You may want to change the way you field your units against steel balls. It's best if they all focus on a single unit together before moving on, as it takes time for their damage to ramp up. They'll take longer to kill your sledgehammers if you arrange them vertically. Cheers
What's the reason for vertical vs horizontal sledges?
Vertical sledges against balls make the balls latch onto one or two at a time. Rather than all at once
the other day I was testing out missile spec and I got 2 copies of quick cool down. 0 cooldown, it was brutal.
You may want to change the way you field your units against steel balls. It's best if they all focus on a single unit together before moving on, as it takes time for their damage to ramp up. They'll take longer to kill your sledgehammers if you arrange them vertically.
i actually never thought of that, individual balls all attacking different targets is worse than all of them attacking one at a time. thanks.
I would reccomend Superlux in general for headsets. Good price super quality and fits my large head well + FINALLY headphones that cover my ears.
(Game played on 302024)
You should throw a month in there too.
Woot, so? did you replace the grey boots? :P
first hue hue hue