I think three other good INFJs to look into is: Leo tolstoy, Dante Aligheri and Victor Hugo. Im currently reading both Leo's and Hugos works (The death of Ivan Ilyich and Les Miserables). The civil unrest, characters own moral and reasonings as well as some philosophical ideals from Hugo is amazing and quite revelent today in some parts of the world. Leo on the other hand focuses more on just one individuals life, who is a workaholic and often tries to flee or escape when things get too much for him. All in all, that book just gives a big middle finger to Death in the most philosophical way that an INFJ could give. 😂 Dante, I think, based off his work is an INFJ. His work is so influential that its everywhere in some form of media as well. He literally took multiple concepts of the afterlife and organized it for others to understand which was the first time anyone did that, he also put some real life people that he knew in Hell (found that hilarious honestly) and even organized Hell and Purgatory's torments based off of what they did in their lives in a specific way. Out of the three I think: Dante (the author) is spiritual, Hugo might be Adaptive submissive, and leo is a Solipsistic.
The glow of heaven can’t help but catch up with you, Ren. Just accept your fate.
I think three other good INFJs to look into is: Leo tolstoy, Dante Aligheri and Victor Hugo.
Im currently reading both Leo's and Hugos works (The death of Ivan Ilyich and Les Miserables). The civil unrest, characters own moral and reasonings as well as some philosophical ideals from Hugo is amazing and quite revelent today in some parts of the world.
Leo on the other hand focuses more on just one individuals life, who is a workaholic and often tries to flee or escape when things get too much for him. All in all, that book just gives a big middle finger to Death in the most philosophical way that an INFJ could give. 😂
Dante, I think, based off his work is an INFJ. His work is so influential that its everywhere in some form of media as well. He literally took multiple concepts of the afterlife and organized it for others to understand which was the first time anyone did that, he also put some real life people that he knew in Hell (found that hilarious honestly) and even organized Hell and Purgatory's torments based off of what they did in their lives in a specific way.
Out of the three I think: Dante (the author) is spiritual, Hugo might be Adaptive submissive, and leo is a Solipsistic.