House church planting and evangelism with DC for Jesus

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ก.ย. 2024
  • John White and I usually have one or two conversations each month to talk about what LK10 news we should be highlighting in upcoming newsletters. For several months now, he has been telling me, "Rosten, you HAVE to talk to Jorge Pina."
    It turns out, he was right. It only took me five months to figure that out!
    A couple of thoughts from my conversation with Jorge:
    First, Christians seem to be talking a lot about evangelism and discipleship lately, but how often do we see Christians make the connection that evangelism and discipleship don't mean much if new Christians don't have a healthy vibrant family of Jesus to connect with?
    I have seen several churches here in Abilene try new discipleship or healing ministries, complete with robust community life. They put new believers (or longer-term believers who are looking for some help) in small bands of Christians that grow increasingly tight-knit over the course of weeks of deep sharing and intimate conversations. Everyone is excited by the end of it, wondering "what's next?" And the answer?
    "Go sit in the pews."
    "Find a ministry to join.'
    All of that excitement and momentum dies away as the people start to realize that these things are all that their church has to offer. That these things are all that their church knows how to offer.
    Jesus offers far more. Please. Let's never forget that. Jesus offers more.
    Second, preaching. Is there a place for it in the church? More and more I am coming to believe that mature believers need dialogue, conversation, and listening to Jesus FAR more than to hear a sermon every Sunday.
    At the same time, we have great evidence that even the earliest Christians seemed to believe that preaching was an important practice. That evidence, however, points to the idea that the early Christian practice of preaching was much more connected to evangelism than much of our modern model. Preaching wasn't considered part of the spiritual diet of mature believers, but rather a way of introducing non-believers to the life and teachings of Jesus.
    So when I hear Jorge talking about his public preaching at George Mason University, it reminds me of the early church. Is this a practice that I would do in Abilene? Probably not. But Abilene is a far different context, and Jorge and I have different gifts. But Jorge's public preaching challenges me to think through what public faith does look like for me in my context. Maybe it looks like boisterous, joy-filled conversations about scripture in a local bar. Maybe it looks like pursuing conversations with people I might otherwise avoid. Whatever it looks like, I imagine Jesus has a lot to say about this topic in all of our lives, if we will listen.
    For more information on what Jorge is up to, check out his organization, DC For Jesus, and be sure to swing by the Facebook group for more conversations!
    Rosten Callarman
    LK10 Communications Coordinator

ความคิดเห็น • 2

  • @larrysilver6745
    @larrysilver6745 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    How refreshing to start my morning with such an inspiration as Jorge Pina, "George Pineapple" Thanks brother for being who ther Lord made you to be and being true to that. It makes me able to be more who I am...a Jesus Freak, LOL. Blessings and well said...

  • @carlosbernalism
    @carlosbernalism 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm E X C I T E D!