Yep, very optimal bike. Bought it to start riding for 1-2 seasons and... Still with me after 4 years! It has it's flaws (as everything) but overall I do not regret the purchase
@@MotorcycleDemoRiders For me 4 things: 1. front headlight is not strong enough for countryside riding at night (but you can change internals and get x2 more light output saving the original case & reflector). 2. Fuel level indicator can be hit or miss when there is less than ~50% of the tank left (it is wise to use odometer to track when you should refill). 3. There are some noises from vibrations at around 4,5k rpm (requires some manual work & adding padding here and there to muffle them out). 4. Personally I would be super glad for a little larger gas tank (so it would allow to go +25-30% more on a single tank, as a rule of thumb I am refilling every 200-220km, maximum that got out of 1 tank was ~240km with mixed city/highway riding). Some people are also mentiong to stiff seat for longer rides (for me it is OK).
I owned this bike and absolutely loved it! However, I noticed the fuel indicator isn’t very accurate, and the rotating angle feels a bit limited. That said, I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it feels during cruising at 150-160 km/h, with no obvious vibrations. Overall, it’s a great ride with minor drawbacks
Yep, very optimal bike. Bought it to start riding for 1-2 seasons and... Still with me after 4 years! It has it's flaws (as everything) but overall I do not regret the purchase
Thank you for sharing! What things would you have changed or what flaws stand out to you the most as an owner?
@@MotorcycleDemoRiders For me 4 things: 1. front headlight is not strong enough for countryside riding at night (but you can change internals and get x2 more light output saving the original case & reflector). 2. Fuel level indicator can be hit or miss when there is less than ~50% of the tank left (it is wise to use odometer to track when you should refill). 3. There are some noises from vibrations at around 4,5k rpm (requires some manual work & adding padding here and there to muffle them out). 4. Personally I would be super glad for a little larger gas tank (so it would allow to go +25-30% more on a single tank, as a rule of thumb I am refilling every 200-220km, maximum that got out of 1 tank was ~240km with mixed city/highway riding). Some people are also mentiong to stiff seat for longer rides (for me it is OK).
I owned this bike and absolutely loved it! However, I noticed the fuel indicator isn’t very accurate, and the rotating angle feels a bit limited. That said, I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it feels during cruising at 150-160 km/h, with no obvious vibrations. Overall, it’s a great ride with minor drawbacks
Nice bike, but I'm only 5'6''. so where it is made?
It is built in China. It is developed in Italy.