Brothers, when you are using a translator/interpreter, be sure to look and make eye contact with the nonmuslim because that is who you are really addressing and trying to form a connection with. I am a therapist and this is one of the things i learned during my training, under the topic of having to use an interpretor/translator. The language barrier doesnt have to be that much of a barrier :)
Assalamu Alaykom, brother love you from India and requesting you all do dawah works continue world wide and builds islamic schools to create more and more Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat like Islamic preachers to explain Islam better to non Muslims and muslims as well. May Allah bless and protect you all and make Dawah works easy for all ameen
hare krsna. actually i am also a hare krisha. da dawaist didn't ask much to that hare krsna. i wud like to talk with that dawaist....if possible on this page itself....
May Allah-swt reward all of you brothers & sisters & not to forget the youngster, for the dawah work. It would have been even better to see shahadah(s) being taken, InsahAllah.
Most likely you guys have iphone 5 and Galaxy or a good up to day android phone. How about next time ya Use the phone translator . Either it's built in or you can download the application in'shaa'allah
I'm not being negative brother I'm really sincere in advice but what is it with the music like mimicking saying of Allah's asma wa sifat @4:11 ? I'm not being funny but it sounds like the beginning of a 90's boy-band music video.
My religion has nothing to do with you so mind your own business . What are you now going to teach Muslims their own religion that you don't believe in ? .
By the way, the "noise" they are making are just the same as the noise you make through your minaretes when you pray out loud or when some Christian pastors do when praying like crazy to their audience, just the same. Religions trying to know the truth when in fact they don't, none of us do, sadly but true!
The call to prayer is like two minutes long. Church bells ring for like a minute. The Hari Krishnas perform for hours straight. It's different just in the duration of time.
Allah hu akbar! Its only a matter of time the globe accepts islam! Its spreading ridiculously fast! I was in Mexico recently and people there are beautiful, I was shocked at how nice n welcoming they were especially after hearing about all the drug cartels and killings etc..but the mexicans are very strict with religion and they're all Catholics, I bumped into a few muslims there and even they said how slowly Mexico will be muslim country in shaa allah..alot of people are accepting islam over there..probably the biggest muslim country in the Americas
Alhamdulillah salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam tali persaudaraan 🤚🤝💟👍 Tiada Tuhan yang layak di sembah dengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah yang Maha penyantun lagi Maha Mulia salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam silaturrahim 🤚🤝💟👍
It is clear in the begining of the video that the hare krishna guy is understanding nothing! Learn some portuguese words, otherwise people are going to think you are just crazy and will agree with everything you say.
Athanasius IVI Jesus is not God... Jesus (peace be upon him) worshiped Allaah. The Churches changed the concept so that it may benefit them... And you have to agree this because your priests agreed that the Meaning of the Bible was manipulated to suit Church teachings and when they got exposed they changed complete Bible... For example King James is not recommended by priests now because they say it includes many fabrications. Now the say to refer New International Version... later they may come with "More New International Version'... You may say the errors are minor but they are extremely major. Even the ONLY verse which clearly states Trinity is graded as fabricated by Modern Churches... Christianity does not agrees with the teachings of Abraham (peace be upon him)...
Abrar Shaikh The King James is not recommended by priests because it's a Protestant version and priests are Catholic. Also, Jesus did not worship Allah because there is no proof.
Athanasius IVI Of course, you will not find proof if you don't look for it. In the Bible you look only for Trinity and therefore you find Trinity out of nowhere. There is no clear verse which states Trinity. The concept of Trinity has evolved over years. First it was only Father... then it became Father and Son and Now it's Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit... Give me one clear verse of Trinity, brother in humanity. And then I can show if you look at the verse in the way of Trinity then it's easy to believe for you there are 6 Gods (which of course is not)... So you see... it's the perception. Not just perception but also corruption... According to Bart D. Ehrman (He is an American New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), in his book 'The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings' he has written, "It is not simply a matter of scholarly speculation to say that the words of the New Testament were changed in the process of copying. We know they were changed because we can compare all 5,400 copies with one another. What is striking is that when we do so we find that no two of these copies (except the smallest fragments) agree in all of their wording. There can be only one reason for this: the scribes who copied the texts changed them. Nobody knows for certain how often they changed them, because no one has yet been able to count all of the differences among the surviving manuscripts. Some estimates put the number at around 200,000, others at around 300,000. Perhaps it is simplest to express the figure in comparative terms: THERE ARE MORE DIFFERENCES among our manuscripts THAN THERE ARE WORDS in the New Testament. In fact New Testament was not considered a part of the Bible in early Churches. So if you are looking for proof in Bible then you are looking at Inauthentic source... But if you insist then look John 17:1... You will find various explanation to why Son worshipped Father, etc. But it's clearly mentioned Jesus worshipped God... And from Authentic source you will find it in the Qur'aan The proof that Jesus worshipped Allaah ﷻ is mentioned in the Qur'aan 3:51: Surely, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; so serve Him alone. This is the straight way.' As with other Prophets, the fundamental points of Jesus' mission were the following: (1) Man should acknowledge- the exclusive sovereignty of God which demands absolute service and obedience to Him, and Him alone. This principle serves as the basis for the entire structure of human morality and social behaviour. (2) Man should obey the Prophets since they are the representatives of the true Sovereign. (3) The Law which should regulate man's conduct by elaborating what is right and what is wrong should be none other than the Law of God. The laws devised by others should be abrogated. There is, thus, no difference between the missions of Jesus, Moses and Muhammad (peace be on them all). Those who think that the missions of the Prophets differ from one another and who believe that their objectives vary have fallen into serious error. Whoever is sent by the Lord of the Universe to His creatures can have no other purpose than to dissuade God's subjects from disobeying Him and assuming an attitude of vanity and disregard towards Him, and to admonish them against associating anyone with God in His divinity (that is, either holding anyone to be a partner with the Lord of the Universe in His Sovereignty or recognizing others beside God as having a rightful claim on part of man's loyalty, devotion and worship), and to invite them all to be loyal to, and to serve, obey and worship God alone. It is unfortunate that the Gospels in their present form do not offer as clear a picture of the mission of Jesus as that presented by the Qur'an. Nevertheless, we find scattered throughout the Gospels all the three fundamentals mentioned above. The notion that man ought to submit himself totally to God is embodied in the following statement: You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve' (Matthew 4: 10). In addition, Jesus believed that the object of his efforts was that God's commands relating to the moral realm should be obeyed in this world in the sphere of human conduct just as His commands about the operation of the physical universe are obeyed in the heavens: 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven' (ibid., 6: 10). The fact that Jesus presented himself as a Prophet and a representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that in this capacity he asked people to follow him is borne out by several statements. When, for instance, he began his mission in Nazareth and when his own kith, kin and compatriots turned against him, he remarked: 'A prophet is not without honour except in his own country . . .' (Matthew 13: 57; see also Luke 4: 24 and Mark 6: 4). And when conspiracies were hatched in Jerusalem to put an end to his life, and people counselled him to go away, he replied: 'Nevertheless I must go on my way . . . for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem' (Luke 13: 33). When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time the disciples cried with a loud voice: 'Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord' (Luke 19: 38). This angered the Pharisees, who asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples. But he replied: 'I tell you, if these were silent the very stones would cry out' (ibid., 19: 40). On another occasion he said: 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light' (Matthew 11: 28-30). The fact that he invited people to obey the Laws of God rather than the laws made by man is evident from his response (found in both Matthew and Mark) to the objection raised by the Pharisees to the conduct of their disciples who ate with defiled hands, that is, without washing. 'Well did Isiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.' And he said to them: 'You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. For Moses said, "Honour your father and your mother", and "He who speaks evil of his father or mother, let him surely die", but you say, "If a man tells his father or mother what you would have gained from me is Corban (that is, given to God), and then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on"' (Mark 7: 6-13; see also Matthew 15: 2-9). I hope this is clear to you now Brother in Humanity... There is only one message of all the Prophets There is No deity of worship but Allaah
Athanasius IVI Only the middle part is from the above mentioned website. However, using a material from an authentic website is alright for research purpose. And this shows whatever I have written is after research and not just some random points from my pocket... However, now I will not quote from any website for you. If you don't want stuff from websites then be it. You have not proved your Trinity yet!!! I really want you to show me one clear verse for Trinity (and then I will show to you that you actually believe in 6 Gods unknowingly) You asked me proof for whether Jesus worshiped God. I gave you John 17:1 ... What do you say about it? Why don't you believe Jesus worshiped God. If you believe 'Gospel according to John' then you have to believe Jesus (peace be upon him) worshiped God. What do you say about quotes from Bart D. Ehrman... I have not quoted it from any website. It's from studies and taught to me by my Prof. Hamza. What do you say about that? He has clearly said that the Bible we have today is full of error. Do you want your beliefs to be based on book full of errors? Ask yourself once. What will happen if even a single belief of yours is not according to what God want from you but it's according to what New International Version or some other version wants it from you? Will you be able to face the God then on the Day of Resurrection? Bro, ask it for yourself? i don't want all of my questions to be answered. The question is for you. Imagine meeting God and God telling you that even after getting clear signs from Me you rejected My signs just because you wanted to believe NIV Bible, etc. which I clearly showed to you in world that it has been corrupted.
Jesus was not God bcz he doesn't said "I am god worship me " but he said "Many things I have to speak and to judge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and the things I have heard of him, these same I speak in the world." - John 8:26 - and also "And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord thy God is one God." - Mark 12:29 - Matthew chapter 7 21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity. and he told you that an other Prophet will come and he will rule as his rule (sharia law ) and the book would given to one who can't read ( prophet mohamed ( PBUH ) ) so why you don't believe him
Mashallah the young boy at the end touched my heart out of all that video.
Brothers, when you are using a translator/interpreter, be sure to look and make eye contact with the nonmuslim because that is who you are really addressing and trying to form a connection with. I am a therapist and this is one of the things i learned during my training, under the topic of having to use an interpretor/translator. The language barrier doesnt have to be that much of a barrier :)
where i can donate for Brazil dawa team? to expand their staying
Search them in Google and help them
Thank you sister
MaaShaaAllah...they doin great job....Allah rewards them much more...
May Allah accept your dawa
Our hearty prayers are with you guys... with tears...
Great work , i don't think anyone is doing what iera team is doing.
Great job, i am so proud of this team and i look forward to these videos
May Allah bless all dawah teams for their hard work 🙌🙌
Big respect and love to you brother's and sister's for doing what you do. May Allah reward you all for your humble efforts :)
Aw masha'Allah the little boy at the end
ماشاء اللّٰہ
That young boy at the end of the video ❤️🥰😍
That young kid stole my heart
But I have to say that you approach people in a very polite way! That is good
Aww that young kid melts my heart masyaAllah
Assalamu Alaykom, brother love you from India and requesting you all do dawah works continue world wide and builds islamic schools to create more and more Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat like Islamic preachers to explain Islam better to non Muslims and muslims as well.
May Allah bless and protect you all and make Dawah works easy for all ameen
hare krsna. actually i am also a hare krisha. da dawaist didn't ask much to that hare krsna. i wud like to talk with that dawaist....if possible on this page itself....
May Allah-swt reward all of you brothers & sisters & not to forget the youngster, for the dawah work. It would have been even better to see shahadah(s) being taken, InsahAllah.
الله أكبر
ماشااااء الله.
وفقكم الله، أدعو الله أن يرزقني القدرة على الدعوة
Masha Allah
How can I join your dawah team. I want to guide humanity too to the truth of Islam.
May Allah-swt grant your wish brother & reward you all with paradise - ameen
Most likely you guys have iphone 5 and Galaxy or a good up to day android phone. How about next time ya Use the phone translator . Either it's built in or you can download the application in'shaa'allah
MashaAllah my Allah bless you all
omg that little boy.
masha Allah my dear brother
mashaallah brothers u r doing great job
1:22 such a bold statement you made here buddy. 90 percent??? Sources please.
May Allah reward
Good job
Brother jhon fontain great way
As salamu Alekum brother
Masha Alloh
Who sings the song in the last very good Masha Allah
doing good
I'm not being negative brother I'm really sincere in advice but what is it with the music like mimicking saying of Allah's asma wa sifat @4:11
? I'm not being funny but it sounds like the beginning of a 90's boy-band music video.
What on earth is wrong with? I don't get you Muslims. Always so strict and black and white. Live a little. Sad turd.
My religion has nothing to do with you so mind your own business . What are you now going to teach Muslims their own religion that you don't believe in ? .
I didn't here any music? at the end I heard a guy is singing and echos in the background but where's the music as you say?
please help me to find the name of the song in the end of the video
By the way, the "noise" they are making are just the same as the noise you make through your minaretes when you pray out loud or when some Christian pastors do when praying like crazy to their audience, just the same. Religions trying to know the truth when in fact they don't, none of us do, sadly but true!
The call to prayer is like two minutes long. Church bells ring for like a minute. The Hari Krishnas perform for hours straight. It's different just in the duration of time.
Allah hu akbar! Its only a matter of time the globe accepts islam! Its spreading ridiculously fast! I was in Mexico recently and people there are beautiful, I was shocked at how nice n welcoming they were especially after hearing about all the drug cartels and killings etc..but the mexicans are very strict with religion and they're all Catholics, I bumped into a few muslims there and even they said how slowly Mexico will be muslim country in shaa allah..alot of people are accepting islam over there..probably the biggest muslim country in the Americas
very few will become muslim just because some people become muslim doesn't mean anything people are going all faiths but most to athiesm
Wa city ya went to ❤️
Plz tell me the naseed name I don't know it's name I like it very much plz any body know plz Do tell Jazakallah khair
As-Salaamu'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.
The Nasheed is- Al-Esma Al-Hasna Or Esmaul Hasna.
Wa Antum Fa Jazakamullahu Khairan
Insha'Allah Brazil will be restored back to Islam!
Alhamdulillah salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam tali persaudaraan 🤚🤝💟👍 Tiada Tuhan yang layak di sembah dengan sebenar-benarnya melainkan Allah yang Maha penyantun lagi Maha Mulia salaamun Alaikum dan Asalam silaturrahim 🤚🤝💟👍
Traslat bahasa ples
It is clear in the begining of the video that the hare krishna guy is understanding nothing! Learn some portuguese words, otherwise people are going to think you are just crazy and will agree with everything you say.
U can change hindhus
But u can't change hare krishnas
They r highly educated in spiritually,philosophically
highly, Ignorant. Allah Guides whom He wills!!! Alhamdulilah
Dakwah islam in brazili
none of the prophets were muslims
muslims means submitting to one god, so its like saying none of them believed one god lol
Did you ever read quran
Jesus is God. Islam does not agree with Christianity so it must be rejected.
Athanasius IVI Jesus is not God... Jesus (peace be upon him) worshiped Allaah. The Churches changed the concept so that it may benefit them... And you have to agree this because your priests agreed that the Meaning of the Bible was manipulated to suit Church teachings and when they got exposed they changed complete Bible... For example King James is not recommended by priests now because they say it includes many fabrications. Now the say to refer New International Version... later they may come with "More New International Version'... You may say the errors are minor but they are extremely major. Even the ONLY verse which clearly states Trinity is graded as fabricated by Modern Churches...
Christianity does not agrees with the teachings of Abraham (peace be upon him)...
Abrar Shaikh The King James is not recommended by priests because it's a Protestant version and priests are Catholic. Also, Jesus did not worship Allah because there is no proof.
Athanasius IVI Of course, you will not find proof if you don't look for it. In the Bible you look only for Trinity and therefore you find Trinity out of nowhere. There is no clear verse which states Trinity.
The concept of Trinity has evolved over years. First it was only Father... then it became Father and Son and Now it's Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit...
Give me one clear verse of Trinity, brother in humanity. And then I can show if you look at the verse in the way of Trinity then it's easy to believe for you there are 6 Gods (which of course is not)...
So you see... it's the perception. Not just perception but also corruption...
According to Bart D. Ehrman (He is an American New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), in his book 'The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings' he has written, "It is not simply a matter of scholarly speculation to say that the words of the New Testament were changed in the process of copying. We know they were changed because we can compare all 5,400 copies with one another. What is striking is that when we do so we find that no two of these copies (except the smallest fragments) agree in all of their wording. There can be only one reason for this: the scribes who copied the texts changed them. Nobody knows for certain how often they changed them, because no one has yet been able to count all of the differences among the surviving manuscripts. Some estimates put the number at around 200,000, others at around 300,000. Perhaps it is simplest to express the figure in comparative terms: THERE ARE MORE DIFFERENCES among our manuscripts THAN THERE ARE WORDS in the New Testament.
In fact New Testament was not considered a part of the Bible in early Churches.
So if you are looking for proof in Bible then you are looking at Inauthentic source...
But if you insist then look John 17:1... You will find various explanation to why Son worshipped Father, etc. But it's clearly mentioned Jesus worshipped God...
And from Authentic source you will find it in the Qur'aan
The proof that Jesus worshipped Allaah ﷻ is mentioned in the Qur'aan 3:51: Surely, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; so serve Him alone. This is the straight way.'
As with other Prophets, the fundamental points of Jesus' mission were the following:
(1) Man should acknowledge- the exclusive sovereignty of God which demands absolute service and obedience to Him, and Him alone. This principle serves as the basis for the entire structure of human morality and social behaviour.
(2) Man should obey the Prophets since they are the representatives of the true Sovereign.
(3) The Law which should regulate man's conduct by elaborating what is right and what is wrong should be none other than the Law of God. The laws devised by others should be abrogated. There is, thus, no difference between the missions of Jesus, Moses and Muhammad (peace be on them all). Those who think that the missions of the Prophets differ from one another and who believe that their objectives vary have fallen into serious error. Whoever is sent by the Lord of the Universe to His creatures can have no other purpose than to dissuade God's subjects from disobeying Him and assuming an attitude of vanity and disregard towards Him, and to admonish them against associating anyone with God in His divinity (that is, either holding anyone to be a partner with the Lord of the Universe in His Sovereignty or recognizing others beside God as having a rightful claim on part of man's loyalty, devotion and worship), and to invite them all to be loyal to, and to serve, obey and worship God alone.
It is unfortunate that the Gospels in their present form do not offer as clear a picture of the mission of Jesus as that presented by the Qur'an. Nevertheless, we find scattered throughout the Gospels all the three fundamentals mentioned above. The notion that man ought to submit himself totally to God is embodied in the following statement:
You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve' (Matthew 4: 10).
In addition, Jesus believed that the object of his efforts was that God's commands relating to the moral realm should be obeyed in this world in the sphere of human conduct just as His commands about the operation of the physical universe are obeyed in the heavens:
'Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven' (ibid., 6: 10).
The fact that Jesus presented himself as a Prophet and a representative of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that in this capacity he asked people to follow him is borne out by several statements. When, for instance, he began his mission in Nazareth and when his own kith, kin and compatriots turned against him, he remarked: 'A prophet is not without honour except in his own country . . .' (Matthew 13: 57; see also Luke 4: 24 and Mark 6: 4). And when conspiracies were hatched in Jerusalem to put an end to his life, and people counselled him to go away, he replied: 'Nevertheless I must go on my way . . . for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem' (Luke 13: 33). When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time the disciples cried with a loud voice: 'Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord' (Luke 19: 38). This angered the Pharisees, who asked Jesus to rebuke his disciples. But he replied: 'I tell you, if these were silent the very stones would cry out' (ibid., 19: 40). On another occasion he said: 'Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light' (Matthew 11: 28-30).
The fact that he invited people to obey the Laws of God rather than the laws made by man is evident from his response (found in both Matthew and Mark) to the objection raised by the Pharisees to the conduct of their disciples who ate with defiled hands, that is, without washing.
'Well did Isiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:
This people honours me with their lips,
but their heart is far from me;
in vain do they worship me,
teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.'
And he said to them: 'You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. For Moses said, "Honour your father and your mother", and "He who speaks evil of his father or mother, let him surely die", but you say, "If a man tells his father or mother what you would have gained from me is Corban (that is, given to God), and then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on"' (Mark 7: 6-13; see also Matthew 15: 2-9).
I hope this is clear to you now Brother in Humanity...
There is only one message of all the Prophets
There is No deity of worship but Allaah
Athanasius IVI Only the middle part is from the above mentioned website. However, using a material from an authentic website is alright for research purpose. And this shows whatever I have written is after research and not just some random points from my pocket... However, now I will not quote from any website for you. If you don't want stuff from websites then be it.
You have not proved your Trinity yet!!! I really want you to show me one clear verse for Trinity (and then I will show to you that you actually believe in 6 Gods unknowingly)
You asked me proof for whether Jesus worshiped God. I gave you John 17:1 ... What do you say about it? Why don't you believe Jesus worshiped God. If you believe 'Gospel according to John' then you have to believe Jesus (peace be upon him) worshiped God.
What do you say about quotes from Bart D. Ehrman... I have not quoted it from any website. It's from studies and taught to me by my Prof. Hamza. What do you say about that? He has clearly said that the Bible we have today is full of error. Do you want your beliefs to be based on book full of errors? Ask yourself once. What will happen if even a single belief of yours is not according to what God want from you but it's according to what New International Version or some other version wants it from you? Will you be able to face the God then on the Day of Resurrection? Bro, ask it for yourself? i don't want all of my questions to be answered. The question is for you. Imagine meeting God and God telling you that even after getting clear signs from Me you rejected My signs just because you wanted to believe NIV Bible, etc. which I clearly showed to you in world that it has been corrupted.
Jesus was not God
bcz he doesn't said "I am god worship me "
but he said
"Many things I have to speak and to judge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and the things I have heard of him, these same I speak in the world." - John 8:26 -
and also
"And Jesus answered him: The first commandment of all is, Hear, O Israel: the Lord thy God is one God." - Mark 12:29 -
Matthew chapter 7
21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.
and he told you that an other Prophet will come and he will rule as his rule (sharia law ) and the book would given to one who can't read ( prophet mohamed ( PBUH ) )
so why you don't believe him
Masha Allah
Masha allah