Пересмотрел более 10ти роликов по замене MOSnFET транзистора на управлении клапаном опережения впрыска в ТНВД VP44, везде был ужас от криворукости пайки. Мне как человеку с 20ти летним стажем ремонта электроники было прям тяжко их смотреть. Но в этом ролике несмотря на 900 жало паяльника-удочки (которыми я не работаю уже более 10ти лет, только JBC) руки у мастера откуда надо растут, и лужение и пайка компонента, все сделано аккуратно и с умом. Я уже боялся что не найду ни единого ролика по этой теме где работа сделана хорошо, а не как попало. Однозначно лайк.
@@amperugarage But You Can buy clon of it. On Aliexpress, AIFEN A9 Pro, very cheap soldering station, it work with handle T245 for hard work and with handle T210, T115 for precision work. 😉
Aici avem nevoie de un tranzistor fast switching, doar auirlr2905z este puțin mai rapid decât IRFZ48N dar mai slab ID=42A, față de ID=64A ! Oricum una peste alta ambii tranzistori mosfet sunt superiori la toți parametrii celui original din câte am înțeles IRFZ44N. Te felicit pentru tutorial și calitatea imaginilor, nu sunt mulți cei care divulgă secretele schimbării acestui blestemat de tranzistor mosfet ! Eu o să caut să montez acest tranzistor în exteriorul computerului pe un radiator cu fire cât mai scurte siliconice pentru schimbare mai facilă în caz de ardere.
+Viorel Virlanuta in forma actuala cel mai vechi ecu reparat are 3,5 ani..merge si cu tranzistor afara..doar ca trebuie avut grija la pozitionare si racire..
Bine! poate să țină până o dau la reciclare ! cred că mai am nevoie de mașina mea o Zafira din 2002 cca. un an de zile, după care voi opta pentru o mașină full electrică, probabil Nissan Leaf și o dau pe bătrână la schimb,cică aș beneficia de o reducere de 10 mii de ”parai” la cumpărarea unei electrice !
@@liviuionut9398 eu am folosit lr2905z pe un bmw320d cu pompa vp44 , dar acesta nu a rezistat decat cateva minute, dupa care l-am inlocuir cu irlr3705z ,iar acum vad ca acesta din urma rezista.
Good night. Thank you for the contribution, which tin do you use and you would know the capacity of the tantalum capacitors, the 336 20k and the 33 16n capacitors. A hug.
Hello, my father bought a ford focus mk1 1.8 TDDI less than a week ago, it ran perfectly but now it won't start. The engine cranks but no start. We paid it with our last money and now we're in a very bad situation. The mechanic insists that the pump has failed and needs to be replaced entirely which would cost something like 1500€, and he's saying that we should scrap the car. This is a very lazy mechanic and is very ignorant about electronics, so i want to ask if this could solve the problem? I already got experience with microsoldering because i repair phones and computers so i'm thinking i should try this as a last resort. Do you think this could solve the problem? I just want to help my family
Felicitari: clar, curat, util. Crezi ca e posibil ca eroarea P1220 (astra g 2.0 dti) sa aiba legatura cu functionarea anormala a tranzistorului. (vizual pare totul ok)? Nu as vrea sa demontez pompa pina nu sunt sigur ca nu e de vina modulul. Multumesc.
Hello, what did you use to get the transistor back to stick to the board. For me it doesnt stick even after i cleaned everything really well and used paste. Thank you
Ti am trimis, mersii mult inca o data! Nu e masina personala e doar un cazan ce a stat de 10 ani deoarece proprietarul este in varsa si nu se pricepea.
Witam. czy srodkowa nóżka tranzystora, jest zwarta z obudową (masą), czy tylko jest połaczona drucikiem z punktem lutowniczym na płytce? czy oba te miejsca to masa?
Im wondering if this is my issue because eventually when i put 12v straight to the pag my truck starts right away but just in idle.. do you think this transistor needs to be replaced i see 2 of them so wich one?? And how to know this transistor has failed??
Is there any other alternative point to welt wire on the left side of the mosfet?? The pad got burnt. I refer to the welding over the two ones that go opposite the mosfet.
Hola, el. Punto de la placa de la derecha, el pequeño se me ha quedado sin cobre para soldarlo, el que va a la patilla de la izquierda del tránsistor . Hay algún otro punto donde pueda soldarlo de la placa?? Gracias
Hello I have a VW Passat 3bg v6 2,5 150ps 2003 the Moter is the end of the ride and does not start anymore! Error code 055f solenoid valves for moterlagerung output / short circuit to plus / error code 04f4 Mengenstellwerk / injection pump Komponete defective Would the repair myself do I have to pay attention? Thanks Mfg Andy
I have a vp44 on a 98 cummins truck was running shut it off. Next day no start, fuel to the vp44 still does nothing but crank over. No codes when scanned. Could this be what’s wrong with my pump?
Hola que tal, primero quiero felicitarte por tu trabajo, segundo, quiero saber como hacer para poner material de soldadura sobre la plaqueta, ya que lo intenté y no puedo hacerlo, se me resbala, segunda pregunta, quiero saber con que material pegas el transistor, y tercera pregunta, quiero saber de que material es el cable que soldas, si es un cable comun o un material en especifico, muchas gracias!!!
Amp Channel Hi, how are you, first I want to congratulate you for your work, second, I want to know how to put welding material on the plate, since I tried and I can not do it, I slip, second question, I want to know what material you strike the transistor , And third question, I want to know what material is the cable that welds, if it is a common cable or a specific material, thank you very much!!!!
Pali Simón hola buenas yo también lo intente pero no se que puede pasar que el coche no me arranca por el cable o tendre que poner la diagnósis para borrar la avería y me deje arrancar es que no lo se si me puedes ayudar te lo agradezco gracias
Super práce, momentálně dělám to samé ale nemůžu oletovat ty malé vývody i když jsem je zkoušel oškrabat skalpelem stejně se cínem nechystám ani s pájecí pastou... 🤔🤔🤔🤔Nějaká rada by byla??? Děkuji moc....
Hola amigo queria pedirle el favor de que me de una asesoria para este caso estoy usando el IRLR2905Z pero el carro no dura mucho tiempo prendido vuelve y lo quema sabes depronto que otro transistor puedo usar. Mucjas gracias
+Adrian Florea daca ai tinut letconul pe padul mic mai mult decat tin eu in video..1sec 2sec ..numai poti lipi pe el din pacate.. L ai distrus cu temperatura foarte mare..pe padul mic nu poti lipi decat cu cel mult 220 de grade . Singura solutie este sa lipesti mai sus pe placa la piciorusul unui condensator..doar ca acolo e mai complicat..daca esti din bucuresti te ajut.
Hello, would you be so kind as to tell me what it is the brown paste you add with a toothpick? Is it flux? I don´t think so because it changes into tin when you heat it. Is it brown welding paste? What kind of welding machine do you use for the transistor? Could it be a Weller gun? I have tried to make the small welding points, to be more precise the one which appears alone and the welding pad went wrong.I have tried it with a thin tin-lead wire but I can see you do it with that brown paste.What am I doing wong so that the tin does not get attached to the board? Although I have been working as an electronic technician for a lot of years I have never come across such a difficult item to weld.Have a nice day and thanks in advance for your help. Best regards.
i am fixing one and the fail was the wire (source)on the mosfet i get the fix but the circut dont have reverse coil diode protection? I am trying find where is it. the soldering irion atm there are chinese ("oled t12"google it)t12 clones whit 75W i hate the one you used for put it in the other is right but still bad thermal recovery transfer on big copper surfaces. i think is on the uper side where you soldering the drain first wire.
Bună! Am folosit videoclipul dvs. pentru a rezolva problema, deoarece este cea mai complexă. Nu am măsurat conectorul la punctele șase și șapte înainte de a începe. Am făcut totul exact așa cum ai făcut tu în videoclip. Apoi mi-a trecut prin cap să măsoare cele 2 puncte menționate mai sus ale conectorului. Rezultatul este 98 ohmi. Acesta este foarte scăzut, așa că psg este scurtcircuitat. Acest lucru poate fi îmbunătățit cumva? Înainte de reparație, când mașina a blocat, am primit următoarele coduri de eroare: p0100, p1664, P1564, P1608, p0335, p1246. Totul este în același timp. Poate fi reparat într-un fel sau trebuie înlocuit? (Ford mondeo 2001)
Salutare! Am schimbat tranzistorul cu pricina exact ca si in clip. Dupa montare motorul a pornit, doar ca trepideaza tare si scoate fum alb, lucru neintalnit inainte. Ma intreb daca s a mai intamplat cuiva si daca poate fi de la VP44 ?!
Dan Alexandru Grecu salut, poate fi pistonas avans blocat sau neetansare circuit motorina...furtunase retur imbatranite.. Ai o poza facuta cu tranzistoruk schimbat? Trimite-mi sa vad.
Va salut. Am un Opel Zafira 2000 Diesel care nu mai porneste-Eroare P1630. Am gasit firele de la electrovalva de avans cu izolatia distrusa, deci in scurt. Este acelasi tranzistor (in discutie ) defect ? Va multumesc mult.
would doing this fix a pump injection timing issue,, on a nissan patrol zd30, im getting error code 0707, which is description is: 0707 Fuel Injection Timing Control System Circuit malfunction, Injection Pump Control Unit failure, Poor fuel quality (i drove down to the servo and filled the almost empty tank with new fuel and injector cleaner) but the issue stayed, i have not been able to fix it,, but have since swapped it with my pump from old engine and am looking to fix the broken pump up so i have a working spare,
Salut! Super util tutorialul. Ma intreb, totusi, cum ai reusit sa faci sa aiba aderenta fludorul fata de contactul ala mare pe care montezi tranzistorul. Am zgariat placa aia pana au inceput sa ma doara incheieturile....dar cam degeaba.
hola amp,,,como puedo darme cuenta si le llega señal al transitor sin osciloscopio,,,con un ledd?a la pata 1?? el codigo es p1651 desde ya mucahs gracias
Hi! First of all, congrats with the video! The job is REALLY good! I wanted to ask you a question.. I've tried myself to repair my pump and although I was succesful one time, the transistor died 30 minutes later. I made a mistake and it was not really properly touching the bottom, so overheated.. I tried again and unfortunately, I lost the right pad. I used the alternative point in the capacitor, and unfortunately, I removed the capacitor. I have the feeling that this is just to reduce noise/discharge peaks but it shouldn't be a big problem if the cap is not there, right? I am not sure what's going on but when I give ignition I get 2V at output of the cables that would go to the solenoid. If I try to start the car, it will still give 2V. Any idea why? Thanks a lot!
The ceramic capacitor is for the ripple, it can work without.. it’s better to be in place. As far as 2v on output i can’t tell you the exact problem i have to see it on the bench… try look again.. clearly you done something wrong
@@amperugarage thanks a lot for such a quick reply!! I must be doing something wrong, I feel that perhaps Im damaging the mosfets when soldering them but when I measure them, there's no short. I managed to turn the car on a week ago but thats it... Perhaps my way of testing is not the best. I only connect the cable to the ECU and a bulb to the top solenoid. Thats how I get the 2v. I dont think I need to connect the bottom solenoide to test, right?
@AMP Garage I'm sorry for bothering you again but I think you can be great help :). I found out why the 2V, the fuse of the pump was gone. Replaced it and I was getting again 12V. Something that I find odd, when I give ignition(I connected a 55W bulb), the bulb turns on for about 3 secs and then goes off. When I try to start the car, the bulb doesn't blink. I recall seeing in some videos that the bulb should be shinning while cranking. Right? On the other hand, after I did this, I tried connecting the solenoid and the pin of the mosfet that comes from the solenoid, got totally burned. I have the feeling that although the solenoid works giving some power, maybe it's not really in good condition and it's burning the mosfet. What do you think?
@@amperugarage hello, how are you, very good job, what type of transistor to use for the repair, in my country there are not many people who do the repair, so I wanted to find out if I can solve it
Salut, am vazut ca esti roman felicitari pt munca care o faci! Ai putea sa imi spui te rog daca nu sant indiscret,ce pasta si staniol folosesti,inclus pt modulu de la ms71 de opel ca am vazut ca ai postat reparatia acestuia,ms inca o data, si felicitari pt efort...👏👏👏
Aveti idee de ce mie imi busese mereu un fir de pe placa cand pun contactul ? , ma gandesc sa nu fie electrovalva de motorina defecta si sa faca scurt desi firele sunt ok
Hello, it is a pleasure to write to you, I have a problem, a track was erased where the second leg of the transistor is soldered. What solution can there be or where else could it be soldered?
Hi i hawe cuestion about positive voltage of mainboard. On my board there is no +12V, on pin 7 there is voltage. on board where is aluminium jumper wire to mainboard I hawe 12V but in other place's of mainboard I don't have voltage. My voltage regulator not have power...can anyone know we're is positive load firstly connected to mainboard, on what component? Thanks
Salut, pasta flux ce o folosesti nu corodeaza in timp? Folosesc si eu aceeasi pasta flux dar am impresia ca corodeaza in timp. Dupa un timp mi se desprind iarasi lipiturile. Astept raspunsul tau. Multumesc
Pasta e foarte buna, o folosesc si la reballing, dar am impresia ca corodeaza in timp desi pe siteu producatorului zice "Post-soldering flux residues do not cause corrosion of non-ferrous metals and may remain on the joints. (it is advisable to wash them with alcohol remover). " Am zis sa iti cer si tie o parere :)
Am dat subscribe doar pentru ca esti roman! Bravo pentru munca depusa! Eu am incercat de cateva ori sa repar cu mosfetul 2905 dar nu tinea. Dupa doua saptamani maxim se intorceau cu aceeasi problema. Am verfiat si firele care duc la solenoid sa nu fie in scurt si erau ok. Daca ai idee de ce as fi recunoscator!
beny0x salut, multumesc pentru sustinere, eu prin metoda din video le rezolv , cea mai veche face aproape 5 ani. Problemele pot fi multe... racire insufucienta(nu adera bine la padul vechi) tranzistor necorespunzator.. cele cu AU in fata rezista la temperaturi mai mari... normal cand schimbi tranzistorul se schimba si electrovalva de dozaj motorina.. etc
salutare.am reușit sa fac acelasi lucru ca si in video. o mare problema am întâmpinat. dupa cateva săptămâni de lucru ale pompei, aceasta s.a oprit. prima constatare a fost o bila de fludor intre cele 2fire de pe placa. nu cu cel de 12v. mai am vreo speranta? mulțumesc
Salut, Amp! Felicitari pentru executie. Am ajuns aici posibil cu aceeasi problema si vroiam sa te intreb: inainte sa dau jos pompa, vreau sa tai doar firele de la solenoidul de debit, sa il verific daca functioneaza direct pe baterie. Cand legi firele taiate inapoi la pompa, trebuie neaparat cositorite sau poti folosi si un conector? Conectorul ar tine pana la 14 amperi maxim. Multumesc!
Very good professional work I subscribed on your page, I want to know the flow that you use and with what tin has you welded thank you very much for this video
salut Amp. ma poti ajuta cu un lik alt tranzistorului? am vazut in comment ca ai spus...irlr2905.....si auirlr2905z. si daca i mi poti spune cu ce silicon ai lipit capacul multumesc frumos.
salut. te mai deranjez cu o intrebare. eu l am gasit tocmai pe DOREL ca electrician si a reusit sa mi exfolieze pin-ul incercuit cu rosu. pot lipfi firul in alta parte? multumesc obrazki.elektroda.net/84_1266072950.jpg
Salut, Amp. Am desfacut astazi o electronica de la o pompa de Ford Transit, care initial aparea foarte asemanatoare cu cea de Opel pe care ai facut tu tutorialul. Problema este ca este diferita fata de cea de opel prin faptul ca pe pad-ul mare de pe placa are 2 picioare, ambele lipindu-se pe tranzistor. In rest - foarte asemanatoare. Oare pot folosi acelasi tranzistor ? Care ar fi schema de montaj? Multumesc!
Salut. Ce cositor ai folosit. Ma chinui sa lipesc acel tranzistor si nu reusesc sub nici o forma ... sau daca ma poti ajuta tu, lasa'mi un nr de tel in privat
Salut maestre Am fost in data de 24.02.2020 la dumneavoastra cu problema la opel astra g ,problema la ecu Imi mai puteti da o dată numărul dumneavoastra de telefon ? Am uitat sa il salvez
Пересмотрел более 10ти роликов по замене MOSnFET транзистора на управлении клапаном опережения впрыска в ТНВД VP44, везде был ужас от криворукости пайки. Мне как человеку с 20ти летним стажем ремонта электроники было прям тяжко их смотреть. Но в этом ролике несмотря на 900 жало паяльника-удочки (которыми я не работаю уже более 10ти лет, только JBC) руки у мастера откуда надо растут, и лужение и пайка компонента, все сделано аккуратно и с умом. Я уже боялся что не найду ни единого ролика по этой теме где работа сделана хорошо, а не как попало. Однозначно лайк.
Thank you for your kind words, i can’t afford jbc station..
@@amperugarage But You Can buy clon of it. On Aliexpress, AIFEN A9 Pro, very cheap soldering station, it work with handle T245 for hard work and with handle T210, T115 for precision work. 😉
@@MrToporkoff thanks for advice !
Мастер молодец. Красиво сработал. Продолжай в том же духе
Very good, you learn something everyday. You make it look so easy. Well done !
Aici avem nevoie de un tranzistor fast switching, doar auirlr2905z este
puțin mai rapid decât IRFZ48N dar mai slab ID=42A, față de ID=64A ! Oricum una peste alta ambii tranzistori mosfet sunt superiori la toți parametrii celui original din câte am înțeles IRFZ44N. Te felicit pentru tutorial și calitatea imaginilor, nu sunt mulți cei care divulgă secretele schimbării acestui blestemat de tranzistor mosfet ! Eu o să caut să montez acest tranzistor în exteriorul computerului pe un radiator cu fire cât mai scurte siliconice pentru schimbare mai facilă în caz de ardere.
+Viorel Virlanuta in forma actuala cel mai vechi ecu reparat are 3,5 ani..merge si cu tranzistor afara..doar ca trebuie avut grija la pozitionare si racire..
Bine! poate să țină până o dau la reciclare ! cred că mai am nevoie de mașina mea o Zafira din 2002 cca. un an de zile, după care voi opta pentru o mașină full electrică, probabil Nissan Leaf și o dau pe bătrână la schimb,cică aș beneficia de o reducere de 10 mii de ”parai” la cumpărarea unei electrice !
+Viorel Virlanuta si eu imi doresc una electrica..dar nu mi permit momentan..
EU AM COMANDAT UN TRASNZISTOR LR2905Z tq este bun pe ford tranzit
@@liviuionut9398 eu am folosit lr2905z pe un bmw320d cu pompa vp44 , dar acesta nu a rezistat decat cateva minute, dupa care l-am inlocuir cu irlr3705z ,iar acum vad ca acesta din urma rezista.
Good night. Thank you for the contribution, which tin do you use and you would know the capacity of the tantalum capacitors, the 336 20k and the 33 16n capacitors. A hug.
Well done! Very clean work!
Could you use thermal glue to bond the transistors down or would it be better to solder, thanks
The best solution is solder
Thanks for the all this stuff you showed! Do you know what type of transistor controls the injection advance valve?
Hello, my father bought a ford focus mk1 1.8 TDDI less than a week ago, it ran perfectly but now it won't start. The engine cranks but no start. We paid it with our last money and now we're in a very bad situation. The mechanic insists that the pump has failed and needs to be replaced entirely which would cost something like 1500€, and he's saying that we should scrap the car. This is a very lazy mechanic and is very ignorant about electronics, so i want to ask if this could solve the problem? I already got experience with microsoldering because i repair phones and computers so i'm thinking i should try this as a last resort. Do you think this could solve the problem? I just want to help my family
please tell us what do you put before soldering ? 1:44
Flux/solder paste
Felicitari: clar, curat, util. Crezi ca e posibil ca eroarea P1220 (astra g 2.0 dti) sa aiba legatura cu functionarea anormala a tranzistorului. (vizual pare totul ok)? Nu as vrea sa demontez pompa pina nu sunt sigur ca nu e de vina modulul. Multumesc.
P1220 in majoritatea cazurilor este generat de defect mecanic al pompei, poti incerca sa schimbi si tranzistorul.
Thanks for the all this stuff you showed but what's the last thing you cutted with the cutter and solder it in the corner ?
Copper sheet
Hello thanks for the video, the transistor for the BMW is 42A or 60A?
Ive watched two of these repairs now. Is it the same transistor part that always burns up when these overheat???
Hello, what did you use to get the transistor back to stick to the board. For me it doesnt stick even after i cleaned everything really well and used paste. Thank you
Solder60/40 and flux, you need to preheat very good the module body
Sunt roman acuma am vazut ca esti roman🤣 paste fericit!
@@paulregep trimite-mi poze pe adresa de mail sa vad ce ai facut, daca nu te descurci mi-l trimiti.. vedem
Ti am trimis, mersii mult inca o data! Nu e masina personala e doar un cazan ce a stat de 10 ani deoarece proprietarul este in varsa si nu se pricepea.
Friend, what cream do you use to solder? Thanks
Is this for frontera b vauxhall, and what are the specs for the transistor?
Witam. czy srodkowa nóżka tranzystora, jest zwarta z obudową (masą), czy tylko jest połaczona drucikiem z punktem lutowniczym na płytce? czy oba te miejsca to masa?
hi what number of transistor do you use, cannot see the numbers on the video,thanks.
+Jurij Podolinsky irlr2905
Im wondering if this is my issue because eventually when i put 12v straight to the pag my truck starts right away but just in idle.. do you think this transistor needs to be replaced i see 2 of them so wich one?? And how to know this transistor has failed??
Throttle position sensor if it only idles. If it starts, not the transistor.
Am o Frontera cu eroare P0340
Este din pompa aceasta eroare? Multumesc
Is there any other alternative point to welt wire on the left side of the mosfet?? The pad got burnt. I refer to the welding over the two ones that go opposite the mosfet.
Aquí jugos use my email and send me a picture
Hola, el. Punto de la placa de la derecha, el pequeño se me ha quedado sin cobre para soldarlo, el que va a la patilla de la izquierda del tránsistor . Hay algún otro punto donde pueda soldarlo de la placa?? Gracias
Use my email from the description and send me a picture.
Hello I have a VW Passat 3bg v6 2,5 150ps 2003 the Moter is the end of the ride and does not start anymore! Error code 055f solenoid valves for moterlagerung output / short circuit to plus / error code 04f4 Mengenstellwerk / injection pump Komponete defective Would the repair myself do I have to pay attention? Thanks Mfg Andy
I have a vp44 on a 98 cummins truck was running shut it off. Next day no start, fuel to the vp44 still does nothing but crank over. No codes when scanned. Could this be what’s wrong with my pump?
morehp1 if you have no codes, i don’t think so..
hi morehp. what was problem with your truck. I have same problem like yours. No codes when scaned and fuel not going out.
Hi. Thanks for video. Is the mid leg is ground as a back of resistor?
+Andreas Burcev Yes
What kind of of jump cable did u use
Copper thin wire
Hola que tal, primero quiero felicitarte por tu trabajo, segundo, quiero saber como hacer para poner material de soldadura sobre la plaqueta, ya que lo intenté y no puedo hacerlo, se me resbala, segunda pregunta, quiero saber con que material pegas el transistor, y tercera pregunta, quiero saber de que material es el cable que soldas, si es un cable comun o un material en especifico, muchas gracias!!!
+Pali Simón Hello, eglish please, thank you.
Amp Channel Hi, how are you, first I want to congratulate you for your work, second, I want to know how to put welding material on the plate, since I tried and I can not do it, I slip, second question, I want to know what material you strike the transistor , And third question, I want to know what material is the cable that welds, if it is a common cable or a specific material, thank you very much!!!!
Pali Simón hola buenas yo también lo intente pero no se que puede pasar que el coche no me arranca por el cable o tendre que poner la diagnósis para borrar la avería y me deje arrancar es que no lo se si me puedes ayudar te lo agradezco gracias
Pali, te respondio la pregunta? Me gustaria saber el hilo que usa para soldar...
Haggerty Cristopher hi, what would you like to know ? Use english please
Super práce, momentálně dělám to samé ale nemůžu oletovat ty malé vývody i když jsem je zkoušel oškrabat skalpelem stejně se cínem nechystám ani s pájecí pastou... 🤔🤔🤔🤔Nějaká rada by byla??? Děkuji moc....
El otro transistor también se puede cambiar por el IRLR 2905?
No, that is a linear 5v regulator.
That transistor can be responsible for P1651 and not taking and giving fuel to the injectors?
Aquí jugos yes
Nu am inteles faza cu tablita care se lipeste la urma 6:50 ,racire ?.Si chiar tine reparatia fara sa se umble si la partea mecanica ?
what if i change the diesel pump so i do and the car will ignite ?
Selam.merhaba ben turkiyeden yaziyoru opel vectra 2000 MOEL 2.0 DTI beyne konulan siyah paracanin adi nedir ...tesekurlar kolay gelsin
Buna ziua,Nu pot lipa la un contact mic.Liftul nu se conectează.Ce metal la lipire.
Hola amigo queria pedirle el favor de que me de una asesoria para este caso estoy usando el IRLR2905Z pero el carro no dura mucho tiempo prendido vuelve y lo quema sabes depronto que otro transistor puedo usar. Mucjas gracias
It s not working because you don t have enough cooling, solder proprely it should work. You can try AUIRLR2905
What solution did you use for soldering on the board because it does not catch
+Adrian Florea presupun ca vorbesti romana...unde nu prinde ? Pe placa ceramica padu mare sau mic ?
Amp Channel scuze, mi-am dat seama dupa ca vorbesti romana, pe padul ala mic ce pare din aluminiu sau grafit, multumesc pentru raspunsul prompt.
Amp Channel am citit ca se foloseste o pasta flux, ce anume sa caut in magazin?
+Adrian Florea merge cu pasta decapanta la 6 lei cutia.. Vezi ca e un link prin commenturi
+Adrian Florea daca ai tinut letconul pe padul mic mai mult decat tin eu in video..1sec 2sec ..numai poti lipi pe el din pacate.. L ai distrus cu temperatura foarte mare..pe padul mic nu poti lipi decat cu cel mult 220 de grade . Singura solutie este sa lipesti mai sus pe placa la piciorusul unui condensator..doar ca acolo e mai complicat..daca esti din bucuresti te ajut.
Se supone que la carcaza del transistor es el colector, pero veo que lo sueldas y queda a masa...? No entiendo... 🤔
Can you please tell me what type of solder or flux that your using, many thanks
+Tom Funnell it's in the comments..
@@amperugarage Link to solder flux no longer works. Write the name of the soldering flux please? thank
salut ce pistol de lipit folosesti si ce putere are eu folosesc un ciocan de lipit destul de mare si e destul de dificil de lucrat cu el ?
Hello, would you be so kind as to tell me what it is the brown paste you add with a toothpick? Is it flux? I don´t think so because it changes into tin when you heat it. Is it brown welding paste? What kind of welding machine do you use for the transistor? Could it be a Weller gun? I have tried to make the small welding points, to be more precise the one which appears alone and the welding pad went wrong.I have tried it with a thin tin-lead wire but I can see you do it with that brown paste.What am I doing wong so that the tin does not get attached to the board? Although I have been working as an electronic technician for a lot of years I have never come across such a difficult item to weld.Have a nice day and thanks in advance for your help. Best regards.
Aquí jugos the brown thing it’s a simple flux, if your little pad melted , you used to high temperature, maximum 300 celsius for the little pad..
i am fixing one and the fail was the wire (source)on the mosfet i get the fix but the circut dont have reverse coil diode protection?
I am trying find where is it.
the soldering irion atm there are chinese ("oled t12"google it)t12 clones whit 75W i hate the one you used for put it in the other is right but still bad thermal recovery transfer on big copper surfaces.
i think is on the uper side where you soldering the drain first wire.
Bună dimineața, aș dori să-mi explicați ce tip de fir este cel pe care îl folosesc pentru sudarea mosfetului cu plăcuța. Mulțumesc
Haggerty Cristopher thin copper wire...almost the same thickness as the original wire..
Amp thanks for your support friend!
Haggerty Cristopher no problem
the copper wire, did you bathe it in tin?
Haggerty Cristopher yes
Wich transistor do you take ? A npn or pnp ? What is the référence of this transistor.
Thank you
Irlr2905 supongo que ya te diste cuenta!
Bună! Am folosit videoclipul dvs. pentru a rezolva problema, deoarece este cea mai complexă. Nu am măsurat conectorul la punctele șase și șapte înainte de a începe. Am făcut totul exact așa cum ai făcut tu în videoclip. Apoi mi-a trecut prin cap să măsoare cele 2 puncte menționate mai sus ale conectorului. Rezultatul este 98 ohmi. Acesta este foarte scăzut, așa că psg este scurtcircuitat. Acest lucru poate fi îmbunătățit cumva? Înainte de reparație, când mașina a blocat, am primit următoarele coduri de eroare: p0100, p1664, P1564, P1608, p0335, p1246. Totul este în același timp. Poate fi reparat într-un fel sau trebuie înlocuit? (Ford mondeo 2001)
Salutare! Am schimbat tranzistorul cu pricina exact ca si in clip. Dupa montare motorul a pornit, doar ca trepideaza tare si scoate fum alb, lucru neintalnit inainte. Ma intreb daca s a mai intamplat cuiva si daca poate fi de la VP44 ?!
Dan Alexandru Grecu salut, poate fi pistonas avans blocat sau neetansare circuit motorina...furtunase retur imbatranite.. Ai o poza facuta cu tranzistoruk schimbat? Trimite-mi sa vad.
Dan Alexandru Grecu poti trimite pe mail.
Nu am gasit o adresa de mail pe profil. sau facebook!? multumesc
Dan Alexandru Grecu este in descriere... servicelaptopelectronic@gmail.com
Va salut. Am un Opel Zafira 2000 Diesel care nu mai porneste-Eroare P1630. Am gasit firele de la electrovalva de avans cu izolatia distrusa, deci in scurt. Este acelasi tranzistor (in discutie ) defect ? Va multumesc mult.
would doing this fix a pump injection timing issue,, on a nissan patrol zd30, im getting error code 0707, which is description is: 0707 Fuel Injection Timing Control System
Circuit malfunction, Injection Pump Control Unit failure, Poor fuel quality (i drove down to the servo and filled the almost empty tank with new fuel and injector cleaner) but the issue stayed, i have not been able to fix it,, but have since swapped it with my pump from old engine and am looking to fix the broken pump up so i have a working spare,
This will not fix your problem, read this thread , www.patrol4x4.com/threads/fault-code-0707.37672/
Salut! Super util tutorialul. Ma intreb, totusi, cum ai reusit sa faci sa aiba aderenta fludorul fata de contactul ala mare pe care montezi tranzistorul. Am zgariat placa aia pana au inceput sa ma doara incheieturile....dar cam degeaba.
Haidu Martocian Liviu Alin incalzeste ecu la 200 de grade si pe urma incerca sa pui fludor pe pad.. altfel nu merge
multumesc, Amp, pentru raspunsul rapid. Te referi la inclzirea pad-ului cu aer cald sau cu varful ciocanului?
Haidu Martocian Liviu Alin la ecu ... tot modulul, il pui pe plita sau sufli cu aer cald de jos
Am inteles, Amp, multumesc. O sa tin cont de indicatile primite! Thanks !
@@amperugarage Do you need to remove the rotation sensor before heating the ecu in woven or can leave it?
Nu stii, la un BMW M47 echipat cu aceasta pompa e acelasi Mosfet? am o pompa VP44 moarta partea electronica si vreau sa incerc s-o repar
Ciprian Maior acelasi
@@amperugarage ok, mersi!
Salut! Am lipit firele (source, drain) invers sa incerc sa l pun asa?
Serban Marius salut, iti recomand sa-l schimbi.
Hi, can you send me a picture where you put the transistor please?
hello. is the same transistor for opel astra 1.7 dti
Lucky Luu 1.7 Dti uses another type of fuel pump
@@amperugarage greeting. thanks for the video but if you can tell me which transistor goes for astru 1.7 dt psg5
Lucky Luu the same
Se poate lipi direct pe mașină, fără a mai fi demontat?
Salut, NU
How did you know that that was the problem...
hola amp,,,como puedo darme cuenta si le llega señal al transitor sin osciloscopio,,,con un ledd?a la pata 1?? el codigo es p1651 desde ya mucahs gracias
+cristian eberardo martel english please
Припой легкоплавкий,марку не подскажете
Please use english, it’s hard to translate russian.
@@amperugarage solder grade
Лаврентий Бурьба 190 celsius melting point
What is the model of the transistor you used?
+Georgi Galabov AUIRLR2905
Big thanks, local bosch are asking for 750 EUR for changing the whole CB, which is absurd
+Georgi Galabov i know..
Hi! First of all, congrats with the video! The job is REALLY good!
I wanted to ask you a question.. I've tried myself to repair my pump and although I was succesful one time, the transistor died 30 minutes later. I made a mistake and it was not really properly touching the bottom, so overheated..
I tried again and unfortunately, I lost the right pad. I used the alternative point in the capacitor, and unfortunately, I removed the capacitor. I have the feeling that this is just to reduce noise/discharge peaks but it shouldn't be a big problem if the cap is not there, right?
I am not sure what's going on but when I give ignition I get 2V at output of the cables that would go to the solenoid. If I try to start the car, it will still give 2V.
Any idea why? Thanks a lot!
The ceramic capacitor is for the ripple, it can work without.. it’s better to be in place. As far as 2v on output i can’t tell you the exact problem i have to see it on the bench… try look again.. clearly you done something wrong
@@amperugarage thanks a lot for such a quick reply!! I must be doing something wrong, I feel that perhaps Im damaging the mosfets when soldering them but when I measure them, there's no short.
I managed to turn the car on a week ago but thats it...
Perhaps my way of testing is not the best. I only connect the cable to the ECU and a bulb to the top solenoid. Thats how I get the 2v. I dont think I need to connect the bottom solenoide to test, right?
@AMP Garage I'm sorry for bothering you again but I think you can be great help :).
I found out why the 2V, the fuse of the pump was gone. Replaced it and I was getting again 12V.
Something that I find odd, when I give ignition(I connected a 55W bulb), the bulb turns on for about 3 secs and then goes off. When I try to start the car, the bulb doesn't blink.
I recall seeing in some videos that the bulb should be shinning while cranking. Right?
On the other hand, after I did this, I tried connecting the solenoid and the pin of the mosfet that comes from the solenoid, got totally burned. I have the feeling that although the solenoid works giving some power, maybe it's not really in good condition and it's burning the mosfet. What do you think?
@@amperugarage hello, how are you, very good job, what type of transistor to use for the repair, in my country there are not many people who do the repair, so I wanted to find out if I can solve it
@@maurosls4929 irlr2905
Salut, am vazut ca esti roman felicitari pt munca care o faci! Ai putea sa imi spui te rog daca nu sant indiscret,ce pasta si staniol folosesti,inclus pt modulu de la ms71 de opel ca am vazut ca ai postat reparatia acestuia,ms inca o data, si felicitari pt efort...👏👏👏
I can still ask what glue to use to ask for the cap
Fabio Alain victor reinz reinzosil www.ebay.co.uk/p/1x-Victor-Reinz-Reinzosil-200ml-Silicone-Gasket-Sealer-Compound-Durable-Flexible/1271882735
Aveti idee de ce mie imi busese mereu un fir de pe placa cand pun contactul ? , ma gandesc sa nu fie electrovalva de motorina defecta si sa faca scurt desi firele sunt ok
Hello, it is a pleasure to write to you, I have a problem, a track was erased where the second leg of the transistor is soldered. What solution can there be or where else could it be soldered?
Hello, use my email and send me some pictures and i will help you. Mail in the description of the video.
@@amperugarage thanks
Hi i hawe cuestion about positive voltage of mainboard. On my board there is no +12V, on pin 7 there is voltage. on board where is aluminium jumper wire to mainboard I hawe 12V but in other place's of mainboard I don't have voltage. My voltage regulator not have power...can anyone know we're is positive load firstly connected to mainboard, on what component? Thanks
thanks for sharing my friends
La cate grade setezi pistolul de lipit pt ca eu nu reusesc nicicum sa lipesc cositorul pe placa electronica. Am pus si pasta flux si nimic.
Incalzeste bine corpul modulului, pistol 100w
@@amperugarage m-am reapucat de lucru pe pompa asta si degeaba: nu vrea nicicum sa se lipească . Mi-e asa de ciuda cand vad ce usor se lipesc la tine.
Sau mai folosești , pt a încălzi placa, aer cald ?
mpg romania incalzesti cu aer cald tot ecu sau il pui pe plita
mpg romania are putere de disipare foarte mare
How can I check the transistor without removing the top cover? What parameters should I look for? And by the way... great video !!!
that would be great! ))) Thanks! In this case some short description in subtitle would be very much appreciated! ;)
Salut, pasta flux ce o folosesti nu corodeaza in timp? Folosesc si eu aceeasi pasta flux dar am impresia ca corodeaza in timp. Dupa un timp mi se desprind iarasi lipiturile. Astept raspunsul tau. Multumesc
+beny0x salut, eu spal foarte bine cu alcool izopropilic.. sa nu ramana nimic
Pasta e foarte buna, o folosesc si la reballing, dar am impresia ca corodeaza in timp desi pe siteu producatorului zice "Post-soldering flux residues do not cause corrosion of non-ferrous metals and may remain on the joints. (it is advisable to wash them with alcohol remover). "
Am zis sa iti cer si tie o parere :)
Salut tu peut faire un shema pour le composant je ne voi pa bien comment fair les soudure et faut il decodé ou recode la pompe stp
There are a lot of images on google with transistor connection, after replacing, you don't need to recode
Am dat subscribe doar pentru ca esti roman! Bravo pentru munca depusa! Eu am incercat de cateva ori sa repar cu mosfetul 2905 dar nu tinea. Dupa doua saptamani maxim se intorceau cu aceeasi problema. Am verfiat si firele care duc la solenoid sa nu fie in scurt si erau ok. Daca ai idee de ce as fi recunoscator!
beny0x salut, multumesc pentru sustinere, eu prin metoda din video le rezolv , cea mai veche face aproape 5 ani. Problemele pot fi multe... racire insufucienta(nu adera bine la padul vechi) tranzistor necorespunzator.. cele cu AU in fata rezista la temperaturi mai mari... normal cand schimbi tranzistorul se schimba si electrovalva de dozaj motorina.. etc
salutare.am reușit sa fac acelasi lucru ca si in video. o mare problema am întâmpinat. dupa cateva săptămâni de lucru ale pompei, aceasta s.a oprit. prima constatare a fost o bila de fludor intre cele 2fire de pe placa. nu cu cel de 12v. mai am vreo speranta? mulțumesc
stefan-daniel popa Salut, trimite mi o poza pe mail si incercuieste unde ai gasit fludorul ..
Amp Channel te rog sa ma scuzi. nu stiu unde sa gasesc adresa de mail
stefan-daniel popa in descriere, sub fereastra video
am si eu o problema cu masina .. nu imi mai porneste sa fie tranzistorul ala de vina ?
+Slusariuc Pavel Daniel pune o diagnoza pe masina si spune-mi ce coduri de eroare apar.
hola gente esty x usar un transitor lr 2905 ,necesito saber si es equivalente al irlr2905??muchas gracias y un abrazo para todos
+cristian eberardo martel yes
gracias x tu atencion y tiempo un abrazo desde aqui..
Bro consulta... te funcionó con tu remplazo el IRF. 2905 .. saludos desde Perú .
Salut, Amp! Felicitari pentru executie. Am ajuns aici posibil cu aceeasi problema si vroiam sa te intreb: inainte sa dau jos pompa, vreau sa tai doar firele de la solenoidul de debit, sa il verific daca functioneaza direct pe baterie. Cand legi firele taiate inapoi la pompa, trebuie neaparat cositorite sau poti folosi si un conector? Conectorul ar tine pana la 14 amperi maxim. Multumesc!
Zen Max neaparat cositorite
hello friend i want to know how to test the pump outside of engine and make simulation it to start the electrovalve and solenoid
thank yuo
+alexander jose carrero leal Hello, m.aliexpress.com/s/item/32440099764.html
Link to solder flux no longer works. Write the name of the soldering flux please? thank
salut.am probleme cu ecu la o vectra b y20dth.cum putem lua legatura?
Salut, da, foloseste mail-u din descriere..
Amp Channel ti am trimis.
Very good professional work I subscribed on your page, I want to know the flow that you use and with what tin has you welded thank you very much for this video
MrHarrachiii Hello, thank you..is copper wire somewhere around 0,4-0,6 mm... use your eyes to get near the original thickness..
MrHarrachiii what do you mean "flow" i'm not a native english speaker
we want to know what is is the product do you put on before copper wire please@@amperugarage thks
@@mylenesut658 flux/solder paste
SALUT care mai bun IRFZ44N,IRLR2905,AUIRLR2905?
Kozma Gyorgy Salut, ultimul.
Amp Channel cu tota marca e combatipila ex.Ford,Audi ect!
Kozma Gyorgy- Da
Amp Channel mersi si cu ce lipesti ?
Negru ??
Подскажите пожалуйста номер транзистора? За ранее спасибо)
salut Amp. ma poti ajuta cu un lik alt tranzistorului? am vazut in comment ca ai spus...irlr2905.....si auirlr2905z. si daca i mi poti spune cu ce silicon ai lipit capacul multumesc frumos.
+dan ion Salut www.tme.eu/gb/details/auirlr2905/smd-n-channel-transistors/infineon-irf/
Silicon www.automoly.ro/cumpara/silicon-etansare-negru-liqui-moly-6185-200ml-1614
dan ion www.loctite.ro/loctite-4549.htm?nodeid=8802627387393
salut. te mai deranjez cu o intrebare. eu l am gasit tocmai pe DOREL ca electrician si a reusit sa mi exfolieze pin-ul incercuit cu rosu. pot lipfi firul in alta parte? multumesc obrazki.elektroda.net/84_1266072950.jpg
dan ion Da , se poate dar e mai greu de lipit.. da mi o adresa de mail sa ti trimit poza.. daca nu te descurci , trimite mi ecu .. te ajut eu.
i need all the songs of the soundtrack :))
Salut, Amp. Am desfacut astazi o electronica de la o pompa de Ford Transit, care initial aparea foarte asemanatoare cu cea de Opel pe care ai facut tu tutorialul. Problema este ca este diferita fata de cea de opel prin faptul ca pe pad-ul mare de pe placa are 2 picioare, ambele lipindu-se pe tranzistor. In rest - foarte asemanatoare. Oare pot folosi acelasi tranzistor ? Care ar fi schema de montaj? Multumesc!
Haidu Martocian Liviu Alin este aceeasi pompa cu alt soft, difera anul productiei , este acelasi tranzistor.
iti multumesc!
HI realy nice job. How many copper wire you use for one connexion?? 1 or "2 braiding"? sry for my bad english
Salut. Ce cositor ai folosit. Ma chinui sa lipesc acel tranzistor si nu reusesc sub nici o forma ... sau daca ma poti ajuta tu, lasa'mi un nr de tel in privat
Ce fel de fludor ati folosit ? Dar firul ,ce material este ? Multumesc
Silviu Cocolos fludor normal de 0.7 de la topnikiem, fir cupru aproape de grosimea originala
hi. astra 1.7 DT injector pump is 0470 004 003 PSG5
What about another side
rudolf novicky what side do you refer ?
Amp im read its good change and another transistor in other corner what do you think there is only 2 transistor
rudolf novicky the “other” transistor is a 5v regulator.
Amp thx 4answer
Tu a un site a me dire stp car je ne comprent pas langlais stp aide moi merci
Please use english, i don't understand
What is the value of transistor.thank you
why original transistor is so small, no wonder it burns for everybody
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Нужен блок управления тнвд опель зафира 2.0 дти номер насоса 016
Hello, i don’t have any module for sale, try to search on ebay, thank you for watching
Супер спасибо !!!!!
Vladimir Kio you’re welcome
Salut maestre
Am fost in data de 24.02.2020 la dumneavoastra cu problema la opel astra g ,problema la ecu
Imi mai puteti da o dată numărul dumneavoastra de telefon ? Am uitat sa il salvez
Scrie-mi pe mail, vezi ca este in descriere
А что он делает?