How I would help fix Ahri - challenger ahri main

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ก.ค. 2024
  • Song: S'Hill - Gaïa
    Link to Page talking about Ahri changes:
    These are my opinions on how they should help provide some small changes to Ahri without being overbearing. To be honest the jg change might be a bit too OP on subsequent hits with W, but I think making your W hit charmed targets on JG monsters would be nice. I like that they are not swapping her spells around like a lot of people have suggested. Hope y'all have a happy new year, more videos will be coming out as the season starts!
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @Tomoebi
    @Tomoebi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    damn that transition at 2:37 was sick

  • @melodievigneron4292
    @melodievigneron4292 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Im a main ahri too and i think all this changes are rlly great !!! (Srry im french ....)

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you! 😲

  • @lunahri4173
    @lunahri4173 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    big agree on all of your ideas but i'd throw in some base R cooldown reduction. at least in the early game it sucks when trading your ult with many midlaners but them having theirs up again (some 30 seconds faster). would maybe make ultimate hunter less obligatory too :)
    happy new year and love your content!!

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I think they are likely to not reduce the CD of her R directly, but yea playing Ahri vs Fizz or Zed it becomes clear how high of a cd her ult can really be :( . Maybe if they added a reduced CD on kill or assist or something it could be more balanced. Happy new year to you too!

    • @lunahri4173
      @lunahri4173 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ryanlemur we can only hope the changes are decent and arrive on PBE soon c:

    • @sayo5885
      @sayo5885 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ryanlemur My idea was if she gets a takedown (kill or an assist) she gets a 5-10 seconds off from her ultimate but if she uses it for purely escape she gets nothing this would punish ahri players who play it too safe and reward the ones who go in for more risky plays and kills.

  • @sayo5885
    @sayo5885 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    My biggest criticism about the first 2 changes you suggest is that they put even more emphasis on her charm that she is already too reliant on charm to do anything really. But these QoL changes sound really good and definitely needed.
    They need to give her a real passive either take out the healing all-together and give her some damage scaling (because her scalings suck ass) or give her more mobility like MS scaling and maybe part of that MS is converted into damage? This would be congruent with her theme of being a nimble hyper-mobile fox kite-mage who is extremely hard to catch. Her main mobility spell is gated behind a long ultimate CD. Even some adcs with basic mobility spells feel more slippery than Ahri and that sounds ridiculous.

    • @lucykitsune4619
      @lucykitsune4619 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      What if her passive steals some AP and AD from all targets hit for a short time? It would apply a debuff on enemies while giving Ahri more damage and that way she actually is stealing something that can fit some very loose definition of essence

  • @Ryvertz
    @Ryvertz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I really love your suggestions especially because they are all relatively small and easy to implement but can go a long way to make her feel better to play.
    2 more changes I thought about:
    1. Change the charm amp so she isn't forced to use it at the start of her combo every single time.
    I think it is correct that a lot of her dmg potential should be gated behind hitting her charm but I feel like it could be implemented in a way so it is important that you land your charm but it doesn't matter at what part in your combo you use it. Basically make it for example like a Lux passive where if you hit your charm the opponent gets marked and your next ability hit explodes the mark dealing dmg equivalent to the previous 20%dmg amp. She would still have the same dmg and would still have to hit her charm but it would open up her combos and bring in some mindgames when she throws her charm in an All-in.
    2. Reward agressive ults compared to defensive ults.
    The reason for her really high ult cd is the insane safety it provides if someone just plays defensively on Ahri and uses it to get away from ganks etc. I feel like a good way to push Ahri players to use it more agressively would be to just reward them for doing so by reducing the ult cd for agressive ults. The best way to do that would be to just tie the ult cd refund to her ult bolts since they only come out when you get close to your opponent and not when you dash away from them. For every bolt that hits an enemy champ you get 5% ult cd refunded up to a max of 15% and if you get a takedown during your ult or within 5s after your ult ended you also get the max 15% cd refund. The 2nd part is just to make sure if you already kill someone after 1 or 2 dashes you aren't stuck at 5% ult refund and still get the full 15% reward for your agressive play.

  • @purple455
    @purple455 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i would really love if ahri got cd reduction or extra charges of her ult in some way shape or form, it has a really long cooldown for how little damage it does, yeah it's 3 dashes but in modern league of legends thats not even impressive anymore

  • @Alex97BF
    @Alex97BF 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    After Ruined King, I would like to add some of the skills to LoL. For example, if you hit an opponent Q, then his recharge improves. W is able to set fire to the enemy and + damage is given to enemies with weakening. In combination with E, this will give an improvement in damage. R gives three different advantages with 3 uses. R1 is just damage, let's say 240+30% AP. R2 - the same damage, but + heals Ahri by 0.5 of the damage inflicted. R3 - the same damage, but when you die from it, the ignition is transferred to neighboring enemies within a radius of 450. P for each charge not only heals, but also increases damage. Well, the main thing is to reduce mana costs by at least 30% and increase the Q range to 1200 with a proportional increase in speed and base speed to 340.

  • @CrusaderZav
    @CrusaderZav 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like most of these ideas. As an ahri main myself, the essence theft passive could definitely be modified to play more on the "theft" thematic of it, though i definitely agree it should have more healing vs champions.
    For example;
    The next spell steals hp from a champion - essentially buffing the damage of that spell, almost like a lux passive, and maintaining the healing effect.
    After hitting x number of spells (gain/steal) stats like AP from from the target for x seconds.
    I also think a nice idea for ahri would be basic ability cooldown reduction on an R champion hit. A lot of teamfighting feels like you burn EQW and then slowly R... R... R... Maybe a half second off of your basic spells for each ult bolt striking a champion to help her in longer fights - with perhaps some CDR adjustments to her basic spells to compensate.

  • @mirrowfox
    @mirrowfox 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    First really enjoyed the video always nice seeing other ahri mains opinions, I was preparing a video too and some of the points I was thinking are here on yours.
    Yup charm giving vision is a NEED also charm should get some tweaks when charming someone over a wall as sometimes their pathing is so random that you have to play a mini game to know where to throw your q as otherwise it fails.
    About passive I believe they should keep the core (every 9 stacks) but change it to be more interesting like improving her abilities for example q heals on enemy hits, w gives ms, e gives cd reduction on hit this way you can make ahris passive way more complex and rewarding but also more straightforward every ability while at least do something as right now if you use your passive on one ult charge or charm you might not have passive at all

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'll be sure to watch when your video comes out! And I love your idea with the changing depending on spells. I wonder how that would feel when your going in for a fast combo and you're not really sure what spell your passive will proc on.

  • @grobiehehehe21
    @grobiehehehe21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    very slay!🕵‍♀

  • @dinhkhoa3665
    @dinhkhoa3665 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I just come here to appreciate the amount of work you put on making this video uwu

  • @Insanityltself
    @Insanityltself 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Give her R a reset on takedown/assist up to 2 additional stacks.
    Maybe a slight change to her w but she's fine for the rest.
    Ahri already lacks damage compared to other mid laners so she needs the mobility IMHO.

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I do agree with a slight buff of her Ult CD in some way might be needed and I like that you suggest only giving the buff if it is a proactive play. I think it would open up item choices to lean more towards sorc boots compared to lucidity which i think is a good thing.

    • @Insanityltself
      @Insanityltself 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ryanlemur I think its absolutely needed. You're a sitting duck without ult. With all the monstrocities running around in s12 she needs it. And it'd be really good for teamfighting too!

  • @SchmuckleDoo11
    @SchmuckleDoo11 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    new video LETSGO
    amazing transition at 2:37 !!!!1!!!!!!!11!!!!! !!1 ! !!! !! 1! !!!
    personally i think they should turn ahri into kled, seems like a good change

  • @Grid21
    @Grid21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for standing up for Ahri and representing all of us! :D I think Ahri should also have better AP Scaling early game and not fall off in the end of the game. After awhile, some times I feel like she dies to much because she can't scale fast enough to keep up with everyone. She's left in the dust and doesn't become a "champ" until mid to late game. Mean while champs like Zed and similar just scale endless and can take whole games. This is really frustrating to realize I have to wait until the end just to be cool and be in real game changing team fights.

  • @episode40
    @episode40 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I actually like Ahri's passive healing her, it comes really in handy sometimes when you've got ignite on u and a minion wave comes to the rescue so the lucky Q saves u or if u kill a Karthus and he ults but u got 200 health left lol. I'd just wish it would have multiple functions along with the heal like maybe every 9 takedowns you get more damage permanently and it scales (takedowns because getting 9 kills isn't easy)
    I would also like them to maybe add cooldown reset for every time Ahri kills some with her ult but only like 2 resets to not make it too op, this would ensure her being able to use it to take down targets but also to get away from enemies after she kills someone
    Also u forgot to mention, when you charm an enemy over a wall they start walking around the wall towards you so basically it's useless because ur team won't be able to reach for them and kill them so it'd be best if they'd just walk into the wall as close to u as possible til the charm effect is gone
    Great video!

    • @lucykitsune4619
      @lucykitsune4619 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The problem with the takedown thing is that infinite scaling is most likely never going to be added to any champions kit ever again. The few champions that do have it are either Bard and we don't talk about that, need a very long time to actually take advantage of the infinite scaling that realistically you would never achieve in an actual game (Like Thresh or Senna who would become nigh unkillable monsters with insane damage in an infinite game, but realistically it's just a nice bonus to have that's not actually needed to function) or have a painfully weak earlygame to compensate for them literally outscaling everything else in LoL (Nasus and Veigar would fall into this one)
      Ahri has a really healthy earlygame. If you track the enemy jungler it becomes pretty hard to die in lankng phase because Ahri is just such a safe champion. The problem with that is giving infinite scaling to the champion with one of the safest laning phases is a recipe for disaster. The main way of punishing scaling champions is to kill them while they're weak and close out the game before they scale up. If you can't kill a champion or get any substantial lead on them AND they outscale you, your lane is over, you lost. And if that's the case from level 2 forward, well that's just unfair

  • @maddiethekiller
    @maddiethekiller 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    good input

  • @slimmyTM
    @slimmyTM 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    good take

  • @RinDoll002
    @RinDoll002 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can get behind all these changes 100%

  • @dazaired3397
    @dazaired3397 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    please riot make something named come true in this video

  • @hanpeachmusic
    @hanpeachmusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    banger video

  • @chiidybang370
    @chiidybang370 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think they did a good job with the mini rework. Fits her lore very well.

  • @lucykitsune4619
    @lucykitsune4619 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    And then there was me who was just like "Yea let's just slap some extra damage on er W based on missing health", that adds some skill expression and Ahri definitely needs extra damage in some way shape or form

  • @AG-cd2it
    @AG-cd2it 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Every point here is great, and highlights what QoL changes are needed and how Ahri's kit has aged poorly in today's League. The one thing I would have liked to hear you talk about is how reliant Ahri is on charm to even have a chance to do damage (still not enough damage even hitting charm). But basically just not making her extremely reliant on landing one skillshot, whether that be by taking away power from it and giving it to another ability like W or tweaking charm otherwise.

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for the comment! I think the champion as it currently is designed needs to be reliant on her charm otherwise she would be incredibly OP. But you are right, I think something needs to be done for those times when you do hit the charm and you still don't have enough damage. ( 0:22 would be a good example ) Maybe that's something they could focus on if they change her passive.
      There was a time where Ahri would R W and Q people and they would die, so I am sure over the past changes through the years that they are trying to be as cautious as possible to make that not happen again. I think they kind of need to decide on an identity on Ahri as either an Assassin or a Mage if they want to change her reliance on charm, but I think they want to keep her on the fence to have that kind of option for players since it is kind of a unique feature to her that was a byproduct of her changes.
      I personally really enjoy playing her when there is no tenacity items and runes built in the game because every charm you land feels very impactful and can win you games, but as of right now with Legend: Tenacity and Unflinching it really doesn't feel as rewarding.

    • @AG-cd2it
      @AG-cd2it 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ryanlemur Ah yes, good old DFG times, when people had legitimate reasons to complain about Ahri. I do agree that charm needs to be a key skillshot of her kit. I guess it just feels really bad to rely on it in the current state of the game where not even with it she deals enough damage, and it is so very easily countered by tenacity and just kind of gets powercrept by something like Vex's AOE fear.

  • @C4AZ3_Kaze
    @C4AZ3_Kaze 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    at this point ahri isnt a assasin shes a mage who sets up priority targets removing people from teamfights thats how ahri sup works ur not playin for damage ur tryin to just remove the enemy carry in teamfights etc hittin a charm and full combo doesnt get u a kill on adcs until your fed

  •  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    agree with charm vision, i never thought about it but my other mains (syndra and zoe) both have either vision or visual indicators for their cc. i really don't know why ahri doesn't and the charmed enemy pathing actually fucks her over so much.
    at this point i want them to remove the true damage on Q return and just buff the AP ratios, reduce the mana cost idk just do something. why does soraka have better waveclear than her
    idk if turning R into a 3 charge system instead of 3-in-1 ability is out of scope for this update, but i think it could be really interesting, even if it turns out too strong (doubt) they can always balance it some other way
    and for the love of god update her ability icons

    • @ryanlemur
      @ryanlemur  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Q true damage always makes me question if building magic pen is worth it sometimes because a good chunk of her damage is true damage and well.. not effected by the magic pen purchases. I wonder if they would be able to find some way to balance the true damage changing to magic damage. But at the same time I don't think they would do something like get rid of her true damage because it might seem iconic to her for some players. I'd be interested if they did something like that to see how it felt

  • @effieli7230
    @effieli7230 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey, nice vid. Do you play wild rift? Would appreciate some wild rift content. )

  • @uwusless
    @uwusless 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think her Ultimate should be charging (? idk how you call that) but basically simillar to Teemo's R or GP's E. Cuz most of the times you don't actually need all the 3 dashes so you just waste most of your ultimate and it makes her useless for few minutes

  • @poshoos
    @poshoos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The fact that you couldn't one shot a sona says a lot about the champ.

  • @divinefox760
    @divinefox760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    At this point I gave up any hope that Riot will fix Ahri in any way outside of very insignificant changes. Why would they? Her skins sell all the same. Her winrate is decent enough to consider her "balanced". Literally any work for Riot on Ahri is a complete waste of time and resources and much better is to just continue milking her relentlessly for yearly skins.
    I think this all "Ahri changes" farse is just a bait for players to show "that they actually care". I hope I'm wrong, but can't bother any less.
    I main AP Malphite now.