I always try to put the ship entrance, medbay and bridge right next to each other, so I don't waste time navigating through the ship. I'm also paranoid about gyroscopes becoming detached and rattling inside the ship, so I put the with their bases to the inside, so enemy fire has to go through them before destroying the blocks they rest on. This way, the gyroscopes form another layer of armor.
That is brilliant, but I'm also laughing imagining being the engineer that explains how the gyros are used as an extra layer of armor to the design bureau. xD
@@guard13007 Head Engineer:"So right, we take those things right?" Design Bureau: "Sir, that's... That's the stuff that makes the ship turn. They're Gyroscopes." HE: "Yeah, but, listen. Take the gyroscopes, and use them, as armor." DE: "That's extremely wreckless a-" HE: "LET ME FINISH! You use them as armor, so they don't start rattling around in the ship because they're placed on the blocks inside that layer!" DE: "You make a fair point, but, those are what make the ship turn." HE: "LISTEN HERE YOU ROTTING BACKYARD SOCKS THE GYROSCOPES AREN'T GONNA BE RATTLING AROUND BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO DESTROY THE GYROSCOPES TO GET TO THE ARMOR THEY'RE ATTACHED TO!!!" DE: "..." HE: "GET THE POINT?!" DE: "Actually now that we think about it, that's genius!"
Ok, so there's some good tips in this video but I think there's a lot that could be improved about the ship you used for the example. Disclaimer here that my experience is just based on creative PvP, many battles won and lost, but I strive to make my ships as effective as possible if they were used in survival - that means everything hooked up to conveyors, actual cargo containers for ammo, pressurization in every room, etc. First the good: 1. Really good point about the profile and how the engine housing can be used for protection, I never would have thought of that 2. Good point about not relying too much on gatlings. There was a time when a small ship completely disarmed one of my smaller large ships entirely on their own by selectively destroying gatlings, it would have been an even more embarrassing defeat had I only been using missile turrets. 3. Good point about having an internal bridge/CIC 4. Good point about having thrusters in empty space in your ship, though as you said it does increase volume a lot Now the criticism: 1. A smart boarder would just grind the blocks around the hangar doors because they are much quicker to grind. Or, come through the roof or floor instead. 2. Redundancy is great, but having all of your reactors in one place is dumb. All it takes is a single large torpedo or some idiot ramming you to take out your entire powergrid. Instead, distribute them as close to evenly as possible throughout your ship. The same applies to thrusters, gyros, batteries, hydro tanks and generators, etc. Pretty much anything I guess. 3. As above, same with turrets, having them close together is good in the sense that they can cover each other, but not so close that splash damage from missiles damages neighboring turrets. Some general tips for PvP ships and improvements for this ship: 1. Unless I missed it, this ship is really not advanced at all. I'm not saying you have to have all kinds of dangerous things like rotor turrets, but from what I can tell there's no gravdrive, no PMWs, not even any rocket launchers. Sure it has turrets and light armour will keep it mobile but it's basically a good-looking glass cannon without the cannon. Advanced stuff like guided missiles are becoming more and more prevalent with the proliferation of scripts that eliminate the need for being able to write code (just to be clear I think this is a good thing and that programmers shouldn't be given an unfair advantage). 1a) To last through a serious battle (at least in creative PvP) it really needs heavy armour, even if it's just the inner or outer layer. That space used for the internal thrusters could have easily been used for a gravdrive and it would have used less space, as well as offsetting the loss in acceleration from the mass of heavy amour. 1b) Rocket launchers on the front or sides would make the ship both more effective and more interesting to pilot in PvP, because as is you could theoretically just sit there and wait for your missiles to take out a moving target. Ideally you would use something like torpedoes to deal significantly more damage than plain rocket launchers. 2) Gyros also make good armour because their integrity level is ridiculously high. But make sure the attachment point faces inward to your ship, or they'll pop loose as soon as they break through a hypothetical outer layer of armour. Also, gyroscopes are really heavy so they create a sort of trade-off between how much acceleration your ship has and how well it turns. 3) Reactors are a liability to nearby blocks because they explode when destroyed. Either try to keep them away from other critical systems or try to rely on battery power more, since batteries don't explode. In practice I just prefer batteries by far.
"You're not going to be mining in your large ship" I disagree. A large ship drill on a piston can do the work of an entire small mining ship with fewer parts and feeds directly into your processing lines.
Staggered pistons work well in tight areas, I built an extendable rotary drilling system that can retract into the cargo bay of my ship and seal it airtight.
@@mechwarrior13 man you must love the wrath of clang then, cause that setup is about what would cause that response, tons of pistons is never a good idea
i make my main exploration ship a 2 parter ship held together by merge blocks. the back half is all added storage and a "shell" that wraps around and covers the drills. when im ready to drill i station the ship. detatch it hop into the seat that flipped 180 and toggle the drill side to be a ship again to fly around and do my mining. link back up when done and carry on my space floating adventure
@@plokoon560 Share inertia tensor. Where drill-system pistons are involved, this will appease Clang. Unless, of course, you go overboard with it and stack like 20 pistons... Clang's fury can be soothed, but only partially.
I think with the recent coming multiplayer update the winning designs will definitely be the ones that are most personnel efficient. The less people you need to perform one task efficiently the faster you can scale and prepare your team for other roles. for me preferably I want to have as many people for combat as possible.
Nightflash478 I’m more all or nothing type of armouring, ridiculous armour around the citadel and like a single layer of light around non important areas
Designing and testing armor schemes as well as building war ships is one of my main motivations playing space E, and I concur with the All or Nothing approach. While I did once build a ship called the Behemoth that was so huge it lagged my computer and had a minimum of 5 layers of heavy armor everywhere, more sensible designs feature heavy armor structural ribbing to keep sections of the ship attached and heavy armor around the most critical components. non-critical components usualy get a single layer of light armor either backed up by a half-layer of heavy armor (angled blocks on an angled surface for example) or spaced armor.
Chrinik I haven't had the chance to do much building but for the builds I have done, I've used that kind of heavy armour chassis idea. It just seems obvious to me.
Nightflash478 Mixing light and heavy is a bad idea. If you’re gonna have a heavy ship, go full out with it. If you have a good industry, you should have no problem putting together a 200m long heavy cruiser made or of full heavy armor.
I really like it's sleek design. How flat it is on the sides, especially on top for landing (even notice the lights running down the top almost like a runway alternate on and off) as well as the recessed ends with the engines. Great ship.
they should add a tv screen block or add a script for the lcd screens to display what a camera is looking at, then you can have a cluster of say 6 cameras in the front of the ship, that would then display what they se on to the lcd screen, meaning you could have an armored fps bridge.
Something i always do is make the interior incredibly easy to navigate as well as having all systems accessible. Another incredibly important thing i do is sticking the most important things in the middle of the ship and have the more redundant things on the outer layers, this way they will protect things like reactors and gyros.
I think it ultimately comes down to your own ability to manufacture the ammunition needed to supply all of those guns, and constantly doing so. The more turrets you have, the faster you'll burn through bullets/rockets.
More guns not only means more ammunition required, but more storage for that ammunition, and more conveyor systems running to those turrets where armor would otherwise be.
I've been designing an extremely low-profile (4x4 at most from the front, 2x2 interior surrounded by corner blocks) ship, and a trick I learned with thrusters is that you can keep them internal, but cut down on empty space by opening a hole to the outside of the ship for the thruster to get the space it needs. It's realistically too difficult to fire into that hole for the thruster to be considered to be exposed. Right now the project is just working as an extremely-effective missile, as the front is pointed with 2x1 heavy armor blocks, so any rockets that hit it just deflect off of the angle, as tested against pirates. Putting armed warheads in the back instead of the front also give it a very nice APHE effect where the missile bores a hole into the ship, then the warheads detonate inside. If for some reason the missile doesn't burrow inside, the back will still almost always swing around for a minimum of an explosive impact on the armor.
I agree with most of what you've said here Wasted. The only point I think is worth reconsidering, is the importance of anti-personnel security. This is simply based on practical observations done through PvP servers in a similar game. The only times the enemy would have a chance at boarding your ship, is when it's staying still. In a space battle, a ship that's staying still, is a dead ship. So opportunities for boarding are moot in that situation. Leaving boarding to surprise attacks while you are operating in mining excursions and the likes. In most cases, due to having limited hands available, a ship's captain will go out and gather stuff themselves, rendering the idea of completely sealing off a bridge moot. In fact, the enemy who would pull off a surprise attack is more likely to turn that feature against you.
Not a bad concept for survival I see here though there are some things I would like to point out. 1. Tweaking what was mentioned by Mentor Pictures, depending on the server you are on, it would be good to add some of the psuedo science KLANG GravDrives (fwd axis at least) once you have an alright amount of thrusters and gyros for maneuvering and basic movement. 2. Internal turrets might be a good addition for added security. 3. Stagger external turret heights and distance from each other as they have a tendency to do friendly fire to each other when they're too close. 4. Would be a good idea to assign specific gatt turrets or int turrets placed externally just for missle defences, depending on server block restrictions. EX: target only missiles, small ships and players with a slightly reduced range from the ranges of the fighting turrets. 5. A couple or handful of defences for the bow & stern would be a good idea. 6. If ya gonna cover some thrusters, try to cover all instead. ---- Entirely personal opinions based on single utility purposes ---- 7. Might be better to stick with a single type of thrust. Hydro tanks take up a ridiculous amount of space and it requires piping space. 8. Large corridors and stair movement are a luxury. 9. Hangar space is quite a luxury. Pros & Cons here. Connectors however would be best jutted out from the chasis or surface as our Lord & Saviour KLANG is finiky in MP servers. Consider thruster damage from docking ships too.
Regarding to point 9, you will not receive thruster damage anymore from smaller ships if the affected ship is a large grid. This is to prevent exactly the said situation. But yes use landing gears is a better idea unless the connector glitch is fixed someday. Hydrogen based thrusters usually worth the trouble despite their size and general complexity. They stack up the same amount of space overall, and you will gain much more thrust using them. The only major problem really is just inventory space and operation costs, but it definitely doesn't hurt having one especially in a big ship like this.
I would recommend dark green, black, and dark dray for colors in many more odd looking strips. That way it’s harder to see the ship on the space background and to breakup its outline, making it harder for Manuel targeting.
I have a beautiful idea like your old modular ship but it's merge blocks on the inside of armor so you can detach it and reattach a fresh piece... or merge blocks with pistons to pull the ship together to a smooth look
It isn't that original and useful though. Most large ships in game are cruisers and freighters with only structural armor. This solution could be useful only in battleships and only for huge guilds what could support few of those and shipyard (and speaking of that.. standardized plate pieces). For anyone else repairs on spot are way better solution especially because this solution decrees structural integrity (marge point are huge weak spots even if when properly designed they should not cause much issues).
TheRezro I haven't played any space engineers because I'm on console but I love trying to come up with good ideas but in the end this wasn't as good as I thought
I've seen someone build a ship piece by piece like that and then merge the grids together... it was beautiful, until it got boarded and destroyed from the inside.
My solution to this is the Nanite mod and a projector. Or if no mods, projector still then welding ship. I used to place welders in spots around the reactors back in the day and other key areas to quickly repair stuff. This was back when welders were laggy as hell though so I stopped haha. The Nanite mod replaced that idea though and it's far more efficient.
You forgot to mention the heavy weapons such rocket launchers for the big enemy ship . However what you mention is really usefull and important and I agree with you
i always thought about putting welders facing important systems like reactors and gyroscopes so that when they get damaged, the welder repairs it. Is this practical?
Yes and no. Depending on world settings the welder speed may be too slow to overcome the damage bring done. If the speed is high enough though it can keep welding up the cheaper components at the top of the build list rather than the expensive ones. For example a welder on a thruster can keep welding up the cheap steel plates and save your expensive platinum thruster components. Also you will need a large stock of spare parts in each welder (relying on central storage risks conveyer link being severed in battle)
@@MediumRareOpinions have that system set up to go with the thruster room. Only the block of the thruster where the fire is in the center has to be open and uncovered, like when people make vented armor over them. There are columns of usable volume in there that aren't in line with said blocks.
Not always. In such large ships you usually play with crew, and interior turrets become less relevant. Still it is good to place those in critical and rarely visited places.
But they didn't know when he would attack exactly and it wasn't really open multiplayer. We cant really say this same about combat scenario, and sneaking through external defense of the ship is a trait on its own, not to mention stealthy. We talk here more about boarding.
One thing I would add is the Build And Repair System. It automatically repairs damaged blocks, and with a script, it'll que up the required components, as well as if you're a pirate, grind down enemy ships.
This video seems to be about mod-free ships in space engineers. Once you start adding mods, most of what he says in here changes drastically. Throw in the Build and Repair System mod, plus the Energy Shields mod, and there's not much need to worry about doubling up armor blocks, hiding your thrusters, burying your Bridge, etc. But most pvp games won't have these, and they probably shouldn't. Battles would last forever.
I recommend trying to get a torpedo system if you can, because if you do you can engage enemies at ranges of up to about 50km away and be completely safe from the ships turrets. You'd be surprised to know just how rare they are on multiplayer servers.
I have found that a slim long design like this one has issues with rolling. Found having gyro pods extending from the ship to help with this. Also from personal (painful) experience making a warship so tightly compacted will make it easier for explosives to hit more components.
The game takes whichever side the ship is the slowest as the speed of rotation when you move the ship around. Hence slim rods in this game doesn't work very well.
I think having a loot of doors and a timer block that is closing them and then turn them of is really helpful, against intruders. Of course with interior turrets. interior turrets are also quite valid as a point defense system, against incoming missiles
you/they should have included interior turrets not just inside but also outside of the ship, because you can use them to focus on missiles and players (or even help with small ships), so that the gatling guns don't have to.
Hey ! Can you make a detachable ship in case of emergency ? Something that would drop all the hull behind, and just take basic things : Warp drive to escape, few thrusters, a command pod and of course some energy :)
Practically large ship fights in space engineers are always voluntary. If your goal in the game is to survive and mine and build more stuff you will never have to fight, and the jump drive is so op that you never have to. Just have a few Gatling guns on your ship to prevent anyone from sneaking inside it, if a larger ship attacks you, just jump out of there.
Not always, what if you have a stationary base that comes under attack by some other players turned pirate or a pirate npc? Retreating your large ship out is one strategy, but you are more likely to lose the base at that point.
Then it's optional, thus voluntary. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should just never fight, fighting is fun, the game is fun, but if you don't want to fight there's a pretty straight forward way to play the game to avoid fighting. But from a practical "survival" standpoint, stationary bases make no sense.
@Beacon of Wierd But that is not the point. The question is how make ship what would survive the combat. Not what tactic is better. Also sometimes you need fight so overlying on one solution could kill you. For example what if you jump and land in pirate nest? Recharging hyper-drive can take some time if you deplete it completely, and Gatling's would not stop gunship.
Those air vents facing a solid block might not help at all in the protected bridge. I guess the builder didn't build and test in a world with pressurization on, like most people! That pressurization bug lag can be annoying, but I always try to at least build and test stuff with that on, even if we most likely will have to turn it off for survival, specially in multiplayer! Also, this ship is clearly focusing more on using it's side to face the target while presenting even smaller profiles in the front and back in case of engagement in that direction, but it also means smaller fighters can shadow the front and back and blast the thrusters and what's behind, specially those H2 tanks for the hidros!
In most cases, it's a good idea to have at least as much reverse thrust as forward thrust, to minimize stopping times. Also, gyros. The default ships are especially bad at this, but I have seen so many ships with far too few gyros for their size.
Personally, I reckon having the vitals/guts of the ship on display down the corridors looks better than having them behind walls anyway, not to mention the functionality. Otherwise it’s like Star Trek, too clean and sterile. This gives a ship some personality.
On the topic of "ship boarders" if you find out someones grinding on the inside of your ship...turn off gravity and spin/rotate the ship as quickly as you can. Nothing says "kthx bai" like bouncing invaders skulls off your hull. Of course having interior turrets at every choke point in the interior is a better idea. I also think you missed: Never put fighter bays on ships you intend to survive combat, and "Never use hydro power on anything you don't want exploding violently in the middle of combat, like...your ship" I counted at least 3 different hydro tanks horribly placed in that ships design which would assuredly lead to boom booms in pitched battle. Couldn't agree more with your take on using bridges though. Also every ship that expects to survive should be using decoys behind multiple layers of heavy armor in sections of the ship where there's nothing important. Also, never ever rely on hull turrets to do anything more than swat flies. Always have player controlled fixed gun emplacements somewhere...when an enemy uses decoys, if your sole firepower is turrets, you're dead in the water in terms of defending yourself. Also every important entity on a ship, like jump drives, thrust and medbays as well as power generation, should always have welders piped up and sitting on them. Lastly, big ships should drop hydro like a bad habit and instead use gravity propulsion and ions only. They will explode less, and accelerate in a single direction far better. Oh right and you won't be carrying around millions of kg in mass in terms of ice just to keep that many vanilla hydros running. The power of hydro does not make up for its glaring problems. Never use it in anything big. I disagree however with your take on heavy armor. If you're gonna be big, you're already an easy target, no matter what your profile presents. This said dodging rounds ISN'T gonna happen. Use the heavy armor...use as much as you can and still be able to maneuver as you can get away with. Using light armor is a -horrible- idea on any ship that expects to see rounds shot at it. use gravity assisted propulsion to keep on the move, and a lot of ion rcs to allow for mobility in lateral directions while the gravity drive pulls you along. But you NEED that armor as a delaying tactic in combat...and lots of well protected fixed guns to take down your opponent. Remember, turrets are always the first thing to go in combat and they're fooled by decoys. Don't be that guy who wrapped his hull in turrets thinking it would save him in a fight. Cause it won't.
There's a 10v10v10 series of multiplayer pvp team streams floating around youtube someplace that has some fantastic examples of people learning through actually application what works and doesn't work in pvp ship to ship combat. Burying your bridges is absolutely necessary, but I disagree with your statements about turrets and hydrogen. Ion power is useless for maneuvering anything that will actually be sufficiently sized to not immediately melt under 8-15 gat turrets opening up on it, and while gravity engines are amazing at forward and escape propulsion (especially because they can actually outpace the 100m/s speed limit slightly), "maneuvering" with them without scripts is exceptionally difficult, even more so considering ping/other performance concerns and the unreliability of the blocks at times. Hydrogen engines have their issues in needing tanks for storage, but nothing else in the game gives you the maneuvering potential to stick targets in gat range while you scrape everything important off the ship, which brings up the next point. Turrets. Gatling turrets were universally demonstrated to be the way to go, since missile turrets and fixed launchers just get their projectiles show down by gatling turrets, and the AI on turrets will aim considerably better in the Klang-soup of ship-to-ship combat than any human player can. Redundancy and as many as possible is the name of the game. Something else worth noting that isn't discussed here is that jump drives (plural) are super important for maneuvering. Short hops to reposition or just get the heck out of a fight are huge, and being able to chain jumps to throw off pursuers or give chase is an enormous advantage in maneuverability, though be sure your ship can handle the power drain when they're all recharging at once.
I saw 2 main issues,1 that reactor setup just begs a intruder to have the ablity to make a warhead or 2 and the second no turrets at the hanger,reactors and near the bridge also side note I tend to prefore heavy armor over light (takes longer to grind through ,tougher,requires less layers for more effect
One huge criticism I have with this ship is the excessive number of conveyors. Use tubes where you can - they are far less taxing on your PC and the server performance as they have three times less ports for the game to worry about. Sometimes a conveyor is needed for air-tightness or structural integrity, but for example the reactors here could have been easily connected with tubes instead of conveyors with little to no downsides. Tubes also cost a lot less components, even if they can't take as much pounding.
I had some thoughts on the profile of the ship. Shouldn't you also consider maneuvering as well when planning your profile? For example, this ship is elongated from bow to stern, with the primary engines facing out stern. Doesn't this mean if your enemy aims their shots at your stern that the largest portion of your profile is crossing their field of fire? Also, the smallest face of your ship houses your primary thrusters for forward movement, limiting your options for thruster placement. Now, what if instead of elongating the ship from bow to stern, it was instead elongated from top to bottom? This vertical elongation would place the ship as taking less time to cross the firing path of your enemy allowing for more shots too miss, and it would also present a larger surface area for your rear facing thrusters, allowing for either greater acceleration with more thrusters or simply greater thruster redundancy. I think another factor to consider would be the usage of decoy blocks. Decoy blocks are useless if your opponen't weapon systems are being manually aimed, but manual aiming ties up member of the crew or requires the ship face a certain orientation, so a lot of a ship's firepower may come from automated turrets, meaning some well placed decoy blocks may very well throw alot of the automated weapons fire completely off from your ship. I would consider constructing a sort of antenna like structure jutting away from your ship tipped with a heavy armor coated decoy, because automated weapons take a while to chew through heavy armorfuthermore, if the decoy limb is small enough, a lot of their shots may miss it. You could also place a battery inside the decoy heavy armor pod so that if a lucky shot managed to break it off from your ship, the decoy may still draw fire away from you until its heavy armor is broken through. Alternatively you may even make these decoy pods to be detachable so they can double as either projectiles or as obstacles for an enemy that is chasing you. If you place them hanging off the back of your ship then you can draw enemy fire towards your rear rather than your front or mid section making it even more likely the shots will miss entirely if you are travelling at decent speed. It may also be beneficial to consider if you might want to use a ship which can change its profile. For example, I once built a ship that was designed so that it had 8 panels that could open up from the main body of the ship. So the ship was elongated from bow to stern line this one, but it had heavy armor for the nose, and turrets qnd light armor along the side, but these light armor panels could unfold outwards on hinges in the front such that when unfolded all turrets would be forward facing and the rest of the ship would be behind a large rotating armored shield.
id like to introduce you to my ERA design, spaced, supplementary, and spall/slat armor systems. as well as special APDSabot rounds and cluster munitions (pretty much doomsday weapons, expensive to use, and very effective, such so that it would be unfair to the enemy)
VERY nice ship, was looking for large KSP ship designs and came across this. I should get back into Space Engineers and rebuild the Star Leaf from Gals Force for multi player maps. =D
A couple of ideas for those of you lucky enough to have the game yourself. Maybe have a fake bridge on top, and have your real bridge buried within the hull. These way the enemies would waste time with what is just about decoration, and then you yourself could attack
I see the funktionality of the ship but there are some things i really dont like. having thrusters on the inside just really feels like cheating to me but i can look over that point. If I remember correctly tho the Reactors are all in one spot which i really really dont like. If anyone knows the layout he can wipe out 4 Large reactors in a single strike leaving the ship without power. Reactors and bridge are arguably the most important spots on the ship and he did such a good job at covering his bridge already.
Well, yes. Inside thrusters are cheap, but in current gameplay I don't find good reason to not make them if you have the sapce. And yes. Reactor setup is really bad. It is always best to not stack them in one spot, but that is always case of balance.
There's two main types of ships for combat in SE: Heavy, slow, large ships with a lot of armor and firepower; and fast, light armored ships with less firepower but more maneuverability. Everybody has their own preference, I for one prefer (although I don't play the game) heavy style ships that can take a large hit and be perfectly fine, but the downside to these is how expensive they are to build in survival mode, but if it's an option, it would be my preference.
Placing your main cockpit in a central, well armored spot is definitely the most critical design consideration in any ship; the longer it takes to break up your chair, the more damage you can give and take, regardless of all other factors. Placing your bridge anywhere other than in a heavily armored secondary shell in the deepest depths of your ship with the reactors is a straight up mistake; who needs windows when cameras are cheaper, harder to hit, easier to back up/replace, less vulnerable, and most importantly really hard to see.
My ships always look more like a ship built at the junkyard and are focused on mining. Imagine a miner head on 2 or 3 pistons on top of a rotor block with around 13 Miners attached to each and depending on how long I am already playing I have 2 or 4 of these minining rigs on the front. Protected by some armor when they are retracted. On the sides I have all thrusters for all movement directions. And on every other free block I can manage I have defenses up. It is ugly as hell(Not even the mother would love it), it can be destroyed easily, if hit correctly, but it can mine an astroid in no time and transform everything into ammunition and turrets.
What do you think of hidden-welder-based regenerative armor? Is spaced armor ever worth it? Is it more important to protect thrusters or to increase leverage?
Regenerative armor doesn't worth the trouble as that will be a lot of welders which makes reaching the dead limit very very easy. You would want to focus this onto regenerative thrusters or turrets as it's easier this way. Spaced armor prevents damage deformation from destroying blocks next to it so you should do spacing if you have the chance and time.
Arron the profile also goes with color that ship could be seen from kilometers away but if it were black u would have to be close enough that the turrets would get u
You always want to be trading your cheaper assets for their more expensive assets in any battle of attrition. The only reason to have all of your eggs in one basket is if the server admin decrees it.
Sadly not so Ima just rebuild it myself and add my own flavours to it. The guy who made it aparently ragequit the game after it deleted his blueprints shortly after the video...I mean...yea...I totaly understand that. edit the guy that told me that just texted me that he confused the original creator with some other guy steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1432289374&searchtext=salty+fish This is the updated reupload
Do you think as more designers gain experience from survival battles, the ship designs will evolve towards flying bricks similar to the one featured here?
Eight reactors are useless if you put them all together next to a bunch of thrusters. Spreading them out, even four by four, is way more efficient. Same with hydrogen tanks. Also half a dozen jumpdrives wouldn't be a bad thing. It doesn't look like a warship so being able to jump away in a minutes notice would be worth it.
This seems to me to be a lot more of a mobile base than a combat ship. Shouldn't it's primary goal at any time be to jump out of the area, rather fighting and hitting back hard? On a ship like this, for combat purposes I would at most have it jump in a kilometer or two away, dump all its fighters, and then use a second (out of at least 4, preferably 8) jump drive to get the hell out of dodge before anyone can fire on the big clunky thing. There's a lot of benefits for having dedicated large and small combat ships - they can carry the same amount of firepower, cost less than a 10th as much, and be much harder to hit and more maneuverable. This thing seems suitable for mining and surviving the initial few seconds of an attack, and little else.
At this point I need a computer that can run SE before I say anything. I bought it during the summer sale. Didn't know It wouldn't run due to graphics compatibility sound card for DirectX
So far my designs don't hold up well in combat-they are more a case of "throw as much together as possible, then stick thrusters all over the place". On the plus side, the DS (and sub recommended laptops) doesn't suffer at all. Unlike some of my favourite ships (eg. IMDC Atlas MK3), which causes problems.
I usualy have the nanite mod installed to get into areas i cant go. Its also very usefull if you want to quickly assemble or dissasemble a large ship. That said, is it prefurable to have a fully decked out moving base or would you rather have a fleet based from a asteroid(/moon)base? Whats the best option there. Couse portability gives you the ability to flee or hide but building with your back against a solid wall will allow you to focus your firepower and thus be mutch easyer defended.
5h4d0w I have had both and enjoyed both. my main problem with the portable bases is that they become not so mobile very quickly, relegating it to jumping around with jump drives. at which point it loses most of its advantages. so I tend to build my stations attached to an asteroid (or sometimes the moon if I want to travel to the planet a lot). that way I can dig my more sensitive structures and refineries underground so they are defended from long range bombardment.
It would be better if we had vents to blow out air for the sides and front to turn and reverse Instead of massive thrusters I don’t want to see massive flames coming from the front of my ship
You should make all your ships red, because that's the fastest color.
but its calls to much attention,
The red color makes it three times faster! The Red Comet trumps all!!
DICE make it purple then, that way nobody can detect you.
make em black
stronk soviet ship
I like how this ships nails the SE visual style👍😄 - max 2-3 basic colors, stripes, a lot of tech details to break the blockiness.
Now THIS is a high quality brick ship. I really love the design, especially the interior layout.
I always try to put the ship entrance, medbay and bridge right next to each other, so I don't waste time navigating through the ship. I'm also paranoid about gyroscopes becoming detached and rattling inside the ship, so I put the with their bases to the inside, so enemy fire has to go through them before destroying the blocks they rest on. This way, the gyroscopes form another layer of armor.
That is brilliant, but I'm also laughing imagining being the engineer that explains how the gyros are used as an extra layer of armor to the design bureau. xD
Head Engineer:"So right, we take those things right?"
Design Bureau: "Sir, that's... That's the stuff that makes the ship turn. They're Gyroscopes."
HE: "Yeah, but, listen. Take the gyroscopes, and use them, as armor."
DE: "That's extremely wreckless a-"
HE: "LET ME FINISH! You use them as armor, so they don't start rattling around in the ship because they're placed on the blocks inside that layer!"
DE: "You make a fair point, but, those are what make the ship turn."
DE: "..."
DE: "Actually now that we think about it, that's genius!"
the problem with that is that if theres a breach. they can all get destroyed quickly
I know this comment is old but this trick is even better now because gyros can stop a railgun sabot better than heavy armor for some reason
bro invented gyroscope armor
Ok, so there's some good tips in this video but I think there's a lot that could be improved about the ship you used for the example. Disclaimer here that my experience is just based on creative PvP, many battles won and lost, but I strive to make my ships as effective as possible if they were used in survival - that means everything hooked up to conveyors, actual cargo containers for ammo, pressurization in every room, etc.
First the good:
1. Really good point about the profile and how the engine housing can be used for protection, I never would have thought of that
2. Good point about not relying too much on gatlings. There was a time when a small ship completely disarmed one of my smaller large ships entirely on their own by selectively destroying gatlings, it would have been an even more embarrassing defeat had I only been using missile turrets.
3. Good point about having an internal bridge/CIC
4. Good point about having thrusters in empty space in your ship, though as you said it does increase volume a lot
Now the criticism:
1. A smart boarder would just grind the blocks around the hangar doors because they are much quicker to grind. Or, come through the roof or floor instead.
2. Redundancy is great, but having all of your reactors in one place is dumb. All it takes is a single large torpedo or some idiot ramming you to take out your entire powergrid. Instead, distribute them as close to evenly as possible throughout your ship. The same applies to thrusters, gyros, batteries, hydro tanks and generators, etc. Pretty much anything I guess.
3. As above, same with turrets, having them close together is good in the sense that they can cover each other, but not so close that splash damage from missiles damages neighboring turrets.
Some general tips for PvP ships and improvements for this ship:
1. Unless I missed it, this ship is really not advanced at all. I'm not saying you have to have all kinds of dangerous things like rotor turrets, but from what I can tell there's no gravdrive, no PMWs, not even any rocket launchers. Sure it has turrets and light armour will keep it mobile but it's basically a good-looking glass cannon without the cannon. Advanced stuff like guided missiles are becoming more and more prevalent with the proliferation of scripts that eliminate the need for being able to write code (just to be clear I think this is a good thing and that programmers shouldn't be given an unfair advantage).
1a) To last through a serious battle (at least in creative PvP) it really needs heavy armour, even if it's just the inner or outer layer. That space used for the internal thrusters could have easily been used for a gravdrive and it would have used less space, as well as offsetting the loss in acceleration from the mass of heavy amour.
1b) Rocket launchers on the front or sides would make the ship both more effective and more interesting to pilot in PvP, because as is you could theoretically just sit there and wait for your missiles to take out a moving target. Ideally you would use something like torpedoes to deal significantly more damage than plain rocket launchers.
2) Gyros also make good armour because their integrity level is ridiculously high. But make sure the attachment point faces inward to your ship, or they'll pop loose as soon as they break through a hypothetical outer layer of armour. Also, gyroscopes are really heavy so they create a sort of trade-off between how much acceleration your ship has and how well it turns.
3) Reactors are a liability to nearby blocks because they explode when destroyed. Either try to keep them away from other critical systems or try to rely on battery power more, since batteries don't explode. In practice I just prefer batteries by far.
"You're not going to be mining in your large ship"
I disagree. A large ship drill on a piston can do the work of an entire small mining ship with fewer parts and feeds directly into your processing lines.
Thatd be cool! Out the back having hangar doors reveal 6 or so drills and just plunge them into a recourse deposit could prove quite useful!
Staggered pistons work well in tight areas, I built an extendable rotary drilling system that can retract into the cargo bay of my ship and seal it airtight.
@@mechwarrior13 man you must love the wrath of clang then, cause that setup is about what would cause that response, tons of pistons is never a good idea
i make my main exploration ship a 2 parter ship held together by merge blocks. the back half is all added storage and a "shell" that wraps around and covers the drills. when im ready to drill i station the ship. detatch it hop into the seat that flipped 180 and toggle the drill side to be a ship again to fly around and do my mining. link back up when done and carry on my space floating adventure
@@plokoon560 Share inertia tensor. Where drill-system pistons are involved, this will appease Clang. Unless, of course, you go overboard with it and stack like 20 pistons... Clang's fury can be soothed, but only partially.
I like building the exterior bridges BECAUSE they're an easy target, it adds a sort of decoy to the ship, while the real bridge is tucked away.
I think with the recent coming multiplayer update the winning designs will definitely be the ones that are most personnel efficient. The less people you need to perform one task efficiently the faster you can scale and prepare your team for other roles. for me preferably I want to have as many people for combat as possible.
i just mix heavy and light armor normally :P and if its a dedicated battleship not meant for atmosphere i just go full on the heavy armor
Nightflash478 I’m more all or nothing type of armouring, ridiculous armour around the citadel and like a single layer of light around non important areas
Designing and testing armor schemes as well as building war ships is one of my main motivations playing space E, and I concur with the All or Nothing approach. While I did once build a ship called the Behemoth that was so huge it lagged my computer and had a minimum of 5 layers of heavy armor everywhere, more sensible designs feature heavy armor structural ribbing to keep sections of the ship attached and heavy armor around the most critical components. non-critical components usualy get a single layer of light armor either backed up by a half-layer of heavy armor (angled blocks on an angled surface for example) or spaced armor.
Chrinik I haven't had the chance to do much building but for the builds I have done, I've used that kind of heavy armour chassis idea. It just seems obvious to me.
Nightflash478 Mixing light and heavy is a bad idea. If you’re gonna have a heavy ship, go full out with it. If you have a good industry, you should have no problem putting together a 200m long heavy cruiser made or of full heavy armor.
Since they limited us with PCU heavy armor seems the way to go, since a single block of each type have the same PCU cost.
I really like it's sleek design. How flat it is on the sides, especially on top for landing (even notice the lights running down the top almost like a runway alternate on and off) as well as the recessed ends with the engines. Great ship.
they should add a tv screen block or add a script for the lcd screens to display what a camera is looking at, then you can have a cluster of say 6 cameras in the front of the ship, that would then display what they se on to the lcd screen, meaning you could have an armored fps bridge.
You could also cover your ship's exterior in these lcd's and go for the stealthy approach
Brought to you by IKEA.
UNSC infinity vibes I'm getting :D
Mhm. All it needs is a MAC gun.
Something i always do is make the interior incredibly easy to navigate as well as having all systems accessible. Another incredibly important thing i do is sticking the most important things in the middle of the ship and have the more redundant things on the outer layers, this way they will protect things like reactors and gyros.
Loving the layout of that ship, especially the hangar and viewing area; just a really nice mix of functionality and aesthetic
I've ever wondered how many turrets you should use in a ship of this size. I like the ship design, but I just don't feel it has enough firepower.
I think it ultimately comes down to your own ability to manufacture the ammunition needed to supply all of those guns, and constantly doing so. The more turrets you have, the faster you'll burn through bullets/rockets.
This ship is severely undergunned. The IMDC Cerberus is FAR better in every way, both in terms of initial firepower and upgradeability.
Take a note that he use it as example of specific solutions, not a "best ship".
You can always put more
More guns not only means more ammunition required, but more storage for that ammunition, and more conveyor systems running to those turrets where armor would otherwise be.
Super sleek, man. It reminds me of Battleship designs from the Free Planets Alliance, very practical, and utilitarian.
add heavy armor decoy pods to the sides and it'll actually be able to survive for long enough to jump out without losing any ship systems.
I've been designing an extremely low-profile (4x4 at most from the front, 2x2 interior surrounded by corner blocks) ship, and a trick I learned with thrusters is that you can keep them internal, but cut down on empty space by opening a hole to the outside of the ship for the thruster to get the space it needs. It's realistically too difficult to fire into that hole for the thruster to be considered to be exposed.
Right now the project is just working as an extremely-effective missile, as the front is pointed with 2x1 heavy armor blocks, so any rockets that hit it just deflect off of the angle, as tested against pirates. Putting armed warheads in the back instead of the front also give it a very nice APHE effect where the missile bores a hole into the ship, then the warheads detonate inside. If for some reason the missile doesn't burrow inside, the back will still almost always swing around for a minimum of an explosive impact on the armor.
How much pcu does it take
Totally going to get back into Space Engineers, Thank you so much for all you vids
I agree with most of what you've said here Wasted. The only point I think is worth reconsidering, is the importance of anti-personnel security. This is simply based on practical observations done through PvP servers in a similar game. The only times the enemy would have a chance at boarding your ship, is when it's staying still. In a space battle, a ship that's staying still, is a dead ship. So opportunities for boarding are moot in that situation. Leaving boarding to surprise attacks while you are operating in mining excursions and the likes. In most cases, due to having limited hands available, a ship's captain will go out and gather stuff themselves, rendering the idea of completely sealing off a bridge moot. In fact, the enemy who would pull off a surprise attack is more likely to turn that feature against you.
Not a bad concept for survival I see here though there are some things I would like to point out.
1. Tweaking what was mentioned by Mentor Pictures, depending on the server you are on, it would be good to add some of the psuedo science KLANG GravDrives (fwd axis at least) once you have an alright amount of thrusters and gyros for maneuvering and basic movement.
2. Internal turrets might be a good addition for added security.
3. Stagger external turret heights and distance from each other as they have a tendency to do friendly fire to each other when they're too close.
4. Would be a good idea to assign specific gatt turrets or int turrets placed externally just for missle defences, depending on server block restrictions. EX: target only missiles, small ships and players with a slightly reduced range from the ranges of the fighting turrets.
5. A couple or handful of defences for the bow & stern would be a good idea.
6. If ya gonna cover some thrusters, try to cover all instead.
---- Entirely personal opinions based on single utility purposes ----
7. Might be better to stick with a single type of thrust. Hydro tanks take up a ridiculous amount of space and it requires piping space.
8. Large corridors and stair movement are a luxury.
9. Hangar space is quite a luxury. Pros & Cons here. Connectors however would be best jutted out from the chasis or surface as our Lord & Saviour KLANG is finiky in MP servers. Consider thruster damage from docking ships too.
Regarding to point 9, you will not receive thruster damage anymore from smaller ships if the affected ship is a large grid. This is to prevent exactly the said situation. But yes use landing gears is a better idea unless the connector glitch is fixed someday.
Hydrogen based thrusters usually worth the trouble despite their size and general complexity. They stack up the same amount of space overall, and you will gain much more thrust using them. The only major problem really is just inventory space and operation costs, but it definitely doesn't hurt having one especially in a big ship like this.
I would recommend dark green, black, and dark dray for colors in many more odd looking strips. That way it’s harder to see the ship on the space background and to breakup its outline, making it harder for Manuel targeting.
I have a beautiful idea like your old modular ship but it's merge blocks on the inside of armor so you can detach it and reattach a fresh piece... or merge blocks with pistons to pull the ship together to a smooth look
It isn't that original and useful though. Most large ships in game are cruisers and freighters with only structural armor. This solution could be useful only in battleships and only for huge guilds what could support few of those and shipyard (and speaking of that.. standardized plate pieces). For anyone else repairs on spot are way better solution especially because this solution decrees structural integrity (marge point are huge weak spots even if when properly designed they should not cause much issues).
TheRezro I haven't played any space engineers because I'm on console but I love trying to come up with good ideas but in the end this wasn't as good as I thought
I've seen someone build a ship piece by piece like that and then merge the grids together... it was beautiful, until it got boarded and destroyed from the inside.
My solution to this is the Nanite mod and a projector. Or if no mods, projector still then welding ship. I used to place welders in spots around the reactors back in the day and other key areas to quickly repair stuff. This was back when welders were laggy as hell though so I stopped haha. The Nanite mod replaced that idea though and it's far more efficient.
Another way you can protect your thrusters in putting blast door blocks over them. I’ve tested it, and they don’t burn at all.
My god :O So many conveyor cubes... This is thousands times more performance heavy than using conveyor tubes...
Quite expensive aswell
but more versatile, as you can attach stuff on all sides.
@@Chrinik But how often do you actually make use of that flexibility?
@@Anvilshock all the time
"The salty fish"
Somebody call Phish, they made him a boat.
You forgot to mention the heavy weapons such rocket launchers for the big enemy ship . However what you mention is really usefull and important and I agree with you
He did mention it, at 2:53. Offhandedly but he did mention it.
And it is kind of obvious. His point was more that people tend to forget that Gatling's exist for a reason and rockets aren't solution for everything.
Rocket-firing turrets= best vanilla weapons ever
Not the point. But yes.
GEORGE GIANNIKOS Most of this would end in a dysfunctional ship being pounded by smaller, more powerful ships.
i always thought about putting welders facing important systems like reactors and gyroscopes so that when they get damaged, the welder repairs it. Is this practical?
Yes and no.
Depending on world settings the welder speed may be too slow to overcome the damage bring done.
If the speed is high enough though it can keep welding up the cheaper components at the top of the build list rather than the expensive ones.
For example a welder on a thruster can keep welding up the cheap steel plates and save your expensive platinum thruster components.
Also you will need a large stock of spare parts in each welder (relying on central storage risks conveyer link being severed in battle)
@@MediumRareOpinions have that system set up to go with the thruster room. Only the block of the thruster where the fire is in the center has to be open and uncovered, like when people make vented armor over them. There are columns of usable volume in there that aren't in line with said blocks.
I just completed my first large grid hydro ship. Its definitely a long way from being this awesome 😎.
No turrets inside the ship? You should always have a few inside turrets in case an enemy gets inside your ship.
Not always. In such large ships you usually play with crew, and interior turrets become less relevant. Still it is good to place those in critical and rarely visited places.
Well we did see him sneak into a base with a big crew. Though he did us the free cam mode.
But they didn't know when he would attack exactly and it wasn't really open multiplayer. We cant really say this same about combat scenario, and sneaking through external defense of the ship is a trait on its own, not to mention stealthy. We talk here more about boarding.
That is fair.
At least a turret by the bridge and reactor bay
Would love a new updated video of this subject, but additionally addressing other ship types. E.g. fighters, corvette, cruisers, etc.
One thing I would add is the Build And Repair System. It automatically repairs damaged blocks, and with a script, it'll que up the required components, as well as if you're a pirate, grind down enemy ships.
This video seems to be about mod-free ships in space engineers. Once you start adding mods, most of what he says in here changes drastically.
Throw in the Build and Repair System mod, plus the Energy Shields mod, and there's not much need to worry about doubling up armor blocks, hiding your thrusters, burying your Bridge, etc. But most pvp games won't have these, and they probably shouldn't. Battles would last forever.
I recommend trying to get a torpedo system if you can, because if you do you can engage enemies at ranges of up to about 50km away and be completely safe from the ships turrets. You'd be surprised to know just how rare they are on multiplayer servers.
I have found that a slim long design like this one has issues with rolling. Found having gyro pods extending from the ship to help with this. Also from personal (painful) experience making a warship so tightly compacted will make it easier for explosives to hit more components.
The game takes whichever side the ship is the slowest as the speed of rotation when you move the ship around. Hence slim rods in this game doesn't work very well.
I think having a loot of doors and a timer block that is closing them and then turn them of is really helpful, against intruders. Of course with interior turrets.
interior turrets are also quite valid as a point defense system, against incoming missiles
The problem with interior turrets used like that is rearming them all haha.
you/they should have included interior turrets not just inside but also outside of the ship, because you can use them to focus on missiles and players (or even help with small ships), so that the gatling guns don't have to.
Wow this ship is amazing, love the design!
Very helpful, also your lovely ship reminds me of the UNSC infinity.
Awesomely designed ship!
If you're not afraid to spend resources you can build a printing pad to print small attack drones for defense.
Hey ! Can you make a detachable ship in case of emergency ? Something that would drop all the hull behind, and just take basic things : Warp drive to escape, few thrusters, a command pod and of course some energy :)
Practically large ship fights in space engineers are always voluntary. If your goal in the game is to survive and mine and build more stuff you will never have to fight, and the jump drive is so op that you never have to. Just have a few Gatling guns on your ship to prevent anyone from sneaking inside it, if a larger ship attacks you, just jump out of there.
Not always, what if you have a stationary base that comes under attack by some other players turned pirate or a pirate npc? Retreating your large ship out is one strategy, but you are more likely to lose the base at that point.
Why on earth would you have a stationary base?
Because it is cool.. those things are high level guild play anyway. Scavenger don't have reason to have a larger ship anyway.
Then it's optional, thus voluntary. Don't get me wrong, I don't think you should just never fight, fighting is fun, the game is fun, but if you don't want to fight there's a pretty straight forward way to play the game to avoid fighting. But from a practical "survival" standpoint, stationary bases make no sense.
@Beacon of Wierd
But that is not the point. The question is how make ship what would survive the combat. Not what tactic is better. Also sometimes you need fight so overlying on one solution could kill you. For example what if you jump and land in pirate nest? Recharging hyper-drive can take some time if you deplete it completely, and Gatling's would not stop gunship.
Those air vents facing a solid block might not help at all in the protected bridge. I guess the builder didn't build and test in a world with pressurization on, like most people! That pressurization bug lag can be annoying, but I always try to at least build and test stuff with that on, even if we most likely will have to turn it off for survival, specially in multiplayer!
Also, this ship is clearly focusing more on using it's side to face the target while presenting even smaller profiles in the front and back in case of engagement in that direction, but it also means smaller fighters can shadow the front and back and blast the thrusters and what's behind, specially those H2 tanks for the hidros!
In most cases, it's a good idea to have at least as much reverse thrust as forward thrust, to minimize stopping times.
Also, gyros. The default ships are especially bad at this, but I have seen so many ships with far too few gyros for their size.
Personally, I reckon having the vitals/guts of the ship on display down the corridors looks better than having them behind walls anyway, not to mention the functionality. Otherwise it’s like Star Trek, too clean and sterile. This gives a ship some personality.
On the topic of "ship boarders" if you find out someones grinding on the inside of your ship...turn off gravity and spin/rotate the ship as quickly as you can. Nothing says "kthx bai" like bouncing invaders skulls off your hull. Of course having interior turrets at every choke point in the interior is a better idea. I also think you missed: Never put fighter bays on ships you intend to survive combat, and "Never use hydro power on anything you don't want exploding violently in the middle of combat, like...your ship" I counted at least 3 different hydro tanks horribly placed in that ships design which would assuredly lead to boom booms in pitched battle. Couldn't agree more with your take on using bridges though. Also every ship that expects to survive should be using decoys behind multiple layers of heavy armor in sections of the ship where there's nothing important. Also, never ever rely on hull turrets to do anything more than swat flies. Always have player controlled fixed gun emplacements somewhere...when an enemy uses decoys, if your sole firepower is turrets, you're dead in the water in terms of defending yourself. Also every important entity on a ship, like jump drives, thrust and medbays as well as power generation, should always have welders piped up and sitting on them. Lastly, big ships should drop hydro like a bad habit and instead use gravity propulsion and ions only. They will explode less, and accelerate in a single direction far better. Oh right and you won't be carrying around millions of kg in mass in terms of ice just to keep that many vanilla hydros running. The power of hydro does not make up for its glaring problems. Never use it in anything big. I disagree however with your take on heavy armor. If you're gonna be big, you're already an easy target, no matter what your profile presents. This said dodging rounds ISN'T gonna happen. Use the heavy armor...use as much as you can and still be able to maneuver as you can get away with. Using light armor is a -horrible- idea on any ship that expects to see rounds shot at it. use gravity assisted propulsion to keep on the move, and a lot of ion rcs to allow for mobility in lateral directions while the gravity drive pulls you along. But you NEED that armor as a delaying tactic in combat...and lots of well protected fixed guns to take down your opponent. Remember, turrets are always the first thing to go in combat and they're fooled by decoys. Don't be that guy who wrapped his hull in turrets thinking it would save him in a fight. Cause it won't.
There's a 10v10v10 series of multiplayer pvp team streams floating around youtube someplace that has some fantastic examples of people learning through actually application what works and doesn't work in pvp ship to ship combat.
Burying your bridges is absolutely necessary, but I disagree with your statements about turrets and hydrogen. Ion power is useless for maneuvering anything that will actually be sufficiently sized to not immediately melt under 8-15 gat turrets opening up on it, and while gravity engines are amazing at forward and escape propulsion (especially because they can actually outpace the 100m/s speed limit slightly), "maneuvering" with them without scripts is exceptionally difficult, even more so considering ping/other performance concerns and the unreliability of the blocks at times.
Hydrogen engines have their issues in needing tanks for storage, but nothing else in the game gives you the maneuvering potential to stick targets in gat range while you scrape everything important off the ship, which brings up the next point. Turrets. Gatling turrets were universally demonstrated to be the way to go, since missile turrets and fixed launchers just get their projectiles show down by gatling turrets, and the AI on turrets will aim considerably better in the Klang-soup of ship-to-ship combat than any human player can. Redundancy and as many as possible is the name of the game.
Something else worth noting that isn't discussed here is that jump drives (plural) are super important for maneuvering. Short hops to reposition or just get the heck out of a fight are huge, and being able to chain jumps to throw off pursuers or give chase is an enormous advantage in maneuverability, though be sure your ship can handle the power drain when they're all recharging at once.
I saw 2 main issues,1 that reactor setup just begs a intruder to have the ablity to make a warhead or 2 and the second no turrets at the hanger,reactors and near the bridge
also side note I tend to prefore heavy armor over light (takes longer to grind through ,tougher,requires less layers for more effect
One huge criticism I have with this ship is the excessive number of conveyors. Use tubes where you can - they are far less taxing on your PC and the server performance as they have three times less ports for the game to worry about. Sometimes a conveyor is needed for air-tightness or structural integrity, but for example the reactors here could have been easily connected with tubes instead of conveyors with little to no downsides. Tubes also cost a lot less components, even if they can't take as much pounding.
I had some thoughts on the profile of the ship. Shouldn't you also consider maneuvering as well when planning your profile?
For example, this ship is elongated from bow to stern, with the primary engines facing out stern. Doesn't this mean if your enemy aims their shots at your stern that the largest portion of your profile is crossing their field of fire? Also, the smallest face of your ship houses your primary thrusters for forward movement, limiting your options for thruster placement.
Now, what if instead of elongating the ship from bow to stern, it was instead elongated from top to bottom? This vertical elongation would place the ship as taking less time to cross the firing path of your enemy allowing for more shots too miss, and it would also present a larger surface area for your rear facing thrusters, allowing for either greater acceleration with more thrusters or simply greater thruster redundancy.
I think another factor to consider would be the usage of decoy blocks. Decoy blocks are useless if your opponen't weapon systems are being manually aimed, but manual aiming ties up member of the crew or requires the ship face a certain orientation, so a lot of a ship's firepower may come from automated turrets, meaning some well placed decoy blocks may very well throw alot of the automated weapons fire completely off from your ship.
I would consider constructing a sort of antenna like structure jutting away from your ship tipped with a heavy armor coated decoy, because automated weapons take a while to chew through heavy armorfuthermore, if the decoy limb is small enough, a lot of their shots may miss it. You could also place a battery inside the decoy heavy armor pod so that if a lucky shot managed to break it off from your ship, the decoy may still draw fire away from you until its heavy armor is broken through. Alternatively you may even make these decoy pods to be detachable so they can double as either projectiles or as obstacles for an enemy that is chasing you. If you place them hanging off the back of your ship then you can draw enemy fire towards your rear rather than your front or mid section making it even more likely the shots will miss entirely if you are travelling at decent speed.
It may also be beneficial to consider if you might want to use a ship which can change its profile. For example, I once built a ship that was designed so that it had 8 panels that could open up from the main body of the ship. So the ship was elongated from bow to stern line this one, but it had heavy armor for the nose, and turrets qnd light armor along the side, but these light armor panels could unfold outwards on hinges in the front such that when unfolded all turrets would be forward facing and the rest of the ship would be behind a large rotating armored shield.
id like to introduce you to my ERA design, spaced, supplementary, and spall/slat armor systems. as well as special APDSabot rounds and cluster munitions (pretty much doomsday weapons, expensive to use, and very effective, such so that it would be unfair to the enemy)
My God the bass is real in your intro
VERY nice ship, was looking for large KSP ship designs and came across this.
I should get back into Space Engineers and rebuild the Star Leaf from Gals Force for multi player maps. =D
this is an utility ship, with well though interior, this is the kind of ship that needs to have another well armored ships to protect it
you should add more guns near the engines
Someone attempted to recreate the UNSC Infinity for PVP purposes.
To clearify there is a way to control multiple ships with the rdav fleet control II for your other series
Love these types of vids plz do more :P
Cool ship, could use some auto-repair on some of the likely to be targeted systems though.
A couple of ideas for those of you lucky enough to have the game yourself.
Maybe have a fake bridge on top, and have your real bridge buried within the hull. These way the enemies would waste time with what is just about decoration, and then you yourself could attack
I see the funktionality of the ship but there are some things i really dont like. having thrusters on the inside just really feels like cheating to me but i can look over that point. If I remember correctly tho the Reactors are all in one spot which i really really dont like. If anyone knows the layout he can wipe out 4 Large reactors in a single strike leaving the ship without power. Reactors and bridge are arguably the most important spots on the ship and he did such a good job at covering his bridge already.
Well, yes. Inside thrusters are cheap, but in current gameplay I don't find good reason to not make them if you have the sapce. And yes. Reactor setup is really bad. It is always best to not stack them in one spot, but that is always case of balance.
Finally the tutorial I needed
Thats a very nice ship
excellent design
You need some kind of welding pit. maybe behind blast doors.
There's two main types of ships for combat in SE: Heavy, slow, large ships with a lot of armor and firepower; and fast, light armored ships with less firepower but more maneuverability. Everybody has their own preference, I for one prefer (although I don't play the game) heavy style ships that can take a large hit and be perfectly fine, but the downside to these is how expensive they are to build in survival mode, but if it's an option, it would be my preference.
I myself am more of a behind the scenes guy, sell off ships for protection if need be
I prefer light reinforced ships with built in gravdrive to gain speed for ramming. Nothing feels as good as cutting enemy ships in half 😀
What about a bridge for navigation, but use a CIC for combat, or even a conning tower as like RL WWII era warship design?
Anti gravity. You need it for player made missiles
How does one even set that up? Also, what effect does it have on the missles?
zeckmon3 zeckee no lol because most missiles at this point are guided and aren’t affected by artificial gravity lmao.
When my comment is a month ago before rdav guided missile script came out
Also what i mean by missiles is gravity propelled projectiles
Placing your main cockpit in a central, well armored spot is definitely the most critical design consideration in any ship; the longer it takes to break up your chair, the more damage you can give and take, regardless of all other factors. Placing your bridge anywhere other than in a heavily armored secondary shell in the deepest depths of your ship with the reactors is a straight up mistake; who needs windows when cameras are cheaper, harder to hit, easier to back up/replace, less vulnerable, and most importantly really hard to see.
Now i wanna see this ship in action.
My ships always look more like a ship built at the junkyard and are focused on mining.
Imagine a miner head on 2 or 3 pistons on top of a rotor block with around 13 Miners attached to each and depending on how long I am already playing I have 2 or 4 of these minining rigs on the front. Protected by some armor when they are retracted. On the sides I have all thrusters for all movement directions.
And on every other free block I can manage I have defenses up.
It is ugly as hell(Not even the mother would love it), it can be destroyed easily, if hit correctly, but it can mine an astroid in no time and transform everything into ammunition and turrets.
What do you think of hidden-welder-based regenerative armor? Is spaced armor ever worth it? Is it more important to protect thrusters or to increase leverage?
Regenerative armor doesn't worth the trouble as that will be a lot of welders which makes reaching the dead limit very very easy. You would want to focus this onto regenerative thrusters or turrets as it's easier this way.
Spaced armor prevents damage deformation from destroying blocks next to it so you should do spacing if you have the chance and time.
Arron the profile also goes with color that ship could be seen from kilometers away but if it were black u would have to be close enough that the turrets would get u
I aways include vanilla gravity drives so i am not reliant on engines
Captain Future gravity drives are the future
How do I build a gravity drive ?
@@avi6480 A artificial Mass block and a gravity generator facing in the the direction you want to head.
Daniel Heywood neat
You always want to be trading your cheaper assets for their more expensive assets in any battle of attrition. The only reason to have all of your eggs in one basket is if the server admin decrees it.
The shape of this ship reminds me of the UNSC infinity
You also want to have a projector with a blueprint of your ship installed so you can quickly repair missing blocks
Ship got removed from workshop :(
Anyone got a copy or know who uploaded it?
Sadly not so Ima just rebuild it myself and add my own flavours to it. The guy who made it aparently ragequit the game after it deleted his blueprints shortly after the video...I mean...yea...I totaly understand that.
edit the guy that told me that just texted me that he confused the original creator with some other guy
This is the updated reupload
Damn that’s insane
Do you think as more designers gain experience from survival battles, the ship designs will evolve towards flying bricks similar to the one featured here?
Eight reactors are useless if you put them all together next to a bunch of thrusters. Spreading them out, even four by four, is way more efficient. Same with hydrogen tanks. Also half a dozen jumpdrives wouldn't be a bad thing. It doesn't look like a warship so being able to jump away in a minutes notice would be worth it.
All good points. It is clearly armored freighter after all.
i could imagine maneuverability is helpful too, if your ship is as slow as molasses you're more likely to get shot
We need you to built a stealth ship!
This seems to me to be a lot more of a mobile base than a combat ship.
Shouldn't it's primary goal at any time be to jump out of the area, rather fighting and hitting back hard? On a ship like this, for combat purposes I would at most have it jump in a kilometer or two away, dump all its fighters, and then use a second (out of at least 4, preferably 8) jump drive to get the hell out of dodge before anyone can fire on the big clunky thing.
There's a lot of benefits for having dedicated large and small combat ships - they can carry the same amount of firepower, cost less than a 10th as much, and be much harder to hit and more maneuverable. This thing seems suitable for mining and surviving the initial few seconds of an attack, and little else.
This ship looks like the UNSC Infinity from the side.
Guatling turrets are far more reliable, their DPS is low, but they are much more likely to actually hit
Missiles are mainly anti-large/stationary weapons
BloodStorm Wolf depends, is you use w4stedspace’s death lotus missile it doesn’t matter whats on the receiving end, because it will get hit and die
At this point I need a computer that can run SE before I say anything.
I bought it during the summer sale.
Didn't know It wouldn't run due to graphics compatibility sound card for DirectX
i like the ship i love it
I'd add in having all your sides covered with at least minimal defensive armament.
Love u Lsg
Where should command and control unit located as a spaceship if towerbridge like sea warships isn't an option
Looks like the UNSC Infinity..
That's was a small UNSC INFINITY?
Lmao I preferred the old title (before he changed it) "best ship for surival"
So far my designs don't hold up well in combat-they are more a case of "throw as much together as possible, then stick thrusters all over the place". On the plus side, the DS (and sub recommended laptops) doesn't suffer at all. Unlike some of my favourite ships (eg. IMDC Atlas MK3), which causes problems.
Well that sucks...Looks like the link to the flagship has been removed. I actually wanted to add this to my game and use it.
is there actually any battles to have without playing multiplayer yet?
I usualy have the nanite mod installed to get into areas i cant go. Its also very usefull if you want to quickly assemble or dissasemble a large ship.
That said, is it prefurable to have a fully decked out moving base or would you rather have a fleet based from a asteroid(/moon)base? Whats the best option there.
Couse portability gives you the ability to flee or hide but building with your back against a solid wall will allow you to focus your firepower and thus be mutch easyer defended.
profwaldone Welder walls are more efficient than mods
Last14 you are underestamating the sice of the ships i like to build.
and lets not forget, nanites can request from assemblers so you dont have to worry about something you cant see not being finished.
5h4d0w I have had both and enjoyed both. my main problem with the portable bases is that they become not so mobile very quickly, relegating it to jumping around with jump drives. at which point it loses most of its advantages. so I tend to build my stations attached to an asteroid (or sometimes the moon if I want to travel to the planet a lot). that way I can dig my more sensitive structures and refineries underground so they are defended from long range bombardment.
I love your content but god do I ever hate that initial hello
It would be better if we had vents to blow out air for the sides and front to turn and reverse Instead of massive thrusters I don’t want to see massive flames coming from the front of my ship