Ohhh cool video my friend i really liked it, also good Blitz rounds you had! Keep it up ^o^ And thanks for the shout-out c: But you should had shown the Silver Knight ones as well, since they're important as well :)
hey pal, thanks. its funny that i have not played this game or uploaded any videos of this game in about a year and a half and there is still people who show interest in this game. i made a new friend that ask me questions about this game on a video i did years ago, we talked a lot and there was a lot of some basic things he did not know. some of them i found just easier to make a video on to explain it. now that i think about it your right, i could have made a video on the silver ones as well but i was really only covering what he was asking! he was asking about the knights energy ball trick and how to do it, and he said he was only really having trouble with the Dante and the gold knights, thats why i only showed the gold knights and not the silver. remember he is relatively newer to this game and does not go for points or leaderboards. he told me that he did not even care about S ranking the game and he is only playing it for fun. so because of that, i didnt feel it was necessary to show or teach him any advanced tips! as you know there is much better ways to milk the gold knights shield then using pandoras strat but the aerial rave v strat that you use is much more difficult to constantly pull off as good as you do. as for Dante , your strat just works so well it really isnt hard to pull off and i feel even newer players can pull it off! some other Dante strats just get very technical doing it other ways. i was just trying to make a video of the most simple things someone cane do to get the job done, and not so much for points. it was alright making this though! it was the first time picking this game up in a while so thats a good thing. i still and always love and have a passion for this game, i just needed to take a break. maybe after this i will get back into this and try to finish that SOS ND run. mission 6 just kicks my ass with that boss fight, god damn gladuss/cutlass bastards! ; ) anyway thanks for the support pal
Hey Sanctus Slayer - I should say I knew about most of these things, I just don't do some of it. I definitely knew about the ball deflection but wasn't 100% sure how it do it. I always just attacked or bustered it - and turns out Buster is the coolest way to do it with Nero. DRI for instance is something I learned about recently, and your video helped clarifying too, but I think it's something that's not always worth going for. It doesn't work consistently, but I guess practice improves success rates. I'm surely not new to the game, since I am a fan since 2008 and played it when it first came out on PC. We had the first access to DX10, LDK, Turbo and stuff and the game LOOKED AMAZING even back then. Heck it had some mindblowing graphics and I think it's still looks superb and has a nice pleasant aesthetics and great visuals giving some modern games run for their money. Definitely prettier than every Japanese game that came out in recent years. So at any rate, I am a seasoned player, I just never played it for leaderboards or some competition- other than enjoying and challenging myself. And didn't really play it since probably 2009 (can't remember). Also your Royal guard skills are impressive, I hardly use RG myself. My biggest trouble with the angels are when they attack in pairs, or with minions or allies. I absolutely hate fighting swarms of hounds, dogs and swords with Dante. These enemies where never designed for him and he feels weak, slow and cumbersome against them. Its not even fair. Bianco Angels? Just get behind them. Or just Overdrive or DT+Stinger + Dance Macabre to overwhelm them. The biggest problems with these strat- is that they feel to me ineffective and impractical in real game scenarios - with many aggressive enemies and attacks all over. And with time being a factor too. As for style milking tactics - like not killing enemies - I actually don't like it very much. I like to play my games with impact and efficiency and I play stylish - in my own eyes = not being technical and mechanical. To me these exploits are a little on the "cheese" and "cheap" side. Please don't be offended, it's just not my style of game. I also like to play the character - with IMMERSION you can say. So if I was a super cool, high spirited badass demon slayer -I would just destroy the enemy - looking cool and flashy doing that - instead of just taking my time dragging his death for invisible points that don't mean much. I can hit high Style meter with less moves and usually faster by just being aggressive and powerful. I like destroying enemies quickly, skillfully and cinematically like you see in the cut-scenes. So yeah!.... Thanks friend for the video.
Part 1..... Ok, so again sorry it took a bit to get back to you on this but its been a busy week, anyway here this goes. first, i never felt like you were new to the game since we had talked about this over the ps4, so if you were offended about that then i am sorry. yes the purpose on why i made this video was for you, however this video was not only made for you my friend! noticing after we talked looking back at pretty much all of my dmc4 videos i uploaded, all of them consisted of rather (No Damage) ND runs, or advanced gameplay/gameplay Strats. none of them even remotely covered anything with start out basic things that i think will help tremendously if known at the start of ones career that may help people if known to continue playing this game and not give up at the start. so thats why i made this video as a video for tips starting out for beginners aswell. some of these things i covered in this video were very much basic. believe me pal you would be surprised at how many people starting out do not know about the energy ball trick. also i dont believe anyone that is just starting out in this game could S rank all of SOS mode (congrats on that by the way) let alone beat all of the secret missions or complete Bloody Palace for that matter, thats why i put some intermediate tips in there aswell. you have to have a good amount of skill at this game just to do what you have done and i know that! believe me pal! i dont think you are a beginner level, i was just trying to give you tips on how to step up your game to the next level. as for the DRI move! i am going to have to disagree with you on that though. it is a very consistent move. BUT... your right sometimes its not worth going for. however i mentioned that to you already about there being times and places to use it and use it correctly! when using the DRI there has to be some strategic planing on when to use it if you are in a big group. not just do you have to line yourself up in position but you also need to line the enemy and make sure they aswell are in a good position too to use it most effectively and the camera view aswell. the camera view plays a big roll in this pal. im not sure if you know this or not but this is a good tip that helped me when i was serious about going for ND runs.. if you are fighting in a big group always try to single the enemies out to eliminate the crowed, but in doing so make sure you try to force a enemy out to a corner or edge and DO NOT have your camera view on anyone else. if you have just one of the enemies in your camera view and the rest are behind you where you cant see, then there is a 98% chance that they will not attack you! keep moving around and single enemies out to pick them off one by one until the big group becomes manageable to fight the few that are left. this works great for any enemy you are fighting that throws projectiles at you like the assault, chimera assault, big scarcrows, galdious or the hell hound dogs. controlling the camera view plays a big part in helping you control the big number enemy waves, especially in Bloody Palace aswell. back to the DRI thing though, if you just try to Keep always using the DRI to get past every wave then yeah your probably not going to have a good success rate with it because of its slow animation time, but if used correctly manipulating the camera view and the enemies position, it works every time. for example in mission 15 when you get to the torcher chamber room i believe (i could be wrong on the amount of enemies, its been a while) you fight 4x frost and 2 or 3 maphistos, now with that number alone i would say not to use the DRI move, right! but since only 2 frost appear at the start and only 2 with the mephistos until you kill an enemy (then the other frost will appear) the frost has a slow animation start before they attack you, so there is time to use the DRI on one right away and take one out! then i run to the corner making sure my camera view is facing towards the wall out of the view of the mephistos. doing so they will not attack you and when the other frost teleports to you in the corner you have enough time to prop and DRI another frost! thats what i mean about enemy position and camera view manipulation. that is also what i mean about using DRI in a strategic and effective way. i agree that the DRI does not work great on certain enemies tho! over all it is a great exploit to use that is super powerful and works consistent as long as the player uses it right to make it consistent! As for the knights, now i thought when we talked online that i was to understand that you knew or could handle the groups of knights and that your questions were more focusing on how to milk points off of the gold knights? anyway if i miss understood that and you were just wondering on the best way to just get rid of them fast as possible then i would just wait for them to do there energy ball and use the energy ball trick like we talked about! i think that is the fastest way to deal with them and what ever is left just to pick them off. thats cool you use your way to do it, i just like to use prop, i find it the fastest and most simplistic way to deal with it. and after reviewing it, your right and i am wrong about the pandora strat! remember its been a year and a half since i have played this game but it is not charge shot 2 rockets, it works with just the first rockets. for some reason i thought the first thing was his machine gun which it is not, in fact that is a completely different move, no big deal though at least you still knew what i was talking about. As for style milking tactics. well its ok if you dont like, but in reality if you are serious about making some good points that is what needs to be done. now i am not offended that you think this is cheap or cheesy but i do disagree with you on this and here is why. its not impractical and as far as them not being alone to milk it is what makes going for real points harder because you as the player have to not just beat them but control the situation where you can get them into that point of being alone. only if you can get to this point and control the situation, milk 10k off of them and beat the entire mission with ND is where you will see at the of the mission how effective this truly is when it comes to Style points. see the game is meant to be played with getting the best score possible within the game requirements and to get the best score in Orbs, Style and Time (S rank). on the harder difficulties you are permitted to have more time so thats not cheap. what is cheap though is players who dont follow the requirement time, get a D rank in time but keep getting unlimited points in fights that are continues and could make just as much points overall as if someone were to do it SSS ND NI run. an example of this is mission 6 when you are fighting gladious and agnus in the electric floor room. see that fight will not end until you break the glass, so infinite number of gladious will keep appearing. some people just spend over a hour in that room milking infinite points not caring about getting a S rank in time! see that is as cheap as hell in my opinion. believe me it is much harder going for a SSS ND run then to cheese a run like that. but in the example for the knights or blitz, if you can still get as many points possible from them aswell as stay within the game time limit and still No Damage it... well it takes a great unbelievable amount of skill to do that and is much harder then to just beat the level as fast as you can hoping to S rank it. now im not saying you have to do what i did and spend 4-5 min on an enemy just milking them for 7000pts, but if you find lets say if you are trying to just get a S in style on a mission and not go for leader boards and you cant seem to get it but are close, then here is a simple way to get an extra 1 or 2000pts in only a few minutes without having to worry about spending to much time or even get hit in a mission. believe me it takes a lot more time then that if you are trying to get a top 25 score let alone worry about No Damaging it. but i know since you already told me that you dont care for ranks or serious points, but i was only trying to show you ways on how to make some easy points to help you out if you are struggling to get a overal S rank on a mission. As for RG (Royal Guard) thank you man, it took me a long time to be able to use RG consistently. but it is the hardest technique to learn and master so i can see where its not everyone's cup of tea. how i was able to get as good as i am in that took hundreds of hours of practice, no joke! i seriously took 3 full months and a total of 200 hours practicing the start of mission 13 every day just doing that to finally get to this point. i know not everyone will be willing to dedicate that much time on just one technique like i did to be able to do. but i was not lying to you my friend, i only played this game for 5 straight years, being the most dedicated to become as good as i am now. i had such a OCD passion to push myself to be the best that i could be. i love this game so much that i own 6 copies of the game! 2x 360, 1x ps3, 1x ps4 1x X1 and 1x PC. in the 5 years that i had played this game i have a total of between 2,500 and 3000 hours spent on this game! there is not much that i dont know about this game and even some of the moves i cant execute, i know the understanding on how to do it. overall all i can say is practice makes perfect pal. part 2 ......
Part 2.... Blitz. yes i am aware of all ways on how to deal with him as both Nero and Dante. you deal with him the same way i do there is not much difference. Bloody Palace. lol i love your reaction to that, great : ) well where to start with that, BP is one of the most challenging modes to me i find especially going for points because there is some luck and more RNG in that compared to normal missions. this is the ultimate endurance test of DMC4 for sure. in regards to the time and the time extension! im sure you know every time you kill a enemy you get seconds added onto the clock, after you beat the stage you get seconds added onto the clock, now if you beat the entire stage with ND you get a bonus time extension added onto your time aswell. well that adds up my friend! i know its hard but try to ND as many stages as you can and thats what effects your overall time and time extensions. if you beat a stage i believe it gives you only 15sec, if you beat a stage with ND i believe it gives you 30sec! again it adds up. now every 20 floors you have the boss fights, if you ND them, it gives you 60sec bonus. in order to go for a score and time like mine you have to ND as many bosses as possible. this was one of the last runs i did in the game before i took a year and a half off but when i did this run that got me 5.8 mill, i ND the first 20 floors and was able to ND all bosses except Dante if you believe me! but i did! you want to try and do this a fast a possible and a tip i can give you to help with ND floors is using and manipulating the camera view like i just mentioned to you to single multiple enemies out so its easier to get the ND bonus. also knowing what stages are ahead of you so you can better prepare yourself to make sure you have DT. knowing when to use it and when to make sure you have enough for certain stages ahead of you. i did this BP run in under 2 hours and i did not have turbo mode on, i was also able to do this without loosing under half my health. again this takes practice and knowledge of knowing whats ahead of you. great positioning of yourself and of your enemies. practice makes perfect with this. keep in mind the first time i ever beat BP when i was not that good, i only got 3.3mill it took me 5 years of dedication to hit 5.8mill. also last tip i can give you about BP is remember i said to you before you make a serious attempt at BP is to replay missions 1,8 and 19 first just to get the practice and rust away from the boss fights first before you start BP? well it helps out lots to do that. ND the bosses has a huge part in getting good time. your 6 questions. 1) im not sure, never really cared to try since just using good prop timing works very well. im sure you could easily try and figure that one out for yourself pal. 2) no i never play in turbo mode, i find it throws my timing off in everything so i just dont use it. as for Dante maybe this intermediate strat takes some getting used to, but believe me once mastered this strat is killer. maybe watch my one friends video walk through tutorial on this. its xDLloyd091x , and its the achievement where you finish beating Dante with a SSS ranking. its called Down a notch achievement guide. 4) i jump first before RG against the knights because i find the timing is much more easy and consistent the if i were to just stay on the ground, if you practice this yourself i think you will find this the same way. the window of opportunity is just more successful. 5&6) yes my friend i am fully aware of all neros buster tricks and thing he can do with it. im not trying to sound cocky but again there is not much in this game that i dont know, i did nothing but study this game for 5 straight years knowing and understanding not just your playable characters but even all enemies aswell. oh yeah another good tip i can give you is that in regards to knowing and understanding your enemies moves and move patterns, well also try to turn down the game music, a big part of figuring out when your enemy is going to attack to try listen and hear sounds to know when prior to your enemy is going to attack you. if you hear a sound then it can give you even more time to avoid its attack or even give you enough time to DT block it if need be. this is very useful for ND in everything including BP well i think that is everything my good friend. i hope this helps out and sorry it took so long to get back at you but this was a big message just like yours : ) but im happy to see you have this much interest. i will still try to make that other video for you with the gladious and dogs but this time i will keep it as simple and fast as i can. cheers bro
Hey Slayer. This is going to be long. Here goes !! ^^ Good video. But I have to say it's a little too "mechanical" and "technical" for me. Definitely not the style I am playing. I like to play fast, precise and aggressive. Sometimes wild. I don't mind getting a few hits if necessarily, as long as I don't get too interrupted in the process. Don't get me wrong, this is neat. But for me it's a bit "cheap" and definitely way too slow to be practical in real missions. It will take too much time. Also in real scenarios I find these strategies ineffective and impractical. What I mean is, in higher difficulties especially, the knights are never alone and they are very aggressive. You get bombarded and overwhelmed if you focus too much like that on 1 enemy and you definitely can't drag and wait so long. If I break a knight shield, I will definitely go for the finisher. Better yet if I can take out 2 or 3 in 1 stroke. With Nero I don't have any need for special strategies against the Alto Knights. I just do one of the following: 1. Use big AoE attacks to deal damage to all of them. Like Streak Ex3, DT Maximum Bet. 2. Use Other Bianco (white) Angelos against them - by bustering them into the other. Always satisfying. 3. Best thing to do however is to use DT Explosion to send them flying into the air - making them temporarily vulnerable for buster attacks - then jumping up and quickly bustering them. 4. Another trick with both Dante and Nero - is to let them dash and strike you - and as soon as they finish the last swipe or just after the charge attack - you get behind them and HIGH ROLLER them - launching them into the air (R1+BACK+Y) then when they are airborne you can Buster them and/or use aerial combos to deal damage. 5. Also bombarding and staggering them with Nero's summoned swords and just overwhelming them with Ex3 attacks + DT - always creates an opening or downright destroys their shield. The problem is that I feel Dante doesn't have that firepower. Unless you activate Devil Trigger and use Dance Macabre and Stingers and high impact fast attacks. That can stagger them enough to get them into combo and deal massive damage. As soon as the shield break - I don't wait for it to re-spawn I just Dance Macabre them or get them flying and hit them fast and hard. Stuff like Prop Shredder or DT PIN UP followed by Lucifer attacks and explosion. Against Blitz - Nero is more fun and hits hard. But Dante can actually destroy blitz really quickly by using Pandora and Charged Shotgun combined with DT usually. And Dance Macabre or Real Impact when he is out of sparks. When he begins his over-drive move near-death - just keep blasting him with Pandora missiles (the stronger version). With Nero I do something different - I will Charge shot 3 him + DT several times. Then go for a few attacks and Buster. After the buster Nero uppercuts him into the air - TIME the jump and you can Buster him in the air. Then on the ground again and repeat! LOVE IT. Especially with DT and Summoned Swords! He will be dead in no time and you can buster him 4 times in a row usually. I have no idea how you block so well with Royal Guard. Especially against the angels. I should say that it's not possible to do when surrounded by many enemies. And therefore - if the Alto is alone - I will just go crazy on him without much trouble usually. ALSO I tried the royal block on Blitz to prevent the shock but can't do it consistently enough- so I just hit him with projectiles. I was totally aware of the Ball Deflecting attack even back in 2008/9 before I checked the internet for things. I actually learned all of my knowledge in original DMC4 by hand - by myself without looking at the internet. I was able to beat LDK and had a blast doing it. But I played somewhat differently than I do now. I think. I remember rebounding the blast with Nero by some accident as I was aggressive and tried to stop them - all of the sudden getting SSS and being shocked and laughing out loud and shouting. Now I've learned how to do it more consistently. I actually love using BUSTER to deflect the ball. It's harder but FAR MORE satisfying. With Dante I don't go for the deflection - but I actually use Shotgun Charged Shot when I do - IT WORKS! Although I loved the PROP reflect! Nice! I imagine you can also use DRIVE and I heard it's also possible to just shoot with Pandora (normal attack?). I should remind you I am not new to the game actually. I played since basically release day. Back in 2008. I like to play free-form. Improvise. Aggressive and stylish. When I say stylish I don't try to do too much crazy - memorized by heart/youtube combos. I never do that. I know some people who playing Fighter games for instance will memo combos like pressing specific movements and buttons in sequence- I can't and don't want to do that. I find it too cheap, boring and technical (and very difficult and unnecessary). I sometimes see TH-camrs like that donguri whatever - doing crazy 2 minutes combos at normal enemies and I laugh. I will just comment something like "OR....you can just KILL THEM". I don't understand whats the point in doing as many hits and stunts possible if you can kill them quickly and with strength. It serves no purpose other than look cool. So I just don't watch those show-off vids. I find it not practical and too much for most normal players (who don't devote everything into playing like that). I think I am a pretty good DMC 4 player. I just beaten SOS and S all missions. I actually do like to S all missions I just don't care for SSS each mission - because A - it gives you nothing. B- Getting all the Orbs is a pain and getting S style in mission ending doesn't always worth your time and doesn't always work even when you play really good. I got plenty of SSA/SAS/and some SSS ranking etc. I just don't mind if it's not "perfect SSS" all the time. I wish they removed the ORBs from the ranking system too, hopefully in the next game. I thank you for the videos. I am shocked you got to Dante with Nero in BP with 70 minutes - WHAT THE HELL DUDE? HOW? Was this done in recent days or is this an old video? I thought I had a good run. I have beaten 101 levels on my 2nd try (after not playing almost 10 years) - with 34 minutes on the clock and 3.5M points I think (I never bothered with them) and S ranking and 2 hours and 06 minutes. LOL! That felt awesome. Oh and it was on Turbo mode which I've tried for the FIRST TIME! Against Dante on mission 101 I almost died- but I didn't read online guides before and I didn't know that air snatching is effective. I actually DID Air-snatch him a few times- which I've learned on the fly when fighting him. But I was also able to DT BUSTER him on the ground too. Few notes and questions: 1) About Dante and PROP to deflect the ball - do you have to time it, or can you just activate PROP Shredder and hold the button -letting it spin? 2) You are not playing in Turbo correct? I am never able to pull off that "strat" against Dante 1st mission when you snatch him and attack and get a parry animation and then repeat. 8/10 times he will just get hit or dodge. Mostly I will just end up hitting him once and killing him eventually. I heard it's impossible in Turbo mode. 3) By the way - I just don't find the Style milking fun or useful. With Nero I can hit S Style and UP rather quickly if I just play aggressive and brutal. Especially if I can chain a few busters, EX attacks, DT moves like Showdown (which I love) and summoned swords in the mix. So if I stun or break angels shield I will hit them strong and hard. 4) Why do you jump before you do Block/Royal Block all the time? 5) Did you know that you can alter your Buster against some enemies? -You can repeatedly press B to lengthen and strengthen the Buster with: Bianco, Assault, Frost. - You can use EXCEED on Enchida with Nero while also shooting summoned swords to burn her increasing damage. -You can press B rapidly to increase Bael damage on the tongue I think. You can buster his side/back or his tongue. - You can throw Credo spear back, you can break his shield with busters, you can also buster him lol. - NOT many people know that - but when SANCTUS blocks (by holding his sword vertically) in the last fight - you can BUSTER his SPARDA SWORD! That breaks his guard- so if you quickly follow with another jump attack - you will drop him and into vulnerable (shorter) state! It's amazing. 6)You can also counter some bosses: You can BUSTER -counter the She-Dragon charge attack where she is yellow and flying toward you with her bare body in the front - just jump and Buster before she gets there - that instantly gets you into Buster move. LOVE IT. You can also counter Sanctus Sparda attack - where he goes all red and charges ahead. Tricky. But you need to buster as soon as he moves forward. -You can actually aim some busters like Frost, hell hound, gladius. Anyway - sorry for the REALLY long comment, I just took my time to think about it and had to sit down and reply to you after watching the video twice. I think we both play differently and with different mindset- but we are both very experienced and skilled in this game! You can probably ditch out more points and perform better than me technically ( you played this game for longer!)- but I think I can handle things just as well my own way :D If you can't reply to all,I understand. LMAO GJ you man! Cheers!
hey pal, sorry for late response, i am going to answer this and all of your questions, but like yours i am going to have a lot to say and this is going to take me time to type this all out. i have been very busy with work this last 3 days, i was going to text you back today but it looks like i am not going to have enough time to do it as i slept in today. i am off tomorrow so i will text you back about this and explain everything ok. thank you for your patience .
hey pal, long time no talk, how are you? how have you been? yeah not really, the last few days yes to make some dmc4 videos but more or less to help a friend. i have been recently asked a few questions regarding it and i feel it is just easier to make a video about it. i still and will always love dmc4, but i still just dont have the drive to want to get back into it yet. remember thats all i did for 5 years straight only play this game. i had such OCD with this game to get better and the years paid off but i dont know if i want to put myself through that hell again. i am still very much into trials right now, im still getting better with that and i have the drive and passion to keep pushing myself with that for now. its pretty much the only game i have been playing for the last year and a half, lol. last week i beat 3 Ninja Lv 2 tracks which i am very happy about. it makes extreme tracks look like beginners. anyway i hope all is well with you. ttyl bro
Ohhh cool video my friend i really liked it, also good Blitz rounds you had! Keep it up ^o^ And thanks for the shout-out c: But you should had shown the Silver Knight ones as well, since they're important as well :)
hey pal, thanks. its funny that i have not played this game or uploaded any videos of this game in about a year and a half and there is still people who show interest in this game. i made a new friend that ask me questions about this game on a video i did years ago, we talked a lot and there was a lot of some basic things he did not know. some of them i found just easier to make a video on to explain it. now that i think about it your right, i could have made a video on the silver ones as well but i was really only covering what he was asking! he was asking about the knights energy ball trick and how to do it, and he said he was only really having trouble with the Dante and the gold knights, thats why i only showed the gold knights and not the silver. remember he is relatively newer to this game and does not go for points or leaderboards. he told me that he did not even care about S ranking the game and he is only playing it for fun. so because of that, i didnt feel it was necessary to show or teach him any advanced tips! as you know there is much better ways to milk the gold knights shield then using pandoras strat but the aerial rave v strat that you use is much more difficult to constantly pull off as good as you do. as for Dante , your strat just works so well it really isnt hard to pull off and i feel even newer players can pull it off! some other Dante strats just get very technical doing it other ways. i was just trying to make a video of the most simple things someone cane do to get the job done, and not so much for points. it was alright making this though! it was the first time picking this game up in a while so thats a good thing. i still and always love and have a passion for this game, i just needed to take a break. maybe after this i will get back into this and try to finish that SOS ND run. mission 6 just kicks my ass with that boss fight, god damn gladuss/cutlass bastards! ; ) anyway thanks for the support pal
Hey Sanctus Slayer - I should say I knew about most of these things, I just don't do some of it. I definitely knew about the ball deflection but wasn't 100% sure how it do it. I always just attacked or bustered it - and turns out Buster is the coolest way to do it with Nero.
DRI for instance is something I learned about recently, and your video helped clarifying too, but I think it's something that's not always worth going for. It doesn't work consistently, but I guess practice improves success rates.
I'm surely not new to the game, since I am a fan since 2008 and played it when it first came out on PC. We had the first access to DX10, LDK, Turbo and stuff and the game LOOKED AMAZING even back then. Heck it had some mindblowing graphics and I think it's still looks superb and has a nice pleasant aesthetics and great visuals giving some modern games run for their money. Definitely prettier than every Japanese game that came out in recent years. So at any rate, I am a seasoned player, I just never played it for leaderboards or some competition- other than enjoying and challenging myself. And didn't really play it since probably 2009 (can't remember).
Also your Royal guard skills are impressive, I hardly use RG myself.
My biggest trouble with the angels are when they attack in pairs, or with minions or allies. I absolutely hate fighting swarms of hounds, dogs and swords with Dante. These enemies where never designed for him and he feels weak, slow and cumbersome against them. Its not even fair.
Bianco Angels? Just get behind them. Or just Overdrive or DT+Stinger + Dance Macabre to overwhelm them.
The biggest problems with these strat- is that they feel to me ineffective and impractical in real game scenarios - with many aggressive enemies and attacks all over. And with time being a factor too.
As for style milking tactics - like not killing enemies - I actually don't like it very much. I like to play my games with impact and efficiency and I play stylish - in my own eyes = not being technical and mechanical. To me these exploits are a little on the "cheese" and "cheap" side. Please don't be offended, it's just not my style of game.
I also like to play the character - with IMMERSION you can say. So if I was a super cool, high spirited badass demon slayer -I would just destroy the enemy - looking cool and flashy doing that - instead of just taking my time dragging his death for invisible points that don't mean much. I can hit high Style meter with less moves and usually faster by just being aggressive and powerful. I like destroying enemies quickly, skillfully and cinematically like you see in the cut-scenes. So yeah!....
Thanks friend for the video.
Part 1.....
Ok, so again sorry it took a bit to get back to you on this but its been a busy week, anyway here this goes. first, i never felt like you were new to the game since we had talked about this over the ps4, so if you were offended about that then i am sorry. yes the purpose on why i made this video was for you, however this video was not only made for you my friend! noticing after we talked looking back at pretty much all of my dmc4 videos i uploaded, all of them consisted of rather (No Damage) ND runs, or advanced gameplay/gameplay Strats. none of them even remotely covered anything with start out basic things that i think will help tremendously if known at the start of ones career that may help people if known to continue playing this game and not give up at the start. so thats why i made this video as a video for tips starting out for beginners aswell. some of these things i covered in this video were very much basic. believe me pal you would be surprised at how many people starting out do not know about the energy ball trick. also i dont believe anyone that is just starting out in this game could S rank all of SOS mode (congrats on that by the way) let alone beat all of the secret missions or complete Bloody Palace for that matter, thats why i put some intermediate tips in there aswell. you have to have a good amount of skill at this game just to do what you have done and i know that! believe me pal! i dont think you are a beginner level, i was just trying to give you tips on how to step up your game to the next level.
as for the DRI move! i am going to have to disagree with you on that though. it is a very consistent move. BUT... your right sometimes its not worth going for. however i mentioned that to you already about there being times and places to use it and use it correctly! when using the DRI there has to be some strategic planing on when to use it if you are in a big group. not just do you have to line yourself up in position but you also need to line the enemy and make sure they aswell are in a good position too to use it most effectively and the camera view aswell. the camera view plays a big roll in this pal. im not sure if you know this or not but this is a good tip that helped me when i was serious about going for ND runs.. if you are fighting in a big group always try to single the enemies out to eliminate the crowed, but in doing so make sure you try to force a enemy out to a corner or edge and DO NOT have your camera view on anyone else. if you have just one of the enemies in your camera view and the rest are behind you where you cant see, then there is a 98% chance that they will not attack you! keep moving around and single enemies out to pick them off one by one until the big group becomes manageable to fight the few that are left. this works great for any enemy you are fighting that throws projectiles at you like the assault, chimera assault, big scarcrows, galdious or the hell hound dogs. controlling the camera view plays a big part in helping you control the big number enemy waves, especially in Bloody Palace aswell. back to the DRI thing though, if you just try to Keep always using the DRI to get past every wave then yeah your probably not going to have a good success rate with it because of its slow animation time, but if used correctly manipulating the camera view and the enemies position, it works every time. for example in mission 15 when you get to the torcher chamber room i believe (i could be wrong on the amount of enemies, its been a while) you fight 4x frost and 2 or 3 maphistos, now with that number alone i would say not to use the DRI move, right! but since only 2 frost appear at the start and only 2 with the mephistos until you kill an enemy (then the other frost will appear) the frost has a slow animation start before they attack you, so there is time to use the DRI on one right away and take one out! then i run to the corner making sure my camera view is facing towards the wall out of the view of the mephistos. doing so they will not attack you and when the other frost teleports to you in the corner you have enough time to prop and DRI another frost! thats what i mean about enemy position and camera view manipulation. that is also what i mean about using DRI in a strategic and effective way. i agree that the DRI does not work great on certain enemies tho! over all it is a great exploit to use that is super powerful and works consistent as long as the player uses it right to make it consistent!
As for the knights, now i thought when we talked online that i was to understand that you knew or could handle the groups of knights and that your questions were more focusing on how to milk points off of the gold knights? anyway if i miss understood that and you were just wondering on the best way to just get rid of them fast as possible then i would just wait for them to do there energy ball and use the energy ball trick like we talked about! i think that is the fastest way to deal with them and what ever is left just to pick them off. thats cool you use your way to do it, i just like to use prop, i find it the fastest and most simplistic way to deal with it. and after reviewing it, your right and i am wrong about the pandora strat! remember its been a year and a half since i have played this game but it is not charge shot 2 rockets, it works with just the first rockets. for some reason i thought the first thing was his machine gun which it is not, in fact that is a completely different move, no big deal though at least you still knew what i was talking about.
As for style milking tactics. well its ok if you dont like, but in reality if you are serious about making some good points that is what needs to be done. now i am not offended that you think this is cheap or cheesy but i do disagree with you on this and here is why. its not impractical and as far as them not being alone to milk it is what makes going for real points harder because you as the player have to not just beat them but control the situation where you can get them into that point of being alone. only if you can get to this point and control the situation, milk 10k off of them and beat the entire mission with ND is where you will see at the of the mission how effective this truly is when it comes to Style points. see the game is meant to be played with getting the best score possible within the game requirements and to get the best score in Orbs, Style and Time (S rank). on the harder difficulties you are permitted to have more time so thats not cheap. what is cheap though is players who dont follow the requirement time, get a D rank in time but keep getting unlimited points in fights that are continues and could make just as much points overall as if someone were to do it SSS ND NI run. an example of this is mission 6 when you are fighting gladious and agnus in the electric floor room. see that fight will not end until you break the glass, so infinite number of gladious will keep appearing. some people just spend over a hour in that room milking infinite points not caring about getting a S rank in time! see that is as cheap as hell in my opinion. believe me it is much harder going for a SSS ND run then to cheese a run like that. but in the example for the knights or blitz, if you can still get as many points possible from them aswell as stay within the game time limit and still No Damage it... well it takes a great unbelievable amount of skill to do that and is much harder then to just beat the level as fast as you can hoping to S rank it. now im not saying you have to do what i did and spend 4-5 min on an enemy just milking them for 7000pts, but if you find lets say if you are trying to just get a S in style on a mission and not go for leader boards and you cant seem to get it but are close, then here is a simple way to get an extra 1 or 2000pts in only a few minutes without having to worry about spending to much time or even get hit in a mission. believe me it takes a lot more time then that if you are trying to get a top 25 score let alone worry about No Damaging it.
but i know since you already told me that you dont care for ranks or serious points, but i was only trying to show you ways on how to make some easy points to help you out if you are struggling to get a overal S rank on a mission.
As for RG (Royal Guard) thank you man, it took me a long time to be able to use RG consistently. but it is the hardest technique to learn and master so i can see where its not everyone's cup of tea. how i was able to get as good as i am in that took hundreds of hours of practice, no joke! i seriously took 3 full months and a total of 200 hours practicing the start of mission 13 every day just doing that to finally get to this point. i know not everyone will be willing to dedicate that much time on just one technique like i did to be able to do. but i was not lying to you my friend, i only played this game for 5 straight years, being the most dedicated to become as good as i am now. i had such a OCD passion to push myself to be the best that i could be. i love this game so much that i own 6 copies of the game! 2x 360, 1x ps3, 1x ps4 1x X1 and 1x PC. in the 5 years that i had played this game i have a total of between 2,500 and 3000 hours spent on this game! there is not much that i dont know about this game and even some of the moves i cant execute, i know the understanding on how to do it. overall all i can say is practice makes perfect pal.
part 2 ......
Part 2....
Blitz. yes i am aware of all ways on how to deal with him as both Nero and Dante. you deal with him the same way i do there is not much difference.
Bloody Palace. lol i love your reaction to that, great : )
well where to start with that, BP is one of the most challenging modes to me i find especially going for points because there is some luck and more RNG in that compared to normal missions. this is the ultimate endurance test of DMC4 for sure. in regards to the time and the time extension! im sure you know every time you kill a enemy you get seconds added onto the clock, after you beat the stage you get seconds added onto the clock, now if you beat the entire stage with ND you get a bonus time extension added onto your time aswell. well that adds up my friend! i know its hard but try to ND as many stages as you can and thats what effects your overall time and time extensions. if you beat a stage i believe it gives you only 15sec, if you beat a stage with ND i believe it gives you 30sec! again it adds up. now every 20 floors you have the boss fights, if you ND them, it gives you 60sec bonus. in order to go for a score and time like mine you have to ND as many bosses as possible. this was one of the last runs i did in the game before i took a year and a half off but when i did this run that got me 5.8 mill, i ND the first 20 floors and was able to ND all bosses except Dante if you believe me! but i did! you want to try and do this a fast a possible and a tip i can give you to help with ND floors is using and manipulating the camera view like i just mentioned to you to single multiple enemies out so its easier to get the ND bonus. also knowing what stages are ahead of you so you can better prepare yourself to make sure you have DT. knowing when to use it and when to make sure you have enough for certain stages ahead of you. i did this BP run in under 2 hours and i did not have turbo mode on, i was also able to do this without loosing under half my health. again this takes practice and knowledge of knowing whats ahead of you. great positioning of yourself and of your enemies. practice makes perfect with this. keep in mind the first time i ever beat BP when i was not that good, i only got 3.3mill it took me 5 years of dedication to hit 5.8mill. also last tip i can give you about BP is remember i said to you before you make a serious attempt at BP is to replay missions 1,8 and 19 first just to get the practice and rust away from the boss fights first before you start BP? well it helps out lots to do that. ND the bosses has a huge part in getting good time.
your 6 questions.
1) im not sure, never really cared to try since just using good prop timing works very well. im sure you could easily try and figure that one out for yourself pal.
2) no i never play in turbo mode, i find it throws my timing off in everything so i just dont use it. as for Dante maybe this intermediate strat takes some getting used to, but believe me once mastered this strat is killer. maybe watch my one friends video walk through tutorial on this. its xDLloyd091x , and its the achievement where you finish beating Dante with a SSS ranking. its called Down a notch achievement guide.
4) i jump first before RG against the knights because i find the timing is much more easy and consistent the if i were to just stay on the ground, if you practice this yourself i think you will find this the same way. the window of opportunity is just more successful.
5&6) yes my friend i am fully aware of all neros buster tricks and thing he can do with it. im not trying to sound cocky but again there is not much in this game that i dont know, i did nothing but study this game for 5 straight years knowing and understanding not just your playable characters but even all enemies aswell. oh yeah another good tip i can give you is that in regards to knowing and understanding your enemies moves and move patterns, well also try to turn down the game music, a big part of figuring out when your enemy is going to attack to try listen and hear sounds to know when prior to your enemy is going to attack you. if you hear a sound then it can give you even more time to avoid its attack or even give you enough time to DT block it if need be. this is very useful for ND in everything including BP
well i think that is everything my good friend. i hope this helps out and sorry it took so long to get back at you but this was a big message just like yours : ) but im happy to see you have this much interest. i will still try to make that other video for you with the gladious and dogs but this time i will keep it as simple and fast as i can. cheers bro
Hey Slayer.
This is going to be long. Here goes !! ^^
Good video. But I have to say it's a little too "mechanical" and "technical" for me. Definitely not the style I am playing. I like to play fast, precise and aggressive. Sometimes wild. I don't mind getting a few hits if necessarily, as long as I don't get too interrupted in the process.
Don't get me wrong, this is neat. But for me it's a bit "cheap" and definitely way too slow to be practical in real missions. It will take too much time.
Also in real scenarios I find these strategies ineffective and impractical. What I mean is, in higher difficulties especially, the knights are never alone and they are very aggressive. You get bombarded and overwhelmed if you focus too much like that on 1 enemy and you definitely can't drag and wait so long.
If I break a knight shield, I will definitely go for the finisher. Better yet if I can take out 2 or 3 in 1 stroke.
With Nero I don't have any need for special strategies against the Alto Knights. I just do one of the following:
1. Use big AoE attacks to deal damage to all of them. Like Streak Ex3, DT Maximum Bet.
2. Use Other Bianco (white) Angelos against them - by bustering them into the other. Always satisfying.
3. Best thing to do however is to use DT Explosion to send them flying into the air - making them temporarily vulnerable for buster attacks - then jumping up and quickly bustering them.
4. Another trick with both Dante and Nero - is to let them dash and strike you - and as soon as they finish the last swipe or just after the charge attack - you get behind them and HIGH ROLLER them - launching them into the air (R1+BACK+Y) then when they are airborne you can Buster them and/or use aerial combos to deal damage.
5. Also bombarding and staggering them with Nero's summoned swords and just overwhelming them with Ex3 attacks + DT - always creates an opening or downright destroys their shield.
The problem is that I feel Dante doesn't have that firepower.
Unless you activate Devil Trigger and use Dance Macabre and Stingers and high impact fast attacks. That can stagger them enough to get them into combo and deal massive damage. As soon as the shield break - I don't wait for it to re-spawn I just Dance Macabre them or get them flying and hit them fast and hard. Stuff like Prop Shredder or DT PIN UP followed by Lucifer attacks and explosion.
Against Blitz - Nero is more fun and hits hard. But Dante can actually destroy blitz really quickly by using Pandora and Charged Shotgun combined with DT usually. And Dance Macabre or Real Impact when he is out of sparks. When he begins his over-drive move near-death - just keep blasting him with Pandora missiles (the stronger version).
With Nero I do something different - I will Charge shot 3 him + DT several times. Then go for a few attacks and Buster. After the buster Nero uppercuts him into the air - TIME the jump and you can Buster him in the air. Then on the ground again and repeat! LOVE IT. Especially with DT and Summoned Swords! He will be dead in no time and you can buster him 4 times in a row usually.
I have no idea how you block so well with Royal Guard. Especially against the angels. I should say that it's not possible to do when surrounded by many enemies. And therefore - if the Alto is alone - I will just go crazy on him without much trouble usually. ALSO I tried the royal block on Blitz to prevent the shock but can't do it consistently enough- so I just hit him with projectiles.
I was totally aware of the Ball Deflecting attack even back in 2008/9 before I checked the internet for things. I actually learned all of my knowledge in original DMC4 by hand - by myself without looking at the internet. I was able to beat LDK and had a blast doing it. But I played somewhat differently than I do now. I think.
I remember rebounding the blast with Nero by some accident as I was aggressive and tried to stop them - all of the sudden getting SSS and being shocked and laughing out loud and shouting.
Now I've learned how to do it more consistently. I actually love using BUSTER to deflect the ball. It's harder but FAR MORE satisfying.
With Dante I don't go for the deflection - but I actually use Shotgun Charged Shot when I do - IT WORKS! Although I loved the PROP reflect! Nice! I imagine you can also use DRIVE and I heard it's also possible to just shoot with Pandora (normal attack?).
I should remind you I am not new to the game actually. I played since basically release day. Back in 2008.
I like to play free-form. Improvise. Aggressive and stylish. When I say stylish I don't try to do too much crazy - memorized by heart/youtube combos. I never do that. I know some people who playing Fighter games for instance will memo combos like pressing specific movements and buttons in sequence- I can't and don't want to do that. I find it too cheap, boring and technical (and very difficult and unnecessary).
I sometimes see TH-camrs like that donguri whatever - doing crazy 2 minutes combos at normal enemies and I laugh. I will just comment something like "OR....you can just KILL THEM". I don't understand whats the point in doing as many hits and stunts possible if you can kill them quickly and with strength. It serves no purpose other than look cool. So I just don't watch those show-off vids. I find it not practical and too much for most normal players (who don't devote everything into playing like that).
I think I am a pretty good DMC 4 player. I just beaten SOS and S all missions. I actually do like to S all missions I just don't care for SSS each mission - because A - it gives you nothing. B- Getting all the Orbs is a pain and getting S style in mission ending doesn't always worth your time and doesn't always work even when you play really good.
I got plenty of SSA/SAS/and some SSS ranking etc. I just don't mind if it's not "perfect SSS" all the time. I wish they removed the ORBs from the ranking system too, hopefully in the next game.
I thank you for the videos.
I am shocked you got to Dante with Nero in BP with 70 minutes - WHAT THE HELL DUDE? HOW?
Was this done in recent days or is this an old video?
I thought I had a good run. I have beaten 101 levels on my 2nd try (after not playing almost 10 years) - with 34 minutes on the clock and 3.5M points I think (I never bothered with them) and S ranking and 2 hours and 06 minutes. LOL! That felt awesome.
Oh and it was on Turbo mode which I've tried for the FIRST TIME!
Against Dante on mission 101 I almost died- but I didn't read online guides before and I didn't know that air snatching is effective. I actually DID Air-snatch him a few times- which I've learned on the fly when fighting him. But I was also able to DT BUSTER him on the ground too.
Few notes and questions:
1) About Dante and PROP to deflect the ball - do you have to time it, or can you just activate PROP Shredder and hold the button -letting it spin?
2) You are not playing in Turbo correct? I am never able to pull off that "strat" against Dante 1st mission when you snatch him and attack and get a parry animation and then repeat. 8/10 times he will just get hit or dodge. Mostly I will just end up hitting him once and killing him eventually. I heard it's impossible in Turbo mode.
3) By the way - I just don't find the Style milking fun or useful. With Nero I can hit S Style and UP rather quickly if I just play aggressive and brutal. Especially if I can chain a few busters, EX attacks, DT moves like Showdown (which I love) and summoned swords in the mix. So if I stun or break angels shield I will hit them strong and hard.
4) Why do you jump before you do Block/Royal Block all the time?
5) Did you know that you can alter your Buster against some enemies?
-You can repeatedly press B to lengthen and strengthen the Buster with: Bianco, Assault, Frost.
- You can use EXCEED on Enchida with Nero while also shooting summoned swords to burn her increasing damage.
-You can press B rapidly to increase Bael damage on the tongue I think. You can buster his side/back or his tongue.
- You can throw Credo spear back, you can break his shield with busters, you can also buster him lol.
- NOT many people know that - but when SANCTUS blocks (by holding his sword vertically) in the last fight - you can BUSTER his SPARDA SWORD! That breaks his guard- so if you quickly follow with another jump attack - you will drop him and into vulnerable (shorter) state! It's amazing.
6)You can also counter some bosses: You can BUSTER -counter the She-Dragon charge attack where she is yellow and flying toward you with her bare body in the front - just jump and Buster before she gets there - that instantly gets you into Buster move. LOVE IT. You can also counter Sanctus Sparda attack - where he goes all red and charges ahead. Tricky. But you need to buster as soon as he moves forward.
-You can actually aim some busters like Frost, hell hound, gladius.
Anyway - sorry for the REALLY long comment, I just took my time to think about it and had to sit down and reply to you after watching the video twice. I think we both play differently and with different mindset- but we are both very experienced and skilled in this game! You can probably ditch out more points and perform better than me technically ( you played this game for longer!)- but I think I can handle things just as well my own way :D
If you can't reply to all,I understand. LMAO GJ you man! Cheers!
hey pal, sorry for late response, i am going to answer this and all of your questions, but like yours i am going to have a lot to say and this is going to take me time to type this all out. i have been very busy with work this last 3 days, i was going to text you back today but it looks like i am not going to have enough time to do it as i slept in today. i am off tomorrow so i will text you back about this and explain everything ok. thank you for your patience .
@@sanctusslayer5241 4 years.
Back to playing dmc4 now 🙂
hey pal, long time no talk, how are you? how have you been? yeah not really, the last few days yes to make some dmc4 videos but more or less to help a friend. i have been recently asked a few questions regarding it and i feel it is just easier to make a video about it. i still and will always love dmc4, but i still just dont have the drive to want to get back into it yet. remember thats all i did for 5 years straight only play this game. i had such OCD with this game to get better and the years paid off but i dont know if i want to put myself through that hell again. i am still very much into trials right now, im still getting better with that and i have the drive and passion to keep pushing myself with that for now. its pretty much the only game i have been playing for the last year and a half, lol. last week i beat 3 Ninja Lv 2 tracks which i am very happy about. it makes extreme tracks look like beginners. anyway i hope all is well with you. ttyl bro
Sanctus Slayer yeh I’m good how r u I’ve just finished far cry 5 waiting for god of war
Kelamaan drama