MoParguytilidie, wofobo: Yeah I fixed the problem. I had one completely blown out exhaust gasket and a few other leaking ones. I replaced the driver and passenger side gaskets with the Mopar metal shim ones as I read those are the best at operating temps.. So yeah, it's fixed and I'm back on the road :)
Header gasket, same thing happened to me, damn headers!!!
MoParguytilidie, wofobo: Yeah I fixed the problem. I had one completely blown out exhaust gasket and a few other leaking ones. I replaced the driver and passenger side gaskets with the Mopar metal shim ones as I read those are the best at operating temps.. So yeah, it's fixed and I'm back on the road :)
Hope you have a warranty still! Otherwise yur screwed I think...put 4 quarts of lucas oil stablizer in it and a for sale sign
@andrewcrerar how much did it cost you to fix the problem?
am i stupid becuse i did not know the dodge ram had a v10 viper engine in it lol
was this from driving with no oil?
hahah.. I don't think it's that bad.. I just need to replace the broken header gasket and all is well.. Also, i wouldn't screw someone over like that.
Pretty sure that's not what it's supposed to sound like.... ummm..... yuck!