Imo, People forget that Jose destroyed Casey's father "just to save his killer client!" Was he ever sanctioned as was requested during the Casey trial! I watched that trial so I have absolutely no respect for Jose. I feel so bad for Casey's dad and that no justice was given for the murder of Casey's child. Imo, nobody should listen to this lying attorney who will say anything to win a case.
Even though I believe Casey is guilty, the reason she got off is because this man is a fantastic defense lawyer. The prosecution did such a horrible job , which also allowed Casey to walk. Jose Bias only had to create reasonable doubt, and he did so brilliantly and the prosecution thought they had an open and shit case. Remembering, those jurors were not exposed to the mass media coverage we were as onlookers . I watched that entire trial as well. I cried when they came back with not guilty, but I wasn't surprised . When the jury was handed the case I knew the prosecution had failed little Caylee
If it was the defense attorney who got someone off any charges, there would be a mistrial. But the fact that you have 12 jurors who voted NOT GUILTY for the most serious crimes means THE STATE did not do it's job In prosecuting the case! The same thing with the OJ trial! It's VERY HARD to get 12 to agree on Not Guilty, and when that occurs you have to trust that those jurors didn't find the Prosecution proved their case BEYOND a reasonable doubt. Has nothing to do with the defense being less than in those cases.
Yes he didn't know how he was going to defend those 30days of Casey Not looking for her daughters. So he prolonged the case for yrs And also.didnt allow the Anthony's to visit Casey.. he banned them. BY doing so he caused a rift and then started the story that George had be S A Casey from when she was little.. then the Anthony's found out he was going to throw George under the bus So in opening statement he tells the court Caylee drowned on June 16(?) she wasn't missing He also said a story of Casey having her father's punishment in her mouth b4 going to school 😮 Everyone gasped and the prosecution shook their heads - Like Really . So George then became their 1st witness
Let the jury decide . Isn’t it odd that Shanna had all these “jokes “ about getting rid of the father of her children , and he’s gone forever . She’s a piece of trash and Jose is deflecting .
Everyone deserves a fair trial .. what has been done is wrong and I agree with Jose 💯percent.. God knows everything and God is exposing everything and everyone ..
@@wendytaylor8464can’t hide behind God . Doesn’t matter what big named attorney a person hires, there’s a higher power . Let all the evidence be heard , just words spoken on court steps isn’t proof of anything. Go back and listen to the detective’s testimony , he doesn’t say for sure who spoke with what witness . He even states he didn’t bring his notes to court . This is just one of Jose’s antics .
💯 how about Jose mentioning the Death Penalty!! Killing a person his client well how about Shannah having her X-Husband killed how about that Jose??!!!!
@@ecalose6785 I was commenting on the strength of the case at hand rather than Baez's ability as a trial lawyer. Not many juries would have had so much reasonable doubt that they wouldn't have found her guilty of at least manslaughter and/or child abuse...but you never know.
“Everybody forgets, Shanna Gardner has a child who is terminally ill. You have this child, who may not live, being completely torn away from his mother while she waits. Could be a year, could be two years, could be even longer.” I think Jose forgets she’s accused of killing that child’s father and he was the father of 3 other children. Also, her family is keeping that child away from his entire paternal side of the family. That’s not a good look either.
@@voodoovicki13 yes, her son. He has a condition that isn’t curable, it’s why they have to live below sea level. But Shanna’s family keeping that child away from his entire paternal side of the family isn’t a good look either. 😬
Terminally ill yet Shanna joked for years about taking the child’s father out . Except it wasn’t a joke .Shanna didn’t care about the well being of the child that may not live. If his terminal illness is so important to Shanna why are the maternal grandparents and the siblings of the terminal child denied visitation rights with blood relatives ? I remember hearing in court Shanna was on the run and left Florida. Odd odd. Just because of the phone call doesn’t mean that Shanna wasn’t involved in Jared’s murder . If Jose is so concerned why doesn’t he appear in court each time with his accused killer client ?
He got her off, but does she really have any freedom? Nope. She gets gawked at wherever she goes. Whispered about. This guy ruins people's lives and he's ok with it. These people that hire him are ok with it too, so they all get what they get.
How exactly did he lie? When you have 12 Not Guilty that means THE STATE didn't do its job of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Dirty tactics by the defense would at most result in a mistrial!
He's not trying to "convince" anyone. He stated facts. Fact - The officer LIED UNDER OATH multiple times. Fact - The prosecution withheld exculpatory information from the defense. Fact - You wouldn't want these things to be allowed to happen if YOU or someone YOU loved was accused of a crime and on trial!!!
Didn’t she shop around for someone to do this, prior to her husband & her carrying out this heinous act. I mean she didn’t show any compassion towards him or his family, they took a life and were just gonna carry on with their lives. Wait til her kids are old enough to research on their own.
Notice he said they are shopping for a jailhouse snitch. My thoughts on that-Shanna told someone in that jail what happened and he’s trying to get ahead of it for when that person surfaces for the prosecution.
Law enforcement does it all the time. A fair trial should be important to every American Unfortunately, it's not. At least not until it is themselves or someone they love on trial
@oleglory4255 0 seconds ago Hell no on her getting released!!!! Baez is just trying to dance because Mommy and Daddy big bucks are pissed!!!! His power only goes so far. She has withheld said child from his father’s family for how long????????
Trying to smear and attack everyone's credibility except his guilty client! Same as he did to George Anthony, who recently proved his innocence with a polygraph. SHAME ON JOSE
When you know your client is guilty and will not win unless you come up with ways to throw out the case. He’s been trying this tactic from the moment he was hired. Baez is the worst of the worst.
This is how he wins cases..Bashes the investigation, hammers home incompetence of investigators so much that it plants doubt with the jury, which causes doubt / not guilty verdicts. He's a piece of work. He's starting his bs before the trial even begins, probably because it's a more challenging case to convince jurors of Shana's innocence so he has to start his bs tactics this way ( news conference that he admitted not doing before) and very early on before trial. Plant the seeds early Jose? It worked in the Casey Anthony case, hopefully jurors will see thru his games while he tip toes around the truth. I don't know how anyone of this nature sleeps at night. Ignoring the truth, pointing fingers in the wrong direction all while seeking justice? Where are you're feelings for the victims Jose? Fair is fair right? Wrong.. It blows my mind that anyone, especially lawyers can be this way and exist amongst us. Scary, scary stuff.
@@Lisa-hc3uq interesting.. 🤔 Could it be he only takes cases with bad investigations? I watched the dr husel trial and saw the incompetence of the investigation first hand (over the internet, for what that's worth). I haven't had time nor inclination to watch a baby killer trial, so I only have the one to go off.. Just asking, you almost convinced me, definitely of the possibility, but could you see it how I described? 🤔
This a manipulative tactic. When the evidence points towards guilty, make public statements of potential mishaps from the prosecution to try to taint the jury pool. Same ol' tactics he always uses.
That is corruption idiot. Any undisclosed evidence or meetings is called "prosecutorial missconduct" but the cowards on the laws side are covered by Absolute immunity, and thats one of the reasons u hardly see them arrested for it, but you see all those cases overturned in the appelett courts, im sure u think Karen read is guilty too and all that bullshit the cops and witnesses got caught in is just harmless stuff SMFH. But then again typical blue line assholes think they know how the justice system works and just spout off stupid shit to try to protect their oppresors
Why now Jose make a public statement. Jose himself is not the best, he is in denial but defending his client. LET THE JURY DECIDE! This shows desperation! Shanna has $, and that is all there is to it. We know the truth, we have common sense and not delusional. There should be a gag order. STOP IT!
Probably on his left side, like a baby...not his problem, he has one objective as an officer of the court and a defence attorney......defend his client to a not guilty verdict no matter what ...impartial and unbiased, weather the client is guilty or not is of no importance....its not about popular opinions and right or wrong . Its what this country is based on, why wars were fought ...why people threw tea in the water ...but 80% of Americans don't know their tits from their toe about the legacy and rights imbued by the founders ...disgusting
He does his job as defense, dont have to like who he represents, but he takes his job just as serious as we all do, and fights for his clients, right or wrong, its his JOB people
I am horrified that in a death penalty case you have a lead detective who gets caught lying more than once and prosecutors that withhold favorable evidence to try and assure their win I mean for God's sake we're talking about a death penalty case where it would be taking a person's life, I am so sickened inside and have lost all faith in our justice system due to cases like this, and judges doing things that are not sanctioned by our justice system like judge Glanville! If someone is guilty then why withhold evidence? Disclose everything and let the jury decide! Thank God that cases are being televised so it's harder to get away with behavior like that! When winning a case means more than bringing about true justice where do you go from there? This shit has to stop!
What a piece of work we have spitting BS out of his pie hole! Bring it on Jose and we will let the jury decide. Get your ducks in a row because state is coming for Justice!!!
It's all about ensuring a fair trial and that should be important to everyone. His concerns are the same concerns around the Delphi, Indiana case. Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
No matter how much you hate this guy or his client.... EVERYONE is entitled to a rigorous defense, and a fair trial without BS from the State Authorities. Shane on anyone who would dismiss Prosecutorial Misconduct because they "think" someone is guilty (and she may be), but shame on you. You are part of the problem of a weaponized Justice system, and you'd be singing a different tune if it was you Charged.
Detective John’s flat out lied on the stand. I watched the entire bond hearing. Detective John’s inexperience is gonna cost him this case and his arrogance.
All these people with negative comments towards Baez obviously think prosecutors, detectives and police officers can't be so corrupt. These people have so much power that they will do anything to get promoted. Check out the Derek Roaa case. Baez is defending this 13 year old kid free of charge. Well said Mr Baez. Everyone talks about the conversation outside the U.S. but rarely does someone speaks out about the corruption in the states.
Amazing statement by BAEZ!! He knows exactly what he's talking about! Im so glad at least a few people in the LE/judicial community are finally speaking out about the corruption, blatant lies and disgusting overall conduct we have been seeing in a lot of cases! And to the lady that asked why he would do something so drastic as to inform the public of this rather than keep it in the court room.... You are part of the problem! The law is supposed to be TRANSPARENT and the public are supposed to be able to be witness to how it is being carried out in a court of law. These people are ELECTED by the PUBLIC to work for US!!!!!!!
Whether you dislike him or the client hes representing, doesnt give the d.a's office or p.d the right to not follow the law & be transparent. Now days too many prosecutors are worried about "winning the case" rather than finding justice. Our justice system is corrupt @ every level. Just look @ the Karen Reed case & the ysl trial going on now. We the people have to hold elected officials and such accountable. Theyre not above the law🙏🏻🇺🇲
Thank you! Someone with a brain who can understand these issues are not just about the case at hand. They are about upholding the law and the constitutional rights of the people.
In MA, the Karen Read Trial, a journalist was JAILED FOR 60 DAYS for asking those tough questions!!!! We in MA and around the world are OUTRAGED over this. Same thing as this case!! Police corruption!! No witness interview recordings, NO signed statements, etc. WTF is going on in this country!!!!??
Don't really care for Baez but he's a masterful attorney. He got William Husel, an OH doctor, acquitted on 14 murder charges...a nearly impossible feat. He's one of the most effective defense attorney's I've ever seen. He does his homework, fights for his clients, and teams with other good attorneys. Shanna Gardner has a good chance of beating these charges. Prosecutors and detectives better have their A++ game ready. Sadly, Caylee Anthony did not receive justice but that's not the fault of Baez. He did his job extremely well.
Yes like Alan dershowitz said the legal system is supposed to not to bring "justice" but rather holding the state/cops to prove their case against the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Is Casey Anthony guilty? May be or may be not but the law worked as it supposed to as reasonable doubt existed in that case and jury coudnt eliminate the star witness George Anthony involvement in the case. So system worked as it supposed to. Justice doesnt mean convicting the accused without evidence. I don't know about this case but it's up to to judge and or jury to decide. If the judge finds Brady violations the she has the right to dismiss it.
No surprise he accuses someone he should talk he should hold his self to a higher standard instead of being the phoney he is is this gonna be another frame trial
the bright ones in the peanut gallery know to wait for more info to come out before believing this guy about a violation of the Brady rule. He's been known to play fast and loose with the truth doncha know.
Shanna is selfish and this is how she now in control of her kids. She didnt like how it was going so she to find a way to get rid of him. And she did. Face the consequences shanna .
The thing now days with the trials being televised we know if the lawyer is good or if he just makes up things. In the Casey Anthony we know he did, but now with this we will find out.hopefully it will be televised.
Imo this defence lawyer shud save it for the jury after all the issues with people in mormon religion on trial for murder of spouses or children he shouldnt be looking for public sympathy
The hey paid their tenant to shoot him !! How much more evidence do you need ! How bout the pictures of her and her husband laughing and having a good time at his memorial!! How about the vacation they took one week later and had a good time and wouldn’t let the kids go to his funeral cmon Jose she did this !!
If this was all just a joke....oh man. The justice system has people skills right? If it was a joke, just let her deal with that bit of guilt on her own, no prison time.
Jose I am glad you are exposing corruption.. it’s time for this to be done .. I pray she gets bond immediately and is able to take care of her son .. I pray God’s will be done in this case completely and the whole truth comes out and the corrupt law officers and people involved including detective John’s are fired immediately in JESUS name amen 🙏
Imo, People forget that Jose destroyed Casey's father "just to save his killer client!" Was he ever sanctioned as was requested during the Casey trial! I watched that trial so I have absolutely no respect for Jose. I feel so bad for Casey's dad and that no justice was given for the murder of Casey's child. Imo, nobody should listen to this lying attorney who will say anything to win a case.
Well Said ❤️🩹
Casey Father new he was using him to get her off. Her father didnt not care what it took to get his daughter off I beleive..
Even though I believe Casey is guilty, the reason she got off is because this man is a fantastic defense lawyer. The prosecution did such a horrible job , which also allowed Casey to walk. Jose Bias only had to create reasonable doubt, and he did so brilliantly and the prosecution thought they had an open and shit case. Remembering, those jurors were not exposed to the mass media coverage we were as onlookers . I watched that entire trial as well. I cried when they came back with not guilty, but I wasn't surprised . When the jury was handed the case I knew the prosecution had failed little Caylee
If it was the defense attorney who got someone off any charges, there would be a mistrial. But the fact that you have 12 jurors who voted NOT GUILTY for the most serious crimes means THE STATE did not do it's job In prosecuting the case! The same thing with the OJ trial! It's VERY HARD to get 12 to agree on Not Guilty, and when that occurs you have to trust that those jurors didn't find the Prosecution proved their case BEYOND a reasonable doubt. Has nothing to do with the defense being less than in those cases.
Yes he didn't know how he was going to defend those 30days of Casey Not looking for her daughters. So he prolonged the case for yrs And also.didnt allow the Anthony's to visit Casey.. he banned them. BY doing so he caused a rift and then started the story that George had be S A Casey from when she was little.. then the Anthony's found out he was going to throw George under the bus
So in opening statement he tells the court Caylee drowned on June 16(?) she wasn't missing
He also said a story of Casey having her father's punishment in her mouth b4 going to school 😮 Everyone gasped and the prosecution shook their heads - Like Really . So George then became their 1st witness
Let the jury decide . Isn’t it odd that Shanna had all these “jokes “ about getting rid of the father of her children , and he’s gone forever . She’s a piece of trash and Jose is deflecting .
Everyone deserves a fair trial .. what has been done is wrong and I agree with Jose 💯percent.. God knows everything and God is exposing everything and everyone ..
@@wendytaylor8464can’t hide behind God . Doesn’t matter what big named attorney a person hires, there’s a higher power . Let all the evidence be heard , just words spoken on court steps isn’t proof of anything. Go back and listen to the detective’s testimony , he doesn’t say for sure who spoke with what witness . He even states he didn’t bring his notes to court . This is just one of Jose’s antics .
@@Rnnurse2023 I have a nickname for you Miss Gullible.
Jose is a pile of feces, just like his filthy clients
@@Rnnurse2023 key word evidence, not lies, hidden meetings.
Let the PR stunts begin.Already trying to cast doubt in the public eye. Pathetic tactic.
I cant stand this piece of 💩 or his client.
Can't stand Baez 😡
Little Caylee didn't get any justice because of that man 💔
That’s on the jury not the attorney
@@TannilleBrownI agree
That’s on the prosecution
I don’t know how he can sleep defending the indefensible
💯 how about Jose mentioning the Death Penalty!! Killing a person his client well how about Shannah having her X-Husband killed how about that Jose??!!!!
Only one Casey Anthony, Mr. Baez. No chance of another jury that gullible.
Do your research before making a comment he has won plenty more murder cases after her
Hes actually a good lawyer, seeing him on other cases.
@@DT-kk1sm Learn to punctuate and capitalize if you want to be taken seriously.
@@Jeanne90275 What? U make no sense. Please go find a brain cause I am sensing u got some screws loose
@@ecalose6785 I was commenting on the strength of the case at hand rather than
Baez's ability as a trial lawyer. Not many juries would have had so much reasonable doubt that they wouldn't have found her guilty of at least manslaughter and/or child abuse...but you never know.
“Everybody forgets, Shanna Gardner has a child who is terminally ill. You have this child, who may not live, being completely torn away from his mother while she waits. Could be a year, could be two years, could be even longer.” I think Jose forgets she’s accused of killing that child’s father and he was the father of 3 other children.
Also, her family is keeping that child away from his entire paternal side of the family. That’s not a good look either.
This is the 1st I've heard about a terminally ill child. It is one of the twins?
@@voodoovicki13 yes, her son. He has a condition that isn’t curable, it’s why they have to live below sea level. But Shanna’s family keeping that child away from his entire paternal side of the family isn’t a good look either. 😬
Shame on them for keeping the kids from the paternal grandparents.
He’s not terminally ill that’s bs
Oh Jose is this child hospitalized or in hospice care . Shame on this man for disrespecting all the terminally ill children in this world.
Give up Jose. We have your number. Shana made her choices.
Must be married to pig ... A lying pig
Terminally ill yet Shanna joked for years about taking the child’s father out . Except it wasn’t a joke .Shanna didn’t care about the well being of the child that may not live. If his terminal illness is so important to Shanna why are the maternal grandparents and the siblings of the terminal child denied visitation rights with blood relatives ? I remember hearing in court Shanna was on the run and left Florida. Odd odd. Just because of the phone call doesn’t mean that Shanna wasn’t involved in Jared’s murder . If Jose is so concerned why doesn’t he appear in court each time with his accused killer client ?
Actually it was Jared who up and abandoned his twins and moved to Utah. You should read the divorce paperwork.
Isn’t he the scumbag that got Casey Anthony off? If so I don’t trust a word he says end of story.
Justice for Jared Bridegan
Justice for Jarred !!!!!!!!
Sounds like mommy and daddy got after jose and told him he needed to start singing for his supper.
Exactly! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… shanna is vile just like her parents.
Absolutely my thoughts too!!
honestly, i listened to this for over 4 minutes and it was so rambling I gave up. not impressed
Same rambling he has displayed during each of his court appearances in this case .
Grandstanding as usual for him.
lol….word salad!
Too bad the actual killer took the plea deal and will tell it all. Your client didn’t care that a child was in the car and could be dead now, too.
Shanna should not have murdered her x husband, now she can’t be with her son, shame on her, karma is a bitch
Isn't that the truth!
As professional as he's supposed to be, he should've checked his lips before he went on camera. LOL
blah blah blah save it for the jury
They all need to go to jail
He is such a jerk. He lied to get Casey Anthony off. I don’t know how he sleeps at night!!!!!
You're a jerk. Go listen to George's mistress!
He got her off, but does she really have any freedom? Nope. She gets gawked at wherever she goes. Whispered about. This guy ruins people's lives and he's ok with it. These people that hire him are ok with it too, so they all get what they get.
How exactly did he lie? When you have 12 Not Guilty that means THE STATE didn't do its job of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Dirty tactics by the defense would at most result in a mistrial!
@@JD-WLKY they concocted a story about her dad being abusive. You don’t lie and concoct a story just to win a case.
@@loribaker8339 good points
Baez this will not go well for you
We thought that about Casey Anthony and The murdering football player.
I can't understand who he is trying to convince, the public or himself
He's not trying to "convince" anyone. He stated facts. Fact - The officer LIED UNDER OATH multiple times. Fact - The prosecution withheld exculpatory information from the defense. Fact - You wouldn't want these things to be allowed to happen if YOU or someone YOU loved was accused of a crime and on trial!!!
He sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher. wah wah wah wah
You got lucky in Orlando
Not gonna happen again
Why did he lie in Casey Anthony’s case…disgusting!
Didn’t she shop around for someone to do this, prior to her husband & her carrying out this heinous act. I mean she didn’t show any compassion towards him or his family, they took a life and were just gonna carry on with their lives. Wait til her kids are old enough to research on their own.
Notice he said they are shopping for a jailhouse snitch. My thoughts on that-Shanna told someone in that jail what happened and he’s trying to get ahead of it for when that person surfaces for the prosecution.
💯 That’s why he said you can mark this moment 😅😂
The sining jail bird snitch will be her little man who’s in jail because of HER!!!!
he is tainting the jury pool
Law enforcement does it all the time.
A fair trial should be important to every American
Unfortunately, it's not. At least not until it is themselves or someone
they love on trial
Great tactic
I have no opinion on this case, only following ro watch Biaz, he never disappoints in court.. Get your popcorn ready
Same. Searching law and crime, melting butter and loading popping machine... 😊😂
Gag order should have been issued in this case!
No it shouldn’t have. For what reason? Sorry but I’m sick of cops lying, aren’t you?
@@truthtransparencyI'm wondering how much those witnesses got out of the "trust fund" to say the police are lying.
@@TheNumber1Aunt hahahahaa
0 seconds ago
Hell no on her getting released!!!! Baez is just trying to dance because Mommy and Daddy big bucks are pissed!!!! His power only goes so far. She has withheld said child from his father’s family for how long????????
Here we GO AGAIN!!!!!! Justice for Jared!!!!!
A corrupt cop in Florida ??? Say it ain't so !
Jerk, you believe this vermin?
Trying to smear and attack everyone's credibility except his guilty client! Same as he did to George Anthony, who recently proved his innocence with a polygraph. SHAME ON JOSE
Lol....ROTFFL ....polygraph lol .....smoke and mirrors and non sense takes about 72 hours to learn the tactics to Beat them lol
When the defense does not have a defense attack the state old school
If the state did their job properly and have a case with evidence to back it up then there should be no worries about an attack!
When you know your client is guilty and will not win unless you come up with ways to throw out the case.
He’s been trying this tactic from the moment he was hired. Baez is the worst of the worst.
Unless you are the unfortunate (not this case specifically, idk) defendant, then, he's the best of the best...
This is how he wins cases..Bashes the investigation, hammers home incompetence of investigators so much that it plants doubt with the jury, which causes doubt / not guilty verdicts.
He's a piece of work.
He's starting his bs before the trial even begins, probably because it's a more challenging case to convince jurors of Shana's innocence so he has to start his bs tactics this way ( news conference that he admitted not doing before) and very early on before trial. Plant the seeds early Jose?
It worked in the Casey Anthony case, hopefully jurors will see thru his games while he tip toes around the truth.
I don't know how anyone of this nature sleeps at night. Ignoring the truth, pointing fingers in the wrong direction all while seeking justice? Where are you're feelings for the victims Jose? Fair is fair right?
It blows my mind that anyone, especially lawyers
can be this way and exist amongst us.
Scary, scary stuff.
@@Lisa-hc3uq interesting.. 🤔
Could it be he only takes cases with bad investigations?
I watched the dr husel trial and saw the incompetence of the investigation first hand (over the internet, for what that's worth).
I haven't had time nor inclination to watch a baby killer trial, so I only have the one to go off..
Just asking, you almost convinced me, definitely of the possibility, but could you see it how I described? 🤔
His job is to make sure his clients get a fair trial, not to get killers off. He is a sleaze.
This a manipulative tactic. When the evidence points towards guilty, make public statements of potential mishaps from the prosecution to try to taint the jury pool. Same ol' tactics he always uses.
He’s trying to be his own turtleboy! Save it for actual corruption Baez, you are pathetic!
Nothing wrong with Turtle boy. He is fighting for justice. Karen is innocent John was killed in the house.
That is corruption idiot. Any undisclosed evidence or meetings is called "prosecutorial missconduct" but the cowards on the laws side are covered by Absolute immunity, and thats one of the reasons u hardly see them arrested for it, but you see all those cases overturned in the appelett courts, im sure u think Karen read is guilty too and all that bullshit the cops and witnesses got caught in is just harmless stuff SMFH. But then again typical blue line assholes think they know how the justice system works and just spout off stupid shit to try to protect their oppresors
Why now Jose make a public statement. Jose himself is not the best, he is in denial but defending his client. LET THE JURY DECIDE! This shows desperation! Shanna has $, and that is all there is to it. We know the truth, we have common sense and not delusional. There should be a gag order. STOP IT!
Baez is the epitome of sleazy
He is trying to taint the jury pool. What a desperate loser!
I don’t know how you sleep at night, Jose….
Probably on his left side, like a baby...not his problem, he has one objective as an officer of the court and a defence attorney......defend his client to a not guilty verdict no matter what ...impartial and unbiased, weather the client is guilty or not is of no importance....its not about popular opinions and right or wrong . Its what this country is based on, why wars were fought ...why people threw tea in the water ...but 80% of Americans don't know their tits from their toe about the legacy and rights imbued by the founders ...disgusting
When you have no clues, make a circus show. Rule 21 of the unwritten Defense lawyer's code.
Shame on the press for covering this con artist…. What money will do…
Justice for Jarred’s family
Detective Johns is a complete fool
Im not surprised. These law enforcement , state agents lie in Florida. If you haven't experienced it first hand , sit down.
Baez is a poor excuse for a man. A paid character assassin.
Shanna is responsible for his death! Jose, you sound desperate and ridiculous!
He does his job as defense, dont have to like who he represents, but he takes his job just as serious as we all do, and fights for his clients, right or wrong, its his JOB people
He’s putting on a clown show
People I think forget that... Being defense attorney he needs to still do his job and try and get a not guilty verdict for his client.
He’s always seeking the limelight.
Baez is disgusting!
Another defense attorney playing the public.
I am horrified that in a death penalty case you have a lead detective who gets caught lying more than once and prosecutors that withhold favorable evidence to try and assure their win I mean for God's sake we're talking about a death penalty case where it would be taking a person's life, I am so sickened inside and have lost all faith in our justice system due to cases like this, and judges doing things that are not sanctioned by our justice system like judge Glanville! If someone is guilty then why withhold evidence? Disclose everything and let the jury decide! Thank God that cases are being televised so it's harder to get away with behavior like that! When winning a case means more than bringing about true justice where do you go from there? This shit has to stop!
What a piece of work we have spitting BS out of his pie hole! Bring it on Jose and we will let the jury decide. Get your ducks in a row because state is coming for Justice!!!
Shanna shouldn't have had her ex-husband murdered (allegedly).
These things with the police seem to be happening a lot all over.
Another crooked DA’s office shameful
Oh please go sleep with your client per usual 🙄
Is she paying you with money or in other ways like Casey did?
Sounds familiar. Idaho 4
It's all about ensuring a fair trial and that should be important to everyone. His concerns are the same concerns around the Delphi, Indiana case. Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done.
A fair trial ?. He's here, because she has money. Did JB takes pro-bono défense's clients ?. Never.
No matter how much you hate this guy or his client.... EVERYONE is entitled to a rigorous defense, and a fair trial without BS from the State Authorities. Shane on anyone who would dismiss Prosecutorial Misconduct because they "think" someone is guilty (and she may be), but shame on you. You are part of the problem of a weaponized Justice system, and you'd be singing a different tune if it was you Charged.
Perfectly said! @markhenry15
“Weaponized Justice system” what utter bullshit
He’s still not eloquent.
Jokes 😂😂😂 it was a joke!? Lord have mercy.
Detective John’s flat out lied on the stand. I watched the entire bond hearing. Detective John’s inexperience is gonna cost him this case and his arrogance.
All these people with negative comments towards Baez obviously think prosecutors, detectives and police officers can't be so corrupt. These people have so much power that they will do anything to get promoted. Check out the Derek Roaa case. Baez is defending this 13 year old kid free of charge. Well said Mr Baez. Everyone talks about the conversation outside the U.S. but rarely does someone speaks out about the corruption in the states.
"There's no getting out of this one" Yeah, Shanna and Mario are not getting out of this one.
Amazing statement by BAEZ!! He knows exactly what he's talking about! Im so glad at least a few people in the LE/judicial community are finally speaking out about the corruption, blatant lies and disgusting overall conduct we have been seeing in a lot of cases! And to the lady that asked why he would do something so drastic as to inform the public of this rather than keep it in the court room.... You are part of the problem! The law is supposed to be TRANSPARENT and the public are supposed to be able to be witness to how it is being carried out in a court of law. These people are ELECTED by the PUBLIC to work for US!!!!!!!
Whether you dislike him or the client hes representing, doesnt give the d.a's office or p.d the right to not follow the law & be transparent. Now days too many prosecutors are worried about "winning the case" rather than finding justice. Our justice system is corrupt @ every level. Just look @ the Karen Reed case & the ysl trial going on now. We the people have to hold elected officials and such accountable. Theyre not above the law🙏🏻🇺🇲
Thank you! Someone with a brain who can understand these issues are not just about the case at hand. They are about upholding the law and the constitutional rights of the people.
In MA, the Karen Read Trial, a journalist was JAILED FOR 60 DAYS for asking those tough questions!!!! We in MA and around the world are OUTRAGED over this. Same thing as this case!! Police corruption!! No witness interview recordings, NO signed statements, etc. WTF is going on in this country!!!!??
He is going to lose this case big time!! He needs to rot in hell for not giving Caylee justice.
What a nightmare country!!!
Yes It’s turning that way quickly! This man is a monster!!
He's full of so much sht 😅 there's no way shanna is walking like casey anthony did 😅😅 lies lies and many more lies to protect killers?
Right Jose. You’re getting paid a lot to showboat.
Hope she has a fair judge. Not like Karen Reeds judge. Very Bias
First bad thing he ever did was took Casey Anthony's dad's name in vain! How dare He!!!
Don't really care for Baez but he's a masterful attorney. He got William Husel, an OH doctor, acquitted on 14 murder charges...a nearly impossible feat. He's one of the most effective defense attorney's I've ever seen. He does his homework, fights for his clients, and teams with other good attorneys. Shanna Gardner has a good chance of beating these charges. Prosecutors and detectives better have their A++ game ready. Sadly, Caylee Anthony did not receive justice but that's not the fault of Baez. He did his job extremely well.
Yes like Alan dershowitz said the legal system is supposed to not to bring "justice" but rather holding the state/cops to prove their case against the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Is Casey Anthony guilty? May be or may be not but the law worked as it supposed to as reasonable doubt existed in that case and jury coudnt eliminate the star witness George Anthony involvement in the case. So system worked as it supposed to. Justice doesnt mean convicting the accused without evidence. I don't know about this case but it's up to to judge and or jury to decide. If the judge finds Brady violations the she has the right to dismiss it.
No surprise he accuses someone he should talk he should hold his self to a higher standard instead of being the phoney he is is this gonna be another frame trial
The peanut gallery in the comments probably don't even understand what Brady violations mean...
the bright ones in the peanut gallery know to wait for more info to come out before believing this guy about a violation of the Brady rule. He's been known to play fast and loose with the truth doncha know.
Shanna is selfish and this is how she now in control of her kids. She didnt like how it was going so she to find a way to get rid of him. And she did. Face the consequences shanna .
The thing now days with the trials being televised we know if the lawyer is good or if he just makes up things. In the Casey Anthony we know he did, but now with this we will find out.hopefully it will be televised.
Imo this defence lawyer shud save it for the jury after all the issues with people in mormon religion on trial for murder of spouses or children he shouldnt be looking for public sympathy
The hey paid their tenant to shoot him !! How much more evidence do you need ! How bout the pictures of her and her husband laughing and having a good time at his memorial!! How about the vacation they took one week later and had a good time and wouldn’t let the kids go to his funeral cmon Jose she did this !!
A running joke about a hit man? Really? We all joke about hiring a hit man…NOT!!!
Can't stand this THING. 😠
If this was all just a joke....oh man. The justice system has people skills right? If it was a joke, just let her deal with that bit of guilt on her own, no prison time.
America doesn't do prison time for text messages.
@@jasonharrell2572well, they shouldn't anyway... 😢
He’s 👎🏻
Baez thinks we have short memories and no brains. he’s wrong we are very much awake !
Jose I am glad you are exposing corruption.. it’s time for this to be done .. I pray she gets bond immediately and is able to take care of her son .. I pray God’s will be done in this case completely and the whole truth comes out and the corrupt law officers and people involved including detective John’s are fired immediately in JESUS name amen 🙏
Ong you’ve got to kidding!!!NO RELEASE FOR HER!!! She right where she belongs!!!
So you are an extremely disgusting person with zero morals. Gross. Looking you up now! Ewe!!
That's like taking the lord's name in vain!!!
GUILTY as Charged Fire Jose!!! She should’ve thought 1st!!! Nelson Holds! Bond C’mon man 😂
Pure tactics !
Baez doesn't know he is hated by most
I still don’t understand what he’s saying!
He tries to try his cases in the media . Sleezy this one.
Hocus pocus
RIP caylee anthony your murderer mother was set free
He had me up until he said Shanna is innocent. The state better bring their A-game against Jose Baez.
That's his JOB as her defense attorney!
When does this trial start
You murdered someone, call Jose Baez.
Well seeing him again…. Anyone know what Miss Anthony is up to these days ? Not having children I pray
She’s guilty so stop it!!!