A Rockstar dev comment on the bigfoot myth, his response was something like " No, there's nothing like a bigfoot in the game, although there is something in the woods"
Actually no you are wrong. I remember getting the game on release and seeing the hoax codes in magazines. electronics.howstuffworks.com/tech-myths/5-myths-about-video-games2.htm It may well have also transferred over to Tomb Raider 2 but it originated from the first game
Linking a website that's wrong doesn't prove that you're right. It was a Tomb Raider 2 myth that started it since people used the explosion code as the cheat to troll their friends.
If there's one thing I miss from modern video games it would be this. Myths, urban legends and hoaxes were the high-octane fuel of the fandoms back in the day. Secret characters, hidden endings and more "nudity" code hoaxes than you shake a stick at. It made the whole world of video games feel so vast and mysterious even in the days when games were less than a megabyte in size. With the endless march of technology came a greater public understanding and usage of it to the point where any game was hacked to bits and all it's insides are laid out in clean rows and columns the moment it's released. What used to take years to discover is found in days, if not hours with no room or let being given for the existence of myths. It's overall bred a much more cynical and dreary era in gaming when most of the wonder and mystique has now been removed from it.
I knew a guy who hated Silent Hill. He loved the first game but he loathed the second and his reason? Because he discovered a dog ran the whole thing. He called it the worst twist ending he had ever seen. He literally found the secret ending completely by accident and believed it to be the only ending to the game. I couldn't tell if he was more relieved or more angry when I had to explain it to him...
My brother's best friend had a cousin in high school who knew a guy that saw his step-brother find Bigfoot in GTA: San Andreas. Sure he was blind in one eye, and his other eye was infected that day from picking at it, and he was tired, and he'd been swimming in a pool with too much chlorine, and that was the hour his glasses were at Lenscrafters but he seen that Bigfoot!
Cow level in Diablo. Some crazy instructions for that. Click on the cow in town, I don't remember how many times, but a lot, and others that I can't remember. In it's time it was bigish. So much so that Diablo 2 had one.
I can't believe they forgot about the most notorious urban legend of all, the infamous Sheng Long in Street Fighter 2 which turned out to be a hoax made up by Electronic Gaming Monthly.
Weskers desk was a good one. So was the EGM april fools that showed a supposed Playable Akuma in RE2 if you beat the game a full 7 times( as in, Leon A, Claire B) and then on the 7th time, on the final playthrough, instead of entering guest on the computer in the Umbrella lab, you'd unlock Akuma on your following playthrough. I wasted a whole summer chasing that dragon...
Hail Tekken.. Am I only gamer who heard that In tekken 3, if you pull out Paul's right punch 25 continuous flawless times, then Paul would take off his belt and beat the opponent till death.
The completely nonsensical myths for Mortal Kombat that made you do the most ridiculous shit to unlock secret characters or hidden fatalities. The best part was that I swear every few days, there was a new unlock method and a new character. My favorite was the secret "Sub Zero's Dad" that spread around my school.
Another GTA: SA myth is the ghost car, which is actually just a car that spawns on a steep hill. It was linked to the Big Foot myth too: rumors were that, in order to find Big Foot, you had to find the ghost Glendale first.
When fighting Reptile in Mortal Kombat... I grew up on this game, and fought him hundreds of time. You are the first and only person I've ever heard mention that you can only do it when the silhouettes cross the moon. Double Flawless and a finisher that doesn't use the Start button (Sega version) worked 100% of the time for me.
Slenderman originated from Creepypasta yes but the site is far beyond just Slenderman. There are a great collection of short horror stories on there as well as some shitty ones, but hey that"s the same with 4chan, reddit, etc. you would be surprised how many good stories reside on Creepypasta
Fun fact: There is some truth to the Lavender Town Syndrome. An early pokemon product really did send a bunch of Japanese kids to the hospital. However, it wasn't the Lavender Town theme, it was the pokemon anime. In 1997 , there was an episode of the Pokemon anime entirely about Porygon (titled "Dennō Senshi Porygon"). Since Porygon is suppose to be a pokemon from a computer, they had the story set inside THE INTERNET. Unfortunately, the animators decided that THE INTERNET was made up of almost nothing but flashing strobe effects. These massive amounts of quickly flashing lights caused epileptic seizures, which sent many Japanese kids to the hospital. The episode was never broadcasted again and never received an English dub.
#5 - Chris Houlian Room, for those that want some more details on the glitch: The room seems to be a default error room, if the X/Y coordinates mess up going down a hole. Therefore, you get it when going the wrong way down a hole. The most common 'solution' for getting into the room was dashing from the Sanctuary to the hole into the castle at the start of the game (supposedly under 14-20 seconds). The important part of the glitch is that dashing moves Link 3 frames of animation, and the screen scroll going downwards has _two_ frames of animation's worth of overlap/tolerance. ie; dashing downwards on that path had basically a 1 in 3 chance of putting an error into your x/y coordinates. Then by going down the hole, you're basically falling out of world. So, the error macro (fyi, the origin of _Ermac's_ rumor in MK1, then later becoming canon) dumps you into Chris Houlain's room.
God, I saw Reptile being played on a MK Arcade Machine once, I thought he was just them trying to reuse the model to milk it but I never knew it was a secret character.
Fran Espejo aahhhh that's where big foot was. I was like "no dammit I've seen the big foot" now I remember where it was lol. Maybe we'll get another actually HIDDEN one in RD2
So tired me is basically going who knows what on this and thinking that what if Bigfoot in red dead redemption represents the want to know if bigfoot is in san andreas and killing bigfoot represents telling the public that the creature isn't in the game (which is asked of them) and leaving it represents letting the public go without that knowledge. I need sleep.
In No Mercy there was a rumor that winning the wwf championship twice without losing once in the campaign would unlock Andre the Giant. The crazy bit is that it is true. I remember how happy I was when I finally did it.
You could actually climb the sides of the bridge at the start of the Scarab Gun level too hijack a Banshee midair. Carry it all the way thru, just damage the Banshee yourself later, helps a lot on Legendary.
My favorite is getting the ray gun on the mission Little Resistance in COD World at War. It was so cool blasting through everyone with that gun and destroying tanks in 2 shots.
There was a big one in 2001 everyone was talking about it wherr i lived. with final fantasy x with proof of it working. And that was play the whole game and get EVERYTHING miss out nothing make sure everything is done and all bosses and monsters were defeated and don't get a game over even once. Which when finishing off the game clocking up over 200 hours you can replay the game as Seymour. I did all of the above to find out all he had done was buy a cheats disk that unlocked him
My "favorite" rumor was actually another one from Link to the Past. The legend went there was a 5th level "Diamond Sword" in LttP to get it one had to proceed through the game picking up the Level 2 Master sword and then NOT upgrade to the Bronze sword near the 3rd dungeon in the dark world. If you managed to go through most of the game and placed the Level 2 Master Sword into the Great Fairy's Well, instead of getting the level 4 Golden Sword, you'd get a level 5 Diamond sword instead. Quite a challenge for the kid like me, but I did it, and I got jack Squat.
I had GoldenEye for the N64 and I remember there was a cheat which allowed you to get those other Bonds using the yellow arrow keys and a Game Genie. It was one of those things which sounded like a playground lie but completely surprised everyone who actually tried it. It only changed the picture on the folder though, not the actual model in the game.
In my school, the biggest myth was from SMB2 on the NES. We had kids swearing that if you hit the up button fast enough you could go back inside the door you fall from at the very beginning of the game. Of course we all tried and tried and of course several kids lied and said they did it haha.
I remember spending way too many hours trying to unlock Nightterror in Soul Calibur 3. There were so many different rumors how to unlock him. I even completed Chronicles of the Sword three times in a row and got nothing out of it (except the fun of doing so, I guess).
You missed the "Nudality Finisher" on Mortal Kombat 2 lol. That legend went around EVERYWHERE! People swore on their life they had witnessed some friend or another actually do it.
So many final fantasy rumors. I remember spending fucking hours trying to get a playable Zack in my party using the infinite battles that happen in the tunnel when you run south 5 screens after jumping off the train in disc one in midgar, having 100 potions/phoenix downs, doing 510 battles and a load of other stuff (Apparently the guy who had Mako poisoning in the slums is Zack) back then with no internet properly, was so convincing to 11 year old me. =P ... Although I did manage to have a stable Sephiroth in my party which was fun! xD
You should have included how in Pokemon games if you mash the A and B buttons while catching a Pokemon it's increases the chance it won't escape the ball.
I primarily missed Luigi from _Super Mario 64_ (I remember trying to get a specific combination of Stars and then Z-stomping the crate on the boat in "Jolly Rogers' Bay" 64 times because some "guide" Online said that would work) and, of course, reviving Aerith from _Final Fantasy VII_ (and I guess Lee (?) from FFVI according to the comment section).
the bikini girl on the thumbnail made me think of one of the biggest urban legends of the xbox/ps2 era. it was so famous, there were even instructions in a gaming magazine on how to pull it off, though i forget which magazine (possibly EGM). which was the DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball topless, or nude mode for the original xbox. the instructions as i read in the magazine were something along the lines of skipping through the game, don't even play any matches, and just go through the game's events mashing the start button from beginning to end. when the game reloads, the girls would be topless. though i heard there were a number of ways to unlock this mode from word of mouth, i just don't remember them all
there was a rumor when I was a kid that in Goldeneye N64, a certain button combination in multiplayer could make you roll on the ground like the computer enemies do.
I remember actually getting a Mew in my copy of Pokémon Red. You do a series of specific steps after you beat the 2nd gem leader that will end with a wild lv.5 Mew appearing that you can catch I thought everyone knew about that. Well at least know about that now, I can't say for back then
Bigfoot was put into the Undead DLC for Red Dead Redemption as a response to the San Andreas rumor. Even the achievement/trophy for doing the Bigfoot mission is a reference, as the DLC came out 6 years after San Andreas.
Luigi in Super Mario 64 was a popular rumor. Also my classmate said he had obtained a mod that had all the soul calibur 2 guest characters on the same console.
Two I remember, both from Final Fantasy VII... one true, one not.. 1. In Final Fantasy VII it's possible to resurrect Aerith. For years and years this was seen as possible, but in fact was not without hacking. The reason for the rumor was because some of the early promotional shots were made with Aerith in later parts of the game to avoid the spoiler that she would die. But the actual game, no there was no way to bring her back story wise, only as a hack. FALSE. 2. There was also the harder than the final boss Weapon bosses, one of which was Emerald Weapon, which you must fight underwater. You had 30:00 to defeat him or else you die, since you 'drown'. However, there was rumors of a secret "underwater materia' that would remove the timer. The official strategy guides never mentioned it, none of the unofficial ones did either. The closest one came to telling you about it was giving you half the steps, but then deeming it 'worthless' beyond that. What you had to do was to go to the area where there was a rare spawn of a ghost pirate ship, then steal from it and the theft (which did like 10 damage or something small like that) has to be the killing blow. If done right, the ghost ship will drop a unique item that seemingly has no use. However, if you take it to the guy in the first city that gives you all of the "master' materia, you will be able to turn the item in and be rewarded with the underwater materia, which when equipped, removes the timer on Emerald Weapon. TRUE. :)
I can't believe that the notorious World of Warcraft (AND Diablo) "Cow level" isn't here haha. I remember back in the day millions of players were obsessed with finding it. It was presumably a Wow location that is well....uhm...cow related. Yes. A map full of cows, the BEST gear to be found in game and cow power and cow stuff. There were so many theories about it going on that even the game developers felt the need to introduce a bunch of easter eggs related to that, just to tease fans. Sadly, it was never confirmed real.
This was around my high school days of late 90s. Mortal Kombat 3 came out in the arcades and rumors of secret characters you have to fight in the game. One of them was OJ Simpson knock off character that will obliterate you in 3-4 hits with a body gutting knifing finisher saying the words "I didn't do it."
Totally should've mentioned the ghosttown of Tumbleweed in Red Dead Redemption. A dog you can never find but if you follow it's barking it leads you to the graveyard and occasional voices of NPCs that aren't there. Plus some in game newspaper clipping of local interviewed crazy people saying the ghost town is haunted.
resurrecting Aeris in Final Fantasy VII, collecting the Triforce in Ocarina of Time, herobrine in minecraft, Arcade cabinet Polybius was a government test, alien abortion in earthbound, or the craziest one of all the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge.
The haunted Majora's Mask cartridge wasn't even a rumor. It was some jerk off's creepypasta he wrote and pulled video from a modded version of the game. *lol* Then, predictably, thousands of idiots believed a story that they read on the internet that was posted on a website where fiction writers congregate about the ghost of a dead kid named Ben who drowned and was haunting his video game cartridge. For real, that'd be like having a dozen donuts at a cop convention disappear, and believing them when they told you that nobody there ate them.
Well, you can find Mew in Pokemon Red. I messed it up in the first playthrough but got it in Pokemon Blue. The clip shown is the truck myth where people believed that mew is near/under the truck near S. S. Anne. You can find mew by doing the Mew Glitch. There are a lot of videos of people doing it.
I remember finding the houlihan room in lttp back whrn it was a new game.. But no Internet to report it on back in those days.. So i just showed my brother.
Before I saw tons of videos about that myth I never heard of the legend that Mew might hide under the truck. The truck was known but no one had an idea or even cared what it was there for.
Thumbs up for The Fonz! Ayyyyy! Anyway, you missed the one about Aeris (you KNOW which one). No, you can't bring her back to life on the FOURTH disc! This was the first gaming myth that I remember hearing. I didn't hear the one about the other Bonds tho, that would've been cool! And yeah, Roger Moore was THE Bond, never did like Connery.
I actually found that room in a Link to the past fully randomly, and it was the only Zelda game I played. Never knew it had an urban legend behind it..... Thought it was just a bonus room....
I remember when I play Harvest Moon back to nature, my friend said you can move to the City if you play 3 years and succes your farm and its loooks like a myth
Yeah that's a myth, you just stay on the farm forever. If they did include a city map then that would be kinda cool, but essentially starting over on a new farm with new characters after the first time you do it can already be a bit of a chore....I'm glad there is no such thing.
there's one about spotting a werewolf in Red Dead Redemption. I don't remember quite how it goes, but you're supposed to spot him in the wooded area of the game in the northeastern map.
I heard many times as a kid that if you hit a jump at just the right time in SkiFree you could jump over the monster and survive. If you found the time to investigate this and reach a verdict I would be very interested.
Secret of Mana - the Ruby Tiara (or circlet, I am free translating here..) A piece of equipment mentioned in the official guide, which also happens to be in the code, but the developers either forgot to implement a path to it, or blocked it off without deleting the item.
No 17th secret Colossus from SotC? I was sure it would be in the top three. The devs never confirmed the rumors but the playerbase sought into the late 2012's until the main forum for that discussion and map exploration shut down. It was easily one of the longest lasting and intriguing rumors.
one of my favorite rumors was when Super Street FIghter II: The New Challengers came out in the arcades, i remember hearing someone say Cammy and Chun-Li are sisters, but they is obviously not.
There was this other rumour about 1st gen Pokemon that you can catch a Mew if you surf at the western boundary of Cinnabar Island. This was actually true because of a glitch regarding that specific spot, but it was removed in the Special Pikachu Edition aka Pokemon Yellow.
I was one of the 10 year olds who fell for the Mew truck lie. Looking back, the reason it seems so plausible is because the truck is a total anomaly. The sprite isn't used anywhere else in the game, and you won't even see the freaking thing if you don't somehow have surf at a point in the game when you AREN'T supposed to have it. The truck was begging to be made into a fake secret.
the mew glitch is actually possible it was shown live at AGDQ. it's possible by glitching the game and causing situations with the menus where you can alter the actual framework of the game as a result the truck can be pushed and a mew battle will start. However it has not been confirmed when this was found out nor created.
A Rockstar dev comment on the bigfoot myth, his response was something like " No, there's nothing like a bigfoot in the game, although there is something in the woods"
It is I, the frenchiest fry
it was a grain of salt
I think it's a bug, the cars spawn, but without a driver, so they just roll down cause of the elevation.
+Jesus Christ first time I heard God call something a cunt before
how many times have you heard god speak ya nutter? if the voices are telling you to kill people don't blame it on me again for fuck sake
Those AOL sounds are still haunting lol
seen a lot of ATM's in UK still using dialup was supriced/impressed everytime your ATM stars dialing >.
I live in England and have never once seen a dial up ATM
veale011 lol you hear them though
I also live in England and my local general store uses a dial up one. Slow as hell and charges nearly £2 to take my own money out! Bloody rip off!
It was always better hearing those than a busy signal.
Wah? No naked Lara Croft from the original game?
Shame on you...
I know. I tried that so much as a kid lol. Bullshit it is!!
No, because that myth started with Tomb Raider 2 not the first game.
Actually no you are wrong. I remember getting the game on release and seeing the hoax codes in magazines.
It may well have also transferred over to Tomb Raider 2 but it originated from the first game
Linking a website that's wrong doesn't prove that you're right. It was a Tomb Raider 2 myth that started it since people used the explosion code as the cheat to troll their friends.
The developers put the explosion code in as an easter egg to get back at the perverted players ;)
I remember the Super Smash Bros Melee myth of "Beating a certain number of enemies in Cruel Melee to unlock Sonic the Hedgehog"
If there's one thing I miss from modern video games it would be this.
Myths, urban legends and hoaxes were the high-octane fuel of the fandoms back in the day. Secret characters, hidden endings and more "nudity" code hoaxes than you shake a stick at. It made the whole world of video games feel so vast and mysterious even in the days when games were less than a megabyte in size.
With the endless march of technology came a greater public understanding and usage of it to the point where any game was hacked to bits and all it's insides are laid out in clean rows and columns the moment it's released. What used to take years to discover is found in days, if not hours with no room or let being given for the existence of myths. It's overall bred a much more cynical and dreary era in gaming when most of the wonder and mystique has now been removed from it.
I knew a guy who hated Silent Hill. He loved the first game but he loathed the second and his reason? Because he discovered a dog ran the whole thing. He called it the worst twist ending he had ever seen.
He literally found the secret ending completely by accident and believed it to be the only ending to the game. I couldn't tell if he was more relieved or more angry when I had to explain it to him...
My brother's best friend had a cousin in high school who knew a guy that saw his step-brother find Bigfoot in GTA: San Andreas.
Sure he was blind in one eye, and his other eye was infected that day from picking at it, and he was tired, and he'd been swimming in a pool with too much chlorine, and that was the hour his glasses were at Lenscrafters but he seen that Bigfoot!
Remember the "How to unlock Sonic and Tails in Melee"
13 year old me wanted to believe.
Cow level in Diablo. Some crazy instructions for that. Click on the cow in town, I don't remember how many times, but a lot, and others that I can't remember. In it's time it was bigish. So much so that Diablo 2 had one.
These kids were the *original* trolls.
Does anyone remember the Mortal Kombat myth where Sonya performs a Sexuallity? 😂. Also how could you leave out naked Lara Croft myth.
Only heard about that one later, but I think the unreleased Mortal Kombat clone Tattoo Assassins had a hand on creating this myth.
WickedlNl first one, never heard that. second one, oh yeah I remember that
classic lara croft myths, but that why the 34th rule of the internet exists xD
Never heard of that first myth
WickedlNl They featured the Lara Croft rumor in other videos.
I can't believe they forgot about the most notorious urban legend of all, the infamous Sheng Long in Street Fighter 2 which turned out to be a hoax made up by Electronic Gaming Monthly.
Harley Quinn its a mistranslation
EGM mocked up some screen shots of Sheng Long as part of an April Fool's joke in the 90s.
RocketeerRaccoon Jules did a video on that, with the myth directly displayed in the thumbnail.
awesome video, you deserve a good amount of subs man, keep up the good work
Weskers desk was a good one. So was the EGM april fools that showed a supposed Playable Akuma in RE2 if you beat the game a full 7 times( as in, Leon A, Claire B) and then on the 7th time, on the final playthrough, instead of entering guest on the computer in the Umbrella lab, you'd unlock Akuma on your following playthrough. I wasted a whole summer chasing that dragon...
wow, surprised that the Street Fighter 2 Shenlong rumor or the Mortal Kombat "Nude-ality" rumor did not make the list.
Was thinking the same but i'll thumb you up for stating it before myself.
Your going to thumb him just because he posted before you? Make sure to at least wipe your thumb off when you are done.
+Mark Mayo that was just gay
Yeah, Shenlong was super polular. God, I miss those days.
Sheng Long is just a bad translation.
I see Tekken. I LIKE.
fellow Tekken fans, i love you.
Hail Tekken..
Am I only gamer who heard that In tekken 3, if you pull out Paul's right punch 25 continuous flawless times, then Paul would take off his belt and beat the opponent till death.
I'm pretty sure the gun was true I do remember that someone did have a move to shoot but can't remember if it was Lei
The completely nonsensical myths for Mortal Kombat that made you do the most ridiculous shit to unlock secret characters or hidden fatalities.
The best part was that I swear every few days, there was a new unlock method and a new character.
My favorite was the secret "Sub Zero's Dad" that spread around my school.
Another GTA: SA myth is the ghost car, which is actually just a car that spawns on a steep hill. It was linked to the Big Foot myth too: rumors were that, in order to find Big Foot, you had to find the ghost Glendale first.
When fighting Reptile in Mortal Kombat... I grew up on this game, and fought him hundreds of time. You are the first and only person I've ever heard mention that you can only do it when the silhouettes cross the moon. Double Flawless and a finisher that doesn't use the Start button (Sega version) worked 100% of the time for me.
You should do a second list for creepy game legends/pastas with The Theater, Lavender Town Syndrome, Killswitch, and Polybius
what's a pastas?
Prince Aligorna
You mean that retarded website that those 2 girls to stab their class mates? There's no such thing as a pastas it's legends.
Slenderman originated from Creepypasta yes but the site is far beyond just Slenderman. There are a great collection of short horror stories on there as well as some shitty ones, but hey that"s the same with 4chan, reddit, etc. you would be surprised how many good stories reside on Creepypasta
Fun fact: There is some truth to the Lavender Town Syndrome. An early pokemon product really did send a bunch of Japanese kids to the hospital. However, it wasn't the Lavender Town theme, it was the pokemon anime.
In 1997 , there was an episode of the Pokemon anime entirely about Porygon (titled "Dennō Senshi Porygon"). Since Porygon is suppose to be a pokemon from a computer, they had the story set inside THE INTERNET. Unfortunately, the animators decided that THE INTERNET was made up of almost nothing but flashing strobe effects. These massive amounts of quickly flashing lights caused epileptic seizures, which sent many Japanese kids to the hospital.
The episode was never broadcasted again and never received an English dub.
Anyone remember the myth that you could bring aeris back to life in FF7?
#5 - Chris Houlian Room, for those that want some more details on the glitch:
The room seems to be a default error room, if the X/Y coordinates mess up going down a hole. Therefore, you get it when going the wrong way down a hole. The most common 'solution' for getting into the room was dashing from the Sanctuary to the hole into the castle at the start of the game (supposedly under 14-20 seconds). The important part of the glitch is that dashing moves Link 3 frames of animation, and the screen scroll going downwards has _two_ frames of animation's worth of overlap/tolerance. ie; dashing downwards on that path had basically a 1 in 3 chance of putting an error into your x/y coordinates. Then by going down the hole, you're basically falling out of world. So, the error macro (fyi, the origin of _Ermac's_ rumor in MK1, then later becoming canon) dumps you into Chris Houlain's room.
lmao best rendition of "if you're happy and you know it" I've ever heard. the stuff about Halo is a great addition to the song
Big one for my friends and I back in the day was if you could revive general Leo in FF6 (or FF3 in USA)
God, I saw Reptile being played on a MK Arcade Machine once, I thought he was just them trying to reuse the model to milk it but I never knew it was a secret character.
Wow. For a list of nothing but what we already knew about, you left out every Street Fighter 2 myth. I'm proud of you.
The MK1 Reptile trick. That takes me back.
However, the myth of the big foot in San Andreas lead to Rockstar including it in Red Dead Redemption, with that morally wrenching quest...
For record that was undead nightmare I think
it was lol
Fran Espejo aahhhh that's where big foot was. I was like "no dammit I've seen the big foot" now I remember where it was lol. Maybe we'll get another actually HIDDEN one in RD2
So tired me is basically going who knows what on this and thinking that what if Bigfoot in red dead redemption represents the want to know if bigfoot is in san andreas and killing bigfoot represents telling the public that the creature isn't in the game (which is asked of them) and leaving it represents letting the public go without that knowledge.
I need sleep.
The Golden Warthog from Halo 2. Was a myth, but so popular, they made an action figure of it.
I've always wondered. Just what the hell was that truck doing there anyways?
+Sklin mindblow 2: there's a truck, but has no purpose whatsoever and you can get mew in blue. (check out some of a glitch's video on Pokemon)
Red, Blue, and Yellow all use the same glitch to get Mew. (It's even still in the 3DS versions.)
i dont think its unusual for trucks to be parked near docks. you can always use trucks to load and unload ships (like S.S. Anne)
what the hall*
It's crazy how all these myths spread worldwide in a pre-Internet world. I remember all of these being talked about on my middle school playground.
This list was fun, more of this please!
Best Bond is Timothy Dalton. That's right, I said it. Come at me, bro.
I wouldnt say best but certainly underrated. Better than Roger Moore though
Daniel Craig idc what all you old heads think about it 🙃 lol
+David Glasco Brosnan then Craig for me
Apparently you've never seen George Lazenbys On Her Majesty's Secret Service. He only needed one film to perfect being Bond
This is the only true answer.
Surely number 1 was the myth that you could play as Luigi in Super Mario 64
In No Mercy there was a rumor that winning the wwf championship twice without losing once in the campaign would unlock Andre the Giant. The crazy bit is that it is true. I remember how happy I was when I finally did it.
You could actually climb the sides of the bridge at the start of the Scarab Gun level too hijack a Banshee midair. Carry it all the way thru, just damage the Banshee yourself later, helps a lot on Legendary.
My favorite is getting the ray gun on the mission Little Resistance in COD World at War. It was so cool blasting through everyone with that gun and destroying tanks in 2 shots.
There was a big one in 2001 everyone was talking about it wherr i lived. with final fantasy x with proof of it working. And that was play the whole game and get EVERYTHING miss out nothing make sure everything is done and all bosses and monsters were defeated and don't get a game over even once. Which when finishing off the game clocking up over 200 hours you can replay the game as Seymour. I did all of the above to find out all he had done was buy a cheats disk that unlocked him
My "favorite" rumor was actually another one from Link to the Past.
The legend went there was a 5th level "Diamond Sword" in LttP to get it one had to proceed through the game picking up the Level 2 Master sword and then NOT upgrade to the Bronze sword near the 3rd dungeon in the dark world. If you managed to go through most of the game and placed the Level 2 Master Sword into the Great Fairy's Well, instead of getting the level 4 Golden Sword, you'd get a level 5 Diamond sword instead.
Quite a challenge for the kid like me, but I did it, and I got jack Squat.
Kind of surprised naked Laura and Ermac were not here. Funny thing is Ermac was such a popular one they made him an actual character in a later game.
I genuinely shocked reviving Aeris wasn't on this
From the second I saw the title of the video, I hoped you include SA BigFoot.
You didn't disappoint me!
There was also a "flight simulator" on another version of Excel. I forgot the procedure by now, but I played it several times when I was younger.
Very cool intro sequence / logo intro to the clip.
I had GoldenEye for the N64 and I remember there was a cheat which allowed you to get those other Bonds using the yellow arrow keys and a Game Genie. It was one of those things which sounded like a playground lie but completely surprised everyone who actually tried it. It only changed the picture on the folder though, not the actual model in the game.
In my school, the biggest myth was from SMB2 on the NES. We had kids swearing that if you hit the up button fast enough you could go back inside the door you fall from at the very beginning of the game. Of course we all tried and tried and of course several kids lied and said they did it haha.
I remember spending way too many hours trying to unlock Nightterror in Soul Calibur 3. There were so many different rumors how to unlock him. I even completed Chronicles of the Sword three times in a row and got nothing out of it (except the fun of doing so, I guess).
I lost so much time back then in searching Bigfoot one in GTA SA!
That is a well deserved first place right there.
great video!
You missed the "Nudality Finisher" on Mortal Kombat 2 lol. That legend went around EVERYWHERE! People swore on their life they had witnessed some friend or another actually do it.
The mew truck was a picablue truck at my school. lol
Everyone knows that John Wick is the best James Bond.
Who else is on a Whatculture marathon?
This and watchmojo
You missed Resurrection of General Leo in Final Fantasy VI.
Or resurrection of Aeris/Aerith in FFVII.
Nice, totally forgot this one!! also Kefka as a playable character
So many final fantasy rumors. I remember spending fucking hours trying to get a playable Zack in my party using the infinite battles that happen in the tunnel when you run south 5 screens after jumping off the train in disc one in midgar, having 100 potions/phoenix downs, doing 510 battles and a load of other stuff (Apparently the guy who had Mako poisoning in the slums is Zack) back then with no internet properly, was so convincing to 11 year old me. =P
... Although I did manage to have a stable Sephiroth in my party which was fun! xD
you managed a sephiroth without using a GS?
memory cards? Try a shoddy looking notepad filled with level pass codes instead, before the days of "saving"... then tell me you been gaming a while.
Doom on PS1 had those!
You should have included how in Pokemon games if you mash the A and B buttons while catching a Pokemon it's increases the chance it won't escape the ball.
2:46 When British guys goes full American
Seeing lots of revive aeris, but surprised to not see revive general Leo on here :)
I primarily missed Luigi from _Super Mario 64_ (I remember trying to get a specific combination of Stars and then Z-stomping the crate on the boat in "Jolly Rogers' Bay" 64 times because some "guide" Online said that would work) and, of course, reviving Aerith from _Final Fantasy VII_ (and I guess Lee (?) from FFVI according to the comment section).
the bikini girl on the thumbnail made me think of one of the biggest urban legends of the xbox/ps2 era. it was so famous, there were even instructions in a gaming magazine on how to pull it off, though i forget which magazine (possibly EGM). which was the DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball topless, or nude mode for the original xbox. the instructions as i read in the magazine were something along the lines of skipping through the game, don't even play any matches, and just go through the game's events mashing the start button from beginning to end. when the game reloads, the girls would be topless. though i heard there were a number of ways to unlock this mode from word of mouth, i just don't remember them all
The secret ladder on kino der toten zombies was one that got me
there was a rumor when I was a kid that in Goldeneye N64, a certain button combination in multiplayer could make you roll on the ground like the computer enemies do.
I remember actually getting a Mew in my copy of Pokémon Red. You do a series of specific steps after you beat the 2nd gem leader that will end with a wild lv.5 Mew appearing that you can catch I thought everyone knew about that. Well at least know about that now, I can't say for back then
Bigfoot was put into the Undead DLC for Red Dead Redemption as a response to the San Andreas rumor. Even the achievement/trophy for doing the Bigfoot mission is a reference, as the DLC came out 6 years after San Andreas.
Luigi in Super Mario 64 was a popular rumor. Also my classmate said he had obtained a mod that had all the soul calibur 2 guest characters on the same console.
Two I remember, both from Final Fantasy VII... one true, one not..
1. In Final Fantasy VII it's possible to resurrect Aerith. For years and years this was seen as possible, but in fact was not without hacking. The reason for the rumor was because some of the early promotional shots were made with Aerith in later parts of the game to avoid the spoiler that she would die. But the actual game, no there was no way to bring her back story wise, only as a hack. FALSE.
2. There was also the harder than the final boss Weapon bosses, one of which was Emerald Weapon, which you must fight underwater. You had 30:00 to defeat him or else you die, since you 'drown'. However, there was rumors of a secret "underwater materia' that would remove the timer. The official strategy guides never mentioned it, none of the unofficial ones did either. The closest one came to telling you about it was giving you half the steps, but then deeming it 'worthless' beyond that. What you had to do was to go to the area where there was a rare spawn of a ghost pirate ship, then steal from it and the theft (which did like 10 damage or something small like that) has to be the killing blow. If done right, the ghost ship will drop a unique item that seemingly has no use. However, if you take it to the guy in the first city that gives you all of the "master' materia, you will be able to turn the item in and be rewarded with the underwater materia, which when equipped, removes the timer on Emerald Weapon. TRUE. :)
I can't believe that the notorious World of Warcraft (AND Diablo) "Cow level" isn't here haha. I remember back in the day millions of players were obsessed with finding it. It was presumably a Wow location that is well....uhm...cow related. Yes. A map full of cows, the BEST gear to be found in game and cow power and cow stuff. There were so many theories about it going on that even the game developers felt the need to introduce a bunch of easter eggs related to that, just to tease fans. Sadly, it was never confirmed real.
This was around my high school days of late 90s. Mortal Kombat 3 came out in the arcades and rumors of secret characters you have to fight in the game. One of them was OJ Simpson knock off character that will obliterate you in 3-4 hits with a body gutting knifing finisher saying the words "I didn't do it."
I love how Rockstar teases the Bigfoot thing in Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare & GTA V it funny to me
Totally should've mentioned the ghosttown of Tumbleweed in Red Dead Redemption. A dog you can never find but if you follow it's barking it leads you to the graveyard and occasional voices of NPCs that aren't there. Plus some in game newspaper clipping of local interviewed crazy people saying the ghost town is haunted.
resurrecting Aeris in Final Fantasy VII, collecting the Triforce in Ocarina of Time, herobrine in minecraft, Arcade cabinet Polybius was a government test, alien abortion in earthbound, or the craziest one of all the haunted Majora's Mask cartridge.
The haunted Majora's Mask cartridge wasn't even a rumor. It was some jerk off's creepypasta he wrote and pulled video from a modded version of the game. *lol* Then, predictably, thousands of idiots believed a story that they read on the internet that was posted on a website where fiction writers congregate about the ghost of a dead kid named Ben who drowned and was haunting his video game cartridge.
For real, that'd be like having a dozen donuts at a cop convention disappear, and believing them when they told you that nobody there ate them.
Fenrir The Unchained i know it was a myth it didn't have to be true just one of the most notorious.
Well, you can find Mew in Pokemon Red. I messed it up in the first playthrough but got it in Pokemon Blue. The clip shown is the truck myth where people believed that mew is near/under the truck near S. S. Anne. You can find mew by doing the Mew Glitch. There are a lot of videos of people doing it.
I remember finding the houlihan room in lttp back whrn it was a new game.. But no Internet to report it on back in those days.. So i just showed my brother.
Before I saw tons of videos about that myth I never heard of the legend that Mew might hide under the truck. The truck was known but no one had an idea or even cared what it was there for.
Thumbs up for The Fonz! Ayyyyy! Anyway, you missed the one about Aeris (you KNOW which one). No, you can't bring her back to life on the FOURTH disc! This was the first gaming myth that I remember hearing. I didn't hear the one about the other Bonds tho, that would've been cool! And yeah, Roger Moore was THE Bond, never did like Connery.
I actually found that room in a Link to the past fully randomly, and it was the only Zelda game I played. Never knew it had an urban legend behind it..... Thought it was just a bonus room....
I remember when I play Harvest Moon back to nature, my friend said you can move to the City if you play 3 years and succes your farm and its loooks like a myth
Yeah that's a myth, you just stay on the farm forever. If they did include a city map then that would be kinda cool, but essentially starting over on a new farm with new characters after the first time you do it can already be a bit of a chore....I'm glad there is no such thing.
Do more of this !
at the start I was like ''if hear anything about herobrine again I'll fucking close this shit''
there's one about spotting a werewolf in Red Dead Redemption. I don't remember quite how it goes, but you're supposed to spot him in the wooded area of the game in the northeastern map.
Awesome Video 👍
gta 4 the Rat man, i actually tried finding it in the subway
*Sounds Like Children Screaming, 100s Of Them... No 1000s Of Them.*
Loved this video too much :D
My brother and I used to spend hours trying to get the scarab gun. It was totally worth it in the end lol
I heard many times as a kid that if you hit a jump at just the right time in SkiFree you could jump over the monster and survive. If you found the time to investigate this and reach a verdict I would be very interested.
Secret of Mana - the Ruby Tiara (or circlet, I am free translating here..)
A piece of equipment mentioned in the official guide, which also happens to be in the code, but the developers either forgot to implement a path to it, or blocked it off without deleting the item.
In the end, Rockstar did make a joke about Big Foot in one of GTA V's missions so at least we got our laughs in for this urban legend.
though the mew truck was a myth, it's still possible to catch mew in red blue and yellow through glitches
That silent Hill ending had me dieing. XD
i want a ringtone for my cell that sounds like old school dial up loading. never forget the struggle.
No 17th secret Colossus from SotC? I was sure it would be in the top three. The devs never confirmed the rumors but the playerbase sought into the late 2012's until the main forum for that discussion and map exploration shut down. It was easily one of the longest lasting and intriguing rumors.
one of my favorite rumors was when Super Street FIghter II: The New Challengers came out in the arcades, i remember hearing someone say Cammy and Chun-Li are sisters, but they is obviously not.
No views 7 likes. Itanimulli confirmed
oh no not the Itanimulli. Those guys are way worse then the Illuminati.
not as bad as the loomynarty
on COD Black Ops 1, playing on nuketown, it was said that the mannequins came alive when you shoot or knife their heads off in under 1 minute.
There was this other rumour about 1st gen Pokemon that you can catch a Mew if you surf at the western boundary of Cinnabar Island.
This was actually true because of a glitch regarding that specific spot, but it was removed in the Special Pikachu Edition aka Pokemon Yellow.
I was one of the 10 year olds who fell for the Mew truck lie.
Looking back, the reason it seems so plausible is because the truck is a total anomaly. The sprite isn't used anywhere else in the game, and you won't even see the freaking thing if you don't somehow have surf at a point in the game when you AREN'T supposed to have it. The truck was begging to be made into a fake secret.
So is that why the 100% completion reward for GTAV is a Freaks and Strangers encounter with "Bigfoot?"
And Red dead redemption
he said SAN ANDREAS not GTA V. totally different games.
+Yesik Myname totally same areas.
Yesik Myname And totally the same franchise and development company
that doesn't mean they added him in San andreas.
the mew glitch is actually possible it was shown live at AGDQ. it's possible by glitching the game and causing situations with the menus where you can alter the actual framework of the game as a result the truck can be pushed and a mew battle will start. However it has not been confirmed when this was found out nor created.
I always loved these intros, the new one is good, but nothing will ever match up to this.