Completely agree. They destroyed tenacity and changed cut down for tanks to be playable. But right now only choice against tanks is botrk. And they can't balance that because it's necessary for adc's to at least have a chance againts tanks but when you leave it in that spot the bruisers gets broken.
I was playing aram jax and I was going ap, but we didnt have any adcs and the enemy chogath got a bit too fed so I changed to full tank slayer jax but i was giving pee damage
@@123deserted playing ADC in aram is especially bad. Literally any tank/bruiser is insanely strong with so little item. And the armor reduction items does jacksh1t.
not even bork. bork is shit, the hp% is so low, the stats are horrible and if 8k hp sion comes, you deal damage until he gets like 70%, then the bork damage is too low to even matter bcs its reduced by armor, and at 50% hp it doesnt even do dmg anymore. bork is not a tank killer item anymore. the only item that works fine vs tanks is ldr and even ldr is shit. kraken used to be good but now it does like 100 bonus damage which gets reduced by 70% armor and you deal 30 extra damage. like wow surely 30 extra damage will help against the 6k hp sion or cho gath or mundo.
@@HienNguyen-cs1md Mages are actually the best tank shredders rn. Only APCs exist in this game now. Who the fk think "adcs" exist & viable at this point, they're all utility maskmen, or half mages.
Cut down: Reworked/Nerfed LDR: Nerfed/No Giant Slayer Bork: Passive Nerfed, AD nerfed, LS nerfed Kraken Slayer: Changed from consistent ramping Autos on Same Target to Missing Health onhit Riot: Wdym tanks are OP now? We didn’t buff them at all?
even august said awhile ago about adc's that when jhin ashe and varus are the most picked / super popular it means adc's are probably weak, and right now those 3 are in the top 5 most picked lmao
Yea...seeing Varus every game what snoozefest. I never got into watching the pro scene...same picks every single game, no creativity, no real innovation. I remember seeing Olaf Irelia midlane match up with Faker and was like ALRIGHT! Then Vanguard came. They lost me a while ago. Its just the same rinse and repeat, overpower some nonsense. Rework Ryze. Gut some items. Rework Ryze. Overpower something else. Rework Ryze. I enjoy watching Baus because he brings intelligence and creativity, but because of the game and what the community is like I'll never be close to the investment level i used to be.
@@rando-m4rit really sucks too, because I hate playing ADC now, but I didn’t mind it before. Now I watch Baus for the same reason as you, but Rito keeps nerfing every strat baus tries
@@TheTrentBannister yeee basically avoiding Tencent, Blizzard, Ubisoft, and last but DEFINITELY not least EA. I've been looking for better practices and found a real love with Baldur's Gate 3 and Marvel Rivals is easy enough to play for now as F2P. This practice will be extended to my children as well.
such a great point. riot likes to do pointless balance changes like +3 ad or +5 movespeed, or to the other extreme and turn something from unplayable to op
both the changes you mentioned as pointless are some of the most powerful changes riot has done. like graves went from broken to lowest winrate jg ever over 3ad. same with irelia and 5ms. ur point is separate but this is a rly bad example
Those aren't pointless balance changes. Those are significant changes to damage over the course of a game and +3 generates an additional 1% to 1.5% win rate. If these types of changes were pointless they wouldn't affect win rate at all. -5ms completely gutted Katarina for a long time. It also completely gutted Zeri for a long time as well as other champions. You're absolutely out of touch if you think things like 5ms and 3 AD don't matter.
3:28 you can also remove nothing and make sure that some effects do not stack, so that you can choose situationally what rune/item to take without making it broken
You need to make it really obvious with the UI then. Bad for casual players to have things not work at all together because they won't know. They will fail. Then they will quit.
actually they did that with tenacity before they removed the runes, they made tenacity stack way worse so if you ran mercs + tenacity rune you would get almost no value from the rune, this also applies to if you were to run mercs + steraks / wits, which is a strategic itemization choice, but too bad if you made that choice you might get like 40% tenacity with 50% built cuz fuck you for trying to counter the cc champ.
this is why nilah, a champ who was basically forgotten by everyone suddenly makes a return as an s+ champ, because she has built in armor pen in her passive and plays nothing like an adc and more like a bruiser. insane how a champ whos more like a bruiser deals more dmg than a traditional adc
Perfect Analysis. They removed tenacity and added to runes and some items. But the items that give tenacity are all dog shiat. And the key thing is that this removal made HP A LOT MORE VALUABLE! So champions like Sion, Cho Gath, Dr Mundo get to lane for free stacking health to oblivion Mages can't outdamage these tanks in the late game. And lane sustain items and runes make impossible to poke them out of lane.
Their incentive is to make profits. If the game is a complex rock paper scissors (lets say tanks, adc, assassin, bruisers, etc) , they are mostly interested in making one significantly stronger than the others for a season or a couple patches etc. so that they have only one group not frustrated. More frustrated players play more, maybe not im just saying shit out my ass but something along this line
2% tenacity per lv up to 30% from lv 1 to lv 15 , 1.2 lethality and 1% magic pen/armor pen up to 10% and 12 lethality/flat magic pen , from lv 8 to 18, nerf void staff with -5% pen , remove -5% pen from ldr but add the giant slayer back.
yup Im fucking unkillable i use like a third of my cognitive skills and if their teamcomp is bad I ca quite literally engage solo vs 3-4 of them and wait like 10 seconds for my team to come
Much as i love to rag on the balance team i will say this, i wish they would cut back on the patch cycle (even if just balance changes n keep doing new skins every 2 weeks) to like one a month to allow both the meta to develop and the balance team to *actually* have time to look at how things are going because with the current cycle they have like, 2 days to decide the next patch's changes, which gives them no breathing room and even leads to false positives where they think a champs weak, and decide to buff, then day 4 some new techs diacovered and the new patch they're god tier busted because they didn't have time to see how the meta develops (i don't remember which podcast it was because it was a couple years ago, but i think it was on the crackdown where they had a dude that used to work on the balance team talk about the process)
Problem is they make changes every year, just to make changes. And then they trying to fix the shit they introduced and then that spirals into whole new bag of problems.
@@ula17404what problem? Change introduces new players = more profit. Around 5 years ago I was arguing this shit with my friends, I said league is actually a great game of a greedy corporate, if only they would let it solidize its meta, but my friend was saying then it wouldnt be so big, and you can see that while rocket league, chess, cs2 and etc games which decide to not change the game a lot has always bitching and smaller more elite player base, lol is one of the biggest increasing population games around, which means more money. Its always about the money and the juice
Aka: they will NEVER let this game's meta set in. If something is working, break it so that new changes NEED to be made. Imagine having a system specifically designed to keep players at 50% wr and still reward them reaally slowly for just playing a lot, league is one of the most disgusting games out there but I'm addicted just like these damn social media viruses
For me the actual biggest problem (including outside of game balance( that league's about to have is the total lack of rewards for playing. It's not just a conplaint about wanting more f2p content, its actualy human psychology: we're incentivized to continue an activity ifbwe're rewarded by it. Getting 1 epic skin a month instead of like 5 chests and the free pass orbs will make A LOT of people quit the game. I'm not gonna say i will bc i dont wanna lie but playing games without any kind of positive feedback is gonna be miserable.
CC are op because chain cc are op. I think they could make unflinching give you tenacity when you get cced, so that the first cc you take has full duration but any chained one is halved or something, so that people can actually play the game. That would make amumu, leona and cie still annoying, but not forbidding you from playing for 5 seconds. (Not to mention when there is a caitlyn, syndra, viego, warwick or whatever to chain their cc on top of that.) I find it pretty cool that they added tenacity on some items, and slow resistance on some other, but it’s too few, and 20% isnt enough if you cannot fit multiple in your build. I would put 20% tenacity on riftmaker, liandry, trinity force, sunfire, spirit visage and maybe a few other items I would put 25% slow resistance on cosmic drive, protobelt, opportunity, phantom dancers, hullbreaker, etc And maybe tanks could have some utility items on top of their dps, tankiness and cc: Better anti heal Anti shield Some vision items Some more pushing power Tower taking Auras like abyssal mask Ally damage boosting Ally shielding and healing Sustain Ult empowerment Shields to counter true and %health damage Out of combat mobility (I mean far from visible enemy champions, riot’s « out of combat » is way too abusable…
CC just needs diminishing returns. Its actually insane that you can reasonably have an entire team with at least 1 hard CC per champion if not more. Yet there is not diminishing returns on CC
This is what I see in ff14, any cc has 100% effectiveness and more such stuns or such are lesser Then again though riot loves to give their new champs heals for no reason. Nasus takes forever to deal with, and he doesn't even have dashes.
Cc is op cuz dmg is high not cuz u can stack cc. Everyone (except full tanks) dies within a second if they cant move, even if the team is full tanks and bruisers and just 1 adc. Dmg makes cc op
Riot should definitely hire Baus to join the game's analytics team, having him also help them find system exploits and perform pre-launch champion testing.
I think they want the game to just change how it’s played constantly so people don’t get bored with it being stagnant but they end up isolating players when they do that but in return it keeps things “fresh” for better or worse. It’s a give and take game. It’s never going to be balanced by design.
The biggest issue nobody talks about is how broken HP is, and grasp of the undying is the most broken rune in the game even mages are taking it and they refuse to lower hp values because base damages are so high as well so you have full tanks 1 shotting everyone who doesn't build hp WHILST perma ccing them like skarner
ya exactly. removing tenacity simply makes most burst diver asssssin champs unplayable or insanely weak. they both hit them with less ad on items and less value from their gold so its harder to snowball, they hit them with no tenacity allowed so they are very easy to counter and so assassins became super ass.
@Sammysapphira no its not fucking good. i main veigar, im literally forced to not play my main when enemy picks an assassin, but like holy shit its way less cancer to actually learn how to play the gsme amd position well so you dont get killed by assassins then having to play vs a mundo or cho who are quite literally impossible to kill and the fact that that starts to be the case already at 20 min doesn't fucking help. i 1st timed tahm top (albeit in emerald) and had the most damage mitigated, taken and dealt, as well as most healing done or whatever its called as well as the most kills and assists as well as 8kd. that should never ever be the case. i am not able to 1 tap an adc (bc of shit item changes) while playing lethality wukong, the pick that got me to 1 game away from masters last season, but im able to literally just w into 5 people, ghost and auto the adc 3 times in order to kill them because i bougnt fucking hearsteel and now im invincie and after that i bougnt a riftmaker, titanic, spirit visage and a mejai so i literally shield for full hp all the time, i heal for 5hp each auto and q and both auto and q do over 1200 damage which is equivalent to veigar ult at 1k lp and that is considered broken while me beong able to do this is all fine and dandy XDDDD. go watch some of Wheatley's tahm games and once you encountered a decent tahm like that, you will have wished not only for assassins to beclme playable again, but even to play against prime season 12 chemtech soul rengar instead. what this disgustong 2.300 hp assassin does in his one full rotation, tahm does in a single auto attack (and the dmg is mixed and he heals for 1/5th of your healthbar each time he dmgs you)
Let's be real. ADCs have never killed a tank in two seconds. But yeah, back then it was easier to just take that rune when you see fat characters and you knew that on two or three items you'd be dealing damage to them, not scratching them.
Wowie, how crazy, who knew tanks were turbo boring gameplay due to either CC stacking and/or absolute stat sticking. How could we have possibly thought that if we removed all the ways to counter CC stacking and stat sticking that tanks would take over and make the game boring?
Hp stacking is an issue? What are you playing in legit bronze? Tf are you talking about the only champs who do that are sion cho and mundo and all 3 are and have been dogshit
What baus said was for high elo, because high elo actually adjusts their runes and builds towards the enemies their playing. Everything bellow diamond adjusts their runes for the playstyle they like to play.
Ye kinda I've dropped recently league when after few months of struggle I couldnt get what my role is now supposed to do. No mobility, no burst, no dmg into tanks only range advantage which is denied by long range cc and 10 dashes mele champions. Sometimes is like I can just pick ashe and try to R and slow somebody or run like a rabbit on hunting. Somebody could explain me what is this role about right now?
Buying collector and last hitting enemies to make it more challenging for your team to carry you is what ADC is about when the role isn't so overpowered that it can go to all 3 lanes.
Whole season has been a mess. First we get 2 splits of everyone one-shotting and now we get whatever this is. Always something giga OP and others so useless you are basically trolling if you pick it
i dont mind tanks being unkillable, the real issue honestly is that tanks are outdamaging characters who build full damage. it makes zero sense why tank items give so much damage, and why damage items give so much tankiness. im tired of this weird design philsophy
Real reason why tanks outdamage full damage champions is a mix of tank's most power being in XP and tank items costing less, remember when ADCs were viable in all 3 lanes and everyone was crying because champions balanced for half xp were getting full xp? lmao
riot just loves tanks/bruiser and hates assassins. An assassin does his job? unbalanced. A tank/bruiser does a thousand things he‘s not supposed to do with being good in every stage of the game with strong spikes and very good if fed and viable if behind? Yeah make them stronger
The thing is that rn there are 2 types of cc: normal cc and irborns. The first one, u can just counter it with tenacity runes, which was just too broken cuz u made those champion useless without spending any gold, but u couldn't handle with airborns. Right now, teams are a mix of airborn cc and normal cc, which forces u to buy tenacity, cuz there are no runes at all that give u tenacity, and still doesn't feel like there is enought tenacity on the game, cuz u will get CCd for 4 seconds straight even with 3 tenacity items.
The problem with league starts sbhumans promoting to other sbhumans to go 0/15 toplane with an orthodox build and call it a strat, thats where the first problem starts
Yep has been the issue with their balancing for years now. They overbuff or overnerf, no in-between. I've seen this with so many champs, mechanics, items etc that I just got sick of the game altogether.
@@ImpatientReader that is stupid logic. I stopped playing the game since it got so boring to play vs unkillable tanks, i can't be the only one. This kind of outcome is the least desirable for any game developing team. They're failing miserably and I will come back if they fix it but others won't and the game will end up like dota
More like its impossible to balance everything. Also players opinions on whats broken and whats not are heavily biased so why should riot listen to them. Their balance team may be ass but listening to players wont change a thing, maybe doing that will make the game even more broken
The sad thing is Riot probably wont bring any of these back ANYTIME SOON, because if theres one thing ive learned from Riot in a decade playing is that they wont admit they made a mistake UNLESS everything went to complete shit.
Yeah the cc in the game has gotten to the point where, when most champs can get burst down in 2 seconds, you get CC'd for 5 of those in a teamfight should the damage not look at you or the tanks not kill you
its seems to me riot wants tanks to be able to 1v5 rather than just tank and do fuck all damage, which is stupid. without giant slayer which did % damage based on max health, there is fuck all counter play for health tanks like tahm now, other than borgs which sucks for crit adcs.
Like low elo. Top: "Ugh, another ranged top laner." Mid laner: "Uh, another uninteractive line." Jg: "Uhh, lets get flamed again." Adc: "Ugh, time to be one shooted." Supp: "Time for being flamed again."
What I like with the hard changes even if it does not balance the game perfectly is that the meta changes. If Riot only do soft changes the meta would always be similar. That is what I like that it can almost be a new game depending on patch which keep an old player like me intrested.
You have a good point there, the thing is people blame when they make big change only on one champ, making it busted or useless. This should never happen
Removes tenacity, everyone conplains because nobody can move. Doesnt remove, everyone complains because you cant lock the hyper mobile chatacters down and kill them. At this point why not make items/effects work on a "per champion class" basis? Like assassins get less health from health items (y'all remember tankali) or tanks get less ad/ap so they dont deal bullshit damage?
can happen when highest member of balance team was boosted low master with maokai after he buffed him 6 times in row, and other guy who is lead on game design is not even d4 peak, yeah 2025 is truly game changing year for their budget after they sell their 250 bucks chromas
On the other hand the new rune is also good because it works always, not just against tanks. Just need to bring back some extra AD on crit items and ADCs will be ok again. Almost all crit items were weakened in pure stats two or even three times in a row. And all of this paid for a pathetic 5% crit chance..... Just roll back some of the item weakening, jeez. Also a redesign of the rapid fire cannon would be nice. Why the hell is it an attack speed item? No one who wants to buy it needs attack speed! Better yet, give access to this effect for a fee. Because poor Twisted Fate Mage has to buy an item with attack speed and crit.... are you out of your mind? Because of this, he becomes so weak that the only thing he can do is killing ADCs and Supports.
@templeofdelusion true, i had a recent game where no one built anti tank against 1 tank and 2 bruisers so i mean i guess the first stat check is median IQ
Meanwhile in plat-diamond you get: Adc, Enchanter, another fucking adc, a third fucking adc. And you're last pick top into an anti tank your team NEEDS a tank and you're just here wondering how you're gonna sustain with no other frontlines at all. Nobody plays tanks in low elo and it is a breath of fresh air playing in D2+ because FIGHTING TANKS IS FUN. I GET TO DO THINGS. I GET TO ACTUALLY ENGAGE IN PLAYS AND COUNTERPLAYS AND NOT JUST DIE TO 10-0 TALON
I think there is a prevalent theory in the riot balancing team about 'a super balanced game is not fun' or something. From my experience, it's similar like when they're purposely make new champions, items, rune, etc OP. If I had to describe it, it's like they want us to adapt and follow the meta, but not to the extent of being too forceful about it. Otherwise, you'll be stomped because of the unfair meta advantage.
Classic top laners have been removed from top lane if they can't compete with 200 years, now mages are going support and bot lane because they're being shoved from mid lane.
I think baus nails the explenation and hes opinion are correct, I always like league more when assassins are in solo queue meta, I don't even know who even likes when tanks are in meta
How about this kind of item ability for assassins: After being out of combat for 30 seconds get Petricite’s Blessing Petricite’s Blessing: Gain 50 Tenacity, you lose this tenacity 1.5 seconds after entering combat with a champion. This kind of ability would make assassins more slippery and possibly avoid a sudden CC chain death from a tank. You could even put it on a % armor or magic pen item.
"League's biggest problem" Not the controls that have never been updated to actually be fluid? Not the many champions yet to receive a VGU? Not the monetisation or the champion design? Sometimes I wonder if the devs don't listen to players just because they make every minute issue "League's BIGGEST problem"
Its not even funny how these mundos with demolish half hp hit my towers, tank casually 25 turret hits, 45aas of me with ldr and walk out on me and my 3 friends trying to take down that dude. On the other side of the map we also lose the whole objectives. Its either we deff tank and lose the map, or we play for objectives and lose the map, cause splitpushing tank os better at the job then fiora, camille and so on
i play a lot of Big ass meat head champs , Half the time there is no Option to dodge . there are Team comps that legit make me unable to play , i lock in Any low mobility champ. get hit by 1 Slow or a Ryali , cant dodge and get perma Cced . On avg i get 5-7s of Hard cc per team fight . At least when i play viego or jax , getting 50-74% tenacity is a option ( merc + Wits + S gauge , tank elixer ) Also a few Assassins are not assassins anymore , Ekko aint a assassin unless her has a 25 stack mej ,
tanks are supposed to take the CC, that's the entire point of being a tank for your team, you want them to use those CCs on someone else during a team fight? I don't get what your issue is here, sounds like you're doing your job correctly
@ROCKMANDRONIAN most of them are Brusiers. Most Brusiers need to be able to act to keep there defenses up. And the thing isn't that I die. I'm fine with that. It's the inability to act.
yeah stuff like this is just bonkers now idk how people still hold on to wanting balance in that game you just gotta accept that its gonna be heavily meta centric and sometimes(more often than not so i dont like the game) that meta is boring af.
No the real problem is that riots balance team is utterly dogshit, they dont care about balance, they care about winrates, and theyre GOD FUCKING AWFUL at recognizing WHY a champions winrate goes up or down like 80% of the time
because riot cannot help themselves and when they buff/nerf they ALWAYS overdo it they always overbuff or overnerf items/champs/runes warwicks latest buff is a great example, 10/10 quality of life on his W but then they did a riot and overbuffed it and increaed its duration to nearly 2 seconds. gets 70% atk spd at level 1 from hitting a low minion and turning on you TLDR riot cant do anything without overdoing it and always to the detriment of the game
'Explaining League's biggest problem' Didn't we already establish a good while back that Riot enjoys rotating the meta from time to time? Not saying its a good thing or not one way or another, but its been extremely observable to see the trends of X class of champion is good this season, next season we gut it and then Y class of champion is good.
As adc player, the only thing that is unfun is the durability patch. Before everyone was pretty much oneshot and now only adcs are left oneshot but I cant kill anyone anymore. Just remove this durability patch
@@Vermilion-sol That's exactly what Riot wants you to think. Same reason why they haven't fixed their client, and taken down the better version a single guy created.
They should have left old unflinching and still remove Legend: Tenacity. That would force people to pick Green Tree sacrificing something different As adc player I can't agree more. Tanks are unkillable and do some unreasonable damage
Makes sense, except, adcs are not weak. And they weren't just strong because they cut down tanks. They were played in every fucking position, and winning, not just against tanks. ADCs are completely fine now.
They were winning because they had full XP and cut down works on literally every champion in the game except another ADC, look up champion stats, lmao. Doing 15% more damage at lv1 with autoattacks, when your champion excels at autoattacks, against champions that can only use one ability and do basically no damage with autoattacks, is what made ADC broken in all lanes.
Baus complimenting the yasuo main just to say “i dont know how he does it” right as he pulls up a huge loss streak is peak content i laughed so hard
That just means that dude was 1600 lp main Yasuo not long ago, which just makes it even more scandalous
@@AlexandreG "don't worry guys, game at this elo won't last enough for his 0/30 powerspike".
Completely agree. They destroyed tenacity and changed cut down for tanks to be playable. But right now only choice against tanks is botrk. And they can't balance that because it's necessary for adc's to at least have a chance againts tanks but when you leave it in that spot the bruisers gets broken.
but bork is legit just so bad rn, for any non onhit adcs and for champs like trynd or jax, rest is true
I was playing aram jax and I was going ap, but we didnt have any adcs and the enemy chogath got a bit too fed so I changed to full tank slayer jax but i was giving pee damage
@@123deserted playing ADC in aram is especially bad. Literally any tank/bruiser is insanely strong with so little item. And the armor reduction items does jacksh1t.
not even bork. bork is shit, the hp% is so low, the stats are horrible and if 8k hp sion comes, you deal damage until he gets like 70%, then the bork damage is too low to even matter bcs its reduced by armor, and at 50% hp it doesnt even do dmg anymore. bork is not a tank killer item anymore. the only item that works fine vs tanks is ldr and even ldr is shit. kraken used to be good but now it does like 100 bonus damage which gets reduced by 70% armor and you deal 30 extra damage. like wow surely 30 extra damage will help against the 6k hp sion or cho gath or mundo.
@@HienNguyen-cs1md Mages are actually the best tank shredders rn. Only APCs exist in this game now. Who the fk think "adcs" exist & viable at this point, they're all utility maskmen, or half mages.
Thats why baus builds ap or ad on tanks so adc's can't complain, such a gentleman.
Baus: I made it so you can one shot me, but I can also one shot you... 😂😂😂
Bros Holding Back his full Potential
Playing the more fun way
Cut down: Reworked/Nerfed
LDR: Nerfed/No Giant Slayer
Bork: Passive Nerfed, AD nerfed, LS nerfed
Kraken Slayer: Changed from consistent ramping Autos on Same Target to Missing Health onhit
Riot: Wdym tanks are OP now? We didn’t buff them at all?
bork was current health dmg for years
@@alexandreortiz8484 the % was nerfed
Man our role is so shit that even Baus can smell how weak ADCs are all the way from toplane
ADCs are weak because some of them are too strong to buff the role
even august said awhile ago about adc's that when jhin ashe and varus are the most picked / super popular it means adc's are probably weak, and right now those 3 are in the top 5 most picked lmao
Yea...seeing Varus every game what snoozefest. I never got into watching the pro scene...same picks every single game, no creativity, no real innovation. I remember seeing Olaf Irelia midlane match up with Faker and was like ALRIGHT! Then Vanguard came. They lost me a while ago. Its just the same rinse and repeat, overpower some nonsense. Rework Ryze. Gut some items. Rework Ryze. Overpower something else. Rework Ryze. I enjoy watching Baus because he brings intelligence and creativity, but because of the game and what the community is like I'll never be close to the investment level i used to be.
@@rando-m4rfaker picked olaf and irelia mid at worlds against a wildcard team. selective bias is huge here
@@rando-m4rit really sucks too, because I hate playing ADC now, but I didn’t mind it before. Now I watch Baus for the same reason as you, but Rito keeps nerfing every strat baus tries
@@TheTrentBannister yeee basically avoiding Tencent, Blizzard, Ubisoft, and last but DEFINITELY not least EA. I've been looking for better practices and found a real love with Baldur's Gate 3 and Marvel Rivals is easy enough to play for now as F2P. This practice will be extended to my children as well.
@@rando-m4r The main reason I see is they "balance" the game towards tournaments instead of balancing the game.
such a great point. riot likes to do pointless balance changes like +3 ad or +5 movespeed, or to the other extreme and turn something from unplayable to op
both the changes you mentioned as pointless are some of the most
powerful changes riot has done. like graves went from broken to lowest winrate jg ever over 3ad. same with irelia and 5ms. ur point is separate but this is a rly bad example
Those aren't pointless balance changes. Those are significant changes to damage over the course of a game and +3 generates an additional 1% to 1.5% win rate. If these types of changes were pointless they wouldn't affect win rate at all. -5ms completely gutted Katarina for a long time. It also completely gutted Zeri for a long time as well as other champions.
You're absolutely out of touch if you think things like 5ms and 3 AD don't matter.
case and point viktor w
Tell me you are a low elo player without telling me you are a low elo player😂
Or turn something from playable to unplayable
3:28 you can also remove nothing and make sure that some effects do not stack, so that you can choose situationally what rune/item to take without making it broken
You need to make it really obvious with the UI then. Bad for casual players to have things not work at all together because they won't know. They will fail. Then they will quit.
They never do that because it feels horrible especially for low ELO/casual/no care player who will still use both even if it doesn't work
@@cottardTV Just... Auto block or switch the other when you select one?
actually they did that with tenacity before they removed the runes, they made tenacity stack way worse so if you ran mercs + tenacity rune you would get almost no value from the rune, this also applies to if you were to run mercs + steraks / wits, which is a strategic itemization choice, but too bad if you made that choice you might get like 40% tenacity with 50% built cuz fuck you for trying to counter the cc champ.
this is why nilah, a champ who was basically forgotten by everyone suddenly makes a return as an s+ champ, because she has built in armor pen in her passive and plays nothing like an adc and more like a bruiser. insane how a champ whos more like a bruiser deals more dmg than a traditional adc
I hate any slimeball that plays Nilah
I mean, same goes for samira
@@ArcadianCatharsis not at all cuz samira does no dmg in comparison to nilah and gets cooked by cc. She is more of an assassin
@@maws5476Can confirm, well-timed hard CC of any variety makes Samiras want to cry
Perfect Analysis. They removed tenacity and added to runes and some items. But the items that give tenacity are all dog shiat.
And the key thing is that this removal made HP A LOT MORE VALUABLE! So champions like Sion, Cho Gath, Dr Mundo get to lane for free stacking health to oblivion
Mages can't outdamage these tanks in the late game. And lane sustain items and runes make impossible to poke them out of lane.
Funny how that also made drain mages way more useful, swain, mordekaiser, everything that uses Liandry's and heals while fighting
@@ArcadianCatharsis More because of health stacking than the items themselves.
I hope riot secretly listening in to this as they usually do. And make changes to improve game
Their incentive is to make profits. If the game is a complex rock paper scissors (lets say tanks, adc, assassin, bruisers, etc) , they are mostly interested in making one significantly stronger than the others for a season or a couple patches etc. so that they have only one group not frustrated. More frustrated players play more, maybe not im just saying shit out my ass but something along this line
@@123deserted I hear you. Let's hope they listen at least a little
I'd much rather have a tank meta over assasins. The problem is when tanks do too much. Tanks should be disruptors not deal tons of damage.
I mean they still have that rioter on the balance team that was notorious for ruining the meta in WoW by making it a full tank meta
Please elaborate?
And Riot also nerfed BOTRK and Eclipse too lol
2% tenacity per lv up to 30% from lv 1 to lv 15 , 1.2 lethality and 1% magic pen/armor pen up to 10% and 12 lethality/flat magic pen , from lv 8 to 18, nerf void staff with -5% pen , remove -5% pen from ldr but add the giant slayer back.
me when i pick maokai top every game and go the same brain dead build
Im fucking unkillable i use like a third of my cognitive skills and if their teamcomp is bad I ca quite literally engage solo vs 3-4 of them and wait like 10 seconds for my team to come
@@helion8502 when i lose 1/3 of my brain, im literally drooling, almost falling asleep, and i get labeled as a wholesome gigachad
Yup unending fimble visage every game and just win
i was mad af when they went scorched earth on those tenacity runes, and I called it at that moment that the game would become a stage 4 cc fest
respectfully worst thumbnail job I've seen this year no offense
Much as i love to rag on the balance team i will say this, i wish they would cut back on the patch cycle (even if just balance changes n keep doing new skins every 2 weeks) to like one a month to allow both the meta to develop and the balance team to *actually* have time to look at how things are going because with the current cycle they have like, 2 days to decide the next patch's changes, which gives them no breathing room and even leads to false positives where they think a champs weak, and decide to buff, then day 4 some new techs diacovered and the new patch they're god tier busted because they didn't have time to see how the meta develops (i don't remember which podcast it was because it was a couple years ago, but i think it was on the crackdown where they had a dude that used to work on the balance team talk about the process)
Problem is they make changes every year, just to make changes. And then they trying to fix the shit they introduced and then that spirals into whole new bag of problems.
@@ula17404what problem? Change introduces new players = more profit. Around 5 years ago I was arguing this shit with my friends, I said league is actually a great game of a greedy corporate, if only they would let it solidize its meta, but my friend was saying then it wouldnt be so big, and you can see that while rocket league, chess, cs2 and etc games which decide to not change the game a lot has always bitching and smaller more elite player base, lol is one of the biggest increasing population games around, which means more money. Its always about the money and the juice
Aka: they will NEVER let this game's meta set in. If something is working, break it so that new changes NEED to be made. Imagine having a system specifically designed to keep players at 50% wr and still reward them reaally slowly for just playing a lot, league is one of the most disgusting games out there but I'm addicted just like these damn social media viruses
You new to the game? When they used to not touch champs for ages people complained then, too.
We live in an unending cycle where tanks are inmortal or everyone does so much damage that you got one shot by everything
For me the actual biggest problem (including outside of game balance( that league's about to have is the total lack of rewards for playing. It's not just a conplaint about wanting more f2p content, its actualy human psychology: we're incentivized to continue an activity ifbwe're rewarded by it. Getting 1 epic skin a month instead of like 5 chests and the free pass orbs will make A LOT of people quit the game. I'm not gonna say i will bc i dont wanna lie but playing games without any kind of positive feedback is gonna be miserable.
But this is a player retention/marketing category problem, baus is talking strictly about gameplay related problems.
i remember this video of dantes screaming my thamn kench is shielded for 5k
Riot is buffing and nerfing champs over 10 years and not a single champ is still in a good spot, because the changes are never ending
CC are op because chain cc are op. I think they could make unflinching give you tenacity when you get cced, so that the first cc you take has full duration but any chained one is halved or something, so that people can actually play the game.
That would make amumu, leona and cie still annoying, but not forbidding you from playing for 5 seconds. (Not to mention when there is a caitlyn, syndra, viego, warwick or whatever to chain their cc on top of that.)
I find it pretty cool that they added tenacity on some items, and slow resistance on some other, but it’s too few, and 20% isnt enough if you cannot fit multiple in your build.
I would put 20% tenacity on riftmaker, liandry, trinity force, sunfire, spirit visage and maybe a few other items
I would put 25% slow resistance on cosmic drive, protobelt, opportunity, phantom dancers, hullbreaker, etc
And maybe tanks could have some utility items on top of their dps, tankiness and cc:
Better anti heal
Anti shield
Some vision items
Some more pushing power
Tower taking
Auras like abyssal mask
Ally damage boosting
Ally shielding and healing
Ult empowerment
Shields to counter true and %health damage
Out of combat mobility (I mean far from visible enemy champions, riot’s « out of combat » is way too abusable…
CC just needs diminishing returns.
Its actually insane that you can reasonably have an entire team with at least 1 hard CC per champion if not more. Yet there is not diminishing returns on CC
That is too smart and makes too much sense, forget about Riot doing it 😂
This is what I see in ff14, any cc has 100% effectiveness and more such stuns or such are lesser
Then again though riot loves to give their new champs heals for no reason. Nasus takes forever to deal with, and he doesn't even have dashes.
or just wait until the enemy uses cc on mundo instead of walking into enemy
Cc is op cuz dmg is high not cuz u can stack cc. Everyone (except full tanks) dies within a second if they cant move, even if the team is full tanks and bruisers and just 1 adc. Dmg makes cc op
Riot should definitely hire Baus to join the game's analytics team, having him also help them find system exploits and perform pre-launch champion testing.
I think they want the game to just change how it’s played constantly so people don’t get bored with it being stagnant but they end up isolating players when they do that but in return it keeps things “fresh” for better or worse. It’s a give and take game. It’s never going to be balanced by design.
The biggest issue nobody talks about is how broken HP is, and grasp of the undying is the most broken rune in the game even mages are taking it and they refuse to lower hp values because base damages are so high as well so you have full tanks 1 shotting everyone who doesn't build hp WHILST perma ccing them like skarner
ya exactly. removing tenacity simply makes most burst diver asssssin champs unplayable or insanely weak. they both hit them with less ad on items and less value from their gold so its harder to snowball, they hit them with no tenacity allowed so they are very easy to counter and so assassins became super ass.
Good. "Assassins" shouldn't be allowed to fly in 1v5 one shot adc and get out skot free. Its literally so braindead.
@Sammysapphira no its not fucking good. i main veigar, im literally forced to not play my main when enemy picks an assassin, but like holy shit its way less cancer to actually learn how to play the gsme amd position well so you dont get killed by assassins then having to play vs a mundo or cho who are quite literally impossible to kill and the fact that that starts to be the case already at 20 min doesn't fucking help.
i 1st timed tahm top (albeit in emerald) and had the most damage mitigated, taken and dealt, as well as most healing done or whatever its called as well as the most kills and assists as well as 8kd.
that should never ever be the case. i am not able to 1 tap an adc (bc of shit item changes) while playing lethality wukong, the pick that got me to 1 game away from masters last season, but im able to literally just w into 5 people, ghost and auto the adc 3 times in order to kill them because i bougnt fucking hearsteel and now im invincie and after that i bougnt a riftmaker, titanic, spirit visage and a mejai so i literally shield for full hp all the time, i heal for 5hp each auto and q and both auto and q do over 1200 damage which is equivalent to veigar ult at 1k lp and that is considered broken while me beong able to do this is all fine and dandy XDDDD.
go watch some of Wheatley's tahm games and once you encountered a decent tahm like that, you will have wished not only for assassins to beclme playable again, but even to play against prime season 12 chemtech soul rengar instead.
what this disgustong 2.300 hp assassin does in his one full rotation, tahm does in a single auto attack (and the dmg is mixed and he heals for 1/5th of your healthbar each time he dmgs you)
Let's be real. ADCs have never killed a tank in two seconds. But yeah, back then it was easier to just take that rune when you see fat characters and you knew that on two or three items you'd be dealing damage to them, not scratching them.
Wowie, how crazy, who knew tanks were turbo boring gameplay due to either CC stacking and/or absolute stat sticking. How could we have possibly thought that if we removed all the ways to counter CC stacking and stat sticking that tanks would take over and make the game boring?
hp stacking is bigger issue imo but tenacity is one for sure too
But you can build botrk!! deals %physical damage vs 300 armor * 💀
@@doke1xarmor actually counters bork
@@doke1x 5% Max Hp Physical for ranged 🗣🗣
Hp stacking is an issue? What are you playing in legit bronze? Tf are you talking about the only champs who do that are sion cho and mundo and all 3 are and have been dogshit
What baus said was for high elo, because high elo actually adjusts their runes and builds towards the enemies their playing. Everything bellow diamond adjusts their runes for the playstyle they like to play.
Ye kinda I've dropped recently league when after few months of struggle I couldnt get what my role is now supposed to do. No mobility, no burst, no dmg into tanks only range advantage which is denied by long range cc and 10 dashes mele champions. Sometimes is like I can just pick ashe and try to R and slow somebody or run like a rabbit on hunting. Somebody could explain me what is this role about right now?
Buying collector and last hitting enemies to make it more challenging for your team to carry you is what ADC is about when the role isn't so overpowered that it can go to all 3 lanes.
Whole season has been a mess. First we get 2 splits of everyone one-shotting and now we get whatever this is. Always something giga OP and others so useless you are basically trolling if you pick it
i dont mind tanks being unkillable, the real issue honestly is that tanks are outdamaging characters who build full damage. it makes zero sense why tank items give so much damage, and why damage items give so much tankiness. im tired of this weird design philsophy
Real reason why tanks outdamage full damage champions is a mix of tank's most power being in XP and tank items costing less, remember when ADCs were viable in all 3 lanes and everyone was crying because champions balanced for half xp were getting full xp? lmao
riot just loves tanks/bruiser and hates assassins.
An assassin does his job? unbalanced.
A tank/bruiser does a thousand things he‘s not supposed to do with being good in every stage of the game with strong spikes and very good if fed and viable if behind?
Yeah make them stronger
The thing is that rn there are 2 types of cc: normal cc and irborns. The first one, u can just counter it with tenacity runes, which was just too broken cuz u made those champion useless without spending any gold, but u couldn't handle with airborns. Right now, teams are a mix of airborn cc and normal cc, which forces u to buy tenacity, cuz there are no runes at all that give u tenacity, and still doesn't feel like there is enought tenacity on the game, cuz u will get CCd for 4 seconds straight even with 3 tenacity items.
The problem with league starts sbhumans promoting to other sbhumans to go 0/15 toplane with an orthodox build and call it a strat, thats where the first problem starts
AWOOO music on the background 😂🗣️
Yep has been the issue with their balancing for years now. They overbuff or overnerf, no in-between. I've seen this with so many champs, mechanics, items etc that I just got sick of the game altogether.
League will get boring if the managed to balance everything and people wont have anything to talk about
@@ImpatientReader that is stupid logic. I stopped playing the game since it got so boring to play vs unkillable tanks, i can't be the only one. This kind of outcome is the least desirable for any game developing team. They're failing miserably and I will come back if they fix it but others won't and the game will end up like dota
More like its impossible to balance everything. Also players opinions on whats broken and whats not are heavily biased so why should riot listen to them. Their balance team may be ass but listening to players wont change a thing, maybe doing that will make the game even more broken
whats this music
Warwick R
animals maroon 5
The sad thing is Riot probably wont bring any of these back ANYTIME SOON, because if theres one thing ive learned from Riot in a decade playing is that they wont admit they made a mistake UNLESS everything went to complete shit.
Yeah the cc in the game has gotten to the point where, when most champs can get burst down in 2 seconds, you get CC'd for 5 of those in a teamfight should the damage not look at you or the tanks not kill you
This explains why I've been seeing tanks killing ADCs lately. Like since when did scissors beat rock?
its seems to me riot wants tanks to be able to 1v5 rather than just tank and do fuck all damage, which is stupid. without giant slayer which did % damage based on max health, there is fuck all counter play for health tanks like tahm now, other than borgs which sucks for crit adcs.
Not the faker ahri skin in the background 😭
Like low elo.
Top: "Ugh, another ranged top laner."
Mid laner: "Uh, another uninteractive line."
Jg: "Uhh, lets get flamed again."
Adc: "Ugh, time to be one shooted."
Supp: "Time for being flamed again."
Confused at the stated problem only to follow with a bunch of bruisers and yone/yasuo being play. Unless I’m missing something.
What I like with the hard changes even if it does not balance the game perfectly is that the meta changes. If Riot only do soft changes the meta would always be similar. That is what I like that it can almost be a new game depending on patch which keep an old player like me intrested.
You have a good point there, the thing is people blame when they make big change only on one champ, making it busted or useless. This should never happen
I feel like League makes the best balance changes when they try to be reactionary. When they actively try to shape the meta they always cause a mess.
Removes tenacity, everyone conplains because nobody can move.
Doesnt remove, everyone complains because you cant lock the hyper mobile chatacters down and kill them.
At this point why not make items/effects work on a "per champion class" basis? Like assassins get less health from health items (y'all remember tankali) or tanks get less ad/ap so they dont deal bullshit damage?
and the movespeed on many tank items doesn't help :)
more damage more 1v9 less defensive
They’re either not actually trying to balance the game or they’re really stupid. I’m gonna go with both
They're attempting to even the playing field between experienced players with skill and no-skill new players so they can encourage people to spend.
can happen when highest member of balance team was boosted low master with maokai after he buffed him 6 times in row, and other guy who is lead on game design is not even d4 peak, yeah 2025 is truly game changing year for their budget after they sell their 250 bucks chromas
Bro we are talking about the same company who isn't touching skarner since release
They added tenacity to the free stat boosts tho
+10% is still 10% in runes
Not as much but it's there
On the other hand the new rune is also good because it works always, not just against tanks. Just need to bring back some extra AD on crit items and ADCs will be ok again. Almost all crit items were weakened in pure stats two or even three times in a row. And all of this paid for a pathetic 5% crit chance..... Just roll back some of the item weakening, jeez.
Also a redesign of the rapid fire cannon would be nice. Why the hell is it an attack speed item? No one who wants to buy it needs attack speed! Better yet, give access to this effect for a fee. Because poor Twisted Fate Mage has to buy an item with attack speed and crit.... are you out of your mind? Because of this, he becomes so weak that the only thing he can do is killing ADCs and Supports.
not enough items + items arent locked to classes + items in general are not creative and are just statstick most of the time.
This game is one giant stat check, most important stat being median IQ of a team.
@templeofdelusion true, i had a recent game where no one built anti tank against 1 tank and 2 bruisers so i mean i guess the first stat check is median IQ
so what youre saying... this is the best time to play Rell Thresh and the rest of my roster
well i just came back after 2 years this is good news
Meanwhile in plat-diamond you get: Adc, Enchanter, another fucking adc, a third fucking adc. And you're last pick top into an anti tank your team NEEDS a tank and you're just here wondering how you're gonna sustain with no other frontlines at all. Nobody plays tanks in low elo and it is a breath of fresh air playing in D2+ because FIGHTING TANKS IS FUN. I GET TO DO THINGS. I GET TO ACTUALLY ENGAGE IN PLAYS AND COUNTERPLAYS AND NOT JUST DIE TO 10-0 TALON
I think there is a prevalent theory in the riot balancing team about 'a super balanced game is not fun' or something. From my experience, it's similar like when they're purposely make new champions, items, rune, etc OP.
If I had to describe it, it's like they want us to adapt and follow the meta, but not to the extent of being too forceful about it. Otherwise, you'll be stomped because of the unfair meta advantage.
Classic top laners have been removed from top lane if they can't compete with 200 years, now mages are going support and bot lane because they're being shoved from mid lane.
I think baus nails the explenation and hes opinion are correct, I always like league more when assassins are in solo queue meta, I don't even know who even likes when tanks are in meta
How about this kind of item ability for assassins:
After being out of combat for 30 seconds get Petricite’s Blessing
Petricite’s Blessing:
Gain 50 Tenacity, you lose this tenacity 1.5 seconds after entering combat with a champion.
This kind of ability would make assassins more slippery and possibly avoid a sudden CC chain death from a tank. You could even put it on a % armor or magic pen item.
1.5s is enough to kill an assasin.
Okay and? What do assassins do against bruisers and tanks, still useless.
"League's biggest problem"
Not the controls that have never been updated to actually be fluid? Not the many champions yet to receive a VGU? Not the monetisation or the champion design?
Sometimes I wonder if the devs don't listen to players just because they make every minute issue "League's BIGGEST problem"
Its not even funny how these mundos with demolish half hp hit my towers, tank casually 25 turret hits, 45aas of me with ldr and walk out on me and my 3 friends trying to take down that dude. On the other side of the map we also lose the whole objectives. Its either we deff tank and lose the map, or we play for objectives and lose the map, cause splitpushing tank os better at the job then fiora, camille and so on
i play a lot of Big ass meat head champs , Half the time there is no Option to dodge .
there are Team comps that legit make me unable to play , i lock in Any low mobility champ. get hit by 1 Slow or a Ryali , cant dodge and get perma Cced . On avg i get 5-7s of Hard cc per team fight .
At least when i play viego or jax , getting 50-74% tenacity is a option ( merc + Wits + S gauge , tank elixer )
Also a few Assassins are not assassins anymore , Ekko aint a assassin unless her has a 25 stack mej ,
tanks are supposed to take the CC, that's the entire point of being a tank for your team, you want them to use those CCs on someone else during a team fight? I don't get what your issue is here, sounds like you're doing your job correctly
@ROCKMANDRONIAN most of them are Brusiers.
Most Brusiers need to be able to act to keep there defenses up.
And the thing isn't that I die. I'm fine with that. It's the inability to act.
yeah stuff like this is just bonkers now idk how people still hold on to wanting balance in that game you just gotta accept that its gonna be heavily meta centric and sometimes(more often than not so i dont like the game) that meta is boring af.
No the real problem is that riots balance team is utterly dogshit, they dont care about balance, they care about winrates, and theyre GOD FUCKING AWFUL at recognizing WHY a champions winrate goes up or down like 80% of the time
because riot cannot help themselves and when they buff/nerf they ALWAYS overdo it
they always overbuff or overnerf items/champs/runes
warwicks latest buff is a great example, 10/10 quality of life on his W
but then they did a riot and overbuffed it and increaed its duration to nearly 2 seconds. gets 70% atk spd at level 1 from hitting a low minion and turning on you
TLDR riot cant do anything without overdoing it and always to the detriment of the game
'Explaining League's biggest problem'
Didn't we already establish a good while back that Riot enjoys rotating the meta from time to time? Not saying its a good thing or not one way or another, but its been extremely observable to see the trends of X class of champion is good this season, next season we gut it and then Y class of champion is good.
Riiight ok. Not the matchmaking.
I miss my 80%-ish tenacity builds in aram, it was about the only way to make melee champions feel playable there
The real problem with LoL? Riot Games. Tencent.
As adc player, the only thing that is unfun is the durability patch. Before everyone was pretty much oneshot and now only adcs are left oneshot but I cant kill anyone anymore. Just remove this durability patch
great, i just learned im wasting my time as a jg assassin.
Theres like 4 adc players that are top 50 euw atm lmao, yeah adc is weak af
its just not a good game if you carry on playing lol in 2025 drink cleaning substances.
Believe me, Riot knows. It's been their strategy to keep people frustrated, so that they keep playing. It works, so can't blame them.
Don’t ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence
@@Vermilion-sol That's exactly what Riot wants you to think. Same reason why they haven't fixed their client, and taken down the better version a single guy created.
That makes zero logical sense. You may be rartraded ingame
bro is on to nothing
Even the best masterpiece of a game gets boring after some time.
Is that Maroon Monday?
okayeg big problem
Ugh champs: Voli, Amumu, Ksante, Zac, Gragas, Galio, Yone, Swain, Tk, Leona, Braum, Sion
They should have left old unflinching and still remove Legend: Tenacity. That would force people to pick Green Tree sacrificing something different
As adc player I can't agree more. Tanks are unkillable and do some unreasonable damage
His point doesnt stand in the leaderboard at all
I actually like the meta very much
Good think I don’t play in high elo
So many low elo scrubs acting like tenacity shard doesnt exist, or that its some sort of death sentence to need it situationall 😂
Makes sense, except, adcs are not weak. And they weren't just strong because they cut down tanks. They were played in every fucking position, and winning, not just against tanks. ADCs are completely fine now.
They were winning because they had full XP and cut down works on literally every champion in the game except another ADC, look up champion stats, lmao.
Doing 15% more damage at lv1 with autoattacks, when your champion excels at autoattacks, against champions that can only use one ability and do basically no damage with autoattacks, is what made ADC broken in all lanes.
it doesn't matter much cuz they are bump
Yes. One big Problem. Smurfs.
It's the same in every elo. EUW gold 80% picks are top3 meta champs. The meta is so stale and boring
the meta gets decided by the playerbase tough, noone forces you to play meta. and you can just play something that is not meta and do well
that my reaction when sion is on my team or enemy😂😂😂
i dnt wanna play with or against sion😂😂😂also kayle.
Nothing is wrong with league, and it will never be balanced, just different metas. Been that way since I started playing 12 years so
Riot is just brain dead. I mean freak works for them….. what more can you say?
cold take remove tanks
I love all the lowbobs in the comments adding some clueless contributions
Hahaha I fking love reading them.
Git gud noobs.
Solution: vayne adc meta
adcs are killing tanks in 2 seconds not the other way around, remove twitch ~Rito Games