ДИАНА АНКУДИНОВА, одна из лучших вокалисток и актрис планеты, пропела драматичекую песню о тяжелой судьбе девушки-сироты, которую хотят выдать замуж за нелюбимого человека. ДИАНОЧКА---ЭТО внеземной чарующий голос, который покоряет, пленяет миллионы-миллионы людей на Земном шаре.
Thank you for your reaction according song Rechenka. If you don't mind I woould like to explain about mean of this song. Pleese see it in my comment. Diana's performance really sounds sobbing of an adult Slavic woman, pagan singing of ancestors, ancient Slavs - it is a muffled voice of the mother, which a man heard, being in her womb as a child, which caused trigger sensations and caused goosebumps all over the body, tears and other psychological associations, then just crossed out of his modern life. Diana with her voice, given by the patron of God, excites subtle bodies and creates a vibration between the natural rhythms inside her body and the rhythms of Nature, which in turn are associated with the Natural elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and therefore low notes penetrate into the soul of each listener due to the resonance with the magical voice of Diana. Earlier our ancient Slavs thus addressed and glorified the Gods of patrons, namely pantheon of Slavic Gods.
Диана -- невероятная певица с особенным тембром голоса !!! Исполнение у нее проникновенное, цепляет за душу. Ей здесь всего 14 лет и такое творит !!! Настоящая артистка !!! Спасибо за реакцию. Лайк за Диану и подписка от меня. 👍👍👍👍
За нашу Дианку лайк однозначно, да и жизнь у неё сложная была, мы ей гордимся, ОНА НАРОДНАЯ!!! Песня это наш фольклор, наша история, Дианка её хорошо исполнила!!!
Самое интересное, это видеть реакцию, всех слушающих Диану, певцов, музыкантов, не надо знать всех языков, комментаторов, достаточно только видеть, нюансы их мимики и глаз, и становится понятно их удивление голосом и талантом этой девочки!
Sorry to be so offtopic but does someone know a method to get back into an Instagram account? I was stupid forgot my login password. I would love any help you can give me.
Какой у тебя отличный английский! И спасибо за такую отличную реакцию: только славянин может почувствовать эту русскую песню по-настоящему. Было очень интересно наблюдать именно за твоей реакцией. Привет из Москвы!
Hello from the U.S.! She *is* amazing, isn't she?! She got dumped into an orphanage at the age of 3. After a while, she was adopted by one of the care-givers from there. Her new family is doing much to help support her. The show is "You're Super!", which is for orphans, and other dis-advantaged kids. She won the show two years in a row! She just recently started (at age 16!) her professional career, and has written at least a couple songs. As *soon* as I can, I'll be getting her first album, when she puts it out! Join us, the Dianni, the followers of Diana A.!
Hello from Russia! Isn't that great? Even without knowing the language, this performance of Diana causes goosebumps on the skin of any normal person, where he would not have been and in whatever country he lived!
Very true! I don't understand a single word she is singing, but the emotion and strength in her voice is quite amazing! What a true, rare gift. No interpreter needed here!
I prefer her songs in Russian, I can focus on her performance and voice and not be concerned about what the song is about. I have read comments describing what this song is about, but, it is still her sound and performance that drags me in..The only English song I really like, though her English singing diction is perfect, it "It's a man's work," where her passion show through. She is a true treasure, keep her safe!
Язик, спасибо Вам за такой грамотный глубокий разбор! Диана умственно также превосходит свой возраст как и в вокале. Для этого надо послушать что и как она говорит... Здесь ей 14 лет. Голос её временами полифонически модифицируется и доходит до звука армянского дудука... Надеюсь Вы будете продолжать комментировать пение Дианы! Записей её в ю-тубе выложено невероятно много. С 5-ти летнего возраста.
I really loved that you took the time to not only analyze her performance but to be encouraging and supportive. Your sincerity and love for her as a person worthy of international recognition should be well-received by her fans who see this reaction.
She was 14 yo on this show. And about this song (with translation): Реченька (река - river, реченька - affectionate appeal to river) Old russian folk song on behalf of the bride who has not parents and therefore there is no one to give her a blessing. English translation: The river It is my sweet river It flow but not quiver Oh, baby, my little baby, why are you sitting here? And not smiling? Oh, friends [only female], my dear girls Oh, I have nothing to rejoice about [wedding] Oh, I have nothing to smile about We have a yard full of horses And our upper room is full with the guests With the guests With the guests I have not father and mother I have not Blessing [of parents for the wedding] It is the river It is my sweet river It flow but not quiver
Diana had a hard childhood but thanks to her foster mother everything has changed for the better! so she can translate the soul of the song and we can get all wonderful emotions! like!
Great reation! Thank you! We would appreciate some more, "Derniere danse" would be a good follow! You could react also to Pelageya and Elmira singing the portuguese fado "Cancao do mar" a real piece of art.
Дианочка Супер! Певица и актриса Супер! Певица номер один в России и не только в России но и в мире королева мурашек чудо ребёнок такие как Диана рождаются одна на 1000000000
Он рассказывает о своем впечатлении. Говорит, что она молодая девочка, но поет как взрослая женщина. Перечисляет вокальные техники и говорит, что никогда не слышал, чтобы так их применяли. Он восхищен ее взглядом, как она смотрит в камеру. Короче, ему очень понравилось. ))
Thanks for the reaction. All on business. This is an old wedding ritual song, it's like a puzzle, it consists of phrases taken from ritual songs. Where it is sung in a whisper is like the words of a deceased mother, because in Russia since ancient times it was believed that the river is the border between the world of the living and the dead, as in the mythology of others countries. So the girl-orphan came to the river to tell the mother that she was being given away for the unloved, to a strange family, ask for blessings and cry.
Witam z Litwy. Bardzo fajna reakcija, łatwa. Dziękuję. A jeszcze, jestešcę podobny z twarzu na spiewakarza z Litwy Vaidas Baumila. Moji pozdrawienia. :) ZDIĘKUJĘ.
This video was taken when she was 14 years old n is trained to sing liked CHER, the american Icon singer. But her true voice in singing is so different in her adult. There is one song that her true singing voice was in that song.
You know what's funny? I have learned so well how to transition from chest to head and mix, that I no longer know how to let myself break. I'm trying to practice doing what Diana does here, and it's just too smooth! Ha ha Ha if you can do a tutorial on how to intentionally break, that would be nice.
Yazik, спасибо! Вы - тот редкий случай, когда не хочется выключать видео и интересно слушать комментарии. Вдвойне приятно, что, умеете читать по-русски. :)
Nice reaction. I just discovered Diana about a month ago, and I’ve been binging here videos since. And the thing I’ve discovered is it isn’t about her technique, it isn’t about her tone, it isn’t about the notes she creates. It’s about the worlds she creates. Her singing is just a part of the equation. Her performance, her ability to emote, her stage presence, all of it combine to create a world into which she not only invites you to enter, but forces you to confront. And she does this in these videos at age 14 and 15! She blows me away. She’s the most interesting singer I’ve seen and heard since I first saw Azam Ali of Vas. She’s amazing, and I hope she gets off the talent show circuit and creates her own music and really performs in front of audiences around the world. She deserves that, and it would be a great gift to us, her fans.
Nice review, I like the reviews that give a more big picture review than vocals only. This is a fantastic performance. Her change is very notable, look at Jodel Time from less than two years ago for totally different song/style. I'm also quite surprised/shocked that I didn't come across her until last week when some of the reviewers I keep an eye out for have reviews that a 3, 6, 9 months old. Also quite shocked that neither Amazon or Ebay showed any items for her, especially with how fast the Beste Zangers tracks were available this summer. Although Russia and the Netherlands interact with most of the world differently.
Thanks for reaction! It was sincere and sometimes funny. Funny in the moments when you bothered twice if she is mentally ok and when you asked if Diana is allowed to participate in the fests outside her Slavic country. Those phrases told much about your beliefs. Be brave! You will learn many surprising things if you are interested in Diana's performances.
Diana is the female best and most unique, mesmerizing, memorable, amazing, atavistic , primordial, tribunal shaman , goddess on planet earth-any age!!! Al
I loved your comments at the end and your nice wishes for her. She said she has several songs wrote and created by her but sshe is not ready to release it yet
Another excellent reaction. I like how you are concerned for her state of mind and long term well being. I too hope she navigates all the pitfalls for a young performer and becomes a big star. And that she does it in healthy and happy way.
Swietna reakcja ! Wiesz kiedy po raz pierwszy ( zupelnia przypadkowo ) uslyszalam jej glos , bylam zupelnie oszolomiona ... ja po prostu nie moglam uwierzyc w w fakt ,ze to dziecko moze w taki sposob spiewac bez uzycia pomocniczych "srodkow technicznych".hahaha ... ona jest naprawde niesamowita !
I really like that french songs she sings and human. I love all her music. I'm not a professional but shes really good a sound like no other. Most singers today think in order to be good you have to hit all the high notes i think someone that has a large range of different vocal tones is just as good if not better as someone that only hits all the high notes. Please Yasik react to all her other songs as well thanks 😊
You're right to be impressed. You can never be more connected than Diana is here. Her vocal gymnastics are quite impressive, always in pitch, as she slides up and down, in and out. Her emotion is world class entertainment. The most unique singer I've ever heard. Cheers!
This is an old ritual song about an orphan bride. The girl has no parents. The river was considered the boundary between the world of the living and the dead. She goes to the river and asks for the blessing of marriage, she says that there are many people at home, but there is no father and mother. You hear Diana singing in a whisper, these are the words of the deceased mother of the bride. Then the girl is crying. In Russia, weddings sang sad songs to scare away evil, and the marriage of a young couple was happy. Such songs were called “weeping.” The figures behind Diana are spirits of water and forest. This is folklore and the song has deep meaning. Previously, the river was considered an otherworldly place connecting the living and the dead. And an orphan girl comes to the river to ask for blessings and protection from the river (that is, to the deceased mother), since she is being married to an unloved one. And she suffers from the grief that there is no one to protect or bless her. "Rechenka" (Dear River) is a very-very old Russian folk song and it's melody is typical for Russian pre-christian chanting culture, then Russians lived in total harmony with Mother-Nature. The lyrics contain a lot of archaisms but they are very cheerful to Russian ear and understandable as well. It awakens the deepest strings of Russian soul and cultural genetic code. It like turns us inside out. This song has a completely different meaning in the performance of Diana. The final has changed. This is not a wedding song. This is a scream. This is a rejection of the father and mother, who want to give their daughter without her desire to a man whom she does not love. Here is how this song sounds for Diana: You river ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! My river woooo! woooo! woooo! You flow And the waves do not rise. Oh a baby My little baby Why are you sitting And not smiling? -.- Oh you are my friends You are my darlings Oh i have no reason to be happy Oh, I have no reason to smile. There are many horses in our yard And the guests ... And the guests ... And the big room is full of guests. I have no father, I have no mother I do not have a blessing person. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -.- You river ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! My native river woooo! woooo! woooo! You flow and the waves do not rise... I Hope it helps you to understand the song better!!
Yazik, you said the perfect speech about her future... I hope Diana and her family have the opportunity to listen what you said. You're a wise man. 💖💖💖💖
I like how you say her voice is Slavic. No one else has said that. But it's true. Strong shamanistic influences too, that much is obvious. You also make the point it may not work out for her in Moscow. This girl really needs to be in London or New York.
Very Gothic, they love to do that in Russia, they like nature and you can feel the Gothicness, dark , bright, wind, leaves n i can do the di hi hi hish...like Gloomy Sunday song...the song is from Poland right?
ДИАНА АНКУДИНОВА, одна из лучших вокалисток и актрис планеты, пропела драматичекую песню о тяжелой судьбе девушки-сироты, которую хотят выдать замуж за нелюбимого человека.
ДИАНОЧКА---ЭТО внеземной чарующий голос, который покоряет, пленяет миллионы-миллионы людей на Земном шаре.
спасибо за реакцию!!! 14 лет!
Когда Дианюсику исполнится 66 в её музее будут все шэдэвры и первый исполнений в 13 лет,,йодль,,-,,Эдит Пиаф,,и,,реченька,,и многие др.шэдэвры😢😮❤
Тысячу раз прослушала эту песню в исполнении Дианы и каждый раз как в первые. Восхищение, душа улетела и прилетела. Супер, гениально!!!!
Thank you for your reaction according song Rechenka. If you don't mind I woould like to explain about mean of this song. Pleese see it in my comment. Diana's performance really sounds sobbing of an adult Slavic woman, pagan singing of ancestors, ancient Slavs - it is a muffled voice of the mother, which a man heard, being in her womb as a child, which caused trigger sensations and caused goosebumps all over the body, tears and other psychological associations, then just crossed out of his modern life. Diana with her voice, given by the patron of God, excites subtle bodies and creates a vibration between the natural rhythms inside her body and the rhythms of Nature, which in turn are associated with the Natural elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, and therefore low notes penetrate into the soul of each listener due to the resonance with the magical voice of Diana. Earlier our ancient Slavs thus addressed and glorified the Gods of patrons, namely pantheon of Slavic Gods.
Диана -- невероятная певица с особенным тембром голоса !!! Исполнение у нее проникновенное, цепляет за душу. Ей здесь всего 14 лет и такое творит !!! Настоящая артистка !!! Спасибо за реакцию. Лайк за Диану и подписка от меня. 👍👍👍👍
За нашу Дианку лайк однозначно, да и жизнь у неё сложная была, мы ей гордимся, ОНА НАРОДНАЯ!!! Песня это наш фольклор, наша история, Дианка её хорошо исполнила!!!
Great reaction dude! Diana is on another plain. Imagine her and Dimash.
Самое интересное, это видеть реакцию, всех слушающих Диану, певцов, музыкантов, не надо знать всех языков, комментаторов, достаточно только видеть, нюансы их мимики и глаз, и становится понятно их удивление голосом и талантом этой девочки!
Чудесный ты парень, уверен, что и вокальный тренер чудесный. Спасибо за искренность.
Sorry to be so offtopic but does someone know a method to get back into an Instagram account?
I was stupid forgot my login password. I would love any help you can give me.
Какой у тебя отличный английский! И спасибо за такую отличную реакцию: только славянин может почувствовать эту русскую песню по-настоящему. Было очень интересно наблюдать именно за твоей реакцией. Привет из Москвы!
За Дианочку, нашу красавицу, всегда лайк!
Спасибо за реакцию на нашу Диану ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello from the U.S.! She *is* amazing, isn't she?! She got dumped into an orphanage at the age of 3. After a while, she was adopted by one of the care-givers from there. Her new family is doing much to help support her. The show is "You're Super!", which is for orphans, and other dis-advantaged kids. She won the show two years in a row! She just recently started (at age 16!) her professional career, and has written at least a couple songs. As *soon* as I can, I'll be getting her first album, when she puts it out! Join us, the Dianni, the followers of Diana A.!
Hello from Russia! Isn't that great? Even without knowing the language, this performance of Diana causes goosebumps on the skin of any normal person, where he would not have been and in whatever country he lived!
Very true! I don't understand a single word she is singing, but the emotion and strength in her voice is quite amazing! What a true, rare gift. No interpreter needed here!
I prefer her songs in Russian, I can focus on her performance and voice and not be concerned about what the song is about. I have read comments describing what this song is about, but, it is still her sound and performance that drags me in..The only English song I really like, though her English singing diction is perfect, it "It's a man's work," where her passion show through. She is a true treasure, keep her safe!
Diana is super !
She is 14 in this performance. Her first showing and she turned 15 for the remaining songs.
She is a phenomenon❣
Спасибо большое за реакцию ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Это шедевр!!!!! Исполнение такой тяжёлой песни -шедеврально!!!!!
She is so amazing! I feel like we are looking at a gift from heaven!
Язик, спасибо Вам за такой грамотный глубокий разбор! Диана умственно также превосходит свой возраст как и в вокале. Для этого надо послушать что и как она говорит... Здесь ей 14 лет. Голос её временами полифонически модифицируется и доходит до звука армянского дудука... Надеюсь Вы будете продолжать комментировать пение Дианы! Записей её в ю-тубе выложено невероятно много. С 5-ти летнего возраста.
I really loved that you took the time to not only analyze her performance but to be encouraging and supportive. Your sincerity and love for her as a person worthy of international recognition should be well-received by her fans who see this reaction.
She was 14 yo on this show. And about this song (with translation):
Реченька (река - river, реченька - affectionate appeal to river)
Old russian folk song on behalf of the bride who has not parents and therefore there is no one to give her a blessing.
English translation:
The river
It is my sweet river
It flow but not quiver
Oh, baby, my little baby, why are you sitting here?
And not smiling?
Oh, friends [only female], my dear girls
Oh, I have nothing to rejoice about [wedding]
Oh, I have nothing to smile about
We have a yard full of horses
And our upper room is full with the guests
With the guests
With the guests
I have not father and mother
I have not Blessing [of parents for the wedding]
It is the river
It is my sweet river
It flow but not quiver
Thank you so much for translation
Фантастическое выступление Дианы!
Классная интересная реакция!
Fantastic performance of Diana!
Cool interesting reaction!
Like it!
this is the correct professional reaction to genius =)
She is super
За Диану всегда лайк! :)
Да, лайк!
Tak jak obiecałeś. Dziękuję Ci za reakcję na "Rzeczkę" Diany. To co ona robi to magia. Jeszcze raz dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
Diana had a hard childhood but thanks to her foster mother everything has changed for the better! so she can translate the soul of the song and we can get all wonderful emotions! like!
Good reaction. Yes I too wish her much safety and happiness in her journey.
Bravo, bravo, bravo🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Great reation! Thank you! We would appreciate some more, "Derniere danse" would be a good follow! You could react also to Pelageya and Elmira singing the portuguese fado "Cancao do mar" a real piece of art.
th-cam.com/video/mve3-fEuTHA/w-d-xo.html&start_radio=1 - DIANA ANKUDINOVA «Derniere Danse»
It was a big pleasure to watch your reaction! Thank you! Waiting for more!
Дианочка Супер! Певица и актриса Супер! Певица номер один в России и не только в России но и в мире королева мурашек чудо ребёнок такие как Диана рождаются одна на 1000000000
Wicked Game! Diana Ankudinova!
уже было
А где посмотреть?
@@ОляЛитвинкович-ъ5ы зайдите на канал Язека.
This taken as a whole is stunning! The vocal, the stage design...the lighting...now knowing the story behind the song, it's one for the ages.
Jodel - tame. Diana Ankudinova!
Субтитров нет, очень жаль. Но по выражению лица, по глазам и даже по языку можно предположить, что хорошая реакция. Спасибо. Лайк. Привет из России.
Он рассказывает о своем впечатлении. Говорит, что она молодая девочка, но поет как взрослая женщина. Перечисляет вокальные техники и говорит, что никогда не слышал, чтобы так их применяли. Он восхищен ее взглядом, как она смотрит в камеру. Короче, ему очень понравилось. ))
просмотр через браузер позволяет субтитры с переводом
Я смотрю с компьютера, всегда включаю автоматические субтитры с переводом на русский)))
@@mobibavideo спасибо большое.
субтитры включаются под видио через браузер, если нажать на квадратик, потом в настройке указать на какой язык. Очень просто.
Thanks for the reaction. All on business. This is an old wedding ritual song, it's like a puzzle, it consists of phrases taken from ritual songs. Where it is sung in a whisper is like the words of a deceased mother, because in Russia since ancient times it was believed that the river is the border between the world of the living and the dead, as in the mythology of others countries. So the girl-orphan came to the river to tell the mother that she was being given away for the unloved, to a strange family, ask for blessings and cry.
Она заслуживает только восторженных отзывов
The choirmaster of the Bolshoi described her as "The queen of the lower registers". The Russians aren't mucking around.
Спасибо. Было интересно!
Great reaction, Yazik!
Спасибо за реакцию. Ты не первый препод кому она ломает сознание;)
Diana is mesmerising, more of a sound sculptor than a singer.
Witam z Litwy. Bardzo fajna reakcija, łatwa. Dziękuję. A jeszcze, jestešcę podobny z twarzu na spiewakarza z Litwy Vaidas Baumila. Moji pozdrawienia. :) ZDIĘKUJĘ.
You dont need to say or talk to about mental health .is pure talent art that you never hear at this time . love her so much .be nice . !!!!
Yazik, WOOOWWWW!!! 🔥 🔥
Hi Yszik,
You're right. Diana a very talented young kady. She's unique. Pks reacr to Derniere une dance. Tx
Hi I looked all your reactions to Diana and I would like to thank you for being so wonderfully caring person! Thank You!
This video was taken when she was 14 years old n is trained to sing liked CHER, the american Icon singer. But her true voice in singing is so different in her adult. There is one song that her true singing voice was in that song.
She is NOT trained to sing like Cher at all!. What a fable. The voice Diana sings in is her completely natural timbre. FACTS!!
What I love about this song is that it appeals to the primitive nature of our brains and souls... She has raised the bar...
You know what's funny? I have learned so well how to transition from chest to head and mix, that I no longer know how to let myself break. I'm trying to practice doing what Diana does here, and it's just too smooth! Ha ha Ha if you can do a tutorial on how to intentionally break, that would be nice.
Браво Диана!
This girl has Polyphonic Overtones in her voice
she gives a full show in one song. what an adventure,
Yazik, спасибо! Вы - тот редкий случай, когда не хочется выключать видео и интересно слушать комментарии. Вдвойне приятно, что, умеете читать по-русски. :)
Great reaction to a beautiful song. Diana sang a lot in musicals, so all her performances are like mini-performances.
Диана, мы тебя любим, ты невероятная,
Nice reaction. I just discovered Diana about a month ago, and I’ve been binging here videos since. And the thing I’ve discovered is it isn’t about her technique, it isn’t about her tone, it isn’t about the notes she creates. It’s about the worlds she creates. Her singing is just a part of the equation. Her performance, her ability to emote, her stage presence, all of it combine to create a world into which she not only invites you to enter, but forces you to confront. And she does this in these videos at age 14 and 15! She blows me away. She’s the most interesting singer I’ve seen and heard since I first saw Azam Ali of Vas. She’s amazing, and I hope she gets off the talent show circuit and creates her own music and really performs in front of audiences around the world. She deserves that, and it would be a great gift to us, her fans.
За Язика лайк)
Спасибо за интересный разбор пения.
Hello great reaction please react Diana sing Human OMG.😍 AMAZING thanks
th-cam.com/video/-KgD666fRtY/w-d-xo.html - Diana Ankudinova "Human"
Nice review, I like the reviews that give a more big picture review than vocals only. This is a fantastic performance. Her change is very notable, look at Jodel Time from less than two years ago for totally different song/style. I'm also quite surprised/shocked that I didn't come across her until last week when some of the reviewers I keep an eye out for have reviews that a 3, 6, 9 months old. Also quite shocked that neither Amazon or Ebay showed any items for her, especially with how fast the Beste Zangers tracks were available this summer. Although Russia and the Netherlands interact with most of the world differently.
I keep coming back to your reactions of Diana.
I've watched at least 100 and you are my favorite. Thank you!
Thanks for reaction! It was sincere and sometimes funny.
Funny in the moments when you bothered twice if she is mentally ok and when you asked if Diana is allowed to participate in the fests outside her Slavic country. Those phrases told much about your beliefs.
Be brave! You will learn many surprising things if you are interested in Diana's performances.
Diana is the female best and most unique, mesmerizing, memorable, amazing, atavistic , primordial, tribunal shaman , goddess on planet earth-any age!!!
She is Fantastic and an Indigo child,
Felt this all the way in America, she makes me feel primal, love it!
this was the first song I heard from her , and i became an instant fan for like.Udeniable talent and feel.
I loved your comments at the end and your nice wishes for her. She said she has several songs wrote and created by her but sshe is not ready to release it yet
Thank you for your honest reaction! It's great to see some people enjoy Diana's singing
Another excellent reaction. I like how you are concerned for her state of mind and long term well being. I too hope she navigates all the pitfalls for a young performer and becomes a big star. And that she does it in healthy and happy way.
Diana is a great artist and amazing performer!🌟🎵👏 Thanks for good reaction! Subscribe! Do more Diana!
Swietna reakcja ! Wiesz kiedy po raz pierwszy ( zupelnia przypadkowo ) uslyszalam jej glos , bylam zupelnie oszolomiona ... ja po prostu nie moglam uwierzyc w w fakt ,ze to dziecko moze w taki sposob spiewac bez uzycia pomocniczych "srodkow technicznych".hahaha ... ona jest naprawde niesamowita !
no i cos jeszcze ... ona produkuje dzwieki ktore moga miec wplyw nawet na nasza podswiadomosc :-) Ciekawe jak ona to robi ...hm...
W czasie tego show ona mila tylko 14 lat !
Witaj! Cieszę się, ze na nią trafiłem. Świetna wokalistka 💪 Pozdrawiam!
@@YazikReacts Tak . Pozdrowienia
Thank you, Yazik for reaction! Hello from Latvia! :)
I really like that french songs she sings and human. I love all her music. I'm not a professional but shes really good a sound like no other. Most singers today think in order to be good you have to hit all the high notes i think someone that has a large range of different vocal tones is just as good if not better as someone that only hits all the high notes. Please Yasik react to all her other songs as well thanks 😊
YAZIK! She is Unique to all of us! Yes, I tried to do those sounds, and yes, I couldn't! Thank you for your reactions! I love them, they are kind!
I loved hearing your thoughts of her well-being. You are a good soul!!!
You're right to be impressed. You can never be more connected than Diana is here. Her vocal gymnastics are quite impressive, always in pitch, as she slides up and down, in and out. Her emotion is world class entertainment. The most unique singer I've ever heard. Cheers!
She is sooooooo good! Looking forward to see what the future is gonna be for her....wish her the very best!!
She’s very talented girl and thank you so much for your reaction! Merry Christmas to you 👍👍👍
Watched Diana 100s of time I watch Havana to see HER
Реакция совершенно великолепная!
Thank you
Спасибо, Yazik!
Диана Анкудинова (Diana Ankudinova), Adam Ferello - Vibes (Clip)
Браво, Яцеку! Как приятно увидеть поляка, не испорченного русофобией! Тем более, молодого.
Парень, Ты молодец , сделал хороший анализ исполнения песни.
This is an old ritual song about an orphan bride.
The girl has no parents. The river was considered
the boundary between the world of the living and
the dead. She goes to the river and asks for the
blessing of marriage, she says that there are many
people at home, but there is no father and mother.
You hear Diana singing in a whisper, these are the
words of the deceased mother of the bride. Then the
girl is crying. In Russia, weddings sang sad songs
to scare away evil, and the marriage of a young couple
was happy. Such songs were called “weeping.” The figures
behind Diana are spirits of water and forest.
This is folklore and the song has deep meaning. Previously, the river was considered an otherworldly place connecting the living and the dead. And an orphan girl comes to the river to ask for blessings and protection from the river (that is, to the deceased mother), since she is being married to an unloved one. And she suffers from the grief that there is no one to protect or bless her.
"Rechenka" (Dear River) is a very-very old Russian folk song and it's melody is typical for Russian pre-christian chanting culture, then Russians lived in total harmony with Mother-Nature. The lyrics contain a lot of archaisms but they are very cheerful to Russian ear and understandable as well. It awakens the deepest strings of Russian soul and cultural genetic code. It like turns us inside out.
This song has a completely different meaning in the performance of Diana. The final has changed. This is not a wedding song. This is a scream. This is a rejection of the father and mother, who want to give their daughter without her desire to a man whom she does not love.
Here is how this song sounds for Diana:
You river ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh!
My river woooo! woooo! woooo!
You flow And the waves do not rise. Oh a baby
My little baby Why are you sitting And not smiling? -.-
Oh you are my friends You are my darlings
Oh i have no reason to be happy
Oh, I have no reason to smile.
There are many horses in our yard And the guests ...
And the guests ... And the big room is full of guests.
I have no father, I have no mother
I do not have a blessing person. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -.-
You river ahhh! ahhh! ahhh! ahhh!
My native river woooo! woooo! woooo!
You flow and the waves do not rise...
I Hope it helps you to understand the song better!!
Yazik, you said the perfect speech about her future... I hope Diana and her family have the opportunity to listen what you said. You're a wise man. 💖💖💖💖
I like how you say her voice is Slavic. No one else has said that. But it's true. Strong shamanistic influences too, that much is obvious. You also make the point it may not work out for her in Moscow. This girl really needs to be in London or New York.
I am 61, and I love her voice. If she and Dimash would tour together, they'd rule the world.
Thanks for the reaction
Hi, Yazik, in this performance Diana was 14 years old. She was born on May 31st, in 2003...
Diana - Russian' Princess of Diamond voice❤❤❤❤❤❤
Great reaction again. Love Diana
Very Gothic, they love to do that in Russia, they like nature and you can feel the Gothicness, dark , bright, wind, leaves n i can do the di hi hi hish...like Gloomy Sunday song...the song is from Poland right?