Really. Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. History can’t be changed, it can only be rewritten. I saw those exact cartoons as a kid and understood the stereotypes were just caricatures, and also that Popeye did not have hands that turned into jackhammers to punch Bluto. I did, however, agree to eat cooked spinach-but I never joined the Navy.😂
In certain contexts sure but maybe not on Saturday morning when kids are watching. I agree we should have them available as a way of understanding the past but not in all formats.
Here's a shot in the dark Rod Serling was a World War II Vet. The Popeye cannibal cartoon, Popeye A La Mode (1945), has the cannibal cook reading a book, "How to Serve Your Fellow Man." Serling, in the late 1950s, writes his famous Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man" about Alien cannibals. The episode plot is based on decoding an alien book entitled 'To Serve Man' Those cartoons were shown to the GIs. [EDIT] I found more. The short story "To Seve Man" was written by Damon Knight in Galaxy Science Fiction (November 1950) During the war years, he was an illustrator for Famous Fantastic Mysteries magazine. Me now thinks: He's the guy who first stole the book title from the cartoon.
For anyone who is looking for more stories out of Galaxy Science Fiction, check out the radio show "X minus 1" which you can probably find audios of on youtube, but also on various old time radio websites.
@@sashi138 Lisa Simpson was paranoid into thinking the Rigelians that had abducted them were feeding them copiously in order to fatten them up for THEIR dinner. Turns out they were simply the guests of Serak the Preparer's culinary talent, and when he heard of their suspicions, his feelings were grievously hurt.
@@PaulTheSkeptic True but did one ever think of the consequences of large multi generational families living in a one room hut like most of us did for most of our history? Privacy was not as big of a thing in the old days for non rich people.
I loved Popeye cartoons, since I was a kid of 5 back in the late 1970's. I have seen most of these cartoons mentioned and we did not take them as racist or demeaning. It is American film history and it should be shown as it was released or available on video to purchase. Big studios locking away animation history and losing it. It is sad to see this happening.
Same here. I grew up on Navy bases in the 7ps and we had AAFRTS, American Armed Forces Radio and Television Station. They played all these cartoons and I don't remember any being censored and none of them warped me or made me racist. I have worked as Journalist and Social Worker most of my adult life.
You should do a follow-up video regarding racist cartoons or propaganda in Japan and other countries that we were at war with during the same time period
I've never seen any as "colorful" as what Popeye or Warner Bros did. The ones I've seen are mostly boring, except for that one with the evil Mickey Mouse strafing islanders.
What is worse, stereotyping the Japanese as bucktooth and bespectacled or their treatment of POW’s especially Allied POWs? Let’s talk about the bataan death march and now let’s talk about us making fun of them in cartoons… the torture they inflicted on Allied troops in the POW camps were despicable. No amount of stereotypes and a Popeye cartoon can justify their animalistic behavior during the war.
@@jamieward1871 Yes, we could, and it's never been kept a secret or suppressed. However in comparison those people lived in 5 star hotels and were treated very well compared to what the Japanese and Germans did during WW2. Bear in mind that those people were interned also for their own safety as much as anything else. Try putting things a bit more in perspective.
I certainly understand why most of these cartoons are problematic, but I don't think the portrayals were completely offensive (except for the Japanese and German ones during the war, for which there was a good reason). I'm more a fan of Looney Tunes, and there are two Bugs Bunny shorts which have often been censored because they portray a black person and a native American as stupid rubes and depicted with stereotypes. Of course there is no problem with the hundred or so in which an overweight white man is portrayed as a rube with a speech impediment.
It's a mistake to ban such cartoons. They help show how perceptions have changed over the years. Those related to WW2 are particularly relevant in my opinion. It was after all unrestricted total war, which affected the public perception in an imaginable way for people nowadays. Hopefully we'll never have to live through that ever again.
Censorship is the tool of tyrants as witnessed by the last 4 years. We aren't children we're adults. I don't want or need anyone telling me what I can or can't watch or what to think. If you find something offensive turn it off. What you can't do is tell me what to do.
At 72 yo...I was brought up on Popeye, Little Rascals, Three Stooges, Betty Boop and others...all censored today. Bans, editing and censorship are never the answer. Folks are just too sensitive today and should view these production in a historical context.
these are light hearted cartoons and who cares ? you cant Judge Classic ART by the standards of some critics TODAY, you have to judge them for the time they were created or ALL ART of the past can be criticized for any reason, just LIGHTEN UP and enjoy!
White people say stuff like this all the time, and even then it was bad, and now its bad. YES, we can Judge the time and the people, our brains aren't different. It's like when white people say they want "GOOD WRITING! or "WELL WRITTEN" characters, but when it's white turned into caricatures, they get mad. When they get reminded of THEIR history and past, Y'all get mad. It's funny how White people never see anything wrong with past bigotry and racism and sexism, it's all "HARMLESS" fun. Lol.
I feel the actual problem was not in the presentation but moreso that there were too many prudes at the helm. I mean we're talking about being patriotic during a time they considered what was 'propaganda' at the time. I mean if you think about it, parody has been done time and again in cartoons. Popeye, Mighty Mouse, Tex Avery and even in Looney Tunes. They're doing what they're supposed to do which is make us laugh and cheer. It's no different than how in some anime, the US gets parodied and we don't bat an eye when that happens. It's like we're ashamed of having characters that are classically representing what our country's about and who we had to fight to get it to where it is today.
I personally don't think that Anyone has the right to tell me what is appropriate for me to watch...its my choice..and you're always welcome to not go to the theatre or change the channel..
I'm about to be 45 years old and I don't see it being that bad and I've seen much worst for sure. If people are uptight about those I feel sorry about other things.
Have you noticed young people taking offense to the things we enjoyed in the 80s and 90s? I have. I now empathize with my grandmother who was perplexed at why the things she grew up with like these cartoons were being censored and banned.
I honestly don't see the problem with a lot of these. Yeah many of these characters have exaggerated features, but that's just kinda normal for cartoons in general.
You shouldn’t be sorry. I study history. The idea that Native Americans were peaceful people is a myth. The idea that White people killed them all is a myth. The claim that Indians only hunted for what they needed is a myth. As long as you mentioned Cowboys, I’ll also point out that the image of Cowboy most people have is a made up Hollywood premise. The idea that people had quickdraw shootouts is a myth made up by Hollywood. The idea that everyone wore a gun is a myth. At no time did ANYONE EVER practice trying to pull a pistol from a holster really fast. All of this was made up by Hollywood. A cowboy was a job. It was not a very good job. The job didn’t require owning or using a gun. About 25% of Cowboys were Black.
Actually, Native Americans were aggressive way before Plymouth Rock. Do you think they were just all coexisting before Plymouth Rock? Of course they were fighting for land and displacing other tribes. In fact, look at Aztec and Inca art. They were pretty brutal to their enemies.
That is the problem with the modern censorship cult. They want to depict all the American tribes are some peaceful nature loving people that lived in perfect harmony. They refuse to acknowledge why the people of the time called them "savage" It had little to do with them living in nature. It was mainly due to their war practices and torture methods.
Not all films age well, and this is especially true for comic films. Cartoons like these and the censored 11 should be preserved in collections for film historians, not broadcast on TV.
While some of the Popeye cartoons were new to me, I definitely recall seeing the Ali Baba one in the late 1950s with my kid sister. I was already in high school and not big on cartoons, but I often watched over my sister when my parents were occupied elsewhere. The lines ‘salami salami baloney’ and ‘open sez me’ hang out in the back of my head even today. Other cartoons I recall that were probably not shown much in later years because of their over the top wartime caricatures include Daffy Duck ‘destroy that scrap pile’ and Bugs Bunny and the exploding ice cream cones. One apparently very old cartoon I particularly remember involved the song ‘Bicycle Built for Two’. At one point the villain sang in a deep voice ‘But you look sweet upon the seat’ and then music played instead of the rest of the lyric. My sister would sing it that way until I told her that was naughty. She replied, “I know” and laughed. But she did stop.
They are cartoons, charcatures, and comedic exaggerations. No one back then believed the stereotypes. The fact that some people today, 80 or 90 years later, are getting their feelings hurt over them is ludicrous. I think we have a lot more important things to be concerned with than some old WWII propaganda cartoons. Grow up, then find a dictionary and look up the words Humor and Satire.
Because it was aimed at white people. If it was aimed at the Japanese or Blacks or natives, you still they'd like it? It's like if Cowboys and Indians had the Indians win every fight, and be seen as the goodc=guys, white people would get mad and call it "AHISTORICAL!" Clowns gonna clown. It's all fun, when it's not y'al..
for some reason the "jolly good furlough" one feels so interesting, it's like instead of taking a kick at the enemies, it takes a kick at how the war was perceived by the civilians (thru the media & all). It almost doesn't deserved to be here.
In the first Popeye cartoon, "Popeye the Sailor" ,Popeye and Bluto are shown playing an infamous carnival game "Hit the ------" throwing balls at a black man's head,but some seemed more shocked at Popeye dancing with a nearly naked Betty Boop.
I can't criticize the Fleischer studios for the WWII propaganda toons, it was all out war and the soldiers needed the comedy relief. But I've never seen or heard of Pop-Pie al La Mode. Wow that was incredibly racist, even for the time.
People need to grow thicker skin. I'm Native American, I grew up on a reservation. I love these old cartoons. My people were savages and violent toward whites, it's just the truth. I've been to Japan several times, almost every single time, they make comments about my "round eyes" or my dark skin. Why would it bother me?
Presentism is about judging the past by current standards. Cartoons were not meant to be documentaries, only entertainment. When at war it is good for morale to mock your enemies. Germans got no better treatment than Japanese while at war. Same with wars fought against American Indians. Still, it would be good to see famous American Indians like Will Rogers, actor and columnist, Charles Curtis, VP the US, or John C Waldron, hero at Midway depicted more often, but Popeye is not a historical chronicle.
There are 2 other Popeye's that are censored now, one being a hillbilly theme cartoon that had olive saving Popeye from a native of the area, it got pulled from CN in 2003, and probably never air on TV again. Another is a kings feature 60s era Popeye with a cowboy theme, that was edited due to violence.
So what explanation is given for how 1933 Popeye encounters wild west Native Americans in the first place? And why is Olives blouse green? And how could America understand that suicide is hilarious, particularly in children's cartoons, back in 1943 only to have forgotten that in 2025?
We all use stereotypes in dealing with strangers we don't know personally as individuals. In multi-cultural societies like America they are necessary to help prevent misunderstandings from creating conflicts with individuals from sometimes very different backgrounds than ourselves. Usually they're based on potentially outdated or inaccurate statistical norms from real life experience it's more useful to be aware of than completely ignorant of. Cartoons are the last thing anybody should take seriously and anybody who does is an idiot like Kelly Bundy telling her father Al not to stick his rifle into a rabbit hole because the rabbit might tie it in a knot and make it blow up in his face.
Never cared for these shows. You pointing out 'problematic' could only make me move closer to liking them. Never understood why anyone would have the hots for Olive Oyle!
I GOT news for you! All cartoons are stereotypes and caricatures. That is because they are cartoons. IF you would find cartoons of featureless stick figures doing mundane boring things entertaining, you could avoid watching these horrible atrocities of artwork. I bought a book called the Woke Joke Book. Inside was nothing.
Parody and satire are exactly what these, and most cartoons are!...People just need to lighten the hell up and relax a bit!...It's entertainment and should be taken as such!...To ban, or censor this type of content is patently ridiculous!...Doing so will NEVER change people's minds about what THEY think is funny!... If you're SO offended by something, then don't look at it!...Move on to something YOU like, or enjoy, but don't limit other people's ability to choose what THEY like!...These cartoons from this era are some of the best animation ever created and should be saved as such...intact!!....Just sayin'!
Yes much of this is offensive by today's standards, but in regard to the Pacific War does it really matter? We and the Japanese were killing each other in painful ways, destroying entire cities, leaving many others permanently disabled physically and mentally. Compared to what was happening during the war a few offensive drawings seem insignificant. Historically these things are important, however offensive.
I've been a Popeye fan/collector since I saw my first cartoons on TV in the mid-'50s. Of COURSE, they used pre-woke stereotypes in the stories. EVERYbody used them in movies and TV back then. There isn't an ethnic group that wasn't lampooned by caricatures, and even the targets often saw the humor in them. 'Political Correctness' went berserk over dated pop culture in the latter part of the 1900s. Anyone who can't recognize the value of Popeye, Amos & Andy, Rochester, a dope. All of those precious performances trashed and destroyed by these dopes, with no sense of history (or humor). They can be used by canny parents/teachers to show the progress we've made.
“The Times They Are A Changing” and we are a product of ours,as much as some of us might like to forget it. Being born in the 60’s when hippies were in vogue, I was bombarded with a message of love for one’s fellow man. As well as the planet,which I wholeheartedly embrace these aspects of my personality. And look at those without them with wonderment,as to say what happened to them? 🤔
looking at all of these comments from people who are never stereotyped saying there is nothing wrong with stereotypes, meanwhile people who got into power by exploiting stereotypes are instantly wrecking the country
I positively agree to keep them as they are.. restore them to their previous "Originally made" state and help ensure that those old prejudices **DID INDEED EXIST**.. and hopefully will be there to both help the next generations understand.. and likewise, maybe even give them a little giggle in showing just how laughable such narrow visions can be. lets all have a good laugh at ourselves and GET ON WITH The universe in a FUN good way ! GO HUMANITY (( and I mean **ALL** of humanity.. man, woman and those little young ones! ))
Really enjoyed your focus on Popeye. Brought back many memories from the 1960's. Loved animation, and Popeye was a good one, at least the old ones, especially Max Fleischer. Looney Toons were still fun, also, since they were unedited. Saw most of the Popeye cartoons that you mentioned, some that I remember seeing in day care situations where parents had loaned personal films and projector to entertain us brats. It did entertain us. 😊
What I find interesting is how few episodes of a Show about a sailor take place on sea or even near water! 🤓😎✌🏼☮️ Even the first cartoon took place in a Mexican Cantina and Bluto(or what would become Him)a Bandito!
You criticize these cartoons with a modern take? That's such bullshit. Then again, it's ironic that one of the most racist nations on the planet can condemn these cartoons.
I've watched and enjoyed many of these now banned and censored Popeye toons over the years! Doing my best to try to grab dvd collections that still preserve them or leave them intact so I could share with other generations the history of this beloved icon!💪❤️🥬
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They should never ban these cartoons. Letting others see them allows us to review our own history. It helps us understand our sentiments back then.
Really. Light a candle instead of cursing the darkness. History can’t be changed, it can only be rewritten. I saw those exact cartoons as a kid and understood the stereotypes were just caricatures, and also that Popeye did not have hands that turned into jackhammers to punch Bluto. I did, however, agree to eat cooked spinach-but I never joined the Navy.😂
Why don't they ban cartoons that show Caucasians in a bad light?
@@jackschwartz1783 Or movies, like Get Out?
@@jackschwartz1783 Straight White men are the modern "N-word." In Western society they have no rights nor are of any value.
In certain contexts sure but maybe not on Saturday morning when kids are watching. I agree we should have them available as a way of understanding the past but not in all formats.
Here's a shot in the dark
Rod Serling was a World War II Vet. The Popeye cannibal cartoon, Popeye A La Mode (1945), has the cannibal cook reading a book, "How to Serve Your Fellow Man."
Serling, in the late 1950s, writes his famous Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man" about Alien cannibals. The episode plot is based on decoding an alien book entitled 'To Serve Man'
Those cartoons were shown to the GIs.
[EDIT] I found more.
The short story "To Seve Man" was written by Damon Knight in Galaxy Science Fiction (November 1950)
During the war years, he was an illustrator for Famous Fantastic Mysteries magazine.
Me now thinks: He's the guy who first stole the book title from the cartoon.
" It's A Cook book I tell you.. **A COOK BOOK!!**
For anyone who is looking for more stories out of Galaxy Science Fiction, check out the radio show "X minus 1" which you can probably find audios of on youtube, but also on various old time radio websites.
@@sashi138 Lisa Simpson was paranoid into thinking the Rigelians that had abducted them were feeding them copiously in order to fatten them up for THEIR dinner. Turns out they were simply the guests of Serak the Preparer's culinary talent, and when he heard of their suspicions, his feelings were grievously hurt.
I thought the same thing...🤔
Banning and censoring is pretty much never a good thing.
NEVER a good thing? So you think hardcore porn should be playing on prime time TV after reruns of Big Bang Theory? Surely sometimes it's a good thing.
@@PaulTheSkeptic True but did one ever think of the consequences of large multi generational families living in a one room hut like most of us did for most of our history? Privacy was not as big of a thing in the old days for non rich people.
I loved Popeye cartoons, since I was a kid of 5 back in the late 1970's. I have seen most of these cartoons mentioned and we did not take them as racist or demeaning. It is American film history and it should be shown as it was released or available on video to purchase. Big studios locking away animation history and losing it. It is sad to see this happening.
Fantastic comment I agree 100% I am what I am 😀
Same here. I grew up on Navy bases in the 7ps and we had AAFRTS, American Armed Forces Radio and Television Station. They played all these cartoons and I don't remember any being censored and none of them warped me or made me racist. I have worked as Journalist and Social Worker most of my adult life.
@ Bravo Zulu
You should do a follow-up video regarding racist cartoons or propaganda in Japan and other countries that we were at war with during the same time period
That's not allowed. It would hurt their delicate feelings.🙄
I've never seen any as "colorful" as what Popeye or Warner Bros did. The ones I've seen are mostly boring, except for that one with the evil Mickey Mouse strafing islanders.
Big surprise, from Japanese anime/manga to Mexican Luchadora movies Americans are often portrayed in a non flattering light.
What is worse, stereotyping the Japanese as bucktooth and bespectacled or their treatment of POW’s especially Allied POWs? Let’s talk about the bataan death march and now let’s talk about us making fun of them in cartoons… the torture they inflicted on Allied troops in the POW camps were despicable. No amount of stereotypes and a Popeye cartoon can justify their animalistic behavior during the war.
We could also talk about the Japanese/American concentration camps during WWII.
Japanese in camps the U.S. were treated much better than the Japanese "cared for" all allied P.O.W.s.
@@jamieward1871 Yes, we could, and it's never been kept a secret or suppressed. However in comparison those people lived in 5 star hotels and were treated very well compared to what the Japanese and Germans did during WW2. Bear in mind that those people were interned also for their own safety as much as anything else. Try putting things a bit more in perspective.
@@jamieward1871Calling WW2 Internment Camps "concentration camps" is inherently an act of Holocaust denial.
@@jamieward1871 They were internment camps, not concentration camps. Maybe you knew that or maybe just ignorant I don't know
Did anyone notice that Popeye himself was a ridiculous stereotype of a sailor whose face appears deformed and speaks barely comprehensible English?
Thank you! I was thinking the same thing while watching this video.
I do wonder why the videos narrator didn't point that out. Doesn't seem like it would fit his narrative of intersectional oppression.
There is a pic of a real-life man, who was the inspiration and looked just like the cartoon.
I certainly understand why most of these cartoons are problematic, but I don't think the portrayals were completely offensive (except for the Japanese and German ones during the war, for which there was a good reason).
I'm more a fan of Looney Tunes, and there are two Bugs Bunny shorts which have often been censored because they portray a black person and a native American as stupid rubes and depicted with stereotypes.
Of course there is no problem with the hundred or so in which an overweight white man is portrayed as a rube with a speech impediment.
@@elultimo102 I think I have seen his photo. I wonder what that guy thought of the cartoons.
Popeye, once a symbol of militarism. It made sense in WW2. All Hollywood was engaged in the war prop.
It's a mistake to ban such cartoons. They help show how perceptions have changed over the years. Those related to WW2 are particularly relevant in my opinion. It was after all unrestricted total war, which affected the public perception in an imaginable way for people nowadays. Hopefully we'll never have to live through that ever again.
There should be NO censorship, PERIOD!
Censorship is the tool of tyrants as witnessed by the last 4 years. We aren't children we're adults. I don't want or need anyone telling me what I can or can't watch or what to think. If you find something offensive turn it off. What you can't do is tell me what to do.
At 72 yo...I was brought up on Popeye, Little Rascals, Three Stooges, Betty Boop and others...all censored today. Bans, editing and censorship are never the answer. Folks are just too sensitive today and should view these production in a historical context.
these are light hearted cartoons and who cares ? you cant Judge Classic ART by the standards of some critics TODAY, you have to judge them for the time they were created or ALL ART of the past can be criticized for any reason, just LIGHTEN UP and enjoy!
White people say stuff like this all the time, and even then it was bad, and now its bad. YES, we can Judge the time and the people, our brains aren't different. It's like when white people say they want "GOOD WRITING! or "WELL WRITTEN" characters, but when it's white turned into caricatures, they get mad. When they get reminded of THEIR history and past, Y'all get mad. It's funny how White people never see anything wrong with past bigotry and racism and sexism, it's all "HARMLESS" fun. Lol.
I feel the actual problem was not in the presentation but moreso that there were too many prudes at the helm. I mean we're talking about being patriotic during a time they considered what was 'propaganda' at the time. I mean if you think about it, parody has been done time and again in cartoons. Popeye, Mighty Mouse, Tex Avery and even in Looney Tunes. They're doing what they're supposed to do which is make us laugh and cheer. It's no different than how in some anime, the US gets parodied and we don't bat an eye when that happens. It's like we're ashamed of having characters that are classically representing what our country's about and who we had to fight to get it to where it is today.
I personally don't think that Anyone has the right to tell me what is appropriate for me to watch...its my choice..and you're always welcome to not go to the theatre or change the channel..
Certainly if one is an adult.
@Mal35m-ub6uj thats why we have a rating system...
Get rid of censorship!! I do agree with you.
I'm about to be 45 years old and I don't see it being that bad and I've seen much worst for sure. If people are uptight about those I feel sorry about other things.
Have you noticed young people taking offense to the things we enjoyed in the 80s and 90s? I have. I now empathize with my grandmother who was perplexed at why the things she grew up with like these cartoons were being censored and banned.
Censorship is a trademark of tiny minds. 🙄
I honestly don't see the problem with a lot of these.
Yeah many of these characters have exaggerated features, but that's just kinda normal for cartoons in general.
It makes me sad to say this, but unfortunately, in the cowboy era, a lot of people were invaded by Native Americans and killed by them
You shouldn’t be sorry. I study history. The idea that Native Americans were peaceful people is a myth. The idea that White people killed them all is a myth. The claim that Indians only hunted for what they needed is a myth.
As long as you mentioned Cowboys, I’ll also point out that the image of Cowboy most people have is a made up Hollywood premise.
The idea that people had quickdraw shootouts is a myth made up by Hollywood.
The idea that everyone wore a gun is a myth.
At no time did ANYONE EVER practice trying to pull a pistol from a holster really fast. All of this was made up by Hollywood.
A cowboy was a job. It was not a very good job. The job didn’t require owning or using a gun. About 25% of Cowboys were Black.
Actually, Native Americans were aggressive way before Plymouth Rock. Do you think they were just all coexisting before Plymouth Rock? Of course they were fighting for land and displacing other tribes. In fact, look at Aztec and Inca art. They were pretty brutal to their enemies.
That is the problem with the modern censorship cult. They want to depict all the American tribes are some peaceful nature loving people that lived in perfect harmony. They refuse to acknowledge why the people of the time called them "savage" It had little to do with them living in nature. It was mainly due to their war practices and torture methods.
No it was all rainbows and love among them, of course, while they rode the open plains riding unicorns and eating vegan.
Didn't know Popeye had nephews, like Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse.
I wonder what propaganda cartoons the Japanese had at the time.
People are way too sensitive these days
people are not sensitive enough now
Always loved Popeye when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing!
Not all films age well, and this is especially true for comic films. Cartoons like these and the censored 11 should be preserved in collections for film historians, not broadcast on TV.
Bugs Bunny has an episode with Bugs pretending to be Abe Lincoln and then a slave.
LOL Thanks! Now I know the titles of which ones to track down!
History should always be preserved.
While some of the Popeye cartoons were new to me, I definitely recall seeing the Ali Baba one in the late 1950s with my kid sister. I was already in high school and not big on cartoons, but I often watched over my sister when my parents were occupied elsewhere. The lines ‘salami salami baloney’ and ‘open sez me’ hang out in the back of my head even today.
Other cartoons I recall that were probably not shown much in later years because of their over the top wartime caricatures include Daffy Duck ‘destroy that scrap pile’ and Bugs Bunny and the exploding ice cream cones.
One apparently very old cartoon I particularly remember involved the song ‘Bicycle Built for Two’. At one point the villain sang in a deep voice ‘But you look sweet upon the seat’ and then music played instead of the rest of the lyric. My sister would sing it that way until I told her that was naughty. She replied, “I know” and laughed. But she did stop.
I agree, they should be preserved.
They are cartoons, charcatures, and comedic exaggerations. No one back then believed the stereotypes. The fact that some people today, 80 or 90 years later, are getting their feelings hurt over them is ludicrous. I think we have a lot more important things to be concerned with than some old WWII propaganda cartoons. Grow up, then find a dictionary and look up the words Humor and Satire.
Psssh. Kids today.........
Because it was aimed at white people. If it was aimed at the Japanese or Blacks or natives, you still they'd like it? It's like if Cowboys and Indians had the Indians win every fight, and be seen as the goodc=guys, white people would get mad and call it "AHISTORICAL!" Clowns gonna clown. It's all fun, when it's not y'al..
Stereotypes wouldn't exist if they didn't contain elements of reality.
Being worried about offending people is so last year.
Particularly when they are anal about it and make up imaginary offenses.
for some reason the "jolly good furlough" one feels so interesting, it's like instead of taking a kick at the enemies, it takes a kick at how the war was perceived by the civilians (thru the media & all). It almost doesn't deserved to be here.
It’s a shame that there are no more Popeye cartoons anymore.
Modern moralizing over entertainment of another time is absurdly narrow minded.
Especially when their morals are sus.
@@TomSherwood-z5l it is guarantied that future generations will look at today's cartoons and criticize them.
In the first Popeye cartoon, "Popeye the Sailor" ,Popeye and Bluto are shown playing an infamous carnival game "Hit the ------" throwing balls at a black man's head,but some seemed more shocked at Popeye dancing with a nearly naked Betty Boop.
today's entertainment for kids are way more dangerous that this.
Still watch all those old cartoons. That's my go to viewing when I can't sleep
I like the theory that Popeyes arm tattoos aren't anchors but are of Olive Oyl in an inviting posture.
Thanks Rich.
I can't criticize the Fleischer studios for the WWII propaganda toons, it was all out war and the soldiers needed the comedy relief. But I've never seen or heard of Pop-Pie al La Mode. Wow that was incredibly racist, even for the time.
People need to grow thicker skin. I'm Native American, I grew up on a reservation. I love these old cartoons. My people were savages and violent toward whites, it's just the truth. I've been to Japan several times, almost every single time, they make comments about my "round eyes" or my dark skin. Why would it bother me?
I remember seeing most of these when I was a kid. I'm 55, so it wasn't that long ago.
Presentism is about judging the past by current standards. Cartoons were not meant to be documentaries, only entertainment. When at war it is good for morale to mock your enemies. Germans got no better treatment than Japanese while at war. Same with wars fought against American Indians. Still, it would be good to see famous American Indians like Will Rogers, actor and columnist, Charles Curtis, VP the US, or John C Waldron, hero at Midway depicted more often, but Popeye is not a historical chronicle.
There are 2 other Popeye's that are censored now, one being a hillbilly theme cartoon that had olive saving Popeye from a native of the area, it got pulled from CN in 2003, and probably never air on TV again. Another is a kings feature 60s era Popeye with a cowboy theme, that was edited due to violence.
So what explanation is given for how 1933 Popeye encounters wild west Native Americans in the first place? And why is Olives blouse green? And how could America understand that suicide is hilarious, particularly in children's cartoons, back in 1943 only to have forgotten that in 2025?
I liked these early Popeye cartoons from the 1940's and 50's
they were really good even though they were censored.🇺🇲📺🇺🇲
Uncut is the way to go. Leave it alone.
The world was a different and stereo types were not seen as being offensive during the golden age of animation.
Except for the WW2 cartoons, I've seen all the others on broadcast tv in the 60's and 70's.
Cowboys and Indians were HUGE up until just recently (1980s?) Finding fault with Popeye for using a familiar movie trope is a bit elitist.
The concept of "problematic" cartoons is in and of itself ... shall we say... problematic.
I unapologetically LOVE every one of these cartoons.
We all use stereotypes in dealing with strangers we don't know personally as individuals. In multi-cultural societies like America they are necessary to help prevent misunderstandings from creating conflicts with individuals from sometimes very different backgrounds than ourselves. Usually they're based on potentially outdated or inaccurate statistical norms from real life experience it's more useful to be aware of than completely ignorant of. Cartoons are the last thing anybody should take seriously and anybody who does is an idiot like Kelly Bundy telling her father Al not to stick his rifle into a rabbit hole because the rabbit might tie it in a knot and make it blow up in his face.
Those who Fail to learn from history are FOREVER Doomed to Repeat its Mistakes!!!! 🤠👍
This is just b.s opinion. Kids don't think racist. I loved Popeye.
Never cared for these shows. You pointing out 'problematic' could only make me move closer to liking them. Never understood why anyone would have the hots for Olive Oyle!
1:06 But in Ancient times Indians were known to Attack regular settlers people etc.
I GOT news for you! All cartoons are stereotypes and caricatures. That is because they are cartoons. IF you would find cartoons of featureless stick figures doing mundane boring things entertaining, you could avoid watching these horrible atrocities of artwork. I bought a book called the Woke Joke Book. Inside was nothing.
Parody and satire are exactly what these, and most cartoons are!...People just need to lighten the hell up and relax a bit!...It's entertainment and should be
taken as such!...To ban, or censor this type of content is patently ridiculous!...Doing so will NEVER change people's minds about what THEY think is funny!...
If you're SO offended by something, then don't look at it!...Move on to something YOU like, or enjoy, but don't limit other people's ability to choose what THEY
like!...These cartoons from this era are some of the best animation ever created and should be saved as such...intact!!....Just sayin'!
Yes much of this is offensive by today's standards, but in regard to the Pacific War does it really matter? We and the Japanese were killing each other in painful ways, destroying entire cities, leaving many others permanently disabled physically and mentally. Compared to what was happening during the war a few offensive drawings seem insignificant. Historically these things are important, however offensive.
I've been a Popeye fan/collector since I saw my first cartoons on TV in the mid-'50s. Of COURSE, they used pre-woke stereotypes in the stories. EVERYbody used them in movies and TV back then. There isn't an ethnic group that wasn't lampooned by caricatures, and even the targets often saw the humor in them. 'Political Correctness' went berserk over dated pop culture in the latter part of the 1900s. Anyone who can't recognize the value of Popeye, Amos & Andy, Rochester, a dope. All of those precious performances trashed and destroyed by these dopes, with no sense of history (or humor). They can be used by canny parents/teachers to show the progress we've made.
*YOU earth 🌎 people on earth 🌎 planet*
“The Times They Are A Changing” and we are a product of ours,as much as some of us might like to forget it. Being born in the 60’s when hippies were in vogue, I was bombarded with a message of love for one’s fellow man. As well as the planet,which I wholeheartedly embrace these aspects of my personality. And look at those without them with wonderment,as to say what happened to them? 🤔
Are we going to pretend that Japanese people don't speak broken English?
ALL censorship is bad!
looking at all of these comments from people who are never stereotyped saying there is nothing wrong with stereotypes, meanwhile people who got into power by exploiting stereotypes are instantly wrecking the country
I positively agree to keep them as they are.. restore them to their previous "Originally made" state and help ensure that those old prejudices **DID INDEED EXIST**.. and hopefully will be there to both help the next generations understand.. and likewise, maybe even give them a little giggle in showing just how laughable such narrow visions can be.
lets all have a good laugh at ourselves and GET ON WITH The universe in a FUN good way ! GO HUMANITY (( and I mean **ALL** of humanity.. man, woman and those little young ones! ))
Really enjoyed your focus on Popeye. Brought back many memories from the 1960's. Loved animation, and Popeye was a good one, at least the old ones, especially Max Fleischer. Looney Toons were still fun, also, since they were unedited. Saw most of the Popeye cartoons that you mentioned, some that I remember seeing in day care situations where parents had loaned personal films and projector to entertain us brats. It did entertain us. 😊
End all censorship😠
What I find interesting is how few episodes of a Show about a sailor take place on sea or even near water! 🤓😎✌🏼☮️ Even the first cartoon took place in a Mexican Cantina and Bluto(or what would become Him)a Bandito!
Then don't watch them.
That lets you know we live on The Planet Of The Pussies when people can’t even take Popeye.
Where can I watch these?
Shocking truths? wow
The Good Ole Days 😅
What about Alice the Goon
Stereotypes exist for a reason and are usually pretty accurate.
I won't subscribe to any channel that outright spews lies and exagerations like this one.
You criticize these cartoons with a modern take? That's such bullshit.
Then again, it's ironic that one of the most racist nations on the planet can condemn these cartoons.
That's the way it was and apparently still is
These cartoons are racist AF.
Nowadays, under Trump's regime, MeTV can air these banned Popeye Cartoons Uncensored
Stop your political correct BS. Comedy is supposed to be offensive thats what makes it funny
I'm failing to see a problem here. Free speech is free speech.
Of course if you have any truth about this, I got land to sell you on the moon.
I've watched and enjoyed many of these now banned and censored Popeye toons over the years! Doing my best to try to grab dvd collections that still preserve them or leave them intact so I could share with other generations the history of this beloved icon!💪❤️🥬