The headers needed a bit of persuasion. I had to get a bit of clearance around my motor mount plate, as well as on both sides of the 4l80E. Someone without my exact motor mounts, and not running a 4l80E likely wouldn't have had any issues. I hope that helps!
Hi there! So, these particular headers that I am using are the Hedman LS Engine Swap Headers Part number #68710. I did have to give them some slight persuasion near the steering box, but overall, everything else fit well. The long tube headers that I took off fit perfectly, and were designed for a 69 Camaro. Again, your results may vary, depending on the motor mounts you are using, but these Headman's did the trick for me! I hope that helps!
Hey nick, would you say these mufflers have a higher pitched tone to them? And did they eliminate that lower down drone as they advertise? I would think they have to sound higher pitch to eliminate drone?
To my ear, these have a similar tone, though they seem a bit more raspy. Also, my switch from the H pipe to the X pipe likely had something to do with the sound change. There is certainly no drone with these and I'm really loving how they sound!
That sounds great guys thanks for the video 👍🏼
You bet! Thank you!
Had me singing HEADING OUT TO THE HIGHWAY! Sounds good
oh yes sounds real good
Thanks Steve!
Sounds Great ! Bad Azz ! Thumbs Up !
Thank you!!!
Love the vid ... sounds amazing
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!
16 inches glasspack?
Did you install the resonators or did you do without them?
How is the drone? Sounds like it would be bad. Is this the S type crate muffler?
What wheels are those? I also have a 65 impala 2 door and those wheels look killer on it
Thank you!!! They are Showwheel Streeters. Mine are 18's.
How do those headers fit?
The headers needed a bit of persuasion. I had to get a bit of clearance around my motor mount plate, as well as on both sides of the 4l80E. Someone without my exact motor mounts, and not running a 4l80E likely wouldn't have had any issues. I hope that helps!
@@ClassicNationWhich motor mounts did you use? Ill be attempting to LS swap my 65 with LQ4 and 4l80
Wow that’s beautiful
What is the part number or model borla muffler you used ❓️
This is a great video is your setup 3 inch exhaust to muffler or 2.5 inch ?
Hi Nick - what part number headers did you use? I have a 1965 and doing an LS swap. Can’t find headers. Non of them clear the steering box
Hi there! So, these particular headers that I am using are the Hedman LS Engine Swap Headers Part number #68710. I did have to give them some slight persuasion near the steering box, but overall, everything else fit well. The long tube headers that I took off fit perfectly, and were designed for a 69 Camaro. Again, your results may vary, depending on the motor mounts you are using, but these Headman's did the trick for me! I hope that helps!
@@ClassicNation thank you nick! I very much appreciate it. I subscribed and can’t wait to your next vid. Great work and keep it up
Will magnaflow sound nice on the 65
does your car have tthe regulaar power steering box in it, Im wanting to use the same headers you did
Nope, I have an 800 series saginaw box out of a jeep cherokee, which provides better road feel and is 12.7-1 ratio, a huge upgrade from the original.
Awesome car and exhaust
What state you in?
Thanks! Washington State!
Hey nick, would you say these mufflers have a higher pitched tone to them? And did they eliminate that lower down drone as they advertise? I would think they have to sound higher pitch to eliminate drone?
To my ear, these have a similar tone, though they seem a bit more raspy. Also, my switch from the H pipe to the X pipe likely had something to do with the sound change. There is certainly no drone with these and I'm really loving how they sound!
That is the way it should sound, I know. DK, Omaha. ASE Master Tech since 78, retired.
Thank you!!!
Take class
Yea he about hit that car head on when you were filming the mustang, seems like to much car for him better give him a minivan !!