I love Muslims so much even my boss tells me that being a Muslim is something gud n indeed being a Muslim fill good yaani I dont knw to express it but a Christian though so I dont knw religion to follow..May God help..Watching you from jordan
Bernardatte Maragia bro ISLAM is the true religion.We worship only ALLAH(The GOD) and did not Worship Hazrat Jesus(peace be upon him) because Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet not son of Almighty ALLAH(The GOD).
Bernadatte, if you boss say to you to put your head under a train. Will you do? Be careful! Fique com a sua cultura, é a mais segura. You guys in Brazil don't see much about this people.
The iERA team in Brazil on day 20 of the football World Cup, were giving dawah on Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) in Rio de Janeiro. They were there with a local dawah organisation, FAMBRAS - Federação das Associações Muçulmanas do Brasil - The Federation of Muslim Associations in Brazil. People were very interested in them fasting in the Rio heat and wanted to know more about Islam. Brazil is a very fertile place to share the simple and rational message of Islam as the majority of Brazilians we’ve met are disillusioned with Catholicism and have already left it to worship God alone. In one of the local Mosques in Rio where we broke our first fast of Ramadan, we were overwhelmed with the number of reverts or converts to Islam that there were and with the permission of Allah whilst we were there, a local woman arrived at the mosque wanting to become Muslim!
This should not stop at the end of the world cup and it shouldn't stop in Brazil. We must sponsor this global dawah in brasil and other countries. This tells us that other countries are not indoctrinated against Islam as much as the US and Britain. There is dawah opportunity
trust me, brazil will never accept islam, every part of brazilian culture is in direct opposition to islam. If you go up to a brazilian and tell him he cant drink alcohol you will get beat up. Tell a brazilian he can't eat pork? wow, i'd like to meet the man who would dare to do that
John Terry I guess you haven't watched all the videos of all the Brazilians accepting Islam with all joy. You are in contradiction with this video itself. Islam is not just about not drinking and not doing. Islam is about happiness withing and peace of mind on connection to the creator. Brazilians are very spiritual people who have a great attitude.
metal9023 excuse me have you ever been to Brazil? What makes Brazilians happy is partying and drinking going to the beach wearing next to nothing, people have multiple sex partners. The countries national dish is pork. If you think Europe is liberal you have seen nothing until you go to Brazil. The point I'm trying to make is that Brazilian culture contrasts so much to the teachings of Islam that your religion could not possibly hope to succeed there.
John Terry even of I did go to brasil, does that mean I can speak for all of it? As a matter of fact you should do your research there's already a Brazilian Muslim community. As to the party and the orgies, well like Omar Ben alkhattab the second kaliphate of Muslims said : those who didn't know the ignorant times don't know Islam. The companions of the prophet pbuh were people whom had lots of drinking and partying before Islam. It is in fact that which led them to Islam. Those things eventually hit rock bottom and become just a repetition of the same thing and each time feels less than the previous. So that's what brings people to Islam. The happiness of the soul rather that of the material
Where can I find the masajid that the group has visited.. I would like to visit them and meet these beautiful people one day inshallah. Is there an online map?
rather than donating to anyone. u shud donate the needs around ur place. i totally support dawah i prefer to donate stuff rather money. i donate blankets books food holybooks sweets on occasions bread eggs medicines etc... Allaahu Akbar
A sallam Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa bharakhtu tabarak Allah Amazing revert stories so wonderful Islam is still the fastest growing religion Masha Allah Brother does a very beautiful Azan tabark Allah Ameen ya rabbil Alameen
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim Masya Alloh Subhanalloh Alhamdulillah laa ilaa ha illalloh Allohu Akbar laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billaahi Allohumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa alaa ali Muhammad wa Insya Alloh population Muslim Brazilian accepting Islam so good amin yaa Kariim yaa Robbal Alamiin
We Brasileiros decente of the great Portuguese crusaders already know Islam very well. Poke the jaguar with small stick and see what happens. You will never divide us this is Jesus land our God. Respect our ways because we respect your culture
In English I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah In Arabic أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ الله وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّدًا رسولُ الله (ASHHADU ALLA ILAHA ILLALLAH, WA ASHHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAR-RASULULLAH) The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy. 1. The first Testification means that no one or thing deserves to be worshipped except God Who is the Creator of everything. 2. The second Testification states that Muhammad the son of ^Abdullah who was born in Makkah about 1400 years ago is a messenger of God. He was sent to convey what God revealed to him so that the humans believe in and work with the Laws he received and brought. He is truthful in all what he conveyed. The Two Testifications reject the Godhood of anyone or anything other than God. They confirm the Godhood of God only with the acknowledgment of the message of Prophet Muhammad.
🌍🙏👩👧👧👩👩👦👦🙅💦💧🐦🌴 Subhana Allah 💧 nevertheless brothers and sisters around the whole internal world.learning or reasons carefully, everyliving things in this Earth 🌎 is ISLLAAM AND MUSLIMIIN AROUND THE WHOLE,SO IS TO REASON TO AWAKENING SEARCHING FOR THE WAYS OF (TRUTH ALLAH HU AKUBAR 🌎) There now reverts please stop saying that's not wards 🌍🙏🐦🐓🇬🇭
Subhanallah.yaa allah.i hope this message well trasfaired to VENIZUELA NATIONS PLEASE,, VENIZUELAS need (ALLAAH) They need comfort, comfort, comfort, the Rome Catholic, church diceved themselves that massage of (ALLAAH) Jesus died for their sins so all of them relaxed they relays on statuses, EVERN so called the Leaders of Catholic church themselves they discoved themselves and men's and women's are sleeping for so long , and it's affecting the whole internal elders and children . common senses charity begings at home YAA ALLAAH PLEASE hope for the best INSHA LAAH. And also VENIZUELAS prisoners Inside the persons
ISLAM IS FOR ALL Almighty Allah says: و ما ارسلناک إلا رحمة للعالمين We sent thee not,but as a mercy for the worlds.(for all creatures). There is no question now of race or nation of a " chosen people" or the seed of Abraham or the " seed of David"; of Jew or Gentile, Arab or non--Arab, European or African, White or Coloured etc. To all men and creatures other than men who have any spiritual responsibility the principles universally apply. LO ! RELIGION WITH ALLAH IS ISLAM إن الدين عند الله الإسلام و من يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه o Islam is دين الله (Way of Life given by Allah). How mankind should live in this world. It is not made by Muslim. It has it's root in Qur'an and authentic حدیث (sayings of Prophet) Therefore Islamic laws are better than any other law of the world. Problem of Europe is that it does not understand this very important fact. They think that theirs law is better than Islamic law. Almighty Allah says : The revelation of the Book is from Allah,the Mighty, the Wise. Lo! We have revealed the Book unto them (Mohammad) with truth; so worship Allah,making the Deen pure for Him (only). Surely pure Deen is for Allah only (Qur'an,39:1-3) Kindly make your mind clear that the the mankind is created by Almighty Allah -- the Master Creator. We have to study and research the Holy Qur'an sincerely. It is in broader interests of humankind. Follow Islam to make your life better in this world and in the life of Hereafter. O Allah show us the right path of Islam. " The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go stray". (Qur'an, 1:7) DR.MOHAMMAD LAEEQUE NADVI Ph.D. (Arabic Lit.) M.A. Arabic Lit.+Islamic Studies) DIRECTOR Amena Institute of Islamic Studies & Analysis A Global & Universal Institute, Donate to developee this Institute SBI A/C30029616117 Kolkata,Park Circus Branch nadvilaeeque@gmail.com Thanks
I love Muslims so much even my boss tells me that being a Muslim is something gud n indeed being a Muslim fill good yaani I dont knw to express it but a Christian though so I dont knw religion to follow..May God help..Watching you from jordan
Bernardatte Maragia bro ISLAM is the true religion.We worship only ALLAH(The GOD) and did not Worship Hazrat Jesus(peace be upon him) because Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet not son of Almighty ALLAH(The GOD).
Islam is true and beautiful religion ☺
Bernadatte, if you boss say to you to put your head under a train. Will you do? Be careful! Fique com a sua cultura, é a mais segura.
You guys in Brazil don't see much about this people.
Jews loves Moses,
Christian loves Jesus,
Muslim loves Moses, Jesus and Muhammad Peace Be Upon Them
You guys are such a great inspiration to all of us. May Allah Bless you and your families.
Subhanallah! I love watching these videos, May Allah bless all you people who do dawah. It is really a great inspiration!
The iERA team in Brazil on day 20 of the football World Cup, were giving dawah on Sugarloaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) in Rio de Janeiro.
They were there with a local dawah organisation, FAMBRAS - Federação das Associações Muçulmanas do Brasil - The Federation of Muslim Associations in Brazil.
People were very interested in them fasting in the Rio heat and wanted to know more about Islam. Brazil is a very fertile place to share the simple and rational message of Islam as the majority of Brazilians we’ve met are disillusioned with Catholicism and have already left it to worship God alone. In one of the local Mosques in Rio where we broke our first fast of Ramadan, we were overwhelmed with the number of reverts or converts to Islam that there were and with the permission of Allah whilst we were there, a local woman arrived at the mosque wanting to become Muslim!
iERA great work ma cha Allah, and what about world cup of russia now any activities ?
May Allah bless you all
Masha'Allah ,
May Allah help our brothers & sisters in Brazil and bestow of his mercy upon them and protect them ..Amen
Ramadan Mubarak to All .
Masha´Allah! brothers and sisters please pray a lot in this blessed month, so that you may acquire taqwa!
Alhamdulelah for the gift of Islam.
This should not stop at the end of the world cup and it shouldn't stop in Brazil. We must sponsor this global dawah in brasil and other countries. This tells us that other countries are not indoctrinated against Islam as much as the US and Britain. There is dawah opportunity
Please support this campaign: www.iera.org/donations/campaigns/world-cup-dawah-campaign/
trust me, brazil will never accept islam, every part of brazilian culture is in direct opposition to islam. If you go up to a brazilian and tell him he cant drink alcohol you will get beat up. Tell a brazilian he can't eat pork? wow, i'd like to meet the man who would dare to do that
John Terry I guess you haven't watched all the videos of all the Brazilians accepting Islam with all joy. You are in contradiction with this video itself. Islam is not just about not drinking and not doing. Islam is about happiness withing and peace of mind on connection to the creator. Brazilians are very spiritual people who have a great attitude.
metal9023 excuse me have you ever been to Brazil? What makes Brazilians happy is partying and drinking going to the beach wearing next to nothing, people have multiple sex partners. The countries national dish is pork. If you think Europe is liberal you have seen nothing until you go to Brazil. The point I'm trying to make is that Brazilian culture contrasts so much to the teachings of Islam that your religion could not possibly hope to succeed there.
John Terry even of I did go to brasil, does that mean I can speak for all of it? As a matter of fact you should do your research there's already a Brazilian Muslim community. As to the party and the orgies, well like Omar Ben alkhattab the second kaliphate of Muslims said : those who didn't know the ignorant times don't know Islam. The companions of the prophet pbuh were people whom had lots of drinking and partying before Islam. It is in fact that which led them to Islam. Those things eventually hit rock bottom and become just a repetition of the same thing and each time feels less than the previous. So that's what brings people to Islam. The happiness of the soul rather that of the material
Where can I find the masajid that the group has visited.. I would like to visit them and meet these beautiful people one day inshallah. Is there an online map?
Jazak Allah Khayr brother
Me too. Aaamiin ya Rabb
Assalamu Alykum wa Rahmatullah.
Support and love from Bangladesh to dawah team for the sake of Allah subaha wa talla.
Jajak Allah.
May Allah reward you for your big efforts and guide all the people you meet!
You're doing a great job guys ^ ^ keep going like that
pls br help honduras people to come to islam alla will help you to build mosqs in Honduras may Allah gide you and your family in right path
Masha Allah,, may Allah gv them strength n wisdom to our brothers n sisters in running da'awa across de globe.
May Allah bless you!!! Masha a Allah!!!
Alhamdolillah n peace be upon you brother n Allah live u healthy n live u long brother n sister
We will give the massage to one and all
I want to donate but I don't have credit card. Can I donate with paypal?
Love from Holland and Ramadan Mubarak to all
Yes: www.iera.org/donations/campaigns/world-cup-dawah-campaign/
Where in Holland do you live ? ( i live in Zaandam near Amsterdam)
rather than donating to anyone. u shud donate the needs around ur place. i totally support dawah i prefer to donate stuff rather money. i donate blankets books food holybooks sweets on occasions bread eggs medicines etc... Allaahu Akbar
Beautiful. Islam in brazil,
Beautiful people of brazil will now experience Islam. Passionate people talking about their passion for islam
Masyaa Allah.. love the fact that when he said - Allah spreads His deen with or without the Muslims. Allahu Akbar.
MashaALLAH !!! and JazakALLAHokhairan!!
A sallam Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa bharakhtu tabarak Allah
Amazing revert stories so wonderful Islam is still the fastest growing religion
Masha Allah
Brother does a very beautiful Azan tabark Allah
Ameen ya rabbil Alameen
Sisters are great
Masya Allah. Brazilians need to be introduced to Islam. Love from Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mashaallah how Allah guides those who search for truth.
Love from Bangladesh.
Masha Allah thanks Muslim brothers
My from Bangladesh
Masha allag my from indonesia
@@wasinowasino2172 thanks brother
Amazon indeed! Love from the USA.
Masha Allah
From an Indian
Masallah sister, welcome to islam
Islam should be preached more and more and the people should convert to Islam, because ISLAM IS THE GREATEST.
+Bengaltiger1 Ameen!☺
May Allah Azza wa Jal protect you and Help you and Bless all of you in your Dawah Ameen summa Ameen ❤️🧡💚💝☪️ Allahu Akbar.
Can you come here in philippines? South east asian nation games will be held here. I think november or december this year. And give dawah here.
these videos make me so eager to do dawah on the streets
Very Nice video!
Masha Allah good job
ماشاء الله
جزاكم الله خيرا
Gute mashallah alhamdullilah islam
Inshallah one day the brazilian national team will wear jerseys with a cresent emblem as a logo
Subhanalloh.... ❤
Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim Masya Alloh Subhanalloh Alhamdulillah laa ilaa ha illalloh Allohu Akbar laa haula wa laa quwwata illa billaahi Allohumma sholli alaa Muhammad wa alaa ali Muhammad wa Insya Alloh population Muslim Brazilian accepting Islam so good amin yaa Kariim yaa Robbal Alamiin
voces podem ate viver aqui no nosso pais ,mais nao fiquem passando essa religiao mizeravel pra o nosso pais...queremos paz.
ja basta aceitar vcs aqui... ficam pregando essa peste aqui.
Masya Allah. Welcome to Islam.
Wellcome to heaven world sister
Hi how can we donate to u guys
Love you work, I tried your link but page not found
Love From Australia
Please visit www.iera.org/donations/ to support all our various projects inshaa'Allah.
thinkyou barther
now they talk then they do what you know
We Brasileiros decente of the great Portuguese crusaders already know Islam very well. Poke the jaguar with small stick and see what happens.
You will never divide us this is Jesus land our God. Respect our ways because we respect your culture
We need a miracle in Gaza. IA
To islam in brazilia
In English
I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
In Arabic
أشهدُ أنْ لا إلهَ إلاَّ الله
وأشهدُ أنَّ محمّدًا رسولُ الله
The non-Muslim embraces Islam by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.
1. The first Testification means that no one or thing deserves to be worshipped except God Who is the Creator of everything.
2. The second Testification states that Muhammad the son of ^Abdullah who was born in Makkah about 1400 years ago is a messenger of God. He was sent to convey what God revealed to him so that the humans believe in and work with the Laws he received and brought. He is truthful in all what he conveyed.
The Two Testifications reject the Godhood of anyone or anything other than God. They confirm the Godhood of God only with the acknowledgment of the message of Prophet Muhammad.
🌍🙏👩👧👧👩👩👦👦🙅💦💧🐦🌴 Subhana Allah 💧 nevertheless brothers and sisters around the whole internal world.learning or reasons carefully, everyliving things in this Earth 🌎 is ISLLAAM AND MUSLIMIIN AROUND THE WHOLE,SO IS TO REASON TO AWAKENING SEARCHING FOR THE WAYS OF (TRUTH ALLAH HU AKUBAR 🌎) There now reverts please stop saying that's not wards 🌍🙏🐦🐓🇬🇭
Subhanallah.yaa allah.i hope this message well trasfaired to VENIZUELA NATIONS PLEASE,, VENIZUELAS need (ALLAAH) They need comfort, comfort, comfort, the Rome Catholic, church diceved themselves that massage of (ALLAAH) Jesus died for their sins so all of them relaxed they relays on statuses, EVERN so called the Leaders of Catholic church themselves they discoved themselves and men's and women's are sleeping for so long , and it's affecting the whole internal elders and children . common senses charity begings at home YAA ALLAAH PLEASE hope for the best INSHA LAAH. And also VENIZUELAS prisoners Inside the persons
Almighty Allah says:
و ما ارسلناک إلا رحمة للعالمين
We sent thee not,but as a mercy for the worlds.(for all creatures).
There is no question now of race or nation of a " chosen people" or the seed of Abraham or the " seed of David"; of Jew or Gentile, Arab or non--Arab, European or African, White or Coloured etc.
To all men and creatures other than men who have any spiritual responsibility the principles universally apply.
إن الدين عند الله الإسلام و من يبتغ غير الإسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه o
Islam is دين الله (Way of Life given by Allah). How mankind should live in this world. It is not made by Muslim. It has it's root in Qur'an and authentic حدیث (sayings of Prophet) Therefore Islamic laws are better than any other law of the world.
Problem of Europe is that it does not understand this very important fact. They think that theirs law is better than Islamic law.
Almighty Allah says :
The revelation of the Book is from Allah,the Mighty, the Wise.
Lo! We have revealed the Book unto them (Mohammad) with truth; so worship Allah,making the Deen pure for Him (only).
Surely pure Deen is for Allah only
Kindly make your mind clear that the the mankind is created by Almighty Allah -- the Master Creator.
We have to study and research the Holy Qur'an sincerely. It is in broader interests of humankind.
Follow Islam to make your life better in this world and in the life of Hereafter.
O Allah show us the right path of Islam.
" The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not (the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go stray".
(Qur'an, 1:7)
Ph.D. (Arabic Lit.) M.A. Arabic Lit.+Islamic Studies)
Amena Institute of Islamic Studies & Analysis
A Global & Universal Institute,
Donate to developee this Institute
SBI A/C30029616117
Kolkata,Park Circus Branch
dawah on the beach? u see many aurat there....better you go away and do dakwah on street
Hi how can we donate to u guys
Love you work, I tried your link but page not found
Love From Australia
Salaam you have to click on the top dawah mission is you will get the menu and click to donate.
Please visit: www.iera.org/donations/campaigns/world-cup-dawah-campaign/ to support the World Cup campaign inshaa'Allah
Jaggedette1, may Allah Almighty bless you with peace and prosperity ... amin Ya Robbal Alamin
Masha Allah