I connected one to a USB C meter without a battery a few weeks ago to see how small of a solar panel you could get away with. That's just what I remember so I could be off. It's about double the power a Heltec V3 uses though. I have another Tracker that will be here soon we will put on the meter. That's a neat cheap piece of kit too.
That’s pretty cool! Thanks for sharing!
Great idea.
250mA seems like a lot. Mine runs about 170mA or less with GPS. Maybe I don't have something or other turned on. I need to upgrade the firmware.
I connected one to a USB C meter without a battery a few weeks ago to see how small of a solar panel you could get away with. That's just what I remember so I could be off. It's about double the power a Heltec V3 uses though. I have another Tracker that will be here soon we will put on the meter. That's a neat cheap piece of kit too.