Courage To Be Gay

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 เม.ย. 2016
  • With heartfelt gratitude to the courageous TH-camrs below...
    Conforming is easy, and expected. Conformity is glue that binds families and tribes, societies and religions. The pressure to conform is constant, relentless.
    Resisting conformity takes courage and strength. I lack both, but today I resolve to change. I resolve to become an open and full-throated advocate for the LGBTQ community: family, friends, and strangers alike.
    Of late I have come to see how oppressive a closeted life must be. Through the marvel of TH-cam I chanced upon a series of searing, painful ‘coming out’ videos. One led to another and that to yet another. Below is the montage I created from a sample of those videos.
    Each story is gut-wrenching and compelling. Repetitious themes are unmistakable: paralyzing self-doubt and chronic fear, suicide or thoughts of suicide, disapproving fathers, opposition in the name of religion, treating same sex attraction like it’s a phase to get through or an illness to be cured, even outright hatred and physical violence.
    My heart broke and my stomach turned. It became clear that remaining silent amidst haters sanctions their homophobia. My silence spreads hurt every bit as much as outright homophobic insults do. No longer.
    One thing is clear. Homophobia diminishes in direct proportion to the number of gay people one knows and cares about. I have gay family members, out and closeted. I have gay friends, out and closeted. Despite otherwise close relationships, their lives are segmented and fractured; their core identity is skirted around conversations in family and social circles. We ignore the elephant in the living room, effectively re-closeting even those out of the closet.
    My goals in creating this video are many: to challenge you to see the humanity of those who don’t conform, to see their struggle ; to fully own my new conviction; to identify myself as a LGBTQ ally and safe haven for anyone seeking to find their way; to inform friends or acquaintances to expect a challenge to their views.
    You cannot watch this video without being impacted. Let’s hope you too experience transformation.
    Tributes to these courageous individuals...
    Coming Out | This Is Who I Am, Matthew Schueller
    • Coming Out | This Is W...
    Mormon Stories #519: Clark Johnsen - Broadway Book of Mormon Musical - Part 2
    • Mormon Stories #519: C...
    Coming Out and Being Kicked Out, Seth Tildeath
    • Video
    Coming Out Experience, Alex Passarello
    • Video
    Coming Out Video, Nathan Henderson
    • Coming Out Video
    Mormon Stories 352: Benji Schwimmer Pt. 3 - Coming to Terms with Sexuality and Faith
    • Benji Schwimmer: Comin...
    Gay Student Stands Up To Homophobic Counselor.
    • Gay Student Stands Up ...
    Kyle McElwain (I'm From Salt Lake City, UT.) - True Gay Stories
    • Kyle McElwain (I'm Fro...
    Charlie Transgender Man's Visit To Barbershop Marks New Chapter In Life.
    • Transgender Man's Visi...
    My Coming Out Experience, Calvin Bremer
    • My Coming Out Experience
    How not to react when your child tells you that he's gay
    • Video

ความคิดเห็น • 51

  • @alejzp
    @alejzp 8 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    it is not a choice and people don't get that... the lady in that last video even said I knew you were gay since you were little so what was the surprise at this point... like if beating up someone will change something that is within his/her soul and heart... and that woman saying that she want him out of the house because people will think she condones that what kind of argument is that... if I was a parent I would be worried if people think I don't support my kinds, not if I accept what they are... that is why they are parents to love beyond comprehension, beyond what people say, think or believe... Disowning a child and calling him you are a disgrace shows the kind of human beings they are, they shouldn't have had kids to start with, people like that don't deserve being parents or being call mother or father... I am so thankful for the parents I got... God bless them... it does take courage to be yourself, but life gets better, that is all that matters...

  • @CamberHill
    @CamberHill 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've never heard a actual real life confrontation like this. How extremely intense for everyone in this household. This young man had a wave of disregard blown up in his heart and home. How sad I am for any person to experience this type of anger over such an intense and personal struggle. I hope he found a safe and warm home to lay his head.

  • @lexZender57732
    @lexZender57732 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This video is disturbing at many levels, but the world needs more videos like this. Orientation is not a choice, just like being right or left handed is not a choice. The confusing and shocking thing is that many good people have been indoctrinated to see the world as black and white in terms of morality mostly by religion. All religions claim they have the only truth and they have a direct line of communication with an all knowing infallible God. Yet each religious leader within each religion decides what is right and wrong and they even claim to know what God wants and how God judges a situation or another. It just so happens that God is at the religious leaders' back and call and therefore God seems to agree with the leaders' personal feelings and opinions. The followers of these leaders submit to their doctrines out of fear of hell or punishment by God so they will do whatever it takes to remain within their religious acceptable parameters to feel safe. The Jewish and the Christian bible (aka Old and New Testament) do not say anything at all about orientation, gay or non-gay. The Old Testament indicates that if a heterosexual male has sex with another male to satisfy the requirements of a foreign cult, both of them are to be put to death. And the New Testament says that Heterosexual males and females were involved in cult sex with one another leaving their natural heterosexuality to behave in ways that are against their nature in the name of foreign gods. Only relatively recently these passages have been misinterpreted to mean gay and lesbian. The reason is because the cults spoken of in these passages are no longer widely practiced and someone decided to use them to manipulate God into saying that gay and lesbian was an abomination. There is ample evidence that gay and lesbian couples were accepted as part of Christianity and Judaism until the dark ages. The Qur'an is used in the same manner by Muslims, but these books were entirely composed and compiled by people who believed they were doing the right thing and they thought they were communicating with an all knowing God who just happened to agree with their very personal views and opinions, or heard voices in their head. Religion has caused more than half of worldwide poverty and then boasts about giving tons of charity to the poor they created. Religion claims to spread love but religious people have harmed other people physically and psychologically and have even harmed each other with the most hateful judgements since they invented that God agrees with them. Spirituality should be non-judgmental regarding consensual behavior and orientation. Religion is about repression of self and others as well as hidden lust and violence all the while claiming love and compassion. Religion only truly works for those making money from it who by the way are very well trained con artists and they do not really believe what they teach. I know because I worked for theologians, pastors and religious leaders for many years. They preach one thing and believe another in most of the foundational Judaeo-Christian and Muslim claims to righteous behavior.

  • @Tripper111
    @Tripper111 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That entire video was really hard to watch but needs to be watched by many. That last video of the family fight was the worst thing I have ever heard or seen. So many sick people in this world.

  • @mrx3086
    @mrx3086 8 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    It always saddens me that there are so many screwed up people in this world. All hating gay people. Usually quoting some form of religious( man made ) text as if it's the final word. To also hear that the parents of the young man in the last video are so willing to violently assault him, well that is as repulsive as they are. I hope gay people will always stand up for themselves and punch back.

  • @davidpatrick233
    @davidpatrick233 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for posting this, Brian. That last audio string was really tough to listen to, Thanks again.

  • @flyboy-kb2nl
    @flyboy-kb2nl 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I cannot believe what I have just watched. !! I am in shock and in floods of tears. I am a 54 year old gay man in the u.k and never experienced anything like this at all. My parents initially wanted to take me to a doctor to ''get better'' when i came out 33 years ago, but that was a generational thing, my mother always said that whatever life I had to live, I was her son and nothing would ever stop her from loving me. who I sleep with has no impact whatsoever on anyone else's life but mine. it is 2016 and there are still people who are unaccepting of other people's lives, even though it doesn't interfere with them. These parents talked about here are disgusting to disown their own flesh and blood because they are attracted to the same sex or are transgender. I only hope that all the participants here are well and happy and doing ok.? I just want to hug each and every one of them as their parents should have done. best wishes to all of you who are struggling and if anyone needs a friend, I offer myself... regards steve.

  • @jmarkkoerber8078
    @jmarkkoerber8078 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Holy crap. Been out for what...30 years....this traumatized the hell out of me. Brought me right back to all the rejection and hate. I guess some things we never really get over.

  • @jeffsemper7286
    @jeffsemper7286 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    after seeing this video I am speechless the ignorance is disgusting, I am gay and my heart goes out to all LGBTQ

  • @unstoppableguy
    @unstoppableguy 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That last audio was extremely disturbing, I was outraged. I really hope the guy stood up for himself thereafter. What a sad family he has, very nasty, aggressive, bullies full of hatred and contradictions. Their beliefs are extremism at its worst. Disgusting behaviour, no wonder there is so much evil in this world. He deserves better and I hope he was able to swiftly move out and move on from them.

  • @Pooquie1
    @Pooquie1 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My God this is's heartbreaking to see so many of our youth disowned and mistreated because they are willing to embrace who they were created to be. I pray that these young men learn that self love is what it's all about. And I hope that those who have mistreated them come to understand that God's love is unconditional.

  • @trupelothomas9597
    @trupelothomas9597 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I give the guy in the very last clip (the hidden camera) A LOT of credit for sticking up for himself in the presence of some hateful, bigoted bullies. I hope he is doing okay now...

  • @Mabeylater293
    @Mabeylater293 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank u Brian for this beautiful video and for coming around. 🤝

  • @ronniehartley-savill7203
    @ronniehartley-savill7203 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Brian that was so moving thank you mate.

  • @petergilfillan8340
    @petergilfillan8340 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My Heart goes out to that very last young man whose so called Christian Parents(far from it) disown him & shower him with abuse both mentally physically. I dont care what your belief system is but how any parent can treat thier own Child like this just frightens & astounds me. I hope he found a safe haven & is ok now? Unfortunately he had a terrible experience, i have been lucky as a Man, who happens to be Christian & also gay have had very supportive Family & friends both from within the Church & outside of it.

  • @sleekcartim
    @sleekcartim 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    RIP Orlando peeps and sooo many more who were lost traveling down that long darkest road alone.

  • @cyloner
    @cyloner 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yes, it takes loads of courage to be gay in our crooked society. Unfortunately, I never had that courage to come out to my closest friends and family, and had to live a miserable closeted life.

  • @gracenlynch9351
    @gracenlynch9351 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this video

  • @howiemontgomery
    @howiemontgomery 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Powerful! Thank you..

  • @paolanicole8219
    @paolanicole8219 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I cried, this is horrible
    Why do ignorant people do this
    I have no words

  • @Zod355
    @Zod355 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm gay and I'm a Christian, and theses peoples whom use God to hate on us, the don't speak from God. I never felt anything bad coming from God since I discover I'm gay, there is only love from Him. And these people are not doing God's work, because He wanted us to be united and to come to Him as we are, because He loves us all equally. These people are not christians and don't speak from God.

    • @Zod355
      @Zod355 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh thanks, But I think my name is to big. But I like it too.
      And I'm sorry there people that call themself "Born again Christians" are abusing and harrassing you. They are not Christians because they ignore one of Jesus most important comandments that is TO LOVE EACH OTHER AS WE LOVE OURSELVES (Matthew 22:39-40 - I paraphrased).
      Also the one to not judge. And so many others.
      And you should fight back and dont let them make you feel like you are not worth or small because you are gay. GOD LOVES YOU and in the end that is the only thing that matter, not their unwanted opinions.
      If every so called "Born again Christians" care about Jesus words, they would focus on trying to help people who live in hunger and misery, like Jesus did.
      So know that you are loved and that you are beautiful, as you are.
      Pardon the bad english :)

  • @absolutelyfreestockshots1931
    @absolutelyfreestockshots1931 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    First they put you into this world, then they kick you out.

  • @darrellrussell658
    @darrellrussell658 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Courage to be honest

  • @nigelsherriff
    @nigelsherriff 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you

  • @languefrancaise13
    @languefrancaise13 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Who you are attracted to is NOT a choice; how you choose to act on it IS!

    • @TheonlyHoneyBadger
      @TheonlyHoneyBadger 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Oh wow youre so clever you found a loophole around that. Its not like we havent heard that 1,000 times already. Just gtfo of peoples lives and maybe it wont have to be "your" problem anymore

    • @languefrancaise13
      @languefrancaise13 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      I know whereof I speak; I am attracted to men too; I simply choose not to act on my feelings. I'm not saying it's easy; I'm saying IT'S POSSIBLE!

    • @Cor6196
      @Cor6196 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      The religion that I was born into was not the same as yours, but today it offers the same neat solution to its homosexual youth.When I was a child, however, my Church-the only True Church, of course-taught that even having such wicked THOUGHTS or being physically attracted to a schoolmate was the WORST sin anyone could commit. So I struggled to suppress even the wiff of a homosexual thought or image. This struggle continued for decades until, tortured by my schizoid response to my natural instincts, I guiltily left the church. Since then, looking back, all the myths and doctrines of my religion seem crazy and dangerous, but I never really escaped from my childhood indoctrination and have led a lonely and sick life ever since.I fear that your "solution" may ultimately lead to much greater suffering than your psyche can bear, and that your internal conflict may lead to grave mental problems-the suicide rate among young Mormon gays is so high! My thoughts are with you. May you find peace!

  • @davisray5671
    @davisray5671 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is interesting because we always put it down to religion. It is a lot to do with economics in America too. A lot of people fear the economic problems that having a gay son will cause problems.

  • @josuesotero3622
    @josuesotero3622 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How cool

  • @andrewhundley289
    @andrewhundley289 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    nope people are ass holes and will never change and they hide behind there faith to make it ok to ge ass holes. I am gay i grew up in the Methodist Church a good branch of Christianity if there is any gay Christians out there and looking for a church and i never went through all this that these men did my heart is broken hearing this and all the crap their families put them throw. My heart goes out to yuy guys

  • @marvinreyes711
    @marvinreyes711 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s no joke to be gay! 😩

  • @tonybennett4159
    @tonybennett4159 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    "Love the sinner, hate the sin", is cruel and asinine. What is really being said is that the gay person is expected to live the entire span of his life denied any chance of intimacy. That could mean, in many cases, upwards of 60 years of a cold, lonely and austere existence. All for the sake of what? A cherry picked verse from some two thousand year old book.

  • @deannaellwood
    @deannaellwood 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    i am so confused. if got (if there is a god) 'loves' everyone why does he hate gays?

    • @googlit9695
      @googlit9695 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      He doesnt, people twist some words some guy had said, who btw said slavery was ok, in the old testament. He loves gays just as much as anybody else. I mean I beleive in him, but dont try to twist his words with that disgrace of a mother in the last video. Whatever a religous person about how you or someone needs to change your life because god doesnt justify or whatever, just ignore them, their duty as a religous person isnt to tell you what to do with your life.

    • @deannaellwood
      @deannaellwood 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +GoOgLiT oh? eh hmmmm nah I still dumb with this stuff lol thanks for correction g some stuff

  • @TheAdrianMiguelShow
    @TheAdrianMiguelShow 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    It does take courage to be gay & its not a choice.

  • @antonioenriquez3142
    @antonioenriquez3142 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's why I don't believe in "Religions". I'm more happy been agnostic.