It's a bullying, period. Elias is romanticizing bullying and the author is too polite. She is not cut for Elias debate Caliber, she's right though. Sadly, even when she she said it's a bullying from the female perspective, Elias keep hammering it's love. The guy might think he is doing all this because of love, but it's bullying. Slap in the face will hurt anyway. Old school Ethiopians really defend every bad culture we have, they feel they are defending Ethiopia. Nope, wrong is wrong.
እናመሰግናለን ኤልያስ ስለምታቀርባቸው ጠንካራ ሀሳቦች እንዲሁም ስለእንግዳችን
ኤልያስ ዉይይታችሁ ቆንጆ ሳለ ለአንግዳህ ወ/ሪ እመቤት ሰፋ ያለዉን ጊዜ ብትሠጣት በርከት ያለ አሳብ ለጋሽ ሆና አግቼዋለሁ መጽሔቷን የሚገኝበትን የኢሜል አድራሻዋን ፈቃደኛ ከሆነች ብታካፍለን ደስታዬ የላቀ ነዉ ጋዜጠኛ ኤልያስ ከማክበር ጋር ወንድምዓለም::
ግድያ ለምን አስፈለገ ወይስ ወንድም መገደል አለበት?
From 10:00
Love and bullying
What a conversation
Enjoy the next 15 minutes
It's a bullying, period. Elias is romanticizing bullying and the author is too polite. She is not cut for Elias debate Caliber, she's right though.
Sadly, even when she she said it's a bullying from the female perspective, Elias keep hammering it's love. The guy might think he is doing all this because of love, but it's bullying. Slap in the face will hurt anyway.
Old school Ethiopians really defend every bad culture we have, they feel they are defending Ethiopia. Nope, wrong is wrong.