This is definitely like an elite private high school. It’s amazing. Most of us have plain brick buildings with ugly tile floors surrounded by concrete for high schools. Honestly not a pretty thing to look at. This looks like a dream school so awesome. Love all the detail
I go to a school that's existed since around since 1501, the building isn't that old because the school 'community' or whatever its called has moved around a bit and used to be a grammar school which had two buildings, one for boys and one for girls. My school has a lot of history you can read on it here because there is now way I can cover it all in this or get it as accurate.
I love how all of your builds have a british flair. Refreshing in a mass of US Simmers. You are by far the best builder I have seen - the detail, creativity and genius. I hope the Sims team reach out to you at some point to build new homes for upcoming games.
I've been watching Sims speed builds for years and I've never been so fascinated by the building, how it comes together, and how it looks! You'd be brilliant on the EA team.
Beautiful school. I love the classroom layouts and how each one is clearly set up like real classrooms. The sports areas outside and inside are well done, and I love how you remembered to put the picture of the mascot everywhere. A really outstanding build.
For anyone curious, let me clear it up 9:08... Jess wondered about the difference between Rugby and American Football, so here it is... Rugby is played with no helmets and less padding but has (for the most part) the same rules and the same goal... Us Texans call Rugby the dangerous Football just for the lack of safety equipment... Yea that's basically it... Love you Jess!!
I also just learned that a big difference is the size of the teams... On an average American Football team there are 11 players, while Rugby has 15 players... The goal of the games is very similar, but the rules are very different... The ball is slightly different between the games... Thats all I know, Hope it helps!!
What’s I love most is there’s so many opportunities for storytelling! I can already see my cliquey sims having a field day here! I would hands down use this for a private school let’s play.
I love how different our cultures are! I went to a small high school in the US, and I didn't know a single person who rode a bike to school haha, everyone drove, or rode the bus, But in America you can also get your license at 16. :)
i have been binge watching highschool builds like crazy ever since the release of this pack, especially after seeing the horrendous monstrosity EA had the audacity to claim as the high school for the pack, and i have to say. THIS IS THE BEST ONE I’VE SEEN !! so much thought, so many beautiful details !!! i love this so much !!
The word "Soccer" was originally used by the English, over 200 years ago, for what you now call football. Americans call it soccer because the English told us that is what the sport was called lol. We changed the English Rugby to our version of what we call American Football (Ball and field size vary with Canadian, Australian and European rule sets), then the English changed the name soccer to football. Another fantastic build! I love the bleachers, kissing under the bleachers is a rite of passage.
Can I just say, this is my favorite build I have ever seen in the sims 4. Like holy crap, you outdid yourself! The detail, it feels like my high school that I went to!! Also.. what day is your birthday? Im a July baby too!
Wow, so good! It absolutely looks like a high school movie set; I would have loved if my school actually looked like this! My American high school was over 70 years old and was literally just a brick rectangle with a gym attached haha. I'm also a little disappointed that band equipment wasn't added with the pack! I was in marching band in high school, as were all of my friends (typical band geeks). It would have been so cool to get a bunch of instruments and band uniforms!
I downloaded this build and was not at all disappointed, but I had to declutter it. I used to work in a school, and there's no way there would be so many trip hazards everywhere. Plus, students like to touch and take stuff, so... yeah, i had to declutter it. Plus, if maintenance is doing his job, there would only be small amounts of graffiti. And it would be real discreet. (Think East Side High after Joe Clark.) I really didn't change much... I made the lockers one color, I moved the trophy cases into the entrance so that visitors could be impressed and added a fitness area. Other than that and decluttering it, it still looks like the original. Which is brilliant. (Oh, and i used a deco sim for the receptionist, so to see it you have to enable cc) And you nailed the teacher's lounge: it's not about what's in there, it's about what they're saying in there. 😉 Thanks for the build and upload. 😘👌🏾mwah (I kept your hashtags in the description)
Love this! To get around the principals desk thing I would slot the computer and chair to it and see if you can size the desk down and then use whatever desk you want!
I honestly love your builds Jess. From other builders I watch they’re so lazy and basic compared to yours, you make it look realistic, the cluttter, the attention to detail, the story line. I always compare your builds to others what I’m going to download and it’s always you😂❤
Jess this is incredible!! As a British Simmer I think you've captured that school feeling perfectly, including the counters and barstools in the science classroom! 😂 I need this in my game like yesterday!
i never really comment on youtube videos but i had to come and say this. this is the BEST high school I've seen these last few days. the attention to detail, the way you managed to focus on gameplay and STILL make it look aesthetically pleasing, and the mirad of different activities you added all were brilliantly thought out. i'm starting a brand new save file (finally lol) and i am excited that this beautiful build is going to be the first one in my game!!
This school is *ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT* !! *BEYOND BRILLIANT* !! Jess, your talent & creativity is *STUNNING* !! You thought of *EVERY* possible detail!! I'm in total awe of your designing skills!! *PURE GENIUS!!* ❤👏
You are the sole reason I came back to The Sims (I'm from 91 and own all Sims game, but fell out of love with it a few years ago). I randomly found your videos half a year ago and have been watching ever since! I use SEVERAL of your builds in my game, my favourite home is your Autumnal Family Home! Thank you for all you do and for making Sims fun again for me!
I think now that there's the Apartment living pack you should definitely do a Sims University with Dorm Rooms. Have it somewhere deep in the Sims countryside overlooking a lake with its own little boathouse or something. That'd be pretty neat. 💖
We have evaluators for classes as well! Mine was usually staff from the main office who would drop by a class and evaluate the teachers and the class learning outcome. Love this build, love all your builds honestly. Was so excited when I saw you uploaded!!
This is absolutely phenomenal! You are extremely talented. I also love listening your chats while watching you build, its like catching up with an old friend. You are so down to earth.
no because youre literally the best builder ive ever seen and i watch alot of people who do amazing builds... my mouth is open the entire time ive been binge watching your channel for two days lmfao AMAZING JESS x
This build is superior to anything I have seen so far! WOW! We need to help get you out there, so people can see how insanely good you are! Seriously this is incredible!
I love how you said you built this more for game play than how it looks because, as always this build is absolutely fantastic! 100% favourite builder, always excited for your videos! 😍
I feel like out of all the 100s of builds I've watched your the only person who has included what I think/wanted in a high school in the sims haha whoomp whoomp
Iv said it before and I’ll say it again, you are the best sim builder going 🏆 I have held of playing sims high school years until o could download your school cause I knew it was going to be epic, well I can say you didn’t disappoint, you came through with the goods. Absolutely exceptional work, not one detail out of place 😍
I’ve basically watch all your videos and all of it are phenomenal. I hope EA will consider your work and put it on the actual game, pay you loads of money without ruining your creativity or demanding you anything. You are the best, I hope I can be creative as you but I just don’t have the imagination and time for it 😂
in my primary school the staff room was giant, it has a kitchen on the left just as you go in with some tables and chairs, and then on the right it had a big smartboard with loads of comfortable like regular chairs facing it, like the chairs you would have in your living room. I only got to go in there once when there where people from the Highschool i was going to came to tell us about it and it was actually quite comfortable. the teachers however where not secretive going in or out. This was in the upper school because my primary had two buildings, one for the lower school - reception ( basicallly year 0 ) up to year 2) and the the upper school - year 3 up to year 6.
My sim thanks you for keeping things on the bottom floor. When I was in school my classes were so all over the place. One class on the ground floor, then the top floor, class in the basement, a class 3 blocks away, they were ridiculous and they wonder why we showed up late 😂
This is one of the most amazing builds i have ever seen! You have given me so much inspiration for when I build my own school. You deserve so much more recognition because you're so talented! 💕
I’m amazed by how entertaining such a long speed build is. I have to admit I was a bit scared off by the length. But this.. THIS is amazing. I love it. You did so great.
i love your work! mostly all teenagers in suburban areas drive to school nowadays, with minor exceptions in nyc or chicago. but i love how you’re thinking! also football is your rugby in a way, and soccer is your football! (just so you know you were right!) anyways i love everything you do🤍
I've just discovered your channel and i'm absolutely mind blowned by your builds! It's insane! I haven't played at Sims 4 for years now and this made me want to jump back into it!
I've been binge watching your builds while cc shopping and you're by far my favourite simmer on youtube!! Your builds are absolutely amazing and you're so so fun to listen to while you're doing commentary, I never get bored :D fun fact though! American football uses the same ball shape as rugby, and they're still classified as separate sports with different rules! So British soccer is American football, British football is American soccer, and rugby is thankfully just rugby in both countries; it's so weirdly confusing :S
Also a small tip I just started doing. Go around and enable things that gives emotional aura. There's been countless builds that have visually been amazing but the sim hates it. I typically forget to enable them and just went to playing the build. Now my sim is pretty much overloaded with positive emotions at all times.
Amazing build! I absolutely love Mean Girls and Amazing A! My school teachers were also secretive about the staff room, I remember it would smell of coffee and cigarettes whenever I had to go speak to a teacher.
so excited to watch this! i placed it into my game without even looking at it, knew it would be incredible! hope you had a wonderful birthday my lovely xx
This is a really awesome build! The idea of building my own school is so daunting that I've been looking for a stellar school build to play. This is definitely it 🤩
It is absolutely amazing! The only thing is, i feel like in the science room there should be a table for the teacher so he can demonstrate exerimentes and such. Students would stand around it and make notes and then they would have to recreate what was shown.
I turned the science room upstairs into a dorm with 2 beds, bathroom and tiny kitchen - Love this build my fav school so far and perfect for my rags to riches
LOVE all your builds - this one in particular is just fantastic!! Great work!! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your voiceovers, you can really tell how enthusiastic you are about the Sims and the detail you go into is fab! Thank you for the content!
This is exactly what I was looking for! There is a modder out there who had managed to allow club meetings in the high school, so I wanted one with lots of rooms that allowed me to build up skills for my teens, and there are so many gameplay objects here! It's such a perfect place for club gatherings, yet you managed to make the high school functional by having all of the essential stuff in one floor. It's literally mind-blowing, I love it 😭
🥹🥹🥹 this was my thought process going through it! I wanted to have an art room for my creative sims and then a sports related area for them kind of sims! I’d love to know the mod if you know the name so I can do the club gatherings here! & thank you so much 🤍
@@Jessicapie the mod is called 'venue changes' and it's from Zerbu! It allows a lot of things, like being able to change the location of the high school, but it also allows you to have club gatherings in there! Hope it's helpful 🥰
Daaamnn. I love this. This is like a British/US amalgamation. This is so similar to the school I used to go to (I'm British). I tried to make a build similar to this but yours is much better! My school had quads so I was trying to make that work but it didn't.
I absolutely adore this build! Esp music and art rooms. 🥰 Perfect job! I always admire your build details and there were many clever tricks. Thanks for sharing! 👌🏻🥰
One of the best builds Ive ever seen, I absolutely loved seeing it all come together, your creativity is outstanding, you definetly convinced me to buy high school years, cant wait to play in this school!! 💕🌸
I love this!! I wish there was tennis in the sims 4. Most american high schools have a court for that, as well as track and field. But you cant have everything!!
Hey! I‘m a German Sims-Player. So this Comment is really Hard for me to whrite. But i have to say it.. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE SIMSCREATOR. Your Builds are amazing!!
EA, please hire this woman!!!! This is is what it looks and sounds like when someone actually thinks about gameplay! You're amazing, Jess!
@@ThatBlackPiano Fair point. Wouldn't want our Jess reduced to a husk of the creative genius we know and love.
🥹 thank you Lorriane x
@@lorrainethomas8797 Wow, um...oook. I'll just go then.
She's so talented. 🤩🤩🤩
This is definitely like an elite private high school. It’s amazing. Most of us have plain brick buildings with ugly tile floors surrounded by concrete for high schools. Honestly not a pretty thing to look at. This looks like a dream school so awesome. Love all the detail
I go to a school that's existed since around since 1501, the building isn't that old because the school 'community' or whatever its called has moved around a bit and used to be a grammar school which had two buildings, one for boys and one for girls. My school has a lot of history you can read on it here because there is now way I can cover it all in this or get it as accurate.
I love how all of your builds have a british flair. Refreshing in a mass of US Simmers. You are by far the best builder I have seen - the detail, creativity and genius. I hope the Sims team reach out to you at some point to build new homes for upcoming games.
Thank you so much!
I've been watching Sims speed builds for years and I've never been so fascinated by the building, how it comes together, and how it looks! You'd be brilliant on the EA team.
🥹 thank you! 🤍
Beautiful school. I love the classroom layouts and how each one is clearly set up like real classrooms. The sports areas outside and inside are well done, and I love how you remembered to put the picture of the mascot everywhere. A really outstanding build.
🥰 thank you so much!!
For anyone curious, let me clear it up 9:08... Jess wondered about the difference between Rugby and American Football, so here it is... Rugby is played with no helmets and less padding but has (for the most part) the same rules and the same goal... Us Texans call Rugby the dangerous Football just for the lack of safety equipment... Yea that's basically it... Love you Jess!!
I also just learned that a big difference is the size of the teams... On an average American Football team there are 11 players, while Rugby has 15 players... The goal of the games is very similar, but the rules are very different... The ball is slightly different between the games... Thats all I know, Hope it helps!!
What’s I love most is there’s so many opportunities for storytelling! I can already see my cliquey sims having a field day here! I would hands down use this for a private school let’s play.
i love this- but the lack of sinks in the art room is giving me vivid flashbacks of all the crunchy paintbrushes abandoned at my school😭😭
I love how different our cultures are! I went to a small high school in the US, and I didn't know a single person who rode a bike to school haha, everyone drove, or rode the bus, But in America you can also get your license at 16. :)
i have been binge watching highschool builds like crazy ever since the release of this pack, especially after seeing the horrendous monstrosity EA had the audacity to claim as the high school for the pack, and i have to say. THIS IS THE BEST ONE I’VE SEEN !! so much thought, so many beautiful details !!! i love this so much !!
🥹🥹 thank you that means so much considering that there are so many amazing school builds out there 🥹🫶🏼
The word "Soccer" was originally used by the English, over 200 years ago, for what you now call football. Americans call it soccer because the English told us that is what the sport was called lol. We changed the English Rugby to our version of what we call American Football (Ball and field size vary with Canadian, Australian and European rule sets), then the English changed the name soccer to football. Another fantastic build! I love the bleachers, kissing under the bleachers is a rite of passage.
Can I just say, this is my favorite build I have ever seen in the sims 4. Like holy crap, you outdid yourself! The detail, it feels like my high school that I went to!! Also.. what day is your birthday? Im a July baby too!
July 25th! 🤍
@@Jessicapie omg so is mine!! Birthday twins!🎉🎉
I just wanted to say I’m the 24th of July
Wow, so good! It absolutely looks like a high school movie set; I would have loved if my school actually looked like this! My American high school was over 70 years old and was literally just a brick rectangle with a gym attached haha.
I'm also a little disappointed that band equipment wasn't added with the pack! I was in marching band in high school, as were all of my friends (typical band geeks). It would have been so cool to get a bunch of instruments and band uniforms!
I downloaded this build and was not at all disappointed, but I had to declutter it.
I used to work in a school, and there's no way there would be so many trip hazards everywhere. Plus, students like to touch and take stuff, so... yeah, i had to declutter it.
Plus, if maintenance is doing his job, there would only be small amounts of graffiti. And it would be real discreet. (Think East Side High after Joe Clark.)
I really didn't change much... I made the lockers one color, I moved the trophy cases into the entrance so that visitors could be impressed and added a fitness area. Other than that and decluttering it, it still looks like the original. Which is brilliant. (Oh, and i used a deco sim for the receptionist, so to see it you have to enable cc)
And you nailed the teacher's lounge: it's not about what's in there, it's about what they're saying in there. 😉
Thanks for the build and upload. 😘👌🏾mwah
(I kept your hashtags in the description)
Love this! To get around the principals desk thing I would slot the computer and chair to it and see if you can size the desk down and then use whatever desk you want!
Omg yes! Great idea 🥰
you never miss, such an amazing and well thought out build, best builder, also when’s the save file coming !?
I’m still working on it!! It’s such a huge task and I want everything to make sense too which adds a lot of time onto it 🤣😅
@@Jessicapie ofcourse!! keep going queen
I feel SO humiliated by your building skills. It's truly amazing to see someone using all kinds of tools with such ease and in such a smart way...
Huge respect for making such a long video, the Highschool turned out so beautiful!!
Thank you! 🥹🤍
OBSESSED with this build!! You never fail to impress!!
I honestly love your builds Jess. From other builders I watch they’re so lazy and basic compared to yours, you make it look realistic, the cluttter, the attention to detail, the story line. I always compare your builds to others what I’m going to download and it’s always you😂❤
Jess this is incredible!! As a British Simmer I think you've captured that school feeling perfectly, including the counters and barstools in the science classroom! 😂 I need this in my game like yesterday!
Thank you! 🥹🥹🤍
i never really comment on youtube videos but i had to come and say this.
this is the BEST high school I've seen these last few days. the attention to detail, the way you managed to focus on gameplay and STILL make it look aesthetically pleasing, and the mirad of different activities you added all were brilliantly thought out.
i'm starting a brand new save file (finally lol) and i am excited that this beautiful build is going to be the first one in my game!!
🥹 appreciate this so much, thank you! 🤍
@@Jessicapie you are welcome! have a wonderful day ❤️❤️
This school is *ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT* !! *BEYOND BRILLIANT* !! Jess, your talent & creativity is *STUNNING* !! You thought of *EVERY* possible detail!! I'm in total awe of your designing skills!! *PURE GENIUS!!* ❤👏
You are the sole reason I came back to The Sims (I'm from 91 and own all Sims game, but fell out of love with it a few years ago). I randomly found your videos half a year ago and have been watching ever since! I use SEVERAL of your builds in my game, my favourite home is your Autumnal Family Home! Thank you for all you do and for making Sims fun again for me!
🥹🥹 no but that’s made my day, I’m so happy I inspired you 🤍
I'm a teacher myself and the staff room you built is pretty spot on!
Good to know! 🤣😅🤍
I think now that there's the Apartment living pack you should definitely do a Sims University with Dorm Rooms. Have it somewhere deep in the Sims countryside overlooking a lake with its own little boathouse or something. That'd be pretty neat. 💖
Great expansion pack idea!! BAND LIFE with an alternative seattle style city where you can play gigs with your band…
We have evaluators for classes as well! Mine was usually staff from the main office who would drop by a class and evaluate the teachers and the class learning outcome. Love this build, love all your builds honestly. Was so excited when I saw you uploaded!!
🥹 thank you!
Wow now this is what I call a masterpiece
even tho i dont play the sims your videos are so calming to me and the builds always turn out nice
We called it skiving when I was in secondary school. I know different regions of the UK call it different things. Also love the build ❤️
you would be a great set designer for tv shows and movies
🤣 thank you!
This is absolutely phenomenal! You are extremely talented. I also love listening your chats while watching you build, its like catching up with an old friend. You are so down to earth.
🥺🥰 you’re too kind!! 🤍
oh i’ve been waiting for this one !! i can tell just from the thumbnail that it’s gonna be amazing 😭
🥹 hope you enjoyed!!
Oh my goodness I absolutely love the janitors closet it looks so cool
An hour?! Yessssss! Let me grab coffee.
no because youre literally the best builder ive ever seen and i watch alot of people who do amazing builds... my mouth is open the entire time ive been binge watching your channel for two days lmfao AMAZING JESS x
Thank you so much!!
Oh my god the level of detail is unreal! Absolutely in love 😍💖
Thank you so much! 🥹🤍
Jessica you’ve really outdone yourself with this build!!! you are so beyond talented💗
🥹🥰 thank you so much!!
The stacked chairs in the cafeteria? GENIUS
It's amazing how you never ran out of things to talk about!
This build is superior to anything I have seen so far! WOW! We need to help get you out there, so people can see how insanely good you are! Seriously this is incredible!
🥹🤍 thank you!
I love how you said you built this more for game play than how it looks because, as always this build is absolutely fantastic! 100% favourite builder, always excited for your videos! 😍
🥹🤍 thank you so much!!
Wow havent watched it all yet but a gameplaycentric build where gameplay is at the front of the mind! Mind Blown!!
I feel like out of all the 100s of builds I've watched your the only person who has included what I think/wanted in a high school in the sims haha whoomp whoomp
Listening to your wonderful voice and watching long sims videos makes me so happy!
Iv said it before and I’ll say it again, you are the best sim builder going 🏆 I have held of playing sims high school years until o could download your school cause I knew it was going to be epic, well I can say you didn’t disappoint, you came through with the goods. Absolutely exceptional work, not one detail out of place 😍
🥲🥹 thank you so much!
I’ve basically watch all your videos and all of it are phenomenal. I hope EA will consider your work and put it on the actual game, pay you loads of money without ruining your creativity or demanding you anything. You are the best, I hope I can be creative as you but I just don’t have the imagination and time for it 😂
I love your little "rooms of stuff" that is such a good idea.
in my primary school the staff room was giant, it has a kitchen on the left just as you go in with some tables and chairs, and then on the right it had a big smartboard with loads of comfortable like regular chairs facing it, like the chairs you would have in your living room. I only got to go in there once when there where people from the Highschool i was going to came to tell us about it and it was actually quite comfortable. the teachers however where not secretive going in or out. This was in the upper school because my primary had two buildings, one for the lower school - reception ( basicallly year 0 ) up to year 2) and the the upper school - year 3 up to year 6.
My sim thanks you for keeping things on the bottom floor.
When I was in school my classes were so all over the place.
One class on the ground floor, then the top floor, class in the basement, a class 3 blocks away, they were ridiculous and they wonder why we showed up late 😂
kept refreshing and it popped up!! im SOOO excited to watch this all
This is one of the most amazing builds i have ever seen! You have given me so much inspiration for when I build my own school. You deserve so much more recognition because you're so talented! 💕
🥹🤍 thank you so much!!
Her going on about having a band or marching band, as a former band kid, made me feel so appreciated
This is exactly the high school aesthetic I was hoping and waiting for! 🙏🏼 Now I just need to wait for payday to buy the pack 🥴🥲
I am a new fan of yours, Jessica, I am so impressed with your attention to detail and the execution of your builds, simply amazing!
Yes! Ourdoor seating in a HS build! When I was in HS like no one sat in the cafeteria because we had tons of outdoor seating
Plenty of seating around this school! 🤍
I’m amazed by how entertaining such a long speed build is. I have to admit I was a bit scared off by the length. But this.. THIS is amazing. I love it. You did so great.
I know apologies for a literal hour 😅 but I don’t like cutting too much out 🥹🤍
i love your work! mostly all teenagers in suburban areas drive to school nowadays, with minor exceptions in nyc or chicago. but i love how you’re thinking! also football is your rugby in a way, and soccer is your football! (just so you know you were right!) anyways i love everything you do🤍
🥹 thank you!
Literally been hoping you'd build a high school since we found out it was possible and you absolutely smashed it of course, incredible build as always
🥺 knew it was gonna be my first play about with the pack from when I found out! 🤍
I've just discovered your channel and i'm absolutely mind blowned by your builds! It's insane! I haven't played at Sims 4 for years now and this made me want to jump back into it!
Glad you like them!
I've been binge watching your builds while cc shopping and you're by far my favourite simmer on youtube!! Your builds are absolutely amazing and you're so so fun to listen to while you're doing commentary, I never get bored :D fun fact though! American football uses the same ball shape as rugby, and they're still classified as separate sports with different rules! So British soccer is American football, British football is American soccer, and rugby is thankfully just rugby in both countries; it's so weirdly confusing :S
discovered this amazing build as the gallery is down 💔 it is so cool to see how talented people are! this is such a cool build!!
Also a small tip I just started doing.
Go around and enable things that gives emotional aura.
There's been countless builds that have visually been amazing but the sim hates it.
I typically forget to enable them and just went to playing the build.
Now my sim is pretty much overloaded with positive emotions at all times.
Do you know how to find the high-school I'm struggling 😅
Amazing build! I absolutely love Mean Girls and Amazing A! My school teachers were also secretive about the staff room, I remember it would smell of coffee and cigarettes whenever I had to go speak to a teacher.
Classic films 🤣🤍
so excited to watch this! i placed it into my game without even looking at it, knew it would be incredible! hope you had a wonderful birthday my lovely xx
🥹 love that from you!! Thank you love! 🤍
This is a really awesome build! The idea of building my own school is so daunting that I've been looking for a stellar school build to play. This is definitely it 🤩
🥹 thank you!
It is absolutely amazing! The only thing is, i feel like in the science room there should be a table for the teacher so he can demonstrate exerimentes and such. Students would stand around it and make notes and then they would have to recreate what was shown.
I just adore watching your videos and it genuinely feels like I’m just having a chat with an old friend. I love it !!
I turned the science room upstairs into a dorm with 2 beds, bathroom and tiny kitchen - Love this build my fav school so far and perfect for my rags to riches
LOVE all your builds - this one in particular is just fantastic!! Great work!! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your voiceovers, you can really tell how enthusiastic you are about the Sims and the detail you go into is fab! Thank you for the content!
🥹 appreciate it! 🤍
Really beautiful high school. I like the little touches that add realism to this build.
Thank you!
@@Jessicapie You're very welcome Jessica.
@@Jessicapie You're very welcome, Jessica.
I have watched so many school videos this one is literally the BEST one I have seen.
🥹🥹 thank you!
this build is amazing 🥺🥺🥺 the colors are EVERYTHING and the sheer amount of detail is just gorgeous. i love all your videos 🤍🤍
🥹🥹 thank you so much!! 🤍
This is exactly what I was looking for! There is a modder out there who had managed to allow club meetings in the high school, so I wanted one with lots of rooms that allowed me to build up skills for my teens, and there are so many gameplay objects here! It's such a perfect place for club gatherings, yet you managed to make the high school functional by having all of the essential stuff in one floor. It's literally mind-blowing, I love it 😭
🥹🥹🥹 this was my thought process going through it! I wanted to have an art room for my creative sims and then a sports related area for them kind of sims! I’d love to know the mod if you know the name so I can do the club gatherings here! & thank you so much 🤍
@@Jessicapie the mod is called 'venue changes' and it's from Zerbu! It allows a lot of things, like being able to change the location of the high school, but it also allows you to have club gatherings in there! Hope it's helpful 🥰
@@christianqw2619 thank you that’s so helpful to know!
i've been waiting for this build since you anounced something was comming and its an HOUR long?! I couldn't be more excited!
My mouth was wide open in awe this entire video. Amazing!!
🥹 thank you!
The amount of details is just mind blowing!
I have this in my game and never intend to swap it out. So good!
Loool thats sweet 🤗. Rugby and American football are different. I am sure you been told by now.
I was really hoping you would build a school!! Your builds are literally my favorite of any other creators!
🥹 thank you so much!!
You have really outdone yourself with this one!! Love your builds :)
Omg you always susprise me with your builds they always look so pretty and realistic I love it ❤️❤️
Daaamnn. I love this. This is like a British/US amalgamation. This is so similar to the school I used to go to (I'm British). I tried to make a build similar to this but yours is much better! My school had quads so I was trying to make that work but it didn't.
You've outdone yourself! You are so thoughtful and precise when you build... love it!
🥹 thank you so much!!
You are extremely talented!! You need a place on EAs team for sure!!! I went I went to a high school like this! lol!!
Thank you so much!!
Talented artist! Best builder and most entertaining commentary ever.
🥹 thank you so much!
As soon as I saw this on the gallery, I thought: I have to add this to my game, it's going to ba amazing. And it is. I can't wait to play in it!
Ahhh I hope you enjoy!! 🥹🤍
I absolutely adore this build! Esp music and art rooms. 🥰 Perfect job! I always admire your build details and there were many clever tricks. Thanks for sharing! 👌🏻🥰
🥰 thank you!
One of the best builds Ive ever seen, I absolutely loved seeing it all come together, your creativity is outstanding, you definetly convinced me to buy high school years, cant wait to play in this school!! 💕🌸
Thank you so much 🤗
This is FABULOUS!!! Well done Jess! 💖
Thank you! 🥰🥰
I have this in my game and changed one of the downstairs bathroom into a nurse office but this is definitely my favorite school so far
I love this!! I wish there was tennis in the sims 4. Most american high schools have a court for that, as well as track and field. But you cant have everything!!
Thank you!
EA need to hire you to do there builds you take them into such consideration!! They’re brilliant
🥹 thank you!
@@Jessicapie you’re welcome beautiful!
No words! Speechless at how amazing this build is
This is great, I’m English as well, so I would love to see you build an English school at some point x
I mean lots of schools I know are quite literally 70s block buildings 🤣 not sure how it would translate into the game but maybe I’ll give it a go! 🤍
Omg so many cool EPIC schools being build lately ...this one thou feels so REAL
absolutely love it ❤️
🥹🤍 thank you!
Hey! I‘m a German Sims-Player. So this Comment is really Hard for me to whrite. But i have to say it.. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE SIMSCREATOR. Your Builds are amazing!!
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to comment 🥹🤍