I saw men recording themselves weeping, and most comments are about him being a real man for showing his emotions because 'society tells men that they are not allowed to show their emotions.' So, weeping women are a red flag, and weeping men are strong and, I guess, manly. I find both utterly disgusting. Why even film oneself being emotionally vulnerable and then post it for the whole world to see? Ah yeah, to show others that they are not alone, but if you are a weeping lady, that’s a red flag.
@@cmendy1809 didnt see many men do this but I agree both are dusgusting the world now is all about attention you cry record it you poop record it you eat record it wtf is happening
People don't get that, but simply put - you need to be a really-really bad person to lose custody like internationaly (cept for UAE). Thats like a norm - you go get divorced and kids go to mum. If they go to dad - it's like a serious reason to question mothers actions and life choices.
@@migalorsdarwin1930 you raise a very valid point, which we should probably not bring to light for the father as he would probably be significantly happier not thinking about such a question.
@@migalorsdarwin1930 He's probably the father. While I doubt she was faithful to him, I'm pretty sure she would have made it clear he wasn't the father if it gave her an opportunity to not owe child support.
This is 100% correct. In most family courts, the man is lucky to get joint custody. For a man to get full custody he basically has to prove not only that he would be the better parent, but that the mother is unfit.
@@jaymzOGnah you're right though, she lost the court battle and now she somehow thinks fighting the social battle will overturn the judges decision? With feelings nonetheless. Or just a spiteful hoe
“Believe men, it doesn’t matter if he’s lying, what if he hadn’t been?” Edit: To prevent any further misinterpretations, I want to clear up that this is sarcasm designed to highlight a double standard in society. I'll put more than just quotation marks to imply this next time.
I was on a jury for court case in which the man was accused of graping his ex-gf's butt for literally two seconds. The evidence was she said it happened and two of the female jurors said 'She isn't lying about it because she stood in court and said it happened; she wouldn't do that if it wasn't true.' The guy went down for it.
@@c4r4dd1ct6I bet for men it goes something like this: "Don't believe men, it doesn't matter if he's telling the truth, what if he hadn't been" Society
@@SoberCake No. My question is unrelated to the video. I was just curious if writing "must of been" instead of "must've been" is a mistake that only Americans make as it seems so easy not to make it if you get proper education. While "simping" is generally something I don't involve myself in I consider this woman highly unattractive when it comes to my taste in women
The "abuse", not being able to afford to keep her a perpetual princess, in a mansion, with a vacation home, and a yacht in the marina...Literally a society full of peasants, pretending to be Taylor Swift...Generation "screwed"... EX: My father didn't have a penny when my mom hooked up with him. She knew she had to sacrifice her youth to be supported while he worked his way up. Women these days don't feel they need to sacrifice anything...Someone needs to tell them its not the way it works...?
@@brentfarvors192 These women will wake up in their 30's and reality will hit them like a ton of bricks. They'll waste their 20's being ran through like a yellow light, and then face the music in their 30's when no man looks their direction anymore. At that point, good luck "settling down" unless you find a good simp.
@@derisgaming9773 I disagree with you. Social media made women delusional by hijacking their naturally strong consideration for group consensus. When women's social groups became, in part, whatever the algorithms feeds them, their perceived thoughts on group consensus changed. As women more often feel the need to embody group consensus, they consequently expressed this perceived group consensus until it actually became the dominant group consensus.
@@MrMirco003 Really? Did some physical avatar of social media come in and force them to do all this at gunpoint? That's awful! Oh you mean they *chose* to do it and don't want to take responsibility as usual.
But they showed the paper that shows her visitation rights? If he had full custody than it would 100% be up to him if and when she could see the kids, not the courts.
He might very well be a scientologist or similar, that’s because he’s a Monarch Slave. Moreover, the whole thing was a Psyop in relationship to me. Ma cha for more inf (crypt cuz sahwdonbas)
@@clerv2528what do “simps” have to do with that? these are crappy women defending and evil woman. people gotta quit misusing terms to the point where they have no meaning. don’t be like the wokies and start using the word “simp” like they use the word “fascist.” please.
My dad - who is not my biological father - got full custody of me from my biological mother, and this was when I was 5 years old. It’s not even like he got custody by default, she went to court and everything, but the court still gave my non-biological dad full custody. When Asmon says that a mother needs to be an extremely bad parent for this to happen, he’s 100% correct.
it's a true. They put faith on the side where the person is more fragile. Between an adult and a child, they would believe the child or the more childish one. And in this situation you know woman are not fragile cause woman = man and man are not fragile, but we need to protect woman at all cost because their vulnerable to make them strong but they already strong but but she is crying for her children so she obviously needs help and what made her cry is devil duh ... this is brainrot thinking
We live in times where everyone wants to compulsively root for the underdog in every situation. Doesn't matter if someone justifiably got what they deserved, if someone stronger hurt someone weaker for any reason people will call injustice.
Reminds of the videos of females physically bullying males in public. When the man FINALLY decides he's had enough and defends himself, maybe pushes her away, the whole crowd starts jumping the man. You can't make this stuff up
m8 people defended and sided still with amber heard and she was the most obvious clear pure evil thing ever. i mean the trial and all was so dumb it looked like a bad cartoon villain who is simply as clearly and straight evil as possible. like i cant even really believe a real person could make a act so bad and obvious and puts herself even so obvious up as vicious b*tch . like i mean seriously even during trial and the stuff she said and how pathetic she falsesly accused and blatantly lied, like what thats to make a character simply hated for kids from how obvious that is, i mean in real life yous hould know no jury or judge would even believe that bulshit and bad fake acted crap. it was worse blatant lied all the stuff than lokis "ive never meet this man in my life" thing which was simply a fkcing joke in the movie . it looked like it was deliberately bad fake acted that shes pure evil,y et that was her true self, holy shit was that bad and still people sided with her(yes the majority was with jonny depp but there were still people supporting amber weirdly)
honestly amber heards trial looked for me like they wanted to make some experiment , testing how obvious a women is to blame and the guy did nothing and still beeing supported. and there you have it weirdly still alot people supported amber for some weird reason even if the majority of the world did not. but you see even with that much there where even weirdly way to much siding with her despite all the evidence jonny depps side had and while she had basically nothing and blatantly lied and contradicted herself even .
Also, the naming of his account being linked to his ex isn't weird when you consider that your ex is someone YOU WERE DATING. How do people on twitter say half the stuff they do without thinking it through. Did they even consider that he named his account while they were together? No, must be a new type of stalking where you leave the person alone and just use their name...?
This hits far too close to home…. I fought for custody of my oldest daughter, and it really opened my eyes to the way the world works. Her mother had multiple felonies, no job, and didn’t show up to a single court hearing. I had no criminal record whatsoever. It still took over a year and tens of thousands of dollars to be awarded sole custody. The funniest thing about it is how even after she lost custody her brainwashed friends still defended her, and couldn’t refrain from attacking me and telling me what a piece of shit I was. Ultimately the only thing that mattered was that my daughter was safe and taken care of, but I won’t act like it didn’t make me bitter towards these kind of people, and our legal system. If you are a judge who is more concerned with siding with the mother because she’s a woman rather than the specifics of the case (and what is undoubtedly best for the children), you shouldn’t be in that position. It’s also funny how hard they went after me for child support and made all kinds of threats of how they’d basically ruin my life, but never bothered to pursue the $10,000 she owed in back support. Eventually I told them to stop trying to get it, I didn’t want her help in any capacity. I have never looked back since.
Yeah, that story is unfortunately far, far, far too common. The only thing a judge should be trying to do is provide the kid a stable life and chance at success, but far too often it feels like a judge just rubberstamps "has vagina" onto a piece of paper. I'm with you on the bitterness. Just wish it was able to stay on social media, these dumb games. Also, fuck divorce courts, those hell-stories I've heard has totally driven off any desire to ever date or marry, not that I'm some sort of hateful prude towards people who don't have anything to do with it. It's like gigantic warning signs screaming "stay away from this situation till it's resolved", and brother I'm keeping my fucking distance. Hope your life has gotten quieter since then, since it has to be better after going through that hell.
The average woman can succeed in life, most women are average, so protecting each other benefits everyone. This is basic reproduction math, women have two x chromosomes so their genetics average out more compared to men who have an xy which gives more variability. You also have woman historically reproducing by 2/3rds and men at 1/3rd of the population. For men you have to be a winner to reproduce, for woman you just don't want to be a loser. So you have a bunch of people that are all more genetically similar and trying not to lose compared to men who are more competitive with more genetic variability. You also have the fact that historically male losers of war were killed while the women were incorporated into the society, the woman that were best at adapting to the dominant society of the time reproduced more so you are incentivizing them to deviate towards the norm once again. Overall you have a bunch of different reasons women are biologically driven to flock together and defend themselves as a whole. Modern Feminism being the most obvious example of the female uber alles mindset.
@@fireflyredux3373 I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to respond, it’s always great to see that there are still people capable of critical thinking! My bitterness has pivoted from my own tribulations to those I see affected by this same kind of bullshit, knowing the welfare of the children is seldom taken into consideration. At the end of the day I did what it took to ensure my daughter’s safety, and I would spend every penny to do it again. That being said, I also realize how many people are in this situation with no light at the end of the tunnel because of financial limitations. It makes me wonder why adopting a pet is such an involved process, but literally anybody can have children without any requirements of how qualified they will be to care for said child. Even after I won custody I gave her mother a chance to be in her life, until she blew it off. She has since had a few more kids, and I truly wish the best for them all. I’m just unsure how she is able to sleep at night knowing what she did, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to.
Honestly people who don't pay a fair share of child support should be jailed. 2 of my 3 brothers have a different mother than me and she never paid a dime in child support even though my dad had full custody and she was making more than both of my parents combined. She was never punished by the courts at all for it.
The amount of unpaid child support exceeds 10,000 dollars which makes it a felony: if she was male she'd be in jail, why is she not in jail? Oh wait, because the state prosecutes women at far lower rates if they commit the same crime. *edited*
She’s already a laughingstock at this point. She’s an attention seeking con artist drowning in debt, lost absolute custody and visitation rights of the kids, and is getting shit on by Asmongold. At this point logic and reasoning is thrown out the window she’s in delusional land she made her own personal prison.
Nothing makes me more mad than the unfairness when it comes to men and women with custody. One moment sticks out to me the most as a child: A custody battle happened. My mom and step dad were alcoholics and abusive. My dad was not. He was sober, not abusive, owned a home, a car, and financially stable. He was the obvious choice for me to be with, at the very least primary. However, the moment that sticks out is when we were at a meeting (I don't remember if it was CPS, lawyers, or something else) and they met with me first. I told them everything that was going on with my mom. My dad went in after and I remember him coming out and looking like he had been crying. I asked, and he lied and said allergies. He was crying because he was essentially told that it wasn't going to go in his favor (I learned this later on). I remember this very clearly. This was over 20 years ago. So, I will never just automatically believe women. We do have privileges in this country.. and this is one of them. I had an absolute crappy childhood because of this belief that women can do no wrong and are the obvious choice for a kid to be with.
It takes intestinal fortitude to stand up against ingrained attitudes of injustice like that. You earn much respect from me for that, for whatever it's worth. I'm sorry your life was damaged by such a court ruling. This is exactly why I fight vehemently and openly for father's rights in Family Court, because of tragedies like yours happening every single *day.* They'll never silence me. They'll never placate me. The only thing that can stop me is success in my mission. Until that day of victory is reached, I'm not giving up or going silently into the night.
@@evil_morty28_23 Plenty of women with knowledge, they just don't hang on social media all day crying about their lives and how unfair their lives are. Social Media is pure fucking brainrot of no-life people supporting other no-lifes
@@ismbks Yea thats the reason why I never have a social media account on any platform that is Twitter/insta/TikTok/Facebook/Reddit. They dont reflect the real world and is mostly just people living in thier own echo chamber.
@@ismbksevery woman i've met has some sort of pathology going on, not all full blown psychos like this one but low key narcissism is very prevalent amongst women.
She’s not even paying child support and went to jail for check fraud. You think she’s gonna pay if the EX did won the defamation lawsuit? Hell no she just gonna do the cowards way out by running away into another country like India and hide the rat she it.
The fact that he brought full receipts, she brought none, and people are still choosing to side with her and not him is exactly what happens in court; which is exactly why when you hear that any man has full custody of his kids you know the mother is too far gone and the evidence was beyond overwhelming.
@@Theaverageazn247Yep, it took my child's mother eventually not even showing up for court in order for me to finally get awarded full custody. It was a long, expensive road.
@@mantism.d.8363 I'm glad you found light at the end of that dark tunnel, my friend. I'm 27 and worried I'll never find someone, but having no female friends other than my close friend-family members' girlfriends/fiances seems more and more like a blessing in disguise the more I observe the rapid cultural decay going on right now. I wish you the best, and hope that despite all that you raise a healthy, non-broken and loving/fulfilling family. I come from a broken family so part of me is desperate to start my own and heal the mistakes my mom and dad's side both made, but I'm not letting that desperation cause me to loosen my filter on who I allow into my life. I'm scared I'll find someone I feel is totally compatible with me only to get tossed aside, I've been heavily traumatized by adult women as a child and used to feel perpetually inferior to everybody other than myself, especially girls/women. I've got a long road of healing ahead...
They're currently trashing his TikTok page with comments supporting this psycho of a mother. All she had to reply to the father's accusations were literal tears :/
the guy didnt have to explain anything, he is the psycho chasing after her. she actually just posted a video with no harm and now has to defend herself
@@antzooma Upvoted for the comedy you’ve provided. Exposing attention-whores and scammers for the terrible people they are is neither psychotic, nor “chasing.” It does a great service to the world, whether or not you are the man being implicitly slandered in their videos. But if you are, you have double cause to expose their fraud. Don’t want people putting you on blast for your crappy behavior? Don’t make big weepy videos designed to maximize people’s sympathy for you as an innocent victim.
I came to the realization that women defend women regardless of circumstance when my mom said Johnny Depp was physically abusive to Amber because he... slammed some cupboards after his mother passed away. Didn't hit her, mind you, just slammed some inanimate objects out of grief. Yeah...
Its a collective victim mentality. Women know the only way they can get ahead in any situation is by making themselves a victim amd then appealing to other people's sense of justice. They don't have the wit or strength to win situations that are based on equal footing.
I had someone defend women that lie to get men thrown in jail on false rape charges. The post was basically "Do you think rapists deserve the death penalty?" and my response was "So do you think women that maliciously throw charges to ruin men's lives should get the same charge they would have inflicted?" And they proceeded how men getting charges of rape thrown at them never ruins their lives, but a woman coming out and saying they were raped would. "Ok, a victim should be able to out their attacker without being judged. But I asked if you think women who make false charges specifically to get people thrown in jail or as you posted the 'death penalty' should get the same." "No, because women have to have courage to come forward in the first place without getting judged." And I stopped responding. Because I don't think there was enough electrical activity going on in her brain to power a light bulb, let alone the conversation put in front of her. A lot of people just consume what Tiktok tells them and take it as fact, and whatever zone that should control critical thinking has diminished to nothing.
That's slowly become the norm for most social media. We consume so much content from youtubers, tik tokers, etc that we don't fact check what information they're feeding us and just automatically believe what we're told. It's probably why we so many people having such outrages takes on real life problems. It's slowly becoming an issue where people cite youtube videos or tik toks instead of actual articles now.
You should quote this part at her "No, because women have to have courage to come forward in the first place without getting judged." and in response write than men get laugh at when they try to report real or false charges.
Literally why I refuse to date or marry. I've heard WAY too many females brag about how they can drop a false accusation at anytime on their partner because "everybody will believe me." It was actually disturbing listening to them casually laugh about ruining their partner's life if the partner just does something that they don't like.
Same thing as that "Hollywood screenwriter" girl roasting her dad for being a deadbeat, when in reality he's been funding her lavish lifestyle from behind the scenes along with his actual deadbeat ex-wife.
@@BiggusNickusyes, i watched pegasus video wich i recomend Dude been in the worst jail because of sexist woman and he was let out because they knew judge qas sexist Mom is luterally amber heard while that Btch of a daugther doesnt even care to understand whats going on, all she wants is money
@@spinnyboi9951 Felt so bad for that guy, gave up everything he had for his kids, got punished for it almost immediately and sent to jail. And ultimately, lost even harder when the mother was able to brainwash their kids into siding with her, no contest.
The speech of a maiden should no man trust nor the words which a woman says; for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel and falsehood fixed in their breasts. Hávamál / 'The Words of Odin the High One' - from the old norse Elder Edda
This I dont understand. Whats wrong with being wrong? It's like learning a new language and you refuse to change what you THINK you know out of pure ego. By all means, correct me if I'm wrong, only way to improve. Its pathetic how fragile people have become since social media.
She must be so heartbroken to have to make her own cake so her kids can sing happy birthday to her... good thing she managed to set up a camera before she started baking, the real tragedy in all this would have been her forgetting to make content.
Never trust someone who films themselves crying just to upload on social media. The dictionary definition of crocodile tears. I don't know about psychopathy, but the woman is definitely a sociopath.
Correction they don't have children as shown by Asmon a Furmama aka a pet owner whose childless and treats their pets as a replacement. Back then she would have been called a cat lady.
people need to stop airing their personal relationship issues online, I feel like this should be illegal somehow if you involve the other person without their consent
I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT...? No man dumps a woman like that, without her having serious mental issues, that require non stop validation...2 things for sure: More than one credit line was defaulted on (left picture), and more than 2 random penises were mounted during her marriage. (right picture)...
Allegedly hahaha That's literally "I'm going to slander this guy with what I know is BS but I need to put this word in there because this is a massive lawsuit if I dont."
Twitter made it so you can only see one tweet at a time if you don't have an account, going to that tweet there is no sign whatsoever that the post is anything that resembles it's a joke/parody/whatever 100% would have legal repercussions if this was in the EU.
@@Spectrum0122 Yeah but sueing for defamation etc sucks and tends to end up just wasting time and money especially if the defaming party is just some random nobody who can't even pay damages to any real amount.
@@sjoerdvelzen8255 I am clean "bro". This was a comment in reference to the fact that mothers are given more rights in custody cases regardless of their ability to be/stay clean or be a decent person in general much less be a decent parent.
Don't believe any woman about anything unless you know them personally, then you can make an informed decision. Otherwise assume whatever they say is a lie for personal gain. Simple.
@@jalex2862it does but social media has somehow indoctrinated men to think most or all woman are that physio stereotype so nowadays you just see comments like that
The guy: Talks about how horrible she is. Has receipts. The woman: Makes accusations after being called out. No receipts. Yeah, I'm gonna side with the liar with receipts. Makes sense.
He is abusive: Proof? He is a Scientologist: Proof? And also, this is insulting someone for his religion. Sure, this is not the best out there, but that didn't mean he is a bad guy. By opposite, the guy got all the proof...
Calling Scientology a religion is like calling a picture of a McDonald's burger food. Its fake. Not defending her, but scientologists are fair game to be mocked.
@@weggooi9177 you are missing the point. no one talked about taking scientology serious, its about saying he is a member without proof, which he is 99% not.
It's so wild, "I decided to believe her" when the other person has proof.. Imagine people like this sitting in court deciding if a person is guilty or not. That's a real horror story
@@QuestComplete I don't see where this tiktok woke trend mentions the man/woman are bad people, you just picked a wild predator over Asmongold to be stuck in the woods with. Well done on exposing yourself like that. It's a loaded question designed to expose people like you.
There's only 1 woman I know of, personally who lost 50/50 custody of her kids. Story time. They had a early teens daughter. Dad was a construction worker, mom was a entry level worker at a company, who eventually moved up the chain to a office job, and the remarried one of the middle management guys. New hubby was going to get relocated halfway across the country, and the mom just informed the dad that she was going to take the kid and have full custody. Dad took it to court, and explained to the judge how it would be so much better for the daughter to stay with him, since all her extended family lived near him. (the maternal grandparents are literally a block away from his home, and the paternal grandparents and a lot of aunts and uncles are also in the same town) Dad also said that he was worried about letting mom drag daughter to a completely new city and force her to make new friends, given her age. The mom's only argument was that, since daughter is a girl, being with her mom was more important than any extended family, and, since she was young, she'd make new friends. (It seemed like she assumed that she would get custody, so she didn't really prepare any arguments, and was just dismissive of any concerns about the daughter) Judge asked mom how she and new hubby were going to care for the daughter since they both worked. She bragged to the judge that she was going to be a SAHM since new hubby's new position was going to pay him so much more. Judge literally said, "Oh really? Then I guess we need to increase how much child support you're paying," and immediately gave Dad full custody. Surprisingly based judge.
It's unfortunately rare, but some people can be rational. I don't think dad's should always get the kids, neither should moms. Glad at least some judges can use discretion to try and give a kid a decent life when everything is falling apart around them, instead of rubberstamping "has vagina" onto a piece of paper.
Would have told the Judge I'm going to talk, don't like it then recuse yourself since you're obviously being bias and unprofessional in withholding a neutral stance...
@@HeliosX28then you get bent over by family court. You might get lube if you just take it, but you doing that means no lube with salt and razor blades. You gonna need to look up Family Court. Them judges will tell you there your god while in that courtroom.
@@aymenbx648 many many white knights in fact. There's as many mega cringe guys as there are 'believe all women no matter what' females out there, sadly.
A real man doesn't get his validation from others, but should never allow his character to be assasinated... Unfortunately, her despicable actions have real consequences on his livelyhood...
@@antzooma What the fuck? Did you seriously forget that he has legal documents, that she's a criminal, and that he has full custody of all the kids because she's so horrible? Man, because of people like you, this situation is getting even more disgusting than it already is.
@@jaheimdaughtry8714 EXACTLY WHY ARE THEY STILL BELIEVING HER???? WHERE IS THE LOGIC??? Humans are born with the innate ability to recognize patterns, how are these people so blind to it? Goes to show if you lie enough it'll work at some point.
1:28 I can personally confirm even being a drug addict does not always loose custody as in the case with my mother and father. she didn't loose custody until she actually signed away rights to me and my sister.
yeah alarm bells went off when a mother does NOT get custody of her own kids, divorce courts simp HARD for the wives in most cases so most of the times the wife gets custody despite being a crackhead...
@d.4513 No I'm not looking forward to it I'm just saying that the inevitable explosion as men will pick AI women over real ones will make the real women 100 xs more salty and deranged as they crave attention that AI will take from them.
@@currypancake208 I think that women will try and make it illegal to have AI females or anything. They'll claim its bigotry, then sexist and then the whole ScarJo line of "that sounds like me so it's you graping me." type of thing. the source of it comes from the desire fore attention and with AI women, men won't get the insanity and - even if it is fake - they'll get the positives. They'll flock to it and women can't not have control over the idea of dating someone.
@DutifulComments Chads get to do whatever they want. Women will simply make excuses for them whilst continuing to pursue. That's the entire lifestyle of Chad. He is 100% status and the reality of the day doesn't matter.
this Happened last year in India, Chandigarh University where a Girl(1) was on a video call with her bf in the women's locker-room and recorded other girls changing. after failed attempts to notify management, the victims uploaded their story on online platforms, and it gained a lot of public interest and amidst the public backlash the Girl(1) was detained and interrogated by police where she told them about her BF who was using an account with fake ProfilePic of a random guy from some other state. her friends convinced her to frame the guy from PP(not her bf), she told police that he forced her to record other girls. After the guy from pp(innocent) was detained, the victims who heard about the Girl's(1) plan to frame a random stranger uploaded a video of her Admitting what she did. the Guy from pp was later released.
Realistically the Judicial system when it comes to custody needs to start having the parent's anonymized so that we start seeing less delusional women with any custody, again the fact that she lost custody is a massive red flag, but the fact that the flag is that massive just makes it even worse that this still happens. Make the Parents anonymous, so that the judge has no clue of any genders, and watch how quickly we start having it be Men that have custody and not Women.
A Lady in Nebraska lit someone on fire by pouring gasoline on them and lighting them ablaze.....while this was happening, a man tried to stop her, she doused him in gas and lit him on fire too, both died, she somehow got full custody, but has a life sentence. Trust me when I tell you......she had to REALLY REALLY REALLY mess up to lose custody.
There was a woman in Tennessee about 15 years ago that murdered her husband and her defense was that she accidentally tripped and shot him in the back in self-defense while he was sleeping because he made her wear high heels. She was acquitted and got custody of the kids.
@@bramboeshoe905Not only can you not link things in TH-cam comments, but if you really wanted proof, you could try doing a quick Google search. I don't blame you if you're lazy I'm the same I just see what pops up in the searches but never really click on them.
Modern-day women anyway. There's a scarce amount that actually will take accountability and the guys who get them need to hold onto 'em like they're the last woman on Earth.
@@tessabowers3496 Generalizations tend to be true. Another generalization that applies to you is women tend to attribute generalizations to themselves whether it's true or false.
What the hell? There's nothing illegal about scientology. I know scientologists and no matter what I think of their beliefs there's nothing evil about them. On the other hand, if there was a shred of evidence that he was abusive, he wouldn't have custody.
if she wanted anything to change she'd be looking for a lawyer, but she clearly doesn't and is only just in it for the attention which is why she's on tiktok.
My son's mother is like that - I've been struggling to overcome everything and it's a massive relief to see the world coming around to understand the insanity of some of these dishonest people tearing apart other people's lives to put forth an image of themselves that they can stand to look in the mirror Thanks to those of you who put your career at risk to make a stand
There's so many Heard defenders.. the moment you say anything. "He's a celebrity, surely he's done something bad to her" Same energy as "he/she asked for it". Man literally got the tip of his finger amputated by the psycho and had to get surgery to fix it, yet people still defend Her and people like her.
The father winning custody in this day and age is very very VERY Rare. Almost always courts side with the mother.. How bad of a person/mother must you be? wow. And what makes it even worse.. is that there are people defending her? Lord have mercy on this world.
I have some seen scientologists, crazy ones, and I don't think a single one of them has denied being a scientologist. They can be abusive, manipulative and are excellent at bending the truth, but they are also proud of being part of their cult.
No matter the absurdity, women are defended and protected. Being a modern woman is life on easy mode. Actual victims don't have every opportunity and platform to cry about it on.
@@mitchjohnson4714 Its because you know what being an ACTUAL victim is like once you've been through that abyss. You realize that all the support you get from others is merely just to help you cope with what happened, whereas "professional victims" have never actually SUFFERED through anything at all. They're addicted to that attention and support but have no frame of reference for the pain and misery that is supposed to come with victimhood, so they exalt "victim status" in and of itself in an effort to prop themselves up. I was also in a abusive relationship, but I don't hold every other woman responsible for Jen's actions. P picked up my life piece by piece and moved forward to better lands, because that was the only way I felt empowered tbh. It was the only way to "take my life back"
When they talk about wanting to remove misinformation, they're not talking about lies like this that affirm intersectional politics where the man is automatically seen as being in the wrong.
It would make total sense for him to name his TikTok account made specifically to counter a person who had 45 million views on a video, after the person who made that original video.... That isn't unusual at all and any logical person would do that.
its hilarious. i've seen so many comments of people writing complete fan fiction to describe a person's personality and what they do in life all from a 10 second clip. that comment will have thousands of likes lol...
Bashing men is the norm so lies about good men get more upvotes than the truth about a bad mother. Our society is sick and the internet is the best mirror showing it.
I mentioned in the last video that women will ALMOST ALWAYS maintain custody of their children in a divorce unless they ROYALLY FUCK UP in some way that the judge absolutely deems them incapable of taking care of the children. The ex-husband has shown a TON of evidence supporting his case. Don't defend someone just because you think they're pretty.
Women filming themselves weep are a huge red flag. Victim mentality.
Exactly. Narcissistic personality disorder, it's way more common than you'd think.
Indeed. Vulnerability is not something you show other people lightly.
I saw men recording themselves weeping, and most comments are about him being a real man for showing his emotions because 'society tells men that they are not allowed to show their emotions.' So, weeping women are a red flag, and weeping men are strong and, I guess, manly. I find both utterly disgusting. Why even film oneself being emotionally vulnerable and then post it for the whole world to see? Ah yeah, to show others that they are not alone, but if you are a weeping lady, that’s a red flag.
@@cmendy1809 didnt see many men do this but I agree both are dusgusting the world now is all about attention you cry record it you poop record it you eat record it wtf is happening
@@AlexLR At least 1/4 of women are on SSRIs so imagine how many are undiagnosed. Personality disorders are common among females.
The fact that people are spouting bullshit to defend someone who is clearly insane says something about society.
American society.
@@sublis939 Wrong. When a black man was knelt on in the US, statues came crumbling down in Europe. The entire west is screwed
@@sublis939society as a whole IS damned
@@AManChoosesASlaveObeysTwitter isn't society
@@AManChoosesASlaveObeys Nope, just you Americans.
She calls him abusive and yet she doesn't have the kids.
She's been getting kids slapped on her face while her ex is being an actual parent.
Exactly. It's so easy for women to get custody that the fact that she doesn't have custody is a blaring air siren that she's crazy.
@@Bonesawisready926Unless she didn't want the kids and they defaulted to him. Which, obviously, also makes her awful.
speaks volumes since automatically women do get the kids. makes you think what she did to lose custody
@@12MYCRYL17 Drugs
He won custody. The more they shit on him, the worse she looks
people dont understand how hard it is for a man to get custody. The courts favor women 95% of the time.
@@Theaverageazn247 Custody for a man is always a uphill battle....."cause you only don't want to pay money for your kid"
@@Theaverageazn247 its because people think that it is harder for a woman to get custody for some stupid reason! LOL
People don't get that, but simply put - you need to be a really-really bad person to lose custody like internationaly (cept for UAE). Thats like a norm - you go get divorced and kids go to mum. If they go to dad - it's like a serious reason to question mothers actions and life choices.
@@Theaverageazn247 Exactly, men never win custody, so she obviously must have major issues to lose custody of her kids.
A father receiving custody is 1,000 times more a reflection on the quality mother than it is the quality of the father
With a woman like this, is he really the father?
@@migalorsdarwin1930 you raise a very valid point, which we should probably not bring to light for the father as he would probably be significantly happier not thinking about such a question.
@@migalorsdarwin1930 He got custody, so probably since a psycho like that would've brought up he wasn't to keep custody.
@@migalorsdarwin1930 He's probably the father.
While I doubt she was faithful to him, I'm pretty sure she would have made it clear he wasn't the father if it gave her an opportunity to not owe child support.
This is 100% correct.
In most family courts, the man is lucky to get joint custody. For a man to get full custody he basically has to prove not only that he would be the better parent, but that the mother is unfit.
Once again it takes zero proof to crucify a guy. Classic.
Crucified? People clicked buttons online. Nothing has happened to him.
@@abcdefghij337 This is probably bait but regardless, yes I'm aware, I was being hyperbolic to get the point across.
@@jaymzOGnah you're right though, she lost the court battle and now she somehow thinks fighting the social battle will overturn the judges decision? With feelings nonetheless. Or just a spiteful hoe
@@abcdefghij337so all the guys who lost their jobs over false accusations is "nothing happening"? Thanks for proving the point.
@@abcdefghij337He's been defamed. Having your reputation destroyed is having something happen to you. Try using your brain a little.
I've seen some women online saying "Believe women, it doesn't matter if she's lying, what if she hadn't been?" and I think they are fucking insane
“Believe men, it doesn’t matter if he’s lying, what if he hadn’t been?”
Edit: To prevent any further misinterpretations, I want to clear up that this is sarcasm designed to highlight a double standard in society. I'll put more than just quotation marks to imply this next time.
I was on a jury for court case in which the man was accused of graping his ex-gf's butt for literally two seconds. The evidence was she said it happened and two of the female jurors said 'She isn't lying about it because she stood in court and said it happened; she wouldn't do that if it wasn't true.' The guy went down for it.
@@c4r4dd1ct6stop talking with your 2 brain cells
@@c4r4dd1ct6I bet for men it goes something like this: "Don't believe men, it doesn't matter if he's telling the truth, what if he hadn't been"
Women with that attitude think that when they lie, they'd want to be believed too.
No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.
In other words, no amount of evidence will ever persuade a woman.
@@kaj7135 What is a woman? Please define woman.
@@NoOne-pm9lk Something you have never even kissed.
90% of women win custody she must of been a terrible mother
Just curious to check a theory: are you from the USA?
@@Kejosruler He is a "melanated individual" so most likely yes
@@Kejosruler just curious are you a simp to this woman?
@@Kejosruleri can guarantee you as a resident of the eastern hemisphere: this shit is not exclusive to the US
@@SoberCake No. My question is unrelated to the video. I was just curious if writing "must of been" instead of "must've been" is a mistake that only Americans make as it seems so easy not to make it if you get proper education.
While "simping" is generally something I don't involve myself in I consider this woman highly unattractive when it comes to my taste in women
An echo chamber of psychotic screeching
And for about 4 figures a month.
So, women
Well said!
@@wrongthinker843 Unfortunately, not everyone can be the kind of well-adjusted, balanced person who spams "women" all over comment sections.
@@perlundgren7797 Stay mad
The only thing he’s guilty of is picking horrible women.
Hope he's learned his lesson when he goes shopping for step moms.
Aren't most men tho lol
I mean, all things considered, she's probably very good at, you know what...
Being manipulative af
@@dreamingsymphony Maybe it's the most voluminous option available to us
@@dreamingsymphony Not to mention the psycho rarely comes out in the beginning, it’s only after marriage or kids for some.
Literally every divorced woman
“He was abusive”
The "abuse", not being able to afford to keep her a perpetual princess, in a mansion, with a vacation home, and a yacht in the marina...Literally a society full of peasants, pretending to be Taylor Swift...Generation "screwed"... EX: My father didn't have a penny when my mom hooked up with him. She knew she had to sacrifice her youth to be supported while he worked his way up. Women these days don't feel they need to sacrifice anything...Someone needs to tell them its not the way it works...?
@@brentfarvors192 These women will wake up in their 30's and reality will hit them like a ton of bricks. They'll waste their 20's being ran through like a yellow light, and then face the music in their 30's when no man looks their direction anymore. At that point, good luck "settling down" unless you find a good simp.
Women have made themselfs untrustable.
You can go as far as to say : almost every girl about her ex or current bf when she's trying to monkey branch.
Social media had made modern women so damn delusional.
let's be real, it didn't make them delusional, it just broadcast it.
Social media has also made modern men so damn delusional after half the crap i see the moment i look to any 'modern women' trends
@@derisgaming9773 nah it destroyed them more than ever more than every fashion tv show or topmodel show
@@derisgaming9773 I disagree with you. Social media made women delusional by hijacking their naturally strong consideration for group consensus. When women's social groups became, in part, whatever the algorithms feeds them, their perceived thoughts on group consensus changed. As women more often feel the need to embody group consensus, they consequently expressed this perceived group consensus until it actually became the dominant group consensus.
@@MrMirco003 Really? Did some physical avatar of social media come in and force them to do all this at gunpoint? That's awful!
Oh you mean they *chose* to do it and don't want to take responsibility as usual.
You know she's crazy when the father has FULL custody.
..... witch-y tatt on her wrist + those claws 🤔
But they showed the paper that shows her visitation rights? If he had full custody than it would 100% be up to him if and when she could see the kids, not the courts.
@@user-lf3hy7wl3t No. Visitation is not the same as custodial custody. Visitation is just visitation.
He might very well be a scientologist or similar, that’s because he’s a Monarch Slave. Moreover, the whole thing was a Psyop in relationship to me.
Ma cha for more inf (crypt cuz sahwdonbas)
He might very well be a scientologist or similar, that’s because he’s a Monarch Slave.
Ma cha for more inf (crypt cuz sahwdonbas)
Misandry is real
And u have a lot simps who deny this fact. Ima delivery driver I face that shit everyday in nyc brother
Snake oil salesman convincing the gulible that the Crocodile tears are actually diamonds.
@@clerv2528what do “simps” have to do with that? these are crappy women defending and evil woman.
people gotta quit misusing terms to the point where they have no meaning. don’t be like the wokies and start using the word “simp” like they use the word “fascist.” please.
If it wasn't real then nobody would even be debating whether it is.
My dad - who is not my biological father - got full custody of me from my biological mother, and this was when I was 5 years old. It’s not even like he got custody by default, she went to court and everything, but the court still gave my non-biological dad full custody. When Asmon says that a mother needs to be an extremely bad parent for this to happen, he’s 100% correct.
People are defending their feelings, because they put more stock in whatever they feel is the truth rather than the actual truth...
it's a true. They put faith on the side where the person is more fragile. Between an adult and a child, they would believe the child or the more childish one. And in this situation you know woman are not fragile cause woman = man and man are not fragile, but we need to protect woman at all cost because their vulnerable to make them strong but they already strong but but she is crying for her children so she obviously needs help and what made her cry is devil duh ... this is brainrot thinking
We call that a woman
Typical blue behavior
We live in times where everyone wants to compulsively root for the underdog in every situation.
Doesn't matter if someone justifiably got what they deserved, if someone stronger hurt someone weaker for any reason people will call injustice.
They believe her because she's a woman and they're misandrist.
The husband showed proof, women are defending this monster with no proof but SHE SAID
Reminds of the videos of females physically bullying males in public. When the man FINALLY decides he's had enough and defends himself, maybe pushes her away, the whole crowd starts jumping the man.
You can't make this stuff up
Female own group preference in action.
Par the course. Women will always fight for their sisterhood regardless of facts since it preserves their privileges. Feelings are king to them.
m8 people defended and sided still with amber heard and she was the most obvious clear pure evil thing ever. i mean the trial and all was so dumb it looked like a bad cartoon villain who is simply as clearly and straight evil as possible. like i cant even really believe a real person could make a act so bad and obvious and puts herself even so obvious up as vicious b*tch . like i mean seriously even during trial and the stuff she said and how pathetic she falsesly accused and blatantly lied, like what thats to make a character simply hated for kids from how obvious that is, i mean in real life yous hould know no jury or judge would even believe that bulshit and bad fake acted crap. it was worse blatant lied all the stuff than lokis "ive never meet this man in my life" thing which was simply a fkcing joke in the movie . it looked like it was deliberately bad fake acted that shes pure evil,y et that was her true self, holy shit was that bad and still people sided with her(yes the majority was with jonny depp but there were still people supporting amber weirdly)
honestly amber heards trial looked for me like they wanted to make some experiment , testing how obvious a women is to blame and the guy did nothing and still beeing supported. and there you have it weirdly still alot people supported amber for some weird reason even if the majority of the world did not. but you see even with that much there where even weirdly way to much siding with her despite all the evidence jonny depps side had and while she had basically nothing and blatantly lied and contradicted herself even .
The claims: "Scientologist, abusive, named his account after his ex wife, scientologist (again)"
The evidence: "Trust me bro"
Also, the naming of his account being linked to his ex isn't weird when you consider that your ex is someone YOU WERE DATING. How do people on twitter say half the stuff they do without thinking it through. Did they even consider that he named his account while they were together? No, must be a new type of stalking where you leave the person alone and just use their name...?
@@Handles_AreStupid im not taking sides but his account was definitely made after they split up
"My source is I made it the fuck up"
@@BoogaloobI mean he could have maybe made the account for the sole purpose of exposing her.
0:45 doesn't change the fact that she seems like an absolute train wreck and he seems perfectly fine.
This hits far too close to home…. I fought for custody of my oldest daughter, and it really opened my eyes to the way the world works. Her mother had multiple felonies, no job, and didn’t show up to a single court hearing. I had no criminal record whatsoever. It still took over a year and tens of thousands of dollars to be awarded sole custody. The funniest thing about it is how even after she lost custody her brainwashed friends still defended her, and couldn’t refrain from attacking me and telling me what a piece of shit I was. Ultimately the only thing that mattered was that my daughter was safe and taken care of, but I won’t act like it didn’t make me bitter towards these kind of people, and our legal system. If you are a judge who is more concerned with siding with the mother because she’s a woman rather than the specifics of the case (and what is undoubtedly best for the children), you shouldn’t be in that position. It’s also funny how hard they went after me for child support and made all kinds of threats of how they’d basically ruin my life, but never bothered to pursue the $10,000 she owed in back support. Eventually I told them to stop trying to get it, I didn’t want her help in any capacity. I have never looked back since.
Yeah, that story is unfortunately far, far, far too common. The only thing a judge should be trying to do is provide the kid a stable life and chance at success, but far too often it feels like a judge just rubberstamps "has vagina" onto a piece of paper. I'm with you on the bitterness. Just wish it was able to stay on social media, these dumb games.
Also, fuck divorce courts, those hell-stories I've heard has totally driven off any desire to ever date or marry, not that I'm some sort of hateful prude towards people who don't have anything to do with it. It's like gigantic warning signs screaming "stay away from this situation till it's resolved", and brother I'm keeping my fucking distance.
Hope your life has gotten quieter since then, since it has to be better after going through that hell.
The average woman can succeed in life, most women are average, so protecting each other benefits everyone. This is basic reproduction math, women have two x chromosomes so their genetics average out more compared to men who have an xy which gives more variability. You also have woman historically reproducing by 2/3rds and men at 1/3rd of the population. For men you have to be a winner to reproduce, for woman you just don't want to be a loser. So you have a bunch of people that are all more genetically similar and trying not to lose compared to men who are more competitive with more genetic variability. You also have the fact that historically male losers of war were killed while the women were incorporated into the society, the woman that were best at adapting to the dominant society of the time reproduced more so you are incentivizing them to deviate towards the norm once again. Overall you have a bunch of different reasons women are biologically driven to flock together and defend themselves as a whole. Modern Feminism being the most obvious example of the female uber alles mindset.
@@fireflyredux3373 I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to respond, it’s always great to see that there are still people capable of critical thinking! My bitterness has pivoted from my own tribulations to those I see affected by this same kind of bullshit, knowing the welfare of the children is seldom taken into consideration. At the end of the day I did what it took to ensure my daughter’s safety, and I would spend every penny to do it again. That being said, I also realize how many people are in this situation with no light at the end of the tunnel because of financial limitations. It makes me wonder why adopting a pet is such an involved process, but literally anybody can have children without any requirements of how qualified they will be to care for said child. Even after I won custody I gave her mother a chance to be in her life, until she blew it off. She has since had a few more kids, and I truly wish the best for them all. I’m just unsure how she is able to sleep at night knowing what she did, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to.
Honestly people who don't pay a fair share of child support should be jailed. 2 of my 3 brothers have a different mother than me and she never paid a dime in child support even though my dad had full custody and she was making more than both of my parents combined. She was never punished by the courts at all for it.
You are as much the problem as her
Why have a child with this person? And don’t lie to your self and the world that she didn’t show all her red flags
He is abusive yet the court gave him the custody of the kids... yeah.... right...
Guess you never heard of Adam Montgomery
That’s the patriarchy for ya.
@@mitchjohnson4714 yea cause that 90% of mothers getting custody screams patriarchy
@@mitchjohnson4714 if that was true men would get custody majority of the time which doesn't happen in the slightest. Stay sexist
Courts give mothers custody when they are abusive. (My sister is a great example)
The amount of unpaid child support exceeds 10,000 dollars which makes it a felony: if she was male she'd be in jail, why is she not in jail? Oh wait, because the state prosecutes women at far lower rates if they commit the same crime. *edited*
She’s already a laughingstock at this point. She’s an attention seeking con artist drowning in debt, lost absolute custody and visitation rights of the kids, and is getting shit on by Asmongold.
At this point logic and reasoning is thrown out the window she’s in delusional land she made her own personal prison.
So women are prosecuted at far higher rates?
She's not in jail because we are all equal.
If the state rarely prosecutes women at lower rates, that means they prosecute women at equal or higher rates.
@@mikek0135 you are correct, edited
those people defending her needs a reality check.
Nothing makes me more mad than the unfairness when it comes to men and women with custody. One moment sticks out to me the most as a child:
A custody battle happened. My mom and step dad were alcoholics and abusive. My dad was not. He was sober, not abusive, owned a home, a car, and financially stable. He was the obvious choice for me to be with, at the very least primary. However, the moment that sticks out is when we were at a meeting (I don't remember if it was CPS, lawyers, or something else) and they met with me first. I told them everything that was going on with my mom. My dad went in after and I remember him coming out and looking like he had been crying. I asked, and he lied and said allergies. He was crying because he was essentially told that it wasn't going to go in his favor (I learned this later on). I remember this very clearly. This was over 20 years ago.
So, I will never just automatically believe women. We do have privileges in this country.. and this is one of them. I had an absolute crappy childhood because of this belief that women can do no wrong and are the obvious choice for a kid to be with.
He was almost certainly 100% aware of the damage that court did to you as soon as they told him that.
@@LiamNajor Yep, absolutely.
Thank you for sharing, damn. Sorry to hear that.
It takes intestinal fortitude to stand up against ingrained attitudes of injustice like that.
You earn much respect from me for that, for whatever it's worth.
I'm sorry your life was damaged by such a court ruling. This is exactly why I fight vehemently and openly for father's rights in Family Court, because of tragedies like yours happening every single *day.*
They'll never silence me. They'll never placate me. The only thing that can stop me is success in my mission. Until that day of victory is reached, I'm not giving up or going silently into the night.
"Best interest of the child."
More like the best interest of the lawyers' and judge's pockets.
Another great example of "Logic" VS "Emotion".
idk if u heard the saying but "knowledge is power" it truly is but women lack the knowledge nowadays
@@evil_morty28_23 Plenty of women with knowledge, they just don't hang on social media all day crying about their lives and how unfair their lives are. Social Media is pure fucking brainrot of no-life people supporting other no-lifes
Pretty much
Logos vs Pathos, if you prefer a more old-school description of the dichotomy.
@@Eye_Of_Odin978 Nice one.
Not surprised honestly. People always want to see Men fail.
@@ismbks Yea thats the reason why I never have a social media account on any platform that is Twitter/insta/TikTok/Facebook/Reddit. They dont reflect the real world and is mostly just people living in thier own echo chamber.
@@ismbks "no women are like this"
And other BS you tell yourself...
@@ismbks which channel is a perfect example, asmongolds channel?
@@ismbksevery woman i've met has some sort of pathology going on, not all full blown psychos like this one but low key narcissism is very prevalent amongst women.
@@ismbksfound the woman who got hurt by the truth
He should sue her for defamation.
She’s not even paying child support and went to jail for check fraud. You think she’s gonna pay if the EX did won the defamation lawsuit?
Hell no she just gonna do the cowards way out by running away into another country like India and hide the rat she it.
wont work cause he was not named, and plus he deliberately made himself know to be the husband.
i think you mean the other way round, where is his account now ? nice bullying of women on the internet bro
@@antzooma lol get a load of the simp
Can't. Its a woman. They cannot be legally or socially be held accountable for anything
The fact that he brought full receipts, she brought none, and people are still choosing to side with her and not him is exactly what happens in court; which is exactly why when you hear that any man has full custody of his kids you know the mother is too far gone and the evidence was beyond overwhelming.
People is women, yes some men are bad and its ultimately men's responsibility to maintain society, but the average modern woman is a problem!!!
people think its 50% women get custody when its closer to 90%. Women hve to mess up bad
@@Theaverageazn247Yep, it took my child's mother eventually not even showing up for court in order for me to finally get awarded full custody. It was a long, expensive road.
Misandrist and incel women
@@mantism.d.8363 I'm glad you found light at the end of that dark tunnel, my friend. I'm 27 and worried I'll never find someone, but having no female friends other than my close friend-family members' girlfriends/fiances seems more and more like a blessing in disguise the more I observe the rapid cultural decay going on right now. I wish you the best, and hope that despite all that you raise a healthy, non-broken and loving/fulfilling family. I come from a broken family so part of me is desperate to start my own and heal the mistakes my mom and dad's side both made, but I'm not letting that desperation cause me to loosen my filter on who I allow into my life. I'm scared I'll find someone I feel is totally compatible with me only to get tossed aside, I've been heavily traumatized by adult women as a child and used to feel perpetually inferior to everybody other than myself, especially girls/women. I've got a long road of healing ahead...
They're currently trashing his TikTok page with comments supporting this psycho of a mother. All she had to reply to the father's accusations were literal tears :/
Amber Heard all over again. Psycho women defending one of their own.
@@kaynkayn9870Or the men who supported Amber because they think she's hot 🤢
Hot turd in bed, more like.
"Humans are emotionally-stupid creatures." - Asmongold
@@kaynkayn9870fat cat ladies with hairy armpits unite!
_"Nobody cares when the guy explain himself but when the woman tells a lie everybody listen."_
That’s mansplaining.
@@mitchjohnson4714i don't like your funny words magic *person*
@@mitchjohnson4714 Reddit-tier buzzword.
the guy didnt have to explain anything, he is the psycho chasing after her. she actually just posted a video with no harm and now has to defend herself
@@antzooma Upvoted for the comedy you’ve provided.
Exposing attention-whores and scammers for the terrible people they are is neither psychotic, nor “chasing.” It does a great service to the world, whether or not you are the man being implicitly slandered in their videos.
But if you are, you have double cause to expose their fraud. Don’t want people putting you on blast for your crappy behavior? Don’t make big weepy videos designed to maximize people’s sympathy for you as an innocent victim.
I came to the realization that women defend women regardless of circumstance when my mom said Johnny Depp was physically abusive to Amber because he... slammed some cupboards after his mother passed away. Didn't hit her, mind you, just slammed some inanimate objects out of grief. Yeah...
Only bad women defend other bad women. Accomplice in crime.
Its a collective victim mentality. Women know the only way they can get ahead in any situation is by making themselves a victim amd then appealing to other people's sense of justice. They don't have the wit or strength to win situations that are based on equal footing.
what are you actually talking about most of the people attending and defending Depp in court or online were women
@@RIZ2NE1 Yeah years after they canceled him, because Amber said so.
@@orimagen4987”bad women” is a redundant statement.
I had someone defend women that lie to get men thrown in jail on false rape charges. The post was basically "Do you think rapists deserve the death penalty?" and my response was "So do you think women that maliciously throw charges to ruin men's lives should get the same charge they would have inflicted?" And they proceeded how men getting charges of rape thrown at them never ruins their lives, but a woman coming out and saying they were raped would. "Ok, a victim should be able to out their attacker without being judged. But I asked if you think women who make false charges specifically to get people thrown in jail or as you posted the 'death penalty' should get the same."
"No, because women have to have courage to come forward in the first place without getting judged." And I stopped responding. Because I don't think there was enough electrical activity going on in her brain to power a light bulb, let alone the conversation put in front of her. A lot of people just consume what Tiktok tells them and take it as fact, and whatever zone that should control critical thinking has diminished to nothing.
That's slowly become the norm for most social media. We consume so much content from youtubers, tik tokers, etc that we don't fact check what information they're feeding us and just automatically believe what we're told. It's probably why we so many people having such outrages takes on real life problems. It's slowly becoming an issue where people cite youtube videos or tik toks instead of actual articles now.
Innocent people are just speed bumps on the road to our feminist utopia doncha know.
You should quote this part at her "No, because women have to have courage to come forward in the first place without getting judged." and in response write than men get laugh at when they try to report real or false charges.
Literally why I refuse to date or marry.
I've heard WAY too many females brag about how they can drop a false accusation at anytime on their partner because "everybody will believe me."
It was actually disturbing listening to them casually laugh about ruining their partner's life if the partner just does something that they don't like.
Same thing as that "Hollywood screenwriter" girl roasting her dad for being a deadbeat, when in reality he's been funding her lavish lifestyle from behind the scenes along with his actual deadbeat ex-wife.
Was that the breakdancer dad? Absolute legend.
@@BiggusNickusyes, i watched pegasus video wich i recomend
Dude been in the worst jail because of sexist woman and he was let out because they knew judge qas sexist
Mom is luterally amber heard while that Btch of a daugther doesnt even care to understand whats going on, all she wants is money
@@BiggusNickus yep thats the one
@@spinnyboi9951 Felt so bad for that guy, gave up everything he had for his kids, got punished for it almost immediately and sent to jail. And ultimately, lost even harder when the mother was able to brainwash their kids into siding with her, no contest.
Yes, Jordan Peterson was correct in that women try to hurt a man through 'reputation destruction'. Lovely creatures.
Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her will. Socrates
Never trust a crying woman or a smiling man.
The speech of a maiden should no man trust
nor the words which a woman says;
for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel
and falsehood fixed in their breasts.
Hávamál / 'The Words of Odin the High One' - from the old norse Elder Edda
Never trust a woman
~ Literally every wise man in history, Except Buddha (he would rather not deal with one)
Socrates based chad
I doubt socrates said that
She's not a single mom. She's a divorcee. Huge difference.
people already made up their mind.
and "standing your ground" is seen as a virtue these days, no matter how wrong you are.
This I dont understand. Whats wrong with being wrong? It's like learning a new language and you refuse to change what you THINK you know out of pure ego. By all means, correct me if I'm wrong, only way to improve. Its pathetic how fragile people have become since social media.
She must be so heartbroken to have to make her own cake so her kids can sing happy birthday to her... good thing she managed to set up a camera before she started baking, the real tragedy in all this would have been her forgetting to make content.
Never trust someone who films themselves crying just to upload on social media. The dictionary definition of crocodile tears. I don't know about psychopathy, but the woman is definitely a sociopath.
women defending her probably don't have custody of their children.
More likely they aborted all their children
They don't have children period. Real mothers don't have time to waste on X.
Correction they don't have children as shown by Asmon a Furmama aka a pet owner whose childless and treats their pets as a replacement.
Back then she would have been called a cat lady.
I highly doubt most of them are married to begin with
Most of them are 25 or younger
people need to stop airing their personal relationship issues online, I feel like this should be illegal somehow if you involve the other person without their consent
they are rushing to defend her because she is pretty and putting on a story that fits the narrative.
where's the community note?
The word is spoken to the person who will understand.
Maybe too psychotic for them to think, that one was needed and that people would naturally think it wasn't true?
Asmon was right tho, he might be a bad guy! He probably said and did some hurtful things too but he had receipts. She probably Is 10x worse
No idea. I don't even see them anymore, because you can block them with Brave browser
I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT...? No man dumps a woman like that, without her having serious mental issues, that require non stop validation...2 things for sure: More than one credit line was defaulted on (left picture), and more than 2 random penises were mounted during her marriage. (right picture)...
Allegedly hahaha That's literally "I'm going to slander this guy with what I know is BS but I need to put this word in there because this is a massive lawsuit if I dont."
Which it's not a good defense cuz a half decent lawyer could prove its disingenuous
Twitter made it so you can only see one tweet at a time if you don't have an account, going to that tweet there is no sign whatsoever that the post is anything that resembles it's a joke/parody/whatever
100% would have legal repercussions if this was in the EU.
@@Spectrum0122 Yeah but sueing for defamation etc sucks and tends to end up just wasting time and money especially if the defaming party is just some random nobody who can't even pay damages to any real amount.
Trying to she a woman who is 22k behind in child support is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone. Not possible unless you’re the IRS.
LOL " you can be a crackhead and still keep your kids!"
The exact words my lawyer told me
I hope you get clean bro
@@sjoerdvelzen8255 I am clean "bro". This was a comment in reference to the fact that mothers are given more rights in custody cases regardless of their ability to be/stay clean or be a decent person in general much less be a decent parent.
A bully defends an abuser, by abusing an innocent man with lies. Sounds legit.
Don't believe any woman about anything unless you know them personally, then you can make an informed decision. Otherwise assume whatever they say is a lie for personal gain. Simple.
I believe this is applicable to men as well
Don't believe anyone about anything without evidence tbh. Humans are awful
@@jalex2862 As well as anything else. If it can communicate, it can lie, and most likely will.
Very allegorical the sacred and the propane
@@jalex2862it does but social media has somehow indoctrinated men to think most or all woman are that physio stereotype so nowadays you just see comments like that
as soon as they started this "believe all women" bullshit i started trusting none of them.
It's pretty rare for a man to get custody and child support. So she's insane.
People are just stupid, or are also psychos.
Could be both. But it can't be neither.
@@Khashmonet from my pov its both
Its both.
hey its twitter in general
The term is "woman"
The guy: Talks about how horrible she is. Has receipts.
The woman: Makes accusations after being called out. No receipts.
Yeah, I'm gonna side with the liar with receipts. Makes sense.
He is abusive:
He is a Scientologist:
And also, this is insulting someone for his religion.
Sure, this is not the best out there, but that didn't mean he is a bad guy.
By opposite, the guy got all the proof...
Bro... facts and logic are worthless... the whaman is crying!!!!!
Calling Scientology a religion is like calling a picture of a McDonald's burger food. Its fake. Not defending her, but scientologists are fair game to be mocked.
@@weggooi9177 you are missing the point. no one talked about taking scientology serious, its about saying he is a member without proof, which he is 99% not.
@@Flesh_Wizard Der Coomer scares me
People don't care about doing what IS right and good, they only care about what makes them FEEL right and good.
-He is crazy!
-Where is the evidence?
-I decided to believe in her!
It's so wild, "I decided to believe her" when the other person has proof..
Imagine people like this sitting in court deciding if a person is guilty or not. That's a real horror story
Believe all Women…..
He should identify as a woman it will create a paradox.
Thank amber heard for at least killing the me too movement. Baby steps.
And if you don't.....
He should identify as a woman it will create a paradox.
Believe the bear.
"Believe all women"
ill say it once again. a man a bear in the woods with a women like this. i choose bear.
@@QuestComplete Grizzle grizzle.
@@QuestComplete I don't see where this tiktok woke trend mentions the man/woman are bad people, you just picked a wild predator over Asmongold to be stuck in the woods with. Well done on exposing yourself like that. It's a loaded question designed to expose people like you.
Yeah.. that movement fcked a lot of innocent men some years back.
Nah, that's the bear's job now, the bear can deal with their BS
Any man who is $21k in debt to child support is jailed, why is she walking free?
@@antzooma What is falsified?
@@lornesbored why are you commenting on this saga if you are 15 lol
@@antzoomafound the transformer fat cat mom
Interesting claim, care to give some evidence?
Ant doesn't have any evidence, he's just here to stir the pot. Ignore him.
1:07 She's got those fake hand movements that women do on TikTok when they're lying,
Tiktok is already brainrot so it's hard to believe
Underrated comment
Just like how those influencers who go on game shows, and knowing they're about to win, then win, they do that 🙏 with their hands
There's only 1 woman I know of, personally who lost 50/50 custody of her kids. Story time.
They had a early teens daughter. Dad was a construction worker, mom was a entry level worker at a company, who eventually moved up the chain to a office job, and the remarried one of the middle management guys. New hubby was going to get relocated halfway across the country, and the mom just informed the dad that she was going to take the kid and have full custody. Dad took it to court, and explained to the judge how it would be so much better for the daughter to stay with him, since all her extended family lived near him. (the maternal grandparents are literally a block away from his home, and the paternal grandparents and a lot of aunts and uncles are also in the same town) Dad also said that he was worried about letting mom drag daughter to a completely new city and force her to make new friends, given her age. The mom's only argument was that, since daughter is a girl, being with her mom was more important than any extended family, and, since she was young, she'd make new friends. (It seemed like she assumed that she would get custody, so she didn't really prepare any arguments, and was just dismissive of any concerns about the daughter)
Judge asked mom how she and new hubby were going to care for the daughter since they both worked. She bragged to the judge that she was going to be a SAHM since new hubby's new position was going to pay him so much more. Judge literally said, "Oh really? Then I guess we need to increase how much child support you're paying," and immediately gave Dad full custody. Surprisingly based judge.
How sad is it that this story is a shockingly pleasant surprise instead of being considering the norm
stay at home mom? sahm? more like SHAM
It's unfortunately rare, but some people can be rational. I don't think dad's should always get the kids, neither should moms. Glad at least some judges can use discretion to try and give a kid a decent life when everything is falling apart around them, instead of rubberstamping "has vagina" onto a piece of paper.
holy based.
People need to start sueing false accusers, because this shit is getting out of hand.
Johnny Depp did it and won. So there's hope.
@@UltimaKeyMasterHe only had that opportunity because of his status. I highly doubt most guys are going to have the same result.
The courts wouldn't have given custody if they didn't even trust him
True. My ex didn't have a job and kept the kids. The judge didn't even want to hear me talk.
Would have told the Judge I'm going to talk, don't like it then recuse yourself since you're obviously being bias and unprofessional in withholding a neutral stance...
@@HeliosX28 Hell yeah, that's illegal af
@@HeliosX28then you get bent over by family court. You might get lube if you just take it, but you doing that means no lube with salt and razor blades. You gonna need to look up Family Court. Them judges will tell you there your god while in that courtroom.
@@HeliosX28 You maybe 12
@@altairtodescattobecause he doesn't like biased judged?
130k women you mean..
Not really. There is probably a good portion of them who are men.
Men don't care about men. That's why things the way they are.
And white knights
130k whitequeens.
@@aymenbx648 many many white knights in fact. There's as many mega cringe guys as there are 'believe all women no matter what' females out there, sadly.
@@queenbrightwingthe3890 dumb queens
It's not a struggle for rights,
It's a struggle for power consensus.
That's the goal of Believe All Women
And the dad is STILL looked at as a 2nd class parent despite ALL OF THIS. That speaks volumes.
Every father is a loser. Not because they actually are, but because 100% of women believe so.
A real man doesn't get his validation from others, but should never allow his character to be assasinated... Unfortunately, her despicable actions have real consequences on his livelyhood...
@@brentfarvors192 Too bad literally zero women in all of history has ever felt bad about ruining an innocent man’s life. Wretches.
Man: *Calls out woman.*
Woman: "But, well, uh, he is abusive! Hypothetically."
Man: *Gets invalidated without further proof.*
Yet we are told men have all the power, we live in a patriarchal society. I just don't see it.
don't shame the mother of your kids then, lesson learned.
@@antzooma What the fuck? Did you seriously forget that he has legal documents, that she's a criminal, and that he has full custody of all the kids because she's so horrible? Man, because of people like you, this situation is getting even more disgusting than it already is.
@@antzoomasharing truth with evidence is shaming now? Ok
@@MJ-vv7ys obviously it is still shaming the mother of your kids if it is true or not but also it isn't true
She lied once, and they still believed her.
Wasn't it 3 times counting lied about cancer was a scammer and overall her whole story was fake 🤷
Believe lying women especially if they have lied multiple times and went to jail
@@jaheimdaughtry8714 EXACTLY WHY ARE THEY STILL BELIEVING HER???? WHERE IS THE LOGIC??? Humans are born with the innate ability to recognize patterns, how are these people so blind to it? Goes to show if you lie enough it'll work at some point.
@@apolloisnotashirt Because nowadays patterns are "racist and sexist". 🤡
Her: "hEs LiTeRaLlY sAtAn!"
A judge: "Yeah, but youre worse somehow."
The judge is just part of the conspiracy against her.
‘Satan’s Sister’ 😂
1:28 I can personally confirm even being a drug addict does not always loose custody as in the case with my mother and father. she didn't loose custody until she actually signed away rights to me and my sister.
yeah alarm bells went off when a mother does NOT get custody of her own kids, divorce courts simp HARD for the wives in most cases so most of the times the wife gets custody despite being a crackhead...
Wait til AI Girlfirends become mainstream, holy hana are things gonna get crazy with how bad girls can get then.
It will either be great or ai girlfriends will be frowned upon. I honestly think chances are 50/50 can’t wait to see results
@@currypancake208 Chances are the ones hating on them will be the biggest supporters.
@d.4513 No I'm not looking forward to it I'm just saying that the inevitable explosion as men will pick AI women over real ones will make the real women 100 xs more salty and deranged as they crave attention that AI will take from them.
@@currypancake208 I think that women will try and make it illegal to have AI females or anything.
They'll claim its bigotry, then sexist and then the whole ScarJo line of "that sounds like me so it's you graping me." type of thing.
the source of it comes from the desire fore attention and with AI women, men won't get the insanity and - even if it is fake - they'll get the positives. They'll flock to it and women can't not have control over the idea of dating someone.
@DutifulComments Chads get to do whatever they want. Women will simply make excuses for them whilst continuing to pursue. That's the entire lifestyle of Chad. He is 100% status and the reality of the day doesn't matter.
this Happened last year in India, Chandigarh University where a Girl(1) was on a video call with her bf in the women's locker-room and recorded other girls changing. after failed attempts to notify management, the victims uploaded their story on online platforms, and it gained a lot of public interest and amidst the public backlash the Girl(1) was detained and interrogated by police where she told them about her BF who was using an account with fake ProfilePic of a random guy from some other state. her friends convinced her to frame the guy from PP(not her bf), she told police that he forced her to record other girls.
After the guy from pp(innocent) was detained, the victims who heard about the Girl's(1) plan to frame a random stranger uploaded a video of her Admitting what she did.
the Guy from pp was later released.
Realistically the Judicial system when it comes to custody needs to start having the parent's anonymized so that we start seeing less delusional women with any custody, again the fact that she lost custody is a massive red flag, but the fact that the flag is that massive just makes it even worse that this still happens.
Make the Parents anonymous, so that the judge has no clue of any genders, and watch how quickly we start having it be Men that have custody and not Women.
A Lady in Nebraska lit someone on fire by pouring gasoline on them and lighting them ablaze.....while this was happening, a man tried to stop her, she doused him in gas and lit him on fire too, both died, she somehow got full custody, but has a life sentence. Trust me when I tell you......she had to REALLY REALLY REALLY mess up to lose custody.
Any proof? Couldn’t find it via google searches. So hard to give you anything but a ‘nice story brah’.
There was a woman in Tennessee about 15 years ago that murdered her husband and her defense was that she accidentally tripped and shot him in the back in self-defense while he was sleeping because he made her wear high heels. She was acquitted and got custody of the kids.
@@IcyTorment Any proof to your claims? Link the article or something if you make a claim. It ain’t that hard
@revolverjesus98 The scary part about South Park and Simpson jokes. They tend be based on reality of some kind or something that we all see happening
@@bramboeshoe905Not only can you not link things in TH-cam comments, but if you really wanted proof, you could try doing a quick Google search. I don't blame you if you're lazy I'm the same I just see what pops up in the searches but never really click on them.
Women will accept anything except accountability.
I think you need therapy as much as that woman if you generalize something like this
Modern-day women anyway. There's a scarce amount that actually will take accountability and the guys who get them need to hold onto 'em like they're the last woman on Earth.
@@tessabowers3496 why is this exempt from generalizing?
@@tessabowers3496 Generalizations tend to be true. Another generalization that applies to you is women tend to attribute generalizations to themselves whether it's true or false.
@@BlowitAllUp @AGW99-df3ygs silly me i forgot i was posting in a comment section where the IQ average is single digit
men: explaining with evidence
women: yapping emotionally
so true
those 100k+ people are also allowed to vote...
not necessarily. im sure theres at least a few thousand dumb ass kids liking it too
If he was a scientologist, she would be looking at a lawsuit, not a TikTok.
What the hell? There's nothing illegal about scientology. I know scientologists and no matter what I think of their beliefs there's nothing evil about them. On the other hand, if there was a shred of evidence that he was abusive, he wouldn't have custody.
if she wanted anything to change she'd be looking for a lawyer, but she clearly doesn't and is only just in it for the attention which is why she's on tiktok.
Currently twitter is filled, and in support of women blindly supporting her. Society is so lost
No, only twitter.
@@TinyGreyOwlyeah the comment says twitter
@@pylotheric9777he says society, Twitter only makes up like 5% of society. Most people 95% don't use Twitter
@@pylotheric9777maybe he meant *not* only Twitter?
I don't care what they tell you in school, Cleopatra won custody of the kids
What custody? Cleopatra was a single black mom
@@pointlessmanateeshe wasn’t black
My son's mother is like that - I've been struggling to overcome everything and it's a massive relief to see the world coming around to understand the insanity of some of these dishonest people tearing apart other people's lives to put forth an image of themselves that they can stand to look in the mirror
Thanks to those of you who put your career at risk to make a stand
This is why I gave up on society. Let it crumble and fall. They need us more than we need them.
As a guy from Portland, Oregon. You can be a crack head and keep your kids.
Born and raised in North Portland around MLK area lol. This is true.
@@khmer5o3 same dude. I lived on Russell a few blocks from MLK.
Yep, institutional hatred of men runs incredibly deep.
Mind you, this same person believes Amber Herd defender and says she gets hate for no reason
There's so many Heard defenders.. the moment you say anything. "He's a celebrity, surely he's done something bad to her" Same energy as "he/she asked for it".
Man literally got the tip of his finger amputated by the psycho and had to get surgery to fix it, yet people still defend Her and people like her.
The father winning custody in this day and age is very very VERY Rare. Almost always courts side with the mother..
How bad of a person/mother must you be? wow. And what makes it even worse.. is that there are people defending her? Lord have mercy on this world.
I have some seen scientologists, crazy ones, and I don't think a single one of them has denied being a scientologist. They can be abusive, manipulative and are excellent at bending the truth, but they are also proud of being part of their cult.
My old boss was an ex-Scientologist. And he didn’t hide or deny it, ever. In fact, he brought it up unprompted a handful of times.
No matter the absurdity, women are defended and protected. Being a modern woman is life on easy mode.
Actual victims don't have every opportunity and platform to cry about it on.
Yeah, the women I know who have actually been abused are awesome and strong. Not whiny showboaters.
@@mitchjohnson4714 Its because you know what being an ACTUAL victim is like once you've been through that abyss. You realize that all the support you get from others is merely just to help you cope with what happened, whereas "professional victims" have never actually SUFFERED through anything at all. They're addicted to that attention and support but have no frame of reference for the pain and misery that is supposed to come with victimhood, so they exalt "victim status" in and of itself in an effort to prop themselves up.
I was also in a abusive relationship, but I don't hold every other woman responsible for Jen's actions. P picked up my life piece by piece and moved forward to better lands, because that was the only way I felt empowered tbh.
It was the only way to "take my life back"
a phrase being passed around "recruit difficulty"
"Being a modern woman is life on easy mode" tell me you are a white cis dude without telling us bro.
@@cannelledvl1854 Lowest quality racebait in years.
Remember everyone! "BELIEVE ALL WOMEN" Lmao
Slogan is quite Orwellian, never question just believe them. Conform and submit to peer pressure...
"You can be a crackhead and still keep your kids" LMAO
When they talk about wanting to remove misinformation, they're not talking about lies like this that affirm intersectional politics where the man is automatically seen as being in the wrong.
It would make total sense for him to name his TikTok account made specifically to counter a person who had 45 million views on a video, after the person who made that original video.... That isn't unusual at all and any logical person would do that.
The people who are defending this person are the same people who become public school teachers. Let that sink in.
Nah ill keep the sink outside
The bear is so disappointed...
Well it's the internet people see 2min of a clip and they decide then with no back story nothing. From YT shorts to Ring door bell cameras to Tictok.
its hilarious. i've seen so many comments of people writing complete fan fiction to describe a person's personality and what they do in life all from a 10 second clip. that comment will have thousands of likes lol...
Herd mentality really is dumb. Annoying when people try to act like sheep instead of just using their brains.
I hope it's never happened to me, but it probably has since they seem so clueless about what they are actually doing...
Female Privilege
Pretty privilege + Simps
That’s the world for ya
@@gwcrispi A pretty man won't get custody
1:59 that part right there
Bashing men is the norm so lies about good men get more upvotes than the truth about a bad mother. Our society is sick and the internet is the best mirror showing it.
I mentioned in the last video that women will ALMOST ALWAYS maintain custody of their children in a divorce unless they ROYALLY FUCK UP in some way that the judge absolutely deems them incapable of taking care of the children.
The ex-husband has shown a TON of evidence supporting his case. Don't defend someone just because you think they're pretty.
That girl commenting is her friend. She is a single mom too.
Do we need to bet that neither she has custody to her kids?
And those 100k+ people can probably vote, thats even scarier