Actually, they probably didn't do that because tasty japan just reuploads the american tasty's recipes but in japanese often. Tasty japan has much less subscribers and even fewer average views, they have a relatively small employee base since it's pretty new and can't make as much content so they just translate and bulk the channel. So the black people you see in tasty japan videos are just employees from the original tasty channel. I could be wrong, but that is most likely the case.
🔴 What Is Islam? ⚠️ 🔴 Islam is not just another religion. 🔵 It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. 🔴 Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. 🔵 It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. 🔴 It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. 🌍 The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as: 📖 { “Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.”} (Quran 112:1-4)[4] 📚 🔴 Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. 🔵 Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.
I have nothing against Islam and I am happy for you because you love your religion but I am happy with my religion. Thank you for the lesson though. 😁😁
Yeah those fried bacon wrapped mozzarella cheese stuffed mashed potato bombs look amazing.
So basically anything can be made into a croquet as long as you can roll in in flour dip it in egg wash and bread it in panko to fry... Good to know 🤔
So loaded baked potato poppers, chicken pot pie poppers, no mess cheese fry poppers, crab rangoon poppers, and fancy waffle house breakfast. I like it
Well that's awesome they showed the black people living in Japan. I love how Tasty doesn't discriminate, this is why I love Tasty
Actually, they probably didn't do that because tasty japan just reuploads the american tasty's recipes but in japanese often. Tasty japan has much less subscribers and even fewer average views, they have a relatively small employee base since it's pretty new and can't make as much content so they just translate and bulk the channel. So the black people you see in tasty japan videos are just employees from the original tasty channel. I could be wrong, but that is most likely the case.
Wow im actualy early for once
🔴 What Is Islam? ⚠️
🔴 Islam is not just another religion.
🔵 It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham.
🔴 Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God.
🔵 It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone.
🔴 It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine.
🌍 The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:
📖 { “Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.”} (Quran 112:1-4)[4] 📚
🔴 Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus.
🔵 Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.
@@ahmdabdallah2132 wow and
im muslim thank you for the wonderful reply
I have nothing against Islam and I am happy for you because you love your religion but I am happy with my religion. Thank you for the lesson though. 😁😁
Sliced pork? You must mean freedom meat.
⚠️ 預言者ムハンマドの言葉
🔴 {信者たちは、互いの愛情、慈悲、同情心において1つの肉体のようなものである。一箇所でも具合が悪ければ、体の他の全組織が熱と不眠に冒されながら彼を気遣うのだ。}
🔵 {信仰において最も完成された信者とは、道徳心の最も優れた者である。その中で最も優れた者は、彼らの妻に対して最もよい者である。}
🔴 {自分が望むことを自分の同胞に対しても望むようになるまでは、本当の信者であるとは言えない。}
🔴 {慈悲深い者は最も慈悲深いお方から慈悲を恵まれる。地にあるものに慈悲深くあれ。そうすれば神があなたに慈悲深くあるだろう。}
🔵 {同胞に微笑むことは施しである..}
🔴 {よき言葉は施しである。}
🔵 {神と審判の日を信じる者は、隣人に親切であるべきである。}
🔴 {神はあなたを姿形や財産から判断するのではない。あなたの心と行いを見るのである。}
🔵 {働く者にはその汗の乾かないうちに賃金を払いなさい。}
🔴 {或る男が道を歩いてる時、喉の渇きに襲われた。すると井戸を見つけたのでその中に降り、水を飲んだ。そこから出てみると、犬が乾きのために舌を出し、ハアハア言いながら泥を食べていた。男は言った。「この犬も喉が渇いているのだな。自分がそうだったように。」そして井戸の中に降りると、靴に水を満たし、それを犬の口のところに持っていって飲ませた。アッラーは彼に報奨を与え、そして彼の罪を赦した。人々は言った。「預言者よ、畜獣にも報奨があるのですか?」預言者は言った。「全ての生きとし生けるものには報奨がある。」}
🔴 もっと....