The Possible "Moral" Conundrum of Influencing as a Job (re lifestyle, products-focused content)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 41

  • @cjevans6365
    @cjevans6365 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Influencers are modern day, self-employed, advertising agents. They have just had the job title re-branded.

  • @amykatrina7542
    @amykatrina7542 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Someone who I think has a good balance consumption-wise is Gittemary (Gittemarie Johansen); she very much advocates for a more sustainable and low waste lifestyle, but she's not a minimalist and enjoys fashion, which I find absolutely refreshing as it's (to my mind) more realistic and life-affirming than the extreme sackcloth-and-ashes approach I've often seen. I definitely don't want my life to revolve around the acquiring and maintenance of stuff, but I don't want to give up enjoying clothes, beauty and fashion either.

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Yes! Thanks for the recommendation. I like her discussions about low waste living. This is also a reminder for me to be careful not to declutter too much during this time where my mentality is swinging to the "other side", lest I end up in sackcloth and ashes (or extreme minimalism) territory and regret it/realize it's not authentic to me when it's too late!

  • @selah5792
    @selah5792 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Love it - should be a genre of channels : this is a reasonable xyz or this is a normal life etc…😊

  • @jemgirlatthepiano
    @jemgirlatthepiano 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I dislike better help, because they were also targeting influencers that recently went through a breakup! I basically dislike any companies that use multiple influencers and I always tend to literally skip that portion of their video 😅

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Same with skipping those parts! And yes as soon as you see multiple influencers with essentially the same sales pitch it REALLY feels disingenuous, even if they are in similar content niches.

  • @lamureon
    @lamureon 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    you are so well spoken! super interesting to hear your thoughts, articulating many important things. I can now identify better when I want to buy things for emotional reasons, but it's still not easy to act differently

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      This is both the value and the pleasure of these videos! Articulate well reasoned arguments and the great comments that they create!

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Aw thank you - it's definitely a slow process of change but I think the "acting differently" does get easier with more time and more "inner reflection" of values - at least that is how it's going for me, getting easier the more I do!

    • @lamureon
      @lamureon 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Alexas.nobuyyear definitely. and thinking deeply helps to get clear about these values.. will reflect on my recent spending more 😆

  • @bthomson
    @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    All of this is pretty new! We don't have a long history of cause and effect. Will a whole generation be lost or saved? Will minimalism or hoarding win out or something totally different? I think your channel is so timely because we are trying to determine outcome.

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      And detriment!!!

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Haha I think in both of those questions we'll probably end up somewhere in between the extremes... but it'll be interesting to see!

  • @KatieManring
    @KatieManring 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Love these videos - because I wholeheartedly agree that influencers are honestly making a living on the predatory nature of capitalism and imo capitalism is the only real “person” at fault. The system created billionaires who then became the exploiters

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you!
      I'm finally realizing for myself that I shouldn't feel extreme guilt or pressure to "be perfect" because I can't do anything to really "change" the system... BUT at the same time, I know that I WILL feel better if I make sure I am doing my best to live in line with my own values (even if it doesn't cause any meaningful change).

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Yes! Famous phrase: Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good! We don't want to beat ourselves up for sometimes failing or backsliding. Just pick yourself back up and keep trying whatever is the goal!

  • @michellemccormick8633
    @michellemccormick8633 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Thank you for presenting these ideas! Have I been influenced to buy stuff that I didn't need? Lord yes! Everything from food subscription services to perfume "dupes." I'm sure my influencer table would look much like your own. Over the last year or so I've been more drawn to frugal living content and not necessarily minimalism. But I'm not perfect - I do still love a good fashion haul but now I'm not so quick to click the link. 😅

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I've also been into frugal living ideas too! I think the aspect of minimalism that appeals is the idea of not having more than we need, not necessarily the other things that tend to follow, or getting rid of things just for the sake of having less. I do still find fashion content entertaining too! But I think I'm learning that I will feel better (more wholesome?) after watching content genuinely focused on style without consuming - not that watching hauls is wrong, but I won't feel as inspired or fulfilled afterwards 😅

    • @michellemccormick8633
      @michellemccormick8633 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Alexas.nobuyyear That makes total sense to me. I only have a select few fashion channels that I watch but lately they’ve been pretty uninspiring! And that’s a good thing! 😊

  • @LeahTackles
    @LeahTackles 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    enjoyed this conversation. even as a child i've liked collecting, even though i don't display collections, i like lots of makeup, or having a lot of nail polish, or now a lot of clothes. it's interesting!

  • @zeynepsays
    @zeynepsays 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    its an another struggle to be in balance in life... when you want to embrace an authentic life style but at the same time being authentic and not choosing to hustle means less money but you can not accept the condition where you lose yourself (maybe mental health) in order to gain more money... help lol
    nice content Alexa

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@zeynepsays right and I really hope it's clear that I don't REALLY think it is 100% "unethical" despite my thumbnail picture 😅 but it's just a big gray area that becomes very tricky to get through - values, money, and when to compromise. I realize now I have examples from my own music "career" where I've made compromises for money too! So even more to think about...
      *Edit - spelling

  • @mnop1774
    @mnop1774 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thank you for this. I have recently discovered your channel and I love listening to your ideas and seeing how you've made a conscious effort to change. It resonates. Please keep sharing.

  • @Garglicious
    @Garglicious 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I have very recently found your channel probably like 3-4 days back but i have already put your videos on a loop. Love the real advices ❤

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes! This is an important channel.

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Aw thank you!

  • @alcnwonderlnd
    @alcnwonderlnd 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don’t want to be an influencer except that I would love to have the perk of making my own hours! The autonomy over your day is the only thing aspirational but only because I’m in the corporate world where I’m tied to my desk from nine to five, ugh. I have wondered if I would enjoy working at a makeup counter. I love beauty and have often thought my dream job would be somewhere in that space. It can be valuable to have someone who understands the products they are selling and can guide you to some good products. It is always so annoying to hear an influencer rattle off some selling points that the brand has obviously paid them to say. It’s noticeable that the influencer doesn’t really know much about the product but they’re trying to get you to buy it! I’ve fallen for it before to be sure but I like to think I am better about identifying that behavior and not getting suckered into buying something I don’t need. At least I’m trying to get there 😂

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah when someone had a true passion for something it does show! And I think it can override the motivations of money/PR/sponsorships etc...and totally agree that the worst part of a lot of jobs is the arbitrary hours and being tied to one location especially if your job COULD be done from elsewhere. My job does have to be at the symphony hall since it involves over 50 other people to rehearse most of the time though but at least it IS my "dream job" 😆

  • @cindybednar6997
    @cindybednar6997 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There are some people on line that have started very young or as young teenagers. It’s not a normal life as in going to work in the public sector, having or meeting people and making friends from all walks of life. When they choose to leave or the income is not there what kind of job will you get. More than likely something to do with the same industry that you did since that is mostly all you know. This can happen with professional athletes that worked so hard and dedicated all their time too. Some of them suffer from depression after, go into the same type of field or if you were fortunate you took an interest along the way to have a back up plan.

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yeah I think diversified interests is important, probably in almost every field actually since technology has already made some "normal jobs" obsolete as well!

  • @psygeek961
    @psygeek961 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I dunno, I personally don't really get that 'urge' from seeing things that other people have. If any, I enjoy watching certain types of 'stuff' media because its inspirational rather than aspirational to me (I watch more styling content though, like Daily Helen). Maybe its because I have a good sense of who I am and my style, am happy with it, and because of that have a solid wardrobe - so I don't feel the need to have what others have (it's good enough - but that may also just be more like the general attitude I was raised with in Northern Europe). That being said, I do like to see how other people maybe combine pieces to get more out of it, or to see if there are any things that could increase the versatility or address any gaps I feel I have in the most efficient way.
    I think 'influencers' to some extent have replaced printmedia that focused on stuff (e.g., teen vogue) that was maybe sometimes very blatantly advertisements, but not always. That being said, even in most forms of content subtle product placement and the like is common and something to be wary off - but thats more a discussion on media literacy in general. I also don't think we should expect 'content' - any content - to be for free. Even now I'm literally paying with my 'data' to use this platform. Very few (if any?) content creators have been successful in creating a patreon community or other means as people just dont want to pay - so its just as much on us consumers that we expect content to be free to us, especially the time some people take to create their content (and from the influencers I know, that can live of it, they do spend a lot of time on it). It may not mean we agree with the content/topic itself (I dont see the purpose of shein hauls for the sake of them being hauls). Nor do I think 'influencers' are the only group of people who may have 'more' to offer to society - something like 40-50% of people in society think their job is inherenlty meaningless (aka bullshit jobs).
    Okay this was a way too long message, but I do wanna say I really enjoy your content :)

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      For some people personal control is a problem. For some it is not! Just like with alcohol ( although possibly not quite as dire?)buying things can be a problem. There will ALWAYS be temptation! Channels like this will provide some protection and rationale.

    • @psygeek961
      @psygeek961 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@bthomson My comment is more about feeling the want in the first place. Not control. self control is about impulse control, not why you feel the impulse in the first place. the impulse itself has psychological mechanism and has more to do with symbolic representation/meaning we attach to 'things'. Thinking about the meaning and purpose of items is for some helpful too.
      Plus the science on this often points more too emotion regulation than self control (although both are forms of self-regulation), as shopping, is often a form of coping and a poor emotion regulation strategy rather than indicative of a lack of self control. Most people have good (enough) self control - Alexa has a career in music, something that requires a lot of consistent practice and would demand A LOT of self control, but the situation she describes when her 'self control' fails seem more to have to do with emotions.
      Edit: Also my comment was not an attack, more a conversation starter or other opinion

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Thank you so much for this comment! I LOVE how you said "inspirational rather than aspirational". I think this is the way I started consuming this content - for inspiration. (And I also like Daily Helen's videos that analyze her own style development, they're so interesting).
      You're also right that there's always someone who pays for the content we receive in one way or another. I kind of understand this through the history of musicians who often had a patron or several wealthy supporters. And I also understand that as a musician myself I'm not doing an "essential" job either.
      Part of it might be that it feels like the algorithms of content choose to present often the media that "sells" stuff, partly because successful creators are the ones who have the sponsored ads, and partly because maybe the algorithm is a little more consumer-goods-focused ("things" we are interested in? instead of "ideas"?).
      Finally I always appreciate a long comment because there is a lot to think about/chat about and it opens up my own perspective and understanding. So again, thank you!

  • @isabellerininger6249
    @isabellerininger6249 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Great video!

  • @deersakamoto2167
    @deersakamoto2167 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If you consume minimalist contents, have you seen Simple Happy Zen (Vera) from Netherlands? I'd consider her a "reasonable consumption channel" as she's very picky about her sponsorship (I'm personally less bothered by Skillshare than Betterhelp) and it seems to be largely funded by fans via Patreon, so her contents are largely not about saying nice things about products or sponsors.

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes I have seen her videos! She does seem to do a good job of NOT selling products, which is great.

  • @user-oy1ub9rw8x
    @user-oy1ub9rw8x 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    need I say Nordstrom sale. I think in order to get a brand to work with you as an influencer you have to have some many subscribers to your page.

    • @Alexas.nobuyyear
      @Alexas.nobuyyear  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about the influx of recommendation videos around the time of that sale, that's a big one!