Ratrace - Man Vs Coast - 2021

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Here we have the highlight VLOG from Man vs Coast 2021.
    And here is the write up and review.
    Man Vs Coast is Rat Races first of their core trilogy events the Man Vs Series that runs each year, of which is probably now over since Man vs Lakes has been discontinued.
    This is my second time running this event as I had done it back in 2019 and had such a great time I fancied another go at it, but wiser and better prepared for what was to come.
    This race starts in the shadow of St Michaels Mount in Marazion, this year’s race modified with Covid precautions to ensure everyone’s safety. The weather had forecast a terrible day including high winds, torrential rain and thunderstorms. On arrival it was blustery the surf was being whipped up and with no pontoon out at sea it was very obvious the initial swim out had been understandably pulled for safety reasons. It made me sad as it is a doozy of a start to a race.
    We started by being broken up into waves of 5 released every 30 seconds by our faithful MC Keith down a few steps and off up the beach being immediately directed into the crashing waves. A few strategically placed marshals in fishing waders with posts for us to get around awaited us and in we went, being hit by the heavy waves from the side was more challenging than I imagined and it was pretty damn brisk in there. Miraculously the clouds started to part and the sun shone through, it was completely unexpected and very much welcomed. We conga’d along the beach in and out of the sea several times before getting to the end of Penzance beach where we turned inland and said goodbye to the south coast.
    We were soon out and on our way up the insanely steep cliffs up toward Pendeen Lighthouse. With our calves and hams on fire from the climb up we had a quick drink and carried on our way with a half marathon behind us.
    The path now continues for a good few miles ascending and descending often. The ground underfoot is deep single track plagued with rocks and boulders creating something of a minefield. Your mind gets exhausted when processing this for so long, one lapse in concentration and youll be over.
    At about 20 miles the path slowly starts to drop and even out as we approach the beach phase. We pass by Gwynver Beach full of families having fun, the smell of BBQS is in the air, everyone’s in the seas… makes you a bit jealous. We run by that beach completely and onward to Sennen Beach.
    Here we have a RatRace crew giving out body boards for us to use in the sea. Frankly this is a bit objectless and really needs to be made into something. I took it as a chance to cool down and take the weight off my joints for a moment. We caught a few waves and promptly got off down the beach.
    At the end of the beach awaited one of the worst bits, a 300 metre section of giant boulders you need to navigate over. Its rubbish, certainly on wobbly legs and an exhausted mind. After this we were greeted by another crew giving out life vests for a short out and back swim.
    We collected our packs and headed off to the next section which was not far away, the technical rock and water section. We were once again given life vests and directed down over 100 metres of rocks before getting to the first of 2 rope bridges. Before you know it you are stood atop of a 20ft high tombstone into noticeably choppy swell, the height and depth of water was varying depending on the motion of the water. We jumped together on this one, we both bobbed up and it was quite apparent the water was very strong and it was buffering us around quite badly. This wasn’t a problem really until we tried to get out, the waves then started to bash us against the sharp barnicle covered rocks. I was able to get out clean but Andy got his legs caught on the cheese grater rocks. Once out were were directed along the rocks in and out a few more times before going back to collect our bags.
    We had one last push up out of Sennen cove back up onto the top of the headland. This was the beginning of the end. We could see the finish albeit over a mile away, we got out running back on and carried on toward it. As we approach Lands end we can hear Keith calling everyone home. A few last turns and there is the finish, we’re done. We collected our medals gave back our trackers and got our end of race soup…which taste amazing when you are famished!
    All in all this is an amazing event hence why I have returned for another go. For this event to be run at this level during the tail end of the pandemic restrictions really does say a lot of the Rat Races organisers.
    This event really could do with refreshing some of the obstacles / challenges. Having done this race previously I can see where the interactions with the sea had been simplified possibly due to weather maybe some due to covid. All of the north coast wasn’t impeded by the weather and should have at least remained as they were previous years.

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  • @emlyngriffith5846
    @emlyngriffith5846 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great effort. Well done!👍🍷

  • @leerowson627
    @leerowson627 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video mate... doing this in a couple of months! Any tips!?!