God Shaped Hole - Music made with Artificial Intelligence

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 มิ.ย. 2024
  • Verse 1
    Religion persists, despite reason's might,
    A comfort, a purpose, in the darkest night,
    But as faith declines, the pillars fall,
    Civilization’s cathedral crumbles, after all.
    Verse 2
    Is it any wonder, then, we hold on tight,
    To the worldviews that comfort in the night?
    Without shared morals, we drift apart,
    Each a lonely island, with a heavy heart.
    Caught between irrationality and dread,
    We navigate the storms in our head,
    Hoping for a harbor, a place to understand,
    As the storm of our own minds commands.
    Oh, we cling to the stars in a cloudy sky,
    While reason's compass points us high,
    Cognitive biases, like gremlins in the dark,
    Guide us down the paths we blindly embark.
    So we press on, through the tempest and the rain,
    Creatures of contradiction, joy and pain,
    Hoping one day, we might see clear,
    In the harbor of understanding, free from fear.
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ความคิดเห็น • 6

  • @tomzack7372
    @tomzack7372 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @l3.K
    @l3.K 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    If this is AI then WOW, pretty good song, sounds like it was played by a real band.

  • @DanielderDude
    @DanielderDude 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Roughly how big was the human part in making this song?

    • @Oliver_Clothesoff
      @Oliver_Clothesoff  5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Depends on your perspective, if I didn't do certain tasks there would be no song, but in reality this song was made from a discussion I was having with a friend in Telegram chat. I took the chat log and copied and pasted it into ChatGPT and said "Make a song based on this conversation", I didn't like the way a couple of lines turned out, so I modified those. The topic was me observing that the pillars of society are starting to crumble, and it seems to coincide with the decline of religion and rise of secularism, and ultimately the rise of the "progressive church".
      ChatGPT made the lyrics from this:
      Consider, if you will, the maddening, labyrinthine, and often downright perplexing nature of human irrationality. It's a phenomenon that's been poked, prodded, and dissected by countless scholars, each one more eager than the last to unravel the tangled skeins of our cognitive processes. And yet, despite all this academic fervor, the fact remains that we, as a species, are about as far from the cold, hard precision of a computer as one can possibly imagine.
      We are, instead, a roiling mass of emotions, biases, and heuristics, all jumbled together in a dizzying kaleidoscope of mental activity. It's like trying to navigate a vast, turbulent ocean, where the currents of our feelings and the gale-force winds of our preconceptions constantly threaten to sweep us off course. We cling to our gut instincts like a sailor clinging to the stars in a cloudy sky, even as the compass of logic and reason points us in a wholly different direction.
      And then there's the matter of our cognitive biases, those sneaky little gremlins that lurk in the shadowy recesses of our minds, forever sabotaging our best efforts at rational thought. Take confirmation bias, for example. It's the mental equivalent of a faulty GPS system, one that stubbornly insists on guiding us down the same well-worn paths, no matter how many times we tell it to recalculate. We seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs, while blithely ignoring anything that might challenge them. It's a bit like driving with blinders on, except instead of blocking out the scenery, we're blocking out anything that might force us to question our assumptions.
      But cognitive biases are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to the vast, uncharted waters of human irrationality. Consider, for instance, the enduring power of religion, that great lighthouse of the human psyche. Despite the best efforts of science and reason to illumine the darkness of superstition, religion remains a potent force in the lives of billions of people around the globe.
      Is it any wonder, then, that religion persists, even in the face of mounting evidence that it might be a hindrance to our collective progress? After all, what could be more quintessentially human than clinging to a worldview that offers comfort, community, and a sense of purpose, even if that worldview is fundamentally at odds with the cold, hard facts of reality?
      And yet, as religious participation continues to decline in many parts of the world, there are those who argue that the foundations of society itself are beginning to crumble. It's as if the grand cathedral of human civilization were slowly losing its support columns, each one crumbling away until the entire edifice is in danger of collapse. Without the unifying force of shared moral frameworks and the comforting rituals of communal worship, we are left adrift in a sea of relativism and existential angst, each one of us a tiny, isolated island in an ocean of uncertainty.
      But perhaps this is simply the nature of the human condition, forever caught between the Scylla of irrationality and the Charybdis of existential dread. We are, after all, creatures of contradiction, capable of both breathtaking feats of ingenuity and mind-boggling acts of self-sabotage. And so we press on, navigating the choppy waters of our own minds as best we can, hoping against hope that we might one day find our way to a safe harbor of understanding, even as the storm of our own irrationality rages on.

  • @abigailgall
    @abigailgall 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Wow, great song! Good message too

  • @drew1928
    @drew1928 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    There is no intelligence here it's only artificial. 😵‍💫