Quite a few changes from my 2022 58. Most obvious to me is that the rear docking station on the aft port is gone and the rear docking station on the aft starboard on the main deck is moved 90 degrees to where it might interfere with deckhands moving forward or aft.
It's next to the ice maker and cocktail glassware storage. The cabinet below looks tall enough for tall booze bottles. It's a wet bar to quickly rinse between pours or put them away.
Stunning boat!
Quite a few changes from my 2022 58. Most obvious to me is that the rear docking station on the aft port is gone and the rear docking station on the aft starboard on the main deck is moved 90 degrees to where it might interfere with deckhands moving forward or aft.
The teak is gorgeous.
La classe !
i dont understand the mini sink in the saloon when the galley is right there. stunning boat overall.
It's next to the ice maker and cocktail glassware storage. The cabinet below looks tall enough for tall booze bottles. It's a wet bar to quickly rinse between pours or put them away.
how much is the yachts 58?
At least 3 mil. Probably more.
Just under 5M
Available ? Not For Long - a true beauty - someone set this one up well with options and color pallette.
I like it
2:05 ??
5:43 What is that?
I think it's a type of stabilizer
It's the zero-speed stabilizer.
A very nice looking boat. Not full of over overblown, foofy interior design.