"Nobody even wants Robotaxis bro"

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 103

  • @VictorCeccato
    @VictorCeccato 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    why don't you just go out and buy a goose that lays golden eggs ... seems a lot easier to me.

    • @st-ex8506
      @st-ex8506 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Each and every robotaxi will indeed be akin to a goose laying golden eggs!
      If you run the numbers, it is impressive. It will dwarf the present profits Tesla makes from EVs!
      But you obviously have not!

    • @VictorCeccato
      @VictorCeccato 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@st-ex8506 ... so why does Tesla want to sell them ?

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Probably won't in the future.

    • @st-ex8506
      @st-ex8506 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@VictorCeccato good question!
      Maybe they won’t sell robotaxis, it is a possible business concept… or they will charge royalties on every mile driven by robotaxis for profit… we might know more on 8/8…
      BTW, reach and every Tesla built after 2018 will be able to be operated as a robotaxi!

    • @winterhaydn
      @winterhaydn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I have a bridge I can sell you.

  • @antonzadorozhniy6605
    @antonzadorozhniy6605 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I'd take a robotaxi every time, if it's not a regular car but more like a van, where I don't need to duck to enter, and also spacious internally so I can walk in with luggage or stroller, maybe even so safe I don't need to use a seat belt? Oh wait, I'm taking it daily, it's called "public transit".

    • @typhoon320i
      @typhoon320i 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Me too. I love taking public transit home from a bar at 2 in the morning, when the other riders are crazy and or drunk.

    • @antonzadorozhniy6605
      @antonzadorozhniy6605 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@typhoon320i Exactly! When I was much younger we relied on those night time trams in our city to get home after some bar hopping. Our favorite feature is that one doesn’t need money or phone to hop on one)

  • @stratos7755
    @stratos7755 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Most people (mostly outside of the US) already have a cheap way of going places. It's called public transport.

    • @ac583
      @ac583 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This is simply not true. I say this as somebody who lives somewhere outside of the USA and who "knows a thing or two" (to undersell myself) about public transport in places like tokyo. There are places where there is cheap public transit as in it costs less, but only if your time is worth nothing. Very very few places in the world have public transport worth taking if your time is valuable. point to point unattended taxi services as the public transport of the future that hits the sweet spot of time-vs-cost. It is coming. Obivously. It obviously won't be consumer grade teslas like this video suggests it might be, but it is coming.

  • @phide01
    @phide01 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I think starting off tesla would charge less than 30% to a Tesla owner to encourage them to use their car for robotaxi.

  • @matthewrichardson828
    @matthewrichardson828 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yeah, the guy who owns the robotaxi would be like a car landlord. Everyone wants to be a landlord and everyone loves renting too. Even the robotaxi owners will rent the taxi's of other owners. The government wont get involved either too to regulate prices, services. No one would shit in the robotaxi either.

  • @alanmodia
    @alanmodia 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Alojoh goes by the initials "AJ".

  • @triage2962
    @triage2962 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Only people with a licence can ride a Tesla-robotaxi because FSD will stay Level 2.

  • @ac583
    @ac583 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This video is a B- end of term thesis pape for an undergraduate business class at branch campus of state U. The biggest error is that he conflates two mostly unrelated concepts: 1. the general benefits of driverless, point-to-point uncrewed taxis and 2. the actual reality of tesla's offerings. Far, far, far too much of this video is spent on speculative maths and pointless specific nerd details related to the actual tesla company and its offerings are right now, and that is further skewed by his obvious affection for it. So, I will say this: yes - uncrewed, point-to-point on-demand taxi services are coming in the future. There's an obvious need and obvious advantages where the concept fills several gaps between public transport and car ownership. but, it's absolutely delusional to suggest that acutal tesla verhicles as they now exist will be part of this, doubly and triply so as this, again B- undergraduate work doesn't seem to factor in depreciation. Nobody in their right mind is going to let their personal vehicle with personal-grade seats, etc be used by the general public for the potential profit of $17 per 100 miles or even 170 per hundred miles. To put it bluntly, the amount of boogers, cum, and gum that the upholstery will accumulate in the first week alone will make it obviously unworkable. So, as far as actual tesla model Ys or whatever it's pure fucking delusion and all the maths in this video are mastubatory nonsense. The first go at this, assuming that the self-drive mechanism will ever be any good, is that entrepreneurial companies will buy small fleets of "ruggedized" teslas, etc suitable for this task - the interior will be hose-downable and the whole thing will work based on the cars being cleaned regularly at depots built for this task. In other words, the first robo taxis may have all the non-charm and advantages/disadvantages of what airbnb has become. It will not be a luxury experience but it wont have to compete solely on price either, as, the video correctly points out, the model does have advantage. This will soon morph into the reality that the teslas, even ruggedized, are unsuable for this. So, new specialized taxi models will come out - ruggedized from the ground up, ada-compliant, step-in vehicles - probably something more akin to a small van or the large london cabs. there are a lot of possibilities how this will ultimately look and who will operate them (private businesses? car manufacturers? municipalities? etc). but, it's utterly nonsensial to think that the future involves personal vehicles or even "vehicles built to the standard of personal ownership and use" being leased out for unattended use by the general public just like almost no airbnbs now more are bona fide 'somebody's personal residence.'

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I appreciate the thoughtful response. I'm just thinking out loud here, so nice sarcastic quips and all, but no need.
      I feel like you're kinda overestimating the degree of cum and shit that would accumulate in the cars. I definitely agree they would need to be cleaned frequently, but that seems like the kinda thing you could do a few times a week while it's not ride hailing. There'd probably be the occasional disgusting mess, but I'd be surprised if it were to the extent you're suggesting, especially when you have cameras running inside that could charge people for not cleaning up after themselves. Lot of ways to incentivize people to be decent passengers.
      Also, the model I was basing this math off of DOES take into account depreciation of the vehicle. But as I stated, the math is all speculative anyway.
      If the vehicle can pay for itself in a year or two or ride hailing, and then everything thereafter is pure profit... why wouldn't you want to do that?

  • @chrise8677
    @chrise8677 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    When calculating the earnings your better off assuming that tesla will take their percent cut off the top before any operating cost are deducted. All operating costs will be put on you, the owner, and I assure you of that.

    • @ac583
      @ac583 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      all of his accounting is fantasy nonsense, so arguing over small details like this is pointless.

  • @makiaveluz
    @makiaveluz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Who will ensure the passengers don't urinate, defecate or vomit in the vehicle? Will you need someone to record the interior of the vehicle all the ride? Good bye privacy. Then how about someone with a bad personal odor enters the vehicle and the odor lingers, with no visual indication of it, who do you charge cleaning fees then? Seems a bad idea waiting to happen.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Whoever rides in the robotaxi next can report an issue, and can refuse the ride. The owner or vehicle manager would likely then get notified that there's an issue with the vehicle that they need to remedy.
      There may be some cases where you can't definitively figure out who made the mess, but in some cases you'll likely be able to check the interior camera feed and figure it out.
      Not sure why privacy is an issue here... it's not like you have privacy in a regular taxi.

    • @makiaveluz
      @makiaveluz 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DeusExTesla no, privacy is not an issue. Is one of your points in the video tho.

  • @giorgos997
    @giorgos997 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Uber and other companies will want to incorporate robotaxis into their fleets if it proves to be more profitable, which is almost a certainty.

    • @toomanyaccounts
      @toomanyaccounts 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      So why aren't they buying waymos?

    • @giorgos997
      @giorgos997 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@toomanyaccounts Because it's not there yet, right now it would be a liability for those companies.

  • @DenisBellars
    @DenisBellars 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This would reduce the price of travel a lot , it will also reduce the amount of accidents that humans create through their piss poor driving habits

  • @NikolaiPetroff
    @NikolaiPetroff 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    1. Privacy. You think robo-taxi that has your financial details, and camera coverage of you riding is more private than a human ride for cash? Just WRONG.
    2. Consistency. Would certainly be consistent. But would it be better? Anyway. CORRECT.
    3. Comfort. Tesla rides OK. But not more comfortable and NOT a premium car experience. WRONG.
    4. Music. This must be a generational thing. CORRECT but really ?
    5. Safety. If it ever achieves AI level awareness of other road users then yes. If. Maybe 2040?
    6. Infotainment. Again. Generational? WTF ?
    7. Advertisements. Weird point.
    Robo-taxi's single big possible advantage is no human labour which means a price 40% to 50% of a human driven car.
    However there is a lot of labour to daily clean, 2-3x daily charge, and monthly maintenance of the vehicle.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      1. Privacy - You're twisting the argument. People would prefer to not be in a cab with another person if they have the option. It's really that simple.
      2. Consistency - Yes, consistency is better here. You're not rolling the dice and getting old corollas picking you up with shitty cloth seats. You're getting very comfortable leather seats, nice speakers, and a car that has the best crash test scores of any vehicle on the road.
      3. Comfort - I was talking about seats and interior space. Yes there are of course more comfortable cars out there. but again the point here is that you're not getting an old corolla picking you up.
      4. Music - Maybe generational. Regardless the ease of using the app to control music is a big advantage.
      5. Safety - you're doubting the potential of exponential improvement here, I believe.
      6. Infotainment - lol, why so reluctant to admit that being able to stream TV while you're being driven to your destination would be an obvious advantage?
      7. Advertisements - What's weird about it? You could save even more money using a robotaxi by opting into advertisements. More cost savings for the user. Having that choice is a benefit.

    • @NikolaiPetroff
      @NikolaiPetroff 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DeusExTesla thanks for the reply.
      1/ Privacy. I stand by my opinion. Offline is more private. If you want to call it less human interaction then it's a bonus - but having all this recorded an stored online is NOT more private. Call this section ISOLATION.
      3/ Comfort. Tesla's are mid-range for comfort and a lot less roomy and spacious when compared to Merc or BMWs. Perhaps we catch different cabs.
      4/6 The need for music / entertainment on a small screen has never struck me during a cab ride ever. But then I just go across town. If the price comes down so much then maybe I'll take a 1-2 hour ride ? And then it's an issue?
      7/ Ads. I thought you wanted privacy and comfort and no intrusion. Accepting ads being blared at you while riding seems counter to points 3/4/6.
      And finally safety. I guess eventually this will win out. But not on a road with 95% human drivers who do unexpected things, being driven by a clever EXPERT system that is NOT AI and cannot react to unexpected events with the same level of ability as a 10yo.
      As a techie, programmer, team leader, developer of 20+ years, I see the limitations of the current system in it's error handling. it's THIS that worries me - not the handling of routine traffic.
      TO get true Level 5 and AI like driving FSD will have to be re-engineered from the bottom up ... this current system is a good expert system - but it is NOT foolproof ... and there are a lot of fools on the road.
      Anyway - thanks for the video and your thoughts - interesting - but I think auto driving it's still 5-10 years away despite Elon's regular promises of "next year" ... which he's been saying since 2017.
      Appreciate the chat.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      1- fair enough, semantics difference I guess.
      3 - I feel like your point boils down to "because it's not the most comfortable, therefore it isn't comfortable." again, my argument would simply be that receiving a tesla as your uber is preferable to a corolla. Uber literally has an option to only hail electric vehicles at a premium -- so between it being electric and luxury level, i stand by my point.
      4/6 - just because you don't want it doesn't mean others won't. I feel like you're being really reluctant to concede what seems like a really simple and obvious point.
      7 - yeah i mean this is admittedly a wildcard. but for people looking for the cheapest possible transportation, having ads in the car would mean more revenue for tesla, and less cost to the consumer, so it's a win/win. I obviously can't say for sure that this will manifest, but I thought I'd include it anyway, as it struck me as an interesting idea.
      as for the rest of the discussion, I see driving as a game of chess (though obviously far more complex). And just as computers have mastered chess, they will master driving. Your time horizon is less optimistic than mine.
      If you haven't tried out V12, i highly recommend it. It's really a quantum leap.
      Oh also, there are already lots of robotaxis out there, in various forms. So it's already a feasible technology. Just a question now of whether tesla's approach will scale faster or slower.
      I too appreciate the chat, thanks for being chill.

  • @donquique1
    @donquique1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This will be a race to the bottom.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Explain what you mean?

    • @2funny269
      @2funny269 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DeusExTesla elon is eliminating the human from the earnings equation, Tesla will exclusively use their own fleet, not the customers. eventually even having robots work in the factories that make their privately owned fleet.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It will take time to build the fleet, and the factory that builds the fleet. You don't think in the meantime they'll want to use customer cars that are already distributed across the US? By doing so they could ensure their ride hailing service is worked out ahead of time for the launch of the actual CyberCab

    • @2funny269
      @2funny269 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DeusExTesla they are already testing model 3's, removed the rear view mirrors, added more cameras.....photos online
      no human drivers, no customer vehicles

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@2funny269 If you're taking the actions of the company as evidence, then you'd take into consideration that on the most recent earnings call, Elon reiterated that customers will be able to add their vehicles to the fleet. Plus there are several images and even video of their upcoming ride hailing app explicitly showing someone hailing a Model Y. It literally says Model Y.
      These images are no doubt mockups/work in progress, but the intent appears to be in tact.
      Since the intent is clearly there, you have to tell me why it won't happen, or can't.

  • @creativecomputers6060
    @creativecomputers6060 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    If you can take a taxi for 1/3 the cost you would think differently.

    • @billyratchet6463
      @billyratchet6463 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      1/3 more of a pain in the ass to watch this thing creep like a snail.

  • @Will67267
    @Will67267 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    what are you smoking bro? I want one!

  • @roger_is_red
    @roger_is_red 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    yes I would choose the robotaxi and be willing to pay more for the service than a uber or lift.

    • @DerekDavis213
      @DerekDavis213 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      A human driver is far more skilled than the simple minded Taxi software. There is no comparison. More skilled = a safer ride for the public.

    • @roger_is_red
      @roger_is_red 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DerekDavis213 LOL you really don't get it do you

    • @tatata1543
      @tatata1543 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Why would you want to pay more?

    • @roger_is_red
      @roger_is_red 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@tatata1543 ??? do you have trouble thinking

    • @DerekDavis213
      @DerekDavis213 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@roger_is_red I get it, Tesla and Uber want to make money with Robotaxis. But they are not needed, and they are less safe than a human driver. Its very simple

  • @pedrosura
    @pedrosura 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Is Tesla paying for Insurance? Why are they getting a percentage instead of a flat fee?? Once again.. Tesla is at it again
    The only advantage I see for Robo Taxis is that there are places where Uber drivers refuse to go. are the Robo taxis doing the same?

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tesla may or may not pay for the insurance. In the numbers I used for the video, the assumption is that you would pay for the insurance.
      Could be percentage, could be flat fee. I can't predict the future. Can you?
      I listed several advantages in the video... that's the ONLY one you see?

  • @GoSouthGoodPeople
    @GoSouthGoodPeople 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Can someone tell me, how will these robtaxis be charged? I reckon a few Optimus (optimi?) robots at the superchargers should do the trick. They can also clean up any undoubtedly rare passenger mishaps in the back seat

    • @winterhaydn
      @winterhaydn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      lol. As if Optimus is anywhere near such capabilities.
      Self-charging itself is still not around either. Nor will robo-taxis be.
      It's all vaporware.

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think robotaxis could pull up to superchargers, park, and blurt out a sound file from the outside speakers asking someone nearby to plug it in. Whoever plugs it in could maybe get a charging credit or something (to incentivize people to plug it in)

    • @GoSouthGoodPeople
      @GoSouthGoodPeople 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@winterhaydn Oh ye of little faith, most of the charging can be done with the Solid Metal Snake chargers which by now are ubiquitous, so the OptImi will only be needed during peak. Granted Tesla will need to hire a few thousand people to run the haptic/motion capture for now, but that means they can hire back some of the recent layoffs. In the downtime they can even take turns at remotely driving the robtaxis, thereby fulfilling the statement “it’s the same software that runs fsd, robtaxi and Optimus”. It rhymes so hard it’s poetry.

    • @GoSouthGoodPeople
      @GoSouthGoodPeople 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DeusExTesla you mean like a gas station attendant?

    • @winterhaydn
      @winterhaydn 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@GoSouthGoodPeople - Solid metal snake chargers? The kind that were mentioned a few years ago and then never brought up again? Yeah, tell me how that's working out.

  • @marksatterfield
    @marksatterfield 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want robotaxis

  • @rwhirsch
    @rwhirsch 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the mass of people want a ride cheap enough and good enough to obviously justify not having to own a car. and the idea of paying a premium seems illegitimate... the transition to electric vehicles means NOT having to pay a premium. robotaxi means not paying a premium. people want cheap and reliable.

    • @DerekDavis213
      @DerekDavis213 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Don't be silly. The first thing you learn in a Business 101 class is companies charge the maximum price that the market will bear. Robotaxis are not going to be cheap, don't kid yourself. Robotaxi companies are NOT friends to the public.
      And a human driver is far more skilled than a simpleton FSD beta software. There's no comparison .

    • @DerekDavis213
      @DerekDavis213 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Lets say a person without a car needs rides Monday thru Friday:
      5 rides to work 20 miles away
      5 rides home from work 20 miles away
      5 rides to the grocery store or health club 5 miles away
      5 rides home from grocery/health club 5 miles away
      So that's 20 rides 250 miles, just Monday thru Friday. How much would 20 robotaxi rides cost?
      And then on the weekend, even longer and more expensive Taxi rides .
      And this is supposed to be cheaper than owning your own car?

    • @st-ex8506
      @st-ex8506 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DerekDavis213The 20 rides you mentioned will cost $30-50, i.e. just the cost of gasoline for those 250 miles!

    • @DeusExTesla
      @DeusExTesla  4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You just described a person who would probably want/need their own car.
      You could have described someone different, for whom a Robotaxi WOULD be cheaper, you just chose not to so you could appear correct XD

    • @rwhirsch
      @rwhirsch 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@DerekDavis213 And that's my point... I think we agree. It needs to be cheap enough to motivate that person you described into not having a car. Perhaps the Fleet of cyber cab will be dirt cheap for the common man and if someone wants to pay a premium then a model S or a model 3 willl pick them up... I'm not sure how it will all work