell
The divisiveness in this channel and many of its followers (judging by the comments) is outstanding. Not only is this guy minimizing the ethical stance on being against factory farming and the exploitation of millions of animals, but he's also stating that if he's not 100% in with every vegan "correct belief" then he's a failure and basically worthless.
It's sad how echo-chambery this is, instead of trying to have a healthy discussion to advance veganism, he engages in hate, ridicule, and dismissal of his individual circumstances.
I too am a veganism advocate without being able to be 100% vegan myself, due to both biological factors and the work-life balance that I as a mexican have (worst country in the OCDE).
A systemic problem cannot be dealt with an individual solution. It's not enough to just go vegan and hope the rest will do and somehow the big capitalists who control the world will understand the horrors of their craft.
Anyways, I hope you'll at least watch cosmic's response and engage in a healthy debate with yourself.
Mic you look really healthy, like there is a glow coming from your skin
Really? I was actually thinking the opposite in that being so pale looks rather unhealthy.
@@d-ceasedvegans Fucking hell. That is a fucking terrible thing to bring up. Stop trying to weaponise his baby's death against him just to support your anti-vegan tirade.
@@BlakeMadsen the UV radiation of the sun actually damages your skin cells, so being tanned is not healthy. As long as he takes vit D supplements, its fine
@@starfox300 Actually (qnd I highly encourage you to pull up the research on Pubmed) they found that despite higher occurrences of skin cancer, people who spend time out in the sun have magnitudes higher self-reported life satisfaction and a greatly reduced all cause mortality rate.
Sun exposure is crucial for setting a baseline circadian rhythm and offers far more benefits than just vit. D.
@@BlakeMadsen you are right but you can still get benefits and vitamin d when you put sunscreen on your face
7yrs vegan have no problems at all eating vegan and working out daily
I personally think that Long Covid has been claiming a lot of vegans and causing them to leave the diet. I was feeling really bad last summer and thought it might be diet related but then came to the realization that it had been Covid.
Interesting point. The irony is that the kind of healthy gut biome you get from plant based supercharges your immunity through short chain fatty acids.
Many humans, including vegans, are deficient in Zinc and D3. They both boost the immune system but if not there invite covid in. Also, magnesium and Zinc are depleted by stress, we need much more of them.
Actually apparently vegans do the best when they get COVID in the first place. I'm sure MIc the vegan made a video about this.
If vegans do whole-foods balanced and have a vitamin D serum level of at least 50ng/ml (many are in the dark on this because of lobbyism / vit d-bashing) and enough zinc, get enough exercise and aren't chronically stressed, then there should be no major issues with covid. The Zoe study also showed major advantage of plant-based nutrition over the other forms. Also, vaccine damage is a thing for 1 in 800.
I also am extraordinary salty about this one. I know his content, have never been subscribed because I don't see any use in content from the rationality bubble (...Lots of 'philosph' people there) when said content is often not actually rational. Some of those being in this bubble, Alex too, are a little over confident...but since they are somewhat eloquent, people tend to Not notice....the fallacies and biases.
This is indeed a sad story, the more people in this bubble are vegan (Like genetically modified and tara mooknee still are for example), the more of those many people interested in their general type of content will think through the topic of veganism. One opportunity gone.
😂 I’m laughing so hard. That AI is on fire, love it.
My family went plant based for our health. Had high cholesterol and pre diabetes, watch Dr Mcdougall and Dr Klaper ect
We don’t eat much vegan junk but we have slipped down that path from time to time. I’m the cook for my husband, kids and I. It is a lot of work cooking everything from scratch. I always think how easy it is for the single people lol make a batch of something and have leftovers all week. I have to cook everyday, but we chose this for our health and will continue. I’ve always loved animals and didn’t eat much meat anyways, but I think the health reasons of staying away from eggs and the plastic in fish keeps me on the right path. But yes it can be hard, a lot of cooking and dishes lol
My daughter is 6 and has been plant based her whole life. She’s perfectly healthy. Both my kids bloodwork always comes back great!
Or be like me and go raw plant based …. No cooking, super easy! Or at least high raw so very little cooking 👍🏽😊
It's actually not very motivating if you only cook for yourself & eating the same meal every day is also not very fun. I think when you cook for others, too, it's just important that you get some help with for example the dishes.
I don't know if this could help you, but I do a lot of batch cooking too, and buying a rather inexpensive veggie chopper has helped loads. I can now chop my veggies in a very short time, it previously took ages.
@@mayhu3282 Thank you so much for replying! That is a good tip, I’ll go look on Amazon right now. Anything to make cooking easier, I’ll try!