Indeed. This war and technology has changed warfare and terrorism significantly. Anyone can afford drones and simple bombs. Worse yet, they can be deployed anywhere. All it takes is a very angry group of people in your own country to start using technology to create terrorism at home. The world is becoming a truly frightening place. Autocracy has got to go!
don't think that just because you haven't heard about it that it didn't or isn't happening. The US has been working on drones for more than 20 years. The good ones are BIG, and that is what most people think is all that we have. Don't believe it. What is being learned is how to do more with less in a way that superpowers don't need to do, so the unintended result is something that wasn't planned for
@@petunized You don't know how defense acquisition works. The MIC can't just walk up to the pentagon and say "buy this expensive new thing". That just doesn't happen. The pentagon is well aware of the limits of existing technology and future threats. It receives a mission from the government, which includes requirements such as "be able to fight a major war in Europe and a second war in either the Middle East or Korea", and then they determine to the best of their ability what will be needed in order to have that capability for the next twenty years. If the current aircraft were designed during the Nixon administration (F-15, F-16, and the F-17 which is the basis of the SuperHornet) then they will start developing a new aircraft to give us warfighting capabilities relevant to 2035. If the DoD determines that a mix of drones will augment current systems (aircraft carriers and tanks) then Lockheed, Northrop, and GD will jump on the BTI. For the sake of discussion, if DoD said "tanks and APCs are obsolete, we're going with drones from now on", then that's the way it is and that's what the MIC would start building. If that reduces their income then so be it. The same thing happened when the Cold War ended.
There is no realistic grasp, realistic would require understanding that everything he mentioned are made in China, and US will have zero access to anything he mentioned in a war with China.
Reminds me alot of the Admirals and Land-Generals of the day pre-WW2 saying that navy-launchrd aircraft and fast-moving armour would revolutionize the next war/battlespace. Which we saw en masse in ww2 prophetically. Drones are the first step in the next era of A.I. infused weapon systems. It's only going to get quicker smaller and more lethal in large swarms now.
Except he is two decades late in his limited grasp. War games and war colleges don't seem to have anything but hindsight! Too spoiled living the high life to deserve it.
My question may be stupid but with the billions of dollars spent in war analysis and those "highly paid" analysts in the West, why did it take a war to come to these realizations, and now scramble to address them? The UAV technology is nothing new and using civilians UAVs for police action dates back to 2000? So, who failed to do their job and how many people got fired?
I remember working for one large oem and telling them like 10 years ago to develop low cost drones with enough C4 to bust a tank. They all looked at me like I was an idiot ! Now look what is happening
But without the US support, Ukraine falls within a week. So, Ukraine proves that without the support of a superpower, any nation fighting against a superpower will pretty much immediately collapse.
@IDontBuyIt50 The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam compared to the current Ukrainian war is that the US didn't plan to conquer either Viet and Afgh, they merely tried to suppress uprisings. And yes, when suppressing uprisings guerilla tactics become very effective. In order to establish order, every square inch of territory needs to be scrubbed of hostiles. This can often only be achieved by destroying pretty much everything like Russia does to Ukraine currently, or for example Israel is currently doing in gaza.
It's one thing to learn, and another thing to manufacture cheap drones. Military industry is a lucrative business. No way anyone in America will manufacture drones for cheap 😂
No they are actually genetically the same. Up until 30 years ago the went to the same schools. Both sides are as smart as the other. Some leaders through survival are better than others.
@@paulphotios3920 Genetically all the people are more or less the same) But there are a lot of differences in mentality between Ukrainians and Russians - Ukrainians are individualists, they love freedom (and anarchy), while Russians are collectivists and they obey to state power without any questions. Maybe it is the reason why in many Russo-Ukrainian wars Ukrainians have won more battles, but lost more wars. Ukrainians are strong in tactics, but Russians - in strategy. There is an another interesting difference - the role of women, the Ukrainian woman historically were always considered as equals, while the Russian women historically were treated a little better than cattle, if she was lucky. The languages are similar, like all Slavonic languages, although linguistically less similar than Spanish and Portuguese.
@@edwinbarnett9032 as similar as French and German, comrade. And I don't have relatives in ruZZia. 100% Ukrainian from Kyiv. Stop this cheap KGBist propaganda. Most of the ruZZians living in Ukraine are descendants of those sent to houses of the murdered by artificially created hunger Ukrainians. Millions of ruZZians were sent to replace millions of dead Ukrainians who's bodies often were still in the houses. Comrade.
Cheap, lethal force multipliers we can readily deploy (from whatever platform u choose) .. in swarms .. not these expensive "loyal wingmen" the enemy will hack. Our military needs 2 b much more lethal 4 its ltd manpower & budgeting (dont get me started on nuke subs). We must b able 2 readily deploy (more) assets without fear of "scratching the paint". With cheap (cardboard) drones, suddenly everything's more defensible. We need a more lethal military sooner with as much built here (sovereign capability), more easily forging regional relationships with conventionally powered assets & insulating ourselves from vagaries of US domestic politics.
need to be "locally" sourced cheap weapons . Please know that imported weapons are most likely not available when you need them during ongoing battles.
@@jocknarn3225 I understand where you’re coming from, but the doctrine of the “Loyal wingman” is different from the UCAV’s being used in the Ukraine war right now. They are seen as a force multiplier for much bigger jets. And you have to take into account that allot of these UCAV’s seen in this video could only dream about taking out an aircraft flying in the air. The loyal wingmen’s are set to be in the attributable range meaning you don’t want to lose it but if you do it won’t break the bank. Also, you and many others are mistaken to believe that the time of big expensive equipment is behind us. When in reality there will always be a need for big warship, tanks, planes, artillery, helicopters, etc. The only difference is to increase your cheap capabilities to further enhance your expensive one. It’s about “Balance” and proof of this is what our adversary are doing. China and Russia still have expensive equipment like tanks, warships, planes, etc. and they still will for the foreseeable future, the only difference is they are also increasing their cheap capabilities to greatly enhance their existing forces. And one use case that I can see the loyal wingmen having is in defeating air defense’s. Imagine that you have an F-35 and 3-5 loyal wingmen, you use one as bait while the others wait and see where the missiles are being fired from. Once they have a lock you could use HARM missiles to find and destroy the missiles battery’s and radar. You just destroyed a 500 million dollar air defense system for the cost of an 5-10 million dollar aircraft and a few harm missiles at 200,000-800,000 a pop. 15-20 million sounds like a lot, but not if you take it with context. And I’m pretty sure that this general would be okay with spending 20 million dollars to take out a 500 million dollar air defense systems, because that’s a great cost curve to have.
To be specific, US military pays $60,000 for a single switchblade FPV drone with a smaller warhead than a $40 FPV drone, and they ran out of inventory within a week.
@@vlhc4642 crazy!! not confident any changes will be made in the near term. The exquisite solution always ensures max profits vs. the simple solution..
Wars were always the perfect catalysts for inventions and weapons advance, with the Manhattan Project being the most famous example... If the next big one, that is certanly coming, between the West and China/Russia, doesn't end the world as we know it, I bet you a million that the inventions that will come out of that war will change and improve our civilization like we haven't seen in a century.. New ways of communicating, new materials, etc.... P.S. I'm sure that our allies from Ukraine are sharing all they've found out during the last 2 years with us... We're learning as much as we're teaching them..
@@Habib_Osmandrones used for everything from targeting artillery, to using FPVs to target tanks and personal carriers, to going after the Russian Black Sea fleet. How many tanks had been destroyed using drones until the war in Ukraine? Exactly!
At 4:30 he says a UAV costs $10,000. The hobby-grade FPV multirotors being used cost about $300. These military types need to go out, buy the parts and build one that is depicted in these videos to know what they're talking about. It's worrisome that military officials think things cost 33 times over MSRP... except that they are truly that bad with money.
I completely understand what you're talking about. However, if a first world country was going to do attack drones, they would also have support/ relay drones, spotter dones etc to extend the range. They would also add military grade radio/sat/ cell control systems. So that they could not be interfered with as much. The cost for an average would $10,000 when you consider all the factors but the range would be 25 to 50 km not 2 to 3.
That is actually super smart!! Hell yeah thinkers alike regardless of nationality!! Super cheap, super scalable which is important militarily, and its super effective. 🇺🇸
The drone Ukraine uses are entirely made in China, and American officials seem to either be not aware of that or live under the delusion that China will supply US with cheap weapons to use against China.
It’s been used in the filming industry. You no longer need a helicopter to shoot an ad. People use it for photography. Scientists use it for measurements. The list goes on and on. You are only seeing the bad and refusing to see the good. So STFU
It all comes down to money! SO VERY glad that Gen. James Hecker spoke out what Defense industries do NOT wan to here obtaining hundreds millions of and even billions of dollars!
You don't understand what he was saying. He's saying that the $2B DDG needs a new anti-drone weapon with a lower cost/destroyed-drone.... this is in addition to the SPY-D radar and 96 long range missiles for attacking supersonic aircraft, other ships, and land targets.
It doesn't take a super genius to figure out that shotting down 1,000-dollar drone with million-dollar missile is not good for budget. It's a thousand-fold price difference!
Brains over braun. This General talks sense and if Nato released some of that Russian Oligarchs cash they seized, this should go a long way to helping Ukrainian defend itself and step up the fight on Russia"s own doorstep.
To those making sarcastic comments about the US trying to create million-dollar drones: General Hecker was talking about the US military using far cheaper weapons. If we get into a shooting war with China, we are going to be using missiles and other munitions at a fearsome rate and quite possibly depleting our munition stockpiles very quickly. This is why Mr. Hecker said the US needs to start using cheaper munitions. This is also why he talked about using directed energy weapons (i.e., lasers) to defend against incoming drones.
here's an idea. combine artillery and FPV. use an artillery round to launch an FPV close to the target, then deploy wings or copters to manually guide it to the target.
I believe those are the well known TV/Video-Guided missiles . Been around since at least the '80s or early '90s. As with any FPV or otherwise signal guided ,including GPS , they're very succeptible to REW (radio electronic warfare, jamming)
@@dejandimoski4605 REW can be detected and fired upon with anti-radiation missiles. The same can be said though for the controller's nests. I don't know why russians don't home in the radio signal that controls the drones...
would be too expensive, because "UAV" would need to survive stress of being fired through the gun, would be too small, because it would be limited by the barrel of the gun.. UAV doesnt have to be launched like that... you can have "mothership" UAV that carries small FPV UAV on it, fly into area, and deploy these, while boosting their signal... BTW, thats already happening today in Ukraine...
These drones are game changers. Mix in A.I. and global economy will not survive swarms of drones terrorizing everyone. It will only be around 4 years out into the future for this to occur. Significant change underway.
@korzym there is different ways to approach this problem so there most likely will not be only one system to use as one system can be countered much easier than multiple different ones. Also different drones need different kind of solutions depending how those are used and what tech those use
It is great to see how Ukraine is using drones, in the air and on water, to take the fight to a much larger enemy. It is also scary to think how bad actors will learn from their success.
1. russia uses 7x more fpv and drone dropping drones then ukriane (as by ukrainian claims) 2. ukraine outnumbers russia at the very least 2 or 3 to 1 unless they have been taking comletly insane casualties do actual research instead of watching propaganda or dont talk and ignore the conflict since u r obv not ready to invest any time into learning about it
Basically what the NATO chief said right after the Ukrainian stuff hit the fan. NATO countries were going to start supporting STEM education and makerspaces. At least that’s how I understood it. Has anything come of that?
Not including goggles and radio a 7" that seems most common can be under $200 using the cheapest parts available a bigger one is like $250. So 40,000 not counting the discount for quantity, of course someone has to build them though and that's about 1-2 hours depending how much experience the builder has. Then goggles are between $200-600 depending on type or a screen can be under $100 controller between $60-200. The trouble is they need to adapt constantly but, with support of U.S. defense industry they have much better RF gear to go in them than the hobby grade stuff they use now of course this would bring price up but, 10,000 much more advanced drones for $10,000,000 should be possible but, the margins would be basically non existent and they'd require a lot of Chinese parts so good luck getting the military industrial complex to help.
Ukraine produces most of their kamikaze drones locally. They plan on manufacturing between one and two million of them in 2024. Bottleneck is chinese made motors, batteries, cameras, and electronics that have to be procured. There is no western manufacturer of small electric motors for example.
A hidden gotcha is that most of the parts for these low cost drones come from China. China could decide to ban export of drone parts. Where would Ukraine or the US be then?
Yes this has been worrying me also. I'm hoping non China aligned countries are taking notice and starting to make cheap motors in India, and other eastern European countries. I really don't think the West can compete with China on cost.
Real necessity and determination is the mother of all inventions. The US has infinite ways to do what it takes a thousant times cheaper and effective. The US could produce fast drones that could definitely serve Ukraine well too or by supplying the parts that Ukraine needs to enhance their drones further.
@@alberthenriette8976 Ukrainians destroyed more Russian aircraft than Russia destroyed in Ukraine! What are you talking about? Ukrainians were able to destroy 2 of the most serious A-50 reconnaissance aircraft and several TU22 M3 strategic bombers 🤣🤣🤣If Ukraine had 100 F16 aircraft, Ukraine would have taken out all the warehouses and parts of the Russian Federation
These FPV drones that shown hitting a target on impact are not qas successful as the media think. It look good. In reality most of the targets are not destroyed. The drones can't hold the weapons powerful enough to destroy the target.
They are armed with RPGs, which can do a lot of damage, depending on where you hit. Also, on the modern battlefield, once the target is immobilized it is as good as dead. Even if you have to spend multiple FPVs per target, they are so cheap, it is worth it. Finally, how will you recover the vehicle? One of the most common strategies used in the war is to wait for the recovery crew, then hit the crew
Nobody said drone with less than 10kg shell would pulverise a tank on it's own. But that's enough to render it U/S if you hit it's weak point, and bonus if the whole thing then explode with it's internal fuel and stock of munition as already shown with plenty of videos from the battlefield. So I am not sure what footage you watched before making that ill comment.
It's so frustrating watching our higher-ups, defense companies and generals over think this. We figured this out in WWII with kamikaze pilots. A battle ship had close to 200 large AA guns that could knock down huge numbers of aircraft that could take much more abuse than a drone. AA guns with modern radar and sensors will immediately end the drone problem. Bring out the bofors, vulcan cannons and airburst rounds.
Some companies already developped very convincing anti-drone guns (google Rheinmetall) that leaves no chance to even swarms of drones. I guess the technology is there but remain to be seen how the logistic and battlefield implementation would work. Will every soldier out there on the battlefield be covered by such anti-drone system ? Of cours not.
In fact, this is not a simple invention. 1. Because good batteries are needed to fly far, but at the same time the Drone has become not very heavy. 2. The right detonator or explosion initiator is needed that would start the detonation process upon collision with the target. 3. repeater systems are needed so that the Drone could fly very far, the Ukrainians are great, they came up with the idea of retransmitting communication through additional Drones nearby, creating a chain and a network
Why do they keep saying " *The* Ukraine"? Lol It's not the cold war & Ukraine is a state, not a territory like "the Yukon" lol. Believe it or not, Russian propagandists actually use ppl saying "THE Ukraine" as evidence Ukraine isnt a state lol.
Ukraine has long been a territory. So that's why the word "the" sticks around. The word "Ukraine" means "borderlands".. so that should tell you enough.
@Habib_Osman the fact is, Ukraine is a state... even when it was part of the union of soviet socialist REPUBLICS, it was it's own state. Further, it was EXPLICITLY reaffirmed to be it's own state BY RUSSIA in the end of the cold war. Your point about why some ppl still have the habit of saying "the" is one thing, but factually it's a state & has been for a long time. At one point it was Ukraine where the power/leader/capitol was, & alot of Russia was under Ukrainian Rus control.
Yup like the road runner drone intercepter we have. Smaller company made. Same with our sea drones. Smaller companies but that’s what’s great about capitalism
just because an item is cheap doesnt mean you cant make a lot of money selling it. you never heard of economy of scale? it works for making money the same as it does for saving it.
Why on earth is this general's speech being put on TH-cam??? Giving away the secrets of how Ukraine is working! 😡 Whatever happened to staying quiet about denfence tactics!
Russians already know all this stuff. They're doing the same things, so this is not a secret. Putting this out helps with shifting public opinion and awareness, so we can adjust our doctrine.
What he is saying is only what everyone involved already knows. This is no big secret. Taking out a big ticket item ok. Taking over a city where snipers are embedded not so easy. If Ukraine cannot acquire more cannon fodder it cannot win but only go into a terrorist role.
It's really really astounding to me that people believe Russia doesn't know all of this. Do you or any of these 5 people that liked your comment seriously believe Russia watches WSJ for their military intelligence? Seriously??? Please tell me you guys are under 10 years old.
The US Military is learning invaluable information from the Ukraine War and the Russian Military weapons and capabilities. The Drones that Ukraine has developed and modified to carry explosives has been remarkable.
Russia is still employing an old military tactics used by Chinese in Korean war by throwing in human wave attack in the battlefield like what happened to Adviivka to overwhelm the defenders but losing tremendous manpower & military equipment. Ukraine needs more cluster bombs, multiple rocket launchers, mines, heavy machine guns & more artilleries aside from the FPV drones to counter & neutralize this kind of tactics
I feel like many people missed the point. ROI Is massively important. If it takes 3 x $750000, missiles to take down 3 x $10,000 drones. If you do some easy multiplications, you can see how many foreign forces could be on parity with the United States with only $5 million.
Exactly, thats the thinking I was missing. NATO have to be able to produce millions of drones, alone, without Chinese components. And cheap techs not just super duper 77th generation stuff.
What about the Gatwick Express, non-stop from Victoria to Gatwick Airport, only half an hour’s journey often goes on to Brighton. Announcements clearly made about arrival at Gatwick..
Don’t forget the origin of the father of American helicopter industry Sikorsky is Ukraine! But what about thousands of outdated units of weapon in Mohave desert for Ukrainians instead of money?
Got to love Russian drone that was recently spotted spooling out fiber optic cable as a means to create a EW proof drone. PS - assume Taiwan will be developing drones for both ship strikes and sea mining
Many people in the US military have been telling their senior leaders to invest in small drones. For years senior military officers ignored the forward thinking, junior service members. 5 years later, they are finally catching on. SMH.
Free Ukraine 🇺🇦. Thank God for the USA 🇺🇸 that’s able to support and learn from this unfortunate situation. War is changing war will be different in the future as we all are witnessing
Putin's WAR in Ukraine has redefined the battlefield! When the military I was a part of, came under threat from slow-moving aircraft, we started using 50 Cal guns and optical sights. The threat has gotten smaller and more numerous. Detection and fire-control is the critical thing to take that threat out. Such systems are already out there to use, but not necessarily U.S. made. To counter massive swarms the weapon must be automated and robust, and hopefully low-cost. You will need lots of inexpensive shots, be they physical or electronic. Lazers, electro-magnetic guns and computer-directed countering swarms of UAVs all meet those criteria. They can be relatively cheap.
Reports coming in from combat areas by ex Ukraine Foreign Legion mercenaries state that the closest they ever got to Russian troops was 2 kms. Many never fired their assault rifles, but all became skilled at defending against cluster mortar attacks without the luxury of close air or artillery support. The guy who dug a trench faster and deeper was the guy who survived. In the Legion there was a French soldier, nearly 50, who is a legend called The Digger, because thats what he was good at. But many western soldiers would resent having to do that. They were the ones who died. This is not a boots on the ground war as Russia has discovered. They are too vulnerable. It's all about target acquisition and elimination with long range artillery and drones attacking $4m Russian tanks and rocket launchers, HQs and logistics hubs. You now don't need a $150k Javelin missile system, but a $5k drone carrying 2kg of plastic explosive embedded with phosphorous pellets to take out a tank. No passive or reactive armour is effective because the operator can target a tanks hatches with an accuracy of one square foot. But moribund military commanders from the US and other Nato countries are still caught up in the old doctrine, when right next door a lesson is being taught by Ukraine, not the other way around.
I think its still very much a boots on the ground affair. Infantry still have to do the dirty work to hold and occupy positions. We've seen pitched battles overs forests, cities, trench networks.
I’m glad to see that at least some in the U.S. military are taking the lessons of Russia’s war in Ukraine seriously.
Indeed. This war and technology has changed warfare and terrorism significantly. Anyone can afford drones and simple bombs. Worse yet, they can be deployed anywhere. All it takes is a very angry group of people in your own country to start using technology to create terrorism at home. The world is becoming a truly frightening place. Autocracy has got to go!
Lockheed can't make much money on cheap drones. So it's unacceptable for the US
don't think that just because you haven't heard about it that it didn't or isn't happening. The US has been working on drones for more than 20 years. The good ones are BIG, and that is what most people think is all that we have. Don't believe it. What is being learned is how to do more with less in a way that superpowers don't need to do, so the unintended result is something that wasn't planned for
@@petunized You don't know how defense acquisition works.
The MIC can't just walk up to the pentagon and say "buy this expensive new thing". That just doesn't happen.
The pentagon is well aware of the limits of existing technology and future threats. It receives a mission from the government, which includes requirements such as "be able to fight a major war in Europe and a second war in either the Middle East or Korea", and then they determine to the best of their ability what will be needed in order to have that capability for the next twenty years. If the current aircraft were designed during the Nixon administration (F-15, F-16, and the F-17 which is the basis of the SuperHornet) then they will start developing a new aircraft to give us warfighting capabilities relevant to 2035.
If the DoD determines that a mix of drones will augment current systems (aircraft carriers and tanks) then Lockheed, Northrop, and GD will jump on the BTI. For the sake of discussion, if DoD said "tanks and APCs are obsolete, we're going with drones from now on", then that's the way it is and that's what the MIC would start building. If that reduces their income then so be it. The same thing happened when the Cold War ended.
its not. We don't have any USA drone manufacturers making quads for less than 100 dollars.
It makes a nice change to hear a US general talking sense and having a realistic grasp of the changing battlefield and what is to come.
There is no realistic grasp, realistic would require understanding that everything he mentioned are made in China, and US will have zero access to anything he mentioned in a war with China.
Reminds me alot of the Admirals and Land-Generals of the day pre-WW2 saying that navy-launchrd aircraft and fast-moving armour would revolutionize the next war/battlespace. Which we saw en masse in ww2 prophetically. Drones are the first step in the next era of A.I. infused weapon systems. It's only going to get quicker smaller and more lethal in large swarms now.
Except he is two decades late in his limited grasp. War games and war colleges don't seem to have anything but hindsight! Too spoiled living the high life to deserve it.
@@douglasthompson2740 lmao the reason we have ppl thinking drones r the future r because of Russian air forces monumental collapse😂 bums
My question may be stupid but with the billions of dollars spent in war analysis and those "highly paid" analysts in the West, why did it take a war to come to these realizations, and now scramble to address them? The UAV technology is nothing new and using civilians UAVs for police action dates back to 2000? So, who failed to do their job and how many people got fired?
Gotta love those amazing Ukrainians! Slava Ukraini! 🇳🇿 💙💛🇺🇦
Ukraine is changing the battlefield.
So meta...
Stop sleeping
@@edmond8603 Keep dreaming
More like it's serving as a laboratory of what works and doesn't work on the modern battlefield, it's accelerating the evolution of modern warfare.
I remember working for one large oem and telling them like 10 years ago to develop low cost drones with enough C4 to bust a tank. They all looked at me like I was an idiot ! Now look what is happening
You likely lost them at "low cost"
Cod design
Amazing , army of robots
Have only heard a little about the cellphone drone detection network up until now. Really innovative work!!
Ain't that similar air and chip recognition
The cat is out of the bag… it’s something I have been wanting to build for years now. 😮
I think I saw batman and Morgan Freeman use it
Ukraine has shown every country in the world that you don’t have to be a super power to stand up to a super power
But they are not fighting USA, and I guess you could argue not China either. Or are you speaking about the fighting Nepalese?
But without the US support, Ukraine falls within a week.
So, Ukraine proves that without the support of a superpower, any nation fighting against a superpower will pretty much immediately collapse.
@IDontBuyIt50 The difference between Afghanistan and Vietnam compared to the current Ukrainian war is that the US didn't plan to conquer either Viet and Afgh, they merely tried to suppress uprisings. And yes, when suppressing uprisings guerilla tactics become very effective. In order to establish order, every square inch of territory needs to be scrubbed of hostiles. This can often only be achieved by destroying pretty much everything like Russia does to Ukraine currently, or for example Israel is currently doing in gaza.
@@TheKakan1337 Russia is a super power.
@@Habib_Osman Vietnam had support in the form of Chinese regulars and Chinese equipment.
They are just very amazing people
God bless the people of Ukraine.
Ukraine was the intellectual jewel of the old USSR. Ukrainians are very smart.
Supids as well!
Stupids emeritus!
Good! If the U.S. military does not change, then we will be in the same boat as Russia!
It's one thing to learn, and another thing to manufacture cheap drones. Military industry is a lucrative business. No way anyone in America will manufacture drones for cheap 😂
Powerful electronics jammers would render drones ineffective, so invest on powerful electronic jamming device.
@@quebecome Those should then attract anti-radiation missiles tracking the jamming signals they're putting out.
necessity is the mother of invention
You mean using drones? That's just a new battlefield strategy, nothing new has been invented.
@@Habib_Osmanright, what's new in the world? It is all good forgotten old for the past three thousand years))
...unless you're the poor Russian conscripted infantry. Then necessity is just a real mother.
The Ukrainian people are alot smarter than Putin ever thought
No they are actually genetically the same. Up until 30 years ago the went to the same schools. Both sides are as smart as the other. Some leaders through survival are better than others.
Yes I know that Ukrainians have family in Russia and visa versa.Also their languages are very similar
@@paulphotios3920 Genetically all the people are more or less the same) But there are a lot of differences in mentality between Ukrainians and Russians - Ukrainians are individualists, they love freedom (and anarchy), while Russians are collectivists and they obey to state power without any questions. Maybe it is the reason why in many Russo-Ukrainian wars Ukrainians have won more battles, but lost more wars. Ukrainians are strong in tactics, but Russians - in strategy. There is an another interesting difference - the role of women, the Ukrainian woman historically were always considered as equals, while the Russian women historically were treated a little better than cattle, if she was lucky. The languages are similar, like all Slavonic languages, although linguistically less similar than Spanish and Portuguese.
@@edwinbarnett9032 as similar as French and German, comrade. And I don't have relatives in ruZZia. 100% Ukrainian from Kyiv. Stop this cheap KGBist propaganda. Most of the ruZZians living in Ukraine are descendants of those sent to houses of the murdered by artificially created hunger Ukrainians. Millions of ruZZians were sent to replace millions of dead Ukrainians who's bodies often were still in the houses. Comrade.
Sending peace & love to the world ❤❤❤🐘
The Australian military has developed a cheap cardboard drone!! They are now exporting them to Ukraine!!
Australia have already been delivering them to Ukraine. 👍
Cheap, lethal force multipliers we can readily deploy (from whatever platform u choose) .. in swarms .. not these expensive "loyal wingmen" the enemy will hack. Our military needs 2 b much more lethal 4 its ltd manpower & budgeting (dont get me started on nuke subs). We must b able 2 readily deploy (more) assets without fear of "scratching the paint". With cheap (cardboard) drones, suddenly everything's more defensible. We need a more lethal military sooner with as much built here (sovereign capability), more easily forging regional relationships with conventionally powered assets & insulating ourselves from vagaries of US domestic politics.
need to be "locally" sourced cheap weapons . Please know that imported weapons are most likely not available when you need them during ongoing battles.
another game changer u say?
@@jocknarn3225 I understand where you’re coming from, but the doctrine of the “Loyal wingman” is different from the UCAV’s being used in the Ukraine war right now. They are seen as a force multiplier for much bigger jets. And you have to take into account that allot of these UCAV’s seen in this video could only dream about taking out an aircraft flying in the air. The loyal wingmen’s are set to be in the attributable range meaning you don’t want to lose it but if you do it won’t break the bank.
Also, you and many others are mistaken to believe that the time of big expensive equipment is behind us. When in reality there will always be a need for big warship, tanks, planes, artillery, helicopters, etc. The only difference is to increase your cheap capabilities to further enhance your expensive one. It’s about “Balance” and proof of this is what our adversary are doing. China and Russia still have expensive equipment like tanks, warships, planes, etc. and they still will for the foreseeable future, the only difference is they are also increasing their cheap capabilities to greatly enhance their existing forces.
And one use case that I can see the loyal wingmen having is in defeating air defense’s. Imagine that you have an F-35 and 3-5 loyal wingmen, you use one as bait while the others wait and see where the missiles are being fired from. Once they have a lock you could use HARM missiles to find and destroy the missiles battery’s and radar. You just destroyed a 500 million dollar air defense system for the cost of an 5-10 million dollar aircraft and a few harm missiles at 200,000-800,000 a pop. 15-20 million sounds like a lot, but not if you take it with context. And I’m pretty sure that this general would be okay with spending 20 million dollars to take out a 500 million dollar air defense systems, because that’s a great cost curve to have.
So, the US defense industry is thinking how can I charge a $ 10 million for a $40 FPV drone.
Lots of lessons to learn here!
I have confidence in the US military industrial complex, 10 mil is a LOW bar.
To be specific, US military pays $60,000 for a single switchblade FPV drone with a smaller warhead than a $40 FPV drone, and they ran out of inventory within a week.
The, the games are over, Ruzzia's Putler is a real threat to all of Europe and possibly North America. Price games are in the pest
@@vlhc4642 crazy!! not confident any changes will be made in the near term. The exquisite solution always ensures max profits vs. the simple solution..
40$ for the esc yes but fpv costs more like 200$
Wars were always the perfect catalysts for inventions and weapons advance, with the Manhattan Project being the most famous example... If the next big one, that is certanly coming, between the West and China/Russia, doesn't end the world as we know it, I bet you a million that the inventions that will come out of that war will change and improve our civilization like we haven't seen in a century..
New ways of communicating, new materials, etc....
P.S. I'm sure that our allies from Ukraine are sharing all they've found out during the last 2 years with us... We're learning as much as we're teaching them..
What has been invented in the Ukrainian war?
@@Habib_Osmandrones used for everything from targeting artillery, to using FPVs to target tanks and personal carriers, to going after the Russian Black Sea fleet. How many tanks had been destroyed using drones until the war in Ukraine? Exactly!
Wars turn the innovative talent towards weapons.
In peace time, people are inventing other things.
Amazing good point. The wealth of knowledge is probably making NATO rethink everything.
At 4:30 he says a UAV costs $10,000. The hobby-grade FPV multirotors being used cost about $300. These military types need to go out, buy the parts and build one that is depicted in these videos to know what they're talking about.
It's worrisome that military officials think things cost 33 times over MSRP... except that they are truly that bad with money.
I went to the guy's Facebook page - which is weird that he has a Facebook page. The guy looks like a really slow thinker.
I completely understand what
you're talking about. However, if a first world country was going to do attack drones, they would also have support/ relay drones, spotter dones etc to extend the range. They would also add military grade radio/sat/ cell control systems.
So that they could not be interfered with as much. The cost for an average would $10,000 when you consider all the factors but the range would be 25 to 50 km not 2 to 3.
That is actually super smart!! Hell yeah thinkers alike regardless of nationality!! Super cheap, super scalable which is important militarily, and its super effective. 🇺🇸
If American made a drone like the one Ukraine used, it will cost around $1,000,000 each
But it will destroy 20 times more valuable targets than it is destroying now.
Like 4 rv toyota in middle east@@Eshrakgaming934
That’s called a Tomahawk missile.
The drone Ukraine uses are entirely made in China, and American officials seem to either be not aware of that or live under the delusion that China will supply US with cheap weapons to use against China.
And it will be ready in 10 years, after it has been tested and hardened and met all compliance regs.
Some great information and insight in this video Brilliant
Imagine what the world would be like if all this innovation energy actually went into something positive.
Nothing new has been invented. New strategies are definitely being developed in war, that's for sure.
It’s been used in the filming industry. You no longer need a helicopter to shoot an ad. People use it for photography. Scientists use it for measurements. The list goes on and on. You are only seeing the bad and refusing to see the good. So STFU
Won't happen fully when psychos like Putin are in power
That is called capitalism my friend
@@nolansperling War is only profitable to the arms manufacturers and dealers.
Ukrainians are the most resourceful and genius people I've witnessed so far in real war scene.
I guess nobody in senior leadership positions knows we dealt with this in Mosul in 2016/2017?
lmao comparing ISIS to potential swarm users like china or russia is hilarious.
Please post more then!!! We need intelligent documentaries and discussions about Mosul too.
It all comes down to money! SO VERY glad that Gen. James Hecker spoke out what Defense industries do NOT wan to here obtaining hundreds millions of and even billions of dollars!
You don't understand what he was saying.
He's saying that the $2B DDG needs a new anti-drone weapon with a lower cost/destroyed-drone.... this is in addition to the SPY-D radar and 96 long range missiles for attacking supersonic aircraft, other ships, and land targets.
It doesn't take a super genius to figure out that shotting down 1,000-dollar drone with million-dollar missile is not good for budget. It's a thousand-fold price difference!
Brains over braun. This General talks sense and if Nato released some of that Russian Oligarchs cash they seized, this should go a long way to helping Ukrainian defend itself and step up the fight on Russia"s own doorstep.
Is that oligarchic cash anything compared to the billions of US tax dollars already sent?
To those making sarcastic comments about the US trying to create million-dollar drones: General Hecker was talking about the US military using far cheaper weapons. If we get into a shooting war with China, we are going to be using missiles and other munitions at a fearsome rate and quite possibly depleting our munition stockpiles very quickly. This is why Mr. Hecker said the US needs to start using cheaper munitions. This is also why he talked about using directed energy weapons (i.e., lasers) to defend against incoming drones.
USA 🇺🇸 will need allies who have not forgotten how to manufacture efficiently. Oh guess what,Taiwan happens to be one.
I agree with everything but I am guessing he is thinking about EMP or other energy weapon that disperses. ( It's more like a grenade, not a bullet.)
also cheap cruise missiles launched from roads
here's an idea. combine artillery and FPV. use an artillery round to launch an FPV close to the target, then deploy wings or copters to manually guide it to the target.
I believe those are the well known TV/Video-Guided missiles . Been around since at least the '80s or early '90s. As with any FPV or otherwise signal guided ,including GPS , they're very succeptible to REW (radio electronic warfare, jamming)
@@dejandimoski4605 REW can be detected and fired upon with anti-radiation missiles. The same can be said though for the controller's nests. I don't know why russians don't home in the radio signal that controls the drones...
It literally is what Ukrainians are already doing
Have that already, it's called GLSDB. only difference is terminal guidance is laser as opposed to visual
would be too expensive, because "UAV" would need to survive stress of being fired through the gun, would be too small, because it would be limited by the barrel of the gun.. UAV doesnt have to be launched like that... you can have "mothership" UAV that carries small FPV UAV on it, fly into area, and deploy these, while boosting their signal... BTW, thats already happening today in Ukraine...
Necessary is the mother of invention
That would be Necessity… 🤭
👉Cartón de cartón de cajas de cartón👈 🤣👀👀
Amazing how much can be learned on the battlefield
These drones are game changers. Mix in A.I. and global economy will not survive swarms of drones terrorizing everyone. It will only be around 4 years out into the future for this to occur. Significant change underway.
LOL IN 2:45 THE dude told you how ot handle cheap drones with cheap ammunition. another braindead viewer who jumps to conclusions to quickly
Your thinking lacks creativity; it's very reductionist.
@korzym there is already system you can buy to counter these drones, just that you do not see those used in Ukraine does not mean those do not exist
@korzym there is different ways to approach this problem so there most likely will not be only one system to use as one system can be countered much easier than multiple different ones.
Also different drones need different kind of solutions depending how those are used and what tech those use
Google Radio Electronic Warfare
Unfortunately you shouldn’t be advertising this to the public as per usual! Your enemies are always watching & listening & adjusting 🤦
“”on the right side of the cost curve”
$700,000 is on the right side as well for the commercial sailors who made it home to their families safe.
@@bobwoods1302 if it were a laser beam, they’d still be safe, and it would cost $20 instead of $700,000
And if my aunt had b@lls she would be my uncle.@@deriznohappehquite
When full scale war breaks out, you can't think like that. War is economics.
@@bobwoods1302Or we could just leave the Red Sea.
We have stay on the right side of cost curve while having a technical and safety overmatch. Gotta innovate, innovate and innovate.
Wowbgood work best advance technolgy in the world of war very easy i idea❤❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊 good job ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
1:15 I felt that отлично in my soul
It was like contagious happiness
It is great to see how Ukraine is using drones, in the air and on water, to take the fight to a much larger enemy.
It is also scary to think how bad actors will learn from their success.
Bad actors taught russia and ukraine these tactics many many years ago already.
1. russia uses 7x more fpv and drone dropping drones then ukriane (as by ukrainian claims)
2. ukraine outnumbers russia at the very least 2 or 3 to 1 unless they have been taking comletly insane casualties
do actual research instead of watching propaganda or dont talk and ignore the conflict since u r obv not ready to invest any time into learning about it
And now the bubble bursts for the defence companies. It was fun when it lasted. Backyard rooms can produce and deliver game changing arsenal
Basically what the NATO chief said right after the Ukrainian stuff hit the fan. NATO countries were going to start supporting STEM education and makerspaces. At least that’s how I understood it. Has anything come of that?
The drone program in Ukraine is working. Why aren't we sending 10,000 drones to Ukraine? Calculate how many drones $10,000,000 could buy.
Not including goggles and radio a 7" that seems most common can be under $200 using the cheapest parts available a bigger one is like $250. So 40,000 not counting the discount for quantity, of course someone has to build them though and that's about 1-2 hours depending how much experience the builder has. Then goggles are between $200-600 depending on type or a screen can be under $100 controller between $60-200. The trouble is they need to adapt constantly but, with support of U.S. defense industry they have much better RF gear to go in them than the hobby grade stuff they use now of course this would bring price up but, 10,000 much more advanced drones for $10,000,000 should be possible but, the margins would be basically non existent and they'd require a lot of Chinese parts so good luck getting the military industrial complex to help.
Russian are doing the same thing on the other side. The drone game is 50/50.
Ukraine produces most of their kamikaze drones locally. They plan on manufacturing between one and two million of them in 2024. Bottleneck is chinese made motors, batteries, cameras, and electronics that have to be procured. There is no western manufacturer of small electric motors for example.
Because drones are made in China
Ukraine is losing 10,000 drones a month. Another 10,000 would be a drop in the bucket.
Highly informative - thank you
A hidden gotcha is that most of the parts for these low cost drones come from China. China could decide to ban export of drone parts. Where would Ukraine or the US be then?
Yes this has been worrying me also. I'm hoping non China aligned countries are taking notice and starting to make cheap motors in India, and other eastern European countries. I really don't think the West can compete with China on cost.
It's not like these drones are that difficult to produce... there's videos of volunteers inside Ukraine 3D printing these things.
@@WanderingCanadian1 Electric motors require rare earths from China.
Very valuable, thank you very much. 👍🍀🥇
what a great video
Very well said…. This is a reality that has to be dealt with immediately!
Real necessity and determination is the mother of all inventions. The US has infinite ways to do what it takes a thousant times cheaper and effective. The US could produce fast drones that could definitely serve Ukraine well too or by supplying the parts that Ukraine needs to enhance their drones further.
Thank you Ukraine we need to spend money wisely as we defend ourselves across the world Ukraine is awesome
Imagine if Ukraine had a fleet of modern planes
They all will be down in a few weeks 😂..
@@alberthenriette8976 _"all will be down"_
How would you down all the modern planes if you haven't down the old ones yet????
@@alberthenriette8976 Ukraine is still flying old POS. unmodernized Su-27, MiG-29, and Su-25 are their most modern aircraft.
@@alberthenriette8976 Ukrainians destroyed more Russian aircraft than Russia destroyed in Ukraine! What are you talking about? Ukrainians were able to destroy 2 of the most serious A-50 reconnaissance aircraft and several TU22 M3 strategic bombers 🤣🤣🤣If Ukraine had 100 F16 aircraft, Ukraine would have taken out all the warehouses and parts of the Russian Federation
Wow creativity pays off
Get the Ukrainians to help
This is so fascinating
These FPV drones that shown hitting a target on impact are not qas successful as the media think. It look good. In reality most of the targets are not destroyed. The drones can't hold the weapons powerful enough to destroy the target.
Yes. One of the very few people that do not follow the hype. Impressive!
They are armed with RPGs, which can do a lot of damage, depending on where you hit. Also, on the modern battlefield, once the target is immobilized it is as good as dead. Even if you have to spend multiple FPVs per target, they are so cheap, it is worth it. Finally, how will you recover the vehicle? One of the most common strategies used in the war is to wait for the recovery crew, then hit the crew
Nobody said drone with less than 10kg shell would pulverise a tank on it's own. But that's enough to render it U/S if you hit it's weak point, and bonus if the whole thing then explode with it's internal fuel and stock of munition as already shown with plenty of videos from the battlefield. So I am not sure what footage you watched before making that ill comment.
Love this guy very smart
It's so frustrating watching our higher-ups, defense companies and generals over think this. We figured this out in WWII with kamikaze pilots. A battle ship had close to 200 large AA guns that could knock down huge numbers of aircraft that could take much more abuse than a drone. AA guns with modern radar and sensors will immediately end the drone problem. Bring out the bofors, vulcan cannons and airburst rounds.
Some companies already developped very convincing anti-drone guns (google Rheinmetall) that leaves no chance to even swarms of drones. I guess the technology is there but remain to be seen how the logistic and battlefield implementation would work. Will every soldier out there on the battlefield be covered by such anti-drone system ? Of cours not.
In fact, this is not a simple invention.
1. Because good batteries are needed to fly far, but at the same time the Drone has become not very heavy.
2. The right detonator or explosion initiator is needed that would start the detonation process upon collision with the target.
3. repeater systems are needed so that the Drone could fly very far, the Ukrainians are great, they came up with the idea of retransmitting communication through additional Drones nearby, creating a chain and a network
Why do they keep saying " *The* Ukraine"? Lol It's not the cold war & Ukraine is a state, not a territory like "the Yukon" lol. Believe it or not, Russian propagandists actually use ppl saying "THE Ukraine" as evidence Ukraine isnt a state lol.
Ukraine has long been a territory. So that's why the word "the" sticks around. The word "Ukraine" means "borderlands".. so that should tell you enough.
@Habib_Osman the fact is, Ukraine is a state... even when it was part of the union of soviet socialist REPUBLICS, it was it's own state. Further, it was EXPLICITLY reaffirmed to be it's own state BY RUSSIA in the end of the cold war. Your point about why some ppl still have the habit of saying "the" is one thing, but factually it's a state & has been for a long time. At one point it was Ukraine where the power/leader/capitol was, & alot of Russia was under Ukrainian Rus control.
@@jdogdarkness I'm not arguing. I just told you why the "the" word is added to Ukraine. So yeah
This is why we must continue to support Ukraine ,we are receiving a lot of positive intel and not losing one American soldier in the process.
Meanwhile the terrible Mexican Cartels taking Notes to update their arsenal
Real Quick. Damn Great Training off The Bat 😊
🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Brilliant news innovation by need!
The people hear what they want to hear.
@@Habib_Osmannice try, comrade))
Yeah, but Raytheon, Lockheed - Martin, and Boeing can't make big bucks ($) producing stuff like a oneway quad-copter UAV?
No, but some smaller company can.
Capitalism baby!
Smaller co. don't get a single $ from Pentagon without lobby and bribes. This is not Capitalism.
Yup like the road runner drone intercepter we have. Smaller company made. Same with our sea drones. Smaller companies but that’s what’s great about capitalism
The big buck items will always be there too. Now smaller companies can take a share of this new low cost pie.
just because an item is cheap doesnt mean you cant make a lot of money selling it. you never heard of economy of scale? it works for making money the same as it does for saving it.
Interesting to hear about these tactics today. We speculated of use of swarms 15 to 20 years ago, seemed an obvious use of technology.
when the US and UK deprived you of nuclear weapons under false promises of territorial integrity... we have homemade drones
Well said.
Very effective approach
They could save even more money if they would replace the ipad with something more reliable and cheaper.
I'm sure they do. Many probably using Android also
Why on earth is this general's speech being put on TH-cam???
Giving away the secrets of how Ukraine is working! 😡
Whatever happened to staying quiet about denfence tactics!
Russians already know all this stuff. They're doing the same things, so this is not a secret. Putting this out helps with shifting public opinion and awareness, so we can adjust our doctrine.
Chill. He is just saying to general people what's obvious on the ground.
What he is saying is only what everyone involved already knows. This is no big secret. Taking out a big ticket item ok. Taking over a city where snipers are embedded not so easy. If Ukraine cannot acquire more cannon fodder it cannot win but only go into a terrorist role.
It's really really astounding to me that people believe Russia doesn't know all of this. Do you or any of these 5 people that liked your comment seriously believe Russia watches WSJ for their military intelligence? Seriously??? Please tell me you guys are under 10 years old.
The US Military is learning invaluable information from the Ukraine War and the Russian Military weapons and capabilities. The Drones that Ukraine has developed and modified to carry explosives has been remarkable.
Didn’t learn anything from Vietnam.
I thought that Ukraine was Europe's biggest. You don't count Russia. Russia is not part of Europe.
Russia is the largest country in Europe. To say that Russia does not belong to Europe is to have no idea about history or geography.
Support Ukraine. They are the global resource in experience. Blue and yellow!
Russia is still employing an old military tactics used by Chinese in Korean war by throwing in human wave attack in the battlefield like what happened to Adviivka to overwhelm the defenders but losing tremendous manpower & military equipment. Ukraine needs more cluster bombs, multiple rocket launchers, mines, heavy machine guns & more artilleries aside from the FPV drones to counter & neutralize this kind of tactics
The side with a national shortage of people and average conscript age of 40 is the side throwing human waves.
I feel like many people missed the point. ROI Is massively important. If it takes 3 x $750000, missiles to take down 3 x $10,000 drones.
If you do some easy multiplications, you can see how many foreign forces could be on parity with the United States with only $5 million.
Exactly, thats the thinking I was missing. NATO have to be able to produce millions of drones, alone, without Chinese components. And cheap techs not just super duper 77th generation stuff.
We need to get Latam on our side.
@@deriznohappehquiteWhat you think Latam can build drones without Chinese components?
Thank you youtube for the dozen ads i had to get thru, just to watch the video
What about the Gatwick Express, non-stop from Victoria to Gatwick Airport, only half an hour’s journey often goes on to Brighton. Announcements clearly made about arrival at Gatwick..
Don’t forget the origin of the father of American helicopter industry Sikorsky is Ukraine!
But what about thousands of outdated units of weapon in Mohave desert for Ukrainians instead of money?
❤🙏🌷 Ukraine brain power ❤❤😮
Nice to see a Cambridge CXA61 in the background. Like a dude who knows his amps 😊
Got to love Russian drone that was recently spotted spooling out fiber optic cable as a means to create a EW proof drone.
PS - assume Taiwan will be developing drones for both ship strikes and sea mining
We owe so much to Ukraine going forward.
600,000 Ukrainian war dead so far. Was it worth it?
How right !!!!!❤
Many people in the US military have been telling their senior leaders to invest in small drones. For years senior military officers ignored the forward thinking, junior service members. 5 years later, they are finally catching on. SMH.
Very applicable for a modern warfare
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦
Absolutely genius
Zerging is always what wins in hard fought conflicts, the exquisite is for low intensity and special missions, not for the broad front usage.
General Hecker knows his stuff.
3:35 ERROR- corner timestamp shows ‘Oct 19, 2024’- today is 01 June 2024.
These drones must require signalmen to set up an antena for the operator, is that correct?
Does anyone have any footage of the EOS slinger. Aus made drone killer would be good to see whether it is an effective defence.
Free Ukraine 🇺🇦. Thank God for the USA 🇺🇸 that’s able to support and learn from this unfortunate situation. War is changing war will be different in the future as we all are witnessing
Gotta up our game
Putin's WAR in Ukraine has redefined the battlefield! When the military I was a part of, came under threat from slow-moving aircraft, we started using 50 Cal guns and optical sights. The threat has gotten smaller and more numerous. Detection and fire-control is the critical thing to take that threat out. Such systems are already out there to use, but not necessarily U.S. made. To counter massive swarms the weapon must be automated and robust, and hopefully low-cost. You will need lots of inexpensive shots, be they physical or electronic. Lazers, electro-magnetic guns and computer-directed countering swarms of UAVs all meet those criteria. They can be relatively cheap.
Very interesting indeed
Reports coming in from combat areas by ex Ukraine Foreign Legion mercenaries state that the closest they ever got to Russian troops was 2 kms. Many never fired their assault rifles, but all became skilled at defending against cluster mortar attacks without the luxury of close air or artillery support. The guy who dug a trench faster and deeper was the guy who survived. In the Legion there was a French soldier, nearly 50, who is a legend called The Digger, because thats what he was good at. But many western soldiers would resent having to do that. They were the ones who died.
This is not a boots on the ground war as Russia has discovered. They are too vulnerable. It's all about target acquisition and elimination with long range artillery and drones attacking $4m Russian tanks and rocket launchers, HQs and logistics hubs. You now don't need a $150k Javelin missile system, but a $5k drone carrying 2kg of plastic explosive embedded with phosphorous pellets to take out a tank. No passive or reactive armour is effective because the operator can target a tanks hatches with an accuracy of one square foot.
But moribund military commanders from the US and other Nato countries are still caught up in the old doctrine, when right next door a lesson is being taught by Ukraine, not the other way around.
And how good you are in that "old doctrine"? Does mortar, long range artillery or air are obsolete?
I think its still very much a boots on the ground affair. Infantry still have to do the dirty work to hold and occupy positions. We've seen pitched battles overs forests, cities, trench networks.
@@antasosam8486Air isn't obsolete, but its hard to make a cope video about Russia raining FABs
You can't hide from a drone or dig yourself in from the drop. Trenches are excellent against mortars and hand-grenades but don't save you from drones.
Excellent video. Will subscribe.
Quick, give this general a promotion! Maybe he can teach the rest of the DOD.
Great. Now resume your support to the Ukraine please. Thank you.
Woow nice innovativity