Maybe they're both referring to that female dwarf food vendor, that walks around the Ironforge auction house. Nobody's bought her bread in years, and she's out for revenge.
Every single video you make is such a good insight on the lore... I haven't played WoW for a while now, but I like keeping up with the lore, and I'm always so eager to watch your videos! Keep going! I literally almost never comment on anything between, so yeh, your videos are that good in my opinion xD.
Jaina is many things, but patient she is not. The line was probably for Sylvanas or....could they be preparing the ground for Azhara? Biding her time in the Deep, plotting her revenge.....
Γκρηνιάρης # I don't belive so, since "So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one." Is a line that only Alliance players get to hear. Horde players get another line If i'm not mistaking, and that one reffers to Sylvanas
''listen to Bolvar'', well when you think about what has been going wouldn't be surprising. He is the Lich King after all and ultimately the death knight father figure, he has the power to take control of em any time he wishes just because of what he is, but unlike Arthas he possesses cunning, so for all we know, the Death knights actually do serve him, just unknowingly, after all by doings the quests we know that he is in their heads/minds ;p
actually it does fit jaina not in a metaforical way but literally. The first death was his father, the second arthas, and the third varian. All of them important people to her and she dissapeared before that just as the quote says.
Γκρηνιάρης # Everything stated and drawn out so that we know points to Sylvanas but who knows it could be pertaining to both Sylvanas and Jaina as they have both shown signs of being betrayed one too many times and also so signs of giving up on the world but I maybe wrong but this what I've gathered from wowhead, wowwiki and in game guess we'll find out soon enough.
Holy hell I just had a crazy idea one year after this video! "When your holy places burn" Isn't Teldrassil considered holy form a certain point of view? I mean it is a world tree, it gets set on fire. I kind of simply fits.
If it's Sylvanas: Does Vol'Jin saying that Sylvanas must step out of the shadows mean that he knows it might be her but that he is somewhat hoping that she will fight back that decision of hers and return to the "good side"?
Her Heart is a crater always being directed to either Jaina or Sylvanas, which imo it is directed to the Titan Soul within Azeroth. I'm pretty sure our Titan soul is corrupted that's why the king of diamond (magni) is made a pawn, cause he doesn't know that she is already being corrupted.
Thats honestly what I'm thinking, the Old Gods and the Dreadlords are at best speaking with a sliver of truth regarding them both and their intentions. Gotta remember the Dreadlords are experts at turning people against each other and taking over worlds like that. The Old Gods are also only ever doing things to advance their own plots.
Aerensianic maybe it all about her! the titan inside azeroth why legion aim so much to stop azeroth.maybe she already corrupted just like shadow,disci priest class mount.
That would be smart of them because they have seen what happens when they work together. I'm just hoping that they don't do another 'evil Warchief' thing again
the thing is the third death doesnt make sense for moira i would love to see her be a villain though and like somehow the old gods manipulated the 3 dwarf leaders and then we just have a big war of the corrupted anklebiters and us maybe the dwarfs would also persuade the gnomes size doesnt matter in the warcraft universe
... what if moira persaded by the old gods while in darkiron the death of her husband(1) brings her the grief needed for her to side with the old gods she infiltrates iron forge builds trust with the other factions for the long con assassinating the one of the rulers (2) to cause panic to draw her father to iron forge where she lures him down into that sacred under forge place to then channel the maddening words of the old god straight into the titan soul killing her father (3) and breaking them free of their bindings.
To be fair, the Horde never really distrust her, just kept their distance while she did more or less whatever she wanted. We, the players, knew she had something planned thanks to quests, but no one had a true reason to distrust her specifically till now.
The horde as a whole maybe not, however there's some crucial things about large parts of the Horde. Not all of them are ENTIRELY public, but a lot are socially shared. Firstly, she's undead. Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren would already be wary, even if some may pity them like the Alchemy trainer in TB. She is utterly dishonorable and selfish, almost every 'noble' deed she does long-term is simply better for her to do. It's not altruism, and non forsaken would probably know this. I recall in a short story it was hinted if not outright shown she was blackmailing Lor'themar.
3edgy5me Well, they were not saved by her before legion either. Once you are Warchief and are saved by a woman who you see potential in but never trusted, you reconsider you opinion.
10:45-11:08, "It makes me believe that Vol'jin's vision of the Loa wasn't the Loa at all, but an Old God manipulating him to make Sylvanas the Warchief.", that was one of my theories in the first place (You can see it on the leak video), Krucial and I had the same theory about this. I feel accomplished now.
If the old gods can corrupt/manipulate the titans most powerful of servants I reckon they could manipulate Vol'Jin especially when he was at his weakest....
_I've had the same one too, since Legion first launched. There was just no way that it wasn't the Old Gods, I mean they're infamous for their whispers and deception, manipulating things from the shadows. I just couldn't believe that the Loa would pick the worst racial leader to be warchief._
People seem to forget that Jaina also died physically during Wrathions attack to free Garrosh during the book Warcrimes. She was only saved to do one of the august celestials reviving all of the fallen defenders. If we take the destruction of her city as a metaphorical death, well.... It opens up some possibilities.
0:59 Can't unsee... BTW no matter what people say, the Alliance quote is also about Sylvanas. The Shattered Mask is the Forsaken crest, and nothing can change that. This of course does not stop Jaina from becoming an antagonist in ways unrelated to the quote. After all, the Il'gynoth one is almost certainly about her.
Rohkan I would assume since he appears alongside all the other Horde leaders, as well as some other characters who're more notable than others, when you unlock your PvP skin for your artifact. I don't personally know his character or story but since he's literally the only troll in the room I can only assume.
If anyone else noticed Baine making a confused and disagreeing face when Vol'jin made Sylvanas the Warchief at 11:23 , the pretty much tells you that even he believes Vol'jin just made the mistake of some sort.
the "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it" quote from Il'gynoth has long been confirmed to refer to Azeroth and same with the 3 death quote it's the Titan Azeroth they're referring to, the first death was the sundering of the world, the second the cataclysm
With "At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming," quote it could be a reference to 3 people that Jaina loved dying, namely her father, Arthas and her gnome assistant at the bombing of Theramore.
5:50 This part talks about the final titan, azeroth. Corrupted. Your problem is that you assume all these quotes are connected same persons, they are not.
I think the quote "At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming" in Jaina's case it would refer to people she cares for greatly. Rhonin and Varian Wrynn being her first 2 and the third is to come, a case could be said for Arthas counting but she distanced herself from him towards the end.
I'm not completely sure about anything yet, but I think I'm leaning towards the quotes refering to Jaina and Sylvanas respectively. I'm pretty sure the quote for the Horde is about Sylvanas, but I'm not certain about the other one. I just realised something about Jaina. The way she manipulates Varian into confronting the horde at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar. Usually, when a character in the Warcraft universe is being manipulative, they're associated with demons or Old Gods in one way or another. So I'm thinking that maybe Jaina has been under the influence of N'Zoth or some other Void Lord related creature since the destruction of Theramore. Maybe that's why she's acting so unlike the Jaina we knew up until the death of Arthas. At first, she listened to reason. But every time the Horde hurt her, it became more and more difficult to remain in control. Maybe the start of Legion is when she surrendered to an Old God's whispers. Maybe without even knowing it. Old Gods are all about sowing seeds of chaos. Maybe they're trying to start another war between the Horde and the Alliance to distract us from what we should be focusing on. Maybe they have 'persuaded' both Jaina AND Sylvanas into starting that war for them. I'm rambling. Could be completely wrong. We'll have to wait and see! :)
I would really hate it if blizzard did that. Jaina has every right to be what she is to the horde. Her whole town was destroyed, she been betrayed all the time from the horde. If you were in her shoes, you would do the same. Anyone of us would of just started killing every horde player we saw with her powers. Yet she hasn't, maybe she hasn't done it because she giving up on the allies and the horde. She lost the last person she could talk to, because of what the horde did a the broken shores, but she and the others didn't know what the horde was facing. Also I find it funny how this could all go back to thrall fault, him giving the mantle to garrosh, that was what started this whole thing with jaina.
Yeah, I guess you could see it from that perspective. If Jaina was under the spell of an Old God, why hasn't she done anything since the launch of Legion? I'm not at all saying that I hope Jaina is involved with Old Gods. I'm just thinking that Blizzard has to do something with her story, and I am convinced they've known exactly what to do with her since waaaaay before Legion. Frankly, I think the whole Old Gods thing is the most likely, but I could be completely wrong. Would be nice to not see another main charater turn evil. I'm just trying to make sense of her story with respect to the current and future expansion themes.
That's exactly what i have been thinking. It would explain all of Jaina's ooc behaviour and mildly patch up her shitty MoP "character arc". And honestly, after WotLK, Sylvannas became terrified of death and that is incredibly easy to manipulate, she has been getting more and more emotionally weak. Would not be surprised if either of them have succumbed to the old gods
"Her heart is a void, and we have filled it" from Illgynoth may also be a reference to the world soul of azeroth. The old gods have been below us for a long time.
Given that the one quote was from Verimathras, who, long-time players will remember, was counsel to Sylvanas, stood in her throne room in UC until WotLK when he formed a coup to take the UC from her, I would say he was definitely referring to the Dark Lady.
Huh, that is actually true. Could be cool to see what Blizzard could come up with for her. She hasn't exactly been a main character of an expansion, but I guess that could change!
Plus, her father is Benedictus... who was working for old golds in secret from a long time... BUT, it doesn't rly goes with varimathras sentence about alliance :3
Plot Twist: Lilain Voss joined the Uncrowned to fool everyone and is really about to be the next warcraft villian due to having extremely controlled rage and powers :>
The third death may be connected to the third time Sylvanas sacrifices a Val'kyr to stave off death. The first was when she attempted suicide, the second when she was shot... and when the third time comes it will open the way for the old ones. Basically while the event is her death, what unlocks the path is using a Val'kyr to take her place as substitute for a 3rd time.
"Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it." That quote made me think of Jaina instantly, due to the crater that once was Theramore, and how that affected her heart, being the final straw in tearing her from a life of trying to make peace. The destruction of her own little kingdom, named for her forebear....but then again, it seems more likely that Sylvanas is who is being talked about overall, so I don't know.
"...All of her actions have been justified on the grounds of how a normal human being would react given the situations and circumstances she has endured." THANK YOU!!! You're the first I've heard say this about Jaina! Jesus, it's so hard for people to understand this.
The phrase "her heart is a crater" I will attribute to Jaina most of all, because of the nearly literal comparison. Jaina poured everything she had into Theramore. It was a home to her, it was where her friends lived. It was, in some ways, her Heart. And all that is left of Theramore now, is a crater.
"Her heart is a crated and we have filled it" could also mean Azeroth. The crater is where Y'shaarj was ripped out and what became the Maelstrom. We are fairly confident N'Zoth is under the sea. The Maelstrom is in the middle of the sea, so N'Zoth has filled that crater. Also, the Vashj'ir questing zone suggests this. "At the hour of her third death" could be the third Burning Legion Invasion (WC1, WC3, Legion).
@Krucial the thing is, her heart is a crater is said by an old god, and the pateince was said by a drealord, or legion guy, two different enemies, old gods may have corrupted jaina.
I think the 'Her Heart is a Crater' quote might apply to Jaina in a much more simple sense than you imply. Jaina's home - Theramore - is literally a crater now. Heart heart and soul was devoted to protecting Theramore, so that might be what it implies.
One thing that might be related to this from the short story Edge of Night (which is focused on Sylvanas right after the defeat of Arthas). While she's contemplating her suicide she mentions this: "A thousand feet below, shrouded by the clouds, lay a forest of shatter saronite spikes she had scouted out earlier. The fall alone couldn't kill her: her animate flesh was nigh indestructible. But the spikes, hardened blood of an Old God, they not only would tear the body apart but would obliterate the soul as well." Of course she got resurrected by the Valkyr afterwards, but surely this must´ve affected her + we´ve seen people go mad in the Saronite Mines in Northrend.
I think the Varimathras shit is about Sylvanas yeah, but the Il'gynoth(or however you spell it) stuff is about Jaina.. since Theramore is literally a crater.. and I think they're both involved with the void somehow.
Oh yeah he did "kill" them (Demons never truly die when outside of the twisting nether), and in doing that he broke the rules, so how is it that the Legion still accepts him?!
Could be the Titan with the heart filling. Like 'the king of diamonds has been made a pawn.' Maybe his a pawn cause the old gods have gotten to the Titan. Maybe it's our jobs to save her.
Owen Ouimette Are you sympathizing with a demon? lol That dreadlord bitchboi deserved everything Sylvanas did to him. And she was using him to aid her against Arthas
I think "her heart is a crater" can be attributed in a more literal sense to Jaina seeing that Theramore is now a crater, and also Jaina's lover Rhonin died in the blast that created said crater.
You said Arthas killed Sylvanas and that counting to one of her deaths. But when i went back to check since i recall it differently, i was right. She diddent die from Arthas. She was just bleeding out and was still alive when he turned her into a banshee. She talked back to him right as he turned her. So i guess its debatable if it can be considered a death or just transformation.
Arthas even said and i quote: "After all you put me trough woman.. The last thing i'll give you is the peace of death." Thus indicating that she was never dead but instead directly transformed into a undead.
aaakitsune No you're wrong. It was not a transformation because the lore says that arthas remove her spirit from her body which turns her into banshee and she later recover her body when she freed from the lich king's grasp. And as a ghost who repossessed its body its already considered as undead.
Sylvanas was stunned at Vol'jin's death when he revealed her to be the next Warchief, because it was foretold to her by the Old Gods that they would manipulate his visions and trick him in his final moments to make her Warchief. That's when she realized their power and their influence. -Just s thought.
Just to think about what might could have happened after the events of stormheim: Sylvanas went home, toward Undercity, on a new ship. On the way she got attacked and captured by no other then Jaina, taking to Kul'Tiras, the only home Jaina has left, to question Sylvanas, or worse. But something stirs below Kul'Tiras, cuz thats where Ny'alotha is located and N'zoth is awakening. With the Titansouls and Sargeras influence left Azeroth, the last old god can finaly awake.
When Il'gynoth said, "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it." He was (most likely) directly referencing the well of eternity/maelstrom. When Azeroth was new, during the Black Empire, the TItans decided to directly intervene and, during the conflict, Aman'thul literally reached into Azeroth and ripped Y'shaarj out of the planet, leaving a massive crater-like wound. The wound filled with the blood of a titan, an immense well of magic, later dubbed the Well of Eternity and the 'Heart of Azeroth'. It was then corrupted by Queen Azshara in her bid for absolute power and during the sundering, it became the Maelstrom. Now, an interesting thing happens when you enter the Maelstrom: it takes you to Deepholm. The residence of Neltharion (aka Deathwing) and the genesis of his corruption and downfall, considering it is (allegedly) within very close proximity to where the final Old God, N'zoth, is imprisoned. Il'gynoth has another quote that fits into this, "To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars." - When you go to Deepholm, there is an odd sort of 'constellation' in the skybox that looks eerily like a circle of stars, alluding to the location of N'zoths prison. ---Anyway... tl;dr- The entity being referenced by Il'gynoth's quote was more realistically Azeroth herself (yes, Azeroth is a girl), and neither of the characters you mentioned.
an easy way to resume both sylvannas and jaina "Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the great treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son..."
Wow. I just made a video like this. Kind of! Great job as always Krucial! Anyways, I think he's a lying Dreadlord and is triyng to get us all to believe Sylvanas is up to no good - gotta get that vengeance I guess.
"her heart is a crater and we have filled it". it could be literal meaning that the giant body of an old god occupies the center of azeroth, allowing tentacles to reach anywhere. her meaning azeroth.
if you remember that most of the Forsaken's Priests are Void Priests, and that Void Priests worship, obviously, the Void, it makes total sense, Sylvanas aligning with the Void Lords.
Jaina also died two times. Once when betraying her farther, second when theramore and her people got nuked away. On both these situations your feel empty, you feel like losing yourself, losing your hearth, dyng.
'in the hour of her third death' its defenitly meant to refer to undead sylvanas i mean living and undead sylvanas are basicaly 2 completly different characters
Dreadlords are cunning. Since they were already wielding void powers before Sargeras turned evil, and they were the ones who told Sargeras about the void lords, they probably align only with them, and their membership in the Burning Legion is only a front. Expect to see more of them beyond Legion.
I think Sylvanas will be the one to make a deal with the old gods in the next expansion. Jana and her island will play an important role as a staging point for a naval invasion of the other side of Azeroth. This would account for both of them and use both of them in the next expansion.
Making another Warchief into an enemy would just be deja vu. Also unlike Garrosh, half of WoW players love Sylvanas and killing her wouldn't bring out the best result. That's why I highly doubt she is working for the Old Gods. She is the Warchief now, the Horde are her people. Why would the Old Gods help place her in such an important position? Scheming and plotting requires secrecy and discretion, not being the leader of half of Azeroth. Katrana tried to manipulate the Alliance from a very high position and how did that work out? Sylvanas seemed surprised in the cinematic when Vol'jin proclaimed her Warchief. Also Vol'jin was a shadow hunter, he has passed through great trials, he has seen the Loa and talked to them, Old Gods pretending to be Loa can't fool him that easily.
I've seen many people say they hate Sylvanas like yourself, but also I've seen many people say that they like her. Same goes for Jaina (especially after the bombing of Theramore and the purge of Dalaran), many people say they like her, that she has every reason to do what she is doing, yet many people say she is a "crazy warmongering bitch". Doesn't Sylvanas has every reason to do what she is doing? If you knew your place in hell is assured, wouldn't you try to stay alive in every way possible and fight your enemies? I don't know about the statistics of played races, but you don't have to be an undead to like her. I usually play blood elves, yet I love Sylvanas more than Lor'themar. Sylvanas has a huge story behind her, dating back to Warcraft 3. Lor'themar is some new guy who appeared in the Burning Crusade. Now I know he was second in command to Sylvanas when she was a high elf, but his story really began in the Burning Crusade. Now about Neltharion and Loken. Neltharion was the Earth-Warder, he dwelled in the deep places of the world where the Old Gods were imprisoned. He was very close to them so he was easy to corrupt. Loken was also in very close proximity to Yogg-Saron, practically right above him in Ulduar, also his guilt and despair over stealing Sif from his "brother" and then killing her, made it very easy to manipulate. Vol'jin is nowhere near an old God, closest one probably being C'Thun (who is kinda defeated) all the way in Ahn'Qiraj and he never had any doubts or guilt about himself, which would make him very hard to manipulate.
Some people like Sylvanas for that very reason that what she is doing is horrible (not just that though, otherwise it would be too plain), similar with Arthas. Just because a character does some 'evil' shet doesn't mean he/she's unlikable. In fact, for some people that's exactly what they like.
People also need to realize that Jaina isn't the only absent leader during Legion. Baine, Belf Leader, Gallywix, and The Three Hammers don't do anything. Gnome leader was at the Broken Shore, but then did nothing else. Same with Baine, but he was supposed to be in Highmountain. Ji and Aisa also do nothing, but they do show up at Monk's Order Hall.
About the 3rd death thing: My interpretation of that is, that it describes the moment, where Sylvanas isn't safe from death. When she was killed by arthas, it was a normal death and she started her second life as an undead. When she jump off ICC she died for real, her third "life" that was backed by the Valkyr began and death didn't mean a lot, since she could fall back on her Guardian Angels, hence why the death caused by Godfrey can be taken out of the equation. The third death probably describes the moment, when all her valkyr are used up (which is implied by the way she tries to get new ones in the Legion story and the lore primer on the website) and she actually has to fear deth again. It's very logical that she would embrace the Old gods whispers to get her out of hell similar to Azshara when she was drowning.
I feel Vol'jin WAS warned by the Loa and gave the mantle of Warchief to Sylvanas in a last attempt from him, with his newfound clarity, to give Sylvanas a reason to care and love her people again before it was too late.
well in azsuna i think there a Kul Tiras NPC, shipgraveyard where you have to be "pet" of the Giants. There are Guards in Imperial Plate Amore with Green Tabard and the Helmet"tail" (sry i dont know the english for it^^ is also green, that was the Kul tiars Uniform i think.
One of the biggest pieces of evidence for Jaina being a Dreadlord I personally find is the fact that the MOMENT Demon Hunters got near her, and revealed that they could see Demons, she ran off when we needed her most. One way to interprate "At the hour of her third death..." is her dying inside - First time, when she killed her father. The second time, when Theramore was destroyed and she took the 180. And maybe she'll die inside a third time and give in.
just thought of a thing "she is a patient one" if you look back she got her dad killed leading to her claim on that army same time shes alowed a stronghold close to the horde, so if you look at it she got comand over theramore marine (forgot their name) she got a base at horde doorstep and no one would point fingers at her if she attacked someone as they would belive the good hearted jaina would never do anything bad (intill garrosh came and rekt her plans mebbe)
I really really really hope they dont kill off Sylvanas...we cant keep going down the line of warchiefs and I want her to actually do significant stuff that Vol'Jin never had the chance to do (R.I.P Vol'Jin T_T.) I kinda want it to be Jaina turning bad because I feel these past few expansions have just been constantly painting the Horde in a bad light. Granted some are justified (Garrosh), but It'd be refreshing to have someone from the alliance do something shady once in a while. Also, food for thought, what if hour of her third death refers to Azeroth herself? The titan had her shell shattered in the war of the ancients where all the continents drifted apart, Deathwing had his hissy fit and did cataclysmic damage, what if Khadgar turning the 5 keys (pillars) creates a catastrophic event that releases N'Zoth thus creating a third "death"
has to be Jaina. If we associate deaths with changes in personality/death of innocence, then we have 1. Her father's bloodthirst, making her a tireless crusader for peace, shattering her life as princess of kul'tiras. 2. destruction of theremore, destroying any remaining innocence, and turning her just as bloodthirsty as her father. 3 has yet to come.
11:06 I don't think it was the old gods that whispered to vol'Jin I think he simply misunderstood. Think about it, he said the Loa whispered to him a name, and obviously they probably said "Windrunner". But remember Sylvannas is not the only Windrunner. It leads me to believe that the Windrunner that the Loa were talking about is Alleria because she along with Turalyon are gonna help us defeat the legion and save the day. Of course it wasn't possible for Vol'Jin and even Sylvannas to consider that he was talking about alleria since she has been missing for many years. That's my take on it.
He never said the loa said she would be warchief he just said "i'd never imagined that you would be the one to save us" because the loa whispered the name "Windrunner". It's just a theory though
I thought there was something leaked about Alleria Windrunner trying to use void magic to fight the void, kind of like Illidan using fel to fight the legion. Perhaps Sylvanas and Jaina are red herrings
The issue is that the trolls are almost imune to Old God influence, and you'd think that Void energy interacting with Vol'jin while he's poisoned by Fel. What makes more sense and would explain Varimathras knowledge is that he was influenced by Sargeras and Kil'jaeden, after all they fooled Ner'zhul in a similliar way in the Main Timeline.
I think most of the comments are focused mainly on Sylvanas( eventho shes one of my lore toons) but the quote about the three deaths isnt talking about Sylvanas. He means Azeroth herself. See Azeroth has died twice now: first was the sundering and the second was the cataclysm. The quote about her heart being a crater i also believe this is referring to Azeroth. The heart of azeroth is the maelstrom aka crater.
Isn't Kul Tiras the last Human kingdom that is independent? Every other one has been absorbed into the Alliance or destroyed? It would be kinda epic to run around the last Human kingdom to either save it or burn it depending on your faction.
Maybe they're both referring to that female dwarf food vendor, that walks around the Ironforge auction house.
Nobody's bought her bread in years, and she's out for revenge.
Mr_spoon dear god
Mr_spoon 🤣😂👌
That's what she wants you to think!
I think it's chromie.
This made me laugh out loud so hard
Every single video you make is such a good insight on the lore... I haven't played WoW for a while now, but I like keeping up with the lore, and I'm always so eager to watch your videos! Keep going! I literally almost never comment on anything between, so yeh, your videos are that good in my opinion xD.
Jaina is many things, but patient she is not. The line was probably for Sylvanas or....could they be preparing the ground for Azhara? Biding her time in the Deep, plotting her revenge.....
Γκρηνιάρης # I don't belive so, since "So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one." Is a line that only Alliance players get to hear. Horde players get another line If i'm not mistaking, and that one reffers to Sylvanas
fallenistari as soon as he said she is a patient one Moira was the first one that came to mind.
''listen to Bolvar'', well when you think about what has been going wouldn't be surprising. He is the Lich King after all and ultimately the death knight father figure, he has the power to take control of em any time he wishes just because of what he is, but unlike Arthas he possesses cunning, so for all we know, the Death knights actually do serve him, just unknowingly, after all by doings the quests we know that he is in their heads/minds ;p
actually it does fit jaina not in a metaforical way but literally.
The first death was his father, the second arthas, and the third varian.
All of them important people to her and she dissapeared before that just as the quote says.
Γκρηνιάρης # Everything stated and drawn out so that we know points to Sylvanas but who knows it could be pertaining to both Sylvanas and Jaina as they have both shown signs of being betrayed one too many times and also so signs of giving up on the world but I maybe wrong but this what I've gathered from wowhead, wowwiki and in game guess we'll find out soon enough.
Holy hell I just had a crazy idea one year after this video!
"When your holy places burn"
Isn't Teldrassil considered holy form a certain point of view? I mean it is a world tree, it gets set on fire. I kind of simply fits.
So glad you're back, I love your videos and I instantly click on them whenever I see a new one pop up, re-watching the old ones in-between.
If it's Sylvanas: Does Vol'Jin saying that Sylvanas must step out of the shadows mean that he knows it might be her but that he is somewhat hoping that she will fight back that decision of hers and return to the "good side"?
Her Heart is a crater always being directed to either Jaina or Sylvanas, which imo it is directed to the Titan Soul within Azeroth. I'm pretty sure our Titan soul is corrupted that's why the king of diamond (magni) is made a pawn, cause he doesn't know that she is already being corrupted.
What if the Alliance one was about Jaina and the Horde one about Sylvannas. Basically just trying to stir shit up for both sides.
Thats honestly what I'm thinking, the Old Gods and the Dreadlords are at best speaking with a sliver of truth regarding them both and their intentions. Gotta remember the Dreadlords are experts at turning people against each other and taking over worlds like that. The Old Gods are also only ever doing things to advance their own plots.
Aerensianic maybe it all about her! the titan inside azeroth why legion aim so much to stop azeroth.maybe she already corrupted just like shadow,disci priest class mount.
That would be smart of them because they have seen what happens when they work together. I'm just hoping that they don't do another 'evil Warchief' thing again
Thought the same thing. It's the sleeping titan that has been filled with corruption, she was sundered twice now and once
0:59 that's some "bouncy" content.
i feel like when he's talking to tge alliance he's talking about jaina and when talking to the horde he's talking about sylvana
No one expects the Gnomes either! *gasps* Those crafty assholes!
the thing is the third death doesnt make sense for moira i would love to see her be a villain though and like somehow the old gods manipulated the 3 dwarf leaders and then we just have a big war of the corrupted anklebiters and us
maybe the dwarfs would also persuade the gnomes size doesnt matter in the warcraft universe
... what if moira persaded by the old gods while in darkiron the death of her husband(1) brings her the grief needed for her to side with the old gods she infiltrates iron forge builds trust with the other factions for the long con assassinating the one of the rulers (2) to cause panic to draw her father to iron forge where she lures him down into that sacred under forge place to then channel the maddening words of the old god straight into the titan soul killing her father (3) and breaking them free of their bindings.
1:57 just gotta say, i hate the implication that the Horde trust Sylvannas. Nobody trusted her before legion.
To be fair, the Horde never really distrust her, just kept their distance while she did more or less whatever she wanted.
We, the players, knew she had something planned thanks to quests, but no one had a true reason to distrust her specifically till now.
3edgy5me you owe her your lives now. She saved the horde in their darkest hour
Gary Taylor I don't, I'm Illidari. I saved her ass.
The horde as a whole maybe not, however there's some crucial things about large parts of the Horde. Not all of them are ENTIRELY public, but a lot are socially shared. Firstly, she's undead. Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren would already be wary, even if some may pity them like the Alchemy trainer in TB. She is utterly dishonorable and selfish, almost every 'noble' deed she does long-term is simply better for her to do. It's not altruism, and non forsaken would probably know this. I recall in a short story it was hinted if not outright shown she was blackmailing Lor'themar.
3edgy5me Well, they were not saved by her before legion either.
Once you are Warchief and are saved by a woman who you see potential in but never trusted, you reconsider you opinion.
10:45-11:08, "It makes me believe that Vol'jin's vision of the Loa wasn't the Loa at all, but an Old God manipulating him to make Sylvanas the Warchief.", that was one of my theories in the first place (You can see it on the leak video), Krucial and I had the same theory about this. I feel accomplished now.
it sounds like old god whispers
I don't buy it at all. Vol is a typical spiritual beast.
Yep, i said the same.
If the old gods can corrupt/manipulate the titans most powerful of servants I reckon they could manipulate Vol'Jin especially when he was at his weakest....
_I've had the same one too, since Legion first launched. There was just no way that it wasn't the Old Gods, I mean they're infamous for their whispers and deception, manipulating things from the shadows. I just couldn't believe that the Loa would pick the worst racial leader to be warchief._
it's definitely Mankrik's wife guys.
"A mage pulling a glock and doing a drive by" 😂
People seem to forget that Jaina also died physically during Wrathions attack to free Garrosh during the book Warcrimes. She was only saved to do one of the august celestials reviving all of the fallen defenders. If we take the destruction of her city as a metaphorical death, well.... It opens up some possibilities.
0:59 Can't unsee... BTW no matter what people say, the Alliance quote is also about Sylvanas. The Shattered Mask is the Forsaken crest, and nothing can change that. This of course does not stop Jaina from becoming an antagonist in ways unrelated to the quote. After all, the Il'gynoth one is almost certainly about her.
I miss Vol´Jin, hail to him, but who is now leader of the trolls ???
But he is goblin, and in fact, he is also not a good example for a leader in action as you know .. :/
wait, for real?
Rohkan I would assume since he appears alongside all the other Horde leaders, as well as some other characters who're more notable than others, when you unlock your PvP skin for your artifact. I don't personally know his character or story but since he's literally the only troll in the room I can only assume.
Fromaster24 Rohkan is a shadow hunter and the best scout in the Horde, he also helped Rexxar kill Jaina's father at Theramore after the Third War
Nice video Hellscream!
How do you not know that he no longer goes by that name? lul
Gotta have me a good lasagna I don't know you, but I like you for some reason.
It's about Sylvanas; "the shattered mask" is literally the banner of the Forsaken.
Everything Il'ganoth talks about is a prophecy for Azeroth.
With the Illgynoth quote, everyone seems to forget that Theramore isle is now a crater
The quotes are about both. The alliance one is about Jaina. The horde one is very clearly about Sylvanas.
Im more interested if Genn and Sylwanas storyline will continue
glad my video was of some help! \o/
If anyone else noticed Baine making a confused and disagreeing face when Vol'jin made Sylvanas the Warchief at 11:23 , the pretty much tells you that even he believes Vol'jin just made the mistake of some sort.
the "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it" quote from Il'gynoth has long been confirmed to refer to Azeroth and same with the 3 death quote it's the Titan Azeroth they're referring to, the first death was the sundering of the world, the second the cataclysm
With "At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming," quote it could be a reference to 3 people that Jaina loved dying, namely her father, Arthas and her gnome assistant at the bombing of Theramore.
4:09 purging dalaran from the sunreavers xD
5:50 This part talks about the final titan, azeroth. Corrupted. Your problem is that you assume all these quotes are connected same persons, they are not.
I think the quote "At the hour of her third death, she ushers in our coming" in Jaina's case it would refer to people she cares for greatly. Rhonin and Varian Wrynn being her first 2 and the third is to come, a case could be said for Arthas counting but she distanced herself from him towards the end.
I'm not completely sure about anything yet, but I think I'm leaning towards the quotes refering to Jaina and Sylvanas respectively. I'm pretty sure the quote for the Horde is about Sylvanas, but I'm not certain about the other one.
I just realised something about Jaina. The way she manipulates Varian into confronting the horde at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar. Usually, when a character in the Warcraft universe is being manipulative, they're associated with demons or Old Gods in one way or another. So I'm thinking that maybe Jaina has been under the influence of N'Zoth or some other Void Lord related creature since the destruction of Theramore. Maybe that's why she's acting so unlike the Jaina we knew up until the death of Arthas. At first, she listened to reason. But every time the Horde hurt her, it became more and more difficult to remain in control. Maybe the start of Legion is when she surrendered to an Old God's whispers. Maybe without even knowing it. Old Gods are all about sowing seeds of chaos. Maybe they're trying to start another war between the Horde and the Alliance to distract us from what we should be focusing on. Maybe they have 'persuaded' both Jaina AND Sylvanas into starting that war for them.
I'm rambling. Could be completely wrong. We'll have to wait and see! :)
I would really hate it if blizzard did that. Jaina has every right to be what she is to the horde. Her whole town was destroyed, she been betrayed all the time from the horde. If you were in her shoes, you would do the same. Anyone of us would of just started killing every horde player we saw with her powers. Yet she hasn't, maybe she hasn't done it because she giving up on the allies and the horde. She lost the last person she could talk to, because of what the horde did a the broken shores, but she and the others didn't know what the horde was facing. Also I find it funny how this could all go back to thrall fault, him giving the mantle to garrosh, that was what started this whole thing with jaina.
Yeah, I guess you could see it from that perspective. If Jaina was under the spell of an Old God, why hasn't she done anything since the launch of Legion?
I'm not at all saying that I hope Jaina is involved with Old Gods. I'm just thinking that Blizzard has to do something with her story, and I am convinced they've known exactly what to do with her since waaaaay before Legion. Frankly, I think the whole Old Gods thing is the most likely, but I could be completely wrong. Would be nice to not see another main charater turn evil. I'm just trying to make sense of her story with respect to the current and future expansion themes.
That's exactly what i have been thinking. It would explain all of Jaina's ooc behaviour and mildly patch up her shitty MoP "character arc". And honestly, after WotLK, Sylvannas became terrified of death and that is incredibly easy to manipulate, she has been getting more and more emotionally weak. Would not be surprised if either of them have succumbed to the old gods
"Her heart is a void, and we have filled it" from Illgynoth may also be a reference to the world soul of azeroth. The old gods have been below us for a long time.
It's Magatha Grimtotem, she's been waiting like 3 Expacs to make her next move.
Given that the one quote was from Verimathras, who, long-time players will remember, was counsel to Sylvanas, stood in her throne room in UC until WotLK when he formed a coup to take the UC from her, I would say he was definitely referring to the Dark Lady.
Lillian Voss has died twice she is also patient as she planned her revenge against the necromancer(forgot his name)
Huh, that is actually true. Could be cool to see what Blizzard could come up with for her. She hasn't exactly been a main character of an expansion, but I guess that could change!
Plus, her father is Benedictus... who was working for old golds in secret from a long time... BUT, it doesn't rly goes with varimathras sentence about alliance :3
Her father Benedictus and Archbishop Benedictus are two different people. The Benedictus you're thinking of isn't her father.
Plot Twist: Lilain Voss joined the Uncrowned to fool everyone and is really about to be the next warcraft villian due to having extremely controlled rage and powers :>
He could be implying that Jaina will heighten the war between the war and the alliance so the shattered mask is Silvanis' victory
Any chance in hell that all this could ACTUALLY be Queen Azshara? not trolling just throwing this possibility out there
The third death may be connected to the third time Sylvanas sacrifices a Val'kyr to stave off death.
The first was when she attempted suicide, the second when she was shot... and when the third time comes it will open the way for the old ones.
Basically while the event is her death, what unlocks the path is using a Val'kyr to take her place as substitute for a 3rd time.
With BFA now well into patch 8.1, I can easily say that he is indeed talking about Sylvannas Windrunner.
Great video as always!
"Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it." That quote made me think of Jaina instantly, due to the crater that once was Theramore, and how that affected her heart, being the final straw in tearing her from a life of trying to make peace. The destruction of her own little kingdom, named for her forebear....but then again, it seems more likely that Sylvanas is who is being talked about overall, so I don't know.
"...All of her actions have been justified on the grounds of how a normal human being would react given the situations and circumstances she has endured." THANK YOU!!! You're the first I've heard say this about Jaina! Jesus, it's so hard for people to understand this.
The phrase "her heart is a crater" I will attribute to Jaina most of all, because of the nearly literal comparison. Jaina poured everything she had into Theramore. It was a home to her, it was where her friends lived. It was, in some ways, her Heart. And all that is left of Theramore now, is a crater.
"Her heart is a crated and we have filled it" could also mean Azeroth. The crater is where Y'shaarj was ripped out and what became the Maelstrom. We are fairly confident N'Zoth is under the sea. The Maelstrom is in the middle of the sea, so N'Zoth has filled that crater. Also, the Vashj'ir questing zone suggests this. "At the hour of her third death" could be the third Burning Legion Invasion (WC1, WC3, Legion).
@Krucial the thing is, her heart is a crater is said by an old god, and the pateince was said by a drealord, or legion guy, two different enemies, old gods may have corrupted jaina.
I think the 'Her Heart is a Crater' quote might apply to Jaina in a much more simple sense than you imply. Jaina's home - Theramore - is literally a crater now. Heart heart and soul was devoted to protecting Theramore, so that might be what it implies.
One thing that might be related to this from the short story Edge of Night (which is focused on Sylvanas right after the defeat of Arthas). While she's contemplating her suicide she mentions this:
"A thousand feet below, shrouded by the clouds, lay a forest of shatter saronite spikes she had scouted out earlier. The fall alone couldn't kill her: her animate flesh was nigh indestructible. But the spikes, hardened blood of an Old God, they not only would tear the body apart but would obliterate the soul as well."
Of course she got resurrected by the Valkyr afterwards, but surely this must´ve affected her + we´ve seen people go mad in the Saronite Mines in Northrend.
I imagine that when the legion attacked, Jaina went to Kul Tiras to protect her birth place from the legion.
I'm still open to the idea that Varematheris was referring to Jaina to the Alliance and Sylvy to the Horde.
Loa=wild gods, wild gods reside in the emerald dream, and it could be possible it was already corrupted when vol'jin heard the whispers of the loa.
Deception works so well because it's often so close to truth.
I think the Varimathras shit is about Sylvanas yeah, but the Il'gynoth(or however you spell it) stuff is about Jaina.. since Theramore is literally a crater.. and I think they're both involved with the void somehow.
Oh yeah he did "kill" them (Demons never truly die when outside of the twisting nether), and in doing that he broke the rules, so how is it that the Legion still accepts him?!
Could be the Titan with the heart filling. Like 'the king of diamonds has been made a pawn.' Maybe his a pawn cause the old gods have gotten to the Titan. Maybe it's our jobs to save her.
Owen Ouimette Are you sympathizing with a demon? lol
That dreadlord bitchboi deserved everything Sylvanas did to him.
And she was using him to aid her against Arthas
both sylvanas and jaina were bosses in an oldgod corrupted future in the dungeon end time. it is possible those are hints early ones.
I remember somewhere I was reading that Jana also collected or have been collecting the shards of frostmourne as well
"Her heart is a crater" yeah just like Theramore
I think "her heart is a crater" can be attributed in a more literal sense to Jaina seeing that Theramore is now a crater, and also Jaina's lover Rhonin died in the blast that created said crater.
You said Arthas killed Sylvanas and that counting to one of her deaths. But when i went back to check since i recall it differently, i was right. She diddent die from Arthas. She was just bleeding out and was still alive when he turned her into a banshee. She talked back to him right as he turned her. So i guess its debatable if it can be considered a death or just transformation.
Arthas even said and i quote: "After all you put me trough woman.. The last thing i'll give you is the peace of death." Thus indicating that she was never dead but instead directly transformed into a undead.
aaakitsune No you're wrong. It was not a transformation because the lore says that arthas remove her spirit from her body which turns her into banshee and she later recover her body when she freed from the lich king's grasp.
And as a ghost who repossessed its body its already considered as undead.
dude i love your new profile pick
Sylvanas was stunned at Vol'jin's death when he revealed her to be the next Warchief, because it was foretold to her by the Old Gods that they would manipulate his visions and trick him in his final moments to make her Warchief. That's when she realized their power and their influence. -Just s thought.
1:00 Oh I see now. Can't wait for the Alleria "fanart"
Just to think about what might could have happened after the events of stormheim: Sylvanas went home, toward Undercity, on a new ship. On the way she got attacked and captured by no other then Jaina, taking to Kul'Tiras, the only home Jaina has left, to question Sylvanas, or worse. But something stirs below Kul'Tiras, cuz thats where Ny'alotha is located and N'zoth is awakening. With the Titansouls and Sargeras influence left Azeroth, the last old god can finaly awake.
When Il'gynoth said, "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it." He was (most likely) directly referencing the well of eternity/maelstrom. When Azeroth was new, during the Black Empire, the TItans decided to directly intervene and, during the conflict, Aman'thul literally reached into Azeroth and ripped Y'shaarj out of the planet, leaving a massive crater-like wound. The wound filled with the blood of a titan, an immense well of magic, later dubbed the Well of Eternity and the 'Heart of Azeroth'. It was then corrupted by Queen Azshara in her bid for absolute power and during the sundering, it became the Maelstrom. Now, an interesting thing happens when you enter the Maelstrom: it takes you to Deepholm. The residence of Neltharion (aka Deathwing) and the genesis of his corruption and downfall, considering it is (allegedly) within very close proximity to where the final Old God, N'zoth, is imprisoned. Il'gynoth has another quote that fits into this, "To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars." - When you go to Deepholm, there is an odd sort of 'constellation' in the skybox that looks eerily like a circle of stars, alluding to the location of N'zoths prison. ---Anyway... tl;dr- The entity being referenced by Il'gynoth's quote was more realistically Azeroth herself (yes, Azeroth is a girl), and neither of the characters you mentioned.
I thought the red eyeball monster was talking about the sea witch that literally works for the old gods and has also a giant hole in her heart.
an easy way to resume both sylvannas and jaina
"Have you heard the tale of Mathieu Bellamont, and the great treachery of Cheydinhal? Kill a boy's mother, and vengeance festers in the son..."
That thing about "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it" could be used for the titan that sleeps in azeroth, no?
horde Quote refers to sylvannas and alliance Quote for jaina. The old gods never bet on one single piece in their little games.
Wow. I just made a video like this. Kind of! Great job as always Krucial! Anyways, I think he's a lying Dreadlord and is triyng to get us all to believe Sylvanas is up to no good - gotta get that vengeance I guess.
"her heart is a crater and we have filled it". it could be literal meaning that the giant body of an old god occupies the center of azeroth, allowing tentacles to reach anywhere. her meaning azeroth.
if you remember that most of the Forsaken's Priests are Void Priests, and that Void Priests worship, obviously, the Void, it makes total sense, Sylvanas aligning with the Void Lords.
I think he's referring to both, with the first quote being Jaina and the second one being Sylvanas.
Jaina also died two times. Once when betraying her farther, second when theramore and her people got nuked away. On both these situations your feel empty, you feel like losing yourself, losing your hearth, dyng.
'in the hour of her third death' its defenitly meant to refer to undead sylvanas i mean living and undead sylvanas are basicaly 2 completly different characters
With the potential for the next expac involving Kul Tiras, it could very well reference Jaina but it very likely is Sylvannas
Her heart is a crater.... i think he doesn't mean Sylvanas or Jaina. I think he is talking about Azeroth as a titan.
the prophecy could be about valerra windrunner who has a corrupted form in the files and fits both horde and alliance.
I think it's alliria windrunner as she's the one delving into the void on the ptr and being slyvanas's sister makes sense
Dreadlords are cunning. Since they were already wielding void powers before Sargeras turned evil, and they were the ones who told Sargeras about the void lords, they probably align only with them, and their membership in the Burning Legion is only a front. Expect to see more of them beyond Legion.
I think Sylvanas will be the one to make a deal with the old gods in the next expansion. Jana and her island will play an important role as a staging point for a naval invasion of the other side of Azeroth. This would account for both of them and use both of them in the next expansion.
"A Mage pulling out a glock and doing a drive by" 😂
Making another Warchief into an enemy would just be deja vu. Also unlike Garrosh, half of WoW players love Sylvanas and killing her wouldn't bring out the best result. That's why I highly doubt she is working for the Old Gods. She is the Warchief now, the Horde are her people. Why would the Old Gods help place her in such an important position? Scheming and plotting requires secrecy and discretion, not being the leader of half of Azeroth. Katrana tried to manipulate the Alliance from a very high position and how did that work out? Sylvanas seemed surprised in the cinematic when Vol'jin proclaimed her Warchief. Also Vol'jin was a shadow hunter, he has passed through great trials, he has seen the Loa and talked to them, Old Gods pretending to be Loa can't fool him that easily.
Well he was dying
With the amount of Warchiefs we lost I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard did it again. They seem to have something against the Horde.
I've seen many people say they hate Sylvanas like yourself, but also I've seen many people say that they like her. Same goes for Jaina (especially after the bombing of Theramore and the purge of Dalaran), many people say they like her, that she has every reason to do what she is doing, yet many people say she is a "crazy warmongering bitch". Doesn't Sylvanas has every reason to do what she is doing? If you knew your place in hell is assured, wouldn't you try to stay alive in every way possible and fight your enemies? I don't know about the statistics of played races, but you don't have to be an undead to like her. I usually play blood elves, yet I love Sylvanas more than Lor'themar. Sylvanas has a huge story behind her, dating back to Warcraft 3. Lor'themar is some new guy who appeared in the Burning Crusade. Now I know he was second in command to Sylvanas when she was a high elf, but his story really began in the Burning Crusade.
Now about Neltharion and Loken. Neltharion was the Earth-Warder, he dwelled in the deep places of the world where the Old Gods were imprisoned. He was very close to them so he was easy to corrupt. Loken was also in very close proximity to Yogg-Saron, practically right above him in Ulduar, also his guilt and despair over stealing Sif from his "brother" and then killing her, made it very easy to manipulate. Vol'jin is nowhere near an old God, closest one probably being C'Thun (who is kinda defeated) all the way in Ahn'Qiraj and he never had any doubts or guilt about himself, which would make him very hard to manipulate.
Khrono quite a lot of players actually. Love her too
Some people like Sylvanas for that very reason that what she is doing is horrible (not just that though, otherwise it would be too plain), similar with Arthas. Just because a character does some 'evil' shet doesn't mean he/she's unlikable. In fact, for some people that's exactly what they like.
Remember, Genn took her 'future' away? He essentially has made Syllvanas killable, and she will be a raid boss next expac
People also need to realize that Jaina isn't the only absent leader during Legion. Baine, Belf Leader, Gallywix, and The Three Hammers don't do anything. Gnome leader was at the Broken Shore, but then did nothing else. Same with Baine, but he was supposed to be in Highmountain. Ji and Aisa also do nothing, but they do show up at Monk's Order Hall.
About the 3rd death thing: My interpretation of that is, that it describes the moment, where Sylvanas isn't safe from death. When she was killed by arthas, it was a normal death and she started her second life as an undead.
When she jump off ICC she died for real, her third "life" that was backed by the Valkyr began and death didn't mean a lot, since she could fall back on her Guardian Angels, hence why the death caused by Godfrey can be taken out of the equation.
The third death probably describes the moment, when all her valkyr are used up (which is implied by the way she tries to get new ones in the Legion story and the lore primer on the website) and she actually has to fear deth again.
It's very logical that she would embrace the Old gods whispers to get her out of hell similar to Azshara when she was drowning.
I feel Vol'jin WAS warned by the Loa and gave the mantle of Warchief to Sylvanas in a last attempt from him, with his newfound clarity, to give Sylvanas a reason to care and love her people again before it was too late.
well in azsuna i think there a Kul Tiras NPC, shipgraveyard where you have to be "pet" of the Giants. There are Guards in Imperial Plate Amore with Green Tabard and the Helmet"tail" (sry i dont know the english for it^^ is also green, that was the Kul tiars Uniform i think.
One of the biggest pieces of evidence for Jaina being a Dreadlord I personally find is the fact that the MOMENT Demon Hunters got near her, and revealed that they could see Demons, she ran off when we needed her most.
One way to interprate "At the hour of her third death..." is her dying inside - First time, when she killed her father. The second time, when Theramore was destroyed and she took the 180. And maybe she'll die inside a third time and give in.
just thought of a thing "she is a patient one" if you look back she got her dad killed leading to her claim on that army same time shes alowed a stronghold close to the horde, so if you look at it she got comand over theramore marine (forgot their name) she got a base at horde doorstep and no one would point fingers at her if she attacked someone as they would belive the good hearted jaina would never do anything bad (intill garrosh came and rekt her plans mebbe)
I really really really hope they dont kill off Sylvanas...we cant keep going down the line of warchiefs and I want her to actually do significant stuff that Vol'Jin never had the chance to do (R.I.P Vol'Jin T_T.)
I kinda want it to be Jaina turning bad because I feel these past few expansions have just been constantly painting the Horde in a bad light. Granted some are justified (Garrosh), but It'd be refreshing to have someone from the alliance do something shady once in a while.
Also, food for thought, what if hour of her third death refers to Azeroth herself? The titan had her shell shattered in the war of the ancients where all the continents drifted apart, Deathwing had his hissy fit and did cataclysmic damage, what if Khadgar turning the 5 keys (pillars) creates a catastrophic event that releases N'Zoth thus creating a third "death"
Then again it is a dreadlord and the only dreadlord i trust is Lorthaxion mostly because of not having horns
has to be Jaina. If we associate deaths with changes in personality/death of innocence, then we have
1. Her father's bloodthirst, making her a tireless crusader for peace, shattering her life as princess of kul'tiras.
2. destruction of theremore, destroying any remaining innocence, and turning her just as bloodthirsty as her father.
3 has yet to come.
11:06 I don't think it was the old gods that whispered to vol'Jin I think he simply misunderstood. Think about it, he said the Loa whispered to him a name, and obviously they probably said "Windrunner". But remember Sylvannas is not the only Windrunner. It leads me to believe that the Windrunner that the Loa were talking about is Alleria because she along with Turalyon are gonna help us defeat the legion and save the day. Of course it wasn't possible for Vol'Jin and even Sylvannas to consider that he was talking about alleria since she has been missing for many years. That's my take on it.
Why would they say that Alleria should be the horde warchief? That doesn't seem to make much sense, her being associated with the alliance and all.
He never said the loa said she would be warchief he just said "i'd never imagined that you would be the one to save us" because the loa whispered the name "Windrunner". It's just a theory though
Really enjoying Your videos. Keep up the good work
The big patient one is Queen Azshara, thousands of years waiting
Jaina with a broken mask can mean showing your true colours.
BOTH! He could be speaking of both. Sowing the seeds of distrust for both factions.
I thought there was something leaked about Alleria Windrunner trying to use void magic to fight the void, kind of like Illidan using fel to fight the legion. Perhaps Sylvanas and Jaina are red herrings
The issue is that the trolls are almost imune to Old God influence, and you'd think that Void energy interacting with Vol'jin while he's poisoned by Fel. What makes more sense and would explain Varimathras knowledge is that he was influenced by Sargeras and Kil'jaeden, after all they fooled Ner'zhul in a similliar way in the Main Timeline.
I think most of the comments are focused mainly on Sylvanas( eventho shes one of my lore toons) but the quote about the three deaths isnt talking about Sylvanas. He means Azeroth herself. See Azeroth has died twice now: first was the sundering and the second was the cataclysm. The quote about her heart being a crater i also believe this is referring to Azeroth. The heart of azeroth is the maelstrom aka crater.
Forgot all titans and lore refer to Azeroth Titan as HER. Especially new diamond form Magni as her envoy speaker.
Isn't Kul Tiras the last Human kingdom that is independent? Every other one has been absorbed into the Alliance or destroyed? It would be kinda epic to run around the last Human kingdom to either save it or burn it depending on your faction.