Can Life Be an Accident? The Numbers Say No! (The Argument from Design)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • In this video, Titus the Turtle dives deep into the Teleological Argument, a powerful case for the existence of God based on the incredible fine-tuning of the universe. We'll explore mind-boggling probabilities that highlight just how unlikely it is for our life-sustaining universe to exist by mere chance.
    From the precise conditions necessary for life to the formation of essential proteins and DNA, Titus will break down these complex ideas into simple, engaging terms that everyone can understand. You’ll also hear from top experts who explain why these staggering odds point to intentional design rather than random happenstance.
    🎯 *Key Topics Covered:*
    - The probability of a life-supporting universe (1 in 10^138)
    - The odds of forming a functional protein by chance (1 in 10^164)
    - The improbability of DNA forming by chance (1 in 10^80)
    - Why these numbers matter in the debate over God's existence
    - The impact of these arguments on scientists and philosophers
    This video isn’t just for those who already believe; it's also for anyone curious about how science and faith intersect. Whether you’re a believer, a skeptic, or just someone who loves a good intellectual challenge, this exploration of the Teleological Argument will give you plenty to think about.
    🔔 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more Titus the Turtle videos where we explore big ideas through a biblical lens!
    Some of the odds listed here:
    "DNA is the blueprint of life, and the odds of forming a single strand of DNA by random chance are estimated to be 1 in 10^80. To help you grasp that, think of it like this: the entire observable universe has about 10^80 atoms. Imagine scattering those atoms across the cosmos and then randomly selecting one atom. The chance of picking the exact one you’re thinking of is the same as the chance of DNA forming by chance. It's like finding a single grain of sand on a beach that stretches for miles and miles and knowing it’s the exact grain you were looking for!"
    "Proteins are the machines that keep our cells running, and they need to be just right to work. The probability of forming a functional protein by random chance is about 1 in 10^164. To put that in perspective, that’s like winning a lottery with 10^164 tickets-each with a trillion zeros on it! In other words, you’re more likely to win every lottery ever held in the history of the world, all at once, than to randomly stumble upon a functional protein. It’s practically impossible without some kind of guidance!"
    "The overall probability of all the constants and quantities being within the life-permitting range is estimated to be 1 in 10^138. Now, I know that's a huge number, but let me help you visualize it. Imagine you're trying to find one specific atom in the entire observable universe, which has about 10^80 atoms. Finding that atom would be like a walk in the park compared to the odds of our universe just happening to have the right conditions for life. The chances are so small, it’s like throwing a dart at a target the size of an atom, and hitting a bullseye on your first try-while blindfolded!"
    Original videos:
    • How Science Proves God...
    • S1:E3 | Life | John Le...
    • William Lane Craig vs ...
    • Where Darwinism Breaks...
    www.creatorcho... )
    #TeleologicalArgument #finetuning #intelligentdesign #creation #cosmology #apologetics #scienceandfaith #UniverseDesign #ChristianApologetics #faithandreason #jesus #faith #bible #prayer #god #christian #christianity #fellowship #devotional #discipleship #christianmeme #philosophy #gospel

ความคิดเห็น • 25

  • @CalebTheSojourner
    @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    A preemptive comment to account for debates:
    While it's fair to critique any scholar, it's important to focus on the strength of the arguments rather than the individual presenting them. The Teleological Argument, regardless of who defends it, stands on its own merits. The precise fine-tuning of the universe, for instance, is a fact acknowledged even by many who aren't Christians. This argument isn't about personal opinions-it's about observable evidence and logical conclusions.
    Christianity, historically, hasn't hurt science; in fact, many of the greatest scientists were devout Christians who saw their work as a way to understand God's creation. The idea that faith and science are at odds is a modern misconception. The real impact and logic behind the Teleological Argument aren't diminished by subjective opinions. The numbers and probabilities speak for themselves and point to a universe that seems intentionally designed. These facts remain, no matter one's personal views.
    TH-cam comments are hardly on the cutting edge of the debate field, as such, I don't spend much time engaging in them
    (Though they do help my video)
    so it is more beneficial to examine the arguments and debates, by people who hold the necessary credentials, as the ones listed in the video hold, such debates can be found all over youtube and links have been posted in the description.
    So letting the numbers and professionals articulate and argue from their fields seems to be the obvious choice.
    But thank you for any insight you may have added!

    • @Chopstewie
      @Chopstewie 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      The critique of this scholar (Dr. Craig) is germane to this video in particular, as the stated goal was (at least in part) to show a Christian audience that they could be confident in reconciling science and religion *because* leaned Christians could do so. Dr. Craig is a bad example, as he has made it clear he accepts a very low standard for confidence, in addition to not being a scientist in the first place.
      On its own merits, he teleological argument is not accepted in the scientific consensus (to which you are attempting to appeal) to evidence the existence of a designer. Philosophically, it does not evidence a god, and it especially fails to evidence a particular god (like that of Christianity).
      There are particular scientists who think the argument is good, convincing, or evident, as you have shown. The examples they gave are frankly bad, and at least in part, entail a misunderstanding of 'fine tuning' or the need for an explanation.
      I can detail them for you if you would like.

  • @ConversationChrist
    @ConversationChrist 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    I pray you reach many people with your video Caleb. God bless you and may He bless your channel.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Thank you very much sir! Godbless bro

  • @CrimsonArc3.16
    @CrimsonArc3.16 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Quick question, is the voice AI or your own?
    Loved the video! Please keep spreading the word!

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @CrimsonArc3.16 So it is A.I. I use a program where you have extreme customization and can adjust it and give samples until you have a style you like,
      The voice you hear is exactly the voice I wanted for Titus.
      I'm not a huge fan of A.I. but as long as I am a one man team, I'll have to use whatever resources God gives me 😄
      My idea, is eventually to have a Tavern full with different Characters, some i'll outright voice though.
      It was a strange Idea I felt lead to do and I enjoy the process, so Lord willing, there will be many more to come!
      Also thank you very much! 🙏

  • @Sammy61...
    @Sammy61... 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Good video, Caleb!

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  16 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Sammy61... Thank you! Godbless!

  • @WarriorcatGerda
    @WarriorcatGerda 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

  • @foolishlyludicrous
    @foolishlyludicrous 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Watching your video. Hoo boy, you might want to check on some things:
    First of all, Dr. Craig, while a competent philosopher, is not a physicist or cosmologist. Neither am I, but the fact that physics and cosmology has not coalesced around the fine-tuning argument would indicate his position is not as obvious to people working in the field as he might think. I would like to know who Craig spoke to that was willing to go out on a limb and say we have any idea what the basic consonants could be, or that there is no underlying physics that dictates correlations between the values.
    Second, chance doesn't work like that. If it did, it would be logical to say it is impossible for each person at a hand of bridge to have the exact hand they have. We know this universe exists. What we don't know if there is even any other possibility other than "this universe exists."
    Third, and this is personal and not really relevant to the argument, Rosalind Franklin was the first person who figured out the double helix structure, which let to Watson's and Crick's later work. Just doing my best to make sure she gets remembered.
    Fourth, if someone wants to argue information theory, we need a strong, mathematical definition of "information." If you go over talks by Meyer and others, there is no actual definition of information given. If we're going to say "information cannot be created," we have to define information before we can verify this statement.
    In short, considering what we know about physics and cosmology there is no requirement for any gods. While there may be physics evidence, we have not found it yet.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @foolishlyludicrous Thank you for your opinions!

  • @k_tell
    @k_tell 17 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Regarding Abiogenesis: It has been know for some time that Abiogenesis was a *process* not a single event. It took time. Nobody knows how long, but it could have been anywhere from years to millions of years. The latest ideas in the field of Abiogenesis, such as the "Metabolism first hypothesis" (see: tend to have Natural Selection operating at the level of molecules long before cells, or even the current types of self replicating molecules (RNA and DNA) existed. Maybe you could find a scientist working in this field who believes that Abiogenesis worked by instantly creating the first bacterial cell, but I seriously doubt it, and even if you could that scientist would represent the extreme minority position, so suggesting that Abiogenesis is the sudden appearance of bacteria, or even the sudden appearance of simpler cells, as this video suggests at about 8 minutes in, is a strawman fallicy (especially since the cell shown isn't even a bacterial cell, but a eukaryotic cell, which were not the first cells by a long way according to modern biology).
    Regarding Cosmology and the "fine tuning of the Universe": First, there is no agreement that the Universe is fine tuned "for life". I would say that, at the very least, we should accept that this is not answerable with our current level of Physics, especially since we can only observe one Universe. Second, nobody should dismiss multiverse hypotheses out of hand. There is already strong evidence that in at least one sense we definitely *do* live in a multiverse. This evidence comes from the CMB, which is telling us that the "Observable Universe" (the furthest we could see, even if we had a magically powerful telescope with infinite resolving power and the ability to see through other matter in the way) is at least 5000 times smaller than the Universe that resulted from the Big Bang. We currently know nothing about the rest of the Universe outside the Observable Universe. (Note that cosmologists often use the term Universe when they mean "Observable Universe". For example if a cosmologist says "There are over 10^23 stars in the Universe" then they mean the Observable Universe, because the volume outside the Observable Universe probably contains lots more). Since we know nothing about the rest of the Universe we can legitimately ask questions like "Are there volumes of space outside the Observable Universe that have different values for the fundamental constants" and "Maybe parts of the Universe outside the Observable Universe have predominantly anti-matter instead of matter and perhaps that explains the imbalance". Note that "5000" is just the minimum. It could be much larger. The minimum comes from our current resolution of the CMB. When this exercise was first done our instruments didn't have as good a resolution as they do today and the minimum they calculated was about 200 times the Observable Universe, so the next generation of instruments will almost certainly result in another jump. In fact there are some cosmologists who think the Universe is infinitely bigger than the Observable Universe.
    That is just the first type of Multiverse, there are about as many different types of Multiverse as there are senior cosmologists. The two categories I would like to summaries here are 1) Multiple Big Bangs and 2) Superpositions. Many multiverse hypotheses have multiple Big Bangs. There is the "Fecund Universe" model for example, I'm not a fan, but it is a favorite of some people who are way smarter than I am. There is also the "simple" idea that the cosmos is infinite and always expanding and some points suddenly expand faster than others, creating Big Bangs. Then in the Superpositions category there is the idea that the Universe is a single Schrödinger wave with either incredibly many simultaneously existing superpositions (the "Many Worlds" interpretation) or that the superpositions collapse in such a way that the present determines the past (the "Top-Down cosmolgy" model proposed by Stephen Hawking and Thomas Hertog).

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  17 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Thank you for your opinion! Any insight is always good

  • @ThorsDecree
    @ThorsDecree 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Sup, tavernmates? I have some specific criticisms of teleology. LMK what you think. If anyone can answer my question, there's probably a Nobel in it for you ;)
    The teleological argument makes a MASSIVE unjustified assumption that stops it as soon as it tries to start. I'm assuming anyone reading this knows what the anthropic principle is, but if you don't, it's just the idea that observers could only observe a universe if that universe is capable of sustaining observers in the first place. It's logically possible that there are an infinite number of universes with infinitely varied properties. We would only expect to observe life in a universe capable of producing life. If most universes collapse immediately, are devoid of energy, contain no _stuff,_ or are only populated by black holes, then nobody would ever be there to observe _that_ universe. If that's the case, the fact that you find yourself in a universe you _can_ survive in isn't evidence that someone _made_ the universe that way. It's just evidence that _this_ universe _is_ that way. It's like the Douglas Adams puddle analogy. The puddle _thinks_ the hole conforms perfectly to it, that it must have been made _for_ the puddle, so the puddle is caught quite by surprise when it evaporates while pondering its specialness. The evidence indicates that we developed to conform to our environment, not that the universe was made to conform to our needs. It's not a coincidence that we're made of atoms in a universe that contains a huge number of atoms, right?
    I, and most physicists, don't actually think such a physical multiverse concept is a scientifically-investigable question, but the point of the anthropic principle still stands. If the universe was unable to produce life, then we would not be here observing the universe. We can ONLY expect to find life in a universe capable of producing life, so it's not at all surprising that the nature of the universe is such that we can exist. We wouldn't be thinking about this if it wasn't the case that life could exist.
    There is, in both my opinion and the opinions of almost everyone else who studies physics, *no good reason to expect that physical constants **_could_** be different.* None. Zero. It's worse than that, though, we actually _do_ have reasons to think they _cannot_ be different from what they are.
    Do you know how the physical constants are determined? I don't mean how they're measured, I mean _fundamentally_ what physical interaction _is_ the constants? Most of the "physical constants" are directly attributable to the relative strengths of the 3 forces (strong, weak, electromagnetism) and the pseudoforce gravity. (Gravity results from the fact that all even-spatial-dimension Lorentz-invariant spacetime necessarily includes relativity but is not actually a "force" in the sense of a boson-mediated interaction that exchanges momentum).
    The relative strengths of strong, weak, and EM forces are a direct result of the _geometry_ of the intersection of the electric field, the magnetic field, the gluon field, and the W and Z boson fields with the Higgs field. The _angle_ at which a field intersects with the Higgs field determines the mass of associated particles. The _angle_ at which the magnetic and electric fields intersect determines the way in which photons propagate (which is why we have the phenomenon of polarization, for example, and why magnetic fields are perpendicular to electric fields).
    Now here's the fun part. There is zero physical indication that the angles at which these fields intersect could have been any different, and every indication that they _must_ be what they are. The teleology argument assumes that they can be different, but not only is that not indicated by evidence, there is physical evidence that that _could not_ be different.
    *By what mechanism **_could_** the physical constants change?* No teleology proponent ever answers that....
    The people making the teleological argument tend to know _next to nothing_ about physics, or when they do, maybe they're ignoring that. I hesitate to think anyone's lying. I can't fault any lay person for that, I'm the weirdo who actually went to college to learn physics, but when it's pointed out that they're making unfounded assumptions that are actually _contraindicated_ by the evidence, they should perhaps adjust their argument to account for the facts they were previously unaware of. The simple fact that the transistors inside the computer that was used to create this video actually _function_ entails evidence against the teleological argument, so there's a certain irony to using a computer to advance such an argument.
    As for biology and the video title, systems chemistry isn't an "accident." It's not like there's someone twiddling dials telling atoms what to do. Atoms do what atoms do, and they do it extremely consistently. We find amino acids on _asteroids in space,_ so it's not at all surprising that proteins and RNA can form naturally.
    Fun fact, we typically find _homochiral_ amino acids on asteroids, and we've found _every_ amino acid on asteroids, so there's clearly some non-biological physical mechanism for chiral selection and it doesn't actually take much for amino acids to form _even in non-aqueous environments without wet-dry cycling._ That we don't know steps 3, 6, and 9 doesn't detract from what we know about steps 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10.
    So what's the mechanism by which physical constants could even in principle be altered? How _specifically_ could, say, the Planck constant be anything other than what it is? If nobody can provide such a mechanism, then you haven't demonstrated that it's even _possible_ for the teleological argument to be sound.
    How could the physical baryon density parameter, the physical dark matter parameter, dark energy density, the scalar spectral index, curvature fluctuation amplitude, or reionization optical depth be any different than what they are? If you had a solution for these, then the teleological argument would still have to contend with the anthropic principle, but it would at least be less unsound. Until there's some demonstration that it's even _possible_ to change these things, the teleological argument is just baseless speculation built atop unwarranted assumption. It's not a good argument, it just _sounds like_ a good argument to people who don't know the first thing about modern physics.
    No ill will intended, but from the perspective of someone who _has_ studied physics in depth, the teleological argument is kinda cringe. The people advocating this argument should be aware of its glaring flaws if they intend to preach to anyone other than the choir with it.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @ThorsDecree I disagree with the points, firing of theories that are not back by data hold or any reputable source that is pushing the same ideas.
      The minds listed that hold to these belief, the ones who are actually scientists and hold all the necessary criteria to weigh in on these topics, have and are well Acquainted with any lay person or chatGPT conclusion could produce,
      And their views hold just fine.
      The scientists in these fields know if the things you are saying, a quick copy and past of your argument into an A.I. software could give any number of objections, as these things listed are not novel, or unexpected by the ones who actually work in said field, and many are theists.
      Subjective opinions based on personal experiences and ones level of understanding does not turn over established realities or over any real weight against the logical argument.
      You can disagree with a logical argument, but that is your Prerogative, but to act like it's *OBVIOUSLY* false is just illogical and without proper credentials, sounds obviously pretentious.
      So to make sweeping statements like "glaring flaws" sounds silly.
      Finally again, with the advent of ChatGPT it is insanely easy to, ask for a bias and completely uncredited essay on any topic from any stance, so rather than engage in a debate of constant Googleable rhetoric,
      I just as soon let the obvious and proven numbers stand, rather than spending time on a rabbit hole.
      It's one thing to sit down with some one who is seeking, another to do the youtube comments bit, where the only thing heard is confirmation bias.
      I go pretty mild on apologetics, because while it is helpful for Christians to not be tricked by slight of hand, and the occasional non-believers mind is changed,
      For the most part it is a constant revolving door of objections, even when one is answered, it is thrown out and moved to another one,
      Because at the end of the day, if someone decides they don't want to believe, they won't.
      It only happens when someone is genuine, and on the internet, that is seldom.
      Therefore the video achieves it's goal, not In changing the minds of Cosmic skeptic fans, but in provided logical and genuine information, for a genuine seeker or believer to learn from.
      (As for the specifics of your argument, I'm not convinced, and I've heard the arguments, so I lack no new data, but will study anyway)

    • @ThorsDecree
      @ThorsDecree 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@CalebTheSojourner Thanks for the reply, mate. I know you're always down to at least consider what I write even if you just assume I'm pulling ideas out of my rear, and I appreciate that.
      It would be cool if you'd stop assuming that, though, because you _can_ actually just get on Google and fact-check me. If I'm wrong about anything, you can _show_ it.
      I didn't make an argument except to demonstrate how the variability necessary for the teleological argument has not been demonstrated to be possible, to say nothing of probable. I asked how it _could_ be possible. If you can't provide a mechanism but still insist on using that assumption for the argument, then at least acknowledge that it is an assumption that's _not indicated by data_ and is _contraindicated by data._
      What *_specific_* thing that I said did you disagree with? Can you give me one such example and the reason you don't accept it? You've told me _that_ you disagree, but not _what_ you disagree with or why.
      If I said something that's not verifiably true or that is verifiably not true, I'd like to know so I can not make the same claim in the future. I didn't make any physical claims that can't be fact-checked in the primary academic literature (ArXiv is free) or with about 5 minutes at most of Googling. It is a FACT that there is no data indicating that the physical constants could be any different than what they are. It is a FACT that there is data indicating that the constants _must_ be what they are. That someone would have to learn quantum statistics, topology, quantum field theory, and differential calculus to clearly understand _precisely_ why doesn't make it not a fact.
      The fact that the only people advocating teleology are people who do _not_ understand the physics should in and of itself be quite telling, as it is a _physical_ argument, right? Ask _any_ physicist. None of my criticism is mere conjecture, it's entirely evidence-based. Don't take my word for it. Independently corroborate or falsify my statements. Like you said earlier, ideas stand or fall on their own merits.
      A "fact" is definitionally a _datum._ All the things I claimed about physics are supported by empirical _data_ -- i.e., by _facts._ Anybody can corroborate _everything_ I said about physics, so IDK what confirmation bias you seem to be implying that I'm employing. I follow evidence, it's why I became a Christian when presented with a limited selection of data and why I stopped being a Christian upon correlating much more data. My brain is a-neurotypical. I'm not saying I'm immune to Type 1 and Type 2 biases, but I am _aware of_ my biases. If you would like, I can formalize my original criticism so you can directly engage with syllogisms, but I really don't _want_ to do that if you're capable of comprehending my points without formalizing them as symbolic logic. I'd have to install a virtual keyboard and I don't wanna do all that lol.
      So please don't accuse me of a bias without being able to demonstrate that I'm engaging in that bias. That's unhelpful at best and a rude well-poisoning lie at worst, and either way you haven't actually attempted to justify that accusation OR respond to the actual content of my criticism.
      Since you did not respond to any specific point I made, I can only conclude that you either can't or aren't willing to. You have never struck me as the type who isn't willing to engage, so my tentative conclusion is that you don't actually have an answer for my points. Is that accurate? I don't want to misrepresent you but you haven't actually directly said anything at all about my argument, you've just given meta-commentary.
      Is it not a _fact_ that there is no empirically evident possibility that the physical constants _could_ be any different than what they are? Is the idea that fine-tuning is even possible not an _assumption_ that contradicts known physics? If I'm wrong about that, then please correct me so I can stop being wrong. But "nuh-uh" isn't an argument.
      If you want to argue against that point, you probably should bring _math_ since it's the _math_ that says there's no reason to think it _could_ be another way and that there are reasons to think it _must_ be this way. If you're going to reject the conclusions of the Standard Model in favor of unwarranted assumptions to the contrary, then you should discard your belief in electricity, atoms, and radioactivity too in order to be consistent because those are characterized by the same exact math.
      Your own words:
      "The precise fine-tuning of the universe, for instance, is a fact acknowledged even by many who aren't Christians. This argument isn't about personal opinions-it's about observable evidence and logical conclusions."
      What _observable evidence_ indicates that the constants could possibly be other than what they are? You're right, this _isn't_ about opinions. It's about data. And the data just doesn't indicate fine-tuning. I went to school to learn this stuff. Are you just "nuh-uh"-ing the findings of every physicist over the last 200 years, or do you want to talk about observable evidence?
      IDK if you remember me or not, I'm the autistic physics guy who often gets misread as sounding angry when I'm really just emphatically neutral-declarative. Just throwing that out there to avoid any unnecessary communication trauma since IIRC such a thing happened once before between us.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @ThorsDecree Oh no, I just specified that I simply agreed with the conclusion I listed in the video, in spite of the specifics of your comment,
      And that I had no intention on debating at all, that's why I pinned a comment about it.
      Being that I, (and most people in youtube comments, unless credentials are given publicly)
      Do not hold any necessary P.h.D or degree, it would be dishonest of me to act like I did.
      I think it's is simply humble, when you are not credible, to not assert as though one does, so that would be why, I am not willing to address the VERY long comments and essays here,
      Also I wasn't accusing you specifically, I was stating how easy it is to waste time going in circles.
      I have heard the arguments, debates, it's not new to me and I'm just not convinced by them.
      So rather than act like I'm a scientist, I will simply defer to the stance I agree with, with no intention on being a debater or anything.
      There are many TH-cam channels and resources for people to watch people who agree with atheism, I even list debates often, so you can hear both sides.
      But being that this is a Christian channel, it shouldn't be surprising that there is Christian content, the point of the video is clear and straightforward.
      I even asserted all arguments have critics of them and there is more to a worldview.
      So all of my comments are saying "I disagree, I'm not interested in debating"

    • @ThorsDecree
      @ThorsDecree 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CalebTheSojourner Oh sure, I can respect that. Lots of people are prone to talking about things they don't actually know (in the sense of being able to demonstrate), so you can definitely go in circles all day with such people. I'm on the 8th day of a conversation with a non-physicist who claims that I don't know anything about physics and keeps trying to gaslight me and pretend that I previously said the opposite of what I actually said on the written record, I feel that! Dunning-Kruger is a thing, and many folks don't actually form conclusions for purely rational reasons. I get that that can be a huge waste of time, I waste more time than I should arguing with such people. From a time management perspective, I agree that it's generally wise to not engage in such arguments. I never "professed myself to be wise" tho ;)
      If you don't want to argue, I don't want to be pushy, but am I allowed to ask Socratic questions? There are a few questions I have regarding your stance and epistemology if you wouldn't mind please clarifying. And it's not, no worries, just know that this is what's on my mind based on your prior response:
      1. Why do you accept (you _do_ accept it, right? I don't mean to presume so please correct me if I misinterpreted your stance) the premise that the constants are variable?
      2. Didn't you just acknowledge that you personally have no way of investigating that?
      3. Is the intellectually honest position to reject the proposition that [X is possible] until such a time as the possibility has actually been demonstrated?
      4. You don't necessarily have to accept the proposition that [X is not possible], but if you can't actually show that [X is possible] then why hold that position or trust any conclusions contingent on it?
      5. Does that not sound like the confirmation bias you were talking about?
      6. If not, what justification do you have for accepting the proposition [X is possible] when you simultaneously acknowledge that you currently have no way to have knowledge of X?
      Do video replies boost algo engagement? I love you guys, y'all have always been cordial and kind to me, FAR more so than most creationists I've engaged with. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, I know I tend to be wordy. I don't have any plans for the evening, I might hop on my second channel and make a video response. Would you mind if I do so and @ you?
      Obviously you're under no obligations to answer my questions, but either way thanks for your time. If you do choose to answer those questions, it would go a long way in helping me understand more about both your position and your epistemology.
      I'm a seeker just like you. If you seem to have a good tool for finding out true things then I'd like to try it out, and if either of us is using a bad tool then it would be in everyone's best interests to identify and discard it. I'm a human, but I recognize that my biological tools are less trustworthy than some intellectual tools, and I want the best possible tools in my epistemological toolbox so that I can make the best decisions using the best information. If God exists and made me this way, then I am forced to conclude that there must be some way that I can utilize logic to conclude from my observations and reasoning (because that is the only way I am physiologically able to become convinced of something) that he exists if that is his intent and he is capable of actualizing his will. Wouldn't you agree? If he's out there, I genuinely want to know.

  • @Chopstewie
    @Chopstewie 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I would caution against using Dr. Craig in this matter; he has said on several occasions that he lowers his epistemic bar for belief in Christianity because he finds it 'worth believing' for emotional reasons. This is fine, but if his confidence is intended to bolster your audience's confidence (being a learned Christian philosopher), then it's just a bad example. His persuasion is not based on the evidence, nor the supposed congruence of Christianity and "science".
    I want to caution anyone reading that naming scientists and former scientists who agree with your spiritual conclusions is trivial. For every scientist named in this video, there are dozens that could be named with any number for religious or non-religious backgrounds. Atheists and religious scientists alike tend to view that religion and science 'are' compatible in that they seek to explain different domains.
    The only thing that is true is that religiosity *tends* to go down with the level of education and intelligence statistically. The spiritual beliefs of any particular scientist might only affirm deism or even directly contradict Christianity. To say nothing or real social consequences for claiming a spiritual practice outside the Christian norm that suppresses non-christian from 'coming out' both now, and historically.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Chopstewie Thank you for your opinion!

    • @ThorsDecree
      @ThorsDecree 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yeah, nobody except for fundamentalists takes Craig very seriously. Most philosophers and scientists consider him to be a "lolcow." IDK if he believes his own nonsense or if he's a very successful grifter, but either way his arguments themselves are almost universally either invalid or unsound. And he's not very creative, he's been running the same script for about a decade now with the only recent addition being the TAG argument.
      I get that he's kind of the go-to head honcho popular Christian apologist, but when you dig into conversation with him it becomes pretty quickly apparent that Craig is basically just preaching to the choir. He has no response to legitimate criticisms of his arguments and he's on record saying such absurd things as "morality is objective, this is moral when God does it, but it's _not_ moral when _we_ do it." For anyone reading this who thinks Craig is compelling, you should watch his 1.5 hour interview with Alex O'Connor. About halfway through Craig starts spiraling.
      There are better arguments they could use for sure. The Kalam invokes an unsound premise and doesn't include "god" anywhere in the premises or conclusion; teleology is refuted by the anthropic principle plus the fact that the physical constants of nature are NOT variable, in fact we have good reasons to think they CAN'T vary; the design argument is so bad that a _federal court with a Bush-appointed Christian judge_ rejected it as pseudoscience (remember "cDesign proponentreationists" in the Kitzmiller v Dover case?).
      It's noteworthy that even if biological evolution were to be falsified, that does not in any way advance a creationist model. What they need to do is show _positive_ support for their claim as opposed to trying to knock down competing claims. If their god is mutually exclusive with evolution, then it evidently can't exist. They might as well try to falsify the general theory of relativity or quantum mechanics for all the good it would do in actually providing an epistemic justification for believing in creationism.

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @ThorsDecree that's why everything b mentioned is covered and it's not just one person, thank you for the opinion!

    • @CalebTheSojourner
      @CalebTheSojourner  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      While it's fair to critique any scholar, it's important to focus on the strength of the arguments rather than the individual presenting them. The Teleological Argument, regardless of who defends it, stands on its own merits. The precise fine-tuning of the universe, for instance, is a fact acknowledged even by many who aren't Christians. This argument isn't about personal opinions-it's about observable evidence and logical conclusions.
      Christianity, historically, hasn't hurt science; in fact, many of the greatest scientists were devout Christians who saw their work as a way to understand God's creation. The idea that faith and science are at odds is a modern misconception. The real impact and logic behind the Teleological Argument aren't diminished by subjective opinions. The numbers and probabilities speak for themselves and point to a universe that seems intentionally designed. These facts remain, no matter one's personal views.
      TH-cam comments are hardly on the cutting edge of the debate field, as such, I don't spend much time engaging in them
      (Though they do help my video)
      so it is more beneficial to examine the arguments and debates, by people who hold the necessary credentials, as the ones listed in the video hold, such debates can be found all over youtube and links have been posted in the description.
      So letting the numbers and professionals articulate and argue from their fields seems to be the obvious choice.
      But thank you for any insight you may have added!

    • @ThorsDecree
      @ThorsDecree 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@CalebTheSojourner See my OP regarding the merits of teleology. OP's point about Craig is valid, outsiders _do_ perceive him to be an imbecile. He's not a scholar, he's a salesman.