IT's a racket designed to create litigation, Family court lawyers, Judges, Bar Associations are all involved in this racket. It's racketeering at its worst
@Jordan Little yeah how could anyone possibly be a victim except the poor women who are the real victims just trying to take care of kids. Men need to shut up and pay up. Who cares if their lives are ruined, should have thought about it before making babies. If men die then they'd better hurry up and decrease the surplus population. Get out of the woman's way and go your own way. Leave them alone. You can't win with them. And don't commit suicide, spread the mgtow message and save lives.
What upsets me most of all about child support is the fact that a woman can give us her child for adoption because she can’t “afford” it. There are no ramifications for this. If a man want to give up his parental rights to avoid child support because he can’t “afford” it, he’s still put on child support and then punished for not paying it.
Take a man's money, license, job, children and home. Then expect him to support them...Brilliant government social engineering...Creating destitution and sorrow for all.
well, I made a decison to stop dating and have a surogate and it still has been the worst family court case in this area, they just lie and agree to the lies, it's gone on for 5 years and the abuse of the child by the mother is never going to be dealt with, and then the mother absconds with the child and she illegally done so with her other kids, and the government makes sure this never hits a courtroom.
@@ladeda7033 DNA test proves my ex is a hore and my boy is not really my blood. With that being said I love my boy with all my heart but should not have to pay for somebody else's child. I've lost my license my truck what next. Dad's by default should not have to pay but there is no law to protect dad's by default
Yeah, she "partied" for 18 years while she was feeding, clothing, sheltering, loving, nurturing, counseling, teaching, nursing, disciplining, supporting, providing for...while the sperm donor ducked and dodged his legal and moral obligations as a parent...CRY ME A RIVER.
@@tashawin023 Yes! These dead beats make all the excuses in the world when it comes time to take care of their children...while the custodial parents are giving their TIME, which you can't put a price on, and MONEY to raise a child.
My ex was forced by the 2nd judge to coparent. I don't pay cause I work only part time. Smartest would be to w any marriage both have a part time job and both take care of the kids part time. Then you have the least chance to have to pay. That should be standard. Else the man can most of the time pay and have his kids stolen.
The law in Holland is changed. More and more ppl coparent. That's standard. And you better get along with your ex or the child care ppl will steal your kids. For me, I dont care if my ex wants to be the boss, but that must be really annoying for a man if its the other way around. A woman on Facebook told her friendly neighbour he should ask his ex if he could have his son with Christmas. I got mad at her for being so dumb. If mom always takes the kid, she is controlling. So mom goes to court and they say: you 2 dont get along. Kid was with neither parent with Christmas.
@Tontyanna Uh, it should be fair not in a favor? The video just gave great evidence about an antiquated system. Non biased people make conclusions based on that. A law that uses averages instead of marginal supports a conservators "lifestyle" and is impossibly used 100% on the child.
@Tontyanna It uses logic and is senseless? That in and of itself is senseless. It is not in favor of the child. The child has no say so as where the money goes. It is in favor, general speaking, for the mother to be used on nails, hair, clothing, and supplemental income. You missed all of the video and disagreed with a professor of economics. Shame.
@Tontyanna nope not true. im a woman and hate child support. equal parenting should be (increasing now) the norm. if a absent parent cannot afford to raise the child without ANY foodstanps, section 8, GOVT medical, lieap, tax credits and all the other social services then they need to let the other parent have the child. not just pay for the child. Chikd support is the only civil matter that can be criminally charged. there is a problem with that. each time a parent makes a payment there is a fee. there is a problem with that. ive never paid or received child support but have been very close to people that. pay and those who receive. the receivers seem to think they are entitled. it also made it hard for the one paying to be sucessful.
Usually women fight and go hard for child support. Fathers fight and go hard for equal time with their children instead alternate weekends many times not wanting a dime from the mothers.
I have 2 different baby fathers, none are on child support. It’s up to them if they care enough to love and be there for their son, luckly I am blessed with two fathers that loves being involved with their son’s lives. Even if they didn’t, I wouldn’t need their support anyway.
Jordan Brendmoen who said I was? Lol they are 10 years apart. It took 9 years for me to get into the second relationship and it just didn’t work out due to arguments over different beliefs.
If child support is set too low.... then let the person with children get a job or give the children the person who CAN afford to pay to keep the children well. Honestly, if both parents want the kids, split the custody and NO CHILD SUPPORT
Thank you!! Im pissed that my ex was able to gain significantly more custody time even though I wanted half AND she gets child support?! Um no...... you want 80% custody , but you want me to pay for it too? If both parents desire 50% custody, child support should not be allowed.
Daniela Carrigo-Das just have it be they get to spend 6 months with one parent 6 months the other. For those six months the parent without the children at the time has to pay child support to the other.
If it's up to me this study will be seen in a court ... I'm in the process of fighting now! I've already contacted some attorneys that feel similar to me and would like to see a reform done on it too!! Which is how I found this video.... Researching steps to take against the state of Alabama!!
It sucks that the system is really broken, I just got charged 115$ weekly bc I couldn’t pay my child support the first of the month so not only 500$ but 115$ x 4 weeks
The child support also goes to unneeded tech, cable tv, SEX TOYS, breast implants, Victoria Secret underwear, amongst other non-necessities for HER!! 😣👎
LIAR, There;s a MAN ASKING the Question RIGHT NOW, Way to PROVE you are a LEACH WOMAN Making UnFounded Claims That Men don't want to see their children
Yanai Ben Yasharon there is q standing law that judge are supposed to follow that grams equal custody...but they don't since the following Federal government gives states funding perks for collecting and the states rely on that money that pays the public officials
Judge Judy made that exact statement Yanai! She said, that is the way it is suppose to be, unless there is a hearing declaring one of the parents unfit....
They intervene to protect the child s so many poor parents do not take care of the children. But I have suffered this experience and it is heavily flawed and punishes the father mostly.
cus they dont want the kids to realize their moms are social service deadbeat ass lazy mfers who are too lazy to work and shameless for taking the handouts. they dont want the kid to have it better at dads house. fuckers
That alone, proves that it is a blatant and devious "hustle", @@wonderfoy465 . I see actors coughing up tens of thousands of dollars PER MONTH, in CS (prime example: Eddie Murphy/ 1 child).
Elle C ok, well then the man should get custody of the child and the woman should be the one paying child support in that case. After all, she ruined the family
My wife walked out on me and took everything while I was at work. I went home to stop her but she had the Military Police there and I was ordered to let her take everything.
Children receive support. It’s not called woman support. It’s called child support. The custodial parent or guardian manages the money because they are caring for the child. Children aren’t able to handle that responsibility. A custodial parent can be a man.
I live this nightmare, have 50% custody, no criminal background, mother slept with the entire town in her 20s and because of her lack of motivation to find a good job I have to literally pay for it for 18 years. So far over a decade left, in just a few years I've paid 25 grand in attorney fees and 30 grand in support. The government has implemented the best pyramid scheme of all time.
The unfortunate truth is that no politician will ever want to introduce legislation to reduce child support payments for fear of the outlash against them. It's an obvious flawed system.
John Smith that's not true....its a way for government to control men and make them weak......also the states get matching funds from the feds whenever they get a man put on child support. ..title IV-D funding.
*This is one of the primary reason why democracy is a flawed system. Politicians cannot take necessary initatives due to fear of backlash from vocal ignorant population.*
This is what blows my mind... where usually Republicans tend to come to an argument with logic or reason yet whenever the subject of the "Wahmens" comes up all of that shit goes right out the window and they start thinking emotionally... like most Democrats do. The answer is right there... RIGHT THERE but even Tradcons won't touch it with a 50ft pole.
So true, @@pyramidhead138. Sure, the government can throw one loving father in prison, for refusing to pay his pimps. Maybe even 1000 (in one swoop). But, not 100k. Nor 1 MILLION. #MGTOW
The truth that they aren't telling you as a man is that women are going through this too. Custodials hate their ex more than they love their kids and the state of California takes advantage of that. the Majority of custodials never see a penny of the thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars because the state of California child support division doesn't pass it along. and This is how they screw you and the entire family. here is my story. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
@@summersong998 I work in Family Court and can tell you for a fact that the dead beat dad notion is NOT a lie. And it's the dead beat that contributed to the pain you're experiencing: men who skip going to court ON PURPOSE to delay the child support process; routinely change their job to avoid being served and paying; lie about paternity to avoid paying; hire lawyers to avoid paying; etc. I could go on and on. And for the record, there are some dead beat mothers out there too. My point is that a lot of the laws are on the books because of dead beats that try to scam the system and cheat their children out of the support they are rightfully do. It costs MONEY to raise children and the burden for that shouldn't be left on one parent or the STATE. Most folks that end up paying for years is because they didn't pay the support when they should have and thought they could ride out the 18 years only to find out that support will forever be do. Do the right thing and support your children financially from the start and all the interest, etc. won't apply.
@Bob Salazar What does being an ATM machine have to do with SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD???? Can you honestly say you don't care if your CHILD has a place to stay and food to eat?? Who raised you?! And if you want custody go to court and prove you should have it!
@Bob Salazar Furthermore, there are several ways to AVOID having children...even for men...cover it, snip it or ABSTAIN and you won't have children you don't want to support.
In Georgia for one kid you pay 21% of your GROSS INCOME. But get this - if you have 2 kids by the same woman you pay 16% for the second kid, making the second kid worth LESS than the other kid, according to Ga state law. See, they KNOW they take too much, and there is no way you COULD pay 42% of your income for 2 kids so they give you a break on the second one. A man in Georgia who makes $40 grand a year with 2 kids will pay 39% of his gross income so here's the math...after taxes (Ga has a state tax too) and SSI you bring home around $1940 a month. THEN support gets you for $756 leaving you with $1184 a month to pay rent, fuel, food, insurance and other household bills. And you CANNOT claim the child as a dependent on your taxes even though you are supporting them! The daddy lives in poverty while mommy is taking vacations and living good with new daddy who makes more than YOU! Welcome to America
I was overcharged 8.5k for Child Care even though i had my son every weekend. Threatened with jail when i am actually current with my payments. Debt based wage slave Court system.
Threatened with jail time. Cops are mindless enforcers of an evil system. They signed up to "make a difference " meaning? Extorting money from hardworking, loving fathers on behalf of family ruining feminist wh*res. F*ck their thin blue line, the law makers and the judges that perpetuate this fraud.
Child support is so crooked. It's almost like its designed to hurt whichever parent does not have primary custody. The livable wage of the parent should be taken into consideration. There is no reason an adult should be making middle class wages and have to contemplate moving back in with their parents.
NOTPOPIMP just hop around from job to job it takes them 3 months or so to actually start garnishing your wages. At least it does here in LA . It's not that hard to do. I know a number of people doing it.
I worked for the Office of Attorney General and I've seen so many cases where it is 100% apparent that the person receiving the funds is using his/her children as a source of income for them.... not the child. It makes it to where having children is a business and it just feels disgusting.
Benjaminr77880@Gmail.comre it's crazy there's video of guys who the judge told you can't get out of jail until they pay the back child support😳but how do you do that when you're broke and in jail. Fukkin insane ! I'm surprised nobody has shot one of these judges for doing that shit.
Kenneth Boyer for real makes you really want to fight them... well maybe it's just me. I see a line wrapped around the building with dudes paying this bullshit.
State Government officials are making money using our children. The interest goes to the state. The reason they lock you up or take your driver's license is so you go further behind. The further behind means more interest money for the state government. I have been paying for 29 years. My children are grown. My youngest is 29. Still paying. This is totally wrong. I don't have any problem with paying for raising my children. I do have problems with state governments making money off my children. Put these crooks under investigation and put a stop to the extortion. Thanks to the state of Va for destroying my children by this terrible system. Look forward to the day God has his vengeance on you people!
The leaglity of it all (i researched constitutional law and a few states laws) says while the right to travel is protected, driving is a privilege. As such, privileges can be taken away.
I’m on child support my payment is $1000 a month for one child. I never had issues paying until they raised it and the judge knew I was unemployed at the time when SHE raised it. This video is correct. It’s not that people refuse to pay but it’s beyond reasonable. It’s designed to put and keep you in poverty. How the hell is can your child support be the same as your rent or more. Then they take your license and or jail you.
dappa311 no I kept paying a hundred to two hundred every month which is what I could afford but I’m still a couple thousand in the rare by now. To lower it would mean set a date go in and get locked up. Then at the end of what ever long ass time they jail me (anywhere from 90 days to a year) that’s when they would lower it. Way my life set up I can’t cross that hump yet. Hoping I make a chunk of cash so I can pay it down some before I go to court.
Sterling James III brother it’s an unrealistic old ass law that they need to change or amend. Females have weaponized it so they can either destroy or keep us down. The fights fixed
Your case sounds similar to mine. I'm a single mom. I'm kind of learning this. I have been raising my son in my own for 15 yrs. Dad is deadbeat. He wants visitation rights if I ask for child support which is only 640.00 a month. Deadbeat dad has been raising his wife's kids(not his) for the last 10 yrs. Supporting them and can care less about his own son. He blames me but I reached out to him several times with out success. He also stole $12,000 from my family when I was pregnant. He was granted a misdemeanor after a year and he only paid once. Then he disappeared. Since you guys are here what do you suggest I do? My son will be 16 in a month.
Tontyanna PlayStation and “name brand shoes” are not necessities! A kid doesn’t care what kind of shoes he/she wears. It’s usually the mother forcing these materialistic views on the child. And wouldn’t you still need lights, shelter, water, and gas if the child didn’t stay with you? I didn’t see you list BOOKS or tutors in your long list of the child’s so called needs. You mostly listed things that YOU need.
Tontyanna um if you can’t pay for your own water, gas and shelter then you shouldn’t be raising a child ijs. I never hold my kids father for supporting my lifestyle. Only thing I need from him is clothes and shoes for the kids. Occasionally he helps with lunch food because they go thru snacks so quickly. Women are taking advantage of the system and it’s hurting our black men. Wake up
Good luck with trying to win an argument with a women on how much it takes to raise a child. In most cases she'll always want more. Like the Professor said, it's free money and a way for women to get back at the man. Sad but true...
This is why I am not married and probably wont be!!! once u marry a woman/man, your entire life is chained to them inclujding all your money!!!Stay unmarried guys. If any woman demands marriage, she is not the right person for u!!!
I divorce my abusive husband went on welfare while I went to nursing school so I could support my son middle class. When my son turned 18 I started getting child support.35 years later I still get it. Matthew thought he could get away with it. But I left it up to the Lord. My son and I were better off because of it
Taharqa DaKing sad but true virtually ALL judges are corrupt and breaking the law by not following it and playing favourites with women and government. It is a coup. A mafia. Gov pays judges to disobey laws and favor women. Biggest crime against humanity. A lot of judges need to be fired for not doing their job but government will not because government wants to hurt the male citizens. Make that second biggest crime. Biggest crime is mommy mafia gets away with abusing little defenceless boys and society is guilty to the pits of its soul for these man hate crimes the government and courts are committing at the demands of women. They profit by breaking the law and hurting men. THEY PROFIT FROM HURTING MALE CITIZENS. And no one is stopping this abuse. The governments and courts conspire with women so therefore are criminal themselves. Women government and courts are in bed colluding to hurt men.
This is what I struggle with getting my head around. Im supposed to pay $700 to the mother, but I get them 50% of the time. They live, eat, sleep, I buy clothes, transport them and I don't receive any support when they are with me. She's not spending any extra on things that she wouldn't already have like a car, rent, and cost of living in general. Child support is a scam
Two people have cups of water that are 75% full. The judge fills a cup by taking water out of one. One is now full, one is now half. But the one with the half cup is expected to be equally as quenched off of half of the water. Make it make sense
All parents need to take responsibility, set thier difference s aside. Work against the system, keep the government out of your personal stuff. That's how I did it. It works, I'm almost done. Thank God.
@@AK-gk6sd I'm not a man I'm a woman and I have seen 1st hand everything these MEN are going through and like I said TRUTH HURTS. Be a parent and work to provide for your child like a parent should and quit relying on the income of any1 who clearly doesn't want to be parent. It's not rocket science.
Actually I think it will change. Here’s my scenario: guys who realize early in life that they even want to be husbands and fathers will flex their passports. Most of these guys will not come back even if they don’t go full expat and surrender their citizenship. Those numbers will increase over the next few years but it won’t be a majority. The guys who can’t or won’t simply head for the hills but become aware (often firsthand) just how fcked up the system is will be the ones to *force* changes. If a men’s rights group forms and becomes this issue’s equivalent of the NRA, there’d be a level of wealth and power there difficult if not impossible to ignore. Younger men, especially, are going to have to make up their minds, they’re going to have to ruin some political careers, major corporations and cherished social traditions over this one issue. In short, “Am I prepared to destabilize the society I live in, and take whatever personal consequences that come to me, in order to end this injustice?” Now, just how long it’ll take to reach critical mass is anybody’s guess. We’re not there yet. The best bet is probably somewhere in the MGTOW community…the guy or guys who decide it’d be more fun to push the system over than let it fall on its’ own. And FTR, this isn’t calling for any violence. Force and violence aren’t the same thing…
All the research is overwhelming that the current system of custody&support does not work. let continue this change....Never give up...Never ever give up !
well, I Haven't given up. I know that the only real solution is simply changing the laws. but all these people are like the elephant baby who was chained while he grew up. He was so conditioned to believe that he couldn't escape that when he was an adult, they kept him imprisoned by a mere rope that the grown elephant could break with very little effort but never even tried. They've already given up because I'm the hope that has a good chance to change things with the support of these men who've been emasculated and imprisoned. I'm against the oppression of anyone regardless if man, woman, or any race of human. They've made me this warrior who only knows adversity. they made me strong like this. I will never be able to become soft. Oh well, if they want to just sit back and whine and wait to be saved when aint no one coming to save us but ourselves. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of all of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will garnish from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. The arrears are NOT the interest. those are two separate percentages in the formula that calculates your arbitrary debt they call Child Support.
I've seen this work actually; When you have to go to family court next time, tell them you transitioned, and you now identify as a women. Now all those perks she has, so do you, and anytime they won't do what you ask, say it's because your trans, & make yourself the victim. I've seen this work with my own eyes...
Thank you Kevin! We completely agree about the need for reform. Hopefully, together with the efforts of others, these videos and our other awareness raising efforts will help move us in the direction of meaningful family law reforms.
The court system In Genesee count Michigan not only forced me to pay a VERY inflated child support. They indirectly allowed my ex to keep my 2 boys out of my life. Interesting fact......after my child support was finished my ex and her husband filed bankruptcy after a little more than a year! Tell me there is no profit in child support!! 🤦🏻♂️ The system is VERY broken! The unquantifiable losses I have had in my life are unrecoverable!! 😕
They took my license, even my fishing and couldn't get a contractor license. I went homeless paying child support. Now that my kid's are grown,I'm still paying back child support and my kids are almost 30. My kids don't want nothing to do with me. There mom had always told them I've never payed a dollar, right along with her new husband. I got all the paperwork from the court and text it to her husband and my kid's, I've payed almost$100,000 in child support. Her husband freaked. My kids freaked. The bitch took me to the cleaners and my kids stopped looking at me like a piece of shit. Being the way they felt about me made me bitter. Therefore I want nothing to do with them anymore. They only call me when they want something. They call me by my name anyway,so I dropped both of them. Sounds bad I know. But I no longer have there' bullshit stress anymore. I'm one of those guys that if that's how you feel,then keep your distance and I'll keep mine. I've never missed a Christmas,a birthday, and always fighting for my visitation when they we're younger. Even though I'm almost payed off. I want nothing to do with them,or to ever hear from there'mom again. It's turned me into a straight up asshole. And I straight up don't give a fuck.
Child support has taken everything that I have worked for including my driver's license leaving me homeless and throwing me into jail every chance they get and completely destroyed my credit score and I have not even seen my kid in over 14 years because my ex has completely destroyed our relationship by filling his head with lies
.been there done that...,was an at home dad, homeschool teacher , mechanic , handyman , piano coach, woodsman now my adult children have been indoctrinated by public system, don't even talk or associated with me ,
Love this!! I plan on changing things here in Alabama... One of two states making child support mandatory til age 19... All others are 18... Also it's true non custodial parents and children are having their right to parent child bonds lost bc they have to work to pay all their bills or they will be put in jail or be homeless! It's sad what these government agencies have done to our families!;
Its good to hear a little wisdom in a world of raging insanity. It gives one hope that the concepts of marriage, family, and justice, may one day recover from the destructive injustice imposed by criminally negligent legislation.
My child support was set at a high amount when I had a good paying job and was working alot of overtime..years later I was starting over from scratch after the company went under. I was working a minimum wage job at part time hours. I tried to get my child support lowered since I was making waaay less money. The woman told me they would have raised the amount even know I was making way less because they changed the's insane I can't come close to paying what it is now and if she would've asked for an increase they would've increased's insane..I now owe over $13,000..while she has zero bills because her new husband pays everything. she makes a ton of money and I also have a new girl with a child that I help raise and pay for..this shit is nuts
Me either. Florida suspended my drivers license and put a hold on my license when I only owed $4,000 after paying $35,000. All I owed was arrears. When it came time to renew my drivers license in California I could not because of the hold. As a result I we suspended my account and I lost my tuition at Arizona State University that I had spent a year at studying with a 3.4 GPA.
Damn I got 11 more years to pay this shit and I owe 7k In arrears. 🤦🏽♂️ This shit is a fucking scam dawg. I even got evicted today because I can't keep up with rent and other bills 😤
I got laid off during the pandemic and have been trying to get caught up after being sick for a year. I bern current on child support... however, they're taking my stimulus check when I need it... f the system.
Damn! Now I'm really pissed I pay support and 2 of my kids are grown like over 18 years old. I got a 17 year old I pay on too. Child support was established for this reason to put the non custodial parent on the streets. Sure the child is taken cared of but kind of hard to see daddy on the weekends when he lives in a homeless shelter as a end result of paying all that high support to the mother. I know because I was that father. In 2004 I was evicted from my place because 65 percent of my check was going to support. In the state of Indiana the state can take 65 percent of the non custodial parents check in support and 55 percent if the non custodial is married. And if the non custodial parent has multiple cases they are handled seperate so if the non custodial parent are ordered to pay 100 per week on one case and 150 per week on another thats 250 per week and if the non custodial parent only makes 400 he or she will only get to see 150. The courts in Indiana will not consolidate the cases into one payment so the non custodial parent does not struggle just to keep up the basic necessities to live
that is not true, if that is what they did to you then they violated the child support caps established under consumer protection law. seek a lawyer asap.
If you want to change this look me up on Facebook. Going up against this as a group will have more power than any of us have as an individual. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
Parent who cannot pay his/her own rent or mortgage should not have primary custody, and we need this child support to go to the children because children are not even seen 10% of it
Child support should end. We shouldn't have it anymore. If someone needs assistance, they should get it from the government, like they always do. I'd rather pay more in taxes than to see men's lives destroyed over something they never wanted quite often.
Before anyone else misses the point:If you have a child, you shouldn't be doing the same thing you were doing when you didn't have the child. No one is responsible for your life other than you. Child support should not be a reimbursement service, which is what it has become.
MrPhotoSmash child support should be a fixed rate if that bitch think it's too low then she need to find a better paying job. I work with a lady uses all the money for child support for her and her kids everyday living she don't even touch her paycheck now how is that 50/50
Oh no shit... when my ex and I were together we spent a combined $300-325 a month on our daughter. Yet when the order went through I was losing almost $1000 a month. How the hell does THAT work out?
i think it has to do partially with one person now responsible for ALL the bills. it is fair that you should pay at least double what you both payed together because all the bills that you payed together are now being payed by one person. And that goes both ways too, so if the dad gets custody then the mom should pay double the cost that you both paid to help support the child. But i definitely agree that those huge settlements are rediculas and its also rediculas to take more then the guy can even afford so he cant live.
jebes909090 ... Whether one person is paying the bill or two people are paying that same bill ("bill" = the cost per month for 1 child),,, the amount of the bill does not change....... Share the restaurant tab, OR Not,,, the tab is the same.
I won custody of my twin kids, only because my ex was extremely mentally unstable, and was a meth addict (she got hooked on meth while struggling with post partum issues that triggered an early onset of schizophrenic symptoms) The court ruled my ex would not have to pay child support, at all, as she could not be expected to maintain a comfortable lifestyle if forced to do so. However, when the court initially granted HER custody, i was making 1,300 gross pay every 2 weeks, and they required i pay 900 out of every check I was being forced to live on about 350 a month when all was said and done. when i got a raise and started making a salaried income of 4k per month, they UPPED my payments to 1200 every two weeks. 2,400 every month, out of a check that came to about 3,100 after taxes, insurance, and my employer required contribution to a 401k. Then my ex ODed, three times in six days, and the courts granted me full custody 'until such a time as the mother maintains sobriety for a period not shorter than 4 months.' She never got sober. They refused to require any kind of child support of her. They required me to continue to paying (600 a month) of 'alternative support' even though we had never been married, and due to her inheritance from a dead relative, she was making almost 3x what i was per month.
This is Horrifying! I am so glad I took my child's father off of CS. It did not feel right to have government involved in my private family. But I did not even know it was this sadistic. End these unlawful government programs. Take care of your own families. Men are a severely persecuted genre.
Its destroyed my life and left me with no money, all I can do is keep working the rest of my life. I've tryed fighting the courts there so damn deep in corruption they dont even see there own shame .
I've always said they should set an exact amount as a guideline & everyone pays that amount. The current system is a disgrace because it isn't child support, it's spousal support!!
im what most people would call a "deadbeat" father i would take custody of my sons do all of those things and not ask for child support id give you visitation id let you see and hold your child be there for your child as long as you wanted to just be apart of their lives i wouldnt ask for help from the government id handle my responsibility at the same time i wouldn't ruin your life as you have ruined mine i love my kids even though im in and out of jail because of greed i can't buy a house or get an apt i cant even rent a trailer or take care of myself if i cant take care of myself how can i care for a child i am so scared warrant after warrant having me locked up my Payments get backed up i end up owing more and then i end up with nothing no one to turn to no one to help me all because of greed i can't even support myself because of child support and the child support system not to mention the babys mothers im a good man who would do anything for anyone if i could or would help them but no one helps me not even with information that could point me in the right direction i have no one and i can't even be there for my kids mentally to help guide them in the right direction because of everything done under my nose everything ive been lied to about and because of child support i want nothing more to be there for my child but when your alienated by the baby's mother and by the state so much corruption everywhere where do you start i want the best for my kids but how can i give them the best if im not aloud for whatever reason I have not been told i don't even know where to start id do anything if it meant not being locked up id do Anything to be apart of my kids life id do anything
The system is locked down from every angle. I made the same plea in court. I am an able-bodied care provider. I would take custody of my child and I do not require support from the mother. The court said that I was trying to deny the child support [By not demanding child support]. Used that logic to say I couldn't be a primary care giver and then to add insult to injury, deemed all previous payments made before the order was issued as "gifts" and ordered me to repay them again. $950/month ... repay for the last 8 months again and carry on. I can't afford that and my lawyer just said to figure it out. Awesome, right? I'll be in jail in time for xmas. I've worked hard my entire life. Put myself through university, served my country. Tried to be a good parent to my child and the court system took it away and slapped me with an enormous bill. Do not marry. Do not conceive. You'll regret it (if you live in north america)
Remy LeBeau I have a child but have never put his father on child support. however, in some states if you can show you are trying and doing things outside of child support they do lower you am out of support
@Tontyanna yeah thats messed up about your sister and her kids i dont know the situation but sorry anyway lol a wise man once told me that its cheaper to keep her ! 😁
I was literally told by the judge. She didn't care if I lived in a box I better have the money paid every week. Lol. I am a very involved parent and want to take care of my kids however child support is a complete racket. I have to work two jobs just to keep a house and stay out of jail. Can barely eat some weeks. Child support should be the last thing addressed in a case between two parents. First thing should be are both parents capable and willing two raise the kids and there should be no child support. Profit factor lol you're damn right
Women need to be aware of this issue since they blindly subject their mates to the system without due process violating their individual rights. What a shame! Whatt has happened to women? This is definitely not a matter for the courts to settle but a personal and private matter. Let's have some class!
First of all, the custodials hate their ex more than they love their children. If you want to change this, look me up. Together we have more power than alone as individuals. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
Everyone knows(men and women). They just dont care if the father is fucked. In some cases, woman do want the father to be fucked if the wife wants it. Thats why they are so focused on "getting married". Safety for life
The problem with child support is they punish poor people who don't have custody of the child. Taking away someone's driver's license works sometimes when someone who does have the ability to pay but won't, and will only do so when there's consequences. But, nowadays, it's not that simple. There's people who have no ability to pay those amounts, but still are being punished by methods of enforcement that are outdated, because those methods were designed to solve a problem that doesn't exist the same way it used to. Back then, when these methods of enforcement came into play at first, it got deadbeat jerks to pay up, and help struggling women to provide for the children. But, now, we have tons of people who really are not in a position to financially handle it, and still getting slammed. Terrible, out of date system.
Because they can because no one will grow the balls to fight it. I have them. I'm hoping I'm not the only one. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
Not to long ago, a man was told he was going to have to pay child support the amount was more than he could afford. He drove to a highway overpass and jumped to his death.
Excellent analysis but I would like for Divorce Corp to explain the correlation between Child Support and Federal Dollars (SSA Title IV D). Family Ct or Supreme Court are given incentives by the State to secure parents in the Child Support Rolls so as to secure Federal Funding and support services for profit. Short of sever Child Abuse ( seriously physically injured or likely to die) our courts could care less about doing what is obviously morally right to protect children who are victims of psychological abuse ( hostile parenting or parental alienation). Its a legal scam perpatrated by our so called legal professionals. The Federal Dollars need to be cut off from the state. Leave Social Security alone.
@@KawaiiyukihanaSmiles True. Actually men probably cheat more often than women. And the child support thing is a mess. I always paid my child support from my first marriage but knew a few guys that lost their jobs and couldn't pay. They were thrown in jail after just a couple of months. On the other hand when I divorced my 2nd wife she was literally a decade behind and never got put in jail. Always gave them MY address. I must have told the AG's office a hundred times that she didn't live with me. They should have known that because we were divorced and she owed me thousands in child support. She died about ten years ago having never paid squat. I still get a monthly notice sent to my house from the AGs office. She now owes me . Great system...NOT !
Best interest of child, Mom & Dad is to keep the family together. Why is that so hard today? No fault divorce, the welfare system and what no one wants to give up ... our ronchy entertainment telling us a sinful selfish lifestyle is better, more fun, I deserve more etc.
rlunnerstall U know why its so hard, its cuz of da women, they are child like n extremely greedy its so much better fo em to get divorced n get alimony n child support n not hav anyone tell u wat to do while tjey get free money, I will never get married again FUKEN NEVER.....
rlunnerstall what about those irresponsible guys that just never help and u only want them to at least care about their child but they got other things on top like GYM payments a new car payment the latest phone payment and all that stuff...I dnt wanna be mean but he's making me think child support it's my best choice!
Child support is a complete rort. I have a thirty year old car and one holiday a year whilst my child's mother buys a brand new car every few years and several holidays per year. I know many here will understand this scenario well. I have no issue paying to support my child, but the current system used to calculate the payments is a disgrace.
The problem with these methods is perhaps best explained through an age-old understanding in philosophy: You can't get an 'aught' from an 'is.' Attempting to calculate how much it costs to raise a child by how much the average family actually does spend to raise the their children is doing exactly that. For example, does the cost of raising a child include a dozen pair of designer jeans, hand bags to make the kid popular, a separate bedroom for each child - he actually said that! - a car when they turn 16, video games, a laptop, a color TV for the kid's room, expensive birthday parties, hundreds of toys, etc. If people are wealthy in a wealthy country and choose to buy their kids lots of frivolous luxury items, that's their prerogative, but if we take that 'is' and enforce it as a 'should' or a 'must' onto other parents, we are robbing those other parents of their rightful prerogative. The very idea that the government should enforce the non-custodial parent to enable the custodial parent to maintain their previous lifestyle is mind-blowing to me; It's absurd. It's also vulgar, obscene, horrifying, tacky, and gross in every way.
Different amounts for friends of the judge. I had a female judge for the ex-wife. To this very day I am still trying to break even years after my child support ended.. Still working, still homeless, still have nothing to show for the effort NOT EVEN retirement...
Like most who pay child support, we recognize the miss use of the support we give. When I sat with the support appointed referee, she added to my income because I am self employed. Saying I don't claim all my income. Adding more than 50% to my earned income. When I contested the answer given was the referee can adjust with their discretion . I felt betrayed. I have a two bedroom home and my costs are the same in housing as my son's mothers home as the report shows. We have the same expenses in housing. The system is fractured and faulty. A money making system that hurts the ones it trying to help.
Good topic of focus in the legal system which has major problems. Please continue these reports about issues of divorce and children in USA and other countries.
Child support should not exit. Having a child does not entitle you to money from the other parent. If you cant agree to a voluntary financial arrangement there should be none. For all the women having and raising children they cant afford.... Find another caretaker for your child who can afford it. Raising children in such poverty that you cant afford to take care of their basic needs is neglect. Any good parent wouldn't put their kid in that situation in the first place. Everyone else is exploiting their children for money which should be a criminal offense.
I had 3 of my 4 children reach emancipation, and the acting judge ( afraid to name judge in new york because if i hurt his feelings he can put me in jail) in new york allowed my x wife's lawyer to postpone the downward modification for 2 years while this judge allowed discovery on top of discovery on top of discovery -- to delay even though there have been more than 15 past discoveries of finance prior to 1st child reaching legal age, while the judge (unnamed but you know ) demanded under threat of incarceration, I pay x wife's legal fees and penalties for slow payments that I eventually caught up with -- ( $250,000 in legal fees ) ( $1,750,000 in alimony and child support) during discovery 2 children were documented to not be my biological children, unknown to husband, and sunshine said no matter, it is called an estoppel. there are dozens of other facts that prove the x wife's lawyer was granted privileges beyond the case scope of law and this judge acted beyond the law without a dought -- After 12 years of litigation and 5 lawyers later, only one out of state lawyer that had no other cases or business in front of this judge, privately told me exactly what Richard Fine in this video has said to the exact words. my lawyer told me a secret. He said one word that changed the entire case for me after 12 years and more than 30 court hearings, because my x wife's lawyer was NOW going after my new wifes finances threw our new marriage -- that would have made us both homeless and possibly divorced - what this lawyer disclosed to me was not legal according to state law, Even my own lawyer is legally not allowed to disclose ways of telling their client how to save money and shorten the court cases for the men -- (WTF) this one illegal word saved me from total destitution -- and this is the short version of the 250,000 lessons I got about ramped corruption in divorce -- if you want the rest of the proof of corruption ... contact me. the courts are NOT fair or equitable -- its fixed i interviewed and tried to hire more the 5 lawyers to help me stand up to the Judge ( cheif in charge of ny court ) in New York courts -- every one refused and one almost pissed in his pants, he thought i was joking and said good luck with that we all know he is corrupt but good luck finding a lawyer to do this. My job for 40 years of savings (if you think i was rich) that went to embellish the courts and x wife came from grooming over 500,000 dogs -- I am a dog groomer -- I now live in a 1 bedroom apartment while x wife gets the 5 bedroom house -- thank you Richard Fine for the truth -- hopefully, the future men to be divorced can have been served by your advice --
hmm thats fucked up. aorry that ur life was spent paying for aomeone else to live great. that is a shame at least. im very curious as to what the one word was. disabled? homeless? remorseful? do tell?
I know this may sound crazy, but I agree with what they’re saying. I’m a single mom and the father of my son hasn’t paid/contributed anything to my son’s wellbeing since his birth. It’s not easy, but government assistance helps. So in the end, they provide food, WIC provides baby food and personal food so I can breastfeed, and medical coverage for my son that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford through my employer. Rent didn’t increase much, although I rent a house instead of a college dorm now. Baby proofing the house was pricey. The initial costs are a lot more than the ongoing costs. I’m not the typical “baby mom” that is looking for “a come-up”. I just want to be able to take my son to the zoo or the children’s museum on my off days, but most of my income goes to basic expenses. Child support would then come in handy to make our son’s childhood more vibrant and affordable. If I ever receive anything, I’ll finally be able to afford swimming lessons for him. The child support system is definitely broken, but sometimes, so are the noncustodial parents.
Child support has nothing to do with the child. And Public assistance has nothing to do with child support even though it is assumed that it is. People made the lines between title iv-a and title iv-d murky which makes people believe that is has to do with the kids.
I pay a 1,000 a month for childsuppourt. I have 3 children all by the same woman . I only make 2,200 a month. When I tell you I'm broke I'm broke. Not to mention my ex-wife had an affair on me an lefted me and the children. They also made me pay back her credit card bill. We used it to make a dog kennel. I lost all my dogs and my house. She got the house in divorce. The Judge made me pay back all 7,000 dollars. Not to mention I still had my own credit card bill that was 3,000. I had to pay my credit card by myself. They take out an extra 150 for the payback of her credit card. I have a house note that is 1,200. She and her husband live rent free in her mother's house. Which is paid off I must add.
Just think how much money the parents would save if they changed the system and not be in the courts all the time. That's a lot of extra money to be used on the kids!
Child support is a business, they have NO regard for the children, they receive under a federal program monetary incentive yearly to bring in the most collection of money from the non custodial. CS in every state is a business, NOT a federal govt entity, they are a private collection business which works off CONTRACTS. You have to use contract law to defeat them. Everyone should support their child, this means the parent awarded the child as well as the non custodial. Answer this, if a awarded parent goes on food stamps or welfare citing not being able to raise the child, why are THEY not made responsible to answer the same laws and punishments as the non custodial?!! But they don't even care cuz it's not about the child!!! Did you sign an agreement for the mother to get on welfare?! No, so if your paying the state back for welfare benefits, you must fight a fraudulent contract and sue for using your SSN to establish a contract you never agreed to. Also, CS is VOLUNTARY!! They don't tell you this in the beginning, instead using threat tactics which makes that contract void!!!! And who benefits the most out of this? The CS office, the fake judges, the baliff, the county clerk's and all the CS officers and admins!! How? By taking 20% of payments and the program federal yearly monetary incentive!! It's a big business racket worth billions every year!
Vincent Gatekeeper how is child support voluntary when they put orders in place , send income withholding to your job and garnish your wages all without you signing a thing?
actually the court puts you in jail for contempt of the court order. If they were to put you in jail for the actual money it would violate the constitution because here in america your not supposed to be able to be jailed for debt. So the court wipes its ass with the constitution and not only puts you in jail for the contempt charge, which is only 20 days. So what do they do? They pass your court date over and over until you've been in jail for 6 months and then they give you time served. No job, no place to live. All your belongings are gone. Who gave child support the authority to suspend a drivers liscense? They are not a court or a judiciary branch. They modify court orders by adding fee"s. Thats illegal. Who gave them this power? I dont remember having a vote on this or even asked my opinion. Did my representative do this? I want to know where they got the power to suspend liscense or modify a court order. They also took all my money out a savings account with wells fargo and never had a clue. wells fargo also charged me 125 dollars to give them my money i had in their bank.
IT's a racket designed to create litigation, Family court lawyers, Judges, Bar Associations are all involved in this racket. It's racketeering at its worst
James Washington true
Sure it is!
James Washington Yes Facts.
James Washington Go MGTOW
@Jordan Little yeah how could anyone possibly be a victim except the poor women who are the real victims just trying to take care of kids. Men need to shut up and pay up. Who cares if their lives are ruined, should have thought about it before making babies. If men die then they'd better hurry up and decrease the surplus population. Get out of the woman's way and go your own way. Leave them alone. You can't win with them. And don't commit suicide, spread the mgtow message and save lives.
What upsets me most of all about child support is the fact that a woman can give us her child for adoption because she can’t “afford” it. There are no ramifications for this. If a man want to give up his parental rights to avoid child support because he can’t “afford” it, he’s still put on child support and then punished for not paying it.
WOW!......I never thought about that. But Its 100% true.
I never thought of that. Interesting argument.
@@jennifersmithen2149 Not an argument, Its facts.
@Ricki B. You sound beta as fuck bro
@Tontyanna WTF Is so hard to understand facts like that?......Did It take you a long time to understand 2+2=4 too?......Basic shit!
Take a man's money, license, job, children and home. Then expect him to support them...Brilliant government social engineering...Creating destitution and sorrow for all.
Sounds eerily familiar
well, I made a decison to stop dating and have a surogate and it still has been the worst family court case in this area, they just lie and agree to the lies, it's gone on for 5 years and the abuse of the child by the mother is never going to be dealt with, and then the mother absconds with the child and she illegally done so with her other kids, and the government makes sure this never hits a courtroom.
the elite want it like this
Love this. so true
and people wonder why husbands kill their wives instead of simply getting a divorce.
There is no justice in our justice system , destroying a child's Dad so the mom can party is sick
Dummy, you didnt have to pay! But you kept making agreements!
@@ladeda7033 DNA test proves my ex is a hore and my boy is not really my blood. With that being said I love my boy with all my heart but should not have to pay for somebody else's child. I've lost my license my truck what next. Dad's by default should not have to pay but there is no law to protect dad's by default
Yeah, she "partied" for 18 years while she was feeding, clothing, sheltering, loving, nurturing, counseling, teaching, nursing, disciplining, supporting, providing for...while the sperm donor ducked and dodged his legal and moral obligations as a parent...CRY ME A RIVER.
Destroy his az a man should want to take care of his kids
@@tashawin023 Yes! These dead beats make all the excuses in the world when it comes time to take care of their children...while the custodial parents are giving their TIME, which you can't put a price on, and MONEY to raise a child.
The law is the problem, no parent should pay child support, it should be equal time for both, unless one is unfit.
My ex was forced by the 2nd judge to coparent. I don't pay cause I work only part time. Smartest would be to w any marriage both have a part time job and both take care of the kids part time. Then you have the least chance to have to pay. That should be standard. Else the man can most of the time pay and have his kids stolen.
The law in Holland is changed. More and more ppl coparent. That's standard. And you better get along with your ex or the child care ppl will steal your kids.
For me, I dont care if my ex wants to be the boss, but that must be really annoying for a man if its the other way around. A woman on Facebook told her friendly neighbour he should ask his ex if he could have his son with Christmas. I got mad at her for being so dumb. If mom always takes the kid, she is controlling. So mom goes to court and they say: you 2 dont get along. Kid was with neither parent with Christmas.
@Tontyanna Uh, it should be fair not in a favor? The video just gave great evidence about an antiquated system. Non biased people make conclusions based on that. A law that uses averages instead of marginal supports a conservators "lifestyle" and is impossibly used 100% on the child.
@Tontyanna It uses logic and is senseless? That in and of itself is senseless. It is not in favor of the child. The child has no say so as where the money goes. It is in favor, general speaking, for the mother to be used on nails, hair, clothing, and supplemental income. You missed all of the video and disagreed with a professor of economics. Shame.
@Tontyanna nope not true. im a woman and hate child support. equal parenting should be (increasing now) the norm. if a absent parent cannot afford to raise the child without ANY foodstanps, section 8, GOVT medical, lieap, tax credits and all the other social services then they need to let the other parent have the child. not just pay for the child. Chikd support is the only civil matter that can be criminally charged. there is a problem with that. each time a parent makes a payment there is a fee. there is a problem with that. ive never paid or received child support but have been very close to people that. pay and those who receive. the receivers seem to think they are entitled. it also made it hard for the one paying to be sucessful.
Usually women fight and go hard for child support. Fathers fight and go hard for equal time with their children instead alternate weekends many times not wanting a dime from the mothers.
Allen Menefield
Yup yup yup, its da dirty ass mothers who go fo child support instead of equaling sharing da child...
Jordan Little
How does the mother have to raise the child when the father is asking to also raise the child.
Jordan Little they don’t HAVE to do anything. They could also give the child to the father. Some women have options. I know not all do.
I have 2 different baby fathers, none are on child support. It’s up to them if they care enough to love and be there for their son, luckly I am blessed with two fathers that loves being involved with their son’s lives. Even if they didn’t, I wouldn’t need their support anyway.
Jordan Brendmoen who said I was? Lol they are 10 years apart. It took 9 years for me to get into the second relationship and it just didn’t work out due to arguments over different beliefs.
The current child support guidelines are basically "stealth alimony."
T N Yep and yep and yep...
I love hearing about rich women complaining about paying their ex-husbands. You want equality? Come and get it, bitches...
25% of my gross pay. My child support is more then my take home pay for two weeks.
+Johnny Most Grow up JOHNNY. The number of women paying the man is minuscule.
Why don't you be like my brother-in-law he hasn't paid a dime
If child support is set too low.... then let the person with children get a job or give the children the person who CAN afford to pay to keep the children well. Honestly, if both parents want the kids, split the custody and NO CHILD SUPPORT
Its to simple .
Thank you!!
Im pissed that my ex was able to gain significantly more custody time even though I wanted half AND she gets child support?! Um no...... you want 80% custody , but you want me to pay for it too?
If both parents desire 50% custody, child support should not be allowed.
I agree
Daniela Carrigo-Das just have it be they get to spend 6 months with one parent 6 months the other. For those six months the parent without the children at the time has to pay child support to the other.
With 6 months split, they'll be a disconnect from child to parents. It's a difficult issue.
Well...this study will never see the light of day in family Court. It would put out the gold digger industry.
I swear they child support ain’t nothing but the pimps collecting the money all they care about is the money not the children
You rite Lo Lo....prostitution payments has more value than good husbands.
If it's up to me this study will be seen in a court ... I'm in the process of fighting now! I've already contacted some attorneys that feel similar to me and would like to see a reform done on it too!! Which is how I found this video.... Researching steps to take against the state of Alabama!!
It sucks that the system is really broken, I just got charged 115$ weekly bc I couldn’t pay my child support the first of the month so not only 500$ but 115$ x 4 weeks
@@Moecutz313 blessing v Freestone. Confirms your statement. The courts aren't hiding it.
The child support goes to nails, shoes, purses, hair, and her new man. Make the woman accountable.
@@hunchoxjjh8519 dag, sorry to hear little bro. Wish you the best in life, God bless.
@@sagatisbeastthey got back together
Just alot pf arugements
@@hunchoxjjh8519 ok, be strong bro and God bless you.
The child support also goes to unneeded tech, cable tv, SEX TOYS, breast implants, Victoria Secret underwear, amongst other non-necessities for HER!! 😣👎
Why isn't there mandatory equal custody?
Yahkobah Ben Yasharon Most men don't want it. If they do, it's usually to get out of paying child support.
LIAR, There;s a MAN ASKING the Question RIGHT NOW, Way to PROVE you are a LEACH WOMAN Making UnFounded Claims That Men don't want to see their children
Miss Candy
So why not give it to everyone who wants it and let the people who don't want it pay child support.
Yanai Ben Yasharon there is q standing law that judge are supposed to follow that grams equal custody...but they don't since the following Federal government gives states funding perks for collecting and the states rely on that money that pays the public officials
Judge Judy made that exact statement Yanai! She said, that is the way it is suppose to be, unless there is a hearing declaring one of the parents unfit....
The government should keep it's nose out of family matters such as custody/child support/ divorce! Who the hell are they to intervene!
It's all about the money just like everything else.
Your exactly right,we do not need the government running our life’s
They are a title iv-d program
They are unconstitutional
We created the government wym who made them? You and society did!!!
They intervene to protect the child s so many poor parents do not take care of the children.
But I have suffered this experience and it is heavily flawed and punishes the father mostly.
Why are child support payments calculated based on parental income instead of support costs!
cus they dont want the kids to realize their moms are social service deadbeat ass lazy mfers who are too lazy to work and shameless for taking the handouts. they dont want the kid to have it better at dads house. fuckers
@@wonderfoy465 bro 100% true
That alone, proves that it is a blatant and devious "hustle",
@@wonderfoy465 .
I see actors coughing up tens of thousands of dollars PER MONTH, in CS (prime example: Eddie Murphy/ 1 child).
So that the government can milk you for every penny you earn its discusting and needs to change !
Yes like what is actually needed.
Why does a woman get child support, even if she was the one responsible for destroying the marriage (i.e) cheating
That has nothing to do with support of the children.
Elle C ok, well then the man should get custody of the child and the woman should be the one paying child support in that case. After all, she ruined the family
My wife walked out on me and took everything while I was at work. I went home to stop her but she had the Military Police there and I was ordered to let her take everything.
Children receive support. It’s not called woman support. It’s called child support. The custodial parent or guardian manages the money because they are caring for the child. Children aren’t able to handle that responsibility. A custodial parent can be a man.
@@peacefreedom4930 did you watch the video!?!?
I live this nightmare, have 50% custody, no criminal background, mother slept with the entire town in her 20s and because of her lack of motivation to find a good job I have to literally pay for it for 18 years. So far over a decade left, in just a few years I've paid 25 grand in attorney fees and 30 grand in support. The government has implemented the best pyramid scheme of all time.
I'm paying $2,000 a month and I'm living in my car
I feel your pain. I’ve been paying this crap for over 10 years and likely another decade to go. It’s unjust.
@@yayger825$2000 a month, this is some bullsht you need to go back to court and tell these mfers your condition 😢
It always baffles me when men show up to tell us about the women they CHOSE.
@@Rowan-mo4ko The same can be said when women does it
The unfortunate truth is that no politician will ever want to introduce legislation to reduce child support payments for fear of the outlash against them. It's an obvious flawed system.
John Smith the Republicans are the enforcement arm of this and the democrats pay for all the "free" goodies
John Smith that's not true....its a way for government to control men and make them weak......also the states get matching funds from the feds whenever they get a man put on child support. ..title IV-D funding.
*This is one of the primary reason why democracy is a flawed system. Politicians cannot take necessary initatives due to fear of backlash from vocal ignorant population.*
This is what blows my mind... where usually Republicans tend to come to an argument with logic or reason yet whenever the subject of the "Wahmens" comes up all of that shit goes right out the window and they start thinking emotionally... like most Democrats do. The answer is right there... RIGHT THERE but even Tradcons won't touch it with a 50ft pole.
Politicians don't want to lose all the women votes. Let them get raped in court like everyone else then they might think about it.
The government will never change a system that is getting them revenue.
100% Facts!
Gets them revenue through men AND women so consider that. Good luck getting it “reformed.” No more reforms.... just abolish it completely.
Yep, American greed
they wont have a choice if enough ppl opt out of the system, which is whats happening now
So true,
the government can throw one loving father in prison, for refusing to pay his pimps.
Maybe even 1000 (in one swoop).
not 100k.
The system needs to be changed, it's time for men to speak up and stand up.
The truth that they aren't telling you as a man is that women are going through this too. Custodials hate their ex more than they love their kids and the state of California takes advantage of that. the Majority of custodials never see a penny of the thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars because the state of California child support division doesn't pass it along. and This is how they screw you and the entire family. here is my story. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
@@summersong998 I work in Family Court and can tell you for a fact that the dead beat dad notion is NOT a lie. And it's the dead beat that contributed to the pain you're experiencing: men who skip going to court ON PURPOSE to delay the child support process; routinely change their job to avoid being served and paying; lie about paternity to avoid paying; hire lawyers to avoid paying; etc. I could go on and on. And for the record, there are some dead beat mothers out there too. My point is that a lot of the laws are on the books because of dead beats that try to scam the system and cheat their children out of the support they are rightfully do. It costs MONEY to raise children and the burden for that shouldn't be left on one parent or the STATE. Most folks that end up paying for years is because they didn't pay the support when they should have and thought they could ride out the 18 years only to find out that support will forever be do. Do the right thing and support your children financially from the start and all the interest, etc. won't apply.
@Bob Salazar What does being an ATM machine have to do with SUPPORTING YOUR CHILD???? Can you honestly say you don't care if your CHILD has a place to stay and food to eat?? Who raised you?! And if you want custody go to court and prove you should have it!
@Bob Salazar Furthermore, there are several ways to AVOID having children...even for men...cover it, snip it or ABSTAIN and you won't have children you don't want to support.
Denise stop using the kids as an excuse to get money from single dads.
In Georgia for one kid you pay 21% of your GROSS INCOME. But get this - if you have 2 kids by the same woman you pay 16% for the second kid, making the second kid worth LESS than the other kid, according to Ga state law. See, they KNOW they take too much, and there is no way you COULD pay 42% of your income for 2 kids so they give you a break on the second one. A man in Georgia who makes $40 grand a year with 2 kids will pay 39% of his gross income so here's the math...after taxes (Ga has a state tax too) and SSI you bring home around $1940 a month. THEN support gets you for $756 leaving you with $1184 a month to pay rent, fuel, food, insurance and other household bills. And you CANNOT claim the child as a dependent on your taxes even though you are supporting them! The daddy lives in poverty while mommy is taking vacations and living good with new daddy who makes more than YOU! Welcome to America
That sounds about right.
It's sad that I can't claim them on my taxes even though I'm paying all this money in child support.
I was overcharged 8.5k for Child Care even though i had my son every weekend. Threatened with jail when i am actually current with my payments. Debt based wage slave Court system.
Had my son every weekend for 16 years over 100k paid to the ex. Michigan. She never worked a day in her life never was told to get a job
@@CHRISPITSCH I'm at 70k right now but Child support NY is giving money back thru Pua I'm still getting a lawyer.
weekend dad's pay more child support than those who have their child during the middle of the week
Threatened with jail time. Cops are mindless enforcers of an evil system. They signed up to "make a difference " meaning? Extorting money from hardworking, loving fathers on behalf of family ruining feminist wh*res. F*ck their thin blue line, the law makers and the judges that perpetuate this fraud.
Child support is so crooked. It's almost like its designed to hurt whichever parent does not have primary custody. The livable wage of the parent should be taken into consideration. There is no reason an adult should be making middle class wages and have to contemplate moving back in with their parents.
NOTPOPIMP its designed to hurt men and in turn destroy the family by giving the woman power
If I could go back in time I'd tell myself to never get married and never have kids. Its not worth it.
Marion Tinsley for real 😳
NOTPOPIMP Yes facts.
NOTPOPIMP just hop around from job to job it takes them 3 months or so to actually start garnishing your wages. At least it does here in LA . It's not that hard to do. I know a number of people doing it.
I worked for the Office of Attorney General and I've seen so many cases where it is 100% apparent that the person receiving the funds is using his/her children as a source of income for them.... not the child. It makes it to where having children is a business and it just feels disgusting.
It is an abomination.
file and an order of child support termination with the attorney general office
The baby mama model! They have babies from different men so they get more money.
@genovasquez8361 how does that work? How likely is it they would terminate?
how is it that debtor prisons were made illegal in the 1800's yet men can get locked up a lose their job for missing one payment.
theforgetfulbuddha very good question...
Benjaminr77880@Gmail.comre it's crazy there's video of guys who the judge told you can't get out of jail until they pay the back child support😳but how do you do that when you're broke and in jail. Fukkin insane ! I'm surprised nobody has shot one of these judges for doing that shit.
123gwf fukk that I'll be a martyr I'm not slaving in your jail for 🥜.
Kenneth Boyer for real makes you really want to fight them... well maybe it's just me. I see a line wrapped around the building with dudes paying this bullshit.
+Kenneth Boyer Agreed, but l would use the word gynocentric and not pathetic.
It has always tripped me out how a collection agency can take your drivers license or lock you up. That don’t sound legal.
Only in U.S.A not in other countries
Technically it is extortion but obviously they don't see it that way. If you or I extorted someone, we're going to jail.
State Government officials are making money using our children. The interest goes to the state. The reason they lock you up or take your driver's license is so you go further behind. The further behind means more interest money for the state government. I have been paying for 29 years. My children are grown. My youngest is 29. Still paying. This is totally wrong. I don't have any problem with paying for raising my children. I do have problems with state governments making money off my children. Put these crooks under investigation and put a stop to the extortion. Thanks to the state of Va for destroying my children by this terrible system. Look forward to the day God has his vengeance on you people!
The leaglity of it all (i researched constitutional law and a few states laws) says while the right to travel is protected, driving is a privilege. As such, privileges can be taken away.
@@jrr7031 for non traffic offenses?
I’m on child support my payment is $1000 a month for one child. I never had issues paying until they raised it and the judge knew I was unemployed at the time when SHE raised it. This video is correct. It’s not that people refuse to pay but it’s beyond reasonable. It’s designed to put and keep you in poverty. How the hell is can your child support be the same as your rent or more. Then they take your license and or jail you.
yeah , doesn't make any sense what so ever! Did you ever get it lowered?
I knew the problem once you said she
dappa311 no I kept paying a hundred to two hundred every month which is what I could afford but I’m still a couple thousand in the rare by now. To lower it would mean set a date go in and get locked up. Then at the end of what ever long ass time they jail me (anywhere from 90 days to a year) that’s when they would lower it. Way my life set up I can’t cross that hump yet. Hoping I make a chunk of cash so I can pay it down some before I go to court.
Sterling James III brother it’s an unrealistic old ass law that they need to change or amend. Females have weaponized it so they can either destroy or keep us down. The fights fixed
Your case sounds similar to mine. I'm a single mom. I'm kind of learning this. I have been raising my son in my own for 15 yrs. Dad is deadbeat. He wants visitation rights if I ask for child support which is only 640.00 a month. Deadbeat dad has been raising his wife's kids(not his) for the last 10 yrs. Supporting them and can care less about his own son. He blames me but I reached out to him several times with out success. He also stole $12,000 from my family when I was pregnant. He was granted a misdemeanor after a year and he only paid once. Then he disappeared. Since you guys are here what do you suggest I do? My son will be 16 in a month.
outside of daycare nobody spends $500 a month on a child
Paul Hall very true..if there was a mandatory expense statement showing what you bought the child it would solve all the problems
You mustn't have children.
Tontyanna PlayStation and “name brand shoes” are not necessities! A kid doesn’t care what kind of shoes he/she wears. It’s usually the mother forcing these materialistic views on the child. And wouldn’t you still need lights, shelter, water, and gas if the child didn’t stay with you? I didn’t see you list BOOKS or tutors in your long list of the child’s so called needs. You mostly listed things that YOU need.
Tontyanna um if you can’t pay for your own water, gas and shelter then you shouldn’t be raising a child ijs. I never hold my kids father for supporting my lifestyle. Only thing I need from him is clothes and shoes for the kids. Occasionally he helps with lunch food because they go thru snacks so quickly. Women are taking advantage of the system and it’s hurting our black men. Wake up
Tontyanna That is true but they are both responsible for that not just the one paying the child support.
Good luck with trying to win an argument with a women on how much it takes to raise a child. In most cases she'll always want more. Like the Professor said, it's free money and a way for women to get back at the man. Sad but true...
This is why I am not married and probably wont be!!! once u marry a woman/man, your entire life is chained to them inclujding all your money!!!Stay unmarried guys. If any woman demands marriage, she is not the right person for u!!!
So true!
I divorce my abusive husband went on welfare while I went to nursing school so I could support my son middle class. When my son turned 18 I started getting child support.35 years later I still get it. Matthew thought he could get away with it. But I left it up to the Lord. My son and I were better off because of it
Taharqa DaKing sad but true virtually ALL judges are corrupt and breaking the law by not following it and playing favourites with women and government. It is a coup. A mafia. Gov pays judges to disobey laws and favor women. Biggest crime against humanity. A lot of judges need to be fired for not doing their job but government will not because government wants to hurt the male citizens. Make that second biggest crime. Biggest crime is mommy mafia gets away with abusing little defenceless boys and society is guilty to the pits of its soul for these man hate crimes the government and courts are committing at the demands of women. They profit by breaking the law and hurting men. THEY PROFIT FROM HURTING MALE CITIZENS. And no one is stopping this abuse. The governments and courts conspire with women so therefore are criminal themselves. Women government and courts are in bed colluding to hurt men.
Rob Fryderyk Chopin i gotta ask. Do you pay less child support money if you were never married as copmared to when you're married.
This is what I struggle with getting my head around. Im supposed to pay $700 to the mother, but I get them 50% of the time. They live, eat, sleep, I buy clothes, transport them and I don't receive any support when they are with me. She's not spending any extra on things that she wouldn't already have like a car, rent, and cost of living in general. Child support is a scam
Scam scam scam
Something doesn’t sound right in your case. If you have them 50% of the time then there is NO child support.
@@KawaiiyukihanaSmilesThat is not how it works. The higher earner always pays.
@Yuki Hana it's not logically right. Most child support and alimony isn't logical for that family.
Apply for citizenship in another country and never come back.
"The scales of Justice are blind unless you're a father at Family Court” - Joey
In most cases, child support is simply redistribution of wealth.
...and rewarding the woman for a failed relationship.
Do you think it makes sense that a parent who is willing to take care of his child is being denied then forced to pay for everything for that child?
Two people have cups of water that are 75% full. The judge fills a cup by taking water out of one. One is now full, one is now half. But the one with the half cup is expected to be equally as quenched off of half of the water.
Make it make sense
No it's not
@@louisgareau5913 no
All parents need to take responsibility, set thier difference s aside. Work against the system, keep the government out of your personal stuff. That's how I did it. It works, I'm almost done. Thank God.
if they didn't give child support women would drop the kids like trash and move on!!! only because they get money do they pretend to care
A child now a days is a womans cash cow. Truth hurts
@@AK-gk6sd I'm not a man I'm a woman and I have seen 1st hand everything these MEN are going through and like I said TRUTH HURTS. Be a parent and work to provide for your child like a parent should and quit relying on the income of any1 who clearly doesn't want to be parent. It's not rocket science.
You guys realize that this study will be ignored and nothing will change, right?
For the love of God, don’t get married!
Actually I think it will change. Here’s my scenario: guys who realize early in life that they even want to be husbands and fathers will flex their passports. Most of these guys will not come back even if they don’t go full expat and surrender their citizenship. Those numbers will increase over the next few years but it won’t be a majority. The guys who can’t or won’t simply head for the hills but become aware (often firsthand) just how fcked up the system is will be the ones to *force* changes. If a men’s rights group forms and becomes this issue’s equivalent of the NRA, there’d be a level of wealth and power there difficult if not impossible to ignore. Younger men, especially, are going to have to make up their minds, they’re going to have to ruin some political careers, major corporations and cherished social traditions over this one issue. In short, “Am I prepared to destabilize the society I live in, and take whatever personal consequences that come to me, in order to end this injustice?”
Now, just how long it’ll take to reach critical mass is anybody’s guess. We’re not there yet. The best bet is probably somewhere in the MGTOW community…the guy or guys who decide it’d be more fun to push the system over than let it fall on its’ own. And FTR, this isn’t calling for any violence. Force and violence aren’t the same thing…
It's not a flawed system. They know what they are doing
A team of “experts” had to get together to figure this out. Lol, they knew this all along. Lawyers were laughing all the way to the bank.
All the research is overwhelming that the current system of custody&support does not work.
let continue this change....Never give up...Never ever give up !
well, I Haven't given up. I know that the only real solution is simply changing the laws. but all these people are like the elephant baby who was chained while he grew up. He was so conditioned to believe that he couldn't escape that when he was an adult, they kept him imprisoned by a mere rope that the grown elephant could break with very little effort but never even tried. They've already given up because I'm the hope that has a good chance to change things with the support of these men who've been emasculated and imprisoned. I'm against the oppression of anyone regardless if man, woman, or any race of human. They've made me this warrior who only knows adversity. they made me strong like this. I will never be able to become soft. Oh well, if they want to just sit back and whine and wait to be saved when aint no one coming to save us but ourselves. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of all of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will garnish from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. The arrears are NOT the interest. those are two separate percentages in the formula that calculates your arbitrary debt they call Child Support.
I've seen this work actually; When you have to go to family court next time, tell them you transitioned, and you now identify as a women. Now all those perks she has, so do you, and anytime they won't do what you ask, say it's because your trans, & make yourself the victim. I've seen this work with my own eyes...
Thank you for taking the time to putting this together, as Family Law Reform needs to happen in America, in a Big, BIG, Way!
Thank you Kevin! We completely agree about the need for reform. Hopefully, together with the efforts of others, these videos and our other awareness raising efforts will help move us in the direction of meaningful family law reforms.
The court system In Genesee count Michigan not only forced me to pay a VERY inflated child support. They indirectly allowed my ex to keep my 2 boys out of my life.
Interesting fact......after my child support was finished my ex and her husband filed bankruptcy after a little more than a year! Tell me there is no profit in child support!! 🤦🏻♂️
The system is VERY broken!
The unquantifiable losses I have had in my life are unrecoverable!! 😕
They took my license, even my fishing and couldn't get a contractor license. I went homeless paying child support. Now that my kid's are grown,I'm still paying back child support and my kids are almost 30. My kids don't want nothing to do with me. There mom had always told them I've never payed a dollar, right along with her new husband. I got all the paperwork from the court and text it to her husband and my kid's, I've payed almost$100,000 in child support. Her husband freaked. My kids freaked. The bitch took me to the cleaners and my kids stopped looking at me like a piece of shit. Being the way they felt about me made me bitter. Therefore I want nothing to do with them anymore. They only call me when they want something. They call me by my name anyway,so I dropped both of them. Sounds bad I know. But I no longer have there' bullshit stress anymore. I'm one of those guys that if that's how you feel,then keep your distance and I'll keep mine. I've never missed a Christmas,a birthday, and always fighting for my visitation when they we're younger. Even though I'm almost payed off. I want nothing to do with them,or to ever hear from there'mom again. It's turned me into a straight up asshole. And I straight up don't give a fuck.
He who finds a wife , finds ALIMONY and Child support 😳😳😳
Zack Asante America has a bunch of cuck laws if you ask me.
@@plekplek4934 Mainly because we gave women legal equality (voting rights), they slithered into positions of power, and now we're paying for it.
it goes (" he who finds a wife finds a good thing ")
chill with the mocking the Bible
baloney .
@@rickb06 Maybe Muslims are right
@@JesusSaves7810 He's not mocking the Bible. He's lamenting the sad reality of millions of good men that find a wife but end up with alimony etc.
Child support has taken everything that I have worked for including my driver's license leaving me homeless and throwing me into jail every chance they get and completely destroyed my credit score and I have not even seen my kid in over 14 years because my ex has completely destroyed our relationship by filling his head with lies
.been there done that...,was an at home dad, homeschool teacher , mechanic , handyman , piano coach, woodsman now my adult children have been indoctrinated by public system, don't even talk or associated with me ,
Damn 😢
My ex used the increase in child support to buy a 4 series bmw.
It goes by guidelines, she didn't give a number. Its law
Lawyers and The Courts are winnings everytime....
Love this!! I plan on changing things here in Alabama... One of two states making child support mandatory til age 19... All others are 18... Also it's true non custodial parents and children are having their right to parent child bonds lost bc they have to work to pay all their bills or they will be put in jail or be homeless! It's sad what these government agencies have done to our families!;
Its good to hear a little wisdom in a world of raging insanity. It gives one hope that the concepts of marriage, family, and justice, may one day recover from the destructive injustice imposed by criminally negligent legislation.
My child support was set at a high amount when I had a good paying job and was working alot of overtime..years later I was starting over from scratch after the company went under. I was working a minimum wage job at part time hours. I tried to get my child support lowered since I was making waaay less money. The woman told me they would have raised the amount even know I was making way less because they changed the's insane I can't come close to paying what it is now and if she would've asked for an increase they would've increased's insane..I now owe over $13,000..while she has zero bills because her new husband pays everything. she makes a ton of money and I also have a new girl with a child that I help raise and pay for..this shit is nuts
So they refuse to adjust it?
Thank god my country doesn't have child support
ALSGER Where are you from....what are their laws of sending me back to this hell hole
What country is that
Where is that? I might relocate
Nigeria is one
What country is that..I would love to know!
i’ve never recovered after paying child support 🥵
Shujaa Kevin dumb question
Me either
Me either
Me either. Florida suspended my drivers license and put a hold on my license when I only owed $4,000 after paying $35,000. All I owed was arrears. When it came time to renew my drivers license in California I could not because of the hold. As a result I we suspended my account and I lost my tuition at Arizona State University that I had spent a year at studying with a 3.4 GPA.
Damn I got 11 more years to pay this shit and I owe 7k In arrears. 🤦🏽♂️ This shit is a fucking scam dawg. I even got evicted today because I can't keep up with rent and other bills 😤
I got laid off during the pandemic and have been trying to get caught up after being sick for a year. I bern current on child support... however, they're taking my stimulus check when I need it... f the system.
Damn! Now I'm really pissed I pay support and 2 of my kids are grown like over 18 years old. I got a 17 year old I pay on too. Child support was established for this reason to put the non custodial parent on the streets. Sure the child is taken cared of but kind of hard to see daddy on the weekends when he lives in a homeless shelter as a end result of paying all that high support to the mother. I know because I was that father. In 2004 I was evicted from my place because 65 percent of my check was going to support. In the state of Indiana the state can take 65 percent of the non custodial parents check in support and 55 percent if the non custodial is married. And if the non custodial parent has multiple cases they are handled seperate so if the non custodial parent are ordered to pay 100 per week on one case and 150 per week on another thats 250 per week and if the non custodial parent only makes 400 he or she will only get to see 150. The courts in Indiana will not consolidate the cases into one payment so the non custodial parent does not struggle just to keep up the basic necessities to live
that is not true, if that is what they did to you then they violated the child support caps established under consumer protection law. seek a lawyer asap.
Keep your zipper closed.
If you want to change this look me up on Facebook. Going up against this as a group will have more power than any of us have as an individual. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
@@summersong998 move to a different country. Flee these devils
Parent who cannot pay his/her own rent or mortgage should not have primary custody, and we need this child support to go to the children because children are not even seen 10% of it
I totally agree
Facts 💯
this was an amazing video
thanks for pushing the movement of putting this together to reveal the reality of things
Thank you Aymarr.
Child support should end. We shouldn't have it anymore. If someone needs assistance, they should get it from the government, like they always do. I'd rather pay more in taxes than to see men's lives destroyed over something they never wanted quite often.
If the parent can’t afford to take care of a kid, then they shouldn’t have custody of them
also you could come to the conclusion that making child support have a profit motive is giving divorce a profit motive
Most single mothers live in poverty, where is this profit you speak of??
More good work from Joe Sorge and Divorce Corp. - Thank you!
+Mike Whitney Thank you Mike!
Before anyone else misses the point:If you have a child, you shouldn't be doing the same thing you were doing when you didn't have the child. No one is responsible for your life other than you. Child support should not be a reimbursement service, which is what it has become.
MrPhotoSmash child support should be a fixed rate if that bitch think it's too low then she need to find a better paying job. I work with a lady uses all the money for child support for her and her kids everyday living she don't even touch her paycheck now how is that 50/50
Oh no shit... when my ex and I were together we spent a combined $300-325 a month on our daughter. Yet when the order went through I was losing almost $1000 a month. How the hell does THAT work out?
i think it has to do partially with one person now responsible for ALL the bills. it is fair that you should pay at least double what you both payed together because all the bills that you payed together are now being payed by one person. And that goes both ways too, so if the dad gets custody then the mom should pay double the cost that you both paid to help support the child.
But i definitely agree that those huge settlements are rediculas and its also rediculas to take more then the guy can even afford so he cant live.
jebes909090 ... Whether one person is paying the bill or two people are paying that same bill ("bill" = the cost per month for 1 child),,, the amount of the bill does not change....... Share the restaurant tab, OR Not,,, the tab is the same.
I won custody of my twin kids, only because my ex was extremely mentally unstable, and was a meth addict (she got hooked on meth while struggling with post partum issues that triggered an early onset of schizophrenic symptoms)
The court ruled my ex would not have to pay child support, at all, as she could not be expected to maintain a comfortable lifestyle if forced to do so.
However, when the court initially granted HER custody, i was making 1,300 gross pay every 2 weeks, and they required i pay 900 out of every check I was being forced to live on about 350 a month when all was said and done.
when i got a raise and started making a salaried income of 4k per month, they UPPED my payments to 1200 every two weeks. 2,400 every month, out of a check that came to about 3,100 after taxes, insurance, and my employer required contribution to a 401k.
Then my ex ODed, three times in six days, and the courts granted me full custody 'until such a time as the mother maintains sobriety for a period not shorter than 4 months.' She never got sober.
They refused to require any kind of child support of her.
They required me to continue to paying (600 a month) of 'alternative support' even though we had never been married, and due to her inheritance from a dead relative, she was making almost 3x what i was per month.
This is Horrifying! I am so glad I took my child's father off of CS. It did not feel right to have government involved in my private family. But I did not even know it was this sadistic. End these unlawful government programs. Take care of your own families. Men are a severely persecuted genre.
Glad you understand what is going on! it's a messed up thing and not in the best interest of your child, no matter what they tell you.
The answer is so simple: abolish child support and give 50/50 custody. Pay your children's expenses when they are with you.
Its destroyed my life and left me with no money, all I can do is keep working the rest of my life. I've tryed fighting the courts there so damn deep in corruption they dont even see there own shame .
I wish everyone could see this and shed more light on this topic.
Child Support Needs REFORM!!! ASAP!!!
What really makes me laugh is when men go to jail for being behind or not paying. Now how they going to pay. Smh
I've always said they should set an exact amount as a guideline & everyone pays that amount. The current system is a disgrace because it isn't child support, it's spousal support!!
im what most people would call a "deadbeat" father i would take custody of my sons do all of those things and not ask for child support id give you visitation id let you see and hold your child be there for your child as long as you wanted to just be apart of their lives i wouldnt ask for help from the government id handle my responsibility at the same time i wouldn't ruin your life as you have ruined mine i love my kids even though im in and out of jail because of greed i can't buy a house or get an apt i cant even rent a trailer or take care of myself if i cant take care of myself how can i care for a child i am so scared warrant after warrant having me locked up my Payments get backed up i end up owing more and then i end up with nothing no one to turn to no one to help me all because of greed i can't even support myself because of child support and the child support system not to mention the babys mothers im a good man who would do anything for anyone if i could or would help them but no one helps me not even with information that could point me in the right direction i have no one and i can't even be there for my kids mentally to help guide them in the right direction because of everything done under my nose everything ive been lied to about and because of child support i want nothing more to be there for my child but when your alienated by the baby's mother and by the state so much corruption everywhere where do you start i want the best for my kids but how can i give them the best if im not aloud for whatever reason I have not been told i don't even know where to start id do anything if it meant not being locked up id do Anything to be apart of my kids life id do anything
The system is locked down from every angle. I made the same plea in court. I am an able-bodied care provider. I would take custody of my child and I do not require support from the mother.
The court said that I was trying to deny the child support [By not demanding child support]. Used that logic to say I couldn't be a primary care giver and then to add insult to injury, deemed all previous payments made before the order was issued as "gifts" and ordered me to repay them again.
$950/month ... repay for the last 8 months again and carry on.
I can't afford that and my lawyer just said to figure it out. Awesome, right?
I'll be in jail in time for xmas.
I've worked hard my entire life. Put myself through university, served my country. Tried to be a good parent to my child and the court system took it away and slapped me with an enormous bill.
Do not marry. Do not conceive. You'll regret it (if you live in north america)
Remy LeBeau wow ! I feel you brother!
Remy LeBeau I have a child but have never put his father on child support. however, in some states if you can show you are trying and doing things outside of child support they do lower you am out of support
@Tontyanna i see someones collecting that good child support money lol
@Tontyanna yeah thats messed up about your sister and her kids i dont know the situation but sorry anyway lol a wise man once told me that its cheaper to keep her ! 😁
This is why I have been celibate for the last 20 years ....
If I have to come back and be me all over again I will get
a vasectomy when I turn 12....
Don't get married and don't have kids.
I was literally told by the judge. She didn't care if I lived in a box I better have the money paid every week. Lol. I am a very involved parent and want to take care of my kids however child support is a complete racket. I have to work two jobs just to keep a house and stay out of jail. Can barely eat some weeks. Child support should be the last thing addressed in a case between two parents. First thing should be are both parents capable and willing two raise the kids and there should be no child support. Profit factor lol you're damn right
It's not another person's business if someone doesn't take care of their child, people who call themselves a government have no business in your home.
Thank you government for making me not want to procreate
If you don't want to PAY to keep your CHILD ALIVE you shouldn't procreate!
Women need to be aware of this issue since they blindly subject their mates to the system without due process violating their individual rights. What a shame! Whatt has happened to women? This is definitely not a matter for the courts to settle but a personal and private matter. Let's have some class!
First of all, the custodials hate their ex more than they love their children. If you want to change this, look me up. Together we have more power than alone as individuals. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
Everyone knows(men and women).
They just dont care if the father is fucked.
In some cases, woman do want the father to be fucked if the wife wants it. Thats why they are so focused on "getting married".
Safety for life
The problem with child support is they punish poor people who don't have custody of the child. Taking away someone's driver's license works sometimes when someone who does have the ability to pay but won't, and will only do so when there's consequences. But, nowadays, it's not that simple. There's people who have no ability to pay those amounts, but still are being punished by methods of enforcement that are outdated, because those methods were designed to solve a problem that doesn't exist the same way it used to. Back then, when these methods of enforcement came into play at first, it got deadbeat jerks to pay up, and help struggling women to provide for the children. But, now, we have tons of people who really are not in a position to financially handle it, and still getting slammed. Terrible, out of date system.
Because they can because no one will grow the balls to fight it. I have them. I'm hoping I'm not the only one. The absent parent will never have a chance once they go into arrears and it's so easy to end up in arrears. Just the job search alone will put an absent parent into arrears considering it only takes 60 days to go into arrears and it takes on average 8 - 18 months to find a job. Once the Absent parent goes into arrears and the majority do, the math is 50% of your income for the principle, additional 50% of your income for arrears and then an undisclosed interest percentage and on top of that, if your child support is still accruing they can also take an additional $50 on top of that. Also to make things even more impossible to get anywhere is that the first 50% of your income that they will take from you is applied to the arrears and the arrears constantly accrue every month which makes it free money for the state and a financial prison sinkhole for the absent parent. Considering they are charging you More than 100% of your income by the time interest is added. There is NO WAY to pay it off. It is criminal and protected by laws to keep us from doing anything about it. The DEAD BEAT DAD notion is a LIE. I've been paying for over 26 years now and I'm now on disability and I've come to accept that I will DIE with the state of California Child support Division Sucking off my already not enough to live on disability and I will continue to live in a financial prison and my oldest son's father is still collecting child support and getting paid for a child that is 33 years old with children of his own and the child support division laughed and said the father will have to stop it because they can't. they won't because they are still able to suck off me for grown children. If you think there is hope as an absent parent, you are being gaslighted. There is no out. The only out is to come up with thousands of dollars to pay off the state to get them to stop. I don't have any rich friends to pay mine off for me and I'm not a criminal so I don't have any other option and for me as a survivor of Domestic Violence and the man who abused me talked me out of leaving with my kids using the low self-esteem that abusers always create in the victim. The State continues the financial abuse to help my ex abuse me and now I'm disabled with PTSD that has been compounded by the financial prison I'm in from the State of California Child Support Division. Talk to any family law attorney and they will tell you the bottom line is that you just have to come up with the thousands or you're just screwed. What to do about it? CHANGE THE FREAKING LAWS THAT PROTECT THE STATES CRIMINAL FINANCIAL DRAIN ON THE ABSENT PARENT AND THE FRAUD CLAIMING THAT MY OR OUR CHILDREN ACTUALLY BENEFIT BECAUSE MY KIDS NEVER GOT A DIME and I've paid over $90k and somehow the State of California Child Support Division says I've never paid a dime and even with their record of my payments not very many of them are there and the only receipt of the payment is the absent parents Check stubs that will never be allowed to be used as evidence of payment in a court of law. So, not only do they not disclose to the absent parent how they are actually formulating the unreasonable amount of punishment but they create laws to prevent the absent parent from defending themselves with this criminal activity. It's pretty sad when the ones who are committing the crimes are also the ones who make the rules.
ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS; Women, Children and pets are loved just for being themselves, MAN is only loved for what it can afford.
Not to long ago, a man was told he was going to have to pay child support the amount was more than he could afford. He drove to a highway overpass and jumped to his death.
Excellent analysis but I would like for Divorce Corp to explain the correlation between Child Support and Federal Dollars (SSA Title IV D). Family Ct or Supreme Court are given incentives by the State to secure parents in the Child Support Rolls so as to secure Federal Funding and support services for profit. Short of sever Child Abuse ( seriously physically injured or likely to die) our courts could care less about doing what is obviously morally right to protect children who are victims of psychological abuse ( hostile parenting or parental alienation). Its a legal scam perpatrated by our so called legal professionals. The Federal Dollars need to be cut off from the state. Leave Social Security alone.
+michael gilligan Please watch our TH-cam video, published last year, that covers Title IV-D:
michael gilligan couldnt have said it any better
Young men beware. You may both be in love now but over time that wears off and she will stray and you will pay.
I like your saying BUT men cheat too. Of course, cheating has nothing to do with contributing monetarily to your child or children…
@@KawaiiyukihanaSmiles True. Actually men probably cheat more often than women. And the child support thing is a mess. I always paid my child support from my first marriage but knew a few guys that lost their jobs and couldn't pay. They were thrown in jail after just a couple of months. On the other hand when I divorced my 2nd wife she was literally a decade behind and never got put in jail. Always gave them MY address. I must have told the AG's office a hundred times that she didn't live with me. They should have known that because we were divorced and she owed me thousands in child support. She died about ten years ago having never paid squat. I still get a monthly notice sent to my house from the AGs office. She now owes me . Great system...NOT !
Best interest of child, Mom & Dad is to keep the family together. Why is that so hard today? No fault divorce, the welfare system and what no one wants to give up ... our ronchy entertainment telling us a sinful selfish lifestyle is better, more fun, I deserve more etc.
rlunnerstall " that's just the way it is" 2pac
U know why its so hard, its cuz of da women, they are child like n extremely greedy its so much better fo em to get divorced n get alimony n child support n not hav anyone tell u wat to do while tjey get free money, I will never get married again FUKEN NEVER.....
rlunnerstall what about those irresponsible guys that just never help and u only want them to at least care about their child but they got other things on top like GYM payments a new car payment the latest phone payment and all that stuff...I dnt wanna be mean but he's making me think child support it's my best choice!
Tell that to a cheating women
You nailed it!
Child support is a complete rort.
I have a thirty year old car and one holiday a year whilst my child's mother buys a brand new car every few years and several holidays per year. I know many here will understand this scenario well. I have no issue paying to support my child, but the current system used to calculate the payments is a disgrace.
Worst part, they can do this to a separated father even when he has 50/50 custody..
JBL-Gaming that's fucked up.
That's what happened to my brother the wife doesn't work they live off the child support
Her and his kids and her other child and her boyfriend and best part he can't even his kids
Point blank... we're getting robbed..hustled...if I can pay for my child...why not be under my roof 🤔
I saw when I was 8 years old that it was a raw deal for the man. Hence I have never had kids and will never.
The problem with these methods is perhaps best explained through an age-old understanding in philosophy: You can't get an 'aught' from an 'is.' Attempting to calculate how much it costs to raise a child by how much the average family actually does spend to raise the their children is doing exactly that.
For example, does the cost of raising a child include a dozen pair of designer jeans, hand bags to make the kid popular, a separate bedroom for each child - he actually said that! - a car when they turn 16, video games, a laptop, a color TV for the kid's room, expensive birthday parties, hundreds of toys, etc.
If people are wealthy in a wealthy country and choose to buy their kids lots of frivolous luxury items, that's their prerogative, but if we take that 'is' and enforce it as a 'should' or a 'must' onto other parents, we are robbing those other parents of their rightful prerogative.
The very idea that the government should enforce the non-custodial parent to enable the custodial parent to maintain their previous lifestyle is mind-blowing to me; It's absurd. It's also vulgar, obscene, horrifying, tacky, and gross in every way.
To add insult to injury, the poor parent, keeps the children, and now making the non custodial parent poor...
McDonalds gets half of it, the other half puts a roof over the Wife, kids, boyfriends head...and dad pays for everyone.
3 years left! Woot! Woot!
Total of 16 years. I think of the Ex as a Surrogate. Helps takes the sting out of being stung.
that's a good one , " a warrant may be issued " a better statement would be "will be issued !"
Different amounts for friends of the judge. I had a female judge for the ex-wife. To this very day I am still trying to break even years after my child support ended.. Still working, still homeless, still have nothing to show for the effort NOT EVEN retirement...
Like most who pay child support, we recognize the miss use of the support we give. When I sat with the support appointed referee, she added to my income because I am self employed. Saying I don't claim all my income. Adding more than 50% to my earned income. When I contested the answer given was the referee can adjust with their discretion . I felt betrayed.
I have a two bedroom home and my costs are the same in housing as my son's mothers home as the report shows. We have the same expenses in housing.
The system is fractured and faulty. A money making system that hurts the ones it trying to help.
Good topic of focus in the legal system which has major problems. Please continue these reports about issues of divorce and children in USA and other countries.
Child support should not exit. Having a child does not entitle you to money from the other parent. If you cant agree to a voluntary financial arrangement there should be none. For all the women having and raising children they cant afford.... Find another caretaker for your child who can afford it. Raising children in such poverty that you cant afford to take care of their basic needs is neglect. Any good parent wouldn't put their kid in that situation in the first place. Everyone else is exploiting their children for money which should be a criminal offense.
I had 3 of my 4 children reach emancipation, and the acting judge ( afraid to name judge in new york because if i hurt his feelings he can put me in jail) in new york allowed my x wife's lawyer to postpone the downward modification for 2 years while this judge allowed discovery on top of discovery on top of discovery -- to delay even though there have been more than 15 past discoveries of finance prior to 1st child reaching legal age, while the judge (unnamed but you know ) demanded under threat of incarceration, I pay x wife's legal fees and penalties for slow payments that I eventually caught up with -- ( $250,000 in legal fees ) ( $1,750,000 in alimony and child support) during discovery 2 children were documented to not be my biological children, unknown to husband, and sunshine said no matter, it is called an estoppel. there are dozens of other facts that prove the x wife's lawyer was granted privileges beyond the case scope of law and this judge acted beyond the law without a dought -- After 12 years of litigation and 5 lawyers later, only one out of state lawyer that had no other cases or business in front of this judge, privately told me exactly what Richard Fine in this video has said to the exact words. my lawyer told me a secret. He said one word that changed the entire case for me after 12 years and more than 30 court hearings, because my x wife's lawyer was NOW going after my new wifes finances threw our new marriage -- that would have made us both homeless and possibly divorced - what this lawyer disclosed to me was not legal according to state law, Even my own lawyer is legally not allowed to disclose ways of telling their client how to save money and shorten the court cases for the men -- (WTF) this one illegal word saved me from total destitution -- and this is the short version of the 250,000 lessons I got about ramped corruption in divorce -- if you want the rest of the proof of corruption ... contact me. the courts are NOT fair or equitable -- its fixed i interviewed and tried to hire more the 5 lawyers to help me stand up to the Judge ( cheif in charge of ny court ) in New York courts -- every one refused and one almost pissed in his pants, he thought i was joking and said good luck with that we all know he is corrupt but good luck finding a lawyer to do this. My job for 40 years of savings (if you think i was rich) that went to embellish the courts and x wife came from grooming over 500,000 dogs -- I am a dog groomer -- I now live in a 1 bedroom apartment while x wife gets the 5 bedroom house -- thank you Richard Fine for the truth -- hopefully, the future men to be divorced can have been served by your advice --
thats fucked up. aorry that ur life was spent paying for aomeone else to live great. that is a shame at least. im very curious as to what the one word was. disabled? homeless? remorseful? do tell?
I know this may sound crazy, but I agree with what they’re saying. I’m a single mom and the father of my son hasn’t paid/contributed anything to my son’s wellbeing since his birth. It’s not easy, but government assistance helps. So in the end, they provide food, WIC provides baby food and personal food so I can breastfeed, and medical coverage for my son that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford through my employer. Rent didn’t increase much, although I rent a house instead of a college dorm now. Baby proofing the house was pricey. The initial costs are a lot more than the ongoing costs. I’m not the typical “baby mom” that is looking for “a come-up”. I just want to be able to take my son to the zoo or the children’s museum on my off days, but most of my income goes to basic expenses. Child support would then come in handy to make our son’s childhood more vibrant and affordable. If I ever receive anything, I’ll finally be able to afford swimming lessons for him. The child support system is definitely broken, but sometimes, so are the noncustodial parents.
Child support has nothing to do with the child. And Public assistance has nothing to do with child support even though it is assumed that it is. People made the lines between title iv-a and title iv-d murky which makes people believe that is has to do with the kids.
10:31 like he said, child support is a business!
As a parent I can confirm this. I noticed very small increase
I pay a 1,000 a month for childsuppourt. I have 3 children all by the same woman . I only make 2,200 a month. When I tell you I'm broke I'm broke. Not to mention my ex-wife had an affair on me an lefted me and the children. They also made me pay back her credit card bill. We used it to make a dog kennel. I lost all my dogs and my house. She got the house in divorce. The Judge made me pay back all 7,000 dollars. Not to mention I still had my own credit card bill that was 3,000. I had to pay my credit card by myself. They take out an extra 150 for the payback of her credit card. I have a house note that is 1,200. She and her husband live rent free in her mother's house. Which is paid off I must add.
Whoever has custody is responsible for the roof over your head
Whoever is responsible for helping to bring you into the world is responsible for the roof over your head...MOTHER AND FATHER!
chicago stay with the one who has the roof
@Tontyanna must be an outlier
@@Denise-pn5el not for you
Just think how much money the parents would save if they changed the system and not be in the courts all the time. That's a lot of extra money to be used on the kids!
Anytime the govt is involved, it's a nightmare.
Child support is a business, they have NO regard for the children, they receive under a federal program monetary incentive yearly to bring in the most collection of money from the non custodial. CS in every state is a business, NOT a federal govt entity, they are a private collection business which works off CONTRACTS. You have to use contract law to defeat them. Everyone should support their child, this means the parent awarded the child as well as the non custodial. Answer this, if a awarded parent goes on food stamps or welfare citing not being able to raise the child, why are THEY not made responsible to answer the same laws and punishments as the non custodial?!! But they don't even care cuz it's not about the child!!! Did you sign an agreement for the mother to get on welfare?! No, so if your paying the state back for welfare benefits, you must fight a fraudulent contract and sue for using your SSN to establish a contract you never agreed to. Also, CS is VOLUNTARY!! They don't tell you this in the beginning, instead using threat tactics which makes that contract void!!!! And who benefits the most out of this? The CS office, the fake judges, the baliff, the county clerk's and all the CS officers and admins!! How? By taking 20% of payments and the program federal yearly monetary incentive!! It's a big business racket worth billions every year!
Vincent Gatekeeper how is child support voluntary when they put orders in place , send income withholding to your job and garnish your wages all without you signing a thing?
actually the court puts you in jail for contempt of the court order. If they were to put you in jail for the actual money it would violate the constitution because here in america your not supposed to be able to be jailed for debt. So the court wipes its ass with the constitution and not only puts you in jail for the contempt charge, which is only 20 days. So what do they do? They pass your court date over and over until you've been in jail for 6 months and then they give you time served. No job, no place to live. All your belongings are gone. Who gave child support the authority to suspend a drivers liscense? They are not a court or a judiciary branch. They modify court orders by adding fee"s. Thats illegal. Who gave them this power? I dont remember having a vote on this or even asked my opinion. Did my representative do this? I want to know where they got the power to suspend liscense or modify a court order. They also took all my money out a savings account with wells fargo and never had a clue. wells fargo also charged me 125 dollars to give them my money i had in their bank.