As a 15 year old my parents vary their punishments. Now days you can get expelled for defending yourself if a kid walks up and punches you. So my parents actually let me off the hook once because I got expelled for that reason. However pretty sure this kid should of been punished tbh.
@Stop Motion Beginner picked the kid up slammed his head against the steering wheel of the bus and threw him down the bus steps into bushes down below before getting off myself and walking home with my dad
Hello ok fist of all of there is something that make me weird is that when a TH-camr fakes a crime, we feel bad for the fake victim but in my mimd,If you do that you are equally doing the same as feeling bad for people who fake homelessness cancer and severe stuff. Like I know it is fake but those faking up mess one are very cickbait too. Just if you do that On my mind you are like you feel bad for Morgs gf like she knows she isn't Hellen Keller like at this point feel bad for the fake homeless people. 你好,好吧,總之,讓我感到奇怪的是,當 TH-camr 假冒犯罪時,我們會為假受害者感到難過,但在我看來,如果你這樣做,你同樣會為那些做假的人感到難過。假無家可歸癌症和嚴重的東西。就像我知道它是假的,但那些假裝一團糟的人也很容易上當。如果你這樣做,在我看來,你就像是你為 Morgs gf 感到難過,就像她知道她不是 Hellen Keller 一樣,在這一點上為假無家可歸的人感到難過。 當 Elisocray 說他偽造了他孩子的死亡時,為什麼人們會生氣。他只是重複說我們失去了我們的兒子,他走了。標題是我們現在沒有兒子。可能是他們找不到hin,或者他或他的父母帶走了他。但在同一個 viseo 中,他們說他不在我們身邊,因為他在他們祖母的房子裡,而且是 clickbair。他們甚至看起來很傷心或擔心,如果這是他們至少應該採取的行為或假裝悲傷,他們只是重複了它。就像如果我被嬰兒迷路了,我會在標題上類似,而且他從來沒有說過他的兒子已經死了。還有無數受人愛戴的反應頻道在他們的縮略圖中偽造了狗死亡流產死產膀胱事故,但他沒有談論他們 好吧,也許他是一個行為。一位名叫 Ompa lommpa 的 TH-camr 在 nicocodo 被禁用時很生氣。 好吧,他對一個孩子做了一個成人惡作劇,這很糟糕,但其他人的想法比一個 yt 惡作劇要差得多 一個名叫 Alex clarcs 的 youtuber 曾經說過我要離開我的妻子,但最後是,我要離開我的妻子大約 3 個小時。這是clickbair。 Morgs 和 Piper Rochelle 甚至製作了關於狗的情感的單獨視頻。 此外,我知道他對我的 gf 進行了惡作劇,但他說他的行為是因為他的觀眾是 18 歲,他甚至在最後一個曝光視頻中說這是一個惡作劇,就像他知道的惡作劇一樣,即使你看一下 hoiis 粉絲是 4 歲在視頻中發表評論,他們知道這是假的。 Liek 這很糟糕,但是為孩子們製作 911 笑話的 youtuberr 不是 Isis 的支持者。就像 abouse 是樂隊一樣,但這是一個惡作劇,即使你做了一個 9/11 的惡作劇,你也不支持它。此外,它看起來比 6 年級的打拳更假,所以即使是他的 -160 IQ 粉絲也知道這是一個假的,但對於一個有 4 歲觀眾的頻道的視頻來說是個壞主意。 TH-cam 不會禁止你,因為它是假的,但不是一個好主意。 7 歲的 youtubeer 死視頻也不是很好的笑話,但大多數時候 youtuber 是在開玩笑,而那些把視頻製作成笑話的 youtuber。也喜歡某些人,如果有像 micael jakson 死掉的視頻,而你不喜歡它,人們會生氣,但我不喜歡,因為動畫不好,有兩個原因喜歡視頻,為什麼所有這些臟兮兮的 youtuber 都有數百萬美元上漲到最佳。 就像復活死人的惡作劇,除非是非常歧視性的,這些惡作劇只是為了讓那些對這個人感到難過的人可能是出於好意,但是當他們已經死去的時候,沒有人會想要對此進行惡作劇。 好吧,就像不要將 morgs 與那些在街頭偽造 eabuse 的人進行比較,就像他在他的房子裡那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負 160,他的粉絲知道這甚至就像打我的 gh 惡作劇一樣,我相信製作假炸彈威脅的 youtuber 知道不會在現實生活中進行。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被視為犯罪。 就像我討厭人們因為 youtuber 做他們從未做過的事情而全神貫注,只是因為他們開了個玩笑,比如開玩笑說 morgs 騷擾他的女朋友,因為所有 24 小時的挑戰,好吧,但是你們中的一些粉絲就像孩子一樣,而且你必須意識到這是同意,如果這不再同意,那麼我猜什麼可以。 就像我理解的那樣,如果他們不試圖讓它看起來真實並尊重這個人,但是很多 ytbers 一直在這樣做並逃脫了。 做某事並不意味著你可以僥倖逃脫他們應該做的是說請不要在家裡嘗試它已更改,因為有些孩子可能會嘗試這樣做,他們會被捕 好吧,不要將 morgs 與那些偽造 eabuse ij the streed 的人進行比較,就像他在他家做的那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負160,他的粉絲知道這是假的。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被認為是犯罪,如果粉絲當然知道這是假的,並且有一個p
I wish kids would get the support they needed, it’s really sad to see these people with such potential find their ways into juvenile detention centers or impoverished urban communities
Hello ok fist of all of there is something that make me weird is that when a TH-camr fakes a crime, we feel bad for the fake victim but in my mimd,If you do that you are equally doing the same as feeling bad for people who fake homelessness cancer and severe stuff. Like I know it is fake but those faking up mess one are very cickbait too. Just if you do that On my mind you are like you feel bad for Morgs gf like she knows she isn't Hellen Keller like at this point feel bad for the fake homeless people. 你好,好吧,總之,讓我感到奇怪的是,當 TH-camr 假冒犯罪時,我們會為假受害者感到難過,但在我看來,如果你這樣做,你同樣會為那些做假的人感到難過。假無家可歸癌症和嚴重的東西。就像我知道它是假的,但那些假裝一團糟的人也很容易上當。如果你這樣做,在我看來,你就像是你為 Morgs gf 感到難過,就像她知道她不是 Hellen Keller 一樣,在這一點上為假無家可歸的人感到難過。 當 Elisocray 說他偽造了他孩子的死亡時,為什麼人們會生氣。他只是重複說我們失去了我們的兒子,他走了。標題是我們現在沒有兒子。可能是他們找不到hin,或者他或他的父母帶走了他。但在同一個 viseo 中,他們說他不在我們身邊,因為他在他們祖母的房子裡,而且是 clickbair。他們甚至看起來很傷心或擔心,如果這是他們至少應該採取的行為或假裝悲傷,他們只是重複了它。就像如果我被嬰兒迷路了,我會在標題上類似,而且他從來沒有說過他的兒子已經死了。還有無數受人愛戴的反應頻道在他們的縮略圖中偽造了狗死亡流產死產膀胱事故,但他沒有談論他們 好吧,也許他是一個行為。一位名叫 Ompa lommpa 的 TH-camr 在 nicocodo 被禁用時很生氣。 好吧,他對一個孩子做了一個成人惡作劇,這很糟糕,但其他人的想法比一個 yt 惡作劇要差得多 一個名叫 Alex clarcs 的 youtuber 曾經說過我要離開我的妻子,但最後是,我要離開我的妻子大約 3 個小時。這是clickbair。 Morgs 和 Piper Rochelle 甚至製作了關於狗的情感的單獨視頻。 此外,我知道他對我的 gf 進行了惡作劇,但他說他的行為是因為他的觀眾是 18 歲,他甚至在最後一個曝光視頻中說這是一個惡作劇,就像他知道的惡作劇一樣,即使你看一下 hoiis 粉絲是 4 歲在視頻中發表評論,他們知道這是假的。 Liek 這很糟糕,但是為孩子們製作 911 笑話的 youtuberr 不是 Isis 的支持者。就像 abouse 是樂隊一樣,但這是一個惡作劇,即使你做了一個 9/11 的惡作劇,你也不支持它。此外,它看起來比 6 年級的打拳更假,所以即使是他的 -160 IQ 粉絲也知道這是一個假的,但對於一個有 4 歲觀眾的頻道的視頻來說是個壞主意。 TH-cam 不會禁止你,因為它是假的,但不是一個好主意。 7 歲的 youtubeer 死視頻也不是很好的笑話,但大多數時候 youtuber 是在開玩笑,而那些把視頻製作成笑話的 youtuber。也喜歡某些人,如果有像 micael jakson 死掉的視頻,而你不喜歡它,人們會生氣,但我不喜歡,因為動畫不好,有兩個原因喜歡視頻,為什麼所有這些臟兮兮的 youtuber 都有數百萬美元上漲到最佳。 就像復活死人的惡作劇,除非是非常歧視性的,這些惡作劇只是為了讓那些對這個人感到難過的人可能是出於好意,但是當他們已經死去的時候,沒有人會想要對此進行惡作劇。 好吧,就像不要將 morgs 與那些在街頭偽造 eabuse 的人進行比較,就像他在他的房子裡那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負 160,他的粉絲知道這甚至就像打我的 gh 惡作劇一樣,我相信製作假炸彈威脅的 youtuber 知道不會在現實生活中進行。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被視為犯罪。 就像我討厭人們因為 youtuber 做他們從未做過的事情而全神貫注,只是因為他們開了個玩笑,比如開玩笑說 morgs 騷擾他的女朋友,因為所有 24 小時的挑戰,好吧,但是你們中的一些粉絲就像孩子一樣,而且你必須意識到這是同意,如果這不再同意,那麼我猜什麼可以。 就像我理解的那樣,如果他們不試圖讓它看起來真實並尊重這個人,但是很多 ytbers 一直在這樣做並逃脫了。 做某事並不意味著你可以僥倖逃脫他們應該做的是說請不要在家裡嘗試它已更改,因為有些孩子可能會嘗試這樣做,他們會被捕 好吧,不要將 morgs 與那些偽造 eabuse ij the streed 的人進行比較,就像他在他家做的那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負160,他的粉絲知道這是假的。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被認為是犯罪,如果粉絲當然知道這是假的,並且有一個p
You know there was a juvenile who started a fire at a shopping center where I live while the mother was shopping inside. This proves that kids really need some type of special help and also why is it that kids are starting to get worse than most young teenagers and adults. Makes you wonder why kids are even like this sometimes it's the parents but mostly it's the kid just being pissed off at everything.
I remember back in like November last year or something someone stole a whole band trailer from my school that the band teacher was saving up for for years and just got it a few days before, there's speculations that it was a devious lick, but I honestly have no idea lol. It got returned because the police found it though.
Wait hold up I need details. So u tellin me that somehow this mf broke into the school got a car or truck hooked that up to the back of whatever vehicle they’re driving and CAME HOME WITH THE DAMN TRAILER and his parents were like “I see nothin wrong here” somethings up I need details STAT
same lol everytime I skip school my dad would always say it's not easy to find another school that will accept you I mean if he didn't say nothin' guess I'm out of the house
I got expelled twice, and I can confirm it’s REALLY hard to get to a new school. I have autism and used to have pretty violent tendencies. My headteachers were actually very reluctant to expel, since it wasn’t really my fault.
The mum is definitely one of the main reasons why her son is the way he is. Its annoying and kinda sad to see how she's upset and will complain about how and why her son is acting the way he is when she is a reason for that by not disciplining him when he dose something wrong, so he will continue to do that because he knows he can get away with it.
it really shows people will do anything for attention and as for the parents, i see why the dad was like that like over time he would try to do something about the sons behavior but the mom wore him down and thats why he gave up in a sense
0:54 bro. This 12 yr old might get acused for committing a felony for stealing a handicap sign?! I couldn’t tell u the last time a saw ANY sign in my neighborhood, istg all the 13 yr old boys do is steal street signs.
When the mum said she quit her job all because he couldn't get up i was genuinely surprised! Like yeah as a teenager yeah we hate getting up early for school but how does it go this far to literally quit your job lmao- How did they mess up this badly to the point she quits her job bruh 🤦♀🤣🤣. He's clearly never heard no before but the kid has been interviewed and stuff he seems to be self aware and wonders why his parents don't punish him.
I watch your video's with my 12 year old. I had to be there for my daughter during covid rather than work. Yes you need to feed your family but there are always other factor's involved . When I grew up there was no social media. Miss those days look what it is doing to these kids.
If you’re going to take a sign (which you 100% shouldn’t) don’t take a HANDICAP sign!!! People in wheelchairs have a tough time getting out and you give people unnecessary fines!!!!!
If I got expelled from school or I was late, then my ass would grass and my parents would be the mower, I would get the sheeeeeyit beat out of me for any back talk.
If a father or mother is rude, the child will most likely be rude if you fail to discipline them or if you do not discipline them, they will act out. It is only the parents who can control the kids and raise them. If the parents are rude, the child will most likely be rude.
For devious licks or whatever, we had kids at our school steal dispensers and fire hydrants. Now we don’t have any restrooms available in our hallways ( they closed them down )
I was talking an anger management class with my adopted parents at my local PD they sent me to wait outside while they talk about me behind my back. Obviously i got bored waiting and started wiggling a reserved parking sign it didn't break but some sorta oil substance was leaking out. When the officer confronted me about it before he even brought up damage they said "he'll have to pay for it then" 🤦 like WTF. I got 3 hours of community service when i probably could've gotten no consequence. They just see it as free daycare.
dude, someone at my school (sophmore at high school) legit ATTACKED another kid and beat him to a pulp with brass knuckles. The kid he beat up had a seizure and passed out. It was caught on camera and a full on helicopter from the state troopers had to come to the school and take him to the hospital. For whatever reason, this kid still is at my school and nobody cares anymore. But seeing this really makes me hope that soon he will get what he deserves.
This kid needs help, I am a 14-year-old too, I could understand things like "Sometimes I seriously hate my parents" but taking a damn road sign is too much, seriously the mother has to do something
I'm a Pakistani (Asia) and I was born in the United States and my parents are fairly strict but are strict nonetheless and haven't given me my own phone until I'm in 8th grade (btw I'm 14) and forced me to do homework and I didn't liked that but I knew it is for my own good. :)
Recently two boys at my school got expelled for bodyshaming girls and calling their classmates slurs. This was a huge shock to ALL of the teachers because they were good kids. We go to a CHRISTIAN school let me just say.
right the reason kids are doing this is because there is a lack of punishment, when you are stupid to get to the stage u face felony charges u should dam well face them, "but hes a kid" ok but he still stole a sign if u had proof of someone else stealing something in their 20s you would want them arrested no?
Someone took a whole desk from our school for the trend, the principle offered a 50 or 100 dollar reward if anyone could tell her who did it. Someone recently also lit a roll of toilet paper on fire too, which also had a reward to find person too.
A girl in my school had her balloon popped after she was hurting others so she started crying and choked a kid (full on choked her) they had to get the teacher and the kid who popped the balloon for the kid to stop hurting others got a phone call home and probably got in big trouble and the kid who choked someone just wrote and apology LIKE WTF is wrong with this. 🤦
In Illinois, stealing a disabled parking sign is a class 4 felony punishable with a $25,000.00 fine and up to three years in jail (unless you are in Cook County because there the DA will hold your hand and make it all better). Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
bro.. my parents would have SCOLDED me. How are parents not able to raise their children probably. This child and his mom are definetly living in another universe...
6:06 if i ever got kicked out of school i wouldn't even have a family anymore-like i'll be straight up kicked out of the house with the message "never come back again" and this man didn't get shit- man that kid is lucky istg
reply to make it stop
Make it stop
Man, I miss when he would call himself “our favorite Mexican raincoat”. Bring it back at one point?
I miss it too. Why'd he stop?
@@theaboveaveragefangirl I don't know
ikr :(
As a 15 year old my parents vary their punishments. Now days you can get expelled for defending yourself if a kid walks up and punches you. So my parents actually let me off the hook once because I got expelled for that reason. However pretty sure this kid should of been punished tbh.
@Stop Motion Beginner picked the kid up slammed his head against the steering wheel of the bus and threw him down the bus steps into bushes down below before getting off myself and walking home with my dad
@@bryceflynn9080 r/shit that never happened
I genuinely forgot these type of people existed. I really hope they change for the better.
How did you forget did you take a break from social media or delete TikTok lol
@@bullseye2694 youre saying that like it's a bad thing
Hello ok fist of all of there is something that make me weird is that when a TH-camr fakes a crime, we feel bad for the fake victim but in my mimd,If you do that you are equally doing the same as feeling bad for people who fake homelessness cancer and severe stuff. Like I know it is fake but those faking up mess one are very cickbait too. Just if you do that On my mind you are like you feel bad for Morgs gf like she knows she isn't Hellen Keller like at this point feel bad for the fake homeless people.
你好,好吧,總之,讓我感到奇怪的是,當 TH-camr 假冒犯罪時,我們會為假受害者感到難過,但在我看來,如果你這樣做,你同樣會為那些做假的人感到難過。假無家可歸癌症和嚴重的東西。就像我知道它是假的,但那些假裝一團糟的人也很容易上當。如果你這樣做,在我看來,你就像是你為 Morgs gf 感到難過,就像她知道她不是 Hellen Keller 一樣,在這一點上為假無家可歸的人感到難過。
當 Elisocray 說他偽造了他孩子的死亡時,為什麼人們會生氣。他只是重複說我們失去了我們的兒子,他走了。標題是我們現在沒有兒子。可能是他們找不到hin,或者他或他的父母帶走了他。但在同一個 viseo 中,他們說他不在我們身邊,因為他在他們祖母的房子裡,而且是 clickbair。他們甚至看起來很傷心或擔心,如果這是他們至少應該採取的行為或假裝悲傷,他們只是重複了它。就像如果我被嬰兒迷路了,我會在標題上類似,而且他從來沒有說過他的兒子已經死了。還有無數受人愛戴的反應頻道在他們的縮略圖中偽造了狗死亡流產死產膀胱事故,但他沒有談論他們
好吧,也許他是一個行為。一位名叫 Ompa lommpa 的 TH-camr 在 nicocodo 被禁用時很生氣。
好吧,他對一個孩子做了一個成人惡作劇,這很糟糕,但其他人的想法比一個 yt 惡作劇要差得多
一個名叫 Alex clarcs 的 youtuber 曾經說過我要離開我的妻子,但最後是,我要離開我的妻子大約 3 個小時。這是clickbair。 Morgs 和 Piper Rochelle 甚至製作了關於狗的情感的單獨視頻。
此外,我知道他對我的 gf 進行了惡作劇,但他說他的行為是因為他的觀眾是 18 歲,他甚至在最後一個曝光視頻中說這是一個惡作劇,就像他知道的惡作劇一樣,即使你看一下 hoiis 粉絲是 4 歲在視頻中發表評論,他們知道這是假的。 Liek 這很糟糕,但是為孩子們製作 911 笑話的 youtuberr 不是 Isis 的支持者。就像 abouse 是樂隊一樣,但這是一個惡作劇,即使你做了一個 9/11 的惡作劇,你也不支持它。此外,它看起來比 6 年級的打拳更假,所以即使是他的 -160 IQ 粉絲也知道這是一個假的,但對於一個有 4 歲觀眾的頻道的視頻來說是個壞主意。 TH-cam 不會禁止你,因為它是假的,但不是一個好主意。
7 歲的 youtubeer 死視頻也不是很好的笑話,但大多數時候 youtuber 是在開玩笑,而那些把視頻製作成笑話的 youtuber。也喜歡某些人,如果有像 micael jakson 死掉的視頻,而你不喜歡它,人們會生氣,但我不喜歡,因為動畫不好,有兩個原因喜歡視頻,為什麼所有這些臟兮兮的 youtuber 都有數百萬美元上漲到最佳。
好吧,就像不要將 morgs 與那些在街頭偽造 eabuse 的人進行比較,就像他在他的房子裡那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負 160,他的粉絲知道這甚至就像打我的 gh 惡作劇一樣,我相信製作假炸彈威脅的 youtuber 知道不會在現實生活中進行。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被視為犯罪。
就像我討厭人們因為 youtuber 做他們從未做過的事情而全神貫注,只是因為他們開了個玩笑,比如開玩笑說 morgs 騷擾他的女朋友,因為所有 24 小時的挑戰,好吧,但是你們中的一些粉絲就像孩子一樣,而且你必須意識到這是同意,如果這不再同意,那麼我猜什麼可以。
就像我理解的那樣,如果他們不試圖讓它看起來真實並尊重這個人,但是很多 ytbers 一直在這樣做並逃脫了。
好吧,不要將 morgs 與那些偽造 eabuse ij the streed 的人進行比較,就像他在他家做的那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負160,他的粉絲知道這是假的。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被認為是犯罪,如果粉絲當然知道這是假的,並且有一個p
@@bullseye2694 yea I did, I took a break since I had a big exam and I had to study. But I'm very active now
@@x2belchlord ya it did sound like that lol my bad definitely not a bad thing
Meanwhile in Asia:
When kids talk back,
Asian parents:
*So you have chosen death*
African parents too 😰
brazilian parents too😂
Fr man
this is why i want to live in japan
Asian parents:Delete Code
I wish kids would get the support they needed, it’s really sad to see these people with such potential find their ways into juvenile detention centers or impoverished urban communities
Albert Einstein is great
Discord is Great
Dang pancho gunna be famous as the guy who Albert Einstein came back to life just to watch his videos
Hello ok fist of all of there is something that make me weird is that when a TH-camr fakes a crime, we feel bad for the fake victim but in my mimd,If you do that you are equally doing the same as feeling bad for people who fake homelessness cancer and severe stuff. Like I know it is fake but those faking up mess one are very cickbait too. Just if you do that On my mind you are like you feel bad for Morgs gf like she knows she isn't Hellen Keller like at this point feel bad for the fake homeless people.
你好,好吧,總之,讓我感到奇怪的是,當 TH-camr 假冒犯罪時,我們會為假受害者感到難過,但在我看來,如果你這樣做,你同樣會為那些做假的人感到難過。假無家可歸癌症和嚴重的東西。就像我知道它是假的,但那些假裝一團糟的人也很容易上當。如果你這樣做,在我看來,你就像是你為 Morgs gf 感到難過,就像她知道她不是 Hellen Keller 一樣,在這一點上為假無家可歸的人感到難過。
當 Elisocray 說他偽造了他孩子的死亡時,為什麼人們會生氣。他只是重複說我們失去了我們的兒子,他走了。標題是我們現在沒有兒子。可能是他們找不到hin,或者他或他的父母帶走了他。但在同一個 viseo 中,他們說他不在我們身邊,因為他在他們祖母的房子裡,而且是 clickbair。他們甚至看起來很傷心或擔心,如果這是他們至少應該採取的行為或假裝悲傷,他們只是重複了它。就像如果我被嬰兒迷路了,我會在標題上類似,而且他從來沒有說過他的兒子已經死了。還有無數受人愛戴的反應頻道在他們的縮略圖中偽造了狗死亡流產死產膀胱事故,但他沒有談論他們
好吧,也許他是一個行為。一位名叫 Ompa lommpa 的 TH-camr 在 nicocodo 被禁用時很生氣。
好吧,他對一個孩子做了一個成人惡作劇,這很糟糕,但其他人的想法比一個 yt 惡作劇要差得多
一個名叫 Alex clarcs 的 youtuber 曾經說過我要離開我的妻子,但最後是,我要離開我的妻子大約 3 個小時。這是clickbair。 Morgs 和 Piper Rochelle 甚至製作了關於狗的情感的單獨視頻。
此外,我知道他對我的 gf 進行了惡作劇,但他說他的行為是因為他的觀眾是 18 歲,他甚至在最後一個曝光視頻中說這是一個惡作劇,就像他知道的惡作劇一樣,即使你看一下 hoiis 粉絲是 4 歲在視頻中發表評論,他們知道這是假的。 Liek 這很糟糕,但是為孩子們製作 911 笑話的 youtuberr 不是 Isis 的支持者。就像 abouse 是樂隊一樣,但這是一個惡作劇,即使你做了一個 9/11 的惡作劇,你也不支持它。此外,它看起來比 6 年級的打拳更假,所以即使是他的 -160 IQ 粉絲也知道這是一個假的,但對於一個有 4 歲觀眾的頻道的視頻來說是個壞主意。 TH-cam 不會禁止你,因為它是假的,但不是一個好主意。
7 歲的 youtubeer 死視頻也不是很好的笑話,但大多數時候 youtuber 是在開玩笑,而那些把視頻製作成笑話的 youtuber。也喜歡某些人,如果有像 micael jakson 死掉的視頻,而你不喜歡它,人們會生氣,但我不喜歡,因為動畫不好,有兩個原因喜歡視頻,為什麼所有這些臟兮兮的 youtuber 都有數百萬美元上漲到最佳。
好吧,就像不要將 morgs 與那些在街頭偽造 eabuse 的人進行比較,就像他在他的房子裡那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負 160,他的粉絲知道這甚至就像打我的 gh 惡作劇一樣,我相信製作假炸彈威脅的 youtuber 知道不會在現實生活中進行。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被視為犯罪。
就像我討厭人們因為 youtuber 做他們從未做過的事情而全神貫注,只是因為他們開了個玩笑,比如開玩笑說 morgs 騷擾他的女朋友,因為所有 24 小時的挑戰,好吧,但是你們中的一些粉絲就像孩子一樣,而且你必須意識到這是同意,如果這不再同意,那麼我猜什麼可以。
就像我理解的那樣,如果他們不試圖讓它看起來真實並尊重這個人,但是很多 ytbers 一直在這樣做並逃脫了。
好吧,不要將 morgs 與那些偽造 eabuse ij the streed 的人進行比較,就像他在他家做的那樣,這顯然是點擊誘餌。你甚至說是。但是摩根確實坐在他的房子裡,每個人都知道這是clickkbait。如果你看到有人在街上騷擾孩子或其他人,你會報警,因為你沒有看足夠多的視頻來知道這是假的,但有些孩子可能會在現實生活中這樣做,但 morgs 的視頻是如此假,不像 elisocray 那裡他的粉絲智商為負160,他的粉絲知道這是假的。還有,假騷擾怎麼會被認為是犯罪,如果粉絲當然知道這是假的,並且有一個p
@Jojo yaya dang long message
You know there was a juvenile who started a fire at a shopping center where I live while the mother was shopping inside. This proves that kids really need some type of special help and also why is it that kids are starting to get worse than most young teenagers and adults. Makes you wonder why kids are even like this sometimes it's the parents but mostly it's the kid just being pissed off at everything.
Pretty sure it's more than kids being pissed off, you don't go this far to burn a building. I agree kids like this need to go to therapy.
@@quietworld2267 yeah but I'm actually being serious about the fire.
@@silverhawk_25 I know what you're saying, that must've been scary for the people inside
Omg was your mom okay?
@@evelynleisher8313 it wasn't my mom It was the juveniles mother
It really hurts to see this kid sleeping through school when I had to wake up at 6 (latest) just to barely make it there. God dammit.
At 6 I would have been in school already I had to get to school by 4"45
@@thatoneguyonblackops4018 dayum 4:45 is the time I sleep n 7 is the time I wake up
its crazy how the internet can change a person
I remember back in like November last year or something someone stole a whole band trailer from my school that the band teacher was saving up for for years and just got it a few days before, there's speculations that it was a devious lick, but I honestly have no idea lol. It got returned because the police found it though.
I feel bad for that band teacher lmao
@@Lithic.flakes me too
Wait hold up I need details. So u tellin me that somehow this mf broke into the school got a car or truck hooked that up to the back of whatever vehicle they’re driving and CAME HOME WITH THE DAMN TRAILER and his parents were like “I see nothin wrong here” somethings up I need details STAT
If I got expelled and my parents did nothing, I’d assume they were gonna send me to a mental hospital.
same lol everytime I skip school my dad would always say it's not easy to find another school that will accept you I mean if he didn't say nothin' guess I'm out of the house
I got expelled twice, and I can confirm it’s REALLY hard to get to a new school. I have autism and used to have pretty violent tendencies. My headteachers were actually very reluctant to expel, since it wasn’t really my fault.
i have a saying "im not the sharpest tool in the shed, but at least im not rusting outside in the rain" but this mom is on a whole other cotinent
If ishe was on any continent, something would've been done
She was in a different plane of reality
Pancho, you and dr Phil are my guys y’all both funny and dr Phil is just like that tbh
Tbh honest
How can you still respect Dr Phil?
Yo don't forget Internet Historian
@@yukinamiuka what'd he do? I was already told once but I forgot
@@Parsa.06 he defends a woman who was assaulting a man
When the mom said that "oh yeah, he's smart", I friggin lost it🤯🤣🤣🤣😂
The mum is definitely one of the main reasons why her son is the way he is. Its annoying and kinda sad to see how she's upset and will complain about how and why her son is acting the way he is when she is a reason for that by not disciplining him when he dose something wrong, so he will continue to do that because he knows he can get away with it.
Great job bro you've cracked parenting can't believe nobody has thought of disciplining their kids before
Kid: *steals a sign*
Company: *calls the National Guard*
That’s kinda dumb af 💀💀💀
Can we just appreciate how poncho never really asks for subs or likes yet he asks for followers on instagram. Love the content bro
That’s the key. Asking for Instagram makes you think about subs and likes. He is asking. Just pretends not to.
@@PDXD5V and?
@@PDXD5V no he didnt its ponchi
it really shows people will do anything for attention and as for the parents, i see why the dad was like that
like over time he would try to do something about the sons behavior but the mom wore him down and thats why he gave up in a sense
Annoying af when the mother backs up the child even when she knows the child did something wrong
beta male
this man really tried to pull a devious lick by stealing a handicapped sign💀.
💀💀 jit is a level 1 crook on me
Just the fact that he did it means that he is not really sane.
he’s my age lmao i am babysitting my 5 siblings, as well as cooking and cleaning..
Dang respect my guy
I am also his age except I have 3 siblings and cook clean
Respect my man you can brag whenever you want lmao
"This mans look like he doesn't discipline his kid"
The dad: *I'm gonna pull what you call a pro gamer move*
Wtf is up with the zoom class in the back 😂😂
Me when I find out COVID exists 😳😱🤯
Pancho been watching you since 2019 (possibly even way before but I forgot), still love your content
Don't worry ur right
**HIS SCHOOL STARTS AT **8:25**??** mine starts at 7:30 the bus arrives at 6:30
“It’s not my fault, it wasn’t my decision, tiktok made me do it”
@@cohengamertv6548 fuck, make it 5 years of hard intensive labour, send him to North Korea!
2:36 🎵he lies, he steals, he’s unreliable🎵
0:54 bro. This 12 yr old might get acused for committing a felony for stealing a handicap sign?! I couldn’t tell u the last time a saw ANY sign in my neighborhood, istg all the 13 yr old boys do is steal street signs.
There is no stupider person then one who commits a crime because he saw it on tiktok, and then posts it online so he cant possibly get away with it
This video is more exciting than Will Smith's Oscar
Well he’s definitely famous now 💀
My day goes from 0% to 100% when I watch pancho
3:04 why am i still on my phone
When the mum said she quit her job all because he couldn't get up i was genuinely surprised! Like yeah as a teenager yeah we hate getting up early for school but how does it go this far to literally quit your job lmao- How did they mess up this badly to the point she quits her job bruh 🤦♀🤣🤣. He's clearly never heard no before but the kid has been interviewed and stuff he seems to be self aware and wonders why his parents don't punish him.
I hate this kind of people so much but I am glad Pancho is here.
Also, this family isn't the brightest of families.
I watch your video's with my 12 year old. I had to be there for my daughter during covid rather than work. Yes you need to feed your family but there are always other factor's involved . When I grew up there was no social media. Miss those days look what it is doing to these kids.
If you’re going to take a sign (which you 100% shouldn’t) don’t take a HANDICAP sign!!! People in wheelchairs have a tough time getting out and you give people unnecessary fines!!!!!
Sometimes i wonder what things Dr. Phil truly wants to say but doesnt say to keep himself safe, shoot he’d probably get ppl hurt
A felony is serious it is a federal crime.
Shhhh sussy not now
If I got expelled from school or I was late, then my ass would grass and my parents would be the mower, I would get the sheeeeeyit beat out of me for any back talk.
If a father or mother is rude, the child will most likely be rude if you fail to discipline them or if you do not discipline them, they will act out. It is only the parents who can control the kids and raise them. If the parents are rude, the child will most likely be rude.
Pancho been watching since 2020 keep up the content!
For devious licks or whatever, we had kids at our school steal dispensers and fire hydrants. Now we don’t have any restrooms available in our hallways ( they closed them down )
I was talking an anger management class with my adopted parents at my local PD they sent me to wait outside while they talk about me behind my back. Obviously i got bored waiting and started wiggling a reserved parking sign it didn't break but some sorta oil substance was leaking out. When the officer confronted me about it before he even brought up damage they said "he'll have to pay for it then" 🤦 like WTF. I got 3 hours of community service when i probably could've gotten no consequence. They just see it as free daycare.
love your videos they have been making me feel better sense 2019
dude, someone at my school (sophmore at high school) legit ATTACKED another kid and beat him to a pulp with brass knuckles. The kid he beat up had a seizure and passed out. It was caught on camera and a full on helicopter from the state troopers had to come to the school and take him to the hospital. For whatever reason, this kid still is at my school and nobody cares anymore. But seeing this really makes me hope that soon he will get what he deserves.
Some one at my school stole a urinal from the bathroom and still hasn’t been caught
How tf do you steal a urinal??
@@vyperbladez5101 idk but the bathrooms were closed for like a month because of that
That's the reason why I am only on TH-cam, and not on any other social media, I don't need any of them except YT.
Mum: ‘He has no punishment.
Son: Yay I can play on my ps5 all day long
Father: oh hell noooooo
This kid needs help, I am a 14-year-old too, I could understand things like "Sometimes I seriously hate my parents" but taking a damn road sign is too much, seriously the mother has to do something
I'm a Pakistani (Asia) and I was born in the United States and my parents are fairly strict but are strict nonetheless and haven't given me my own phone until I'm in 8th grade (btw I'm 14) and forced me to do homework and I didn't liked that but I knew it is for my own good. :)
Thanos needs the stones back.
6:45 same 😂
Whenever I hear of this kid with a stolen handicapped parking sign makes me think of tricky from madness combat with his stop sign.
the swear at 5:04 lmaoo
Parents need to go to a Mexican Parent school, they will have a whole new opinion of life after it
Nah take them to an Asian parent school
Recently two boys at my school got expelled for bodyshaming girls and calling their classmates slurs. This was a huge shock to ALL of the teachers because they were good kids. We go to a CHRISTIAN school let me just say.
After following your channel for quite some time now, its interresting seeing you progress well in minecraft
right the reason kids are doing this is because there is a lack of punishment, when you are stupid to get to the stage u face felony charges u should dam well face them, "but hes a kid" ok but he still stole a sign if u had proof of someone else stealing something in their 20s you would want them arrested no?
What would we all do without the Mexican raincoat
I went to school with this kid he honestly acted so innocent in the begining of the year then turned aroud about 1 month in
Yo these videos are funny make my day Pancho if you're seeing this could we see more Dr.Phil vids in the future?
Someone took a whole desk from our school for the trend, the principle offered a 50 or 100 dollar reward if anyone could tell her who did it. Someone recently also lit a roll of toilet paper on fire too, which also had a reward to find person too.
Let's go Pancho!!
If I got expeled I’d be exiled by my community let alone punished
Keep up the good work 👍
A girl in my school had her balloon popped after she was hurting others so she started crying and choked a kid (full on choked her) they had to get the teacher and the kid who popped the balloon for the kid to stop hurting others got a phone call home and probably got in big trouble and the kid who choked someone just wrote and apology LIKE WTF is wrong with this. 🤦
I was just binging your channel 😊
In my school there were like 12 kids who were charged with a Felony because they were sharing "CP" with each other
If i dont wait up for school omg the belt will talk🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yo pancho big fan keep doin you bro you gonna make it farther that you are now much farther
This world is cruel, but beautiful
- mikasa Ackerman
Can they just ban TikTok
some idiots are setting off "fireworks" in the bathroom at our school. most likely the small insignificant ones but still
"i would vape in high school I would smoke in highschool"
Social media can only be a bad place when we all try to "fit in" in.
Riding his scooter after hours? Someone explain please am I missing something?
Guess that's a crime now
He stole a fucking parking sign
@@cohengamertv6548 yeah but they also mentioned riding his scooter after hours so it must be of significance or they wouldn't have said it
Ya like when school is over even the Karen teachers don’t yell at us if we hang around the school
@@mrmagot98 yeah there’s a curfew for those under the age of 18. It’s significant.
Mad respect for stealing an ENTIRE handicapped sign
POV: you early and dont know what to say
I was in middle school when the devious lick happened, we weren't allowed to use most of the school bathrooms.
Hello like the content you make!
Pancho doing the same jump again and again really is quality background content XD
I dont even like Tik-Tok
In Illinois, stealing a disabled parking sign is a class 4 felony punishable with a $25,000.00 fine and up to three years in jail (unless you are in Cook County because there the DA will hold your hand and make it all better). Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Sorry if I'm a burden since I'm here a little early!
my parent would make my life hell if i got expelled
no views but 130 likes!? XD
That's what I'm saying
I’m in middle school and the devious licks happened at my school and kids stole soap dispensers, coat hangers in bathrooms and disassembled sinks.
Hello everyone! I hope your days have been well:D
Pancho made me commit war crimes
No views 10 comments
bro.. my parents would have SCOLDED me. How are parents not able to raise their children probably. This child and his mom are definetly living in another universe...
Hi 👋
6:06 if i ever got kicked out of school i wouldn't even have a family anymore-like i'll be straight up kicked out of the house with the message "never come back again" and this man didn't get shit- man that kid is lucky istg
I think the reason he got a full felony for the sign is because of the ADA. The ADA is a very strong law itself.
Kids like this is the reason I think parents should be strict not completely chill and letting their child do whatever he wants
My school threaten to take all but one bathroom away. We got multiple floors.
Did you see when he was on the parkour he typed in shit because he missed the jump 😂😂😂
Pancho you should make a show called Dr. Pancho bc you’re good at this 😂
I feel bad for YOU because u keep on falling in parkur, like I felt your pain