@@chriskoloski32 True, but when you meet someone using your brother's username with a character that looks a lot like your brother, talks like your brother, rocks up being as overpowered as your brother was rumoured to be on the previous game despite being a new player (and a total noob when it comes to the new systems), fights like your brother (as they still spar in the abridged version), is looking for his wife that's trapped in the game and you know your brother had an in-game wife who's consciousness was trapped in the gameworld leaving her in a coma... Well, it starts adding up to be maybe a touch more than coincidence.
I think the Japanese version she does recognize his name, but the dub missed alot of details and just moves passed alot of shit, in the first half the dub doesn't mention heathcliffs "hack" in the first fight against kirito.
It's weird that they're not detecting the "move arm" signal the brain is sending, but instead the actual movement of the arm in game. It would also just be a really cool feature to control the menu with your mind.
How she eventually escapes. Scared Tech: Please don't kill me! I can tell you how to get out! Asuna: You have two seconds. 1, t... Scared Tech: You just have to open the menu and log out! Asuna: I tried that! *Prepares to strike* Scared Tech: With the left hand! Asuna: What? That's ridiculous. There is no way it's that simp... *Does it with left hand* Sonuvabench! Scared Tech: So we're good? You won't kill me? Asuna: (Sarcastically) Oh, sure. We're totally cool. *Kills him* Scared Tech: (In pain) But, you said. Asuna: I lied. *Proceeds to log out*
For now. I'mma be honest, after some of the crap he put up with in season one, AND what he's putting up with currently? He's pulling a Deku from MHAAbridged. "Aaaaand repressed. THIS IS HEALTHY!"
@@VVheeli Reminds me of how Jaime Lannister was the one we ended up rooting for but in the first episode he tried to kill a kid. "The things I do for love."
I have a feeling that the time at the end of the season where he fights the big bad in the real world outside the hospital he straight up gonna kill him.
Suguo: Worry not my precious little flower. As much of a nuisance your rebellious streak can be, you're not in the least anything to be feared. By me, that is. I cannot speak for Shoji and the other guards. Asuna: The only thing they fear....Is ME!
I like the fact that Kirito and Asuna are so broken and mentaly unhinged that their influence somehow turned a benevolent, psychologist AI to a scary, psychotic and down right terrifying AI.
In the first arc, the only thing stopping Asuna from being a complete murderhobo was that she had to appear normal because she still lived in a society (albeit one made of socially inept nerds, but still) Now she's just a prisoner. She has absolutely nothing to lose from being exactly the sleep paralysis demon she's always been on the inside.
@@shihoblade Yeah, I'm willing to overlook it because SAOA is a comedy series. But do people really expect Sugou in canon SAO to not have done something about Asuna's character stats? Or make him and his security guards immortal objects like Yui? Like removing their sense of pain if she still managed to fight them somehow? Or increasing Asuna's sense of pain if she tries anything? Asuna was in no position to f*cking do anything, and she's somehow a weak and useless character for being put in a FUBAR situation?
@@SydCar people just don't like hr character going from badass lady to princess in the castle Actually people just don't like the alfheim arec in general
For those who couldn't read Suguha's psych profile: ""The patient displays classic narcissistic and borderline sociopathic behavior, especially when engaging with her brother, Kazuto Kirigaya (aka Kirito aka xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_KillMe aka Daddy). This appears to stem from deeply held feelings of resentment, as well as internalized self-hatred regarding her Femininity, most likely originating from an as-yet-unknown event in the siblings' early childhood. The lifelong repression of these feelings seems to have bled into her other relationships as well, causing her to lash out at those she perceives weaker than herself. This behavior is most evident when interacting with her "friend" Recon, whom she CLEARLY has romantic feelings for, yet takes every opportunity to belittle and keep at an emotional distance, even though we can all tell what's going on and she should just admit she likes him and treat that poor, sweet, boy with the love and compassion he deserves! In short, I believe someone or something caused her to view any display of more traditionally feminine traits as something to be ashamed of, and seems to lay the blame solely on her brother. As for why this is the case, further investigation shall be needed."
Might just be that he's no longer trapped in a life-or-death situation within a game. His ruthlessness has gone way down as well while in Fairyland, likely because of that.
@@tomfooleryLLC Not really, from a story perspective it makes perfect sense. Especially more-so in this Abridged series than the original, Kirito went through a whole arc in the first season about what it means to be a (at the very least) decent human being, possibly even a good person. However, it was all based around a power disparity that Kirito saw in the world and decided to use derogatory comments and gaming prowess to correct that disparity. Asuna and the others (namely Klein) showed him that people can like him despite being rude on occasion, but that just being an asshole pushes people away. All this to say that he can still crack jokes and hurl insults, but much like Asuna's insanity displayed in this episode, it's now just channeled towards specific people; the kind of people Kirito used to be (and the kind of people he still religiously made fun of, because who wouldn't take a shot at someone like Schmidt?).
I mean, he *DOES* have a time limit - Suguo marries Asuna IRL 'in a week' - he's gotta break her loose of her in-game imprisonment and let her logout, being able to speak and assert her rights in real life (by being conscious and reactive, and not trapped in a coma) then she can simply say "I do not want to marry him" and whatever 'parental consent due to medical incapacitation' loophole he's trying to use falls apart.
@@yahia098 Would go kinda hard if RPG's would put a time limit on your quests before "Bad thing X" happens. Remember when in skyrim you would have dragons terrorising cities yet you could litterally go on 10 side quests before the dragon even does aything? I mean imagine if you would just come back after you took it for granted and then Whiterun would be wiped off the map changing the course of the entire game as you move forward with one major power out of the picture. Can't decide whether to side with the Empire or the Stormcloakes? Well since you didn't stop that one dragon from destroying an important empire military base, Ulfric now sits on the throne in Solitude. If you get there in time you can even see the queen and her general getting executed in the middle of the now partly burned capital. This of course affects the way the NPC's treat you depending on where you go and what benefits you get from them.
@@limazulu6192 I don't play the game myself, but I heard the game Genshin Impact, literally out of nowhere after ~5 years of regular RPG quests, took your advice, and had a Main Story Quest where they didn't warn the players that half the NPCs in the new nation would die if you didn't teleport across the map at strategic points and protect them. Sent thousands of players who rushed into the story mode day 1 into panic attacks. The "Natlan War Disaster". Now, while its true that its well known a large population of Genshin players are quite literally the worst people in Twitter ever, so their misery is not necessarily a bad thing, I just don't think its an advisable strategy for the average gamer. Especially on a game where there are no prior save states.
Yui: "Fully autonomous and sentient artificial intelligences?" Leafa: "No, like one of those robots that can talk and think." Yui: *Ah, I see... She's an idiot... A few adjustments... And...* "I sure am, Sport."
@Kristopher Prime I believe I pointed this out in a comment last episode, that one of the first things he does as administrator is mess with all the people using his name in the way only he can.
Absolutely love when Oberron drops the tidbit that Asuna ripping them to shreds means "their psych bills are starting to add up". Heavily implies not only has she been doing it for a while, but she's exceptionally gruesome.
Even more disturbing when you consider that Kirito said he "barely felt anything" after crash-landing due to it being a kids game, which implies that what Asuna is doing to the guards is so gruesome that it's utterly traumatizing despite them being unable to feel any pain from it.
Asuna: *massacres her guards and terrified her own Captor the second her man is threatened* Yui: *erases someones face when someone threatens her dad or doesnt cooperate with saving her mom* I love this Yandere family :D
Gotta love that Kirito completely lucked out by somehow earning the loyalty of a vengeful Seed AI by being half of the most mentally unstable couple in SAO.
I mean, accidental or not it seems that AI has the personality of a mixture between him and Asuna, but if they were smarter. So the somehow is "this dysfunctional family was essentially made for each other, how else would that go?"
Yeshua(Jesus) the Christ loves you! Praise YHWH El Shaddai and may He bless you! Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords! (YHWH - the LORD) (El Shaddai - God Almighty) To those who haven’t; Repent of your sins and believe on the Adon Jesus the Christ, believe in your heart that He has died for your sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and you shall receive the Holy Spirit of God and He shall dwell within you. You shall be saved. Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! - Jesus the Christ loves you, praise YHWH our Elohim - Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it): The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote: “Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…” In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative. Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians: “They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food - but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.” This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man. You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.” Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Adon Jesus the Christ.
@@theendersmirk5851Yeshua(Jesus) the Christ loves you! Praise YHWH El Shaddai and may He bless you! Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords! (YHWH - the LORD) (El Shaddai - God Almighty) To those who haven’t; Repent of your sins and believe on the Adon Jesus the Christ, believe in your heart that He has died for your sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and you shall receive the Holy Spirit of God and He shall dwell within you. You shall be saved. Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! - Jesus the Christ loves you, praise YHWH our Elohim - Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it): The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote: “Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…” In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative. Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians: “They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food - but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.” This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man. You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.” Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Adon Jesus the Christ.
Theory: Now that dying in the game doesn't mean dying in real life, Asuna is more reckless and willing to try using glitches to get out of her cage. The bed is her spawn point, and by not touching the floor of her cage and waiting a while, the game considers her in freefall, and gives her increasing speed, which eventually allows her to clip out of the cage by moving beyond the wall before it detects collision In short: Asuna keeps escaping because she accidentally became the first VR speedrunner.
Would make sense from a logical standpoint. If she escapes, all you have to do is kill her, sending her back to her spawnpoint, and not do the (comparatively) risky option of capturing her alive.
In order for the profanity filter to block words AS they're being spoken, the system must be able to scan the neural pathways of the players, interpret the signals into words, and then alter the signals so that the player says a different word than what they thought of. It must do this in fractions of a nanosecond. That's terrifying
If that is how it was done in universe that would be just about the stupidest way to do it. A more likely way for it to happen is for it to just predict the words in advance using the previous words and context, along with recording your speech patterns as you play to help in the prediction.
I want an entire audio episode or two, like TTS has had, focusing entirely on Asuna being the ungodly hellspawn of a Cazador, Deathclaw, Xenomorph, Queen of Blades, and SCP-682.
The amount of shit they fixed and made better in this version: -Asuna not being helpless and constantly escaping -Leafa already knowing her bro's identity -Yui figuring it out and having more plot relavance as an AI that can tap into almost any system -Kirito helping the Sylphs and Cat Siths actually having relevance instead of being a stupid af distraction
To be fair, when you’re changing perhaps some of the shittiest popular writing of the decade, the bigger surprise would be if you somehow made it worse.
And don't forget that they made the whole subplot about Kirito helping the Sylphs and Cait Siths make way more sense than in the actual show, since there Kirito kinda just said fuck it and went to help them just because, even though it was not in his plans, which would make sense if he didn't have a time limit of a week so any distraction from his objective is completely stupid because he's in a really short time limit. Here their objective is to get there in the first place, so it isn't a distraction that ended up becoming an opportunity to raid the world tree, it's all in favor of raiding the world tree in the first place. And it isn't even a major change, it's just basic logic, something that the original show clearly sucks at.
"Yknow Oberon. Because of all this bullshit you've put me through, its reminding me of an old friend.. He was also always talking about saving his family.. His pain will be child's play compared to yours"
Kirito disabling profanity filter: You know Oberon I just want to let you know something before we battle. We are going to turn the pain alllll the way up, but before I doo... *Deep Breath* "FUUCK. YOUUUUU. Ahh that's better."
OH MY GOD, I love what they do with Asuna. In the normal anime she's just a damsel in distress here. But in Abridged, she's constantly trying to escape and slaughtering the guards every time, and in this episode it's revealed that these constant horrific deaths cause a lot of psyc damage to the guards, making their therapy sessions expensive for Oberon. LOVE IT!!!!
2 ปีที่แล้ว +71
Word. Turning Asuna into a damsel in distress made me hate SAO a little bit. But, thanks to that, i can enjoy the abridged version of her even more
That's going to be a quote in this series at some point from Yui. I know Kirito already said it to Rosaria but Yui is totally going to say it. Calling it now.
Honestly the official series could have won me back at the end of the Alfheim arc if Asuna had gone full Lisbeth Salander on Rapey Legolas and stapled his balls to his face or something. But she didn't, and thus they didn't. I like this version of the story much better.
whats really scary about Asuna is that, because AFO is a kid's game, none of the security guards she attacks feels any pain, so whatever she is doing to them has to be worse than actual pain. Poor Shoji
uh you know that in alfheim online anime version kirito and sugou can actually make people feel pain by hacking the game right? it would make sense from that that asuna can hack the game too
@@legenterry1118 Yes, but this ISN'T the anime version. Oberon and Yui are the only ones who could possibly have access to Admin privileges. Asuna is managing to create ACTUAL PAIN in a game where a hundred foot drop feels like NOTHING.
Holy crap, just noticed that because SWE has to loop the clouds in editing to account for leifa and kirito talking more they turned it into a glitching sky. Fucking brilliant
it was kinda like a flip on the queens speech in hellsing abridged, "allucard when you find him i want you to record it while you kill him, so i can fall asleep to it every night.
Kirito: *gets to the top of the World Tree* Now where is Asuna? *Faint screams in the background while he looks down a dark hallway with blood on the walls* Kirito: Oh, she is that way!
17:42 Yui is such a good girl;, protecting her family, playing with her aunt, securing the means of rescuing her mom. such an angel, a face-stealing blackmailing torture inducing angel.
Canon Asuna: _Oh dear, help me I am being held captive!_ Canon Yui: _Waa momy is gone_ Abridged Asuna: *Darth Vader Massacre Scene - Rogue One [4k | 60FPS]* Abridged Yui: *HAL 9000 "I'm Sorry Dave" - 2001 A Space Odyssey MOVIE CLIP (1968) HD"*
@@Pewfles To answer your question, 'How dare you' I believe you will find that the actions that inspired your question are in fact a perfectly good example of exactly how he 'dares'.
1. Showing Asuna's real psycho side rather than "waiting to be saved like a helpless princess" 2. Showing how Yui truly use her ability as psychology AI rather than just being a side pixie You doing an EXCELENT job, can't wait for more
Coming back to this episode after 16 released, it's hilarious to realize that Cashmere understanding Kirito's Stardust reference was the subtle hint that he was actually on the same wavelength as Kirito all along.
Oberon saying that he is going to hurt Kirito. Asuna: stares at him. ALO system: "Warning. The Slayer has entered the facility." *Heavy metal intensifies*
I like to imagine she equipped the Hot Hand from TF2, filling his cavity with ashes, asbestos and third degree burn marks! Actually, that’s too f’cked up, nevermind
I love how they used the “skybox runtime error” as a way to use the same frames of animation repeatedly without drawing attention to the clouds constantly skipping around.
Psychological profile and Interaction Parameters: The patient displays classic narcissistic and borderline sociopathic behavior, especially when engaging with her brother, Kazuto Kirigaya (aka Kirito aka xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_kiLLMe aka daddy). This appears to stem from deeply held feelings of resentment, as well as internalized self-hatred regarding her own femininity, most likely originating from an as-yet-unknown event in the siblings early childhood. The lifelong repression of these feelings seems to have bled into her other relationships as well, causing her to lash out at those she perceives to be weaker than herself. This behavior is most evident when interacting with her “friend” Recon, whom she CLEARLY has romantic feelings for, yet takes every opportunity to belittle and keep at an emotional distance, even though we can all tell what’s going on and she should just admit she likes him and treat that poor, sweet boy with the love and compassion he deserves! In short, I believe someone or something has caused her to view any display of more traditionally feminine traits as something to be ashamed of, and seems to lay the blame solely on her brother. As far as why this is the case, further investigation shall be needed. Player Interaction Parameters: Familiarity: 3/10 -> 3/10 Kindness: 1/10 -> 5/10 Aggression: 6/10 -> 6/10 Caution: 7/10 -> 2/10 Respect: 5/10 -> 0/10 As good as I can get for now, let me know if I got something wrong. Edit: fixed the name, thanks @jaffadew27, @Kevin Jong, and @Setsumaki for catching that. Added Parameters, before and after, thanks @Firestorm for the idea!
Yea, even Kirikito (while he was still a sociopath) seems tame in comparsion. But, honestly, if you could remove face from someone who is really annoying you, would you say no? Edit: Wait, that means that someone programed possibility/command/script to remove players face. I know it was probably for debugging but...
Leafa: "RECON is Princess Leafa's F@#$BOI! GOT IT? Don't confuse a game with real life you perv." Leafa: Proceedes to confuse game with Real Life by telling her "not"-boyfriend to meet her in the janitor's closet after practice for a "quest".
Considering how much they throw in movie references, I can't tell if the face stealing was a reference to ASDF movies, The Matrix or The Last Airbender
I really like how Asuna is constantly trying to escape, because it fits her character so well, and her causing rampant chaos on a daily basis just to spite Creepy McFuckface is just so her.
@@connorreddish8632 More like rest in piss Shoji amirite? But for real, pretty sure those guys are like, the video game equivalent of amoral mercenaries and the technicians wanna create mind control. They deserve it lmao.
Yeah that and if i spent literal years of my life playing a game where i was constantly practicing swordsmanship i wouldnt see much need for continuous training irl
I really like how they turned Asuna from a damsel in a tower to... the eldritch monster they are trying to keep contained for their boss and she constantly escapes causing hell and havoc is a great modification.
I am now 5% certain this arc will end with every person working on the project lynching Sugou in the Real World for all the psychological trauma his crazy ass forced them to go through by keeping Asuna around (off screen obviously).
Kirito: Why would you need to protect me in a safe zone? I think you're wrong. Leafa: Psh, what do you know about safe zones? Kirito: Let me tell you about a certain *foundation that is always right.*
not gonna lie, the way you guys came up with a creative reason for not having to edit the clouds in the scenes with the sky in the background is really genius. Having the skybox being glitched so you can just pop it back whenever you need to linger on a scene longer than the original is absolutely brilliant! It fits thematically and is logically consistent. Well done! So much respect!
@@abstractpersons987 Yui said "I hacked your AmuSphere, among other things" - the AmuSphere is the updated version of the NerveGear, but the "other things" probably include the sky here, so still right.
Yui: Oh my god, she's stupid. Further interactions will require more baby-talk. *Kindness parameter increased* 2 seconds later... Yui: Well, at least I still have a face.
@@eggnorman one thing to keep in mind is that she was programmed by Kayaba Akihiko. he probably assigned incorrect behaviours to the kindness setting or something in his sleep deprived state.
@@zaniatnik The only parameters that changed, were kindness (1 to 5), caution (7 to 2) and respect (5 to 0). Aggression was at 6 from the beginning on (so was familarity at 3).
Kirito - a slightly wholesome sociopath Asuna - yandere who makes him look wholesome when compared to her Yui - a psychopath AI with murderous ideas Suguha - an agressive highschool girl who hits people with her sword, just because. I wonder who Kiritos parents are...
Think it's not so much emotions as much as Kirito subconsciously recognizing she's bullying Nagata the same way she bullies him. Which is likely going to be how he figures out who she is later in the abridged.
Cynthric's Gaming Channel that gives me an idea of the scene where in the original Leafa pieces it together but in this one it’s Kirito saying something along the lines of “you know, you remind me of this person I know” and he goes on explaining how he feels about Suguha and the reveal breaks Suguha that she leaves the game like in canon
You think the reason Asuna is trapped is because she didn't know that the menu is activated by the other hand
That better be the reason
That's amazing
Bwahahahahha! This would be hilarious!
That is the master level lock that’s keeping all the still trapped players in the game. Their muscle memory tells them to use the same hand.
That would be perfect. : )
Kirito this season ... must save his family.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become Gary.
@@Zexceeda omg plz no
Oh mother lover.
Or both.
Are you Gary, cause if you are then kirito is gonna kill you, baaad.
"why does it take so long between episodes?"
"Glitchy skies."
That part really made this dialogue so much more entertaining
What s beautiful view! * Sky glitching in the Background *
They could have not added it but the episode is better because of it
I thought sonething was wrong with the episode when I first saw the sky glitching.
@@argus2389 that sums up the entire series
The fact that his sister recognizes the name Kirito is one of the major things that the anime was missing that this has.
It's also confusing cause according to the abridged series there should be hundreds if not thousands of people named kirito in alfheim
@@chriskoloski32 True, but when you meet someone using your brother's username with a character that looks a lot like your brother, talks like your brother, rocks up being as overpowered as your brother was rumoured to be on the previous game despite being a new player (and a total noob when it comes to the new systems), fights like your brother (as they still spar in the abridged version), is looking for his wife that's trapped in the game and you know your brother had an in-game wife who's consciousness was trapped in the gameworld leaving her in a coma... Well, it starts adding up to be maybe a touch more than coincidence.
@Neion8b ut .......something which doesn't make sense I couldn't think of when making this
@@chriskoloski32 could be the way he pronounces it
I think the Japanese version she does recognize his name, but the dub missed alot of details and just moves passed alot of shit, in the first half the dub doesn't mention heathcliffs "hack" in the first fight against kirito.
"first off, that's the plot of stardust."
I don't know who this guy is. But he gets Kirito's movie references. That makes him important.
Could’ve been a book reference
Write that down
@@JK3JET Van Wilder. :v
He is Digitized Kayaba, Rping out of sheer frustration with the moronic players who make SAO Survivors look intelligent like Schmidt.
It's delightful to be reminded how Kirito is the least dangerous member of his cyber family between arsonist yandere Asuna and Yui the Face Stealer.
At least Kirito won't draw your death out for his own pleasure.
That waits to be seen. We have to see how they'll play out when Kirito snaps during the Oberon fight.
I don't know, I'm pretty sure Gary thinks Kirito is plenty dangerous!
@@1SunnyDaze0 we must save my family
@@GundamLegacyExtreme Asuna is just going to escape on her own, because that's how she do
The tradition is to rewatch the entire abridged everytime a new episode comes out, so that is what I shall do.
Don’t forget to quote literally every single line
Damn right
Guess now i know what im gonna do the next 2 days
Omg, perfect timing. That's what I've been doing the past few days 😂
I have already rewatched it 3x since the last episode came out, duh
jesus, "he tied my arms so i couldnt log out" is an existentially terrifying idea
Imagine glitching into the floor, slowly drowning in solid rock. Unable to move...
@@general_villagerture9818 or worse being kidnapped in game and unable to log out
It's weird that they're not detecting the "move arm" signal the brain is sending, but instead the actual movement of the arm in game.
It would also just be a really cool feature to control the menu with your mind.
Somehow that idea is scarier than everyone being locked in it.
Same thing with the girls face she wouldn’t be able to see the menu to log out
The only reason why Asuna can’t escape is because she hasn’t realized the menu is with the other hand.
That's a big oof
yeah.... I've honestly felt that was gonna be the case myself... the setup from the early episodes is just too good
Omg yes
Then she immediately drags herself out of the hospital and follows through on her "promise" to Oberon irl.
How she eventually escapes.
Scared Tech: Please don't kill me! I can tell you how to get out!
Asuna: You have two seconds. 1, t...
Scared Tech: You just have to open the menu and log out!
Asuna: I tried that! *Prepares to strike*
Scared Tech: With the left hand!
Asuna: What? That's ridiculous. There is no way it's that simp... *Does it with left hand* Sonuvabench!
Scared Tech: So we're good? You won't kill me?
Asuna: (Sarcastically) Oh, sure. We're totally cool. *Kills him*
Scared Tech: (In pain) But, you said.
Asuna: I lied. *Proceeds to log out*
“My men don’t know the definition of surrender”
“But we are willing to learn!”
The great Corvatz can never die.
*Guitar solo in background*
So tell me, what's your strategy?
Very well men , gather around AND HIT IT TILL IT DIES
@@TabscoDragon *final guitar strum*
Kirito: I guess you could say he... went out on a high note
My favorite part of this abridged series:
The fact that Kirito, Asuna and Yui all form a yandere family, and Kirito is the least intimidating.
For now. I'mma be honest, after some of the crap he put up with in season one, AND what he's putting up with currently? He's pulling a Deku from MHAAbridged. "Aaaaand repressed. THIS IS HEALTHY!"
Imagine the guy who legit killed a person and laughed at dying being the least messed up person of their family.
This includes his sister too.
@@VVheeli Reminds me of how Jaime Lannister was the one we ended up rooting for but in the first episode he tried to kill a kid. "The things I do for love."
You must have forgotten the "and there is no need to wonder where your God is cause he's right here, and he is fresh out of Mercy" moment.
I have a feeling that the time at the end of the season where he fights the big bad in the real world outside the hospital he straight up gonna kill him.
Asuna turned her imprisonment into a game of Hades.
Asuna: Aight, imma head out.
She mains Stygius on Nemesis mode.
Holy shit you’re right.
Best comment.
Asuna isn't trapped with anyone. They're trapped with Asuna
Rorschach reference. You have my respect, good sir.
scp foundation in a nutshell
Suguo: Worry not my precious little flower. As much of a nuisance your rebellious streak can be, you're not in the least anything to be feared. By me, that is. I cannot speak for Shoji and the other guards.
Asuna: The only thing they fear....Is ME!
* "At Doom's Gate" intensifies "
“Don’t talk to him that way”
Guys kirito went though character growth
What kind of black magic, voodoo witchcraft is this?!
I'm assuming it's because he really wants to speak to him that way, but can't decide on the right words as of yet.
So much development
I mean, tbf, he's been going through character growth since S1...more than he ever did in the REAL anime anyhow.
Naw it's just that he is the only one that is allowed to make others feel like crap
I like the fact that Kirito and Asuna are so broken and mentaly unhinged that their influence somehow turned a benevolent, psychologist AI to a scary, psychotic and down right terrifying AI.
Ironic that she only became like that once she started acting more human.
@@user-2012July-A That is not at all what irony is. I believe the turn of events you just described would be best classified as completely expected.
@@ItamarO93 yes. That was the joke, friend. Lol.
@@user-2012July-A I liked your joke
@@ItamarO93 I'm glad.
Yui being rewritten as an eldritch omnipotent demon is a nice angle.
As is Asuna being 10 times the violent psychopath she was in the first arc.
It's because she asn't kirito with her anymore
In the last episode the "guards" called said "Its loose" she is so scary they don't register her as human
In the first arc, the only thing stopping Asuna from being a complete murderhobo was that she had to appear normal because she still lived in a society (albeit one made of socially inept nerds, but still) Now she's just a prisoner. She has absolutely nothing to lose from being exactly the sleep paralysis demon she's always been on the inside.
@@thesavagekitty1593 or they were told she's an AI and don't know what's going on.
She's exactly the same amount of violent psychopath. She's just off the leash now
Asuna killing guards while locked up saves her character better than the show did
She can't actually _leave,_ so this is basically how she entertains herself
Saves her character from what? She is in a digital prison, what was she *supposed* to do?
Yeah, I'm willing to overlook it because SAOA is a comedy series. But do people really expect Sugou in canon SAO to not have done something about Asuna's character stats? Or make him and his security guards immortal objects like Yui? Like removing their sense of pain if she still managed to fight them somehow? Or increasing Asuna's sense of pain if she tries anything?
Asuna was in no position to f*cking do anything, and she's somehow a weak and useless character for being put in a FUBAR situation?
@@SydCar people just don't like hr character going from badass lady to princess in the castle
Actually people just don't like the alfheim arec in general
@@Benxall Yeah the alfheim arc succ
For those who couldn't read Suguha's psych profile:
""The patient displays classic narcissistic and borderline sociopathic behavior, especially when engaging with her brother,
Kazuto Kirigaya (aka Kirito aka xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_KillMe aka Daddy). This appears to stem from deeply held feelings of resentment, as well as internalized self-hatred regarding her Femininity, most likely originating from an as-yet-unknown event in the siblings' early childhood. The lifelong repression of these feelings seems to have bled into her other relationships as well, causing her to lash out at those she perceives weaker than herself. This behavior is most evident when interacting with her "friend" Recon, whom she CLEARLY has romantic feelings for, yet takes every opportunity to belittle and keep at an emotional distance, even though we can all tell what's going on and she should just admit she likes him and treat that poor, sweet, boy with the love and compassion he deserves! In short, I believe someone or something caused her to view any display of more traditionally feminine traits as something to be ashamed of, and seems to lay the blame solely on her brother. As for why this is the case, further investigation shall be needed."
People forget what type of AI Yui was originally designed to be
I scrolled through the comments just for this. Bless you ❤
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much
Thank you so much
Has anyone noticed how kirito is BY FAR the nicest person in this episode?
God, how he has grown...
Well there is Recon.
Kirito only mocks those who deserve it now.
Might just be that he's no longer trapped in a life-or-death situation within a game. His ruthlessness has gone way down as well while in Fairyland, likely because of that.
its just wrong ngl
@@tomfooleryLLC Not really, from a story perspective it makes perfect sense. Especially more-so in this Abridged series than the original, Kirito went through a whole arc in the first season about what it means to be a (at the very least) decent human being, possibly even a good person. However, it was all based around a power disparity that Kirito saw in the world and decided to use derogatory comments and gaming prowess to correct that disparity. Asuna and the others (namely Klein) showed him that people can like him despite being rude on occasion, but that just being an asshole pushes people away.
All this to say that he can still crack jokes and hurl insults, but much like Asuna's insanity displayed in this episode, it's now just channeled towards specific people; the kind of people Kirito used to be (and the kind of people he still religiously made fun of, because who wouldn't take a shot at someone like Schmidt?).
I adore how in this version Kirito actually feels like he's on a time sensitive quest. Everytime Leafa ducks off he's like "hey I have wife in danger"
Something most RPG must learn
I mean, he *DOES* have a time limit - Suguo marries Asuna IRL 'in a week' - he's gotta break her loose of her in-game imprisonment and let her logout, being able to speak and assert her rights in real life (by being conscious and reactive, and not trapped in a coma) then she can simply say "I do not want to marry him" and whatever 'parental consent due to medical incapacitation' loophole he's trying to use falls apart.
@@yahia098 Would go kinda hard if RPG's would put a time limit on your quests before "Bad thing X" happens. Remember when in skyrim you would have dragons terrorising cities yet you could litterally go on 10 side quests before the dragon even does aything? I mean imagine if you would just come back after you took it for granted and then Whiterun would be wiped off the map changing the course of the entire game as you move forward with one major power out of the picture. Can't decide whether to side with the Empire or the Stormcloakes? Well since you didn't stop that one dragon from destroying an important empire military base, Ulfric now sits on the throne in Solitude. If you get there in time you can even see the queen and her general getting executed in the middle of the now partly burned capital. This of course affects the way the NPC's treat you depending on where you go and what benefits you get from them.
@@limazulu6192 I don't play the game myself, but I heard the game Genshin Impact, literally out of nowhere after ~5 years of regular RPG quests, took your advice, and had a Main Story Quest where they didn't warn the players that half the NPCs in the new nation would die if you didn't teleport across the map at strategic points and protect them. Sent thousands of players who rushed into the story mode day 1 into panic attacks. The "Natlan War Disaster".
Now, while its true that its well known a large population of Genshin players are quite literally the worst people in Twitter ever, so their misery is not necessarily a bad thing, I just don't think its an advisable strategy for the average gamer. Especially on a game where there are no prior save states.
Yui: "Fully autonomous and sentient artificial intelligences?"
Leafa: "No, like one of those robots that can talk and think."
Yui: *Ah, I see... She's an idiot... A few adjustments... And...*
"I sure am, Sport."
Yui is very clearly their daughter. That spite and mean streak is to strong
@@royaltybydefinition that was the best part
it'd be funny if he tries to ban kirito but cant find his real account because all the people using his username
@Kristopher Prime SAOA is really good at that
Case in point, Keita hat
@Kristopher Prime this is SWE, their continuity is pretty strong I am almost certain they might do something with it
@Kristopher Prime I believe I pointed this out in a comment last episode, that one of the first things he does as administrator is mess with all the people using his name in the way only he can.
“THE FOLLOWING IS A NONPROFIT FAN BASED PARODY” How long I’ve waited to hear those words
Devin Kimar Two thousand years.
It never said nonprofit
Its been too long
Same here
Absolutely love when Oberron drops the tidbit that Asuna ripping them to shreds means "their psych bills are starting to add up". Heavily implies not only has she been doing it for a while, but she's exceptionally gruesome.
Even more disturbing when you consider that Kirito said he "barely felt anything" after crash-landing due to it being a kids game, which implies that what Asuna is doing to the guards is so gruesome that it's utterly traumatizing despite them being unable to feel any pain from it.
Psychic damage
@@kerbiseabolt5738 White Damage*
@@luigitan5602 the sleeper agents are here
please note she is also unarmed
Yui is the best character in this series. She's adorable, as psychotic as her parents, and has her dad's sense of humor.
Will she was trap inside an item for who knows how long.
She is insane
Well she is a psychiatrist AI.
You’d at least guess she’d pick up her parents attitude?
@@TheBritishSn0rlax That's what I'm saying.
Rdskinsfan27 yep
Asuna: *massacres her guards and terrified her own Captor the second her man is threatened*
Yui: *erases someones face when someone threatens her dad or doesnt cooperate with saving her mom*
I love this Yandere family :D
*You know it says something when Kirito "You don't need to wonder where your god is" is the most chill in the family.*
Just wait for *that* scene...
*The one they fear is you echoes in the background*
Doom narator: The only thing they fear, is you
@@KnightofChaosDeck You mean the scene where Kirito slices up Sugo, tosses him in the air and catches him on his sword? Or the rl version?
@@jotheunissen9274 BOTH
Gotta love that Kirito completely lucked out by somehow earning the loyalty of a vengeful Seed AI by being half of the most mentally unstable couple in SAO.
I mean, accidental or not it seems that AI has the personality of a mixture between him and Asuna, but if they were smarter. So the somehow is "this dysfunctional family was essentially made for each other, how else would that go?"
Yeshua(Jesus) the Christ loves you! Praise YHWH El Shaddai and may He bless you! Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords!
(YHWH - the LORD) (El Shaddai - God Almighty)
To those who haven’t; Repent of your sins and believe on the Adon Jesus the Christ, believe in your heart that He has died for your sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and you shall receive the Holy Spirit of God and He shall dwell within you. You shall be saved. Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Jesus the Christ loves you, praise YHWH our Elohim
Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it):
The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote:
“Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…”
In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative.
Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians:
“They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food - but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”
This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man.
You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes:
“About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.”
Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Adon Jesus the Christ.
@@theendersmirk5851Yeshua(Jesus) the Christ loves you! Praise YHWH El Shaddai and may He bless you! Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords!
(YHWH - the LORD) (El Shaddai - God Almighty)
To those who haven’t; Repent of your sins and believe on the Adon Jesus the Christ, believe in your heart that He has died for your sins and rose from the tomb on the third day and you shall receive the Holy Spirit of God and He shall dwell within you. You shall be saved. Be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Jesus the Christ loves you, praise YHWH our Elohim
Evidence for Jesus Christ’s existence, crucifixion, and disappearance from the tomb (He rose from it):
The Lord Jesus Christ did exist, gathered disciples, and was crucified and went missing from the tomb. To argue about wether He was taken from the grave or rose from it, is an argument a skeptic can make. Because well if you disregard the eye witness testimony of the disciples and there willingness to die for Christ, and humans won’t die for something they know is a lie, when Peter is pinned upside down to that cross, he could have said that it was a fake, but He didn’t because it wasn’t, what care would he have about death in this world if he knew for a fact he had assurance of a life in another, Jesus Christ did rise from the tomb and is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now the evidence for the Lord Jesus Christ’s existence really isn’t hard to find a multitude of non-Christian scholars and historians mention Him within 150 years after the time of His life. One such is Tacitus a Roman historian who reported on emperor nero’s decision to blame the Christians for the fire that had destroyed rome in 64 AD. Tacitus wrote:
“Nero fastened the guilt ... on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of ... Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judaea, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome…”
In this Tacitus makes reference to not only Christians, but Christ calling Him Christus and confirming the Gospels going on to say that He suffered the extreme penalty (crucifixion) under the reign of Tiberius and by the sentence of Pontius Pilate, which like I said confirms the Gospels narrative.
Another important source of evidence about Jesus and early Christianity can be found in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny was the Roman governor of Bithynia in Asia Minor. In one of his letters, dated around A.D. 112, he asks Trajan's advice about the appropriate way to conduct legal proceedings against those accused of being Christians. Pliny says that he needed to consult the emperor about this issue because a great multitude of every age, class, and sex stood accused of Christianity. At one point in his letter, Pliny relates some of the information he has learned about these Christians:
“They were in the habit of meeting on a certain fixed day before it was light, when they sang in alternate verses a hymn to Christ, as to a god, and bound themselves by a solemn oath, not to any wicked deeds, but never to commit any fraud, theft or adultery, never to falsify their word, nor deny a trust when they should be called upon to deliver it up; after which it was their custom to separate, and then reassemble to partake of food - but food of an ordinary and innocent kind.”
This passage provides a number of interesting insights into the beliefs and practices of early Christians. First, we see that Christians regularly met on a certain fixed day for worship. Second, their worship was directed to Christ, demonstrating that they firmly believed in His divinity. Furthermore, one scholar interprets Pliny's statement that hymns were sung to Christ, "as to a god", as a reference to the rather distinctive fact that, "unlike other gods who were worshipped, Christ was a person who had lived on earth." If this interpretation is correct, Pliny understood that Christians were worshipping an actual historical person as God! Of course, this agrees perfectly with the New Testament doctrine that Jesus was both God and man.
You may have heard of the scholar Flavius Josephus who mentioned James as being the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ, which matches what Paul said calling James “The Lord’s brother” and there is another document that Josephus may have written which goes:
“About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he ... wrought surprising feats.... He was the Christ. When Pilate ...condemned him to be crucified, those who had . . . come to love him did not give up their affection for him. On the third day he appeared ... restored to life.... And the tribe of Christians ... has ... not disappeared.”
Now it’s up to debate wether this is the entirely original document of what Josephus wrote, or if a Christian had edited it. But regardless he wrote about the Lord Jesus Christ. Wether it was negative or positive like the possible document is. Anyways there are many other statements, documents, letters, and writings of all sorts from the ancient world talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and there is not one question if He was a real person or if He was crucified and went missing from the grave. That is clear as day, He is a real person, was crucified, and went missing from the grave. And He did rise from the grave. And for more evidence of the Lord Jesus Christ, there’s the Bible and you see there is no evidence the Bible is corrupted, a lie, created by the Roman government, folktale. It is the recount of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, now wether you want to believe it is up to you. And what profit was there in spreading Christianity, All the early Christian suffered persecution, beatings, and were killed. Another Scholar reported that James the Lord’s Brother was thrown off a building and then stoned to death for spreading the Gospel in Jerusalem. These people went to great lengths even giving their own lives for the Adon Jesus the Christ.
@@romitsu968 you are in a godless place.
I like how the abridged version fixed the incest problem with suguha and made her love recon instead
Wait. WHAT?
@@benjaminwellington8297 Oh you didn’t know? Yeah Suguha had a crush on Kirito in the original.
@@dakotasan8719 💀💀
but hey, not blood related so its totally fine right? haha…
@@pantsukami3371 still cousins
Asuna: _Threatens brutal murder_
Aw, she does care.
Care or sees Kirito as her property that can't be touched
Even with a profanity filter, her threats are intense.
My thoughts exactly.
I mean she's a sociopathic yandere
Not gonna lie, that actually scared me. Like not even joking, those threats cut fucking deep.
Yui adjusting her personality settings to deal with how stupid Suguha is has to be my favorite part of this entire episode.
Sure is, sport
Goes to show Yui is definitely Kirito and Asuna's kid in a balance sense.
I didn't even get to read it but I knew exactly what it read.
I like the savage threat that Asuna throws down lol
What about that Shoji character? I worry for that unseen character for some reason.
Theory: Now that dying in the game doesn't mean dying in real life, Asuna is more reckless and willing to try using glitches to get out of her cage. The bed is her spawn point, and by not touching the floor of her cage and waiting a while, the game considers her in freefall, and gives her increasing speed, which eventually allows her to clip out of the cage by moving beyond the wall before it detects collision
In short: Asuna keeps escaping because she accidentally became the first VR speedrunner.
Oh please let this become Abridged canon
or she just went through the gigantic holes in the cage, first part is nice tough
You are a genius
Would make sense from a logical standpoint. If she escapes, all you have to do is kill her, sending her back to her spawnpoint, and not do the (comparatively) risky option of capturing her alive.
That is the best reason ever
In order for the profanity filter to block words AS they're being spoken, the system must be able to scan the neural pathways of the players, interpret the signals into words, and then alter the signals so that the player says a different word than what they thought of.
It must do this in fractions of a nanosecond.
That's terrifying
Oberon did say that the nerve gear had powerful tech
Seems legit, I mean it censores leafa's thoughts too
If that is how it was done in universe that would be just about the stupidest way to do it. A more likely way for it to happen is for it to just predict the words in advance using the previous words and context, along with recording your speech patterns as you play to help in the prediction.
@@qantj Everyone casually owning a quantum supercomputer.
@@AAAAAA-qs1bv Well the computers we have now are the super computers of a few decades ago to be fair
"I'm pretty worried about Asuna"
That cut was gold.
I want an entire audio episode or two, like TTS has had, focusing entirely on Asuna being the ungodly hellspawn of a Cazador, Deathclaw, Xenomorph, Queen of Blades, and SCP-682.
Asuna vented? And *Prince Casmere* is sus?
Xenomorphs wish they had shit on Asuna.
@@kabob0077 And an Impostor.
@@uncanny3637 plus she was trained by Lord Popo, and she enjoyed his training.
The amount of shit they fixed and made better in this version:
-Asuna not being helpless and constantly escaping
-Leafa already knowing her bro's identity
-Yui figuring it out and having more plot relavance as an AI that can tap into almost any system
-Kirito helping the Sylphs and Cat Siths actually having relevance instead of being a stupid af distraction
To be fair, when you’re changing perhaps some of the shittiest popular writing of the decade, the bigger surprise would be if you somehow made it worse.
If Yui was real would she have her own TH-cam channel?
Zombie demon She would BE the TH-cam channel. Or at least the ruler of it.
Don't forget Yui actually having some of the personality traits of her mother.
Incredibly frightening ones, but still...
And don't forget that they made the whole subplot about Kirito helping the Sylphs and Cait Siths make way more sense than in the actual show, since there Kirito kinda just said fuck it and went to help them just because, even though it was not in his plans, which would make sense if he didn't have a time limit of a week so any distraction from his objective is completely stupid because he's in a really short time limit. Here their objective is to get there in the first place, so it isn't a distraction that ended up becoming an opportunity to raid the world tree, it's all in favor of raiding the world tree in the first place. And it isn't even a major change, it's just basic logic, something that the original show clearly sucks at.
The fact that they kept Asuna's badassery during this arc even when caged is easily the best improvement they made to the original series
Gotta love a damsel who is refusing the plot HARD.
That and making the sister/cousin *not* romantically interested in Kirito
And making kirito both human and not jesus
Well yeah, but would've liked it they hadn't made a big plot hole while doing that
@@RyuusanFT86 he was both those things in the original as well tho...
Calling it! Recon trusts kirito too a weird degree because his nervegear belonged to sachi!
*O H*
*Surprised Pikachu Face*
Oh my god. That actually makes sense.
I think it’s mentioned that the nervegear belonged to a ‘him’.
@@mitrashailendra3817 you're right. Leafa mentions it was a son.
I swear to god, Kirito better say "We must save my family"
"Yknow Oberon. Because of all this bullshit you've put me through, its reminding me of an old friend.. He was also always talking about saving his family.. His pain will be child's play compared to yours"
I can hear this
...and I like it
Leafa: "That is absurd!"
Yui: "Correct! But it is also what happened."
I'll be honest, this was one of my favorite scenes from this abridged series.
I love how just psychotic Yui is
@@Beccue I mean look at the parents
I love how Psychotic EVERYONE except Kirito is.
@@blackloud3066 that's not wrong
@@Aflay1 instead, he's sociopathic.
I am praying that when Kirito unlocks the admin privileges the first thing he does is disable the profanity filter.
I mean, it's definitely on the list of priorities
You’re saying that like he (and by extension the lotta us) ain’t gonna do it regardless
And accidentally mute himself.
Kirito disabling profanity filter: You know Oberon I just want to let you know something before we battle. We are going to turn the pain alllll the way up, but before I doo... *Deep Breath* "FUUCK. YOUUUUU. Ahh that's better."
OH MY GOD, I love what they do with Asuna. In the normal anime she's just a damsel in distress here. But in Abridged, she's constantly trying to escape and slaughtering the guards every time, and in this episode it's revealed that these constant horrific deaths cause a lot of psyc damage to the guards, making their therapy sessions expensive for Oberon. LOVE IT!!!!
Word. Turning Asuna into a damsel in distress made me hate SAO a little bit. But, thanks to that, i can enjoy the abridged version of her even more
@ Guard “OH GOD IT’S LOOSE!!!!” I love how he reacts like Asuna is a viscous wild animal freed from it’s cage. Definitely an improvement.🤣
It's because she's eating them alive.
@@XWierdThingsHappenX Eats them alive, only for them to respawn and experiance the horror again and again.🤣🤣
They deserve it too for helping the asshole...
Yui: “No need to find your god, cause she’s right here, and she’s fresh out of mercy.”
"...there's no need to wonder where your god is! Cuz she's right here! And she's fresh out of mercy..."
If you want the correctly parodied line.
She really is Kirito's daughter.
@@SilentShadows877 Couldnt remember all of it as I typed it and didnt want to find the clip.
@@WokeandProud doing her daddy proud
That's going to be a quote in this series at some point from Yui. I know Kirito already said it to Rosaria but Yui is totally going to say it. Calling it now.
I love how Asuna is an actual threat instead of a stupid damsel in distress
I'm glad Asuna stays badass here unlike in the original lol
Asuna: "I'm not locked in here with you, YOU are locked in here with ME."
I love the use of the word *threat* in this context
I love that part! Especially how she constantly torments that one poor guard
Honestly the official series could have won me back at the end of the Alfheim arc if Asuna had gone full Lisbeth Salander on Rapey Legolas and stapled his balls to his face or something.
But she didn't, and thus they didn't.
I like this version of the story much better.
"How can you be a real threat if they cannot feel pain ?"
This, this is what is truly terrifying
whats really scary about Asuna is that, because AFO is a kid's game, none of the security guards she attacks feels any pain, so whatever she is doing to them has to be worse than actual pain. Poor Shoji
uh you know that in alfheim online anime version kirito and sugou can actually make people feel pain by hacking the game right? it would make sense from that that asuna can hack the game too
@@legenterry1118 not if she can't open the menu
@@leo070798 not if she can't open the menu? neither did kirito when he glitched in his swords and broke through sugou's hacking in the actual anime
@@legenterry1118 Yes, but this ISN'T the anime version. Oberon and Yui are the only ones who could possibly have access to Admin privileges. Asuna is managing to create ACTUAL PAIN in a game where a hundred foot drop feels like NOTHING.
Yep, Shoji will not be in the SAO alicization abridged series because Asuna might have done worst pain to him and he will never meet Admi.
Holy crap, just noticed that because SWE has to loop the clouds in editing to account for leifa and kirito talking more they turned it into a glitching sky. Fucking brilliant
Geniuses, I tell you FUCKING GENIUSES!
I got an ad right as the glitch hit, fucking perfect lmao
when you turn unintended consequences of your edits into further and richer worldbuilding of your 'parody' remastering than the source
"I will add your screams to my gosh darn spotify" is just absolutely terrifying in a way that went well beyond all the other threats.
And to think that the languages filter doesn’t even help make it any less terrorizing.
it was kinda like a flip on the queens speech in hellsing abridged, "allucard when you find him i want you to record it while you kill him, so i can fall asleep to it every night.
Kirito: *gets to the top of the World Tree* Now where is Asuna?
*Faint screams in the background while he looks down a dark hallway with blood on the walls*
Kirito: Oh, she is that way!
Absolutely hilarious and in character for the both of them
666th like
He sees glowing red eyes at the end with murderous intent and he yells: HEY HONEY!
I think Kirito's reaction would be more like
Kirito- "oh, she's that way. Perfect timing."
"I will add your screams to my gosh darn spotify" is a far more intimidating sentence than I ever thought possible.
@DoingTheJukes That made my whole night I swear xD
That's very despair inducing
Abridged Asuna V. Yuno Gasai death battle
“I will add your screams to my gosh darn SPOTIFY” made me smile for some reason I cannot explain
"Thats the plot of stardust"
Anyone else noticing this antagonists are acknowledging movie references?
Dead give away!!!
Dead give away that it's Kayaba. Wait, no that would be wack.
No please let it be Kayaba trying to do something about Sugou. I'd love to see him again as more than a Deus ex machina during the final fight
Also stardust is a great movie
@@jewelgriffon It's crazy. I just saw Stardust like 2 weeks ago. That is the last movie I expected them to reference.
what are you referring to? Can I get a time stamp?
Leafa: "Nice Hat."
Yui: "Thanks."
Leafa: "I was being sarcastic."
Yui: "Well I stole your face!"
MyxMage muffled screaming
That is exactly what I thought of when I saw that.
*sticks flag in the the ground. Pulls out radio.*
"Requesting extraction! I have found it! The perfect comment!!!"
Yui: Got your nose.
Im sure I heard something similar to this at one of the ASDF movies
"Don't you talk to him that way, how dare you?"
Ep 3 or something idk: what’s the point of people if not to mock them
he protec, he attac, but most importantly, he got the smol bean's bacc
Honestly my favorite part of this season.
17:42 Yui is such a good girl;, protecting her family, playing with her aunt, securing the means of rescuing her mom. such an angel, a face-stealing blackmailing torture inducing angel.
Adding to that, she probably kept Suguha from logging out. Essentially, she wanted to make the bitch suffer, and it worked.
Old testament Angel with a fraction of their power
Classic biblical angel shenanigans
I would die for this version of Yui. She is the best daughter ever. I'd say protect her at all costs but she is the danger 😂
Biblically Accurate
The fact that kirito actually defends rekkon when leafa said "I woulda taken anyone" is just too pure
character development!
Rawr (He's a good person now. He's still a sarcastic smartass, but he's a good person now )
Rekkon hasn't done anything to piss him off yet. It doesn't take much to annoy Kirito but Rekkon's done none of it
Kirito just feels bad for my boi Rekkon
Rekkon is a good boi.
“Do you know how many of you have died screaming Leroy Jenkins?”
@@The_D0C70R Which in my eyes is grounds to exterminate the species!
@@infinite6339Hey, at least they all had the guts to be here without a frickin' cheat code!
Noah G. See, this is what I’m talking about! Which one of you geniuses missed what I did to the last gu-
Well there's a plot twist for you. Kirito, are you actually defending these people?
Oh, don't get me wrong. No one's saying their potential doesn't top out at assistant manager at Kinko’s. I mean just look at Schmitt.
“Maybe I’m scared of him, he has a big knife.”
Man that handy quest must’ve been tougher than she thought.
She should hear about Kirito's Legendary Pebble of Pig Smiting.
I’m going to be scared when he explodes
Yep. I bet it sure was a very "handy" quest. Lucky Recon.
He could just be trying to sell it to her.
Asuna is the very definition of "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here with me"
"I've got you for five minutes... of play time! Bone saw is ready! "
Canon Asuna: _Oh dear, help me I am being held captive!_
Canon Yui: _Waa momy is gone_
Abridged Asuna: *Darth Vader Massacre Scene - Rogue One [4k | 60FPS]*
Abridged Yui: *HAL 9000 "I'm Sorry Dave" - 2001 A Space Odyssey MOVIE CLIP (1968) HD"*
Oh Jesus Christ
Can’t wait for kirito’s turn
That's accurate.
@@kairuw6477 Goes from edgy mellow teen to full on madlad whos lost it
Martin XY mhm
“...People log into this game just to run an airport?” ........ My hours in Flight Sim X feel attacked
at least there's gameplay centered around that.
those wierdos actually just roleplay it out.
that's a fairport
@@wmacosx I just woke up and read this.
How dare you.
@@Pewfles To answer your question, 'How dare you' I believe you will find that the actions that inspired your question are in fact a perfectly good example of exactly how he 'dares'.
Well...that's one thing, but, considering everyone can fly in this................
Everybody gangsta till Asuna breaks the profanity filter
Everybody gangsta til she gets OUT OF THE CAGE. No tank can stop her murderous rampage!
i dont remember asuna breaking the profanity filter
@@norishimogawa6125 its when she said "And mount your head on a fucking pike". She dominated that profanity filter
@@shirou8270 didn't she say fudging?
The “Don’t you talk to him that way. How dare you” line got me
1. Showing Asuna's real psycho side rather than "waiting to be saved like a helpless princess"
2. Showing how Yui truly use her ability as psychology AI rather than just being a side pixie
You doing an EXCELENT job, can't wait for more
Better than the anime tbh
I didn't know psychology lets you remove people's faces! I should be a psychologist!
@@monarchlaciel3057 a psychology ai with some control over the game
@@monarchlaciel3057 I think OP was referring to her ability to use her psychology programming to know EXACTLY how to get Leafa to do what she wants.
@@lemonthecougar4120 what are you talking about? This IS the real anime
Oberon: *Goes full psycho*
Asuna: I call and raise, ALL IN.
Yui: Still ups the ante
Asuna: Did I fucken stutter?!
I want to Like this, but it's at 666, which is too perfect to ruin.
The Lord of Fire and Darkness thanks his faithful servant. 😈
Canon Asuna: Helpless damsel in distress
Abridged Asuna: The Slayer has entered the facility
And whats Yui? Cause oh god...
And the soundtrack starts to play... th-cam.com/video/fmUDr2DO2is/w-d-xo.html
@@raezor6941 HAL 9000 has entered the chat....
@@James-bw4np That soundtrack works so well for Asuna too...
The slayer has control of the bfg
Coming back to this episode after 16 released, it's hilarious to realize that Cashmere understanding Kirito's Stardust reference was the subtle hint that he was actually on the same wavelength as Kirito all along.
"That's absurd!"
"Correct! But it is also what actually happened."
Anime in a nutshell right there.
Well alfheim isn't skill based match making that's clear
Yeah no, I ain't buying it!
@@johnbruner5820 I'm like kirito, "skeptical"
@Tin Watchman _very_ good point.
I mean, I’ve been in enough situations that are entirely coincidental. I’d buy it.
The scary thing about asuna's breakouts is that she's literally ripping them apart with her bare hands.
You really think teeth aren't also involved in that?
Never get between a psychological unhinged girl and her love.
...good thing players don’t die when they get killed?... or maybe a bad thing
I'm mentally picturing a hellsing inspired killing spree whenever asuna goes on a rampage.
@@elimDBZ what type of music asuna is playing?
More than a thousand people waiting and it doesn't even come out for another day, that's a loyal fanbase
Or an INCREDIBLY stupid one.... Speaking only for myself, I thought it was today, and I keep a daily journal with dates in it and everything
@@librarianseth5572 we can dream that it's today, no shame in that
@@librarianseth5572 you can be loyal and stupid. Just look at dogs.
5 hours to go
@@konnermorris1753 For some reason dogs tend to act smarter then most humans do.
Leafa - "His def into some sketch shiz"
Kirito - "I need you to stop"
I love this too much
I just watched that bit. Always fun to rewatch the series
"First of all, that's the plot of Stardust."
Hi Kayaba Akihiko. Nice to see you made it out of SAO alive.
Shit I thought I was the only one who thought that.
i mean, Sugo did grab a few of those in SAO before they logged out, so him grabbing Kayaba is not too far stretched
I was thinking the same thing!
@Tristan Elliott oh..... right
@Tristan Elliott oh, ok
Oberon saying that he is going to hurt Kirito.
Asuna: stares at him.
ALO system: "Warning. The Slayer has entered the facility." *Heavy metal intensifies*
Doom Eternal reference. Nice
Asuna as Doom Slayer would be cool and funny as hell (no pun intended)
@Jaden Curtis yeah both of them are,
also I am glad to see that asuna actually cares about him.
Honestly considering how Kirito and Asuna are both fucking sociopaths Oberon is screwed no matter who he says that to lol
Of course they are both fucking sociopaths. Do you not remember what happened in the cabin, the apartment, and who knows where else?
"Don't you talk to him that way. How dare you."
Wow he's come a long way.
Asuna's death threats is one of the greatest moments of this series. So well acted and so FUDGING hilarious...Oh no, it's spreading
How does it feel to lose your swear words? YOU POWERLESS FOOL!!! GET FUDGED…wait
yeah we'll use them as shields!"
Yeah imagine not having fudging swear words.... Oh god it has me too!!!!
Wait... Tooshy
*Oh no*
Kirito: "Am i in for some additional screening?"
Lady: "OOOH a Spriggan" *Latex Gloves Intensifies*
Good god I can hear them.
Oh no...
*Fgo PTSD crits stack*
Ah Subtle racism jokes
I like to imagine she equipped the Hot Hand from TF2, filling his cavity with ashes, asbestos and third degree burn marks!
Actually, that’s too f’cked up, nevermind
I love how they used the “skybox runtime error” as a way to use the same frames of animation repeatedly without drawing attention to the clouds constantly skipping around.
Creativity maxed out
Legit thought they were reusing the same background so it starting looping, but nope, and error
Not sure why the text was backwards though. Text boxes should always read forwards for any player looking at them.
@@RipleySawzen because it was a reflection from the actual text box in the sky.
@@AlanGresov Hence why it was upside down. But it would have also to be facing away from them to be backwards.
Psychological profile and Interaction Parameters:
The patient displays classic narcissistic and borderline sociopathic behavior, especially when engaging with her brother, Kazuto Kirigaya (aka Kirito aka xVx_K1r1t0_xVx_kiLLMe aka daddy). This appears to stem from deeply held feelings of resentment, as well as internalized self-hatred regarding her own femininity, most likely originating from an as-yet-unknown event in the siblings early childhood. The lifelong repression of these feelings seems to have bled into her other relationships as well, causing her to lash out at those she perceives to be weaker than herself. This behavior is most evident when interacting with her “friend” Recon, whom she CLEARLY has romantic feelings for, yet takes every opportunity to belittle and keep at an emotional distance, even though we can all tell what’s going on and she should just admit she likes him and treat that poor, sweet boy with the love and compassion he deserves! In short, I believe someone or something has caused her to view any display of more traditionally feminine traits as something to be ashamed of, and seems to lay the blame solely on her brother. As far as why this is the case, further investigation shall be needed.
Player Interaction Parameters:
Familiarity: 3/10 -> 3/10
Kindness: 1/10 -> 5/10
Aggression: 6/10 -> 6/10
Caution: 7/10 -> 2/10
Respect: 5/10 -> 0/10
As good as I can get for now, let me know if I got something wrong.
Edit: fixed the name, thanks @jaffadew27, @Kevin Jong, and @Setsumaki for catching that.
Added Parameters, before and after, thanks @Firestorm for the idea!
Thank you for sparing my eyes
This comment doesn't have enough likes.
Thank you
@@cub-square Thank you so much, I came trolling just for this. And god damn it, was it worth it.
Thanks for doing this so I don't give myself a migraine trying to read that text
“OooOh lord… ITS IN THE VENTS!!!!!” Kills me EVERY DAMN time. Lol
Asuna is sus.
Probably at the same rate that she was killing them
Vents VA brought his fucking a-game.
@@jennymckenzie5304 It’s Grimjack
Do love how they always refer to her as 'it'. She terrifies them that much.
Idk who's more terrifying in this game: Yui or Asuna. Either way like mother, like daughter.
Yea, even Kirikito (while he was still a sociopath) seems tame in comparsion. But, honestly, if you could remove face from someone who is really annoying you, would you say no?
Edit: Wait, that means that someone programed possibility/command/script to remove players face. I know it was probably for debugging but...
Yui. Yui has her admin access.
The correct answer is "YES."
Asuna would be more destructive with the power, yet still destroys people without power. Yui has the power and is happy to use it
Yea. This is the Asuna I know and love!
Asuna in the recent series has become WAY too timid and wimpy.
Yui: Erases Leafa's face
Camera zooms in on Yui's smug face.
Yui: "That should do it."
Yrp she's their kid.
They grow up scary fast. Maybe a little too fast but whatever.
@@llody7777 She's like 5 inches tall; if anything, she grew _down_
The second kirito hears thats suguha and that yui did that...hes probs gonna ask if Yui recorded that XD
A psychologist applies their skills to torture to ensure that it's just the perfect amount to enable compliance.
The psychologist’s satisfaction in light of the torment is merely a bonus.
I think it’s revealing that Leafa is more embarrassed over baking Recon cupcakes than giving him a handy.
Leafa is a natural tomboy that is trying way too hard to be even more of a tomboy.
Lots of insecurity about appearing feminine in front of people.
Leafa: "RECON is Princess Leafa's F@#$BOI! GOT IT? Don't confuse a game with real life you perv."
Leafa: Proceedes to confuse game with Real Life by telling her "not"-boyfriend to meet her in the janitor's closet after practice for a "quest".
Well he dos have LONG knife it,s canon now : )
I'm not from USA so, just to be sure, what does "handy" means?
17:45 OH I just realized Yui erasing Leafa's face was a reference to "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream"! That is clever on another level honestly
It’s also a asdf joke
@dumpsterbabies8453 but knowing Kirito, it's def more of a movie reference rather than a yt reference
Is “I have no mouth and I must scream” even a movie?
Yui: -takes suguha's face-
Me: truly... You are asuna's daughter.
She really, really is.
ah, anger runs in the family, i see.
@KittyDurgon; Not anger. Psychotic insanity would be the more correct term.
Considering how much they throw in movie references, I can't tell if the face stealing was a reference to ASDF movies, The Matrix or The Last Airbender
My appreneces for me to take. I'll take the little one
I really like how Asuna is constantly trying to escape, because it fits her character so well, and her causing rampant chaos on a daily basis just to spite Creepy McFuckface is just so her.
Yeah! I like that detail, too.
When kirito gets up there I want the walls to be painted with blood
RIP Shoji
@@connorreddish8632 More like rest in piss Shoji amirite?
But for real, pretty sure those guys are like, the video game equivalent of amoral mercenaries and the technicians wanna create mind control. They deserve it lmao.
@@Shade400 Knowing glitchiness of ALO, I'd say it's safe to think all blood will become missing textures and an absolute mess of shaders.
"He hasn't practiced Kendo in years!"
And he was practicing _actual fighting with actual swords_ the entire time
She seems to struggle remembering what happened three sentences ago in the same conversation.
Yeah that and if i spent literal years of my life playing a game where i was constantly practicing swordsmanship i wouldnt see much need for continuous training irl
She means *before*. Him abandoning Kendo lessons with his grandfather is the whole reason Suguha started them at all.
More like she doesn’t care at all.
Like Kirito usually.
I really like how they turned Asuna from a damsel in a tower to... the eldritch monster they are trying to keep contained for their boss and she constantly escapes causing hell and havoc is a great modification.
I am now 5% certain this arc will end with every person working on the project lynching Sugou in the Real World for all the psychological trauma his crazy ass forced them to go through by keeping Asuna around (off screen obviously).
"First of all that's the plot of Stardust."
He... He got Kirito's reference... Could he be...?
...well if no one is going to say it...KAYABA!
@@62swordsmen WHAT?!
Kirito: Why would you need to protect me in a safe zone? I think you're wrong.
Leafa: Psh, what do you know about safe zones?
Kirito: Let me tell you about a certain *foundation that is always right.*
hehe 69 likes
ballsdeep69 name checks out
Holy sh**, ballsdeep69. How you've been?
@@llody7777 Probably finally eating his pizza
@@pointless_lea eyyyy wassup ballsy
not gonna lie, the way you guys came up with a creative reason for not having to edit the clouds in the scenes with the sky in the background is really genius. Having the skybox being glitched so you can just pop it back whenever you need to linger on a scene longer than the original is absolutely brilliant! It fits thematically and is logically consistent. Well done! So much respect!
And it also hints at Yui hacking the game entirely, she did say "I hacked your stratosphere, among other things."
@@abstractpersons987 Yui said "I hacked your AmuSphere, among other things" - the AmuSphere is the updated version of the NerveGear, but the "other things" probably include the sky here, so still right.
I read in another comment that there was supposed to be a joke here, which got cut, but the editing stayed.
@@zeronothinghere9334 It's obvious joke
In one their videos they say that Izzy(yamatosfx) was going to try to redo the entire sky in the scene.
Asuna finally had a “No need to wonder where your god is” moment
Dude, the dude who yelled "IT'S IN THE VEEEEENTS!" brought his Goddamn A-Game for that recording. XD
Yeah lets give some respect to the talent behind even the minor roles in this glorious work
@@shadowbladeandlightin8889 15:36
that broken "oh lord..." was amazing
Did anyone else get Kirito's "There's no need to wonder where your god is" speech vibes from Asuna's bloodthirsty rant?
she is fresh out of mercy
“There’s no need to wonder where your *devil* is”
@@cheifareno4924 She didn't have any to begin with.
No, kirito was cold and cruel, asuna was full wrath mode. But ,still similar.
“The black swordsman doesn’t like swords?”
That checks out.
He likes the sheath more.
Handing the black guy a murder weapon... a tale as old as time
Not till Alicization
She probably used to beat him with her's
I see Asuna has been practicing 'setting someone on fire with mind' skill. Very good. Very good progress
Yui: Oh my god, she's stupid. Further interactions will require more baby-talk.
*Kindness parameter increased*
2 seconds later...
Yui: Well, at least I still have a face.
Well, to be completely fair, so did the aggression parameter. And respect value hit the absolute zero.
@@zaniatnik aggression actually didn't increase at all. it was set that high from the start
I have a feeling that kindness parameter is not working on a particularly extensive scale.
@@eggnorman one thing to keep in mind is that she was programmed by Kayaba Akihiko. he probably assigned incorrect behaviours to the kindness setting or something in his sleep deprived state.
@@zaniatnik The only parameters that changed, were kindness (1 to 5), caution (7 to 2) and respect (5 to 0). Aggression was at 6 from the beginning on (so was familarity at 3).
Kirito - a slightly wholesome sociopath
Asuna - yandere who makes him look wholesome when compared to her
Yui - a psychopath AI with murderous ideas
Suguha - an agressive highschool girl who hits people with her sword, just because.
I wonder who Kiritos parents are...
Hitler and the queen of hearts from the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland?
Joker and Harley Quinn
King and Queen from the Royal Flush Gang
Dead. They're dead
@@lurker230 In this version they died from one of Kirito's pranks gone wrong which traumatised Sugu
Suguha: Your one of those robots that think and junk
Yui: ‘doubles kindness’ ‘sets respect to zero’
I sure am, Sport!
I'll be honest the change in demeanor made me laugh my was off
@@brandonchristlieb1124rofl i know! i had to pause it for a second.
The 'Hah...' before that was also golden.
So she is absolutely perfect.
Yui: "that's because I'm a sentient A.I?"
Leafa: "nonono, I mean you're like one of those talking thinking robots!"
Yui's approach to Leafa:
Kindness 2 -> 5
Caution 7 -> 2
Respect 5 -> 0
Yui: "Fo shizzle, toots"
Leafa: "whoa"
The chat was so cursed before the premiere...
Nothing but "We must save my family" and "Meat toboggan".
Hear that Asuna: Meat toboggan...
Does this have any relation to Dr. Mantis Toboggan, MD?
Damn it you took the joke from me😂
Gripping his entrails like the reigns of Santa’s sleigh
@@phiiva_ as his eyes ask you the same question as all the little children "why?!"
She increases the "kindness" bar on her interaction profile. And then glitches the face directly off of Leafa's head... Yui needs an SCP entry.
SCP-000.001 Abridged Yui
brb, writing that now.
solonovamax tell me when you’re done
Just leaving this here
@@solonovamax Bro, tell us when you're done!
"Hey don't talk to him like that"
Kirito has emotions after all
Well,duh that was the entire point of season one of SAO Abriged.
Think it's not so much emotions as much as Kirito subconsciously recognizing she's bullying Nagata the same way she bullies him. Which is likely going to be how he figures out who she is later in the abridged.
Cynthric's Gaming Channel that gives me an idea of the scene where in the original Leafa pieces it together but in this one it’s Kirito saying something along the lines of “you know, you remind me of this person I know” and he goes on explaining how he feels about Suguha and the reveal breaks Suguha that she leaves the game like in canon
@@Xeno-The-Wanderer Yeah it probably will turn out something like that.
He had them, then he buried them, then he unburied them
I feel like Asuna's the only one to manage to sound genuinely threatening with a profanity filter like that